Vacation assignments. Poems about the autumn months Skates are ringing on the ice of the river


All year round

Winter comes unexpectedly

In all respects, taking my toll.
It must be on time,
But, come on, she’s gone!

And suddenly, one day, early in the morning,
Looked out the window glass
And you see the “self-assembled tablecloth” -
Everywhere, around, white-white...

Spring comes gradually:
The snow is silently melting in the fields,
Escape from ice captivity
River waters are secretly prepared.

It's not that cold at night,
And now the starling is flying
To your house on a birch trunk...
Spring came. Winter is over!

And after Spring comes Summer,
After Summer, Autumn in turn,
And again Winter. And again somewhere
Spring is in a hurry to go on a hike.
(S. Mikhalkov)


The mother came up with names for her daughters,
Here are Summer and Autumn, Winter and Spring.
Spring comes - the forests turn green,
And bird voices are ringing everywhere.
And Summer has come - everything is blooming under the sun,
And ripe berries ask to be eaten in the mouth.
The generous Autumn brings us fruits,
Fields and gardens produce crops.
Winter covers the fields with snow.
In winter the earth rests and sleeps.
(A. Kuznetsova)


Mom, what is a year?
Mom answered:
The year is a huge ship,
Let's say it first.

Steamboat? Can't be!
The ship must sail,
He's floating. And we're on it.
And other people.
Gray hare with elephant.
Boy on a camel.
Animals and trees.
Villages and villages.
Cities and countries.
Rivers, oceans.
This is a strange ship.
Unusual ship.

And it doesn't float he's in the water,
He floats on time.
Here he is sailing through the summer -
The whole earth is warmed by the sun.

Here it floats in the autumn -
Clouds in the sky, it's raining.
Here winter lies before him -
In the white frost of the house.

Here he is floating in the spring -
The sound of drops in silence.
He swims at night and during the day,
As nature dictates,
Across the seas that we call
(L. Zavalnyuk)


A string of weeks
As nature dictates,
Time spins like a carousel
According to the calendar sheets
They follow each other
From January to December
Months in a circle.
After autumn comes winter,
After spring comes summer.
It's already autumn there, so again
Winter has come...
Rotate your carousel
Time is not tired.
In the calendar row
Brother will replace brother.
How many months are there in a year?
That's right, twelve.
(L. Zavalnyuk)

Sparrow Diary

And at random, and at random, and straight
Streams are running. Tweet-tweet!
Starlings, thrushes, rooks scream -
Try to outshout everyone!

Tweet-chik-chik. Light. Warm.
And that means summer has come again.
I sing with everyone at the same time:
“Let it not end!”

The clouds covered the blue.
Rain falls on the grass.
Chick-chick-chirp! To the ends of the earth
Cranes are flying somewhere.

There's snow everywhere. And someone for me
Places feeders on the window.
I'm used to being grateful.
Thanks people!
(M. Plyatskovsky)

Tracks of the Year

Gone are the sandals.
The paths of summer,
Along narrow paths -
Let's run.
Into the green forest
And somewhere they disappeared...
On a wet blade of grass
Shoes walked.
Autumn was waiting for them.
Leaf fall...
Along the snowy path
Boots are stepping.
They're coming
And they creak quietly...
(Raim Farhadi)

Mother nature
(Four Seasons)

From Mother Nature
All year - things to do, things to do...
Although at her age
And I could rest!

Strictly on schedule
She lives for a long time:
After all, there is little time,
And there is plenty to do.

In the spring he will wake up first,
Wake up the birds and animals
And buds on the trees
Will reveal it soon.

Draws water from the river,
The rain will wash the forest.
And the sun is like a stove,
Will melt in the middle of the sky...

Summer is full of worries:
Nature hurries into the garden -
Shower everything with bright light,
Sew an outfit for the trees.

And berries with mushrooms!..
What about herbs and flowers?!
She needs everything, like a mother,
Make it before dark.

