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September 16, 2018

Most chefs are convinced that baked goods will turn out much tastier if you use high-grade flour. What's wrong with second grade flour? The harms and benefits of such milled flour are of interest to many people who have decided to introduce this product into their diet. In today's article we will discuss all this in great detail.

Currently, of course, premium flour is in greatest demand. Most often, dishes made from wheat flour appear on our tables. Although you shouldn’t limit your choice there. Buckwheat, rye, sesame and even soy flour are no less popular.

How are flour grades determined? Everything is very simple - according to the degree of grinding. The highest grade flour is considered to be the most pure and homogeneous. It is made from wheat kernels, discarding the husks and other harmful impurities. Of course, the cost of such a product will be much higher.

Following high-grade flour comes a first-grade product. It has a darkish tint compared to its counterpart, but in terms of taste it is practically no different. It’s just that when grinding wheat grains, the upper parts of the kernels are also captured, and not just the inside.

Finally, second grade flour. The benefits and harms of such a product are still controversial, but by and large, second-grade flour is the same as wheat flour, only prepared in a different way. During grinding, the entire wheat grains are crushed. Grade 2 flour has a grayish tint. But some chefs claim that, on the contrary, it is good for preparing unleavened pastries and baked goods.

On a note! In everyday life, premium flour is often called dummy. During the process of sifting, all the beneficial components contained in wheat are eliminated. And this kind of flour becomes just a source of empty carbohydrates. And the nutritional value of flour is simply prohibitively high.

For comparison, you may be interested to take a look at the following figures. The grade of flour is determined not only by grinding and degree of sifting, but also by the final yield of the product after processing.

Thus, in the production of premium wheat flour from 100 kg of wheat, only 10-15% remains. But in the process of producing second-grade flour, this figure increases significantly and reaches 80-85%.

How is grade 2 flour produced? Does this product bring benefit or harm? When grinding, the wheat shell is not discarded, which is why the flour acquires a darkish tint. This product also contains about 8-10% bran.

It is these components, which manufacturers of high-grade flour call ballast, that make second-grade flour useful for the human body.

On a note! If you compare flour of different grades, you will notice that grains of second grade flour are slightly larger than their high-grade counterpart by tenths of millimeters.

Chemical composition

As already mentioned, high-grade flour made from wheat is often called dummy. You can’t say that about second-grade flour.


  • vegetable protein;
  • calcium mineral salts;
  • ferrum;
  • magnesium;
  • B vitamins;
  • phosphorus;
  • tocopherol;
  • starch.

Most of the listed vitamins, macro- and microelements are contained in the peripheral layers of the cereal crop. And in the production of high-grade flour, the shell is discarded and only wheat kernels are crushed, which have much less benefit.

The conclusion suggests itself - second grade flour definitely useful product.

Second-grade flour is most often used to bake bread and unleavened bakery products. Although cooks and housewives who appreciate the benefits of such a product use flour to prepare dough for dumplings or dumplings, pancakes, pancakes and other delicacies.

As has already been mentioned several times, second-grade flour has a rich component composition, which determines its nutritional value and benefits for human health. The composition contains vegetable protein and carbohydrates. Accordingly, bakery products made from second-grade flour must be included in the diet of athletes and people systematically exposed to grueling physical activity.

On a note! It is noteworthy that second grade flour has a specific taste. It cannot boast of its ideal whiteness and fluffiness after heat treatment, but bread made from such flour retains its freshness and original taste for a long time.

Second grade flour contains vitamins, in particular tocopherol and retinol. They are often called beauty vitamins. Indeed, without vitamins A and E it is impossible to imagine luxurious and thick curls, strong nail plates and healthy skin.

Beneficial features:

  • strengthening the nervous system;
  • promoting weight loss;
  • establishing metabolic processes;
  • acceleration of chemical reactions;
  • control of blood glucose concentration;
  • strengthening the heart muscle and bone tissue.

The beneficial properties of second-grade flour do not end there. With the help of dishes prepared with the addition of this wheat component, you can compensate for iron deficiency, restore hemoglobin levels and protect yourself from the development of anemia.

On a note! Manufacturers use second grade flour to make diabetic products. And if you want to bake something low-calorie and healthy, combine second-grade wheat flour with rye flour.

Concerning negative impact second-grade flour, then there is practically none, with the exception of one point. Consuming confectionery or baked goods in excessive quantities will cause disruption of digestive processes and will also lead to rapid weight gain.

On a note! Almost all cereals contain gluten. If there is an individual intolerance to this component, a person has to refuse any type of flour.

Flour and its classification. Choose a unique variety of product for an interesting and unusual dish! Flour is the product that is obtained after grinding grain products into powder.

In this case, you can separate the bran or not. This product can be different, both in classification and in the raw materials from which it is prepared.

If we talk about flour from various raw materials, then it may differ in different properties, which requires a separate article. But now we will understand what flour is, varieties, types, classification of different varieties, based on raw materials, as well as methods for its production.

Grinding, what kind is it?

