Message from Sri Sathya Sai Baba to the Russians. Four goals of family life The highest goal is moksha

The Vedas speak of four goals that a person can set for himself. These goals are universal and important for any community in any country and in any era. They are called in Sanskrit dharma, artha, kama and moksha - 1) the performance of religious duties; 2) economic prosperity; 3) sensual pleasures and 4) salvation, or liberation from material bondage.

The Vedas speak of four goals that a person can set for himself. These goals are universal and important for any community in any country and in any era. They are called in Sanskrit dharma, artha, kama and moksha - 1) the performance of religious duties; 2) economic prosperity; 3) sensual pleasures and 4) salvation, or liberation from material bondage. This list is not accidental; the achievement of each subsequent goal depends on whether the previous goal has been achieved. This is how the acaryas, the spiritual masters of Vedic knowledge, explain it.

Without religion, human society cannot exist. It is human nature to worship someone or something, and even if outwardly the state is proclaimed secular, it is not difficult to notice that people still worship leaders, dictators, Fuhrers, chairmen supreme councils or presidents. Also in human society, great poets, musicians and other prominent figures of science and art are worshiped. In Vedic society, God was worshiped exclusively, but in different times they did it differently.

God is the basis of everything; it was from His energy that Brahma created the universe. The second canto of the Srimad-Bhagavatam talks about this in detail. It says that Brahma was born on a lotus flower that grew from the navel of Lord Vishnu (God). Since the universe was then empty, Brahma had no choice but to use the parts of the Lord's universal body to create the universe as it was before. Thus, everything that surrounds us is a manifestation of the universal form of the Supreme Lord. Worshiping the Lord means using His energy in His service. This is similar to how a son, having received pocket money from his father, buys his father a gift. Money in any case remains the energy of the father, but this behavior of the son gives the father pleasure. God is a person and He is capable of experiencing pleasure or pain. The soul is eternally connected with God in the relationship of servant and master, which is why Krishna (God) likes it when we try to restore this lost relationship by offering Him what He wants. God does not need any material things, however, in order for us to show our love for Him, He says that He will even accept “a flower, fruit, leaf or water if it is offered with love.” Krishna (God) accepts only love. This is the meaning of the word religion.
Dharma, religious duties, are sometimes performed mechanically, without love for God. However, even such actions have their consequences. Human society properly performing its duties within the system varnashrama, is also considered to follow the path of true religion. “A tree is known by its fruit,” similarly, one can tell whether people are truly following a religious path by the prosperity of the economy. In the Vedic context, economic prosperity did not mean mass production of consumer goods; Also, nowhere in the Vedas are there any instructions to artificially inflate human needs. Modern industry, which deprived people of fresh air and clean water, was not considered a sign of economic prosperity in Vedic culture. The cow was a symbol of economic prosperity. The cow was considered a mother because man drinks its milk. Milk is used to make ghee, which is so important in fire sacrifices. That's why in the Vedic sense economic development– this is development Agriculture, especially cow breeding. Mass killing of cows is a sign of a godless society. Such a society will not know peace. Everyone in such a society will snap at each other, like cats and dogs, and the lot of such a society will be wars and poverty. No one in such a society can expect to achieve the third goal - sensual pleasure. The center of sensory activity is the mind.

The mind is the subtle energy of our psyche, which determines our mood and even plans for the future. Depression, which has grown to the scale of a national disaster, is today the second problem after AIDS. Nobody knows what peace and happiness are. People are constantly in anxiety. In pursuit of the mirage of material success, people, without thinking, commit one sin after another, one stupidity after another. The Srimad-Bhagavatam says that such people work hard during the day, and at night they either sleep or have sex. The laws of material nature are immutable, unlike the laws passed in the legislative assemblies of worldly politicians. The more a person forgets about his spiritual nature, the harder material nature forces him to work tirelessly. Sometimes, in order to somehow brighten up their dark existence, people elevate such bestial labor to the pedestal of the highest human values. However, practice shows that as soon as a person gets the opportunity, he stops working. Thus, without genuine economic development, the basis of which should be spiritual development (dharma), a person is not able to satisfy his senses and mind.

