Secretary assistant training college. Secretary. Important personal qualities

Secretary- a person who is an assistant manager, responsible for ensuring the functioning of the office. He can do office work, which depends on the place of work. The profession is suitable for active girls and guys who have no interests in certain school subjects. The profession is suitable for those who have no interest in school subjects (see choosing a profession based on interest in school subjects).

Short description

Secretaries are ordinary office employees who can perform a wide range of jobs. The profession has certain specifics, because often a secretary is required not only to know the basics of office work, but also to have organizational skills, the ability to sew on buttons and even brew delicious coffee. The secretary is the real heart of any office, because it is he who ensures smooth operation, maintains order, sometimes supervises lower-level staff, warns conflict situations and creates the right business microclimate.

Features of the profession

Secretaries have become something familiar to modern business and the system of providing public services. They are conventionally divided into 2 groups, taking into account the range of job responsibilities.

First group - receptionist. He reports directly to the manager structural unit or company, must have a presentable appearance and correct speech. Responsibilities include meeting guests and clients, maintaining the manager’s personal schedule, answering calls, and carrying out small assignments. An advantage will be knowledge of the field in which the secretary works, and for employment in medical centers and clinics, a secondary or higher specialized education is required.

I also exist secretarial assistants who have a wider range of responsibilities:

  • monitoring the correct use of office equipment, ensuring its timely repair (involving specialists);
  • providing the manager and employees working in the department with office supplies, food, drinks, clean water, napkins;
  • maintaining time sheets (at large enterprises);
  • planning business trips: booking tickets, transfers, moving around the country and others;
  • preparation of business negotiations, conferences, exhibitions and other events (in collaboration with other specialists);
  • reception, storage, transfer to the archive, search and preparation of documentation.

Today, hybrid specialists who can perform all of the above work are increasingly required. However, an ordinary secretary may not have a specialized education, but an assistant most often needs it.

Pros and cons of the profession


  1. You can get a job without secondary vocational or higher education.
  2. The responsibilities are not too complex, and training often takes place directly while working.
  3. Prospects career growth, because employers protect and value professional secretaries: they increase their salaries and train them.
  4. Business trips around Russia or abroad are possible, during which secretaries often accompany their bosses and colleagues.
  5. There are career prospects, but they are available only to the most talented and motivated secretaries.
  6. Competition in the labor market is high, but there are enough vacant positions for secretaries.
  7. An experienced secretary is worth his weight in gold, so after 3-5 years of work you can get a vacancy in a prestigious company.


  1. Secretaries are often blamed for all failures, so their work is associated with emotional stress and stressful situations.
  2. Secretaries are more in demand in megacities than in the periphery.
  3. The salary is low, but at the same time the secretary must be presentable appearance- from clothes to hairstyles, which requires certain financial investments.

Important personal qualities

The secretary constantly communicates with people who have different social status, so he must be a communicator. Character traits such as politeness, diligence, objectivity, ability to manage time, and responsibility come to the fore.

Also, the secretary must be able to keep corporate secrets, be an honest and morally stable person. An important role in building a successful career is played by accuracy, pedantry and compliance.

Secretary training No need to work as a secretary higher education , because it’s enough to finish specialized courses or secondary school. In the latter case, it is worth considering the following areas of training: “Secretary”, “Clerk”, “Document support for management and archiving”. Upon admission, you need to successfully pass an interview and a certificate competition, the duration of training is 10-34 months, you can submit documents after grades 9 and 11, the programs provide. If you like the work of a secretary, then you need to focus your efforts on strengthening and expanding your professional skills: new software, foreign languages, receiving driver's license and other knowledge that may be useful in this area. People with higher education related to archival science, linguistics, philology, medicine, law and other sciences can work as a secretary.

The Moscow Education Center "PRESTIGE" conducts. Psychology of communication, business etiquette, basic computer training (40 hours), touch typing, English (100 hours), labor legislation. Diploma with the qualification “secretary, assistant manager”. Monthly payment.

In this course you can get the profession of a secretary-assistant in 3 months and 10,000 rubles:
— One of the most affordable prices in Russia;
— Diploma of professional retraining established sample;
— Full training remote format;
— Certificate of compliance with professional standards worth 10,000 rubles. For a present!
— The largest educational institution additional prof. education in Russia.

The best colleges for secretaries

  1. Technological College No. 34.
  2. Economic College of St. Petersburg.
  3. Metropolitan College of Service and Hospitality Industry.
  4. Krasnodar Trade and Economic College.
  5. Star College.

