Lermontov places in Pyatigorsk: photos, descriptions, addresses of historical places and reviews of tourists. Correspondence tour to Lermontov's places in Russia Excursion tour to Lermontov's places

Excursion tour
“Through Lermontov’s places...”

Penza – Tarkhany Museum-Reserve - Nikolsk

Departure of the group from Yekaterinburg on March 26, 2018 at 11:04 (Moscow time) by train No. 101

1 day (27.03)
18:10 - Meeting of the group with the guide at the station near the carriage.
Accommodation at the Art-Penza hotel***. If desired, it is possible to visit the swimming pool (100 RUR/person) or sauna (pre-registration, 2100 RUR/2 hours/4 people).
Dinner at the hotel.

Lermontov estate in Tarkhany

Day 2 (28.03) – “Under the canopy of linden alleys...” On a visit to Lermontov.

Sightseeing bus tour of the city “The whole history of Russia is in Penza...”, during which you will see the most beautiful streets and squares of the city, monuments to Lermontov, Belinsky, D. Davydov; learn about the fate of M.E. Saltykova-Shchedrin, with " light hand» which Penza has long been called the city of “Bryukhovo”; They will tell you about the fate of the great young theatrical reformer Soviet Russia V.E. Meyerhold; the youngest and most talented marshal Soviet army M. Tukhachevsky. You will also see the Drama Theater named after. Lunacharsky, the “Angel of Peace” stela, “Afghan Gate”, “Arts” Square, modern microdistricts of the city; visit the Mitrofanevsky Church (the location of the most famous icon of Penza, donated by Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich).
E excursion to the Penza confectionery factory- the largest enterprise in the confectionery industry in the Penza region. Currently, the factory produces more than 130 types of products, among which are recognizable and loved since childhood: “Truffles”, “Little Red Riding Hood”, “Chamomile”, “Cockerel, Butter Head”, “Bird’s Milk” and many others. Sweet gift!
Visit to the State Museum-Reserve “Tarkhany”- Homeland of the brilliant Russian poet M.Yu. Lermontov. Excursions around the architectural and park ensemble of the estate, visiting the Manor's House, Ludskaya, the "Klyuchnik" house, the Church of Mary of Egypt, the mill. Here, in the noble estate environment, in communication with nature, with the richness of his native language, Lermontov received indelible impressions. If you wish, you can ride horses (additional fee 50 rubles).
Theatrical performance “The Charm of Days Past”, with a ball.
Visit Lermontov family tomb.
Dinner at the hotel.

Monument to Lermontov in Tarkhany

Day 3 (29.03) – “City of Crystal Slippers.”
Breakfast at the hotel restaurant.
Group departure to Nikolsk.
Visit private glass blowing workshop- an excellent opportunity to see with your own eyes how glassblowers blow glass using the “old-fashioned methods”
Visit Museum "Diamond Edge". A rich collection of unique crystal products from serf craftsmen, who supplied their products to the royal court and “held” the Persian market for more than 150 years.
Lunch at a cafe.
Return to the hotel.
Dinner at the hotel.

Day 4 (30.03)
Breakfast at the hotel restaurant. Release of rooms.
Excursion to Memorial Museum "Meyerhold House", where the time and aura of those years when the Great Meyerhold lived here are recreated. The authentic furnishings of the second half of the 19th century, family photographs, and memorial items give an idea of ​​how the personality of the future Master was formed and what atmosphere reigned in the parental home.
Buying goods on the road.
Lunch at a cafe-restaurant.
Buying souvenirs.
Transfer to the railway station.
13:26 – departure to Yekaterinburg by train No. 102
Arrival in Yekaterinburg 31.03. at 22:03 (Moscow time).

The group arrives at the Ekaterinburg railway station on March 29 at 03:20 (Moscow time), by train No. 327

TOUR cost: 16,800 rubles. (schoolboy)

Included in the price:

  • Accommodation in the hotel "Art-Penza"*** (2-bed "Standards");
  • Meals: 3 breakfasts, 3 lunches, 3 dinners;
  • Excursions according to the program, bus service according to the program, guide services;
  • railway travel Ekaterinburg-Penza-Ekaterinburg (reserved seat).