Dissatisfied people are constantly at enmity with each other, calling their enmity due to zeal for national interests or something else, but the real reason for such enmity is unmet needs. Man's life in Vedic civilization was simple, but his thinking was sublime. True knowledge is contained in the Vedas, the most ancient scriptures peace. Man always strives for the knowledge contained in the Vedas, but today’s “educated” skeptic, through thoughtlessness, rejects the authoritative knowledge of the Vedas and invents his own ways to happiness. As a result, people develop a wrong idea about the fourth goal of life - liberation.

Salvation, or liberation, has always been a favorite topic of discussion among philosophers and theologians. Nowadays, these brave people have been replaced by scientists who have been struggling for years to create the notorious death pill. But, if we look back, we will see that everything that scientists have created over the past few centuries are only more deadly types of weapons, designed not to delay, but to bring death closer. The big lie that people have been fed for many years now is the cause of despair among modern youth, who have lost their bearings and are no longer able to perceive reality more adequately. With few exceptions, almost all young people modern Russia is experiencing a severe crisis, which consists in the fact that people have no goal in life other than profit, and if this goal seems unattainable, a person generally loses the desire to live. The fourth goal of life, according to the Vedas, is liberation from the shackles of illusion, knowledge of your true self, immortal, eternally blissful and full of knowledge. It is the Vedas that can help to modern man change our outlook on the future, find ourselves both materially and spiritually, and make us truly happy.

The 12 houses can be roughly divided into four groups: Kama, artha, dharma, moksha - 4 types of all kinds of human desires, 4 goals of life, which are intertwined in different combinations into one common one - Purpose. It is these desires that give rise to human activity, and throughout life as such. Why is a person born? Soul wants know yourself through your own experience. Trying to get rid of desires is pointless, stupid and even dangerous because, ultimately, they are the reason for our existence.

  • Houses of Dharma - 1st, 5th, 9th. Duty, obligation, religion - these are several translation options for this word. Dharma is what a person is born for, a task, a purpose. Dharma always corresponds to innate personal qualities, desires and aspirations. The root of this word is translated from Sanskrit as “to support.” Dharma is the path that leads a person throughout his life. Following this path, he remains content, creative and happy. From here follows another definition - Sanatana Dharma, the Eternal Path. If you follow the dharma sincerely and with a pure heart, you automatically find yourself on the Eternal Path. There are a great many paths of dharma, they are as unique as living beings, but the goal for all paths is the same - the Eternal Path. And every Living being walks along the Eternal Path in his own special way.
  • Artha houses - 2nd, 6th, 10th. Wealth, funds, resources... What is necessary for a fulfilling life and fulfillment of the dharma. Of course, this is not just about money. Experience, knowledge, skills - all this is artha. I would translate this word as “equipment” or “equipment” for this incarnation.
  • Houses of Kama - 3rd, 7th, 11th. Desire, passion, impulse, movement towards achieving a goal. This word should not be interpreted as “lust.” Kama is the desire to touch, to establish contact with any manifestations of the surrounding world, especially with living beings, the desire to Create and Love.
  • Houses of Moksha - 4th, 8th, 12th. Liberation. But not leaving this “material” world and incarnating in the spiritual, but liberation from attachments and dependencies. To love without expecting anything in return, to rejoice without worries about the future, not to be afraid of losing and not to cling, not to try to control, to be fluid. This is what true moksha is. Absolute unconditional Love. Unconditional. No conditions. Moksha is the dissolution of delusions and illusions inspired by dharma, artha and kama. Moksha is what makes it possible to possess nothing while possessing everything.

All these four life goals for each person they are distributed differently in their relationship to each other. Some people are good at swinging a saber, some people are good at living as a hermit in the forest, and some people are good at performing on stage. However, one way or another, each of these four goals necessarily manifests itself in every life. The horoscope shows exactly how all the energy is distributed among these groups.

