An alien spaceship has flown into the solar system. An asteroid similar to a huge spaceship entered the solar system. About the Black Knight conspiracy theory

Nowadays there is often talk about all kinds of UFOs in the sky. Ufologists and conspiracy theorists claim all sorts of conspiracy theories, about the end of the world involving aliens, and the like. And now the Internet is talking about a rather large-scale object that ufologists found in the solar system. It was discovered by the authors of the “Paranormal Crucible” channel, where they often post videos showing all kinds of anomalous phenomena space. The exact coordinate data regarding the UFO is unknown. It is noted that it was found while studying information sent by the SOHO solar laboratory. The object is a huge disk, the diameter of which reaches 164 thousand km. This is much larger than the size of the Earth. Something else like a hexagon was found on the surface, intended, according to ufologists, for short-distance flights. Ufologists are surprised to wonder why scientists do not study this object.

Skeptics have noted that staying so large celestial body it would have been noticed there before, especially not only in the photo of the solar laboratory. Judging by the presented parameters, this gigantic object is much larger than even the mythical planet Nibiru. Light radiation from a potential ship and its movement in general could be noticed without the use of all kinds of devices. Consequently, experts have expressed suspicions that the sighting of a huge UFO could be just a fake, which was carried out using a computer graphics editor.

Previously, information had already been received regarding the observation of a strange kind of object during the study of NASA archival documents. Here we are talking about video footage showing the launch of a rocket with the space shuttle Endeavor. The information on the agency’s portal was made public back in 2011, but for some reason it became of interest to ufologists only now.

"White Knight" on video

On a YouTube channel called "UFO Today", it is speculated that the subject captured in the video may be the so-called "White Knight", who is artificial satellite of alien origin. This is similar to one conspiracy theory about the "Black Knight". The UFO caught our eye when the shuttle lost its boosters. The flickering of an object was noticeable in the frame for several seconds. So, as ufologists say, he was not noticed for a long time. The size of the object must be larger than the accelerator, or the same. So it can't just be a piece of ice or something like that.

Here, as always, skeptical individuals come into play, expressing doubts that the video presented by UFO Today actually depicts a UFO. They noted that the authors of the observation chose very dark music and were trying to make their own wave in every possible way. To some of the experts, this video, in its presentation, seemed at all similar to the amateur version of the plot for the well-known TV series “ Secret materials" Critics have noted that if NASA were actually engaged in hiding the existence of aliens, as conspiracy theorists claim, they would not have posted such videos themselves. There is also clearly no point in launching a rocket that passes close to alien ship, since a collision between objects is quite likely here. Assuming that the agency knew nothing about the alien satellite, then after some time they should have announced something, but no statement was made, so the strange object seemed not so significant to the agency. Skeptics suggest that there is either a piece of ice, or the same accelerator, or a defect in the filming device. Endeavor was launched 6 years ago. Nowadays, technology often malfunctions and shows some oddities in the photo, but it’s not worth talking about that time at all, because there were much more defects then.

About the Black Knight conspiracy theory

What is the overall point of the Black Knight conspiracy theory? It says that there is a certain huge black satellite in space that monitors the planet. He has been performing this task at the behest of alien representatives for over ten thousand years. Ufologists make a statement that NASA is actively concealing these facts.

It started almost in 1888. At that time, the great Nikola Tesla was engaged in radio experiments. Then some astronomers stated that they had caught a strange kind of signal of alien origin, reminiscent of the sound of a strange delayed echo. After this, a certain Jorgen Hals from Norway heard something similar back in 1928. What is this noise? Scientists still don't know about it. This is accepted as some kind of anomaly, but most experts do not make a connection between this signal and certain satellites of extraterrestrial origin. Brian Dunning argues that such a signal could be emitted by pulsars, which until 1968 were considered an unidentified phenomenon.

In 1954, ufologist Donald Keyhoe was interviewed in the press that the US Air Force had spotted two satellites orbiting the Earth. But no country at that time yet owned such technologies. Skeptics claim that Keyhoe said this to attract attention, because he was promoting his own book regarding UFOs.

