Project in kindergarten in the preparatory group. Russia is my homeland. Lesson on the world around us in the senior group on the topic “my native country is wide” organized educational activities on

Victoria Novikova
Summary of the integrated game educational situation “My native country is wide” (school preparatory group)

Program tasks:

1. consolidate children’s knowledge about the Russian Federation and its constituent entities

2. continue to form grammatical structure in children speeches:

- form adjectives

Expand knowledge about the forest and its inhabitants, develop coherent speech

3. consolidate the ability to perform measuring actions using a ruler

4. continue to develop search activities, make generalizations and conclusions

5. improve the ability to divide two- and three-syllable words into syllables

6. cultivate a sense of patriotism, love for the Motherland, interest and a tolerant attitude towards people of different nationalities, their culture, conveying the mood of the characters, interaction with partners

Progress of the lesson

Guys, what is our name? a country? (children's answers)

What is the name of our region? (answers)

Tell me please, what other regions do you know? (answers)

Yes, guys, in Russia there are many territories, regions, districts in which people of different nationalities live. But in the Far East, the Nanais live - they are excellent hunters, reindeer herders and fishermen. The region is rich in forests, fur-bearing animals and fish, and minerals. Each nation has its own customs, its own fairy tales, its own culture.

There's a knock on the door. The postman enters, he brings a parcel and a registered letter. The teacher thanks you for the mail. The postman reminds him that he was caught in the rain and asks him to excuse him because the parcel was wet.

The teacher reads the letter

“Hello dear guys! Residents of the Far East are writing to you. We know that you are already big, go to preparatory group, you already know a lot, everyone are you interested in. We would really like you to come and visit us. You should see our Primorsky region where Nanais, Russians, Ukrainians, Belarusians, and Tatars live. We looked at what we do, what games our children play, what fairy tales they like. And so that you don’t get lost, we offer a map of our village. You will understand everything about how to contact us get there. Our address is the Far East, the Russian border, the Amur River. Residents of the Nanai village"

Well, guys! Shall we accept the invitation? (answer)

Well, how will we get to this distant land? What kind of transport will we get there? What are the types of transport? (answers).

We choose air. Great. Open the map. Guys, the location outlines here are inaccurate. Let's correct the contours, make airplanes (origami "aircraft kite") and on the way to the Far East, to the Primorsky Territory.

Children fold rectangular paper and make various folds. They work from memory.

The planes are ready, you can hit the road! (children come out with airplanes and run two circles, then land and place the airplanes in a certain place).

Children, look around where we ended up? What kind of forest is this? (answers). Let's show how the wind shakes the tops of the trees.

Fizminutka “The wind gently shakes the maple tree”

The forester enters

Hello guys! I am Viktor Ivanovich Ryabchikov. I was waiting for you. How got there? I am a Forester, I am in charge of the forest, I protect it from poachers. I know what grows where, what blooms where, what animals live here. Well, my dear guests, tell me what you know. How do you understand what a forest is? (answers). What trees grow in mixed forests? (answers)

Now let’s play, I will say the name of the tree, and you will tell me which forest.

(ball game) Pine – pine, pine forest

Spruce - spruce, spruce forest

Oak - oak, oak grove

Linden, linden, linden grove

Aspen - aspens, aspen grove

Why do people go to the forest (answers)

Why can't you make noise in the forest? (answers)

Which tree is very useful to people? (answers)

How does the forest benefit people? (answers)

Well done guys, you know a lot about the forest. Guys, what wild animals do you know ( answers: marten, wolf, wild boar, fox, roe deer, bear, Noble deer, sable)

Guys, do you know how to divide words into syllables? (answers). let's try (task – determine how many syllables are in a word) marten, wolf, wild boar, fox, roe deer, bear, Noble deer, sable.

Children, do you like riddles, listen and guess (guess riddles)

Well done! Guys, look what is this on earth? Who walked here? (answers). Let's measure the tracks of wild animals and determine their sizes, and then name these animals (children take rulers and measure the tracks)

What fellows and trees know and distinguish traces. And here is the clearing where the Nanais live. We are invited into a fairy tale. Sit down, dear guests, the fairy tale begins.

Reading a Nanai fairy tale "Ayoga"

The teacher thanks for the hospitality and for the wonderful land. And it’s time for us to go home to the Krasnodar region, to the village of Industrialny, to kindergarten!

Who lives in the deep forest

Clumsy, clubfooted

In summer he raspberries, honey

And in winter he sucks his paw


Near the oak tree with a sharp snout

He was busily digging the ground

Apparently he was looking for acorns.

I didn't scare him

My Polkan didn’t scare me off either

He was very formidable. (Boar).

What kind of forest animal

Stood up like a post under a pine tree,

And stands among the grass -

Are your ears bigger than your head?

Less than a tiger, but not much

More than a big red cat

She's usually a bitch

Hidden waiting for prey

Don't be timid, but beware

In the forest where he wanders (Lynx).

Believe it or not:

A beast ran through the forest,

He carried it on his forehead for a reason

Two spreading bushes

Hump-nosed, long-legged

Branch-horned giant

Eats grass, bush shoots,

It's hard to compete with him in running

Know this...

He's like a Christmas tree, covered in needles

Catches boldly scary snakes

And although he is very prickly

Don't you dare offend him!

He lives in the forest, but he enters

And brave in the garden.

Hump-nosed, long-legged

Branch-horned giant

Eats grass, bush shoots,

It's hard to compete with him in running

If you happen to meet something like this

Know this...

Publications on the topic:

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SYNOPSIS of a game educational situation on the topic “MY FAMILY” From the experience of working as a teacher of a compensatory group for the visually impaired.

