Presentation to the pedagogical council on the topic: "Pedagogical ethics in working with students." Commandments of pedagogical communication

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Standards of pedagogical ethics: 1. In any circumstances, the teacher must respect feelings self-esteem each of their students, to see in each of them a creative, developing personality and support her desire for self-improvement. 2. Only deep respect and trust, sincere love for children, caring attitude towards them inner world can create a climate of mutual understanding. 3. Fairness in assessing students’ knowledge and actions is one of the most important regulators of moral relations. The teacher must be demanding of students, but remain friendly and objective in his demands. 4. Mental sensitivity, warmth, concern for children's joy - these moral qualities of a teacher also determine the norms of his relationships with children. 5. A teacher should not divide his students into loved ones and unloved ones. Anger over their ignoble actions should not develop into antipathy towards them. 6. The teacher’s irreconcilable attitude towards evil, injustice, dishonesty, moral uncleanliness is reinforced by his labor activity, pedagogical ethics, the whole way of life.
Test: "Teacher's tolerance." Select 1 of the 3 proposed options for solving each situational problem. The student is distracted: I immediately make a remark, immediately stop the indiscipline. I use indirect influence. I do not react immediately in order to have serious grounds for punishment. The student is poorly prepared: I give him the mark he deserves. I'll give you the opportunity to answer next time. I leave it after class. The student is deceiving me: I pretend that I don’t believe it. I am in no hurry to react, I try to understand the student. 3.I expose lies in front of the class.
Test: “Teacher's Tact” You come to class and find an unusual situation: Students have gathered around one of their leaders. His story is interrupted by bursts of laughter. Select 1 of the 5 proposed options for pedagogical reactions. I knock on the table and express indignation and disrespect for myself. I quietly approach the students, listen to what they are talking about, and, having understood what is going on, I also laugh out loud. I'm punishing. I say: “Guys, take your seats!” I promise that today's lesson will also be interesting. I say hello loudly and announce the topic, not paying attention to what I found.
Test: “Teacher’s Conflict.” Choose one solution for each problematic situation. The student does not attend classes well. A. I contact the class teacher or parents to find out the reason. B. I study the student’s learning motivation. S. In serious cases, I raise the issue of passes with the school administration. 2. The student is a poor student: A. I try to understand the student’s world of interests. B. I often monitor.3. The student asks tricky questions: A. I’m putting him in his place so that others won’t be embarrassed. B. I answer any question, if I know immediately, if I don’t know, in the next lesson. C. If the questions are far from the topic being studied, I do not consider it necessary to answer. 4. A student behaves poorly in class: A. I immediately stop the violation of order and make an oral reprimand. B. I switch attention with the help of questions and tasks and involve them in work. S. I critically analyze the organization of classes and make the necessary adjustments.
"How Children See Us"
Recommendations: Never raise in a bad mood. Clearly define what you want from your child (and explain it to him), and also find out what he thinks about this. Give your child independence. Evaluate the action, not the personality. The essence of a person and his individual actions are not the same thing. Let the child feel (with a look, a smile, a touch) that you sympathize with him, believe in him, despite his mistake. The teacher should be firm, but kind.

Pedagogical tact Teacher's moral code
Adult remember...
Try not to attack, but to give in.
r Not to capture, but to give.

Don't show your fist, but extend your palm.

Don't shout, but listen.

Don't tear it apart, but glue it together.
Try it and you will see how warm, joyful, calm your relationships with the people around you will become, what an amazing feeling will warm you. Try for your own sake not to harm another person!!!

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Teachers' Council "Pedagogical communication - the path to improving the professional competence of a teacher"

Target : development of skills to rebuild methods of communication, choose their optimal combination, predict the consequences of communication for the student and for the teacher.

Pedagogical communication– professional communication between the teacher and students in and outside the lesson, which has certain pedagogical functions and aimed at creating a favorable psychological climate and optimizing relationships.