Subsequently, the attention of ufologists was attracted by the British Black Knight missile, used in 1958-1965. for the purpose of testing vehicles. However, in fact, this device had nothing to do with entering the space environment.

In 1960, the press reported that the US Navy spotted a dark object and thought it was a Soviet spy satellite. But later it turned out that these were residual parts of the US apparatus, which had lost its way. In 1963, it is famous for the statement of astronaut Gordon Cooper regarding a UFO allegedly recorded by cameras. No such information was found in any official report, and this statement was simply recognized as a “newspaper canard.” In 1973, Duncan Lunan, a ufologist from Scotland, was the first to suggest that an artificial alien satellite has been orbiting our planet for 13 thousand years. Then the specialist himself took back his words and admitted that his method was unscientific.

What have ufologists come to?

In 1998, the fun part came. At that time, a construction mission called Endeavor STS-88 was underway. The main goal here was to deliver a module manufactured in the USA to the ISS. At that time, an object was seen in one photo, which ufologists considered to be the “Black Knight”. Skeptical individuals argue that it was most likely simply a space blanket that was lost during one of the missions. Ufologists nevertheless began collecting all of the above events and merged them into one theory, believing that they somehow relate to the flight of an artificial alien satellite. But official scientists, according to ufologists, simply always try to hide the truth and select some other explanations for obvious facts.


So, in this article we talked about a giant mysterious object spotted in the sky, which ufologists considered to be a UFO. We also remembered archival photographs from NASA, a video in which one ufologists channel showed a UFO, which was nicknamed the White Knight, and we also remembered one sensational conspiracy theory, the Black Knight. Ufologists, as we said, connect many events and merge them into one theory.

There are many unknown things in the world. Although there are all kinds of skeptical opinions on this matter, people still find materials containing strange images. Moreover, people themselves film unidentified objects with their cameras. The debate about this continues. It is very interesting to study these questions, because there really is something in them, but the whole difficulty is in determining where the truth is and where the lie is. But we will watch for new discoveries by both official scientists and ufologists, conspiracy theorists and other categories of people making sensational statements about the next revelation, historical finds, etc.

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We have already written about a strange space object that invaded solar system, and this event is very important, since it is the first such object to enter our solar system from outer space throughout the entire history of observations.

Fortunately, astronomers did not hide information about this event, but were quick to classify this object as an asteroid, but is it really so?

After all, according to the study of this object, officially published by scientists and based on information collected using ESO's Very Large Telescope, this mysterious orbiting object from interstellar space is dark red in color, shaped like an elongated cylinder, and metallic in structure. Is it like an ordinary asteroid that supposedly traveled through the Universe for millions of years and then accidentally fell into our system?

The data obtained rather indicate the artificial origin of this object, and it is quite possible that it is alien spaceship, which flew into our system for research purposes.

This object was first spotted on October 19, 2017 by the Pan-STARRS telescope in Hawaii, where it appeared as a faint point of light, but after calculating the object's trajectory, it became clear that this object was not from the solar system, but from interstellar space.

This is the first recorded object that did not form inside the solar system, like all other asteroids or comets, but flew into it from somewhere in the depths of space.

The object was first classified as a comet, but its characteristics were so inconsistent with that designation that astronomers were forced to declare it an asteroid.

And this object entered our solar system and approached the closest distance from the Sun - made a turn and headed back to where it came from.

Astronomers named this object 1I/2017 U1 (Oumuamua) and continued to study it. The data received from the FORS receiver allowed us to image the object in four different filters, and it turned out that the object changes its brightness tenfold, rotating around its axis with a period of 7.3 hours.

Astronomers themselves have acknowledged that this is very unusual for a simple asteroid, and these data show that the object has a very elongated shape, with a length approximately ten times greater than its width, with complex curved contours. The color of this object is dark red. The composition of the object revealed no traces of water or ice, and its composition is metallic. The length of this object reaches 400 meters. The object's flight speed reaches 90,000 km/h!

