Presentation topic. Presentation "Spain" Spain presentation on geography

Relief of Spain

Minerals of Spain

Climate of Spain

Population of Spain

City life Spain

Economy of Spain

Economy of Spain (Continued)

Tourism industry


General information

Spain occupies most of the Iberian Peninsula.

Area of ​​Spain: 505 thousand sq. km.

Population: almost 40 million people.

Official language: Spanish. Currency: Euro Capital: Madrid.

Relief of Spain

Spain is one of the most mountainous countries in Europe; there are very few lowlands in the country.

Most of the surface is occupied by the Central Plateau with an average height of 700-900 m above sea level.

In the north rise the Pyrenees, in the south the Andalusian mountains.

Minerals of Spain

Spain is rich in mineral resources. There are many deposits of iron ores and especially ores of non-ferrous metals (copper, silver, lead, mercury, etc.). There are reserves of coal, potassium salts, uranium ores. The upper reaches of the rivers are rich in hydropower.

Climate of Spain

The climate of Spain is Mediterranean, however, there are differences between the climate of individual areas. In the central part of the country, summers are hot, winters are cool, and even snow storms occur.

On the northwest coast the climate is mild and humid. Forests of beeches, chestnuts, and oaks grow. The hottest climate is on the shores of the Mediterranean Sea, in January it is +13°C, in July +27°C.

Population of Spain

Spain includes a number of historical regions whose populations differ in language and culture. The core of the Spanish state is Castile. The Basques, Catalans, and Galicians differ from the Castilians, but they all form a single Spanish nation.

The population is unevenly distributed throughout the country; coastal areas are densely populated. Urban population prevails over rural. With the exception of Madrid, all major cities lie on or near the sea.

City life in Spain

With the transition to more developed production and the expansion of the service sector, the migration of Spaniards from rural areas to cities began. Now in

About 75% of the population lives in cities. Most large city Spain - Madrid.

Barcelona is the second largest city in Spain with which Madrid constantly competes. Barcelona is an important Mediterranean port and the center of a large, densely populated industrial region.

Economy of Spain

At the global level, Spain leads in the production of olive oil and mercury mining, ranks second in the world in the production of pyrites and third in the production of grape wines.

Spain is a country with developed industry and agriculture. Natural resources create a good basis for industrial development. A significant role is played by the mining industry, ferrous and non-ferrous metallurgy, and mechanical engineering (ships, cars, machine tools).

Oil refining is growing, textile and food industry.

Almost half of the country's territory is in agricultural use. 12% of the territory is occupied by forests, and 48% by pastures. The main food crops are wheat and barley.

An important industry is sheep breeding.

Many industries agriculture work for export.

summary of presentations


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Travel on a sailing yacht. Living conditions by boat Useful materials. General information about the Balearic Islands. The Balearic Islands (Spanish: Islas Baleares, cat. Illes Balears) are a small archipelago in the western Mediterranean Sea. The islands are part of Spain and have the status of an autonomous community. The capital and largest city is Palma de Mallorca. Also present in Mallorca (or Mallorca) railway. Satellite photos of the Balearic Islands: Recreation equipment: fishing gear, 2 stationary spinning rods. in a comfortable mode, entering picturesque bays. Stops depend on the weather and the wishes of customers. - Spain.ppt

Spain country

Slides: 11 Words: 505 Sounds: 0 Effects: 0

presentation topic: Spain. Content. General information. Spain occupies most of the Iberian Peninsula. Area of ​​Spain: 505 thousand sq. km. Population: almost 40 million people. Official language: Spanish. Currency: Euro Capital: Madrid. . Relief of Spain. In the north rise the Pyrenees, in the south the Andalusian mountains. Minerals of Spain. Spain is rich in mineral resources. The upper reaches of the rivers are rich in hydropower. Climate of Spain. On the northwest coast the climate is mild and humid. Forests of beeches, chestnuts, and oaks grow. Population of Spain. The core of the Spanish state is Castile. - Spain country.ppt