Place of work

Secretaries with and without experience are always required in companies different levels. Personnel turnover in this segment is high, so the secretary will be able to find vacancies in industry, construction and architecture, as well as in beauty salons, hotels and other business sectors.


Secretaries claim a good salary, but in the first months of work the salary may be minimal, because the manager needs to take a closer look at the employee and evaluate his business qualities. A secretary with high learning ability and minimal professional skills will be able to receive a salary that exceeds 40,000-50,000 rubles.

Salary as of November 20, 2019

Russia 24000—50000 ₽

Moscow 24000—70000 ₽

However, the formation of the fee is influenced by additional knowledge, for example, knowledge of the English language, because in this case the employee can take on the responsibilities of a translator during foreign trips, as well as communication or business correspondence with foreign partners. Possession of a driver's license, ability to work with complex computer programs

and other skills have a positive impact on salary growth.

A secretary who is ready to learn will not work in one place for a long time. He can become an office manager, a department assistant, or take another position that matches his knowledge and business qualities.

Professional knowledge

  1. Basic understanding of office management principles.
  2. Microsoft Office, instant messengers.
  3. Rules for conducting business correspondence.
  4. Corporate ethics.
  5. Working with office equipment.
  6. Time management.

This is a fundamental profession, without which it is impossible for any large organization to function. The performance and efficiency of the institution depends on the qualifications of employees in this specialty!

The knowledge acquired at the College allows students to find employment in the following positions:

  • secretaries-referents,
  • clerks,
  • archivists,
  • assistants
  • personal assistants to managers.

Admission to free and paid training:

- locally at the expense of budgetary allocations from the federal budgetbasic training(based on 11 grades) with a level of education corresponding to the established average certificate score for 2016 of “4.4” and results of mastering in specialized disciplines recommended by the founder of the college (Russian language, English language) not lower than the “good” grade in the certificate secondary general education:

-for places with tuition fees paid basic training (on the basis of 11 classes), having a level of education corresponding to the established average certificate score for 2016 “4” and results of mastering in specialized disciplines recommended by the founder of the college (Russian language, English language) not lower than the “good” grade in the certificate secondary general education;

- for places with tuition fees paid in-depth training (on the basis of 9 classes) with a level of education corresponding to the established average certificate score for 2016 “4” and results of mastering in specialized disciplines recommended by the founder of the college ( Russian language, English language) not lower than a “good” grade and a certificate of basic general education.

Prospects after graduation

College provides active assistance in employment. Each student is given several application options. Every year, the College employs almost 100% of its graduates.

Organizations where our graduates work:

  • Office of the President of the Russian Federation;
  • Office of the Government of the Russian Federation;
  • Moscow City Government Office;
  • Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation and its foreign agencies (embassies, consulates and other diplomatic missions);
  • International organizations (UN, UNESCO, etc.);
  • Main Production and Commercial Directorate for Servicing the Diplomatic Corps under the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation;
  • Federal agency Commonwealth Affairs Independent States, compatriots living abroad, and on international humanitarian cooperation (“Rossotrudnichestvo”);
  • The State Duma Russian Federation;
  • Federation Council of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation;
  • Ministry of Economic Development;
  • Ministry of Crimean Affairs;
  • Federal Tax Service;
  • state corporation "Rostec";
  • energy company Gazprom;
  • the largest banks in Moscow: Gazprombank, Sberbank of Russia, Bank of Moscow, etc.;
  • commercial structures: Norilsk Nickel, Lukoil, Severstal, etc.;
  • Moscow offices of foreign companies.

Admission rules:

Admission to study at the Institution at the expense of federal budget allocations is publicly available.

If the number of applicants exceeds the number of places, financial support which is carried out at the expense of budgetary allocations from the federal budget, the institution, when admitting students to study, takes into account the results of applicants’ mastery of educational program main general education indicated in the submitted educational documents below "Certificate Competition".

A certificate competition is being held admissions committee by determining the average score of the certificate and taking into account the level of knowledge in the specialized disciplines “Russian language” and “English language” from the certificate.

In the event of equal scores for applicants during the “Certificate Competition”, preference is given to those with a higher result in the subject "Russian language" and having knowledge in English not below the level Rge-Intermediate.

For distribution but study groups The level of knowledge of English is determined. For this purpose, testing is carried out on the day of submitting the application and documents.