Let astronomers continue to call this object an asteroid, but the most important thing is that now there is hope that this event not only happened like that, but some intelligent civilization sent its spacecraft to collect data for our solar system, and perhaps this event began something more historical.

A little earlier:

Science-fiction fans are well aware of screenwriter, producer and director Neill Blomkamp from such films as “Elysium - A Paradise Not on Earth”, “A Robot Named Chappie” or “District No. 9”. Last month, the experimental film studio he founded, Oats Studios, released a teaser for a film warning about the takeover of the Earth by reptilian aliens.
On May 22, Neill Blomkamp gave an interview to journalist Rebecca Hawkes, who prepared him for the news publishing house The Telegraph. But the interview never saw the light of day. Why? You have to understand that someone really didn’t like it. Briefly it said the following:
“This is not just a science fiction film,” Blomkamp emphasized several times during the conversation, this is a serious warning to earthlings - the monsters are already coming! Unfortunately, 80 percent of the inhabitants of our planet are in a zombie consciousness, where they have been driven by the dogmas of religions and historical lies, and this has been going on for millennia. The rest, who even understand what is happening on Earth, are afraid to admit to themselves the real truth and, like an ostrich, bury their heads in the sand of illusions and hopes.
Why are there so many science fiction films being released now, Neil asks? And the answer is very simple: humanity is awakening, and in order to keep it within the framework of what is “permissible”, to take it in a completely different direction (figuratively speaking, to hide a tree in the forest), the truth is shown as a fairy tale, as something invented and fantastic. A man leaves the cinema, and all around are the same cars, streets, shops... What are these filmmakers coming up with, he thinks...
And therefore, there are THEIR directors who make science fiction films, ridiculing and confusing earthlings, and there are WE, says Blomkamp, ​​we are truth-loving filmmakers. Why are WE allowed to shoot and even release completely realistic science fiction films? I don’t know, maybe it just amuses them when they see how the majority of earthlings still don’t notice or understand anything...
Reptilians have been on Earth for many thousands of years; they not only watch us, but supervise us almost everywhere and over everything. But, apparently, they are already tired of being in the shadows and therefore an overt invasion will soon begin. The monsters are already coming..."

It is difficult to say how true all this is. Many psychics, contactees and other enlightened people have a slightly different opinion about all this. Without denying the presence on Earth of the reptilian race, which is actually trying to supervise and control earthlings, in particular, through the world government, those who know and see say that there are others on our planet alien races, which are unlikely to allow direct intervention by reptilians in the form open war with earthlings. Reptilians, like other aliens, have a higher level of knowledge than, for example, us, and therefore perfectly understand the law of karma and the law of free will. That is why they act very subtly, imperceptibly, and others, light aliens, for the same reason cannot openly help the inhabitants of the earth...

And then the other day...

Gary Smotters, a journalist for Serious New Ufology Magazine, interviews Neill Blomkamp again. You can read it in full in the magazine itself, but the essence of what Neill Blomkamp is currently trying to convey to earthlings is as follows:
So you’re asking Gary, why wasn’t the media published my previous interview? It’s very simple: representatives of reptilians on Earth are that behind-the-scenes force, a world government that will not allow anyone to tell the truth, and all the world’s media are in their hands. I'm still surprised that I'm still alive...
Where do I get information about the reptilians and their plans? From a circle of people of the highest formation who are opposing this black force on Earth and who have been fighting reptilians for many millennia. But now a critical moment is coming, the reptilians have scheduled the takeover of the Earth on August 21, this will begin just at the moment of the great eclipse of the sun. Their numerous spaceships have already entered the solar system; by August 20 they will be grouped on back side The moons and, when America is plunged into darkness, their invasion of our planet will begin. And the next day there will be an open takeover of other countries of the world.
However, before that, they will certainly (through their clan) organize some kind of trouble on Earth in order to divert people’s attention to this catastrophe; it could well be a world war or something similar. If you observe the latest political events in the world, you will notice how the world government is intensely pushing humanity toward global carnage...