Spain as a country

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Spain. General information. Spain is a country in the extreme southwest of Europe. The length of the sea borders of the peninsular part of the country is 3144 km, including the Mediterranean borders - 1663 km. In the northeast are the Pyrenees Mountains for 677 km. They form the natural border of Spain with France and Andorra. In the west, Spain borders (1215 km) with Portugal, in the south (1.5 km) - with Gibraltar. Area 504.75 thousand. Population 34.1 million people. The capital is the city of Madrid. Administratively, Spain is divided into 50 provinces. Nature (relief). The length of the coastline (including islands) is over 5 thousand kilometers. - Spain as a country.ppt

Description of Spain

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Spain. The country is a museum. I prepared a presentation on the topic “Spain”. Spain has a common epithet - a museum country. Such exclusive guardians of the past cannot be found throughout the whole world. SPAIN. Geographical characteristics. The Kingdom of Spain is located in southwestern Europe with its capital in the city of Madrid. The year 1469 is considered the year the country was founded. Spain is washed by the Atlantic Ocean to the north and west, and the Mediterranean Sea to the south and east. Madrid. Relief. The Pyrenees are not at all the highest mountains in Spain. The highest point, Mount Mulacén, is located near Granada. - Description of Spain.ppt

State of Spain

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Unknown Spain. Map of Spain. Flag of Spain. Royal family. State of Spain. Regions of Spain. Strait of Gibraltar. Catalonia. Madrid is the capital of Spain. State of Spain. Literature of Spain. Short story genre. "The cunning Hidalgo Don Quixote of La Mancha." Spanish literature of the 20th century. Art of Spain XVI-XVII centuries. Architecture of Spain. Cathedral in Burgos, the capital of medieval Castile. Spanish architecture of the 16th century. State of Spain. The features of the Italian Baroque gradually penetrated into Spanish architecture. Baroque style. Painting. El Greco. Jusepe Ribera. Francisco Zurbaran. - State of Spain.ppt

Kingdom of Spain

Slides: 22 Words: 893 Sounds: 0 Effects: 0

Spain. General information. Attractions. Monastery of Eskori. Casón del Buen Retiro. Barcelona Cathedral. Syllable. Barcelona. Seville. Toledo. Granada. The endless coast of the Costa Brava. Dancing Ibiza. Nature of the Balearic and Canary Islands. Segovia. Opportunity to enjoy excellent skiing. Madrid. A corner to your liking. Bullfight. Flamenco. Sport. Lots of museums. - Kingdom of Spain.pptx

Spanish kingdom

Slides: 18 Words: 1077 Sounds: 0 Effects: 0

Spain. Coat of arms and flag of Spain. Geographic data. Climate. Economy. Tourism. Population. Policy. Administrative division. Armed forces. Sights of Spain. Madrid. Prado Museum in Madrid. Barcelona "Park Güell". University of Deusto. In Barcelona. In Madrid. Thank you for your attention. - Spanish Kingdom.ppt

Information about Spain

Slides: 17 Words: 979 Sounds: 0 Effects: 62

Spain. Introduction. Map of Spain. Madrid. Introduction. State structure. Administrative-territorial division. Population. Population of Spain. Population density. Nature. Climate. Economy. Languages ​​of Spain. Monetary unit. Museums. Information about Spain. - Information about Spain.ppt

Life in Spain

Slides: 6 Words: 323 Sounds: 0 Effects: 70

Spain: quality of life for V.I.P. An excellent opportunity for a reliable and profitable investment in real estate. An ideal place to discover the culture and Mediterranean gastronomy of Spain. Medical care, which is state-owned, publicly available and free. The kindness and friendliness of people, hospitality and the calm flow of life in Spanish cities. Folk culture And folklore traditions embodied in numerous folk holidays. What we mean by quality of life: Reliability of the legal system. Reliability of authorities. Popularity of sailing sports. - Life in Spain.ppt