Citizens wishing to study at the Institution with payment of tuition fees are admitted to the Institution in the same manner as citizens applying for places financed from budgetary allocations from the federal budget are admitted.

The agreement on the provision of paid educational services is concluded on the basis of the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated August 15, 2013 No. 706 “On approval of the Rules for the provision of paid educational services.” Charter and Regulations on the provision of paid educational services by the Institution.

Reception of documents from applicants

Admission is carried out on the basis of a personal application from citizens submitted to the name of the director.
Acceptance of documents for the 1st year begins no later than June 20.

Administrative staff

Kind of activity

To communicate with people

Short description

Secretary-assistant - the leader's right hand. This specialist keeps his finger on the pulse of all processes occurring in the office. His work helps management manage their time more effectively.

Secretary-assistant organizes the manager's working day, is engaged in the preparation and execution of business papers and documents, conducts business correspondence, sorts incoming correspondence by importance, receives and distributes calls, and also selects materials and documents that the manager must familiarize himself with.

Secretary organizes business meetings– collects the necessary materials, notifies participants about the time and place, agenda, registers participants, keeps minutes of meetings. In addition, the secretary carries out various instructions from the manager and decides on various economic issues, for example, books railway and air tickets, if the manager needs to go on a business trip, orders stationery.
Since modern business cannot do without establishing contacts with foreign companies, secretarial assistants who own one or more foreign languages.

Where to study

Areas of study:
Linguistics and literary criticism (45.00.00)
History and archeology (46.00.00)


45.03.02 Linguistics

    • State Academy of Slavic Culture (GASK)
    • Moscow State Humanities University them. M. A. Sholokhova (Moscow State Humanitarian University Sholokhov): Faculty foreign languages and international communications
    • Moscow State Regional University (MGOBLU)
    • Moscow City Pedagogical University(MSPU)
    • Moscow City Psychological and Pedagogical University (MGPPU)
    • Moscow State University(MSU)
    • Moscow Humanitarian University (Moscow State University)
    • Moscow Pedagogical State University (MPGU)
    • Peoples' Friendship University of Russia (RUDN)
46.03.02 Documentation and archival science
    • Moscow State Linguistic University(MSLU)
    • Moscow State University of Culture and Arts (MGUKI)
    • Russian State Humanitarian University (RGGU)
    • Russian State Social University (RGSU)
      Colleges, technical schools, schools:
01/46/01 Secretary
    • Polytechnic College No. 39 (PC No. 39)
    • Polytechnic College No. 8 named after Twice Hero Soviet Union I. F. Pavlova (PC No. 8)
    • Vocational school No. 56 (PU No. 56)
    • Educational complex of service sector (OKSU)
46.02.01 Documentation support for management and archiving
    • Humanitarian College of the Russian State University for the Humanities (GC RSUH)
    • College of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation (MFA College)
    • Mytishchi Humanitarian and Technological College of the Order of the Red Star (MGTT)
    • Moscow regional state college(MOGK)
    • Moscow Regional College of Industrial Technologies (MOTOT)
    • Scientific and practical rehabilitation center for disabled people of the committee social protection population (technical school) (NPRTsDI)
    • Law College of the Institute of Law MIIT (PC MIIT)
    • Social College of the Russian State social university(SK RGSU)
    • Polytechnic College No. 2 (PT No. 2)
    • College of Services No. 3 (KSU No. 3)
    • College of Architecture and Construction No. 7 (CAS No. 7)
    • Polytechnic College No. 13 named after P. A. Ovchinnikov (PC No. 13)
    • College landscape design No. 18 Educational Complex of Design and Technologies (KLD No. 18)
    • College of Automation and information technologies(KAIT No. 20)
    • Technological College No. 21 (TC No. 21)
    • College of Hospitality Industry and Management No. 23 (KIGM No. 23)
    • Technological College No. 34 (TC No. 34)
    • College of Services No. 44 (KSU No. 44)
    • Construction College No. 46 (ST No. 46)
    • Small Business College No. 48 (KMB No. 48)
    • Polytechnic College No. 50 (PC No. 50)

Where to work

    • Commercial and government companies
    • Reception offices of heads of various institutions ( educational institutions, healthcare institutions, etc.)
Dream companies:*
    • Gazprom
    • Rosneft
    • Surgutneftegaz
    • Sberbank of Russia
    • Rostelecom
      *Information is based on ratings of job search sites