How to read the word due in English. Large new English-Russian dictionary

English-Russian translation of DUE

1. dju: n 1. tk. sing due; what is due

to give smb. his due - to give smb. according to merit, to give to smb. due

to give the devil his due - to give credit to the enemy

to get one's due - get what you deserve

that is his due - this is due to him by right, this is his right

2. pl 1> fees, taxes, duties

harbor /port/ dues - port dues

dues and fees - eq. fees (as opposed to taxes) 2> dues (party or trade union)

to pay one's dues - pay dues

dues shop - a workshop or enterprise where trade union members work

for a full due - for centuries, firmly, conscientiously

2. dju: a 1. due, appropriate, appropriate

due process of law - legal order

in due course - in its own way, in due course

in due time - in due time

in due form - according to all the rules, according to form, in due form

with due regard - with due attention

with due respect - with all due respect

after /upon/ due consideration - after careful consideration

within due limits - within reasonable limits

to give smb. due warning - to officially warn someone.

to take due measures - take appropriate measures

he was received with due ceremony - it was accepted in full form / in full compliance with the protocol /

2. ordinary predic 1> due, obligated

he is due at his office on Monday - he must report to the office on Monday

he is due to speak - he must speak

it is due to you to explain things - we are waiting for explanations from you 2> expected

the mail is due tomorrow - mail will arrive tomorrow

the train is due at 8 o"clock - the train arrives at 8 o'clock

he was due to start tomorrow - he had to leave / leave / tomorrow

I"m due for a rise - a promotion awaits me; it’s time to raise my salary

3. payable

due date - debt payment deadline

due bill - invoice for payment

the bill falls due - the bill is due for payment

4. deserved, relying, due

due penalty respect - deserved punishment respect

the reward due to his services - the reward due for his services

the first place is due to John - John deserves first place, first place should be awarded to John

3. dju: adv 1. exactly, directly

to go due east - go straight east

2. source properly

New big English-Russian dictionary. Big new English-Russian dictionary. 2012

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  • Large new English-Russian dictionary

More meanings of the word and translation of DUE from English into Russian in English-Russian dictionaries and from Russian into English in Russian-English dictionaries.

More meanings of this word and English-Russian, Russian-English translations for the word “DUE” in dictionaries.

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due, proper, appropriate; with due attention; after due consideration amount due amount due amount due amount of debt balance due debit balance be due to be due due pl fees, taxes, duties; custom dues customs duties dock due court. dock due dock due court. mooring dues dock due court. fee for docking a vessel dock due court. fee for use of the berth due due due; what is due; to give (smb.) his due give credit due a predic. due, obligated (by agreement, by contract); he is due to speak at the meeting due due, proper, appropriate; with due attention; after due consideration due due due due due due expiring (about the period) due due due appointed as the due date for payment due tax due due due due; his death was due to nephritis due due a predic. expected; the train is due and over-due the train should have arrived a long time ago due expected due eq. payable due due due duty due; his wages are due wages have not yet been paid to him due due due due due pl fees, taxes, duties; custom dues customs duties due due due urgent due exactly, directly (about the compass needle); they went due south due pl membership fees; party dues; for a full due thoroughly, firmly due date for interest due process of law due process of law due to due to seasonal factors due to seasonal factors energy due energy tax expenses due and unpaid arrears of expenses fall due payment) fall: to due astern mor. fall behind; to fall due to be paid (about the bill) due pl membership fees; party dues; for a full due thoroughly, firmly due; what is due; to give (smb.) his due give credit due a predic. due, obligated (by agreement, by contract); he is due to speak at the meeting due conditioned; his death was due to nephritis due; his wages are due wages have not yet been paid to him in due form in due form in due form according to all the rules in due form in form form: due order; generally accepted form; in due form in due form, according to all the rules in due time in due time in due time installation due due next installment interest due interest due mortgage due mortgage fee due pl membership fees; party dues; for a full due thoroughly, firmly premium due insurance premium due road due road tax tax due due tax due exactly, directly (about the compass needle); they went due south due a predic. expected; the train is due and over-due the train should have arrived a long time ago VAT due value added tax subject to withholding due due, proper, appropriate; with due attention; after due consideration

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  1. fee (duty, tax)
  2. due
  3. contribution
  4. result (reason)

Plural number: dues.


  1. due (proper, appropriate)


  1. as a result


  1. due to (due to)


due respect
due respect

due performance
proper execution

due course
appropriate time

customs due
customs duty

export dues
export duty

annual dues
annual fee

due diligence
test results


The match was canceled due to the heavy rain.
The match was canceled due to heavy rain.

The woman they were due to call has left.
The woman they were supposed to call left.

She is due soon.
She will arrive soon.

Her deathly paleness is due to long illness.
Her deathly pallor is due to a long illness.

The pipe burst due to great pressure.
The pipe burst due to high pressure.

