How to laugh. A stunning smile - how to learn to smile beautifully. Rehearsing a beautiful laugh

Each of us would like to be the owner of a beautiful, cheerful and contagious laugh. Have you ever heard the laughter of a small child, which is carried by the ringing of bells, and the cheerful laughter of elderly people? After all, the smallest children laugh heartily, and the elderly do not have the conventions and antics that are inherent in a young age. Try to pay a little attention to your laughter, because laughter is a reflection of your inner peace and emotional state. And the main thing in laughter is that it is a source of good health and longevity for each of us.


How to learn to laugh beautifully and correctly? Try to follow a series of tips that can definitely help you make laughter sincere and beautiful:

  • Record your laughter on video or recorder. In order to do this, you only need to install the camera in an inconspicuous place in the room where you will have a company. Try to forget about it and act naturally with your friends. Remember that the camera magnifies any flaws in your behavior. Watch the recording with your behavior, analyze the volume of speech and the tone of laughter. So you can identify the shortcomings, and then correct them.
  • How to learn to laugh beautifully, you will be helped by an analysis of the reasons for your embarrassment of sincere laughter. Ask those around you about the downsides of the laughter they hear from you. It may be that you cover your mouth with your hand or you have slightly yellowed teeth. This problem goes away on its own after going to the dentist. If your laughter is accompanied by grunts or looks like a cackle, then you should control yourself and work on all your sounds. Of course, out of place laughter speaks of a person's lack of culture. Here you need a desire for self-development in a person, otherwise it will not work to overcome such a disadvantage.
  • A temperamental person often laughs very loudly. Try not to open your mouth wide or throw your head back. So you create a barrier to sounds and do not understand how to laugh correctly. You should cry faster than deafening everyone around you with your loud laughter.
  • Get rid of snorting, wheezing, squealing and, sorry, neighing immediately. Such funny features of your laughter can simply scare away all those around you who do not know you. The beauty of manners immediately becomes taboo with such a specific laugh. In this case, self-control methods help: discreetly pinch your hand - this will distract you from the subject of laughter and hold back inappropriate sounds.
  • Watch the position of your lips. After all, the wider you open your mouth while laughing, the more likely it becomes to spit at your interlocutor, or you can make an unpleasant sound. Do not purse your lips too much, but also try to restrain yourself from doing wrong things. If you just smile broadly, you will hear a completely different, melodic and pleasant laughter.
  • Practicing in front of a mirror will also help you learn how to laugh beautifully. You don't have to laugh on stage. You need to have a sincere and unconstrained laugh that will please the ears of those around you.

How funny is it to laugh in company? Be sincere, ringing and full of emotion when you laugh. Then others will want to laugh with you. Know how to feel humor, smile, appreciate jokes and just enjoy your time. After all, there is nothing better than sincere and charming laughter in the company, which adds beauty and aesthetics to each person in his manners. I hope that we have helped you understand how to laugh in any situation, and our material will be useful to you.

So you've decided to change your laughter. Maybe you just don't like the way it sounds, or maybe your laughter annoys the people around you. Try to figure out what is "wrong" with your laugh: is it too loud, too funny, or too sinister? Listen to other types of laughter that may suit you and try to reproduce the one that you enjoy the most.


Part 1

How to choose new type laughter

    Select new style laughter. If you don't already have a specific way to laugh, start actively looking for ways to laugh that you might enjoy. Try to look for inspiration wherever people laugh: listen to the laughter of those you meet, the laughter of movie characters or television workers. Hear how loved ones and strangers laugh. Always be on the lookout for good types of laughter.

    • A good source of recordings of people's speech is YouTube, like the rest of the Internet.
    • Think about why you enjoy certain types of laughter. Perhaps they attract you with their depth and sincerity, or perhaps they sound very contagious, making you laugh too.
  1. Try to imitate the laughter you like. When you hear an uplifting laugh, try memorizing or writing it down. Left alone, find a mirror and try to imitate the laughter you like. Imitation can be quite natural if you spend a lot of time with people who have an infectious laugh. But this process can also be made more meaningful by purposefully choosing a specific laugh for yourself.

    • Know that if you candidly copy the laugh of a famous television worker or a character from a movie, others may notice it. Decide for yourself whether you want it or not.
  2. Think about why you want to change your laughter. There may be something in particular that you don't like about your laugh: it might be too loud, too funny, or too sinister. Try to consciously avoid these undesirable features while laughing. If you consciously seek to change certain aspects of your laughter, in the end, the problem may be solved.