Neill Blomkamp's prophecies will seem too fantastic to many, but here's what's interesting: astrophysicist, president of the American Society of Astronomers Claudia Megan spoke at an open meeting of NASA last week and said that hundreds of strange UFOs have entered our solar system - and this armada of ships is moving very quickly towards Earth. Moreover, Claudia Megan even named the approximate date when UFOs will reach our planet - August 20...

August is traditionally rich in bright astronomical events. In the middle of the month you can see the most beautiful starfall of the year, and then there will be a partial eclipse of the Moon and a total eclipse of the Sun.

In summer, in the twilight sky you can observe a rare and picturesque atmospheric phenomenon - noctilucent, or mesospheric, clouds. These are the highest clouds - they arise 80−85 km above earth's surface. According to the forecast of the Moscow Planetarium, they will be visible in mid-latitudes from time to time throughout August.

On August 7, from 20:22 Moscow time to 22:20 Moscow time, a partial eclipse of the Moon will occur: the satellite of our planet will plunge into the earth’s shadow by a quarter of its disk. This phenomenon will be clearly visible throughout Russia; the maximum phase is at 21:13 Moscow time.

The brightest meteor shower of the year, the Perseids, began in mid-July and will end on August 24. Its peak activity will occur on August 12 and 13. And although some “exposure” will be created by the waning Moon, this year’s starfall promises to be very spectacular.

According to forecasts by the International Meteor Organization, 100-150 meteors per hour will be visible in the sky (the average number of meteors per hour for the entire history of Perseid observations is about 60).

August 21, 2017 will happen total eclipse of the sun, which is called the Great American eclipse because of its visibility full phase will go through all North America. The duration of the maximum phase of the eclipse will be 2 minutes 40 seconds. It will also be partially visible on the Chukotka Peninsula.

Until August 10, the Sun moves through the constellation Cancer, and then moves into the constellation Leo and remains there until the end of the month.

In August, the length of the day is reduced: from 15 hours 59 minutes at the beginning of August to 13 hours 52 minutes by the end of the month (data for the latitude of Moscow, where the midday altitude of the Sun will decrease from 52 to 42 degrees over the month).

By the way, in August, the Soviet spaceship Vostok launched from the Baikonur Cosmodrome with the dogs Belka and Strelka on board. The device completed a 24-hour flight and returned to Earth. This happened on August 19, 1960.

Original taken from ozareniye The Great Disaster will fall on the day of the solar eclipse on August 21, 2017

Another user of the YouTube channel, karensera, over four years, she has accumulated many videos in which she shares all her visions and prophetic dreams. I have already shared some of them on this blog, in particular about the coming famine. Here's another one that's a little different from the other threads.

“While running, I discovered that there were other people who were also being chased. I noticed an abandoned building and headed towards it. We hid in the toilet. We heard the footsteps of our pursuers. We hid and stood on our tiptoes. They discovered us. One of them grabbed me and called someone saying, “I found her.” The person on the other end replied, “Hide and lock her in her room.” I knew that he received orders from someone very rich who could make such orders. He even controlled the police."

“They took me to a big mansion and kept me there against my will. The world was no longer the same as we know it, there was no longer the same justice system. Rules and laws were made by the powerful world elite. These were super rich secret societies. I knew that these people were cold-blooded and insensitive. This was the end of the dream. After waking up, I realized that these things would begin to happen after the solar eclipse. After that, someone sent me Perry Stone's video "666 and Mystical Babylon." In this video, he says that the American government has signed a bill making it mandatory for all people to be microchipped by 2017. I received a message that 2013 will be the beginning of big troubles. America will lose its independence because of its debt. Holy Bible says that after three and a half years of adversity or the beginning of the tribulation, labor pains will begin, which can be called the Great Tribulation. The Antichrist will appear and demand that others idolize him. The world will see an evil and cruel dictator. I saw in my dreams that the first part of the troubles, “The Beginning of Tribulation,” would begin in 2013. If you add 3.5 years, you get 2017 - the beginning of the second part of the tribulations - the Great Tribulation. This is the year of the solar eclipse that I saw in my dream. August 21, 2017 solar eclipse will be seen in America. I believe that the series of dreams I had in 2011 all relate to this event. After this dream, I showed my message to other people, but they “didn’t see,” that is, they didn’t believe it.”