Let me remind you again that March 31st is the due date.
Let me remind you once again that the deadline expires on March 31st.

The outside walls of the auditorium are terribly stained. It is, in part, due to acid rain.
The outdoor auditorium is all stained. Particularly due to acid rain.

"Hey! I"m going to sue you, King!" "For what?!" "My client wishes to be compensated for his years of service to the Kingdom of Hyrule. Due to the dangerous nature of the tasks–" "Oh! What the flick is he saying?" "..." "Dot, dot, dot..?"
"Hey! King, I'm going to sue you!" - "For what?!" “My client wishes to be compensated for his years of service to the Kingdom of Hyrule. Due to the dangerous nature of the tasks—" - "Oh! What the hell is he talking about? - “...” - “Point, point, point?..”

"A fish out of water" is a metaphor for being unable to use your talents due to a change of environment.
"Fish out of water" is a metaphor for the inability to use one's talents due to changes in the external environment.

Movie theaters are losing more and more revenue due to internet piracy.
Cinemas are suffering increasing losses due to online piracy.

Due to my lumbago, I won't be able to attend Koizumi's party.
Because of my lumbago, I won't be able to come to Koizumi's party.

Due to bad weather, the plane was late.
The plane was late due to bad weather.

They were delayed due to heavy snowfall.
They were delayed due to heavy snowfall.

You"ll be notified in due course.
You will be notified in a timely manner.

Tom said that the mistake was due to an supervision.
Tom said the mistake was due to oversight.

The baby is due in a month.
The baby will be born in a month.

Their trip has been canceled due to rain.
Their trip was canceled due to rain.

According to the terms of the contract, your payment was due on May 31st.
According to the terms of the contract, you were required to make payment by May 31st.

They put off their departure due to the heavy snow.
They delayed their departure due to heavy snowfall.

Reports are due next Monday.
Reports are due by next Monday.

Her ability to amass a fortune is due to luck and hard work.
Her ability to amass wealth is due to luck and diligence.

Tom said his failure was due to bad luck.
Tom attributed his failure to bad luck.

His failure was in reality due to his lack of care.
His failure is actually due to indiscretion.

The tennis match was postponed due to rain.
The tennis match was postponed due to rain.

The closing of school was due to the heavy snow.
School closures were due to heavy snowfall.

Any suspect case is considered a public health emergency due to the severity of this illness.
Any suspected case is considered an extreme public health risk due to the severity of the disease.

The church we went past crumbled five minutes afterwards due to a huge earthquake and more than a 100 churchgoers were buried alive.
The church we passed collapsed five minutes later due to powerful earthquake, and more than a hundred parishioners were buried alive.

The museum had to close due to lack of finances.
The museum was forced to close due to lack of funding.

Due to circumstances beyond our control, we had to postpone the meeting.
Due to circumstances beyond our control, we had to reschedule the meeting.

This failure is due to your mistake.
This failure is caused by your mistake.

due, proper, appropriate; with due attention; after due consideration amount due amount due amount due amount of debt balance due debit balance be due to be due due pl fees, taxes, duties; custom dues customs duties dock due court. dock due dock due court. mooring dues dock due court. fee for docking a vessel dock due court. fee for use of the berth due due due; what is due; to give (smb.) his due give credit due a predic. due, obligated (by agreement, by contract); he is due to speak at the meeting due due, proper, appropriate; with due attention; after due consideration due due due due due due expiring (about the period) due due due appointed as the due date for payment due tax due due due due; his death was due to nephritis due due a predic. expected; the train is due and over-due the train should have arrived a long time ago due expected due eq. payable due due due duty due; his wages are due wages have not yet been paid to him due due due due due pl fees, taxes, duties; custom dues customs duties due due due urgent due exactly, directly (about the compass needle); they went due south due pl membership fees; party dues; for a full due thoroughly, firmly due date for interest due process of law due process of law due to due to seasonal factors due to seasonal factors energy due energy tax expenses due and unpaid arrears of expenses fall due payment) fall: to due astern mor. fall behind; to fall due to be paid (about the bill) due pl membership fees; party dues; for a full due thoroughly, firmly due; what is due; to give (smb.) his due give credit due a predic. due, obligated (by agreement, by contract); he is due to speak at the meeting due conditioned; his death was due to nephritis due; his wages are due wages have not yet been paid to him in due form in due form in due form according to all the rules in due form in form form: due order; generally accepted form; in due form in due form, according to all the rules in due time in due time in due time installation due due next installment interest due interest due mortgage due mortgage fee due pl membership fees; party dues; for a full due thoroughly, firmly premium due insurance premium due road due road tax tax due due tax due exactly, directly (about the compass needle); they went due south due a predic. expected; the train is due and over-due the train should have arrived a long time ago VAT due value added tax subject to withholding due due, proper, appropriate; with due attention; after due consideration