Any product, regardless of the source raw material, is obtained different ways. So the resulting flour has its own special characteristics. Today, the food industry divides flour into the following types:

1. Fine grinding is obtained from grain that has been previously cleaned of bran, hulls and aleurone layer. Wheat flour is then divided into varieties and types;

2. Medium grinding preserves fiber from the grain shell. Of course, it is very useful for our body, but its use in cooking is limited. For example, it will not be easy for you to make homemade pasta or baked goods from it;

3. Coarse grinding (wallpaper flour) contains almost all the components present in the grain crop from which this product is made. This is the most useful product for the body, because it contains vitamins and minerals, as well as other useful substances. This flour has the appearance of crushed grain that has not been sifted. The only products coarser than this product are cereals.

Another product of coarse grinding is called whole grain flour. Essentially speaking, these concepts are practically no different, but these terms are used in different cases. If we talk about wholemeal flour, we mean the type of product. Whole grain refers to a method of production where the components of the grain are not removed.

Do you use a coarse product in cooking to prepare any dish? Believe me, it will not only be tasty, but also healthy. For example, you can make delicious pancakes from wallpaper corn flour. To do this you need to take 2 tbsp. l. flour, egg, low-fat cottage cheese, about 60 g, a teaspoon of sugar and a little spices.

Mix all the ingredients, just add the flour at the very end, the consistency should resemble thick caramel. Then simply fry in vegetable oil like regular pancakes. You will definitely like this recipe.

Properties of flour, what can they be?

You can use general indicators used to evaluate any type of flour or special techniques to determine the quality of a certain type and type of product. General quality indicators are:

- color, smell and taste;
— humidity and zonality;
- type of grinding and amount of impurities;
— amount of metal impurities and pest infestation;
— acidity;
- lack of crunch during chewing.

In the case when the flour does not pass the standard requirements according to these organoleptic indicators, then it is Food Industry is not used, so no further evaluation of such a product is carried out.

Humidity is one of the most important indicators of flour quality. A product that is produced from good conditioned grain, and also stored under the right conditions, should have a moisture content in the range of 13-15 percent.

In accordance with current standards, contamination of products by pests is in no case allowed. But special indicators for determining the quality of flour are used in order to understand what consumer (that is, commodity-technological) properties it has.

The main indicators that characterize the baking properties of the product are the quality and quantity of gluten content, gas-forming, as well as gas-retaining properties of flour.
One cannot ignore such an indicator as the type of flour - this is the most important classification category of products. The type of flour can be determined only by aggregate indicators - grinding coarseness, ash content, organoleptic properties.

Flour varieties

Today there are many types of flour. If you really tried to describe them all, you would have to travel around the world. Have you been to some exotic country? Have you tried local dishes made from an unusual type of flour there? But in our country, various types of flour are used in cooking.

Wheat flour

The most popular, more than 70% of it is produced in our country, when compared with other types of products.

There are several varieties of this type of product:

- grit;
- highest grade;
- first grade;
- second grade;
- wallpaper flour.

Rye flour

Not as common as the one described above, but still quite popular. In ancient times, it was rye that took precedence, because this crop was more widespread and popular in our country than wheat.

Corn flour

It is one of the young species, since it came to Europe only after America was discovered.

Buckwheat flour

It is most popular as a dietary product, also in Eastern countries.

Oat flour

It is used almost exclusively in cooking. Do you know interesting and unusual recipes using this product?

Rice flour

Very common in Southeast Asian countries and China. It is very nutritious, but can cause vitamin deficiency or metabolic disorders.

Flaxseed flour

It is rather not a food product, but a medicinal one. It is very nutritious and especially healthy, but it is worth saying that its price is high. It has various preventive and therapeutic properties.

Almond flour

Widely used in cooking. It is a product obtained from ground nuts and is used to make pralines and marzipans.

Amaran flour

A very exotic type of flour is Amaran, which is produced in South America or East Asia. Amaranth is an ancient vegetable crop; it is practically never found in our country, only as an exception.

Bird cherry flour

It is used to prepare casseroles, pies, and muffins. But it is worth saying that you can make buns and even bread from such flour. And now I will share with you a recipe on how to make flour at home from bird cherry. You are interested?

Then pick the clusters of bird cherry berries and dry them in the oven at a temperature of 40-50 degrees. When they are dry, then separate only the berries from the branches. Grind the berries in a coffee grinder or blender.

Pumpkin flour

It is very useful and is mainly used for preparing dietary dishes.
Peanut flour is made from the remains of peanuts from which the oil has been squeezed out. It is a gluten-free alternative to wheat.

It is used in cooking to enhance the taste of a dish. Peanut flour is also used to make sauce, bread, noodles, and bread.

Cedar flour

The most valuable product during pine nut processing is pine flour. It has a light cedar aroma and whiteness, and has a sweetish taste.

Hemp flour

It contains chlorophyll - this is a plant analogue of human hemoglobin. This product also contains fiber; it slows down the absorption process of not only excess sugar, but also fat.

Sesame flour

Beneficial for our body due to its mineral and vitamin composition, it also contains a very large amount of calcium. It also helps in the treatment of gastrointestinal diseases, as well as cardiovascular problems.

Wheat germ flour

It has very useful properties. This is a unique product if you look at its chemical composition. There is a very large vitamin and mineral complex here.

Milk thistle flour

If we are talking about milk thistle seed flour, then we must say that this is an excellent remedy that will take care of your liver. After all, it contains silymarin, which changes the cell membrane of the liver, which makes it impossible harmful substances destroy this organ. You can buy it in pharmacies and specialty shops or departments that sell seasonings.

