Research Institute of Shipbuilding and Naval Weapons. Research Institute of Shipbuilding and Weapons of the Navy Head of the Research Institute of Kiv Navy Vunts VMA

At the forefront of military shipbuilding

Research Institute of Shipbuilding and Weapons of the Navy VUNTS Navy " Naval Academy"(1 Central Research Institute of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation) - 80 years


The date of establishment of the institute is September 3, 1932. On this day, in accordance with the order of the Chief of the Naval Forces of the Red Army, research institutes of the Navy began to function, including the Research Institute of Military Shipbuilding (NIIVK), the Artillery Research Institute maritime institute(ANIMI) and Research Mine and Torpedo Institute (NIMIT).

Deciding general tasks the creation of ships, the basis of the combat power of the fleet, and the institutions of shipbuilding and weapons developed independently over the course of several decades. Then, as a result of a series of reorganizations, they were united on the basis of the Institute of Shipbuilding into a single 1 Central Research Institute of the Russian Ministry of Defense.

From the very beginning, in the process of its formation, NIIVK became an authoritative scientific institution that took a leading position in many areas of shipbuilding. This tradition continues to this day. Currently, the institute employs highly qualified scientific personnel, including 3 honored scientists of Russia, 46 doctors and 138 candidates of science, 30 professors, 33 laureates of State and government awards. The institute has two doctoral dissertation councils: on problems of shipbuilding and weapons. Scientists at the institute have created scientific schools that make a significant contribution to the theory and practice of domestic shipbuilding, as well as the development of naval weapons. In a number of positions, they still occupy leading positions in the world. The institute has created and is constantly improving a computer-aided research design system, as well as a corporate information system. Many years of comprehensive research, summarizing the experience of domestic and foreign shipbuilding and weapons, solving scientific and technical problems arising in the process of creating and operating ships, weapons and equipment, allowed the institute’s staff to create a unique scientific potential that has no analogues either in our country or abroad. abroad.

The main task of the Navy Research Institute of KV today is to formulate the appearance of promising ships and substantiate tactical and technical specifications (TTZ) for the creation of ships and models of weapons and equipment. The objects of research of the institute are submarines, surface ships, auxiliary vessels of all classes, their weapons systems, ship power engineering, systems automatic control, habitability of ships, medical support personnel, the international naval arms market and military-technical cooperation.

After the approval of tactical and technical specifications, the main task of the institute becomes military-scientific support for the design and construction of lead ships, as well as the creation of new types of weapons and equipment for them. The essence of this type scientific activity consists, first of all, in ensuring unconditional compliance by industry with the requirements of technical specifications. And this is not just a control function, but a scientific, technical and design search together with industry in solving problems that constantly arise not only in the design process, but also during the construction of lead ships. Such problems, as a rule, do not have clear answers and can be solved in different ways. And the positions of the fleet (customer) and industry (performer) in the process of solving them do not always coincide. The institute’s task is to resolve all emerging issues in an optimal way for the fleet, providing the ship with maximum combat capabilities. This is usually not easy and requires high professionalism and erudition of military specialists.

With the completion of the construction of the lead ships, the institute participates in the development of state testing programs and their implementation. One of the main functions of the Navy KV Research Institute is also to assist the fleet in the development of new ships. Naturally, everything said about ships fully applies to new types of weapons and equipment.

Today there is a clear tendency to reduce the Armed Forces. This led to a decrease in the number of research organizations of the Navy and required the maximum concentration of their scientific potential.

In accordance with the government decision Russian Federation in 2009 the Military educational and scientific center Navy (VUNTS), uniting military educational institutions and research institutes of the Navy on the basis of the Naval Academy. 1 Central Research Institute, along with 24 Central Research Institutes and 40 State Research Institutes, structurally became part of the VUNTS Navy “Naval Academy named after. Admiral of the Fleet Soviet Union N.G. Kuznetsov" as structural unit. On March 15, 2012, by order of the Minister of Defense, the name of the institute was changed - Research Institute of Shipbuilding and Weapons of the Navy VUNTS Navy "Naval Academy".