Sights of Spain

Slides: 44 Words: 996 Sounds: 0 Effects: 0

Spain. Flag of Spain. Kingdom of Spain. Official language. Medieval knights. Andalusian girl in national costume. Girls from the outskirts of Malaga. Phoenicians. Contribution to the formation of Spanish cuisine. Paella. Numerous carnivals. Flamenco. Bullfight. Strait of Gibraltar. Montanez Peak. View of the Pyrenees. Coast. Sierra de Cazorla mountains. Varieties of brown bear. Roman aqueducts. Alhambra Palace and Fortress. Alhambra. Grenada. Madrid. Monastery-Palace of Escorial. In one of the halls of the Academy of Fine Arts of Spain in Madrid. Self-portrait. Francisco Goya. Saavedra Miguel de Cervantes. - Sights of Spain.ppt

Madrid Spain

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Madrid is the heart of Spain. Beauty of the heart. History of Madrid. Variety of art. A word about the author. To the list of capitals. To Spain. Madrid is the heart of Italy. Madrid is the heart of Spain. The most popular attraction in Madrid is the Prado Museum. Variety of art. - Madrid Spain.ppt

Prado Museum

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Prado Museum. The Prado Museum is one of the most famous museums in Europe. In 1819 the museum moved into the current building as the Royal Museum. Paintings from Spanish, Italian, Dutch, Flemish and German schools. El Greco. He studied with icon painters in Crete, and ca. 1565 moved to Venice. Holy Family. The Holy Family (Latin: “The Garden of Earthly Delights.” Diego Velazquez. The artist’s attention was attracted by mythological, historical paintings, landscapes, and everyday scenes. In 1618, Velazquez married the daughter of his teacher F. Pacheco. The family of Philip IV. “Las Meninas” (Spanish . Las Meninas, "Maids of Honor", 1656) - painting by Diego Velazquez - Prado Museum.ppt.


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Spain - Barcelona. Music: Seguidilla (Bizet, "Carmen"). Like no other city to be the capital of Spain. In the mid-19th century, Catalonia ranked fourth in the world in terms of production. Probably no architect has changed and glorified his city as much as Antonio Gaudi did Barcelona. The Barcelona Cathedral on Plaza Nova can easily be called a Spanish long-term construction project. The main facade was completed only in the 19th century. However, repeated changes in architects and styles only added charm and expressiveness to the cathedral. On the square in front of the cathedral on weekends, Barcelona residents dance the sardana, the national dance of Catalonia. -

Spain (officially the Kingdom of Spain) is a country in southwestern Europe, a member of the European Union. Spain occupies most of the Iberian Peninsula. The territory is divided into 17 autonomous communities and 2 autonomous cities. The capital is the city of Madrid.

Major cities in Spain Madrid is the capital of Spain and the most big city Spain. Barcelona is considered the second city in the country by population. Seville – southern city Spain. Seville is a large industrial, commercial and tourist center of Spain. Valencia is another one of the largest cities in Spain.

Brief History Spain The first human settlements, where modern Spain is now located, appeared during the Paleolithic period, and 15 thousand years ago a high level of culture had already been achieved in this territory. In the 1st century BC. e. The Phoenicians founded the port of Godir (modern Casis), and the Greeks founded several colonies in the area of ​​modern Barcelona. IN V-IV centuries BC e. The Carthaginians occupied most of Andalusia and the Mediterranean coast, founding a new Carthage here. As a result of the defeat in the second Punic War Carthage gave Rome all of its Spanish possessions. In 50 BC. e. All of Spain came under Roman rule. In the 5th century, Germanic tribes came to the peninsula and created a kingdom in Barcelona and then in Toledo. In the 8th century, most of the peninsula was captured by the Moors. The unification of Spain into a single kingdom was completed by the end of the 15th century. By the mid-18th century, Spain had lost most of its territories outside the Iberian Peninsula, as well as Gibraltar. Throughout the 19th century, civil wars took place in Spain. Last civil war passed in the years as a result of which Franco came to power. In 1975, Spain embarked on the path of democratic development.