Which type of flour should I choose?

Of all the types of flour, every cook or cook decides which type to buy and what to cook from such a product. If you don’t know where to buy the required product, then you can be advised to go to the website and select the appropriate product.

Here you will find only high quality and natural products. Even such varieties of flour as amaranth or bird cherry are sold here. So this store will definitely become your favorite if you like to prepare baked goods and other culinary dishes.

It’s worth starting with the fact that flour is a product obtained by grinding grain crops. As a product used for cooking, it has been known to mankind for thousands of years. Flour occupies an important place in the diet of every person and is an irreplaceable source of fiber, vitamins and microelements.

This product is widely used for baking bread, preparing pasta, in cooking and other industries related to the food industry.

There is a certain gradation of flour according to its grade and type. In our country, wheat and rye flour are most widespread. This is primarily due to the climatic conditions most suitable for growing these particular cereal crops. Other types of flour are less common, such as: malt, oat, millet, rice, lentil, buckwheat, corn, barley, flax and amaranth.

As for grades, wheat flour is divided into: semolina, premium grade, first grade, second grade, and wallpaper. Rye flour into: sifted, peeled and wallpaper. Let's take a closer look at the types of flour and their use in cooking.

The grade of flour does not mean that the purchased product is of higher or lower quality. This parameter indicates certain quality characteristics that are most suitable for a particular culinary application.

Depending on the variety, the following characteristics of flour change: the size of the resulting particles, color, quantitative content of bran particles, gluten volume and ash content. Also, depending on the type of flour, the volume of its production from a conventional 100 kg of grain crop changes. The higher the grade, the lower the yield of the finished product. Thus, from 100 kg of grain, about 10% of semolina, 25% of premium grade, 70% of first grade, 85% of second grade and 95% of wallpaper flour are produced.

Krupchatka- this type of flour is creamy in color and consists of fine grains of heterogeneous structure. Contains a lot of gluten and a low percentage of bran. As for use in cooking, semolina has good baking properties. It is most suitable for preparing yeast dough, which contains a large amount of fat and sugar, for baking muffins and Easter cakes.

As for the so-called “unpalatable” dough, the use of semolina in it is not advisable. This is due to the fact that baked goods will become stale quite quickly due to the poor porosity of the finished product.

Top grade- this variety differs from the previous one in its composition, which is more uniform and white in color. It contains less gluten and proteins. The highest grade has another subtype, called extra grade flour, it is distinguished by a finer fraction of ground grains, and is well suited as a thickener for sauces.

High-grade flour, due to its excellent baking properties, provides good baking volume and fine porosity. Thus, this type flour is suitable for yeast, shortbread and puff pastry, and also for the flour-based sauces and dressings mentioned above.

First grade- the flour has a slight yellowish tint, soft to the touch, finely dispersed. Due to the high gluten content, the dough prepared from it is elastic. Baked products hold their volume and shape well, and also have a pleasant taste and aroma.

Flour of this variety is optimal for baking bakery and confectionery products. In addition, it is well suited for making pancakes, pancakes, noodles, all kinds of pies and rolls. Baked goods made from first grade flour go stale quite slowly.

Second grade- differs from previous types of flour by a significant brownish tint due to the high percentage of bran.

In terms of baking qualities, this flour is most suitable for baking “non-bread” baked goods and white bread. The baked bread is distinguished by good fluffiness and porous crumb. When preparing products such as gingerbread or cookies, this flour is often mixed with rye flour.

Wallpaper- any soft varieties of wheat are used for its production. A characteristic feature is its rather dark color and high bran content.

Wallpaper flour is somewhat inferior in its baking properties to higher grades of flour, but it contains a much larger amount of useful substances and has a higher nutritional value. Wallpaper flour is rich in starch, iron, calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, as well as vitamins E and B. This type of flour is rarely used in cooking; it is mainly used for baking high-quality table bread.

Sifted rye flour- characterized by a white color, sometimes with a bluish or creamy tint, has a fine dispersion, and is soft to the touch. Used when baking rye bread, it ensures good fluffiness and shape retention. Often used for mixing with wheat flour.

Peeled rye flour- has a grayish-white color with various shades. Due to the large amount of nutrients and minerals, as well as the low calorie content, baked bread is the most beneficial for human health. As for baking properties, peeled flour ensures good porosity and elasticity of the baked crumb.

Rye wallpaper flour - distinctive feature is a relatively dark color with shades of gray or brown. Contains the largest amount of bran and has a fairly high nutritional value. This flour is one of the most common and is used for baking table bread.

As can be seen from the above, any housewife should not limit herself to choosing one specific type of flour. Each of them has its own strengths and weak sides. In order for your success in the kitchen to be appreciated by others, don’t be afraid to experiment.

Different flours will differ in taste, color, fineness and baking behavior, as well as nutritional value. Let's figure out in what cases it is better to overpay for the words "extra" and "highest grade" on the packaging, and when it is better to use the more useful first and second grade.

It's about the grain

Several centuries ago, people made flour by simply grinding grain in stone millstones. The color of this flour was brown, the grind was coarse, and the quality of the finished products was very different from what we were used to.