As a modern, dynamically developing research organization that has business connections with almost all scientific, design and production organizations associated with the fleet and shipbuilding, as well as with many higher educational institutions countries, the institute is ready to establish new creative contacts in order to solve the main task - strengthening and development Navy Russia.

Since 1994, the institute has opened a new area of ​​activity for scientific support of the export of naval equipment. This direction includes:

Identification of the existing and potential demand of the VMT customer through a comprehensive study of the state of the world market and prospects for its development, as well as analysis of promising directions in the field of shipbuilding and VMT;

Determination of the optimal relationship between the overall appearance and individual tactical and technical characteristics of ships, weapons and technical means created for the Navy and exported (projects 12322, 11430, 20382, “Gepard”, etc.);

Identification of promising ship projects for construction within the same series for export and for the domestic Navy, which makes them much cheaper (projects 11356 and 636);

Formation long-term plans export shipbuilding and their coordination with national programs;

Collaborate through meetings, preparing reports and developing practical recommendations with defense industry enterprises and government agencies– FSMTC and OJSC Rosoboronexport.

Work in this area was highly appreciated by the country's leadership, for which the institute's employees were awarded State Prizes of the Russian Federation, Prizes of the Government of the Russian Federation and national Golden Idea awards.

The highly qualified specialists of the institute give confidence that in the 21st century the quality of ships domestic fleet will determine its leading position in the world.

The Admiral Kuznetsov Naval Academy is one of the oldest military universities in Russia, founded under Peter the Great. At all times, there were many who wanted to enter this prestigious educational institution. Over more than three hundred years of history, the Academy has become a full-fledged scientific complex and performs the most important functions of providing the Russian Navy with highly qualified personnel.

Facade of the Naval Academy named after. N.G. Kuznetsova


On January 14, 1701, by decree of Peter the Great, it was created in Moscow Navigation school. From this moment begins the history of the VUNTS Navy “Naval Academy”, which became the oldest military and secular higher educational institution in the history of Russia. Based on the senior classes of this school, the Naval Guard Academy was formed in St. Petersburg in 1715. The beginning of academic naval education in Russia was laid by Nicholas I after the creation of the Officer Class at the Naval Cadet Corps in St. Petersburg on February 10, 1827.

In 1862, Emperor Alexander II reorganized the class into the Academic Course of Marine Sciences, and since 1877 the courses were renamed Nikolaevskaya maritime academy. In 1907, the academy was transferred to the 11th line of Vasilyevsky Island in St. Petersburg.

From 1914 to 1916 during the First World War training sessions were canceled and resumed on a permanent basis only in 1919. In 1931, the academy began to bear the name of Kliment Efremovich Voroshilov. Naval Academy Day is celebrated annually on February 10 by Order of the People's Commissar of the USSR Navy in 1940. After the start of the Great Patriotic War The Academy was relocated from Leningrad to Astrakhan, then to Samarkand, where it remained until 1944, when the siege of Leningrad was lifted. March 30, 1944 by Decree of the Presidium Supreme Council The Academy was awarded the Order of Lenin.

In 1945, on the basis of several faculties of the Naval Order of Lenin Academy named after K.E. Voroshilov (hydrographic, artillery, technical, shipbuilding, etc.) the Naval Academy of Shipbuilding and Weapons was formed. It was based in a building on Bolshaya Nevka, the educational institution was named after Academician A. N. Krylov.

January 15, 1960 Naval Academy named after K.E. Voroshilov and the Naval Academy of Shipbuilding and Weapons named after A.N. Krylov were merged, the new educational institution was named the Naval Academy of the Order of Lenin. In 1976, the academy was named after Marshal of the Soviet Union Grechko. A. A., and since 1990 the name of Admiral Nikolai Gerasimovich Kuznetsov. Full name of the educational institution Naval orders Lenin, October revolution and Ushakov Academy named after Admiral of the Fleet of the Soviet Union N.G. Kuznetsova".