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Summary of integrated educational activities using ICT (preparatory group) Summary of educational activities for children in the preparatory school group. Goal: To summarize children’s knowledge within educational areas.

"Spring". Summary of the integrated educational situation on artistic and aesthetic development (second junior group) Summary of the integrated educational situation in the field of “Artistic and aesthetic development” “Spring” for children of the second youngest.

Organization: MBDOU DS KV No. 134 “Fairy Tale”

Locality: Irkutsk region, Bratsk

Target: Formation of the concept of Motherland among preschoolers, expansion of ideas about their city, the cities of the Irkutsk region


  1. To strengthen children's understanding of the meaning of the coat of arms as a symbol of a city or country.
  2. Continue to teach children to “read” the symbolism of the coat of arms, to independently characterize the city, its main “profession,” natural resources and history.
  3. Foster a sense of pride in the country, respect for its inhabitants, and interest in history.


  • “Border pillar” with a set of coats of arms (A4 format) of the cities: Angarsk, Usolye-Sibirsky, Irkutsk, Bratsk, Ust-Ilimsk
  • A set of small cards with images of the coat of arms of the cities discussed in the lesson
  • A set of small cards (with Velcro on the back) depicting different cities of Russia with an environmental focus on the design
  • Geographic map of Russia
  • Panels with images of coats of arms of different cities

GCD move

Guys, I know that you really love to travel. And many of you have been to different cities of Russia. What cities have you been to? (children's answers)

Today I offer you another journey. This is a journey through our huge country of Russia! But we will begin our journey first through the cities of our Siberian region. Our Siberia is so huge that a train journey can last several days. But I suggest you make our trip with the help of your imagination. What could be faster and more amazing than our imagination?

So, let's begin the journey. Our first stop is very close to our Bratsk. Let's close our eyes for a minute (children close their eyes). Let's imagine a corner of the Siberian land. There are dense forests, majestic pines, mighty cedars, and a fast river. Listen to the sound of the river. Here we are. Open your eyes. Look who's meeting us? (Siberian toy)

Hello children. Are you visiting us or passing through?

We travel through the cities of our harsh region. Your city is the first on our way. Tell us about your city Ust-Ilimsk.

Here is our coat of arms. It will help you learn a lot about our city. Look carefully, what is shown on it? (the teacher asks leading questions if necessary: ​​“Who is depicted on the coat of arms? What is the city famous for?” (Sibiryachek supplements the children’s answers: talks about the city of Ust-Ilimsk, about its history)

Thank you, Sibiryachek, for your hospitality and for your interesting story.

And I want to give you a small image of the city of Ust-Ilimsk as a souvenir. You can attach it to your card.

The children attach the coat of arms to the map, and Sibiryachek leaves.

Well, you and I are setting off on our further journey. In our fantasies, we can move on anything. What, for example, can you take on a trip along the Angara River? (children’s answers, children move according to the chosen transport)

So, We arrived (sailed) to the city of Usolye. Look at the city's coat of arms. What does it depict? What do you think can be said about the city of Usolye? (children's stories, adding a teacher: what is the city famous for, what are the main professions of the city of Usolye, what is the history of the city)

Let's mark the city of Usolye on our map and go on a journey. What will we go on? (music plays, children move in accordance with the chosen transport)

Attention! We are approaching some city. Stop! Let's look at the coat of arms of this city. What does it depict? What profession do people need these tools? Right! And the city is called Angarsk. What do you think the residents of this city can do? Let's mark the city of Angarsk on the map.

Guys, have you noticed what the coats of arms of the cities we visited tell us about? (about the professions of people living in these cities)

But coats of arms can tell not only about professions. Look at the coats of arms of these unknown cities. What can they tell you? (the teacher displays panels with the coats of arms of cities, the main theme of which is nature)

These coats of arms tell us that the residents of these cities value very much, are proud of their nature and, of course, take care of it. And in these coats of arms you can see all the diversity of the nature of our country. There are a lot of such cities, many of them may still be unknown to you. Let's place them on the map in those areas where they could be located. (children independently choose a small card - the city’s coat of arms and attach it to the map)

Now let's continue our journey. Where will we go next? (the teacher chooses the bus)

Traveling by bus is interesting, and so that the journey does not seem long, you can while away the time with a good conversation.

1. How many of you know what shape the coat of arms most often comes in? (shield shape)

2. Who was the first to decide to decorate shields and why? (knights were the first to draw on shields, so that during a battle one could distinguish “friends” from “strangers” by the drawing

3. When the knightly army captured the city, how did they show that there were now new masters in the city? (they hung their shield over the gate and threw away the old one. By the shield over the gate it was always possible to determine who was the owner of the castle)

4. Why now, when there are no knights, do the coats of arms of cities continue to be drawn in the shape of a shield? (to show that the city is protected by the inhabitants, that the inhabitants are always ready to defend their city)

Well, while we were having an interesting conversation, we didn’t even notice that we had approached another city. This is the city of Irkutsk. Irkutsk is an ancient city with a rich history. Let's look at his coat of arms. What does it depict? What would that mean? (Sibiryachek appears)

Why are you standing so puzzled in front of the coat of arms of the city of Irkutsk?

You see, the guys and I travel through cities and try to guess from the coats of arms what the city is famous for. There are cities that are famous for their workers, there are cities that are proud of their nature. We cannot guess what this coat of arms means.

The fact is that some Russian cities tried to tell the history of their city on their coat of arms. Tell you the history of the city of Irkutsk? (briefly tells the history of the city)

Yes, it was not easy for our ancestors. You always had to be prepared to defend your hometown. (attaches the coat of arms of the city of Irkutsk to the map)


Well, our journey is coming to an end. It's time for us to return to our hometown.