With the development of technology, they learned to peel grain from the outer shell, and make flour from the central part of the grain. The baked goods began to turn out fluffy and beautiful. High-grade flour is now made from completely refined grains, which is white in color and finely ground. However, along with cleaning, almost all the vitamins and microelements contained in the shell leave the grain, so from the point of view of benefits, premium flour can be called the least useful.

Fans healthy image In life, they prefer the so-called whole grain flour, that is, made from unrefined grain and as close as possible in its properties to the one made by our ancestors. The downside is the fact that due to the low gluten content, which gives the dough fluffiness and volume, whole grain flour produces a smaller volumetric yield of bread. In addition, such baked goods have a more porous structure, a dense crumb, and the specific taste is not suitable for some types of products.

Flour of the first or second grade helps to find a balance - it contains a greater amount of nutrients compared to the highest grade and a sufficient amount of gluten to raise the dough. Ultimately the choice is up to the consumer and his or her personal preferences. You can make high-quality bread from any flour, but here it is appearance, taste and benefits will vary depending on the variety used.

Each product has its own variety

Wheat flour variety

What is it better to use for?


Extra, supreme
  • for baking fluffy, beautiful bread. These are the varieties that are present in the recipe for the Moskovsky loaf.
  • for yeast, puff pastry and shortbread dough.
  • for sauces and gravies: due to the fine grinding, this flour is good to use as a thickener.
The most refined varieties of flour, which are obtained from the central part of the grain.
Color – white, maybe with a cream tint. They contain the largest amount of starch, low amount of protein, minimal amount of fiber and fat. Vitamins and minerals are practically absent. High baking properties: finished products have good volume and fluffiness.
  • for baking products from rich yeast dough with a high sugar content (Easter cakes, muffins).
It differs from other varieties in the larger sizes of its constituent particles. It contains almost no bran, that is, the shells of grains, which means the absence of vitamins, minerals and fiber. Color – light cream.
It is not well suited for unsweetened yeast dough, and the finished products have low porosity and quickly become stale.
First grade
  • for savory baked goods (pies, pancakes, pies)
  • for breading
  • for homemade pasta
In addition to the central part of the grain, the composition includes a small amount of its shell.
Color – from white to white with a grayish or yellowish tint. There is slightly more protein, sugar, fat, fiber, vitamins and minerals than in premium flour. A sufficient amount of gluten guarantees the production of elastic dough, from which products with good shape and volume, aromatic, and tasty are baked. In addition, baked goods made from such flour go stale more slowly.
Second grade
  • for non-food flour products (bread, gingerbread and cookies).
In addition to the central part of the grain, the composition includes a significant (8–10%) amount of the grain shell.
The color is darker than that of premium flour: from light with a yellowish to darker with a gray or brown tint. In terms of the content of valuable substances (protein, vitamins, minerals, fiber) it surpasses premium flour.
Wallpaper flour
  • for baking table bread.
Coarse whole grain flour. It consists of 96% of the same parts as the grain itself, of relatively large, heterogeneous particles. Color – cream with a brown tint. Such flour preserves the maximum possible amount of vitamins, macro- and microelements, protein, fat, and dietary fiber that the grain possessed. There is 12 times more fiber than in premium flour. Products made from it are less fluffy and more porous.

During the study Russian system quality, it was discovered that some manufacturers produce first-grade flour, passing it off as the highest. To choose a truly worthy product, we advise you to study

Flour is a product that looks like powder, is made from various grain crops, it can be:

  1. Wheat and rye.
  2. Barley and oatmeal.
  3. Rice, corn and buckwheat.
  4. And also pea and soy.

The most common types of flour are wheat (its consumption of the total volume is sixty-eight percent) and rye - they are used for baking bread, the most important product in the human diet. Flour is bread, bread is the iron rod of life, which is saturated with the sun, wind, rain and the power of the cosmos. “Flour is not flour, but flour without flour is flour” Proverb.

Flour grade

The grade is determined according to the international standard ISO 5530-2:2012 Wheat flour - Physical characteristics of doughs - Part. Grade for all types and types of these products is a very important classification unit. The raw materials from which flour products are made directly affect the quality of the finished products. The following types of wheat flour arrive on the country's shelves:

  • Known grade: superior.
  • Popular variety: first.
  • Economical variety: second.
  • Dietary: coarsely ground (or in other words – wallpaper).

Rye flour is not divided into varieties as such, but comes in the following types:

  • Seeded.
  • Ripped off.
  • Wallpaper.

Wheat flour is obtained from selected ripe wheat grains. Each grain is covered with a light brown shell, which many call wheat, and each grain consists of an aleurone layer and a small embryo (when it gets into the ground, it germinates and produces a new crop). Thin-layer endosperm cells add a significant part of the grain, and they also give the dough the desired viscosity. It can be stated that wheat grains consist of:

  • The outer coating is bran.
  • The main part is endosperm.
  • An inconspicuous but vital particle - a seedling.

The yield of flour when grinding grain, and the greater it is, the lower its grade, is as follows:

  1. Highest grade - up to thirty percent.
  2. The first grade is about seventy-two percent.
  3. Second grade - up to eighty-five percent.
  4. Wallpaper - up to ninety-six percent.

The main differences between premium and first grade wheat flour

5000 BC in Egypt the first bread was baked from flour. Nature itself presented it to people, warning: “As long as flour bread lasts, so long will humanity live on Earth.”