Optimal pedagogical communication – such communication between a teacher and students during the learning process that creates the best conditions for the development of students’ motivation and creative character educational activities, for the formation of the student’s personality, provides a favorable emotional climate for learning (in particular, prevents the emergence of a psychological barrier), ensures the management of socio-psychological processes in the children’s team and makes it possible to make maximum use of the teacher’s personal characteristics in the educational process.”

A.A. Leontiev



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We invite you to a conversation O.V. Markova, Deputy Director for Education and Resource Management of Municipal Educational Institution Secondary School No. 53 of Khabarovsk

“Pedagogical communication is the path to improving the professional competence of a teacher” Goal: developing the skills to rebuild methods of communication, choose their optimal combination, predict the consequences of communication for the student and for the teacher. Pedagogical Council

“What do you want, hungry man?” - “Food!” “What do you want, homeless man, on a cold day?” - “Shelter!” “What do you want, thirsty one?” - “Water!” “What do you need, suffering one?” - “Words!” Rasul Gamzatov

Pedagogical communication is professional communication between a teacher and students in and outside the classroom, which has certain pedagogical functions and is aimed at creating a favorable psychological climate and optimizing relationships.

“Optimal pedagogical communication is such communication between a teacher and students in the learning process that creates the best conditions for the development of student motivation and the creative nature of educational activities, for the formation of the student’s personality, provides a favorable emotional climate for learning (in particular, prevents the emergence of a psychological barrier), and ensures management socio-psychological processes in the children's team and makes it possible to make maximum use of the teacher’s personal characteristics in the educational process” A.A. Leontyev

The nature of the teacher’s communication with students is characterized by authoritarianism and suppression of the child’s personality by the indisputable authority of the teacher, a position “above” the children; cooperation and mutual understanding, help and support in the relationship between the teacher and students, the position of the teacher “together” with the children; ingratiation with children, the teacher’s inability to control the situation, manage the teaching and educational process in the classroom, being “under” the children.

Mastery of communication technology helps the teacher organize the correct behavior in a specific situation. The wrong pedagogical influence or the wrong form of communication chosen for interaction can lead to conflict between teacher and student. It is important for a teacher to use communication devices correctly, i.e. system of techniques (psychological, facial expression, pantomimic, speech, motor).

Components of teacher competence Pedagogical tact Pedagogical technique Pedagogical ethics

Pedagogical tact is a sense of reasonable proportion based on the correlation of tasks, conditions and capabilities of the participants in communication Naturalness Simplicity of communication without familiarity Sincerity without falsehood Trust without connivance Request without begging Recommendations and advice without intrusiveness

Pedagogical tact is the choice and implementation of such a measure of pedagogical influence, which is based on the attitude towards the child’s personality as the main value. Influences in the form of a warning. Suggestions and demands without suppressing independence. Seriousness without tension. Humor without ridicule. Demanding without nit-picking. Business tone without dryness.

Pedagogical ethics Confidence, sensitivity, kindness, patience Mutual understanding, insight into the mental state of children High erudition, diverse interests, the ability to creatively present material to students Dialogical communication, the ability to listen, refusal to influence and the transition to interaction

Pedagogical technique Pedagogical communication skills, emotional responsiveness (empathy) Speech technique Expressive indications of feelings and relationships using facial expressions Appearance Self-regulation of mental states Ability to see oneself from the outside

Elements of communication Look Word Intonation Gesture

“The teacher’s word is an irreplaceable tool for influencing the student’s soul. The art of a teacher includes, first of all, the art of speaking, of appealing to the human heart.” V.A. Sukhomlinsky

Instrumental values ​​of a teacher Values ​​of interpersonal communication (sensitivity, good manners, cheerfulness) Values ​​of professional self-realization (responsibility, efficiency in business, strong will, diligence) Values ​​of accepting others (tolerance, open-mindedness, sensitivity)

The following communication skills are important for a teacher: Possess “face reading” (social perception). Understand the student’s personality and mental state. “Present yourself” when communicating with students. It is optimal to build your speech in psychological terms, those skills of verbal communication, verbal and non-verbal contact with students.