But not only cities, but the whole country has a coat of arms. Who can tell what the Russian coat of arms looks like? (double-headed eagle)

The teacher attaches a double-headed eagle on the map of Russia

Why do you think the eagle was chosen as a symbol of Russia? (this is a fearless, proud, free bird. One of its heads looks to the east, the other to the west. So it vigilantly observes the vast expanses of our country. And the eagle also takes care of the chicks. Look how he spread his wings over all of Russia. How as if he wants to protect his cities, his citizens from all troubles and misfortunes)

Guys, look what an unusual map we have. It clearly shows what a glorious history our country has, how diverse its nature is, what wonderful people live in our country. And you and I are proud of our country and will do everything to preserve it, to make it even richer and stronger.


  1. Loginova L.V. Non-traditional forms of working with preschoolers on patriotic education. – M., 2006
  2. Coats of arms of the peoples of Russia. – M.: “Profizdat”, 2004.
  3. Klopkov V.A., Kruzhalov V.V. State symbols of Russia. – M.: LLC Publishing House. House "New Textbook", 2003
  4. Pryanikov V.G. International education of preschool children. – M., 1986
  5. Rabbi E.G. Coat of arms and flag of Russia: We introduce preschoolers and primary schoolchildren to state symbols. – M.: ARKTI, 2003.
  6. Silaev A.G. The origins of Russian heraldry. – M.: Grand Publishing and Trading House, 2008.

1. Conditions for the formation of experience.

"A people who do not know their

culture and history –

despicable and frivolous."

N. M. Karamzin.

Cultivating love for one’s Motherland, for one’s Fatherland is one of the most important and difficult tasks facing a teacher. The difficulty of its implementation can be judged most objectively by working with preschool children. However, difficulty arises only when an attempt is made to transfer “adult” indicators of the manifestation of love for the Fatherland to children. Preschool age, as the age of personality formation, has its own potential for the formation of beliefs and life guidelines of a citizen devoted to his homeland. Their foundation is a sense of patriotism. It is based on the development of moral attitudes and moral standards of a person. Mass culture does not guide children in moral issues. As a result, there is a growing gap even in children’s ideas about the traditional values ​​of Russian culture, not to mention their adherence to them. It should be emphasized that quite a lot of methodological literature on this issue is currently being published. Often, it covers only certain aspects of the moral and patriotic education of children in specific types of activities and does not have a coherent system that reflects the entirety of this issue. Perhaps this is natural, since the feeling of patriotism is multifaceted in content. This includes love for one’s native places, pride in one’s people, a sense of belonging and connection with the outside world, and a desire to preserve and increase the wealth of one’s country. Therefore, the development of scientifically based conceptual approaches to the organization of moral and patriotic education of children, its theoretical foundations is an urgent task of our preschool educational institution.

Knowledge of the history of your people,

native culture will help with

treat with respect and interest

to the history and culture of other peoples.

The central idea of ​​\u200b\u200beducation of love

to the Fatherland, Russian teachers had

the idea of ​​nationality. So, K. D. Ushinsky

noted that “education, if it does not want to be powerless, must be popular.” It was he who coined the term “folk pedagogy,” considering folklore a brilliant means of revealing national identity and forming patriotic feelings.

In this regard, the role and responsibility of the teacher leading this work increases immeasurably. The material selected for showing to children must be historically accurate and adapted for children's perception.

The result of this activity was the development of promising thematic plans, selection of event summaries, topics for conversations and excursions.

Difficulties in familiarizing children with certain historical facts, everyday life, and traditions are caused by the fact that preschoolers tend to have visual and imaginative thinking. This requires saturating the reality around the child with objects and aids that allow him to more accurately imagine what the teacher is talking about.

The teachers in the group were

equipped room for Russian life

(peasant hut, upper room), in which

objects of antiquity and everyday life were presented

peasants, shifts were organized

expositions (“Military glory and valor of Russia”, “Toys of our ancestors”, “Folk costume”


The importance of mini-museums is not worth it

underestimate, because there are preschoolers here

not only consider the exhibited

exhibits, get acquainted with authentic

things or their analogues, listen to stories, but also ask questions themselves, reflect, and talk. Viewing such exhibitions allows a child to become a direct participant in events and touch the pages of Russian history.

Special zones have been created in the groups: for children of primary preschool age - corners on social and moral education, aimed at introducing children to microsociety (family, kindergarten, etc.), patriotic education, containing material on familiarization with the city, country, state symbolism.

In the corners “IZO” is highlighted

Place for the so-called beauty shelf,

Where teachers can periodically

Display objects decoratively -

Applied arts. Necessary

Visual – demonstration material

we add to the sections (for example, “Antiquities”, “Defenders of the Fatherland”, “Victory Day”, “Russian folk holidays”, “How people lived in Rus'”).

The family hearth, the union of kindred spirits under one roof, is the initial link in the education process. It is necessary to teach children to respect and cherish family traditions, to know their ancestry, and to honor the older generation. Touching “living” documents of family history evokes vivid emotions and makes you take care of the memory of the past and your historical roots. It largely depends on the adult what the child is interested in and what he asks about. Therefore, the active position of parents is so important, their desire to create in their children the need to participate in affairs for the benefit of the people around them, to help them realize that they are an integral part of their small Motherland, a citizen of Russia.

Working with parents includes joint holidays according to the national calendar, as well as those dedicated to Defender of the Fatherland Day and Victory Day.

Only with the involvement of all participants in the educational process - teachers, parents, social institutions (museums, schools, libraries, etc.) - can we talk about the successful implementation of a system of patriotic education in preschool educational institutions.

Contact with the historical past of Russia spiritually enriches

child, fosters pride in their people, maintains interest in their culture. And this is very important today! After all, people who know their history, traditions, and culture cannot be confused and turned into “Ivans who do not remember their kinship.”