In 2011, on the basis of the educational institution, the Military Educational and Scientific Center of the Navy “Naval Academy named after Admiral of the Fleet of the Soviet Union N.G. Kuznetsova". The center was formed by joining several higher educational institutions vocational education:

  1. Baltic Naval Institute named after Admiral F.F. Ushakova" (Kaliningrad).
  2. "Naval Engineering Institute" (St. Petersburg, Pushkin).
  3. “Naval Institute of Radio Electronics named after A. S. Popov” (St. Petersburg, Petrodvorets).
  4. "Naval Corps of Peter the Great - St. Petersburg Naval Institute."
  5. “Pacific Naval Institute named after S.O. Makarova" (Vladivostok).
  6. State educational institution additional professional education “Higher special officer classes of the Navy” (St. Petersburg)
  7. “1st Central Research Institute of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation” (St. Petersburg).
  8. “24th Central Research Institute of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation” (St. Petersburg).
  9. “40th State Research Institute of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation” (St. Petersburg).

Branches of the Academy were established in Vladivostok, Pushkin, Petrodvorets, Kaliningrad and St. Petersburg. Operating since 2012 training centers for the training of submariners in Obninsk and Sosnovy Bor, which were included in the academy as structural units.

  1. Military Institute (additional professional education);
  2. Military Institute (Naval);
  3. Military Institute (Naval Polytechnic);
  4. Branch of the VUNTS Navy "Naval Academy" (Vladivostok);
  5. Branch of the VUNTS Navy "Naval Academy" (Kaliningrad);
  6. Research Institute (shipbuilding and naval armament);
  7. Research Institute (operational-strategic research of the construction of the Navy);
  8. Institute (rescue and underwater technologies).

Since February 26, 2013, by order of the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation, the Naval Academy has been directly subordinate to the Commander-in-Chief of the Russian Navy.

Specialists of the Naval Academy conduct not only educational, but also scientific activities. Professors and teachers of the Academy take part in the development of high-precision modern weapons, submarines and surface ships, modern defensive weapons systems and other projects.

Medals of the VUNTS Navy “Naval Academy named after Admiral of the Fleet of the Soviet Union N.G. Kuznetsova"

University structure

There are two main faculties at the N.G. Kuznetsov Naval Academy:

  1. Command and Staff Faculty. It was founded back in 1896 and today trains officers for various units of the Russian Navy in various specialties. Without exception, all officers of the modern Navy of the Russian Federation are graduates of this faculty.
  2. Command and Engineering Faculty. Navy officers are trained here in a variety of specialties (physics, geodesy, meteorology, hydrography, shipbuilding theory, organization technical support ships and ship repair, optics, radio engineering, lighthouse lighting system and a number of others).

The Academy also has a special faculty for retraining and advanced training of reserve officers.

Admission conditions

Admission to the Naval Academy of Admiral Kuznetsov N.G., as well as to all existing branches of the university, is a complex of various activities for the selection of candidates wishing to enter the educational institution. All activities are carried out in strict accordance with the requirements established by the legislation of the Russian Federation. As in any prestigious educational institution, enrollment of cadets is carried out on a competitive basis after candidates pass entrance examinations.

For each specialty of an educational institution, the State Medical University of the General Staff, in agreement with the State Educational Institution of the Ministry of Defense, determines each year the number of available places in the first year.

Candidates for admission to the Academy can be citizens of the Russian Federation with confirmed data on previously received full or secondary special education, meeting the requirements:

  • citizens aged 16 to 22 are considered who have not passed military service;
  • up to 24 years of age, citizens who have completed or are undergoing compulsory military service;
  • up to 25 years of age, citizens performing military service under a contract, with the exception of officers.

For those who have not served or have served in the ranks of the RF Armed Forces, they are required to submit an application about their desire to enter the school at the military commissariat at their place of residence. Military personnel submit a report addressed to the unit commander (cadets cadet corps and schools addressed to the head of the school).

The application or report shall indicate the following data:

  1. Last name, first name and patronymic.
  2. Date of Birth.
  3. Certificate of Russian citizenship.
  4. Number, series of the passport, as well as when and by whom it was issued.
  5. Information about education.
  6. Data on the availability of special rights.
  7. Unified State Examination results.
  8. Information about personal achievements.
  9. Contact details.