Communicate in public. Through a properly created communication system, organize joint activities with students creative activity. Purposefully organize and manage communication.

Communicative emotions: disposition, feeling of sympathy, respect for communication participants, desire to share thoughts and experiences

The teacher must be able to manage his communicative activities. Communication skills are developed with certain communication abilities. The main component of communication skills is sociability.

Professional self-education 1. Attend the lessons of several teachers and try to determine the nature of the relationship between the teacher and the children based on the tone of communication, the mood of the children, and the general atmosphere of the lesson. Exchange impressions with colleagues and try to create a holistic picture of these relationships. 2. Try to determine what techniques the teacher uses when organizing communication, and whether they help solve educational problems. 3. Try to “try on” the manner of communication with students of different teachers for yourself and establish what in the “technology” of this communication corresponds to your individuality and what does not. 4. Attend educational events with experienced teachers and pay attention to how they take into account the mood of children, their individual characteristics etc., how does all this affect communication. 5. Try to compare the atmosphere in the lessons of several teachers and determine how it differs, what are the reasons for this difference.

The ancient commandments say that anyone who wants to enjoy communication must: trust in the person with whom you are communicating, believe that the person with whom you are communicating is good, that he is disposed towards you, is ready to communicate with you; respect for the person you communicate with, recognition that a person is highest value and you need to communicate with him carefully and politely.

V.A. Sukhomlinsky wrote: “What do you feel in a lesson when there is no contact between the teacher and students, when the teacher is focused on the lesson plan, and the children are looking at the ceiling or a cloud floating in the sky? You feel embarrassed in front of the students, embarrassed for the teacher, and for yourself, and for the teaching.”

Age characteristics of primary, secondary and senior students in primary school The mental activity of students completely depends on mental states (mood, well-being, anxiety and activity), and activity affects all these states. With an authoritarian style, activity is much higher, but excessive use of elements of an authoritarian style sharply increases anxiety and leads to a negative effect - the well-being of children and the mental activity of students worsen;

in the middle classes, the characteristics of adolescents are clearly visible: not only mood, but also all other parameters (mental states and mental operations) depend on well-being; in high school, more complex connections between mental states and mental operations. Mood affects the sensory and creative thinking, activity and logic. With an authoritarian style, indicators of activity, well-being and mood are significantly higher than with a democratic style. Moderate components of the authoritarian style raise anxiety to the level of optimal functioning of negative emotions. Are being created favorable conditions for self-realization of high school students in educational activities.

We are not relatives, not members of the household, But I would like to live my life, So that I would never be separated from you And say “hello” all the time.

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The presentation on the topic “Pedagogical Ethics” can be downloaded absolutely free on our website. Project subject: Pedagogy. Colorful slides and illustrations will help you engage your classmates or audience. To view the content, use the player, or if you want to download the report, click on the corresponding text under the player. The presentation contains 22 slide(s).

Presentation slides" alt=" Pedagogical ethics. “Happiness is when you are understood”" title="Pedagogical ethics. “Happiness is when you are understood”">!}

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Pedagogical ethics

“Happiness is when you are understood”

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Pedagogical ethics is part of teaching excellence. Requirements of pedagogical ethics. Pedagogical tact. Pedagogical conflict resolution Commandments of pedagogical communication

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Some qualities of a teacher

Honesty Benevolence Deep interest in the success of your pets, respect for their personality Sense of responsibility for the results of work Maintaining discipline

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Pedagogical ethics is part of teaching excellence

An important basis for the professional culture of a teacher is pedagogical ethics or deontology (from the Greek deon - duty and logos - teaching), ethics (from the Greek ethos - character, custom) - the science of norms and rules of behavior, relationships between people. Pedagogical ethics, based on general ethical norms, determines the normative moral positions that must guide the teacher in the process of communicating with students, their parents, and colleagues.