In the process of education, in the process of familiarizing children with the necessary material, favorable conditions are created for their further mental development: children are encouraged to analyze, compare, generalize what the teacher tells or reads about.

We provide children with knowledge about their native country or native land in order to arouse their cognitive activity and develop curiosity. Observations of the surrounding life and the assimilation of knowledge contribute to the development of the child’s imaginative and logical thinking.

In the process of working on the patriotic education of children, our teachers also solve the problems of artistic and aesthetic development of children. Bright, living words, music, and visual arts help them to perceive their surroundings emotionally. Listening to songs and poems about the Motherland, about soldiers, about work, about the nature of their native country, children can be happy or sad, feel involved in memorable events or acts of heroism. Art helps children perceive what they cannot directly observe in the life around them, as well as imagine in a new way what is familiar to them; it develops and educates feelings.

Adults teach children to see beauty

The surrounding nature. The walk involves

solving a set of problems: cognitive,

aesthetic and, ultimately, moral.

The surrounding world enriches and

stimulates children's artistic creativity.

Children enthusiastically draw holidays and their native nature, construction and military battles.

The more interesting and focused

teachers organize observations

surrounding world, the more meaningful

becomes children's creativity.

The work on patriotic education of preschoolers is also connected with their physical development. Future citizens of our country must grow up strong, agile, and healthy.

So, an integrated approach to educating preschoolers to love their Motherland lies, first of all, in the need for a logical relationship between different aspects of this process.

An integrated approach is also the interconnection of various means and methods of education.

For successful activities to form ideas about the phenomena of social life and the formation of patriotic feelings, we have chosen the following priorities:

1. Surrounding objects that awaken a child’s soul for the first time, cultivating in him a sense of beauty and curiosity, should be not only educational, but also educational in nature.

2. It is necessary to widely use all types of folklore (fairy tales, proverbs, sayings, folk signs, round dances, etc.). In oral folk art, like nowhere else, the special features of the Russian character, its inherent moral values, the idea of ​​kindness, courage, hard work, and loyalty have been preserved.

3. Great place in the inclusion of children

folk culture should be involved

holidays and traditions. They focus

subtle observations accumulated over centuries

for the characteristic features of the seasons,

weather changes, bird behavior,

insects, plants.

Moreover, these observations directly

Associated with labor and various

Sides of human social life

in all their integrity and diversity.

4. It is very important to familiarize children with folk decorative painting. Filling the soul with harmony and rhythm, it is able to captivate children with fine arts.

Priority in learning is given not to simple memorization and not to mechanical reproduction of knowledge, but to understanding and evaluating what is happening, the joint practical activities of the teacher and children.

2. Relevance and prospects of the experience.

Currently, the formation of ideas about the phenomena of social life and the education of patriotic feelings is becoming a priority in pedagogical theory and practice.

Most of all, we want to develop in children a sense of pride in their Motherland, to arouse in them admiration for the creativity of the Russian people and, at the same time, a sense of responsibility for the piece of land on which we live. That is why I was interested in the process of forming ideas about the phenomena of social life and instilling patriotic feelings.

This experience does not exhaust the problem of developing patriotic feelings in preschoolers. We see prospects in developing the problem of continuity of patriotic education in kindergarten and primary school.

3. Novelty of experience.

The information-practice-oriented project “My native country is wide...” made it possible to systematize knowledge on the proposed topics, stimulate the development of cognitive and creative abilities, communication skills, create the preconditions for search activity, intellectual initiative, which contributes to the formation of the child’s psychological readiness for school and corresponds to the principles of exemplary the basis of the general education program for preschool education.

The use of project activities as a means of instilling patriotism is most effective when working with preschoolers, provided that not only kindergarten teachers and specialists, but also the children’s parents are active participants in the pedagogical process. To do this, it is necessary to establish trusting partnerships with all members of the pupils’ family, reconsider their positions and move from the professional obligation to work with parents to the desire to cooperate for the benefit of the child, which means abandoning the traditional role of the teacher in favor of a partner.

We offer informational and practical project “My native country is wide...”, with the help of which the following goals are realized: to cultivate love for the Motherland, native land, the desire to be a defender of the land on which one was born and raised, to evoke feelings of pride in compatriots who influenced the course of history and served the Motherland; to develop interest in collective, playful, productive, creative, cognitive and research activities, as well as reading.

Work on the project is carried out:

On time;

During regime moments;

In independent and joint activities of children.

Presuming, as already emphasized above, the joint creativity of kindergarten staff, students and their parents, work on the project largely contributes to the successful solution of the problems of patriotic education.

Project objectives:

To form gender, family, civic affiliation, patriotic feelings, a sense of belonging to the world community; unite the child’s family with common interests in one cause;

Form a perception of a holistic picture of the world, broaden the horizons of children; to form an idea of ​​Russia as a native country, of Moscow as the capital of Russia; cultivate respect and interest in the cultural past of Russia, develop interest in Russian traditions and crafts; introduce the names of Russian heroes and their exploits; give an idea of ​​weapons and military uniforms of different times;

Develop free communication with adults and children, all components of children’s oral speech in various forms and types of children’s activities;

Introduce verbal art, develop artistic perception and aesthetic taste, introduce literary works related to the theme of the project;

Develop children's productive activities and children's creativity; introduce works of art related to the theme of the project;

Form initial ideas about a healthy lifestyle;

To form in pupils the needs for physical activity and physical improvement.

The young generation personifies the near and distant future. Therefore, the requirements for the education of the younger generation at all stages of its development and, in particular, at the initial stage, are sharply increasing. A special role in this process belongs to preschool institutions.