Total area – km²; The population in 2012 was people; Population density - 93.6 inhabitants per km²

Climate of Spain In terms of climatic conditions, Spain can be divided into three large regions: 1) The northern region from Galicia to Catalonia is influenced by Atlantic Ocean. The area has mild and wet winters and moderately warm summers. 2) In the central part of Spain the climate is sharply continental, characterized by a significant difference between day and night temperatures. 3) The southeast coast is a fairly dry area and is characterized by very low levels of precipitation even in the cool season. Average monthly air temperature: Summer Autumn/Spring Winter

Spain's economy is the fifth largest in the European Union (by nominal GDP) and the twelfth largest in the world. Spain's main economic partners are EU countries, primarily Great Britain, France, Germany and Poland. Spain is a manufacturer of automotive parts and accessories (tenth place in the world), industrial machines and equipment (15th place), audiovisual aids (17th place), organic and inorganic chemistry(fifteenth place), metal products (thirteenth place) and footwear (third place). Economy of Spain

The average life expectancy in Spain is 78.71 years. 76.7% of believers are Catholics. 20.0% declare themselves undecided or atheists. 1.6% - representatives of another religion (Muslims, Orthodox, Protestants, Jews and others) The indigenous population is Spaniards, Catalans, Basques, Galicians. In 2011, there were 50.58% women and 49.42% men in Spain Population of Spain

There are currently four levels of education in Spain: Preschool education- includes kindergartens (from 2 to 3 years old) and primary school(from 3 to 5 years). Preschool education is voluntary, and government institutions also free. Kindergartens vary greatly and depend on organizations or foundations that provide their support or on private initiative. Basic Education - consists of eight courses and covers age group children from 6 to 14 years old. Receiving basic education is mandatory. Bachilerato reminds me of high school secondary school, but includes three courses. In the second year, students can also receive vocational education, but this is not necessary. The BUP education level is free only in public institutions. University education is free of charge. In total, there are 47 public and 10 private higher education institutions in Spain. educational institutions. Education

Healthcare First of all, the quality of healthcare is evidenced by data on average life expectancy (about 78 years). Speaking about the Spanish public health care system, it should be noted the high level of its funding and equipment, and the excellent qualifications of its specialists. In any provincial hospital, operations and all kinds of treatment programs of any complexity and cost are carried out, and the advanced developments of state research medical centers are used by specialists all over the world. This system provides absolutely free scheduled (by appointment) or emergency round-the-clock medical care. Private medicine (medical centers, clinics, doctors' offices and consultations) exists in parallel with public medicine and has one advantage over it: for a non-emergency visit to any specialist, you do not need to have an appointment from a family doctor; an appointment by phone is sufficient. However, it is more economically profitable to have a medical insurance policy than to pay for one-time visits to the doctor.

Spanish cuisine Spanish cuisine is distinguished by its extraordinary richness and diversity and enjoys well-deserved fame. Spain can be roughly divided into eight gastronomic zones, each of which is characterized by certain foods and drinks. In the North, fish dishes of the Basque Country are prepared, such as the famous pil-pil cod or Biscay cod, Asturian fabada, cheeses and cider. Chili sauce and ham are excellent in the Pyrenees. In Catalonia, cazuela roasts, garlic alioli sauce and spicy smoked fuet sausages are excellent. In Andalusia you can try cold vegetable soup gazpacho and jabugo ham from the province of Huelva. Valencia is famous for its variety of rice dishes, among which paella (rice with vegetables, meat, fish, shrimp) is especially famous. The Central Zone has roasted meats and the best sausages in Spain. The Canary Islands have a unique fish cuisine; tropical fruits (bananas, avocados, papaya) are widely used in main dishes and desserts. In the Balearic Islands, dishes made from pork, ensaimadas and sobrasada sausage.

Culture of Spain The culture of Spain is one of the most ancient and original European cultures, formed under the influence of numerous factors. The oldest cultural monuments of Spain are numerous cave paintings and rock paintings in the vicinity of Aresat del Maestrat, dating back to the Stone Age. The monuments of the Celto-Iberian era that have reached us preserve traces of the diverse influence of Celtic and Greek culture. The ancient Romans made their contribution to the formation of the culture of Spain; the period of Muslim rule (VIIXV centuries) also left a noticeable mark, especially in the vocabulary of the Spanish language.

Attractions: The Aqueduct is the most famous monument of Segovia and one of the most famous monuments of the Roman era in Spain. The aqueduct is one of the most significant Roman engineering structures in Spain. The structure consists of more than granite slabs, not held together by any cementitious mortar. Its length is meters, it is divided into 167 arches, reaching 29 meters at its highest point.