The event is called the "Great American Eclipse" because it will be the first total solar eclipse to be visible only in the United States. In other words, since the United States became a nation, there has never been a total Solar Eclipse that was only visible here and nowhere else.

And this will be the first Total Solar Eclipse to cross the West Coast to the East Coast for the first time in 99 years. So for those who love astronomy, this is bigger than the Super Bowl.

About 200 million people live in the "total zone," and many of them are predicting this to be the most popular eclipse yet. In fact, many hotels and campsites along the eclipse path are already fully booked. So if you want to see him live, you better make your preparations as quickly as possible.

Of course, the "main event" doesn't last long. Depending on the location, the total eclipse will last only two to three minutes.

But if you count from the moment the Moon begins to cover the Sun until the Sun is fully revealed, the whole process takes about two and a half hours to unfold.

Of course, in heaven everything will happen very quickly. For example, the Moon's shadow will actually cross the United States at about 1,700 miles per hour.

And even if you're not in the "total zone," you'll still notice what's happening on August 21st. This is because this eclipse will actually cover the entire country.

Maybe this has some significance?

I don't know, but there will no doubt be a lot of speculation as we get closer to the date.

Many noted that behind this sunny total eclipse 2017 will be followed by another total solar eclipse almost seven years later on April 8, 2024.

And when you project the courses of these two solar eclipses onto a map, they form a giant "X" over the center of the United States...

Could this be somehow extremely strange coincidence? And if this is not a coincidence, then what does the event mean?

I'm afraid I don't have the answers to these questions right now, but I find it extremely interesting that the heart of this "X" is in the middle of the New Madrid fault zone.

Back in 1811 and 1812, a series of powerful earthquakes occurred in the area of ​​the New Madrid Ridge. At one point, the shaking was so powerful that it even caused the bells to ring in Boston. If similar earthquakes occurred today, the damage would be unimaginable.

Here's a quote from

“The Midwest was sparsely populated and there were few deaths. But 8-year-old Godfrey Lesier saw the earth “rolling in waves.” Michael Brown noticed how the river suddenly rose "like a large loaf of bread to a height of several feet." The channel sections under the Mississippi rose so high that part of the river ran back. Thousands of cracks have torn open fields, and geysers erupted from the ground, spewing sand, water, mud and coal high into the air."

Can you imagine “thousands of cracks” suddenly opening up all over the country?

One Insurance Company tried to estimate what the economic losses would be if a similar earthquake happened today, and they came up with a figure of "about $300 billion" ...

The damage from the destruction will be twice that of Hurricane Katrina in New Orleans in 2005.

Houses, especially brick ones, will collapse. Buildings will sink towards the sinking ground. Bridges can fall into rivers. The route of the Mississippi River may change - as it did during the last big earthquake.

People will die, perhaps thousands.

And we also have to consider the fact that there are 15 nuclear reactors in the area of ​​the New Madrid fault zone. And so during major disaster we can see 15 Fukushima.