Block "My kindergarten"

Our kindergarten maintains its own traditions. When starting to draw up a work plan, we, preschool teachers, thought about how to build joint work with parents so that our children would not grow up to be “Ivans who do not remember their kinship,” but continuers of traditions and true patriots of their Motherland. And the richer the family is in positive traditions, the more likely it is to form a cultural society.

We began our work by creating a warm, cozy atmosphere for children, in which every child will be filled with joy, a smile, good friends, and fun games, since it is in play and joint work that children’s behavior and relationships with peers are manifested.

Both in the classroom and in everyday life, we systematically form ethical ideas and humane feelings in children; Based on conversations about specific actions of children, I cultivate ideas about kindness and honesty. Using conversations “What is good and what is bad”, “We are friends”, “The rules by which we live”, we cultivate goodwill, the desire to imitate good deeds, the ability to notice good deeds - all this forms the child’s personal attitude towards observing moral standards , call of Duty.

Teachers and children are regular participants in all events held in kindergarten. I would like to convey our passions to our parents and invite them to interact with us.

In order for parents to learn as much as possible about national holidays, get acquainted with ancient rituals and customs, we

We propose to conduct a series of consultations for them, draw up thematic

bets on the topics “How to surprise children with New Year’s gifts?”, “Birthday

niya - only once a year”, “Folk holidays”; “Where did the traditional

tion to paint eggs and bake Easter cakes?”, “Kolyada, Kolyada, open the gate.”

Each generation, perceiving a number of traditions, must choose not

only the future, but also to honor your past, to sacredly and carefully preserve not only

traditions of his family, but also of his people.__

An equally important condition for the moral and patriotic education of children is familiarization with the work of kindergarten employees. In order to instill respect for the work of kindergarten employees, it was implemented under the project “All professions are needed, all professions are important.”

Block "My City"

The main task is to show the child that his hometown is famous for its history, traditions, sights, monuments, and best people. The attention of children of senior preschool age needs to be drawn to objects that are located on the nearest streets: school, church, post office, pharmacy, and told about their purpose.

The range of objects that older preschoolers are introduced to is expanding - the city as a whole, its attractions, historical places and monuments. Children are explained the reason for their appearance (to whom they are dedicated). An older preschooler should know the name of his city, his street, the streets adjacent to it, and also in honor of whom they are named. To him

explain that every person has

home and city where he was born and lives.

This requires excursions to

In the city, in nature, observing work

Adults where every child begins

realize that work brings people together,

requires from them coherence, mutual assistance,

knowledge of your business. And here, acquaintance of children with folk crafts and folk craftsmen becomes of great importance.

When instilling in children a love for their city, it is necessary to bring them to the understanding that their city is a part of the Motherland, since all settlements, large and small, have much in common:

Everywhere people work for everyone

(teachers teach children; doctors treat

Sick; workers make cars


Traditions are observed everywhere:

The homeland remembers the heroes,

Protected her from enemies;

People of different nationalities live everywhere, work together and help each other;

People protect and preserve nature;

There are general professional and

public holidays.

Block “The country we live in”

We introduce children to the capital of our Motherland, with the anthem, flag and emblem of the state. Conversations, excursions, NOD “State symbols of Russia”, “Moscow is the capital of our homeland”, “Ancient cities, glorious craftsmen” allow me to introduce children to the capital of our homeland - Moscow and other cities of Russia, famous Russians. By introducing children to the state symbols of the country and hometown, I instill respect for the flag, coat of arms and anthem of our country and hometown.

Didactic games: “Find your

Flag", "Find out where I am", "Find out

coat of arms of your city" help to form

civil-patriotic feelings: love

And respect for your country, for your hometown,

Awareness of personal involvement in life


A humane attitude towards people of different nationalities is created by

child primarily under the influence of parents and teachers, who

are next to him.

This is especially true these days; it is important in kindergarten to support and direct the child’s interest in people of other nationalities,

tell where a given people live geographically, about the uniqueness of nature and climatic conditions on which their life and nature of work depend. We conducted it under the project “Multinational Russia”.

In the subprojects “Russian Heroes” and “Heirs of the Great Victory,” teachers talk about the Russian army, about the soldiers who protect our Motherland.

Children get acquainted with some branches of the military. We are talking about the difficult but honorable duty to defend the Motherland, to protect its peace and security. An idea of ​​the Great Patriotic War and the Victory Day holiday is given, based on specific facts from

life of older family members (great-grandparents)

And great-grandmothers, war participants, their front-line soldiers

And labor feats). It is important to vaccinate children

such important concepts as duty to the Motherland,

love for the Fatherland, hatred of the enemy, labor feat.

Reading works about the war, looking at reproductions of the paintings “Defense of Sevastopol”, “Rest after the Battle”, we tell children about how cold it was for the soldiers to lie day and night in the trenches; how they wanted to go home, to their family, but they had a sacred duty - to protect their Motherland, mothers, children, and they could not do otherwise. We tell children about thousands of soldiers who died during the war, about mass graves, about the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier at the Kremlin wall, where millions of people from all over the world come to worship, I explain to children the meaning of the words “Russia is great, but there is nowhere to retreat,” “mortal combat is not for the sake of glory - for the sake of life on Earth." Heroism, courage, perseverance, readiness to perform a feat for the sake of the Motherland - these characteristic features of the Russian person are understandable to children and invariably make them want to imitate the soldiers, to be the same as them.