Even though the higher the grade, the more wheat flour of this grade contains useful substances, confectioners, bakers and producers of the pasta industry prefer the highest and first grade of this raw material. It is from these varieties that the most delicious and delicious flour products are baked, and the bread for the table turns out to be the most ruddy and appetizing. What is the main “trick” and what, after all, are the differences between the highest grade and the first?

The first difference is that it is impossible to detect bran in premium flour - they do not get there. In the first-class, there is as much as three percent bran! If you are not an expert, but want to check the type of flour, then just rub a handful between your fingers to feel the presence or absence of the smallest grains in it. In a top quality product they are completely absent. And in the first-class - you can feel it a little. In the first case, the color of the flour is white with a creamy tint, in the second case the characteristic yellowness is obvious.

Housewives know that the highest quality product makes wonderful puff pastry, shortbread, and yeast dough. Chefs use this variety to create original sauces, creams, and all kinds of dressings.

First-grade flour contains more gluten and therefore is very suitable for baking bread, making noodles, savory pies, pancakes, chebureks, dumplings and all their various varieties in dishes of different nationalities (dumplings, manti, etc.) And so: flour is different from flour. Experts are well aware of such indicators of flour as coarseness and ash content. The size of this premium raw material is (in conventional units of the FPM-56m device) 20-27 units, and for the first grade: 37-45 units. However, color meters are currently used only in mills to control the color of different flour streams when determining commercial grades.

The main indicator of product grade is ash content. The skin and germ contain mainly mineral components. The better they are separated by special machines, the lower the ash content of the flour. Parameters of ash content of baking flour: a) premium - 0.55%; b) 1st grade - 0.75%.

Size standards:

  • Highest grade: particle size – 30-40, residue on sieve No. 43 – no more than five.
  • First grade: particle size – 40-60, residue on sieve No. 35 – 2, No. 43 – no more than seventy-five.

Flour is a product that can absorb odors and moisture. Not a single grade should have any foreign odors, especially the highest and first grade. Also, crunch (tested, as it not surprisingly sounds, “by the tooth”) is an unacceptable defect in premium and first grade flour. Crispness, an indicator indicating the presence of mineral impurities. This is the similarity between these varieties. For the production of premium flour, three-grade grinding is used; for the first grade, single-grade grinding is also suitable. Flour of these varieties is pleasant to the touch, beautiful in color, and baked goods made from it are divinely tasty. And one more important point: “Bread made from wholemeal flour is worse for strengthening and amendment than bread made from sifted flour.” (Hippocrates)

Wheat flour is divided into varieties. I will try to briefly tell you how different types of flour differ.

Taking into account the variety of quality of harvested wheat, it is classified into separate groups according to type, glassiness, flour strength, etc.

The classification of wheat by type is based on the following characteristics: type (soft or hard), shape (spring or winter) and grain color (red-grain or white-grain). According to the standards for wheat harvested and distributed, it is divided into five types: Type I - spring red grain, Type II - spring durum (durum), Type III - spring white grain, Type IV - winter red grain, Type V - winter white grain.

The classification of wheat into subtypes is based on color shade and glassiness. Thus, when dividing wheat of types I and IV into subtypes, color shade and glassiness are taken into account, for type II - color shade, and for type III - glassiness. Type V wheat is not divided into subtypes. Highest value For the flour milling industry, type I and IV wheat are the most common and have high technological properties. Type II wheat is used to produce pasta flour.

In Russia, wheat baking flour is produced in six grades: extra, premium, krupchatka, first, second, wallpaper.

Flour of the highest, first and second grades is produced using two- and three-grade grinding, as well as single-grade grinding. With two- and three-grade grinding, two or three types of flour are obtained simultaneously, while with single-grade grinding, one specific grade is obtained. When grinding three-grade grain with a total flour yield of 75%, the highest grade flour is selected 10–30, the first grade - 50-40, the second - 15-5%. With two-grade grinding, the flour obtained is 50–60% of the first grade, and 25–15% of the second grade. With single-grade grinding, the yield of first-grade flour is 72%, second-grade flour is 85%, and wallpaper is 96%. The type of grinding and the yield of flour when grinding grain determine the type and chemical composition of the flour.

High-grade flour consists of finely ground particles of the inner layer, endosperm (average particle size 30–40 microns), is distinguished by its white color, the highest (79–80%) starch content and an average or low amount (10–14%) of proteins; the yield of raw gluten is approximately 28%, ash content is no more than 0.55%. It contains a minimal amount of fiber (0.1–0.15%), fat and sugar. This type of flour is most common in the manufacture of higher grades of flour products. High-grade wheat flour has good baking properties; products made from it have good volume and finely developed porosity. This flour is best used for shortbread, puff pastry and yeast dough, in sauces and flour dressings.

Krupchatka - consists of homogeneous small grains of light cream color, its ash content is 0.60%. Contains almost no bran. It is rich in gluten and has high baking properties. Krupchatka is produced from special varieties of wheat and is characterized by a larger size of individual particles. It is advisable to use this flour for yeast dough with a high content of sugar and fat for products such as Easter cakes, muffins, etc. For insipid yeast dough, semolina is of little use, since the dough made from it is poorly suited, and the finished products have poor porosity and quickly become stale.