07:35 Arrival in Penza. Meeting with the guide at the information desk of the Penza-1 railway station.


Sightseeing tour "The whole history of Russia is in Penza..."

You will meet with an ancient Russian city, which is picturesquely spread out on high hills above the Sura River and where the plot of one of Alexandre Dumas’s novels was born. Here the poet Denis Davydov felt as if he were on Parnassus, and Pyotr Vyazemsky felt as if in little Paris. In the old quarters of the city there are houses that remember famous countrymen and guests: critic Vissarion Belinsky, director Vsevolod Meyerhold, historian Vasily Klyuchevsky, writers Nikolai Leskov and Mikhail Saltykov-Shchedrin, Lenin’s father Ilya Ulyanov, “red Napoleon” Marshal Mikhail Tukhachevsky.

Excursion to the Penza Art Gallery- one of the oldest in Russia. The ancient building with spacious halls and rich stucco decoration made by Konstantin Klodt houses a rich collection. This temple of pictorial silence and special soulfulness presents paintings by Ilya Repin, Isaac Levitan, Arkhip Kuindzhi, Ivan Shishkin. The “Golden Fund” is considered to be a collection of Russian avant-garde. Here is the third most important collection of works by Aristarkh Lentulov - this “newcomer from Penza”, the “stocky hare”. Lentulov depicted in color what Mayakovsky did in words. The gallery presents one of the largest collections of works by Robert Falk in Russia.

Dinner in a city cafe.

Excursion to the world famous museum of performing arts, the first Meyerhold memorial in Russia and abroad. Today Meyerhold means not only a specific creative personality, spiritual essence, but also is a symbol of the free culture of the world. In the living room of the old house where the director grew up, there is now an unusual theater that fulfills the dream of the great master and works in the traditions of the Italian commedia mask theater dell'arte.

Excursion to the country's first museum of the great Russian historian Klyuchevsky, opened in the house where he grew up. Without entering into polemics with anyone, in his famous work " Short course on Russian history" he gave his understanding of Russian history, brilliantly, prophetically foreseeing the future of Russia. He owned the phrase: "History will not teach anything, but will punish for ignorance of the lessons." In terms of the power of the impact of his lectures on the audience, Klyuchevsky was compared with Chaliapin, Ermolova, Rachmaninov, performances of the Art Theater. He helped Chaliapin in creating the images of Ivan the Terrible and Boris Godunov. Impressed by his lecture, the artist Valentin Serov created the famous sketch “Peter I”, as well as the museum named after him, the only ones in Russia.

Transfer to the hotel. Check-in. Free time.

Municipal budget educational institution

Borovkovskaya main comprehensive school № 53

“Virtual tour of Lermontov’s places in Russia”

2014 G.


Target: describe particularly significant places in Russia associated with the life and work of M.Yu. Lermontov.

Tasks: 1. Identify and characterize the main Lermontov places in Russia.

2. Identify the events that influenced the life and work of M.Yu. Lermontov.

An object: Lermontov places in Russia.

Item : Events that occurred in those places and influenced the life and work of the poet.

Relevance: the relevance of this topic is due to increased interest in the Second Poet of Russia in connection with the 200th anniversary of his birth.

Practical meaning: broadening the horizons of students, getting acquainted with the main facts of the biography of M.Yu. Lermontov, as well as places associated with his life and work.

The geography of Lermontov's places in Russia extends from north to south and from west to east, but we decided to pay special attention to the objects in which the main events of M.Yu.'s life took place. Lermontov.

This fall we celebrate the 200th anniversary of the birth of the Second Great Poet of Russia - Mikhail Yuryevich Lermontov. He lived a short life, but interesting life, leaving behind wonderful works that are relevant and interesting to this day. Reading them, we plunge into a thoughtful and unusual world poet and writer, into his thoughts and soul. But also understand and get to know M.Yu better. Lermontov will help us travel through Lermontov's places in Russia, which still keep the memory of him... We will visit the main places in Russia associated with the life and work of M.Yu. Lermontov, and we will make stops in chronological order. So, we will start with the capital of our Motherland - Moscow.