Theoretical part

Meaning of life

From the point of view of yoga philosophy, human life is not meaningless. Meaning human life- develop your mind and moral qualities to the maximum (determination, perseverance, patience, responsibility, goodwill, generosity, equanimity, insight, etc.). It is for this purpose that we have a physical body, since without it it is impossible to develop in this world.

Four purposes of human life

By experiencing human existence, we can move towards one of four goals:

- dharma(search for purpose)

- artha(achieving success)

- Kama(search for pleasure)

- moksha(desire for liberation)

The first goal in Sanskrit is called "dharma" - that is, following your inner nature, your purpose. When a person sets such a goal for himself, it means that, without being distracted by anything, he does what he is predisposed to and honestly fulfills his duty.

The second goal that a person can set for himself is prosperity. In Sanskrit it is called "artha". When a person sets such a goal, he no longer just strives to do something in accordance with his nature, but strives to do it most effectively and achieve success in it.

The third goal in Sanskrit is called "kama", which translates as pleasure. Everyone knows such a treatise as the Kama Sutra. So, the word “kama” in the title of this treatise indicates that it talks about how to properly enjoy while building a marital relationship. But if in the Kama Sutra pleasure is derived only from marital relations, then “kama” as the goal of life is a broader concept. This is the enjoyment of life in general, as the goal and meaning of life. When a person sets such a goal for himself, then whatever he does, he does everything only to enjoy, to have fun.

And the fourth goal is liberation, or "moksha" in Sanskrit. When a person gets tired of material success and no longer wants to enjoy what it gives usual life, he sets himself the ultimate goal of human life - to free himself from such a life, because it becomes a prison. The best example is former entrepreneurs who, on the wave of success, leave their business, family, go to India or Thailand and engage in some kind of creativity or yoga there. Or an even better example is clergy who leave worldly life with its vanity and settle in monasteries.

Yoga and the ultimate goal of human life

Exists two paths to the ultimate goal of human life- liberation from conditioning material world caused by the influence of the three gunas:

1. Be disappointed in life, because for a long time there were no normal relationships in the family, normal relationships with friends, or because for a long time I did something I didn’t like and did not achieve success in anything.

2. Tired of life, because everything I wanted to achieve, I achieved (in the family, in work, in business, and in creativity).

Yoga helps you move towards liberation in the second way: first, achieve real success in work, business, creativity; create a happy family with a good man, educate worthy people and provide them with everything necessary and only after that, with a sense of accomplishment, free yourself from the conditioning of this world.

Self-test questions

What is a sense of life?

What are the four purposes of human life?

What is the ultimate goal of human life?

What are the two paths to the ultimate goal of human life and which path does yoga help to follow?

Practical part

Exercise 1. Garudasana (Pose of the King of the Birds Garuda)

Execution technique

We stand up straight, bend our knees and intertwine our legs so that the right thigh is on top of the left, grabbing ourselves by the left shin with our right foot. We bend our elbows and with our left hand we braid our right hand from below and join our palms. We remain in this position for some time, and then change to the opposite.


Improves flexibility of legs and arms

Strengthens leg muscles

Develops a sense of balance

Improves concentration


Knee injuries

Elbow and wrist injuries

Exercise 2. Bakasana (Crane Pose)

Execution technique

We squat down, place our hands in front of us on the mat, rest our knees on top of our elbows and lean on our hands, transferring our body weight forward. We lift our legs off the floor and, to balance on our hands, linger in this position for some time, maintaining balance.


Strengthens hands and wrists

Tones the abdominal organs

Strengthens abdominal muscles

Strengthens the nervous system

Improves coordination of movements


High blood pressure

Hand injuries


Exercise 3. Viparita karani (Inverted body position)

Execution technique

Lie on your back, raise your straight legs up and, placing your hands under your lower back, raise your pelvis so that your legs are bent at a right angle (90 degrees). We linger in this position for as long as it feels good.