The following package of documents should be attached to the application:

  • copies of documents confirming identity and citizenship;
  • a copy of the birth certificate and documents confirming the level of education;
  • autobiography;
  • characteristics from the place of study, service or work;
  • three photographs;
  • for military personnel, additionally, a service card.

Practical lessons cadets of the VUNTS Navy VMA

Entrance exams in general education disciplines are assessed according to Unified State Exam results(Russian language, social studies, mathematics).

Physical fitness is assessed using standard exercises:

  • 100m run;
  • 3000 m run;
  • pull-up on the bar.

If a candidate for admission to the academy for some reason was unable to fill out a “Personal File” on time at the military commissariat at his place of residence, he can submit all the necessary documents to the Admissions Committee in person. The list of required documents for admission to entrance examinations is as follows:

  • candidate's application for admission;
  • autobiography;
  • a copy of the birth certificate;
  • characteristics from the place of study, work or service;
  • a copy of an identity document (passport);
  • a copy of the certificate of completion of secondary education or diploma of completion of secondary specialized education;
  • military ID or conscript ID (registration certificate);
  • medical card with data on the continuation of a full medical examination;
  • certificate from the Ministry of Internal Affairs;
  • three photographs of the established sample.

VUNTS Navy VMA began to give preference to girls when entering the Academy

The set of documents must be submitted before July 7 at Admissions Committee at the address: St. Petersburg, Kadetsky Boulevard, 1 or Razvodnaya Street, building 15.

Admission to the Academy can be divided into several main stages. The first stage of entrance examinations is the preparation of the candidate for professional selection, the second stage is the professional selection itself, and the third is the decision of the Admissions Committee.

Preliminary selection of candidates for admission is carried out at military commissariats and military units. The candidate must meet certain requirements:

  • age;
  • citizenship of the Russian Federation;
  • level of education and physical fitness;
  • professional suitability;
  • health status.

Study and life at school

At the Naval Academy of St. Petersburg educational process built according to the standards of higher educational institutions in the following areas:

  1. Military administration.
  2. Electronics and radio engineering.

The duration of training is 5 years; after successfully completing the training program, cadets receive the specialty of engineer, with the exception of cadets studying in the specialty “military management”.

Besides the course higher education, training is also conducted according to secondary vocational education programs:

  1. Management in technical systems.
  2. Shipbuilding equipment and technologies.
  3. Informatics and computer technology.
  4. Operation of ship power plants.
  5. Nuclear energy and technology.
  6. Electronics and radio engineering.

The duration of training is 2 years and 10 months. After successfully completing the training program, cadets receive a specialty as a technician in a particular specialty.

The cadets of the Naval Academy are fully supported by the state. They receive monetary allowance, free medical service, accommodation, food and clothing according to established standards. Also, all graduates are guaranteed employment in various units of the Russian Navy.

At the forefront of military shipbuilding

The Research Institute of Shipbuilding and Weapons of the Navy VUNTS Navy "Naval Academy" (1st Central Research Institute of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation) is 80 years old


The date of establishment of the institute is September 3, 1932. On this day, in accordance with the order of the Chief of the Naval Forces of the Red Army, research institutes of the Navy began to function, including the Research Institute of Military Shipbuilding (NIIVK), the Artillery Research Maritime Institute (ANIMI) and the Research Mine and Torpedo Institute (NIMIT).

Solving the general problems of creating ships, the foundations of the combat power of the fleet, shipbuilding and weapons institutes developed independently over several decades. Then, as a result of a series of reorganizations, they were united on the basis of the Institute of Shipbuilding into a single 1 Central Research Institute of the Russian Ministry of Defense.