Love for nature is one of the manifestations of love for the Motherland. Teachers constantly provide observations that develop interest in nature, teach students to notice changes, and establish their causes. In classes and in everyday life, children are given a variety of knowledge about the nature of our country, illustrations and paintings by Russian artists about their native nature are used, accompanied by reading poetic works, which is the most valuable means of nurturing love for their native nature. During walks and excursions, we introduce children to the charm of the landscape, teach them to appreciate diverse beauty, because all this develops the ability to aesthetically understand the world around them, to treat the nature of their native land with care and poetry. This is facilitated by speech development classes, literary and musical entertainment, fine arts classes “Russian Birch Festival”, “Native Russian Field”, “Golden Autumn”, “How a Shirt Grew in a Field”, “Autumn Fair”, “Holy Tree” , help”, drawing competitions “Golden Autumn in the Forest”, “There was a birch tree in the field”, crafts competition “Gifts of Autumn”.

Introducing children to the life and traditions of the Russian people is the task for the teacher to arouse in every child an interest in the original Russian traditions: hospitality, honoring parents. We actively introduce nursery rhymes, riddles, proverbs and sayings, and chants into children’s speech. Children really enjoy meeting the heroes of epics - heroes; this forms their idea of ​​folk culture, its richness and beauty, and teaches them to appreciate folk wisdom. We instill in children the need for the Russian language, folk music, and fairy tales. Plunging into the world of fairy tales, every child learns about the world not only with his mind, but also with his heart; Using the examples of fairy-tale characters, children learn to distinguish between good and evil, which contributes to the assimilation of moral and ethical standards of behavior.

While learning Russian folk songs, ditties, and chants that sound like a gentle talk, expressing care, tenderness, and faith in a prosperous future, our teachers noticed that children’s aggressiveness decreases, a feeling of sympathy awakens in them, and a positive emotional atmosphere is created. Reading folk proverbs and sayings to children: “The native side is a cradle, the foreign side is a leaky trough,” “He is the hero who fights hard for his homeland,” “The bullet is afraid of the brave, but the bayonet does not take the brave,” “If you hurry, you make people laugh,” we explain to the children that the people keenly noticed various positions in life and ridiculed human shortcomings, but always praised positive qualities. By introducing children to Russian ritual holidays, which were once part of the work and life of the Russian people, children have the opportunity to get acquainted with the history of the people, their way of life and folk wisdom: “Broad Maslenitsa”, “Christmas gatherings”, “Carols”, round dances and the dances lovingly sang ant grass, curly birch, blooming viburnum, and azure flowers.

Children are of great interest

and Russian folk games, in which

you can show ingenuity, curiosity,

agility, camaraderie.

We teach children to make rag Russian dolls,

having a centuries-old history of their existence. Twist dolls, roll-up dolls, straw dolls, and hand-made thread dolls bring children sincere joy. They were held under the projects “New Year at the Gates” and “Maslenitsa”.

It should be emphasized that a preschool child is characterized by short-term interests, unstable attention and fatigue.

Therefore, repeated reference to the same topic only contributes to the development of children’s attention and long-term preservation of interest in a particular topic. The results of work on the topic were presented during general holidays and family entertainment.

Daily event planning includes:

Conducting conversations, games - conversations that are planned by the teacher differentially in the morning and evening hours;

Didactic games are carried out in an individual form, at a time convenient for the teacher and the child; in addition, didactic games are recommended for parents to practice with their children at home;

Games - travel, excursions are held during classes on the relevant topics in sections of the educational program and at the expense of the time allotted for a walk;

Leisure activities (military sports games, intellectual games, entertainment, role-playing games and creative ones) are organized in close cooperation with kindergarten specialists (music worker, fine arts specialist).

There are various forms of work on patriotic education: mass, group, individual. Mass activities include children’s work on landscaping and landscaping the territory of preschool educational institutions, folklore holidays, entertainment, leisure, games - competitions, competitions, games - travel, role-playing games.

Group activities include nodes, excursions, exhibitions, watching videos, slides, meeting interesting people.

Individual forms involve conversations, creative work in drawing, modeling, making jewelry for the group, and artistic design.

For the successful implementation of patriotic education, it is necessary to develop relationships with parents and the public, clearly plan the work of all links of the system, study and monitor the work of each link, analyze the results and summarize.

For the implementation of all planned plans, the patriotic aspect is extremely important. For every young citizen, the concept of the Motherland is associated with their native land. Pictures of the native land, under the influence of literary works and works of art, merge in the preschooler into a single image of the Motherland. And the feeling of responsibility for one’s country is identified with the feeling of responsibility for everything that surrounds one from early childhood - home, kindergarten, one’s land, the Motherland.

An important element of patriotic education is the need to reveal the diverse role of man in the life of the country. Children should be included in active activities, different types that complement each other.

Various types of activities and forms of work, their reasonable combination ensure the success of patriotic education.

4. Effectiveness of the experience.

When carrying out work to familiarize preschoolers with the phenomena of social life, the teacher must know how it affects the formation of ideas and moral feelings in each child.

The teacher should pay attention to the content of preschoolers’ independently occurring games. He must analyze how the games reflect what was discussed at the GCD, during excursions and walks, whether children display the phenomena correctly, how long interest in a given topic of games lasts, how the content of the game on the same topic changes over time. year, what is the nature of children’s statements, how the role is played, to what extent is the child interested in the game, what roles are the child’s most favorite.

Phenomena of social life, if they affected the child, can be reflected in drawings, modeling, and other artistic activities, which he turns to in his free time of his own free will.

An indicator of children's interest in phenomena

public life and individual

the impact of the work being carried out on the child can be

together. If they are casually discussing

what we learned from NOD, from television programs,

then this indicates their spiritual development, about

a certain attitude towards environmental phenomena


Attention should also be paid to the content of children’s questions. Questions testify to children’s curiosity and awareness, the level of development of their feelings and emotions, and how they are learning cognitive material.