    • If you laugh too loudly, try to laugh softly. If your laugh is too funny and you're giggling quickly at high tones, try laughing slower and with a deeper tone of voice.
  3. Consider whether you really need to change something. What people often don't know is that when you laugh, your breath changes. For example, many people snore at the same time, because often this is how the body seeks to get more oxygen when a person laughs. Try asking your loved ones what they think of your laughter. This will help clarify the situation. If your laughter irritates others or annoys them in some way, most likely they will tell you about it!

    Part 2

    How to change your own laugh
    1. Use a voice recorder to study your own laughter. Write down how you laugh, or ask someone else to do it for you. Then listen to the recording and try to understand what is so special or unwanted about your laughter. Perhaps you snore frequently and loudly, perhaps you giggle more than necessary. In the process of working on changing your own laughter, you can record and re-record it many times in order to analyze progress and hone the desired style.

      • If you decide to radically change your laughter, try playing a recording of your own laughter and the laughter that you want to imitate at the same time. This will make it easier for you to notice the significant differences between them.
    2. Find a private place to practice. Try laughing in a car, in front of a mirror, or in some other private place. When you're ready, start laughing the way you always want to. Practice the necessary laughter and actively correct its sound.

      Get natural laughter. Think of something funny, ask a friend to tell you a joke, or watch a funny show. Try to laugh naturally so that the laughter sounds as close as possible to how it should sound in real life. If you can't laugh at anything, just laugh at the absurdity of what you're doing: stare in the mirror and try to consciously laugh.

      Try to get to the root of your laughter problems. If you're laughing out your nose, focus on how you wrinkle your nose as you laugh. Instead, try to make the laughter come from the diaphragm, the muscular wall in the abdomen just below the lungs. If your laugh is too loud, try quieter responses. If you are snoring heavily while laughing, try to control your breathing better.

    Part 3

    How to Practice a New Laughter

      Make an effort on yourself and start using the new laughter among people. Be aware of how your voice sounds when you laugh and talk. At first, you will probably have to be on the edge of your guard to consciously laugh in the style you have chosen. However, over time, your new laugh will become more natural.

      • If you find yourself returning to the old laughter, don't despair. The old laugh has become a natural habit of yours over years of having fun with people, so it's hard to change it.
      • The important thing is that you are aware of the style of your own laughter. If you are aware of how your laughter sounds, then it is easier for you to change its sound.
    1. Laugh at every opportunity. When you're alone, practice the sound of a new laugh: laugh and keep laughing until you're happy with the sound. This can be done in the car, in the park or at home in front of the mirror. Remember that people around you may feel uncomfortable if you suddenly start practicing your laughter around them when they were not saying anything funny.

      Don't be afraid to let laughter evolve. If you have chosen a particular style of laughter for yourself, it is important to remember that practical experience can make a difference in your intentions. Just as your natural laughter is shaped by your environment (the people you interact with, the movie characters you idolize), the laughter you choose to imitate will also be influenced by the new experience. This is not to say that you don't have to love your own laughter; it just means that you shouldn't pick on the sound of your laugh too much if you generally enjoy laughing.

      Gradually incorporate the new laughter into your interactions with your friends. Do not rain new laughter on your friends like snow on your head; gradually increase the frequency of its use. First get used to how you laugh, in the end, then you don’t even have to think about it. Your brain will gradually adapt and remember the desired tone.

Laughter is very good for health. According to studies, laughter lowers blood pressure, it also relieves pain, relieves depression.

Laughing people have a better heart function than sad people.

Here's how it goes. During laughter, the speed of exhaled air is 100 km/h. Our airways are "ventilated", the blood is saturated with endorphins, and there is less cholesterol.

IMPORTANT: Endrophins are hormones of joy

Health Benefits of Laughter

Laughter prolongs life, cures diseases

  • Laughter also includes dozens of muscle groups. Works especially well on the abdominal muscles
  • Laughter boosts immunity
  • Laughter relieves fatigue. If you don’t get enough sleep, laugh, in five minutes you will feel better

IMPORTANT: 5 m of laughter = 40 m of sleep.