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Code of Ethics for Relationships between Teachers and Work Colleagues

Do not rush to criticize the traditions and forms of work that have been established in this institution for years, and do not immediately propose certain innovations. Discussing public lesson or a teacher's class, start by characterizing the positive aspects; This will give him moral support. If in the class where you taught your subject, students did not cope with the task or behaved badly in class, it is incorrect to blame the children for this, class teacher, parents. We must look for the reasons for failures in our own methodological mistakes. If you do not agree with the opinion of an older, respected colleague or administration, you should not take a conciliatory position, but you should not aggravate relations either. Remember: your goodwill, contact, desire for business cooperation, willingness to take into account the best experience, and support a new endeavor are the main prerequisites for a favorable atmosphere of successful activity and good creative well-being in the work team.

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Requirements of pedagogical ethics:

An attitude that enhances belief in success; Establishing the right relationship between teacher and student. Teacher and student; Friendly attitude towards every student; Favorable verbal communication with students. Students from the very first meeting; The appearance of the teacher himself, appearance, the atmosphere in the audience itself.

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Pedagogical tact

Tact is a sense of proportion that creates the ability to behave in a decent, appropriate manner (dictionary by S.I. Ozhegov) Pedagogical tact is the principle of measure that a teacher must observe in the process of communicating with children; determined pedagogical skills, experience, level of culture and personal qualities teacher; is expressed in the ability to find optimal measures of educational influence in any situations (including conflicts), without humiliating the child’s dignity and without causing him to resist upbringing (pedagogical encyclopedic Dictionary edited by B.M. Bim-Bada) Pedagogical tact involves taking into account the personal characteristics of the subjects of communication, compliance with the moral and ethical professional guidelines of the teacher. Pedagogical tact is a professional quality of a teacher, part of his skill.

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The main features of pedagogical tact:

Naturalness, ease of handling without familiarity; Sincerity of tone, devoid of any falsehood; Trust in the student without connivance; Request without begging; Advice and recommendations without intrusiveness; Demands and suggestions without suppressing the pupil’s independence; Serious tone without tension in relationships; Irony and humor without derogatory mockery; Demanding without petty pickiness; Efficiency in relationships without irritability, coldness and dryness; Firmness and consistency in the implementation of educational influences without unreasonable cancellation of the requirement; Development of independence without petty supervision; Speed ​​and timeliness of educational influence without haste and rash decisions; Attentiveness to the student without emphasizing your control; calm concentration and balance in communication, excluding indifference and excessive excitability; Conducting a conversation with students without didacticism or moralizing. The main sign of pedagogical tact is finding a measure in the relationship between the teacher and students in the process of communication.

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Pedagogical conflict resolution

Types of conflicts: Internal and external; Interpersonal and intergroup; Social; International and interstate; Potential and actual; Direct and indirect; Constructive (stabilizing, productive) and destructive (non-constructive); Vertical and horizontal; Subject and personal; Role-playing; Motivational; Communication (based on misunderstanding).

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Rules for resolving conflicts:

First of all, you should try to master conflict situation, and this means defusing mutual emotional tension. How? Start with yourself: remove “extra” tension, stiffness, aimless movements. Facial expressions, gestures. Posture, as we know, not only expresses the internal state, but also influences it. So, external calm and restraint!

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Try to understand the motives of the interlocutor’s behavior. Incorporating mental analysis reduces emotional arousal. It’s better to express my understanding of the predicament: “I don’t understand your condition,” or convey your state: “It upsets me.” So, do not try to immediately evaluate the action, first try to express your attitude to the current situation.