Children's interest in the environment can be expressed in the desire to listen and read books with social themes. Bringing such books to the group, the teacher observes how the children will react to them, whether they will want to look at them right away, find out the content, how often they will refer to them in the future, whether they will ask questions, whether they will reflect their content in games, drawings, and other activities.

A valuable achievement in the work of an educator to familiarize oneself with public life and instill patriotic feelings is

children show initiative and an effective attitude towards life around them: they bring photographs from a family album, lay flowers at the monument to soldiers, decide to congratulate the kindergarten staff on the holiday, prepare gifts for them, and willingly respond to the offer of one of the children to help the kids in landscaping their area.

Thus, constant, targeted observation of children makes it possible to judge the effectiveness of the work being carried out.


  2. 2. Ushinsky K.D. About nationality in public education // Ped. op. in 6 volumes - T. 1. - M., 1988. - P. 194-256.
  3. 3. Aleshina N.V. Patriotic education of preschool children. M: TsGL, 2005.
  4. 4. Approximate basic general education program for preschool education “From birth to school,” ed. Veraksy N.E., Komarova T.S., Vasilyeva.
  5. 5. M. D. Makhaneva. "Moral and patriotic education of preschool children."
  6. 6. Education of moral feelings in older preschoolers / Ed. Vinogradova A.M., - M., 1980.
  7. 7. Days of military glory / M. B. Zatsepina, M., - 2008.
  8. 8. Patriotic education of preschool children / Aleshina N.V. - M., 2008.
  9. 9. Native land / Zhukovskaya R.I., Vinogradova N.F., Kozlova S.A. - M., 1990
  10. 10. Native tales / Shorygina T. A., - M., 2003.
  11. 11. Kazakova I. Features of patriotic education of preschoolers // Hoop. – 2003. No. 6. P.8-9
  12. 12. Khovyakova A. The project method as a technology for developing the information competence of a preschool child. // Kindergarten from A to Z No. 2 2010 from 144-150
  13. 13. Pavlova L. On the interaction of family and public education of children // Preschool education. 2002. N 8. - P. 8 - 13.
  14. 14. Zelenova, N.G. We live in Russia. Civic and patriotic education of preschool children (Senior group) [Text]: A manual for preschool teachers / N.G. Zelenova, L.E. Osipova. – M.: “Publishing house Scriptorium 2003”, 2008. – 104 p.

Program content:

– To consolidate children’s knowledge about the name of the country and its nature.
– Clarify knowledge about your hometown.
– Introduce to a geographical map, teach and read it.
– To give children knowledge about the riches of Russia, to cultivate the desire to protect and increase them.
– To instill in children a sense of pride for their country.

Visual material: Multimedia installation, a selection of slides, a map of Russia, forests, rivers, seas, mountains of our country, easels, colored pencils, Whatman paper.

Progress of the lesson

(Enter to the music “Wide is my native country!”)


Like a roof over the earth
Blue skies
And under the blue roof -
Mountains, rivers and forests
And meadows, and flowers, and, of course, me and you!

Guys, how do you understand the expression: “My native country is wide!” "? Mountains, rivers, and forests - all this is our country. How many of you know what it's called?

Children: This is our Motherland - Russia.

Educator.– Yes, this is Russia – our Motherland.

Motherland - Listen, this word is similar to the words we know: dear, dear, parents. Homeland is the place where “We were born and live.” How big she is! There are many different cities in it: large and small. What is the name of the main city of our country?

Children.– the main city of our Motherland is Moscow!

Educator.– Yes, the main city, the capital of our Motherland is Moscow!

What is the name of the city where you live? So you live in the capital of our Motherland - Moscow!

And all of Russia, and Moscow, and our region - all this is our Motherland, country. If you look at our map, it is marked in different colors.

What is indicated in blue?

Children.– Rivers and seas are indicated in blue.

Educator.- That's right, a lot. After all, every river and sea has its own name. What rivers do you know?

Children.– Lena, Don, Volga.

Educator.– Why do you think the river has the ability to increase and decrease? What is this connected with?

Children. – After the snow melts, the water in the river increases, and when there is a drought, the water in the river decreases and dries up.

Educator.– What time does this happen?

Children.- In the spring.

Educator.-Where does the river run?

Children.- In the sea.

Educator.– There are many seas along the shores of Russia.

Children.– The sea is a large kingdom of water.

Educator. – What is the difference between a river and the sea?

Children. – The sea is endless, and by the river you can see the shore.

Educator.– What seas do you know?

Children.– Black, Red, Azov.

Educator.-Have any of you been to the sea? (What was your feeling?). What kind of water was there in the sea?

D eti.- Salty.

Movable game: “The sea is agitated.”

Rules of the game:

A presenter is selected.

He turns away from the others and says a little rhyme (while he speaks, all the players move chaotically).

The sea is agitated - once,
The sea is worried - two,
The sea is worried - three,
The marine figure freezes in place.

The players freeze, depicting “sea” figures. The presenter approaches any player, touches him with his hand - the player depicts who exactly he is showing. The presenter’s task is to guess what kind of figure this is.

Educator.– What is indicated in green?

Children.– Forests are marked in green.

Educator.– What do forests give?

Children.– Forest is a tree from which various objects, paper, cardboard are made.

Educator.– Brown – mountains.

Educator.– What mountains do you know?

Children.– Ural, Caucasian.

Educator. – In the Caucasus there is Mount Elbrus – this is the highest mountain in Russia. Rising higher and higher into the mountains, the grass disappears. What is this connected with? Why is there snow at the very top?

Children.– It’s very cold at the top of the mountain.

Educator.– There are many interesting and good things in our country. Namely, its endless expanses are filled with rivers, forests, and mountains. Guys, now a very interesting task for you: there are sheets of paper on the easels, together with your parents, draw a picture of how you see our country.