From the very beginning, in the process of its formation, NIIVK became an authoritative scientific institution that took a leading position in many areas of shipbuilding. This tradition continues to this day. Currently, the institute employs highly qualified scientific personnel, including 3 honored scientists of Russia, 46 doctors and 138 candidates of science, 30 professors, 33 laureates of State and government awards. The institute has two doctoral dissertation councils: on problems of shipbuilding and weapons. Scientists at the institute have created scientific schools that make a significant contribution to the theory and practice of domestic shipbuilding, as well as the development of naval weapons. In a number of positions, they still occupy leading positions in the world. The institute has created and is constantly improving a computer-aided research design system, as well as a corporate information system. Many years of comprehensive research, summarizing the experience of domestic and foreign shipbuilding and weapons, solving scientific and technical problems arising in the process of creating and operating ships, weapons and equipment, allowed the institute’s staff to create a unique scientific potential that has no analogues either in our country or abroad. abroad.

The main task of the Navy Research Institute of KV today is to formulate the appearance of promising ships and substantiate tactical and technical specifications (TTZ) for the creation of ships and models of weapons and equipment. The objects of research of the institute are submarines, surface ships, auxiliary vessels of all classes, their weapon systems, ship power engineering, automatic control systems, ship habitability, medical support for personnel, the international market for naval weapons and military-technical cooperation.

After the approval of tactical and technical specifications, the main task of the institute becomes military-scientific support for the design and construction of lead ships, as well as the creation of new types of weapons and equipment for them. The essence of this type of scientific activity lies, first of all, in ensuring unconditional compliance by industry with the requirements of technical specifications. And this is not just a control function, but a scientific, technical and design search together with industry in solving problems that constantly arise not only in the design process, but also during the construction of lead ships. Such problems, as a rule, do not have clear answers and can be solved in different ways. And the positions of the fleet (customer) and industry (performer) in the process of solving them do not always coincide. The institute’s task is to resolve all emerging issues in an optimal way for the fleet, providing the ship with maximum combat capabilities. This is usually not easy and requires high professionalism and erudition of military specialists.

With the completion of the construction of the lead ships, the institute participates in the development of state testing programs and their implementation. One of the main functions of the Navy KV Research Institute is also to assist the fleet in the development of new ships. Naturally, everything said about ships fully applies to new types of weapons and equipment.

Today there is a clear tendency to reduce the Armed Forces. This led to a decrease in the number of research organizations of the Navy and required the maximum concentration of their scientific potential.

In accordance with the decision of the government of the Russian Federation, the Military Educational and Scientific Center of the Navy (VUNTs) was created in 2009, uniting military educational institutions and research institutes of the Navy on the basis of the Naval Academy. 1 Central Research Institute, along with 24 Central Research Institutes and 40 State Research Institutes, structurally became part of the VUNTS Navy “Naval Academy named after. Admiral of the Fleet of the Soviet Union N.G. Kuznetsov" as a structural unit. On March 15, 2012, by order of the Minister of Defense, the name of the institute was changed - Research Institute of Shipbuilding and Weapons of the Navy VUNTS Navy "Naval Academy".

Being a modern, dynamically developing research organization that has business connections with almost all scientific, design and production organizations related to the fleet and shipbuilding, as well as with many higher educational institutions of the country, the institute is ready to establish new creative contacts in order to solve the main problem - strengthening and development of the Russian Navy.

Since 1994, the institute has opened a new area of ​​activity for scientific support of the export of naval equipment. This direction includes:

Identification of the existing and potential demand of the VMT customer through a comprehensive study of the state of the world market and prospects for its development, as well as analysis of promising directions in the field of shipbuilding and VMT;

Determining the optimal relationship between the overall appearance and individual tactical and technical characteristics of ships, weapons and technical equipment created for the Navy and exported (projects 12322, 11430, 20382, “Gepard”, etc.);

Identification of promising ship projects for construction within the same series for export and for the domestic Navy, which makes them much cheaper (projects 11356 and 636);

Formation of long-term plans for export shipbuilding and their coordination with national programs;

Interaction through holding meetings, preparing reports and developing practical recommendations with defense industry enterprises and government bodies - FSMTC and OJSC Rosoboronexport.

Work in this area was highly appreciated by the country's leadership, for which the institute's employees were awarded State Prizes of the Russian Federation, Prizes of the Government of the Russian Federation and national Golden Idea awards.

The highly qualified specialists of the institute give confidence that in the 21st century, the quality of the ships of the domestic fleet will determine its leading positions in the world.