First grade flour is the most common. It consists of finely ground particles (40–60 µm in size) of the endosperm and a small amount (3–4% of the flour weight) of crushed shell particles, i.e. shell particles with an aleurone layer. The amount of starch is on average 75%, relatively high (13–15%) protein, and the yield of raw gluten is 30%. First grade flour contains slightly more sugars (up to 2%) and fat (1%) than premium flour, its ash content is no more than 0.75%, and fiber contains an average of 0.27–0.3%. The color of first grade flour is from pure white to white with a yellowish or grayish tint. First grade flour is good for savory baked goods (buns, pies, pancakes, pancakes, sautéing, national types of noodles, etc.), and for baking various bread products. Finished products made from it become stale more slowly. High-quality bakery and confectionery products are usually made from high-grade wheat flour.

Second grade flour consists of crushed endosperm particles with a significant admixture (8–10% of the grain weight) of shell particles. Particle size ranges from 30–40 to 150–200 microns. Flour contains 70–72% starch, this flour contains 13–16% protein, the yield of raw gluten is at least 25%, the amount of sugars is 1.5–2.0%, fat is about 2%, ash content is 1.1– 1.2%, fiber content on average 0.7%. The color of flour ranges from light with a yellowish tint to darker - gray and brown. The latter is better in terms of baking qualities - the baked goods from it turn out fluffy, with a porous crumb. It is used mainly for baking table varieties of white bread and savory flour products. It is often mixed with rye flour. This flour is used in the manufacture of some confectionery products (gingerbreads and cookies).

Wallpaper flour is obtained by single-grade wallpaper grinding with a yield of 96%. Flour consists of almost the same tissues as wheat grains, but differs in a slightly smaller number of fruit membranes and germ. Wallpaper flour is relatively coarse, heterogeneous in particle size (the largest size reaches 600, and the smallest 30–40 microns). Its chemical composition is close to the composition of the original grain (ash content is 0.07–0.1%, and fiber content is 0.15–0.2% less than in grain). This flour has high moisture capacity and sugar-forming ability, the yield of raw gluten is 20% or more. As a composition similar to wallpaper wheat flour, you can use a mixture of 9 parts of premium wheat flour and 1 part of wheat bran (one tenth, 10%). Wallpaper flour is used mainly for baking table breads, and is rarely used in cooking.

Wheat flour benefits and harms: different varieties, differences and how to store

Wheat flour is today an incredibly popular type of flour, as well as one of the most highly consumed products in the world (in the form of baked goods). The great popularity of this product is due to the fact that this plant was one of the first to be cultivated, and because wheat grains are extremely nutritious and healthy. Read the article about the benefits and harms of wheat flour, calorie content and methods of use by variety.

Wheat flour benefits and harms

Due to differences in production conditions and plant species, wheat flour is divided into different varieties intended for specific purposes. However, this classification differs in different parts. In the USA, for example, flour is classified into types conventionally based on the type of wheat and the volume fraction of gluten. In Russia neighboring countries clear standardization developed in Soviet time and subsequently modified.

Today, the quality of wheat flour in the Russian Federation is established by two GOSTs: “Wheat flour. General tech. conditions" and "Durum wheat flour for pasta".

In the first case, there is a division into 6 grades for baking (wallpaper, extra, highest, 1st, 2nd, grit) and 8 grades for general purpose. Marking, for example M 45-23 or M 100-25, depends on the ash content and grinding level. GOST establishes three grades for pasta flour: highest, first and second.

Due to the fact that the particles of flour from durum grains are larger than baking ones, varieties can be named according to the size of the fragment: “grain” (highest) and “semi-grain” (first).

What are the differences between types of wheat flour?

The most common flours on sale today are premium, first, second grade flour, as well as wallpaper, semolina and, rarely, extra.

Photo: wheat flour benefits and harms

From the point of view of beneficial qualities, the most important criterion is the ash content of the substance. These are minerals that will be preserved if the grain is burned. For example, the German marking T550 marks flour with an ash content of 0.55%, which approximately corresponds to the Russian premium grade.

In Italy, such a product would be designated “0000” - the fewer zeros, the larger the fraction.

Premium wheat flour: benefits and harms

The popular opinion that bread made from premium flour is as healthy as possible is incorrect. The fact is that this powder is made from the central part of the endosperm - the edible part of the grain, wrapped in bran. Almost all the beneficial substances of the grain are stored in the endosperm shell, and inside, in fact, there is starch, which helps to saturate and gain weight.

Premium flour particles are the smallest in size - up to 30-40 microns. This product makes the fluffiest, softest bread, but not the healthiest, because it has minimal ash content. According to GOST, this variety must have a white or white-cream tint and at least 28% gluten in its composition.

First grade flour

Fractions of flour from grade 1 wheat have a size of up to 60 microns and color the powder in White color with shades of yellowish or grayish. The reason for this darkening is the presence of ground shell particles in the product. According to GOST, the ash content of this product is 0.75%, and gluten occupies at least 30% of the composition. The crumb is usually white or grayish. The taste can be very different, depending on additional ingredients and baking conditions.

Second grade flour

From point of view chemical composition, this flour is the most beneficial for health. Its ash content is 1.1-1.25%, its color is yellowish or grayish. When comparing it with the highest or 1st grade, the difference in particle size becomes visible to the naked eye. Despite its rich composition, this product is not good enough for baking in its pure form, since it contains less gluten. For this reason, it is usually mixed with higher grades for baking.