– What is our country rich in?

Children.– Our country is rich in rivers, seas, forests and mountains.

Educator.– What is needed in order to preserve all this?

Children.- You must love your Motherland.

Children sing a song: lyrics. V. Danko, music. E. Arkhipova “The world is childhood.”

Summary of NNOD on familiarization with the surroundings on the topic

“My native country is wide”

Tasks :

To form in the imagination of children the image of the Motherland, the idea of ​​Russia as a native country.

To clarify and systematize knowledge about the capital of Russia, to form ideas about Moscow as the main city of our country.

To acquaint children with the multinational composition of the population of Russia, to cultivate respectful, friendly feelings towards people of different nationalities.

Consolidate and generalize knowledge about symbols: flag, coat of arms and anthem.

To foster civic and patriotic feelings.

Equipment and materials : Illustrations with the symbols of Russia (flag and coat of arms), TV for viewing slides and presentations, tape recorder.

Individual work : activate inactive children

Preliminary work : Conversations, reading poems about the Motherland, fairy tales of the peoples of Russia, memorizing proverbs and sayings about the Motherland.

Vocabulary work : Explanation of the words “Rus”, “city”, “capital”


Organizing time

The song “Wide is my native country” by composer M. Dunaevsky is playing

Guys, you and I live in the largest and most beautiful country on Earth! Do you already know the name of our country? (children's answers). That's right, our country has an amazingly beautiful, sonorous name - Russia. Let's repeat it together. Look how this word is spelled (The teacher writes the word “Russia” in large block letters)

Our country has a lot of amazing things: incredibly beautiful nature, big cities, amazing people. No country has such a vast territory as Russia.

Showing 1 slide with the geographical location of Russia.

Listen to Natalia Zabila’s poem “Our Motherland” about Russia, which Valya will read.

No country in the world has such a vast territory as Russia. It is located in two parts of the world. How many of you can remember the names of parts of the world? (children's answers)

Russia borders on 16 countries. No country has so many neighbors. Look (the teacher shows the borders of Russia on a map) how the borders are: not only by land, but also by water. We must live in friendship and peace with our neighbors.

Guys, what state symbols of Russia do you know? (Children's answers)

Showing 2 slides with Russian symbols.

A flag is a piece of cloth of a certain size and color attached to a staff. The Russian flag is a symbol of valor and honor of the Russian people.

Where can you see national flags?(children's answers)

What do the colors on the flag mean? (children's answers)

Look at this symbol. What is this?(children's answers)

The coat of arms is the distinctive sign of the state. Where did you see the image of the coat of arms?(children's answers).

What other symbol do you know?(children's answers)

Listen to the anthem (The soundtrack of the anthem plays)

Do you know what a hymn is? (children's answers)

When is it performed? (children's answers)

Who knows how to listen to the anthem?(children's answers)

There are more than a thousand cities in our country and each city has its own symbols.

What cities do you know? (children list familiar cities)

You have listed many city names, but do you know what is the main city in our country? (children's answers).

Now you and I will find ourselves in the capital of our Motherland, which is called white-stone, golden-domed, red-belled, hospitable, friendly

Moscow talks to its guests and citizens in a special way (We include a recording of the bell ringing and the striking of the clock on the Kremlin’s Spasskaya Tower and a slide with a picture of the Kremlin). Now we can answer what the words about Moscow mean.

Showing 3 slides with Moscow symbols

Moscow is the capital of our Motherland. How do you understand the word “capital”? (children's thoughts)

The capital is the main city of the state. Repeat what the word “capital” means. The capital houses government offices and the government of the country. Our capital is the largest and most beautiful city in Russia. In the old days, people said “The City of Moscow is the head of all Rus'.”

What kind of blue strings are stretching throughout Russia? (children's answers)

What rivers do you know? (children's answers)

People say “Russian people cannot live without their homeland.” The homeland is what unites all people living in one country. We are all Russians, we all speak the same language, have the same passports and we all passionately love our Motherland.

Let's play the game "Who lives in which country" ( Form the idea that there are many different countries in the world, fix the names of the countries)

Remember the proverbs and sayings about the Motherland.

Today we will travel around Russia. But to travel around our huge country, you will need all types of transport. Let's go!

Physical education minute.

We rode a horse and reached the corner.

We got into the car and filled it with gasoline.

We drove by car and reached the river.

Tr - r! Stop! U-turn. There is a steamer on the river.

We traveled by steamboat and reached the mountain.

The ship is unlucky, you have to get on the plane.

The plane is flying, its engine is humming: U-oo-oo-oo-oo.

Our country is great, strong and beautiful, it is strong because of the friendship of the different peoples who inhabit it. And there are a lot of these peoples.

Remember and name what peoples live on our territory? (children's answers)

That's right, guys! Russians, Chuvashs, Mordovians, Tatars, Bashkirs - they live in the central part of Russia. Chukchi, Nenets, Komi - in the north of the country, Ossetians, Ingush - in the south of Russia. Each nation speaks its own language, has its own history and culture.

Each nation has its own folk traditions. But this does not make one people worse or better than another; on the contrary, the culture of different peoples makes the culture of Russia rich and diverse. Each nation contributes drop by drop to the treasury of culture and history of our state. Each nation has its own songs, fairy tales, and national costumes. But we all have one Motherland - Russia.

Today we will get acquainted with some of the peoples of our country. View a presentation with comments about the peoples inhabiting Russia.

Bottom line: Our country is strong in unity, friendship of different peoples, and the future of our country Russia largely depends on you guys, on how much you love your Motherland, what good you can do for it when you become adults.

Guys, did you like the lesson? What did you like most?