As a result - good health and long life.

health benefits of laughter

Laughter is the source of happiness

  • Laughter makes a woman more attractive
  • Do you want to strengthen your relationship with your loved one? Just laugh together more often! This will help you understand each other better, and thus strengthen your bond.
  • Helps beat stress faster than any sedative
  • Experts have found that laughter increases productivity and creativity

Laughter is the source of happiness

Little tricks:

  • It's easier to start laughing with a smile. Our body is used to the fact that it will immediately be followed by laughter.
  • Try to smile more often. Do it while reading or working. Smile at your colleagues or family members. It will also help you get them to like you.
  • All this will make a smile your natural facial expression. So you will laugh much more often

How to learn to laugh, how to cause laughter?

Try to be friends with sociable and humorous people. This does not mean that you should abandon pessimistic friends. Just find new fun people and hang out with them more often.

If a sad conversation is started around, change the subject or make a joke. Or better yet, tell us something nice for you. After all, any example is contagious.

Chat with positive people

Look for fun shows and performances by comedians to your liking. Make watching funny programs a habit.

As an example, you can watch the following comedies, shows, etc.:

  • Big difference
  • Ural dumplings
  • Concerts of Mikhail Zadorny
  • Cartoons "Tom and Jerry"
  • Comedies with Jim Carrey or Charlie Chaplin

Watch more funny videos on the Internet or comedies

  • Morning news about robberies and murders has never made the day happier.
  • It's better to start your morning by reading jokes. Listen to humorous radio programs
  • Can't imagine your morning without a newspaper? Then start reading from headings from life or the same anecdotes. And be sure to compare your mood after the news and after the fun show

Avoid news programs, newspapers and radio broadcasts

Laugh at yourself

This useful talent is to turn any awkwardness into a funny joke. Thanks to this, you will no longer be afraid of mistakes. Learn to understand that “what we are” and “what we can do so far” are two different things.

Laugh at yourself

Don't be afraid of your laughter

  • Are you afraid to laugh because you think your laugh is weird? In this case, you can deprive yourself of the pleasure of life.
  • After all, laughter is a natural manifestation of happiness. He can't be nasty
  • And if you are surrounded by people who laugh at your laughter, just change the company

Don't be afraid of your laughter

Learn to relax

Set aside an hour each day for yourself. Do your favorite hobby, have fun. Especially if you are a busy person! After all, do you need to reward yourself for your successes and work?

Learn to relax


  • Yes, laughter for no reason can also be useful.
  • Try to laugh just like that when you are at home alone. Make it as natural as possible. Say a few short "ha" as you exhale
  • Start by thinking of some funny joke from the past.
  • This will help the body to quickly come to a cheerful state. And you have fun and laugh heartily


"Funny" breaks

Build regular "funny" minutes into your work schedule. During them, watch a funny video or a piece of a humorous program. The benefits will be obvious!

"Funny" breaks

Why practice laughter yoga?

IMPORTANT: Hasya yoga is a direction of yoga that combines breathing techniques and laughter exercises.

  • Laughter is very good for health: you can lose weight from it, get sick much less often and have healthy nerves.
  • But in order for the benefits of laughter to be stronger on the body, you must laugh continuously for at least 15 minutes. Even during a funny talk show, this is not easy to do.
  • But in the yoga classes of laughter among laughing people, it will be simply impossible to remain serious.

Why practice laughter yoga?

This technique was invented by Madana Kataria. This Indian doctor noticed that after a daily dose funny jokes his patients feel much better.

Over time, the technique has improved. Now the laughter yoga course combines breathing exercises, basic yoga asanas and, of course, exercises for inducing laughter.

Laughteryoga exercise

Now there is a laughter yoga course in many health centers. Therefore, the complex of "funny" exercises can be different everywhere.

Most often, classes begin with a complex of asanas. Warrior, down-facing dog, tree and others. Then perform a set of breathing exercises


Then there are exercises for laughter. Here they are:

  • Talking on the phone

The group is divided into pairs. Two people sit down side by side and start talking on an imaginary phone. At the end of the conversation, you need to laugh and look into the eyes of your partner.

  • Greetings

Participants begin to walk around the room. When two people meet, they try to be happy for each other. You can shake hands, hug or pat on the back. The main thing is to look natural.

  • How does a crocodile laugh?

Participants take turns imitating the laughter of various animals: a chicken, a lizard, a fish, or a crocodile.

In some courses, participants must try to laugh like an inanimate object.

  • Meter laughter

Participants freely disperse around the hall at arm's length.

Starting position - stand up straight, hands at the seams. Then the arms are raised to the sides. It is necessary to raise your hands up in three steps.