Wallpaper flour (coarse)

Wallpaper flour made from wheat grains consists of fractions of various sizes (60-200 microns) and usually contains even less gluten than second-grade flour. The most nutrient-rich bread is baked from it, but it often turns out loose, falling apart and slightly tough. Because of this, wallpaper is also mixed with adhesive varieties.

The type of flour has virtually no effect on the taste and healthiness of the bread obtained from it. For any type of raw material, it is possible and necessary to select technological conditions in which good bread will be obtained.

Characteristic is the fact that some of the baking properties of wheat flour cannot be calculated in advance and reflected quantitatively. They appear directly during baking and are determined by the quality of the final product.

Durum wheat flour

Durum wheat flour used in the production of pasta is classified according to similar indicators:

  1. Top grade. The cereal is creamy-yellow in color with an ash content of 0.90% and at least 28% gluten in the composition. Fraction size – no more than 0.56 mm.
  2. First grade. Light cream powder with an ash content of 1.2% and a grain size of up to 0.39 mm. Contains at least 28% gluten.
  3. Second grade. Particle size – from 0.18 to 0.27 mm (like semolina), ash content – ​​1.9%, gluten – from 25%.

Nutritional value and composition of wheat flour

The following table shows the caloric content, nutritional content, as well as the content of some vitamins and minerals in 100 g of baking wheat flour.

NutrientTop gradeFirst gradeSecond grade

The nutritional value

Squirrels10.3 g10.6 g11.7 g
Fats1.1 g1.3 g1.8 g
Carbohydrates68.8 g67.6 g63,7
Calorie content (kcal)334 331 324

Vitamins (mg)

B10,17 0,25 0,37
B20,04 0,08 0,012
PP1,2 2,2 4,55
Carotene0 0 0,01

Macro- and microelements (mg)

Sodium3 4 6
Potassium122 176 251
Calcium18 24 32
Magnesium16 44 73
Phosphorus86 115 184
Iron1,2 2,1 3,9

Wheat flour: how to choose and preserve beneficial properties

To purchase a quality product, you should look at the available labels:

  • GOST - flour is made in accordance with accepted standards state standard and according to technical conditions it corresponds;
  • PCT or “Voluntary Certification” - the manufacturer’s products are voluntarily tested for compliance with sanitary and hygienic standards, do not contain heavy metals, toxins and are safe for health;
  • ISO – compliance with international production standards (according to expert estimates, no more than 20% of manufacturers have them).

Wheat flour: shelf life

Another important parameter is expiration date. A good natural product, by definition, cannot be stored for more than 6-9 months. If there is a product on the counter with a stated shelf life of 10-18 months, a chemical stabilizer has been added to it to extend its “life.” The composition of flour mixtures from different cereals reduces their shelf life by another 30-50%.

The choice of a specific type of flour depends on what you plan to cook:

  • extra and highest grade - the best choice for biscuits, buns, cakes, muffins and thickening sauces;
  • 1st grade - a good choice for homemade bread, pies, pancakes, buns and pancakes;
  • Grade 2 is suitable for baking, cookies, gingerbread;
  • From wallpaper you get tasty and healthy bread.

To preserve its benefits, flour must be protected from pests, dampness and direct sunlight. Therefore, one of the best places for storage is the top shelf of the refrigerator, as it is dark, cool and dry.

For long-term storage, it is advisable to place a clove of garlic, a chili pepper, a bag of salt or a bay leaf in a container to repel pests. It is better to put aromatic products such as tea, spices, coffee or cleaning products away so that the flour does not absorb someone else's aroma.

It is also advisable to exclude sudden changes temperature. Self-milled flour spoils very quickly, so it must be consumed within 2 weeks after production.

Which flour is the healthiest: premium, first, second grade, coarse or wallpaper. Nutritional properties of healthy flour

Flour is obtained from grains, fruits and bark of various plants. We will, of course, consider traditional cereal crops characteristic of our regions. Grain flour contains carbohydrates (starch) - up to 75%, water, fiber, vegetable proteins, fats and saturated fatty acids, vitamins, and minerals.

Varieties of healthy flour

Different grades of healthy flour depend not only on different types grains, but also on the method of their processing and grinding characteristics. This takes into account:

· product yield, that is, the amount of flour obtained from 100 kg of grain;

· the amount of gluten (gluten) is a complex protein substance in cereal grains that can turn flour into a viscous dough);

· ash content of flour (amount of minerals);

· degree of grinding (grinding of grains).

The presence of gluten gives ready-made dough qualities such as softness, elasticity, extensibility, ability to hold carbon dioxide, which increases the dough in volume. There are separate GOST standards for flour for making bakery and pasta products.

Wheat flour

The most common flour is made from wheat and is offered in the following grinding options:

· Coarse flour (only 10% of the flour from the total amount of grain is obtained) - the highest and first grade, produced from some varieties of wheat and is distinguished by the fact that individual particles are larger in size. It is most often used for rich yeast products with a high fat and sugar content.

· High-grade flour (25-30%) – made from the central part of the endosperm, that is, from grain peeled from the grain shells, which is why it lacks gluten and many minerals. Used for bakery products, in public catering, and in the production of semi-finished products. It makes the most delicious products, but it does not quite meet dietary requirements.