Improves cerebral blood supply

Cleanses facial skin

Tones the internal organs

Gives rest to the heart muscle

Trains the body's ability to regulate blood pressure


Heart diseases

High blood pressure

Sign up for individual training, get more exercises and detailed transcript each point of the theoretical part, and you can also get a personal consultation by contacting the author. For those who practice yoga according to the program of the author's closed yoga school "Insight", all services are free, for others - by agreement.

My Skype: seahappiness

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Although the goal of life is life itself, the Vedas nevertheless describe 4 types of internal values ​​that every person possesses.

Moksha, dharma, artha and kama– these are 4 types of values ​​that are uniquely mixed in each person. Depending on the proportions of each goal, the individual nature of the personality is formed.

Moksha – liberation from suffering (≈0.1% of people)

Or in other words, the search for an eternal source of happiness and inner peace. Moksha translated as liberation, problem solving, freedom. Every person strives for inner freedom and self-acceptance, consciously or unconsciously. Freedom from experiencing material adversity and from attachment to external circumstances is the goal of life called moksha.

Looking around you can understand that a very small part of humanity is clearly aware of their suffering, so moksha a rare goal in life, if you take statistics around the world. Although moksha is the highest of all goals, a fairly small proportion of people seek a fundamental solution to their underlying problems and dissatisfaction. The bulk of humanity prefers temporary “anesthesia” and oblivion of the deep layers of consciousness with the help of material pleasures.

Disadvantage moksha is disinterest in material development and, as a consequence, indifference in the social and mercantile life of the world. Although, on the other hand, this deficiency is fully compensated by spiritual taste and subtle development. People with a predominant goal of moksha should make efforts to share the light of knowledge with the people around them and the world.

Dharma – following honor (≈1% of people)

Dharma a rather broad concept, if we take Vedic philosophy and psychology. Dharma translated as nature, duty, morality, manners, purpose and law. This goal life can be described as adoption of a certain order and code of life and strict adherence to the rules.

In practical terms of life dharma takes 2 main forms: (1) following the rules of an organization or (2) following one’s own principles and laws of life. Dharma not such a rare goal of life as moksha, but also far from popular in the modern world.

The main disadvantage dharma is ossification in the built order. Therefore, followers of the dharma goal of life are recommended to frequently review and update their life paradigm and internal values, so as not to get stuck in their archaism.

Artha – desire for wealth (≈9% of people)

“Money is power and opportunity” is the slogan of people who follow arthe. And they are somewhat right. If a person thinks a lot about money and prosperity, he/she should definitely develop in this regard.

This goal is quite widespread in the world, but it also has a certain threshold for entry and adherence to it. Not every person is destined to become rich and control large amounts of resources.

Negative side arthi is a strong conditioning of money and opportunities. The minds of such people are periodically overshadowed by external successes and take away the opportunity to focus on inner reality.

Kama – material pleasures (≈90% of people)

The first place in the world in popularity is occupied by pleasure as the goal of life. Most people in the world are in constant pursuit of various material circumstances. Moreover, many of these people do not make appropriate efforts to achieve what they want, which causes a storm of indignation and complaints about life.

Because the 90% of people everywhere and always will look for a buzz, the world will always revolve around production and consumption various types pleasures. And this is absolutely normal for modern times and culture.

Any pleasure becomes boring and needs a change of surroundings and scenery, this is main drawback kama . The temporary nature of material circumstances will not give you the opportunity to enjoy yourself forever, and sooner or later you will have to look for new pleasures. But most people are not at all embarrassed by this and they embark on more and more searches for material happiness, which they will never find.

Each life goal has its own unique advantages and disadvantages. I invite you to reflect on what mixture of goals and values ​​you have and how this manifests itself in life. I hope this article helped you take another small step towards self-awareness and understanding your nature. Happy thinking!

Roman Gavrilov

Vedic knowledge says that there are 4 goals of human life that complement each other and lead a person to harmony.