Neill Blomkamp: During the solar eclipse in August, reptilians will begin to take over the Earth

To better understand this information, read the note published on our portal two months ago about the warning film directed by Neill Blomkamp, ​​in which he says that the reptilians are already coming, they are ready to take over the Earth (
And the other day, Gary Smotters, a journalist for Serious New Ufology Magazine, again interviews Neill Blomkamp. You can read it in full in the magazine itself, but the essence of what Neill Blomkamp is currently trying to convey to earthlings is as follows:
So you’re asking Gary, why wasn’t the media published my previous interview? It’s very simple: representatives of reptilians on Earth are that behind-the-scenes force, a world government that will not allow anyone to tell the truth, and all the world’s media are in their hands. I'm still surprised that I'm still alive...
Where do I get information about the reptilians and their plans? From a circle of people of the highest formation who are opposing this black force on Earth and who have been fighting reptilians for many millennia. But now a critical moment is coming, the reptilians have scheduled the takeover of the Earth on August 21, this will begin just at the moment of the great eclipse of the sun. Their numerous spaceships have already entered the solar system, by August 20 they will be grouped on the far side of the Moon and, when America is plunged into darkness, their invasion of our planet will begin. And the next day there will be an open takeover of other countries of the world.
However, before that, they will certainly (through their clan) organize some kind of trouble on Earth in order to divert people’s attention to this catastrophe; it could well be a world war or something similar. If you observe the latest political events in the world, you will notice how the world government is intensely pushing humanity toward global carnage...

Neill Blomkamp's prophecies will seem too fantastic to many, but here's what's interesting: astrophysicist, president of the American Society of Astronomers Claudia Megan spoke at an open meeting of NASA last week and said that hundreds of strange UFOs have entered our solar system - and this armada of ships is moving very quickly towards Earth. Moreover, Claudia Megan even named the approximate date when UFOs will reach our planet - August 20...

It's finished, gentlemen of the earth.! Incredible, Sensational News for You! —

The process awaited by earthlings for so long cosmic reality, namely, the beginning of a grandiose UFO war -

  1. on the one hand, for the planet-prison and the planet-Church aetheroid god Yahweh-Adonai from the Andromeda Galaxy, Earth-Gaia,
  2. and on the other hand, for the ancient planet-resort of the alien gods, the high Grays, the Orion Empire, Tijeik, and at the same time, as for the planet Terra (Earth), an ally of the Orion Empire, the Draco Federation in the person of the reptoid aliens (Draconians) of our galaxy, it comes !

They are rapidly approaching Earth-Gaea-Tijeic-Terra - from the depths of space, as the President of NASA also states (see below) armadas of unknown alien ships Empire of Orion, Masters of the Galaxy " Milky Way", which should enter, on the day large-scale solar eclipse, August 21, 2017, in the decisive space UFO fight with the etheroid UFO-forces of the Occupiers of Earth-Gaia-Tijeic-Terra from Andromeda and with the UFO-forces of their physical servants and puppets from GalaCON, the Galactic Federation-Coalition of Light-Evil, or with the so-called “gods” and “angels” (in quotes ) the cosmos-Universe of the entire earth, Yahweh-Christ-zombified, prison-church population, the “parish-flock” of ram-bleating prayer-meditators of the planet, to

  1. firstly, return, FINALLY, planet Teejeik-Terru under the control of the Orion Empire,
  2. to open to the People of the Earth, their new synthetic race of homo-sapiens, the race of progressors and warriors of the future space (the race of “demon-people” and “dehumanized” in the words of the degenerate gods of the Earth, the Lord El Morya, in particular), its new 6th, homo-civilization of the planet Earth-Tijeik-Terra - UFO doors to endless space, secondly,
  3. and thirdly, launch a new evolutionary expansion process, terra-formation and settlement of new PEOPLE on the Earth - the entire Universe,
  4. which, fourthly, are like a super-race and the new kind“galactic humanity”, and were the fruit and million-year goal of all the progressive, secret, illuminati and humane-reptoid, synthetic activity of the Absolute!.. (Higher Mind, God, Creator, Creation, Universe etc...

Ave Rome! Ave Caesar, Vitaturi te Salutant!
Ave Civilization of Terra-Orion!