1. Moscow. M. Yu. Lermontov was born in Moscow on October 3 (15), 1814 in the family of army captain Yuri Petrovich Lermontov and Maria Mikhailovna Lermontova (nee Arsenyeva). The Russian branch of the Lermontov family originated from George Lermont, a native of Scotland.

2. Tarkhany of Penza province . After the death of his mother, grandmother Elizaveta Alekseevna immediately took her beloved grandson to her estate Tarkhany, Penza province, citing the poverty of the army captain - the boy's father. Here she surrounded her grandson with care and affection, and spared no expense on the comprehensive development of little Misha. But the family drama still left its mark on the character of the future poet. Frequent illnesses and rare meetings with his father contributed to early development in Lermontov's analytical attitude towards himself and the world around him.

3. Caucasus. When Mikhail was 10 years old, his grandmother took him to the Caucasus, to Goryachevodsk, for treatment of rheumatic disease. Here the boy experienced his first love, which he remembered later all his life. And since then, Mikhail Yuryevich considered the Caucasus his poetic homeland. Constant introspection and mental focus contributed to the early maturation of feelings and thoughts.

4. Moscow. In 1827, Elizaveta Alekseevna brought her grandson to Moscow to continue his education. After excellent home training in 1828, Lermontov was accepted immediately intoIVclass of the Moscow University Noble boarding school. During this period, Lermontov worked very intensively, a stream of poems filled one notebook after another. All these poems are interconnected and resemble a kind of lyrical diary of Lermontov’s soul, engaged in intense introspection. “In the end, I found that my best relative is myself,” he writes in one of his letters.

5. Petersburg. In 1832 M.Yu. Lermontov was forced to leave Moscow University due to a conflict with some professors. He goes to St. Petersburg in the hope of continuing his studies, but they refuse to give him credit for the subjects he took in Moscow. Then Mikhail Yuryevich chooses a military career for himself. After graduating from school in 1835, he went to serve in Tsarskoye Selo. During this period, the writer’s social beliefs are formed.

6. Caucasus . For the bold lines of the poem “The Death of a Poet,” dedicated to A.S. Pushkin, Lermontov was sent into exile to the Caucasus. He was arrested on February 18, 1837.

7. Petersburg . At the end of November - beginning of December of the same year, the efforts of the loving grandmother were crowned with success. And in 1838, Lermontov returned to St. Petersburg, to the place of his old service. Here he was greeted as a famous and disgraced poet. On January 1, 1840, young I.S. Turgenev saw him at a masquerade and later wrote: “...There was something sinister and tragic in Lermontov's appearance; some kind of gloomy and unkind force wafted from his dark face, from his large and motionless dark eyes. Their heavy gaze strangely did not agree with the expression of their almost childishly tender and protruding lips. His whole figure, squat, bow-legged, with a large head on hunched shoulders, aroused an unpleasant sensation; but everyone was immediately aware of the inherent power... Internally, Lermontov was probably deeply bored; he was suffocating in the narrow sphere into which fate had pushed him..."

8. Caucasus . This time in St. Petersburg, the poet’s circle of literary acquaintances expanded even more. But soon a quarrel was set up between him and the son of the French envoy, de Barant, who challenged Lermontov to a duel on a trivial occasion in February 1840. As a result, the opponents made peace, but rumors of a duel spread throughout St. Petersburg. Lermontov was arrested and again transferred to North Caucasus, where the poet fought and risked his life. Meanwhile, his novel “A Hero of Our Time” was published in St. Petersburg, the success of which exceeded all expectations. Mikhail Yuryevich's last poems were filled with fatal forebodings. Such, for example, is his “Dream,” written in Pyatigorsk, where the poet was left by a military doctor for treatment.

Subsequently M.Yu. Lermontov comes to understand and realize the harmony between heaven and earth, finds solace in nature, pacifying the anxieties of his rebellious heart, the world of people becomes alien and hostile to him. He needs a different peace, free from the power of inexorable time and the weight of earthly shackles. Lermontov not only had a presentiment of death approaching him, but he himself reached out to it. And the case... - he didn’t keep himself waiting. Because of a caustic joke, a duel was scheduled between Lermontov and his friend from the cadet school, Martynov. On July 15, at about five o'clock in the evening, a terrible storm broke out with lightning and thunder. And at that very moment, Lermontov, who refused to shoot at Martynov, was killed by him five steps away - in the chest, right through - between the Mashuk and Beshtau mountains... The tragic prophecies of the poet came true... The Second passed away great poet Russia, who was only 26 years old. M.Yu. was buried. Lermontov in the family crypt in Tarkhany.