Each movement is an exhalation with a loud: “ho”.

  • Chain

Everyone lies down on the floor. Each participant puts his head on the stomach of another person. At the command of the coach, they begin to laugh. The vibration from laughter is transmitted to everyone. Everyone laughs at the end.

  • affirmation

IMPORTANT: Affirmation is a statement, a positive formula. With repeated repetition with expression, it improves the condition of a person.

Participants stand in a circle and at the same time say loudly: “I am the most happy man in the world!". Repeat several times. And at the end they laugh out loud.

Some health centers also add daily teas and exercises to relax and achieve peace in the course.

Self Exercises for Hasya Yoga

quiet laughter

  • You can turn on slow, gentle music
  • Starting position: stand up straight, straighten your shoulders
  • Close your eyes. Imagine a beautiful landscape. Think about small details. If it's a sunny beach, feel the warmth on your skin. Imagine the waves hissing against the sandy shore
  • Laugh. Quiet at first, then louder
  • Did you laugh? Take a few deep breaths in and out
    Do not forget to breathe correctly, that is, with a full chest.
  • Repeat three times

  • Starting position as in Quiet Laughter
  • Take a deep breath. With an exhalation, tighten your stomach, its lower part, and say: "ha." Exhalation should be short. Repeat 30 times
  • Then laugh out loud
  • Repeat exercise 2-3 times

  • You will need a mirror. Get in front of him. Imagine that the mouth is closed with a zipper. When you open it, you will start laughing
  • Open the imaginary zipper with two fingers. Laugh. Close the zipper quickly. stop laughing
  • Can be performed in pairs and unzip a partner
  • Number of repetitions: 3 - 4

exercise "lightning"

Laughter is good for the health of the body and spirit. Therefore, devote 10 to 15 minutes daily to Hasya yoga exercises. These simple and fun activities will quickly change your life for the better.

Many people ask how learn to laugh what needs to be done, how and in what ways. After all, laughter gives us health, prolongs life and makes us happier. When we laugh or smile, our brain gets used to it and, accordingly, the immune system becomes stronger and allows us to recover from any diseases.

In this article, you will learn how learn to laugh what are the methods, ways and advice of psychologists. After all, the one who laughs attracts more positive and good people, circumstances and happiness. Our feelings and emotions greatly affect the quality of our lives. If a person constantly walks without a mood, then he himself attracts bad circumstances and problems into his life.

Practice in front of a mirror

Make 200-300 smiles a day

To learn to laugh , you need to make at least 300 smiles per day. This allows you to get used to and laugh without much difficulty. It is better to look a little silly, but in a good mood and health, than without a mood and sick. Force yourself to laugh, if there is no reason, and after a month of such training, you will get used to it, and everything will go naturally. Your health will improve, you will have more friends and your standard of living will be higher and happier.

Watch funny movies, videos, listen to music, read jokes

Surround yourself with fun people, optimists

To learn to laugh beautifully you need to surround yourself with fun, successful people, optimists in life. This will allow you to change, for the better, and become one of them. A person often gets used to the environment in which he grows and is brought up. Therefore, communicate more often with cheerful people and you yourself will become the same.

psycho- olog. en

Laughing is beautiful, contagious and joyful, probably everyone dreams of. You have heard more than once how the kids are flooded and the elderly laugh joyfully. All because the children have not yet forgotten how to laugh heartily, and older adults have already ceased to pay attention to all conventions and antics. Pay a little attention to your own laughter, laughter tea is a direct reflection of your disposition, and most importantly, a source of health, longevity and happiness (from the fact that it promotes the production of endorphins).


1. Record your laughter on a voice recorder, or better on video. To do this, just put the included camera somewhere in the corner of the room during a meeting with friends and forget about it. By the way, the camera is able to amplify all sorts of shortcomings. Study your behavior on the recording, the volume of speech, the loudness of laughter. This will help to identify and correct significant shortcomings in the manifestation of your emotions.

2. If you are embarrassed by your own laughter, evaluate and analyze the reasons for this. Ask around and relatives what is wrong with your laughter. Perhaps you have malformed or yellowed teeth, and you cover your mouth with your hand all the time? Then the task will go away by itself, after you go to the dentist. If you make a loud cackle or grunt, then you should exercise self-control and work on your sounds. And laughter is out of place and out of time and completely speaks of the low culture of a person. It is unrealistic to do anything with this without the dream of the person himself to grow wiser and progress.