Such Sensational News author of the site “Pangalaxies” is not at all a personal fantasy or fiction, although he has been waiting for this for many years, and also philosophically and analytically as a scientist of Earth-Tijic-Terra, understood the whole PRISON-CHURCH(insignificant prayer, Yahweh-degenerate, meditative) The situation Earth, which is why in the mass of his predictive Messages and Analytics, and for the past 5 years - and he has been telling all his readers - about DEEP spiritual and secret(conspiracy theory) Preparation to this grandiose pan- cosmic Event, philosophically panoramic and ufologically revealing to the people of the planet-Church of Yahweh-Adonai - the entire spiritual and existential Truth about the Earth, as about the prison of the peoples of the galaxy(and even space)!.. See below -

January 11, 2016

Giant UFO over planet Earth: lifting the Veil or breaking the Blockade?

May 21, 2016

Invading souls as the Higher Self or the capture of the planet according to Yahwesterism


Therefore, firstly, the author will report (quote) Sensational text from the Source of such sensational News with photos and links to the original, and secondly, taking into account the psychological shock of perception, he will immediately inform his readers that What they will read about below is not inevitability our Reality, our Space-Time Continuum, but - quite a dire warning O Possible Scenarios and for all of us! - For somewhere, in one or many continuum options of Reality - everything quoted below in an interview with an American film director has ALREADY HAPPENED, gentlemen of the earth! Why is Neil Blompkamp, ​​a famous US film director, his soul and mind, resonating with the Information of his double from the Future, so confident in the Coming towards us!

Thirdly, the author would like declare, and the next, important, analytical-ufological and personal opinion that the Source, Neil Blompkamp, ​​and his secret informants (insiders) - absolutely FALSE submit Information O this Event , calling UFO armadas flying towards Earth, forces Orion Empire « aggressors" and “reptoids”, reptiloids in the original (!??), since those false friends of the Earth-earthlings Who gave Neil this Information, obviously from the CAMP of Enemies of the Earth-earthlings!.. And they try to distort the picture of the Event at the start - in the opposite direction false and BENEFITABLE to them!

Therefore, before quoting you, earthlings, the Sensation-UFO-News of the “Pangalaxy”, the author and EXPOSED at the very Beginning of it of this Message true and not false cosmic Situation- and about the STATUS of Earth-Terra as a colony and prison-church occupiers from Andromeda, firstly, and that these are not some monsters of space and “reptilians”, but the Liberation Forces of the Orion Empire, which is regaining the Real Estate of Tijeik (Terra-Earth), as was said and warned by the aliens, KON, back in 1996 4th Message from Extraterrestrials to Humanity under the nickname “Good and bad guys of space”!.. I.e. Information-Sensation from American director Neil Blumkamp below, everyone you need to read BETWEEN the lines!

Please, gentlemen of the earth!

Director Neill Blomkamp: “On August 21, 2017, during the great Solar Eclipse, reptilians will openly take over America, and then the whole Earth...”

Journalist for an American serious magazine Serious New UFO-logy Magazine, Harry Smotters, July 26, 2017, interviewed the iconic US film director, Neill Blomkamp, ​​who directed such well-known science fiction films as: "A Robot Named Chappie", "Elysium - A Paradise Not on Earth" and "The District No. 9"

Here summary of this interview:

Harry: “Neil, at the end of May, you gave an interview to The Telegraph and warned humanity that we were all in mortal danger. I will quote your words from that interview:

“This is not just a teaser for the film. This is a warning to all earthlings. I'm rushing to release this film like a signal flare. People who have not yet forgotten how to think and see above their plate and computer screen understand everything.

I'm not talking about the herd into which 80% of earthlings were herded. They were driven by invented dogmas, religions, and fairy tales for the uninitiated. But I want to convey to all of them: “You are in danger. Soon!"

“We know everything, but we are afraid to admit to ourselves the real truth of what is happening on our planet. We are afraid of this truth being revealed. We have been intimidated for thousands of years.

Over the past 30 years, people like me have tried to make all science fiction films seem like a hint, like opening the veil a little. Among those who know something, there are a lot of those who want to convey the truth to “ ordinary people" After all, this concerns all of US. Ordinary Earthlings.”