So, our virtual tour has come to an end. We hope that you were interested in lifting the veil of secrecy about the main events in the life of the Great Russian poet, which took place in places in Russia that were later called Lermontov’s.


    Yu.V. Lebedev. Russian literatureXIXcentury. Grade 10. Tutorial for educational institutions. Education. M.: 2005

Mikhail Yuryevich Lermontov never tired of declaring his love for the Caucasus. And this is not surprising, because he came to local resorts as a child, and many of his works were written here. We invite you to an exciting school tour through Lermontov's places, during which you will touch the history of the poet's life and work, and also visit the legendary cities of the Caucasus - Pyatigorsk, Kislovodsk and Dombay.

“The view from three sides is wonderful.
To the west, the five-headed Beshtu turns blue like the last cloud scattered storm;
Mashuk rises to the north like a shaggy Persian hat..."
M.Yu. Lermontov

In Lermontov's places of the Caucasus

Duration of the tour: 3 days/2 nights.

Tour route: Pyatigorsk - Dombay - Pyatigorsk - Kislovodsk - Pyatigorsk.

Tour dates: on request.

Tour program

Day 1. Pyatigorsk

Arrival at one of the oldest mud and balneological resorts of the Caucasian Mineral Waters, and all of Russia as a whole - in Pyatigorsk. On the territory of the picturesque city, conveniently located between the Caspian and Black Seas, there are 5 mountain peaks at once. The highest of them (almost a kilometer above sea level) is Mashuk. The largest number of healing springs are concentrated around this peak. Hotel accommodation.

There are many things that connect the great Russian poet Mikhail Yuryevich Lermontov with the resort town. Here he stayed as a child, regained his health, lived in exile, and wrote his immortal works. And here, by coincidence, he died in a duel.

You will visit the museum “Lermontov’s House” and attend an interesting lecture-conversation “Lermontov in the Caucasus”. Afterwards - a tour of the “Lermontov places” of the city. You will see the grotto and baths named after the poet, the Flower Garden park, the Aeolian Harp, the Restoration, Diana's grotto, the Academic Gallery, Lake Proval, visit the place where the fatal duel took place and the place of the poet's original burial in the old cemetery.

Return to the hotel, dinner and rest.

Lermontov's House - Pyatigorsk, Russia

Day 2. Pyatigorsk - Dombay - Pyatigorsk

Breakfast at the hotel and a trip to one of the most popular ski resorts in the Caucasus - Dombay. On this day, you will have a tour of its territory and a story about the Dzhamagat River gorge, famous for its rich historical past and the large number of mineral springs located here.

You will walk along the country road that leads to the Dzhamagat Gorge from Teberda and see the ruins of an old village. Mikhail Yuryevich Lermontov visited these places. In addition, there is an ancient Alan settlement founded more than a thousand years ago.

If you go downstream of the Jamagat, you will see locality, founded in the 18th century by the Urusbiev princes. It is believed that the legend that served as the basis for Mikhail Yuryevich Lermontov’s poem “Hadji Abrek” dates back to this time and place.

Later you will be able to take the cable car up and explore the surrounding area (not included in the tour price, paid separately). Return to the hotel in Pyatigorsk, dinner.

Day 3. Pyatigorsk - Kislovodsk - Pyatigorsk

Breakfast at the hotel and check out of the rooms. A continuation of your journey through Lermontov's places in the Caucasus awaits you. On this day you will arrive in Kislovodsk - the southernmost resort of the Stavropol Territory.

Inspection of the gallery with a narzan spring that remembers the great poet. Not far from it was the house of Mikhail Yuryevich’s grandmother, Elizaveta Alekseevna Arsenyeva. Little Misha came here in 1825.

A walk through the Lermontov Reserve Quarter, inspection of the ruins of the local fortress, which is mentioned in the story “Princess Mary”. You will visit Soldier's, Picket and Batareinaya hills.