3. Temperamental and unrestrained people traditionally laugh loudly and loudly. Try not to open your mouth so wide and not tilt your head back too much. This will create a barrier to the sound coming out of you and make your laughter more cultured. Rather, tears are bound to flow from your eyes than you deafen those around you with your laughter.

4. Get rid of wheezing, snorting, throat whistling, screeching, neighing. These seemingly comical features of laughter can shock people you don’t know. And you can forget about the beauty of habits with such laughter. For self-control, come up with an inconspicuous trick: pinch your hand or bite the tip of your tongue in order to slightly distract yourself from the object that made you laugh and restrain your sounds.

5. Watch the location of your own lips: the wider your mouth is open during laughter, the greater the likelihood of accidentally spitting the interlocutor (or again making an involuntary sound). Zealous to prevent this moment, however, you should not deliberately compress your lips either. Stretch your lips in a wide smile, and you will hear a completely different, civilized and melodic laughter.

6. Rehearse in front of a mirror. But at the same time, try to remain casual. If you laugh feignedly and on stage, change your facial expression abruptly, calm yourself down when others laugh, you will easily become abnormally aware. Genuine laughter is a kind, loud, positive emotion. Treat everyone with humor, know how to appreciate jokes and relax easily. There is nothing more attractive than sincere, cheerful, bursting laughter, the one that transforms and makes a person beautiful.

Treating life with humor, you will save a huge number of nerves. It would seem that there is nothing easier than to laugh or joke about yourself, but no, human pride and ego will not let you relax for a second. In order to develop a great sense of humor in yourself, you need to remember a number of rules that must be observed.


1. Remember to reframe. If something does not suit you, you can invariably find positive aspects in it, slightly expanding the boundaries of the analyzed area, or simply turning everything upside down. And if everything is truly so tragic that it is unthinkable to find any pluses, realize that this is precisely the very invaluable skill that many lack.

2. Admit your shortcomings. Realize that everything that you have is a minus in the here and now and cannot be corrected, is actually a plus in a different situation! Once you actually realize this, you will feel much better about yourself, which is one step closer to your goal of learning how to laugh. above yourself.

3. Know how to rebuild in any of the 3 positions - yourself, the second protagonist and an outside observer, the one that keeps track of each of these. Imagine that each of these sides has its own point of view and its own prism of gaze, and then the comicality of any situation will be able to appear before you in every beauty.

4. Be simple. People are not interested in abstruse, in-depth reflections with irrefutable argumentation and confirmation on each point, people need primitive and easy communication. So give it to them. Smooth corners, joke more often and smile without taking anything seriously. Imagine that all this is just a game.

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Helpful advice
The key way to learn to laugh at yourself is to forget about your social rank and imagine that you are in the company of friends.

Tears is an outpouring of our powerful emotions. Many people don't like to be seen roaring because they don't want to appear weak. And, probably, it will be annoying for anyone to burst into tears in front of a competitor or an offender. For such situations, use the suggested methods to learn how to control tears.


1. Distract from the situation As soon as you feel that emotions have captured you and tears are ready to pour from your eyes, imagine that each of these unpleasant situations did not happen to you. Close your eyes. You sit in the cinema and watch a movie. Focus on the picture. The same situation is happening on the screen that just happened to you, but now you are not a participant in this situation, you are a spectator who monitors everything from the outside. Little by little, the color picture fades and becomes black and white, and after that it begins to decrease in size. Here it has shrunk to half the screen, now to a quarter, and, finally, it has completely turned into a small dot. This method is based on the ability that we roar due to sensitive involvement in the situation. However, as soon as you stop taking the situation to heart and take the position of an outside observer, the tears themselves recede. The method has been tested many times and is virtually trouble-free.

2. Have pity on the person who offended you When we are offended, we roar in self-pity. The essence of this method is to turn off this emotion. Think about why the person upset you. It is possible that things are going much worse for him than for you, and he easily envies you. Perhaps he was just chastised by the head, and he experienced horror and humiliation, which he could not resist and pulled off on you. Even if you have no real excuses for the person who upset you, try to come up with them. The main thing now is to hold back the tears, you will think about everything else later.

3. If the reason for the tears is not that you were upset, but easily in your nerves, try to calm down. The most effective method is to slowly count to 10, while breathing slowly, taking a deep breath, and exhaling just as slowly. When you get over your nervous tension a little, drink some harmless sedative: motherwort tincture or valerian.