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Commandments of pedagogical communication

The pedagogical process is based on the relationship between the teacher and children, which gives a unique personal meaning, coloring educational process a range of feelings, without which one can never reach the recesses of a child’s soul. When organizing pedagogical communication, one cannot proceed only from pedagogical goals and objectives. When organizing pedagogical communication, it is important to accurately and adequately target speech at a specific child or at an entire group of students. Communication in pedagogical process cannot be limited to only one function – information. When coming into contact with children, do not organize communication with them “vertically”, from top to bottom. Relationships should be built so that the leader’s position naturally follows from the entire logic of the pedagogical process.

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It is important to feel the psychological atmosphere in the classroom - without this, a productive educational process is impossible. Learn to see yourself from the outside, through the eyes of children. Analyze your own activities. You must learn to listen to children. When organizing communication with children, you must constantly strive to understand their mood, to catch the slightest changes in the microclimate of the class; It is necessary to develop pedagogical observation in oneself. It must be remembered that conflict can be: a consequence of pedagogical illiteracy; the result of a clash of demands. Attitudes, value orientations, habits and skills; it is necessary to analyze the causes of the conflict.

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Smile at your children more often. A smile when the teacher enters the classroom indicates that you enjoy meeting the students. Let approval, praise, and encouragement come from your lips more often. Communicative memory should be developed - this will help quickly restore the previous situation of communication with the class, and reproduce the emotional atmosphere of communication. Place the right accents. Don't forget about communicative preparation for the lesson. Know how to analyze the communication process. Watch your own speech! Remember that it is a reflection of your personality.

  • Try to explain the slide in your own words, add additional Interesting Facts, you don’t need to just read the information from the slides, the audience can read it themselves.
  • There is no need to overload the slides of your project with text blocks; more illustrations and a minimum of text will better convey information and attract attention. The slide should contain only key information; the rest is best told to the audience orally.
  • The text must be well readable, otherwise the audience will not be able to see the information being presented, will be greatly distracted from the story, trying to at least make out something, or will completely lose all interest. To do this, you need to choose the right font, taking into account where and how the presentation will be broadcast, and also choose the right combination of background and text.
  • It is important to rehearse your report, think about how you will greet the audience, what you will say first, and how you will end the presentation. All comes with experience.
  • Choose the right outfit, because... The speaker's clothing also plays a big role in the perception of his speech.
  • Try to speak confidently, smoothly and coherently.
  • Try to enjoy the performance, then you will be more at ease and less nervous.
  • “Mastery of Pedagogical Communication” - Communication. Robot. Mastery of pedagogical communication. Suspension from students. Chinese Wall. Pedagogical communication and its functions. Locator. Relationship styles. Boomerang. Hamlet. Black grouse. Teacher's roles in professional activity. Working styles. Unproductive style. Formula for style of pedagogical communication.

    “Forms of pedagogical interaction” - Levels and types of pedagogical interaction. Psychological climate of the lesson. Self-analysis training. Health saving. Basic ideas of cooperation pedagogy. The topic of the teachers' council. Types of individual activity style. Teacher. Individual style of activity. Pedagogical interaction. High school.

    “Pedagogical interaction” - Communication. Learning objectives. Analysis of interaction “teacher – student” (students). The student engages in direct interaction. Analysis of teacher-student interaction (teachers). Types of interaction. Diagnostics “Tree of Relationships”. Characteristics for determining types of pedagogical interaction.

    “Styles of pedagogical communication” - Active and positive attitude towards students. Independence and initiative. Teacher's position. Communication style and teacher. Clarity of the teacher's social and professional position. Authoritarian style. Teachers of democratic communication style. Styles of pedagogical communication. Democratic style. Permissive style.

    “Technology of pedagogical communication” - Levels of communication between teachers and schoolchildren. Social roles. Communication and attitude. Contents of professional and pedagogical communication. Characteristic features of some manipulators. Structure of professional and pedagogical communication. Types of communication. Manipulations in communication between teachers and schoolchildren. Professional and pedagogical communication.