· First grade flour (up to 70%) – darker in color, with ground shell particles, retains a high content of gluten and minerals. Baked goods made from this flour go stale more slowly.

· Second grade flour (up to 85%) – a healthier type of flour, which is ground together with grain shells and contains up to 8% bran and an increased amount of vitamins and minerals. This cheaper type of flour is not suitable for baked goods, cakes and pastries, but it makes wonderful pancakes and the healthiest bread.

· Wholemeal wallpaper flour (about 93-96%) – contains a lot of bran (twice as much as second-grade flour). It does not have high enough baking properties, but is considered useful for dietary nutrition. Such flour is often mixed with finer grinding varieties so that the bread does not crumble and does not turn out to be very loose.

Rye flour

Rye flour is often used for baking bread, which produces delicious, fragrant varieties of “black” bread. Often mixed with whole grain flour, during the production of which the grains are not cleared of germs and shells. This flour contains dietary fiber, vegetable proteins, unsaturated fatty acids, amino acids, vitamins B1, B2, E, PP, potassium, calcium, magnesium, selenium, copper, fluorine, chromium, zinc.

· Peklevanny – very finely ground flour, the yield of which is 60%, used for baking gingerbread and confectionery.

· Seeded – finely ground flour, during the production of which the shell is removed from the grains, so the amount of useful substances is also small.

· Wallpaper (whole grain) – the best type of rye flour with a high content of bran and healthy components. It is made from whole grains and the yield is 95-96%.

· Peeled – flour with the properties of seeded and wallpaper, has a heterogeneous mass with a high content of grain shells.

Barley flour

Wallpaper and seeded barley flour are produced. It contains beta-glucan, which lowers cholesterol levels and strengthens the walls of blood vessels. Mixed with wheat or rye flour for baking baked goods, added during the preparation of first and second courses.

Barley flour brewed with boiling water (2 tablespoons per 1 glass of water) is useful instead of a hearty, healthy breakfast; it has a beneficial effect on the stomach and improves the condition of the intestines. This barley jelly can be mixed with kefir or fermented baked milk and used as a thickener for gravies and sauces.

Oat flour

Oatmeal makes baked goods more airy and crumbly; it is added to casseroles and rolls. When mixed with other baking flours, oat flour should be no more than one-third of the total due to its low gluten content. Oatmeal contains mucous substances that have enveloping properties and are very beneficial for the gastrointestinal tract. This flour improves digestion and helps cleanse the body, removes excess water and reduces swelling. Strengthens the immune system and stimulates mental activity.

Rice flour

It contains a lot of biotin (B7) - a water-soluble vitamin that is involved in metabolic processes, improves memory and brain activity. Amylopectin - one of the polysaccharides that make up starch, is used for nutrition at elevated physical activity.

It differs in that it is gluten-free and contains many vitamins and minerals. Flatbreads and cookies are baked with rice flour, and used as a thickener for soups and sauces. When adding to other flour, take 1/4 of the rice flour.

Buckwheat flour

Buckwheat flour contains a lot of lysine - this is an essential amino acid that is involved in the construction of cells and strengthens the circulatory system. Leucine is an aliphatic amino acid that promotes the breakdown of fats and the removal of toxins from the body.

A recognized dietary product that is used to produce low-calorie healthy baked goods. Used in preparing minced meat and other fillings. Helps increase hemoglobin levels in the blood, increasing endurance. Recommended for dietary nutrition for atherosclerosis, hypertension, liver and biliary tract diseases.

Corn flour

Contains many amino acids, vegetable proteins, vitamins and minerals. A budget-friendly but very healthy type of gluten-free flour; baked goods with it are not particularly fluffy, but very tasty, do not go stale for a long time and are suitable for dietary nutrition. Leaves you feeling full for a long time, improves intestinal motility, has a beneficial effect on excretory system. Improves the condition of bone and cartilage tissue, refreshes the skin.

Pea flour

It is considered a very nutritious product, containing a lot of fiber, vitamins and minerals. Contains essential amino acids: lysine, arginine, tryptophan, cystine, which are involved in cell renewal and accelerate metabolic processes.

In terms of the quality and quantity of protein, pea flour is compared with some types of meat. It saturates for a long time and improves digestive processes. Recommended for osteoporosis and diseases of the musculoskeletal system.

Flaxseed flour

Ground flaxseed produces a powder with a high concentration of flaxseed oil, so freshly ground homemade flour quickly deteriorates. Flaxseed flour is sold in retail chains and contains no oil, so it can be stored for a long time.

It has valuable food properties and is used to feed patients with gastritis and other gastrointestinal diseases. Known for its enveloping properties, it normalizes the level of acidity in the stomach. You can add up to 10% flaxseed flour to any flour and any products. To cleanse the intestines and lose weight, it is recommended to mix it with kefir and consume it in the morning on an empty stomach or during the day, if possible.

Ways to use healthy flour

Wheat or rye flour is most often used in its pure form; other types are added in various proportions. Almost all types of flour can be used for baking bakery and confectionery products, preparing main dishes, dressings and sauces. When eating on a diet, you can prepare smoothies with dairy and fermented milk products, to which buckwheat (flaxseed, oatmeal) flour, muesli, berries, fruits or dried fruits are added.