4. What you should not do in any case If a person publicly ridiculed you or upset you with some caustic phrase, even tete-a-tete, and you did not find what to answer, it is possible to guarantee that within next hours all you will do is invent worthy results for the offender's remarks and ... roar. The fact is that while you again and again return to what happened, you are sensitively fixated on this situation and experience natural anger at the offender and self-pity. It’s not easy to control oneself, but it’s still better to postpone thinking about what happened, really, until the next day, when the strongest emotions will pass more closely. And it's never too late to come up with a well-deserved result!

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Tears are, before everyone, a physiological reaction, a protective reaction to stress. There is not much psychology here, so learning to control tearing is virtually unrealistic. But it is allowed to be zealous to minimize the level of stress at the moment of the approaching roar, then there is a chance to stop the tears.

Helpful advice
Tears are different in their origin, by nature, it is allowed to learn to appease yourself in public, if you do not love, so that lisping does not form around you, and then cry alone.

Laughter is the body's natural response to stimuli, whether in the form of an image, sound, physical sensation, or memory. Laughter is a social mechanism through which we communicate with other people. Laughter is good for health. It can have an analgesic effect, as well as greatly reduce the tier of stress and anxiety.


1. Laughter reduces the tier of stress hormones. True, some of these hormones are needed by the body in certain settings, but their high tier without usable use can be detrimental to the immune system. By reducing the table of contents of these hormones, the general state of health and mood of a person improves.

2. Laughter increases the number of usable hormones such as endorphins and neurotransmitters in the body. An increase in the level of endorphins increases the pain threshold, making laughter, in a sense, an anesthetic. Endorphins also help improve mood, reduce tension and anger. An increase in neurotransmitters forces the brain to work faster and increases the speed of reaction.

3. Laughter stimulates the formation of antibodies, which means that it strengthens the immune system, and it becomes easier for the body to fight diseases and infections.

4. Laughter can be called ordinary physical exercises on different groups muscles. It tones the facial muscles, develops the muscles of the shoulders and abdomen.

5. The benefits of laughter in the fight against cancer have been scientifically confirmed by increasing the level of IFN (interferon-gamma) in the body. IFN stimulates the immune system to fight cancer and the pathological growth of dangerous tumors in the body.

6. Laughter improves blood circulation and helps reduce high blood pressure, which is one of the main causes of heart disease.

7. Laughter forces us to use the respiratory system at a rapid pace. This rich action stimulates an increase in blood flow, thereby increasing the supply of oxygen to the brain. And also during laughter, the lungs are cleared of mucus, which can be compared with physiotherapy of the chest.

8. Laughter has no contraindications, except in cases of severe mental illness, in which a temporary increase in blood pressure can be dangerous.

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Life is a mix, and sometimes even an explosion different emotions. And laughter accompanies from the very early age to old age. That's just not invariably he is to the place and glorious. But if a man's laugh rarely attracts great attention, then a similar manifestation of emotions on the part of the beautiful half often produces a feeling in the aggregate about a girl.


1. Is it permissible to learn to laugh beautifully? Absolutely. But first you need to realize that the most beautiful laughter and smile are sincere. It is not necessary to squeeze them out of yourself, build satisfied grimaces, on the contrary, this will have the exact opposite result for the interlocutor. Also, do not evaluate any joke said in order to produce the feeling of a supposedly “joyful” girl. Your positive well-being will not go unnoticed, but it is unlikely that you will be taken seriously in the future.

2. Men do not particularly like it when a girl laughs too loudly or sensitively, complementing all this with sharp gestures and facial expressions. If you are used to a similar method of expressing emotions, then leave it only for the company of girlfriends.

3. How can you realize how cute and beautiful your laughter is, tea is often not what people look like from the outside. It is allowed to look at yourself by making a video recording. However, in this case, you need to “forget” your cunning, on the contrary, all your actions will be feigned and unnatural. After viewing the received recording, you need to make an assessment: do you want to change your habit of laughing or not. First, start exercising.

4. If you have no idea how to improve, then take as an example the laughter you like from your friend or, if there is none, from a world celebrity. And so, over and over again honing your skills in front of a mirror, you will become more attractive and perfectly express your positive emotions.

5. In yoga, there are special complexes of laughter therapy designed to teach a person to laugh beautifully and with health benefits. The methodology is further: when pronouncing the sound “ho-ho”, you need to learn how to extract it from the stomach, “ha-ha” from the chest area, and “hee-hee” should come from the location of the third eye - the middle of the forehead.