“Have you ever wondered why so many science fiction films are being released now? Films are not just about effects and plot. But they have a hidden meaning - to hide a tree in the forest, to lead people into the opposite side; and at least confuse “ordinary earthlings” so much that everything gets confused in their heads! And provide everything, either as a FAIRY TALE, or as a FANTASY. Those. By showing them the truth in the form of fantasy, people are driven to the point where the real truth seems like a fantasy to them! And they will turn their attention to TV again.”

Harry: Your studio even made a warning and symbolic film on this topic! Why was this interview not published in the media?”

Neil: “Harry, do you think that those, who were created by reptilians over 6,000 years ago, as a separate species of humanity from their cells, to observe us, is it not so that they “shepherd” us?

So, this species has achieved an incredible advantage over humanity today, and now they have unlimited power over the Earth and the media, and will they allow me to tell the truth? Who owns our media? - Them! I still don’t understand how I haven’t been killed yet, like so many others. But even if they kill me, my film will reach people and make them think!”

Harry: Neil, how do you know all this? Who are you related to? Are there alien resistance groups on Earth?

Neil: As I said in the last interview, I will repeat it. I get all the information from a circle of people, Who fights them. And whose ancestors also fought with them. This struggle has been going on for thousands of years.

Based on the information I had at that time, I made a film about 2020, but now with new information, I can responsibly declare that it will begin exactly from August 21, 2017 of the year.

Why? Yes, simply because, as I was told, their space fleet has already entered our solar system, and by August 20 it will already reach the Moon and group on its dark side.

And they will start invasion of America, when it will plunge into complete darkness, for on August 21 there will be a total solar eclipse over the United States.

And the very next day an open takeover of all countries on Earth will begin. The whole planet...

And I think that they clone predictor on Earth, the Global can also do something by this time. Some huge disaster, or even start a new one World War, as a distraction.

August 21, 2017 the open takeover of the Earth will begin! And before this date, the Predictor clone of the reptilians, created by them more than 6000 years ago, and which its fellow tribesmen occupied key positions in many countries, will take effect…”


Full interview with Neill Blomkamp read in the new issue of the magazine Serious New Ufology Magazine

But The most interesting, and in confirmation of the words of Neil Blomkamp, ​​this is what he saysfamous astrophysicist, Claudia Megan“Meg” Urry, President of the American Astronomical Society (NASA) in her public report last week:

Hundreds of strange objects have entered our solar system, they are moving towards the Earth very fast. At this speed they will reach the Earth by August 20. We need to do something!..”


As you can see, dear readers and fans of the author’s “Pangalaxy,” this is pretty SERIOUS! - And that means -

  1. That's why the USA for more than 3 years, from the moment Maidan in Kyiv, ATTENTION! - i.e. from the moment of physical and UFO intervention of the enemies of the Earth, the Nordics of GalaCON-Andromeda - into the politics (tips) of Russia and the massive ethereal landings of their UFOs into Rostov and the region, which the author also reported, namely, this country “Stupidity” is , they say, “the foot of the god Yahweh”! - America has transferred thousands and thousands of its military equipment and WEAPONS to Europe! And now even their own soldiers to Poland, the Baltic states and directly to Ukraine!
  2. And Putler, the servant-slave of Yahweh and the serpents of the Markaba-Zionists of the Earth, the separatists of the Orion Empire, today, and in response to the Americans, is preparing his orcs - over several thousand wagons with military equipment are being transferred to the Western borders of Russia and Belarus, as preparation for peaceful military exercises “Zapad-2017″...


And doesn’t it BECOME very clear MUCH, gentlemen, in connection with this? And in particular, such a coordinated and friendly meeting of G20 leaders even without Putler? Plus, amazingly consistentInitiatives EU and NATO & USA-Army throughout Europe, the Baltics and even in Georgia and Ukraine?

Ave Rome! Ave Caesar!
Ave Empire Orion!