The Alhambra is a palace complex and fortress that was the residence of the king and his court during the reign of the Muslim Nasrid dynasty in what is now Granada. The Alhambra is one of the main attractions and a symbol not only of Andalusia, but of the whole of Spain.

The Archaeological Park of Alarcos-Calatrava is notable for the fact that it presents both monuments of Christian and Muslim culture. Thus, in the place of Alarcos there are monuments of Christianity, and in Calatrava there are Islamic monuments of the Almohad era. The Alarcos mine is located on a hill on the left bank of the Guadiana River. Human settlements have appeared on this site since the Bronze Age. This is evidenced by traces of a wall built in the gaps of the rock, as well as fragments of found ceramics.

Sagrada Familia (Barcelona) The first project was developed by the architect Francisco del Villar, in whose place at the end of 1883 A. Gaudi was invited, who significantly changed the original project. According to the decision of the initiators of the construction of the temple, financing of the work should be carried out exclusively through donations from parishioners. Prado Museum The magnificent Prado Museum is an invaluable heritage of all of Spain. The largest exhibitions of works of art in the country are collected here. The famous museum was founded in 1819 based on church and royal relics. Works by the greatest masters of the brush Goya, Titian and many other famous artists are stored in the world famous art museum

I SPAIN Spain occupies most of the Iberian Peninsula, which forms the extreme southwestern protrusion of Europe. The area of ​​Spain is 505 thousand sq. km. The population is almost 40 million people. The official language is Spanish. The capital is Madrid. The monetary unit is the Spanish peseta. Content

Relief of Spain Spain is one of the most mountainous countries in Europe; there are very few lowlands in the country. Most of the surface is occupied by the Central Plateau with an average height of m above sea level. In the north rise the Pyrenees, in the south the Andalusian mountains. Content

Mineral Resources of Spain Spain is rich in mineral resources. There are many deposits of iron ores and especially ores of non-ferrous metals (copper, silver, lead, mercury, etc.). There are reserves of coal, potassium salts, and uranium ores. The upper reaches of the rivers are rich in hydropower. Content

The climate of Spain is Mediterranean, however, there are differences between the climate of individual areas. In the central part of the country, summers are hot, winters are cool, and even snow storms occur. On the northwest coast the climate is mild and humid. Forests of beeches, chestnuts, and oaks grow. The hottest climate is on the shores of the Mediterranean Sea, in January it is +13°C, in July +27°C. Climate of Spain Contents

Population of Spain The population is unevenly distributed throughout the country; coastal areas are densely populated. The urban population predominates over the rural population. With the exception of Madrid, all major cities lie on or near the sea. Spain includes a number of historical regions whose populations differ in language and culture. The core of the Spanish state is Castile. The Basques, Catalans, and Galicians differ from the Castilians, but they all form a single Spanish nation. Content

City life in Spain With the transition to more developed production and the expansion of the service sector, the migration of Spaniards from rural areas to cities began. Nowadays, about 75% of the population lives in cities. The largest city in Spain is Madrid. Barcelona is the second largest city in Spain with which Madrid constantly competes. Barcelona is an important Mediterranean port and the center of a large, densely populated industrial region.

At the global level, Spain leads in the production of olive oil and mercury mining, ranks second in the world in the production of pyrites and third in the production of grape wines. Spain is a country with developed industry and agriculture. Natural resources create a good basis for industrial development. A significant role is played by the mining industry, ferrous and non-ferrous metallurgy, and mechanical engineering (ships, cars, machine tools). Oil refining is growing, the textile and food industries are developing. Economy of Spain

Agriculture Almost half of the country's territory is in agricultural production. 12% of the territory is occupied by forests, and 48% by pastures. The main food crops are wheat and barley. An important industry is sheep breeding. Many branches of agriculture work for export.

Tourism Industry – Spain is one of the top five countries most popular among tourists. In 2000, its tourism revenues exceeded $30 billion. – Foreign guests are attracted by the warm climate, magnificent Mediterranean beaches and large historical centers of art and architecture – Barcelona, ​​Madrid, Valencia. –About 50 million tourists visit the country every year. Content