6. Beautiful female laughter cannot be accompanied by a wide open mouth, throwing the head back, clapping on the body of the interlocutor. If something amused you, it would be better to first stretch your lips in a smile, and then laugh more closely.

7. Learn to control yourself and all kinds of sounds that do not have to participate in glorious laughter - grunts, saliva splashing, snorting.

8. There are situations in life when it is by no means possible to show positive emotions, and a laugh just presses out of you. In this case, digress to another topic: think about the tasks, go back to the memories, pinch yourself, in the end. Tea inappropriate laughter also characterizes the figure of a person, and not from the most excellent side.

9. It is also important what you laugh at. A joke told by a colleague and another misstep in life by a friend are completely different things. Therefore, be careful and, no matter how absurd it may sound, think about what you laugh at. Extend your life with positive emotions, but wisely and in moderation!

Healthy teeth are the key to a beautiful smile. Keeping track of your mouth is already half the battle.

The main difference between people and animals is the ability to joke, that is, to have a sense of humor. A joke is a person's ability to cause smiles and laughter from others. Not all people are witty by nature, this needs to be learned.

You will need

  • Wit, the ability to know to joke.


1. Learn to laugh great. If you are a girl, then your laughter should resemble the murmur of a stream, and not the roar of a dump truck. Train. Laugh with everyone.

2. Get together in fun and large companies, poison jokes. Don't miss this opportunity.

3. Identify for yourself those areas in which you could truly “turn around” with your sharp humor. For example, if you don’t care about politics, then it’s better not to entertain your friends on this topic - your sharp mind will not be appreciated. This will seem insincere and therefore not very witty.

4. Come up with witty results for trivial questions. It is allowed to become a person with a great sense of humor and no jokes at all. Come up with a couple of phrases or phrases for different occasions. Say, to the question “how are you doing?” you can say “everything is cool”, and it is allowed to answer “yet she has not given birth” or “the prosecutor has affairs, but I have affairs”.

5. Don't be offended if your friends don't get your jokes. There is room for improvement. Even if acquaintances say that laughing at you is funnier than at your jokes. Build a joke in such a way that the final part contradicts the original one, this actually strengthens it. Say, “The commandant is sitting in the entrance. He demands a pass from those who enter, but if they don’t give him a pass, then he lets him in anyway. ” This is one of the tricks of wit - a false contrast.

6. Use the technique of bringing to nonsense and the wit of stupidity. These techniques are embedded in the very environment, which is contrary to healthy sense. Highly professional humorists use diverse genres of wit.

7. Do not joke about a topic that was discussed three hours ago. Make sure you are heard by the company. If you are not understood or heard, never repeat or explain the joke. It still won't help. The joke should be at the right time and place.

Direct your wits to whom and what is desirable, but not to your loved one. You may lose it.

Helpful advice
Remember that a person, the one that laughs, lives bigger.

It is naive to assume that in order to seduce a man, it is enough to have a beautiful figure, wear a short skirt, open the neckline and make a brilliant make-up. In fact, the powerful sex treats such women with mockery, considering them easily accessible. It is better to resort to more sophisticated methods.


1. Appearance still plays a significant role in the seduction of a man. Therefore, take care of yourself, but do not turn into an emaciated girl of a painful appearance. It is necessary to achieve the optimal figure, when there is nothing superfluous, but there is something to hold on to. In addition, grow long hair, though below the shoulder. Tea curls have always been a sign of femininity that attracts men.

2. Don't use hostile techniques. These include, among other things, long nails, which are unpleasant for some men. Short nails with a neat manicure look much more beautiful. Bright coloring from the face is also cooler to wash off. Men believe in natural beauty. Short skirt or plunging neckline - pick one or the other so you don't look too approachable. Leave room for the imagination for the men, tea is what turns them on.

3. Use inviting gestures to seduce a man. Throw your hair over your shoulder, “accidentally” touch it. Play with your eyes: when talking, look behind the man’s back, and then quickly into his eyes. From a sharp focus, the pupils will expand, and your gaze will have a special magnetism.

4. Adjust to the man and repeat his movements. Act carefully, not every movement should be copied, but only the most obvious ones. For example, if he changed his position, folded his hands in a different way, or nods while listening to someone. In a conversation, it is allowed to insert his quotes or slightly reformulated phrases so that he feels a commonality of thoughts with you.