    “Fundamentals of pedagogical communication” - TOPIC 2. Role positions in pedagogical communication in %. Psychological foundations pedagogical communication. Leadership styles according to Kurt Lewin (1938). Initial. Social science. Topic 1. “Psychological foundations of pedagogical communication.” Natural and mathematical. Aspects of pedagogical communication. Behavior in the present is influenced by feelings from childhood.

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    Slide captions:

    State budget educational institution primary vocational education vocational school No. 79, Verbilki village, Moscow region Presentation “Pedagogical ethics”

    Pedagogical ethics “Happiness is when you are understood”

    Plan Pedagogical ethics is part of teaching excellence. Requirements of pedagogical ethics. Pedagogical tact. Pedagogical conflict resolution Commandments of pedagogical communication

    Pedagogical ethics Pedagogical ethics is the science of pedagogical morality. Pedagogical ethics is a science that studies the norms of behavior of a teacher.

    Some qualities of a teacher Honesty Benevolence Deep interest in the success of their students, respect for their personality A sense of responsibility for the results of their work Maintaining discipline

    Pedagogical ethics is part of pedagogical skill. An important basis for the professional culture of a teacher is pedagogical ethics or deontology (from the Greek deon - duty and logos - teaching), ethics (from the Greek ethos - morality, custom) - the science of norms and rules of behavior and relationships between people. Pedagogical ethics, based on general ethical norms, determines the normative moral positions that must guide the teacher in the process of communicating with students, their parents, and colleagues.

    Code of Ethics for the Relationship between a Teacher and Work Colleagues Do not rush to criticize the traditions and forms of work that have been established over the years in this institution and “off the cuff” propose certain innovations. When discussing an open lesson or teacher activity, start by describing the positive aspects; This will give him moral support. If in the class where you taught your subject, students did not cope with the task or behaved badly in class, it is incorrect to blame the children, the class teacher, or parents for this. We must look for the reasons for failures in our own methodological mistakes. If you do not agree with the opinion of an older, respected colleague or administration, you should not take a conciliatory position, but you should not aggravate relations either. Remember: your goodwill, contact, desire for business cooperation, willingness to take into account the best experience, and support a new endeavor are the main prerequisites for a favorable atmosphere of successful activity and good creative well-being in the work team.

    Requirements of pedagogical ethics: An attitude that strengthens faith in success; Establishing the right relationship between teacher and student. Teacher and student; Friendly attitude towards every student; Favorable verbal communication with students. Students from the very first meeting; The appearance of the teacher himself, his appearance, the very atmosphere in the classroom.

    Pedagogical tact Tact is a sense of proportion that creates the ability to behave in a decent, appropriate manner (dictionary by S.I. Ozhegov) Pedagogical tact is the principle of measure that a teacher must observe in the process of communicating with children; determined by the pedagogical skills, experience, level of culture and personal qualities of the teacher; is expressed in the ability to find optimal measures of educational influence in any situations (including conflicts), without humiliating the child’s dignity and without causing him to resist upbringing (pedagogical encyclopedic dictionary edited by B.M. Bim-Bad) Pedagogical tact involves taking into account personal characteristics of the subjects of communication, compliance with the moral and ethical professional guidelines of the teacher. Pedagogical tact is a professional quality of a teacher, part of his skill.

    The main features of pedagogical tact: Naturalness, ease of use without familiarity; Sincerity of tone, devoid of any falsehood; Trust in the student without connivance; Request without begging; Advice and recommendations without intrusiveness; Demands and suggestions without suppressing the pupil’s independence; Serious tone without tension in relationships; Irony and humor without derogatory mockery; Demanding without petty pickiness; Efficiency in relationships without irritability, coldness and dryness; Firmness and consistency in the implementation of educational influences without unreasonable cancellation of the requirement; Development of independence without petty supervision; Speed ​​and timeliness of educational influence without haste and rash decisions; Attentiveness to the student without emphasizing your control; calm concentration and balance in communication, excluding indifference and excessive excitability; Conducting a conversation with students without didacticism or moralizing. The main sign of pedagogical tact is finding a measure in the relationship between the teacher and students in the process of communication.