Continuation of the excursion to places that remember the great Russian poet. Inspection of the Lermontov waterfall and rocks, as well as Mount Ring.

Return to Pyatigorsk, completion of the program and departure home.

Dombay, Russia

Tour cost per person based on double occupancy:

Hotel description:

The boarding house with treatment Iskra is located in the center resort area cities. Within walking distance from it there is a drinking gallery, medicinal baths, a mud bath, the Lermontov Gallery and a theater in Tsvetnik Park. In double rooms of the first category: TV, shower, refrigerator, European-quality renovation.

The Intourist Congress Hotel is located in the center of Pyatigorsk, at the foot of Mount Mashuk. The 16-storey complex has all the conditions for comfortable living and recreation. Superior double rooms have: TV, refrigerator, shower, good repair.

Business Hotel Beshtau is a comfortable 8-storey complex in the business center of Pyatigorsk. The hotel has a spacious swimming pool, a Turkish bath (hammam), a fitness center with a cardio zone and a sports bar, and a Finnish sauna.

Included in cost:

  • hotel accommodation (3 days/2 nights);
  • meals according to the program (2 breakfasts, 2 dinners);
  • excursions according to the program;
  • transfers;
  • entrance tickets to the house-museum of M.Yu. Lermontov;
  • insurance;
  • resort scheme of Pyatigorsk.

Additional charges:

  • relocation or flight;
  • ascent by chairlift;
  • personal and other expenses not included in the price.

For ready-made groups 10+1, 15+1, 25+2, 40+4

1 day.

  • Arrival in Pyatigorsk. Hotel accommodation.
  • Visit to the Lermontov's House museum. Lecture-conversation on the topic “Lermontov in the Caucasus”.
  • Excursion to Lermontov’s places in Pyatigorsk: Lake “Proval”, Eolian Harp, Academic Gallery, Lermontov’s Grotto, Lermontov Baths, Tsvetnik Park, Diana’s Grotto, Restoration, site of Lermontov’s duel, place of the original burial of M. Yu. Lermontov (old cemetery).
  • Return to the hotel. Dinner.

Day 2.

  • Breakfast. Excursion to Dombay with a visit to the Dzhamagat Gorge.
  • This gorge, interesting for its historical past, has mineral water springs. A country road leads from Teberda to the Jamagata valley. Downstream of the river there are the ruins of the old village of Jamagat. It is this place that Karachays from generation to generation associate with the name of the great poet. This land actually has a lot to tell. In the east, in the depths of the Dzhamagat gorge, there is a settlement - an Alan settlement founded in the 1st millennium. A little downstream of the Teberda River in late XVIII centuries, the Urusbiev princes founded a village that flourished and was known throughout all the outskirts mountain region. It is to this time that the legend that formed the basis of Mikhail Yuryevich Lermontov’s poem “Hadji-Abrek” dates back to this time.
  • Return to Pyatigorsk. Dinner.

Day 3.

  • Breakfast. Release of rooms.
  • Excursion to Lermontov's places in Kislovodsk.
  • A visit to the Narzan gallery, where the source of Narzan is located, which existed during M. Yu. Lermontov’s stay in Kislovodsk. In the area of ​​this source there was a small house of relatives of E. A. Arsenyeva, the poet’s grandmother, who stayed with them with her grandson during a trip to Kavminvody in 1825. Inspection of the Lermontov site, erected on the site of an old restaurant building and included in the so-called Lermontov Reserve Quarter in Kislovodsk; remnants of Kislovodsk fortress-gate, part of a wall with loopholes, a corner tower, which is mentioned in the story “Princess Mary”; Picket hill. From Piketnaya Hill you can clearly see Soldier's Hill, and to the south of it - Batareinaya Hill. M.Yu. Lermontov in his story “Princess Mary” mentions pickets near the fortress. The closest posts were on this hill and on Kazachka - near the Narzan source.
  • Excursion to the outskirts of Kislovodsk, associated with the name of Lermontov: Lermontov Waterfall, Lermontov Rock, Ring Mountain.
  • Return to Pyatigorsk. Departure.