5. If a man is sitting at the other end of the hall, attract his attention with a simple gesture. Look at him over your shoulder, and when he looks in your direction, put one foot on the other, and your hand on top of your thigh. A man will follow your hand and pay attention to your thigh, covered with fabric. After a while, he, perhaps, will come up to you and offer to join you.

6. Listen observantly to the man and laugh at his jokes. But laugh well. Practice in front of a mirror to make it look sexy, and with an audio recording for a beautiful sound. If it doesn’t work out, use a win-win option - a charming smile.

7. Learn to keep up the conversation. It’s not rigorous to understand all topics, but if you can insert a relevant question into the conversation, this will impress a man more.

8. Speak slowly and quietly than usual to create an atmosphere of intimacy. Trying to hear you in a loud room, a man will lean towards you and smell your perfume. So you will become closer to each other physically, reducing the size of your personal space.

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The art of seduction allows women to feel their power over men, achieve their interest, attract attention and hint about a possible continuation of the acquaintance. It is difficult to master this science, but, with a certain diligence, it is absolutely permissible.


1. Watch yourself. A woman should be well-groomed - men are attracted by an excellent figure, flawless skin, a nice smell, beautiful hair, etc. Great manicures and pedicures, thoughtful make-up, sexy clothes that make you look unconditional and feel comfortable – everything has to be perfect. Only such a woman can begin to master the art of seduction, which is directly related to appearance. When choosing clothes, open the sexiest parts of the body - legs, chest, neck, arms.

2. Control your speech. Swearing and abusive words do not have to fly from your lips, you do not have to be impudent and harsh. Be diligent in giving your voice a mysterious depth, carefully choose your expressions, speak intelligently and correctly.

3. Master the basic techniques of seduction. The movements of the arms, legs, turning the head, “shooting” with the eyes are the main female techniques that help to attract the attention of a man. Lightly touch your hair, as if straightening your hair, throw a stubborn strand over your shoulder, raise your hands up in a graceful gesture. Tilt your head, listening to the words of the interlocutor. Learn to "twirl" your hips - a sexy walk drives men crazy. Smile and laugh more often, but easily, directly and provocatively - while laughing, slightly tilt your head back, revealing the gentle curve of your neck to your eyes.

4. Learn to flirt. The basis of flirting is a perspective look. When talking with a man, practice this technique: first, look abstractly at some object behind the man’s back, and then abruptly shift your gaze, looking straight into his eyes. In order to demonstrate your location, you can wink and smile at your partner. Touch his body, as if unexpectedly, but at the same time letting him realize that this is glorious for you. Flirting involves not only looks and touches - act according to the situation, giving the man confidence to continue the relationship, but leaving room for mystery. You should not reveal yourself completely and immediately to a man, you must be a mystery to him.

5. Copy gestures. Occasionally, it is beneficial to mirror the companion's gestures, his words and facial expressions - this technique is cool at the final stage of seduction, when you are sure that the man wants the same thing as you.

Knowing how to express your thoughts perfectly is a real art that opens the door to a lot of areas of activity related to communication and the need to convey information to people.


1. Great importance vocabulary plays in speech - the richer it is, the brighter you will be able to express thoughts. Therefore, it is necessary to continuously work on its replenishment. To do this, you need to systematically perform exercises aimed at the formation of a dictionary. Moreover, the main thing is not only to recall the existence of certain words, but also to vigorously introduce them into everyday speech.

2. Every day, choose for yourself one word (noun, adjective or verb) and be zealous for a certain period of time to pick up as many synonyms as possible for it, and then antonyms. I wish they were close to yours professional field. Strictly write down the result on a piece of paper, and later look for other valid options that did not come to your mind from alternative sources, say from the Internet. It is not at all necessary to free up time for training; tea can be made on the way to work and back.

3. Every day add a few new words to your speech that you have not used before or used very rarely. They can be taken from the list of synonyms / antonyms, written down on a separate sheet and hung in a conspicuous place. So you will constantly encounter and remember them. Do not try to adopt a huge number of new words and expressions, it is better to gradually include them in speech, no more than 1-3.

4. Train your memory - memorize poems and excerpts from works. This is the key to an excellent presentation of thoughts. Thus, you will be able later to avoid the situation when the word seems to be spinning in the language, but is not remembered at all.

5. Read more and among the variety of literature give preference to the classics, whose works are the standard of eloquence, say Pushkin, Chekhov, Bulgakov, Dostoevsky.