It should be in Autumn
Arrange leaf fall,
Help the birch trees to shed
Shabby outfit.

Collect potatoes from the beds,
Burn the leaves from the gardens...
Put everything in order
Until the first cold weather.

But now the snow is spinning,
It's getting darker.
Nature goes to bed
With the beginning of winter days.

Covering her, snowstorms
She is haunted by dreams:
- Sleep, Mother, in bed
Until next Spring!
(A. Usachev)

Round dance - all year round

One after another every year
There is a round dance going on.

I entered the round dance with frost
Young January first.
Through aspens and birches
He hung up the lace.

And February brought snowdrifts
Near the house in half a day,
I rode more joyfully
There are kids on the sleds with them.

To fresh meadows
Sheep were walking in the herd,
March began to melt the snow,
Drive along the streams to the river.

April woke up the grass:
- Wake up, sleepyhead! –
Forced to trill
Squirrel on a maple tree.

May could no longer fall behind.
It's early across the river
I lit a fire from flowers,
I decorated the clearing.

June is the swimmer of all swimmers,
He is cheerful and brave,
Gathered guys from all over
To the pond: - Guys, swim!

July wheat in the fields
Filled with selected grain.
And scattered the birds high
Through the spacious skies.

August brought out a melon with a pear
And a fragrant loaf:
- Well, eat your fill, everyone.
And treat your neighbor!

And September, childish friend,
I walked around the schools.
Guided the starlings south,
Made the field bare.

Happy October and the year has grown!
Decorated with gold
He brought the rains with him,
Necessary for arable land.

Brought November into celebration
Bright banners:
Hotter than the sun itself
Talkier than ringing.

December is full of worries
In a city, town, -
For kids under New Year
Decorating the Christmas trees.
(G. Lyushnin)

They sleep under the snow
Bushes and garden,
And a pond and a vegetable garden.
Opened January
Our calendar
And the new year began.

In any crevice
A blizzard is blowing,
Walking on the ground.
Winter painter
Bushes, houses -
Everything is whitewashed in February.

The last blizzards
Cold fluff
Spring leads to the start.
Warm rays
The rooks are flying,
March takes off his fur coat.

The singers sing -
Blackbirds, starlings,
The rivers break the ice.
And all April
The drops are ringing:
“Spring, spring is coming!”

Welcoming May,
Do not forget,
What is precious every day.
Hurry up, plow
So that the oats grow,
Buckwheat and barley!

It's hot.
The time has come
Everything needs to grow and mature.
On a June day
Don't hide in the shadows
Don't be afraid to get tanned!

Sometimes there's a thunderstorm
Blinds the eyes
Green flax blooms.
Grew up with sparkles
To the haymaking
July leads mowing.

Just wait for it -
It will rain.
Don't trust the days of August.
Shoot quickly
Bread from the fields
So that there are no losses.

Yellow gardens,
There are stacks in the meadows,
Starlings are flying south.
September has arrived
And the doors of schools
Opened up for the guys.

The sheets are rustling,
The fields are empty
And now to the houses
October is lucky
Grain and honey -
Income by workdays.

We are with November
In the ranks alone -
We don't care about the wind.

On the ice of the river
The skates are ringing.
A wood grouse buried itself in the snow.
December is coming
End the year
And an old calendar.
(G. Ladonshchikov)

Seasons, time

◘ Round year: seasons, months of the year

Z ima


L here it is


Days of the week, time

All year round

Winter comes by chance
In all respects, taking my toll.
It must be on time,
But, come on, she’s not here!

And suddenly, one day, early in the morning,
Looked out the window glass
And you see the “self-assembled tablecloth” -
Everywhere, around, white-white...

Spring comes gradually:
The snow is silently melting in the fields,
Escape from ice captivity
River waters are secretly prepared.

It's not that cold at night,
And now the starling is flying
To your house on a birch trunk...
Spring came. Winter is over!