    Pedagogical conflict resolution Types of conflicts: Internal and external; Interpersonal and intergroup; Social; International and interstate; Potential and actual; Direct and indirect; Constructive (stabilizing, productive) and destructive (non-constructive); Vertical and horizontal; Subject and personal; Role-playing; Motivational; Communication (based on misunderstanding).

    Rules for conflict resolution: First of all, you should try to master the conflict situation, and this means defusing mutual emotional tension. How? Start with yourself: remove “extra” tension, stiffness, aimless movements. Facial expressions, gestures. Posture, as we know, not only expresses the internal state, but also influences it. So, external calm and restraint!

    Rules for resolving conflicts: Try to understand the motives of the interlocutor’s behavior. Incorporating mental analysis reduces emotional arousal. It’s better to express my understanding of the predicament: “I don’t understand your condition,” or convey your state: “It upsets me.” So, do not try to immediately evaluate the action, first try to express your attitude to the current situation.

    Rules for resolving conflicts: Agree on the goal. It is necessary to realize as early as possible what unites you with the student, to see “ common point reference" of interaction, demonstrate it by taking the position of "we"

    Rules for conflict resolution: Strengthen your position with confidence in the possibility of a productive solution. And finally, after resolving the conflict, mentally return to it, analyze its causes and possibilities of prevention. It is always easier to avoid an acute collision than to extinguish it.

    Rules for resolving conflicts: Influence your partner (student, colleague) with your behavior. Silent examination of the face of an accomplice in the conflict helps to relieve tension, which will enable the teacher to concentrate and study his state.

    Commandments of pedagogical communication The pedagogical process is based on the relationship between the teacher and children, which gives a unique personal meaning, coloring the educational process with a range of feelings, without which one can never reach the recesses of a child’s soul. When organizing pedagogical communication, one cannot proceed only from pedagogical goals and objectives. When organizing pedagogical communication, it is important to accurately and adequately target speech at a specific child or at an entire group of students. Communication in the pedagogical process cannot be limited to only one function – information. When coming into contact with children, do not organize communication with them “vertically”, from top to bottom. Relationships should be built so that the leader’s position naturally follows from the entire logic of the pedagogical process.

    Commandments of pedagogical communication It is important to feel the psychological atmosphere in the classroom - without this, a productive educational process is impossible. Learn to see yourself from the outside, through the eyes of children. Analyze your own activities. You must learn to listen to children. When organizing communication with children, you must constantly strive to understand their mood, to catch the slightest changes in the microclimate of the class; It is necessary to develop pedagogical observation in oneself. It must be remembered that conflict can be: a consequence of pedagogical illiteracy; the result of a clash of demands. Attitudes, value orientations, habits and skills; it is necessary to analyze the causes of the conflict.

    Commandments of pedagogical communication Smile at children more often. A smile when the teacher enters the classroom indicates that you enjoy meeting the students. Let approval, praise, and encouragement come from your lips more often. Communicative memory should be developed - this will help quickly restore the previous situation of communication with the class, and reproduce the emotional atmosphere of communication. Place the right accents. Don't forget about communicative preparation for the lesson. Know how to analyze the communication process. Watch your own speech! Remember that it is a reflection of your personality.

    Conclusion “Understand the student” is the professional commandment of a teacher. To understand means to penetrate into the inner, state of mind, understand the motives of actions, actions, experiences. Communication between teacher and student sometimes becomes fateful. The ability to listen and hear your interlocutor is the skill of a teacher and, of course, the art of communication.

    Thank you for your attention!

    List of used literature: V. Pisarenko, I. Pisarenko. Pedagogical ethics. Minsk, 1986 I. Chernokozov. Professional ethics of a teacher. Kyiv, 1988 Y. Azarov. The art of education. M, 1978 /10/blog-post_7275.html