1. Dharma is a very broad concept. More than one book could be written on Dharma issues. Here I will talk only about some of the main facets of the Dharma. Dharma is the concept of duty, following one's destiny, fulfilling one's duties. Life and professional activity for the benefit of society, in accordance with his nature, with his talents and abilities. Spiritual development. Connection with God. Dharma is honor and conscience, following moral and ethical principles. Development of your Higher nature and control of the inferior. Following the Dharma cultivates a person's capabilities and abilities. Dharma teaches a person how to live in peace with other people and with the entire universe. Where there is Dharma, a person always feels peaceful. Dharma gives respect. God always protects the person who follows the Dharma and gives him many blessings, opportunities and good fortune.

In astrology, the houses that show the Dharma of a person are 1, 5 and 9. The all-good, the most best houses horoscope. If the houses of Dharma are strong, then the person is blessed with wisdom and opportunities. These houses show the person's reserve of pious karma - Purva punya. Strong houses of Dharma indicate that the owner of the card is a spiritual, honest and decent person. He has been given a lot. The basis of Dharma is compassion and following the Universal laws (the commandments of God)!

The first goal of human life is following the Dharma and spiritual development.

5 pillars of Dharma:

a) Knowledge

b) Justice

c) Patience

d) Devotion

d) Love

2. Artha – material well-being. Money, wealth, fame. Energy of Goddess Lakshmi. But, what’s order to win the favor of Goddess Lakshmi, a person must follow Dharma - moral and ethical standards. The main quality of a person who can be rich is an internal detachment from money. Leo Tolstoy once said: “The truly happy person becomes the one who understands that what he has is what he needs.” Academician Likhachev expressed this idea even more precisely: “The poor is not the one who has little, but the one who has little!” Artha is the principle of sufficiency.

In astrology, the houses of Artha are 2, 6 and 10. The state of these houses will show whether a person will prosper, whether he will have money, how successful he will be and whether he will achieve fame. I would like to note that money karma changes most easily. How to change money karma? Through charity, donations and the development of internal detachment from money. We should appreciate everything we have, but we shouldn't be attached to it!

3. Kama – fulfillment of desires, sensual pleasures, satisfaction of one’s senses. The nature of personality is desires. When we have no desires, it is called depression. On the other hand, we can be grateful to our desires or, conversely, that we are constantly incarnating here on Earth. It is because of our desires that we cannot escape the cycle of our “deaths” and rebirths. Desires are what keep us here. Desires are a powerful driving force. Someone’s wishes come true once or twice. Someone with a creak.

In the horoscope, the 3rd, 7th and 11th houses are responsible for the fulfillment of desires. These are Kama's houses. Strong houses of Kama endow a person with strong desires, but also provide opportunities to realize them. It is always important for such a person to remember the words of the sage - “Beware of your desires - they can come true!” :) Because the fulfillment of our desires does not always bring us good. Although weak houses of Kama can give a person great ambitions, he will not have any special opportunities to realize these ambitions.

Ultimately, after countless incarnations, some earlier, some later, we must come to one single desire - to merge with the Supreme Source, return home, so to speak, and no longer incarnate on Earth. This is called - to achieve enlightenment / liberation - our next fourth goal in life.

4. Moksha – liberation from the circle of births and deaths on Earth, spiritual enlightenment. Gaining Cosmic consciousness, understanding that you are immortal. The ultimate goal of our life. In the chart, the houses of Moksha are 4, 8 and 12. Strong houses of Moksha will show a sage, a person of a philosophical mind. Weak people can bring a lot of trouble, but through them a person can realize the illusory nature of the visible world.

Houses of Dharma (1,5,9) – element of Fire. The most favorable houses of the horoscope. Any association with them is beneficial.

Houses of Artha (2,6,10) – Earth element. They will show our success in the material world.

Houses of Kama (3,7,11) – element of Air. They will show how our wishes will come true.

Houses of Moksha (4,8,12) – element of Water. They symbolize deep spiritual development.

Dharma is fulfilling one's duties to family, society and God. Spiritual development. Money (Artha) comes to those who follow Dharma. With the help of money, a person can satisfy his feelings and ambitions (Kama). But the Soul cannot be happy through satisfaction human feelings and desires. “I am not this body - I am the Soul!” - this is the main postulate of Vedic philosophy. The soul can be happy only by uniting with God (Moksha).