And Spring comes Summer,
Over the Summer Autumn in turn,
And again Winter. And again somewhere
Spring is in a hurry to go on a hike.
(S. Mikhalkov)


The mother came up with names for her daughters,
Here are Summer and Autumn, Winter and Spring.
Spring comes - the forests turn green,
And bird voices are ringing everywhere.
And Summer has come - everything is blooming under the sun,
And ripe berries ask to be eaten in the mouth.
The generous Autumn brings us fruits,
Fields and gardens produce crops.
Winter covers the fields with snow.
In winter the earth rests and sleeps.
(A. Kuznetsova)


Mom, what is a year?
Mom answered:
The year is a huge ship,
Let's say it first.

Steamboat? Can't be!
The ship must sail,
He's floating. And we're on it.
And other people.
Gray hare with elephant.
Boy on a camel.
Animals and trees.
Villages and villages.
Cities and countries.
Rivers, oceans.
This is a strange ship.
Unusual ship.

And he does not swim on water,
He floats on time.
Here he is sailing through summer -
The whole earth is warmed by the sun.

Here's the autumn floats -
Clouds in the sky, it's raining.
Here lies in front of him winter-
In the white frost of the house.

Here he is floating spring -
The sound of drops in silence.
He swims at night and during the day,
As nature dictates,
Across the seas that we call

( L. Zavalnyuk)


A string of weeks
As nature dictates,
Time spins like a carousel
According to the calendar sheets
They follow each other
From January to December
Months in a circle.
After autumn comes winter,
After spring comes summer.
It's already autumn there, so again
Winter has come...
Rotate your carousel
Time is not tired.
In the calendar row
Brother will replace brother.
How many months are there in a year?
That's right, twelve.
(L. Zavalnyuk)

Sparrow Diary

And at random, and at random, and straight
Streams are running. Tweet-tweet!
Starlings, thrushes, rooks scream -
Try to outshout everyone!

Tweet-chik-chik. Light. Warm.
And that means summer has come again.
I sing with everyone at the same time:
“Let it not end!”

The clouds covered the blue.
Rain falls on the grass.
Chick-chick-chirp! To the ends of the earth
Cranes are flying somewhere.

There's snow everywhere. And someone for me
Places feeders on the window.
I'm used to being grateful.
Thanks people!

(M. Plyatskovsky)

Tracks of the Year

Gone are the sandals.
Paths summer,
Along narrow paths
Let's run.
Into the green forest
And somewhere they disappeared...

On a wet blade of grass
Shoes walked.
Their autumn I was waiting.
Leaf fall...
Along the snowy path
Boots are stepping.
They're coming
And they creak quietly...

(Raim Farhadi)

Mother nature
(Four Seasons)

From Mother Nature
All year - things to do, things to do...
Although at her age
And I could rest!

Strictly on schedule
She lives for a long time:
After all, there is little time,
And there is plenty to do.

in spring will wake up first
Wake up the birds and animals
And buds on the trees
Will reveal it soon.

Draws water from the river,
The rain will wash the forest.
And the sun is like a stove,
Will melt in the middle of the sky...

Full of worries and In summer:
Nature hurries into the garden -
Shower everything with bright light,
Sew an outfit for the trees.

And berries with mushrooms!..
What about herbs and flowers?!
She needs everything, like a mother,
Make it before dark.

She must be under Autumn
Arrange leaf fall,
Help the birch trees to shed
Shabby outfit.

Collect potatoes from the beds,
Burn the leaves from the gardens...
Put everything in order
Until the first cold weather.

But now the snow is spinning,
It's getting darker.
Nature goes to bed
With the beginning winter days.

Covering her, snowstorms
She is haunted by dreams:
- Sleep, Mother, in bed
Until next Spring!

(A. Usachev)

All year round


Open the calendar -
January begins.

In January, in January
There is a lot of snow in the yard.

Snow - on the roof, on the porch.
The sun is in the blue sky.
The stoves are heated in our house.
Smoke rises into the sky in a column.


The winds blow in February
The pipes howl loudly.
Like a snake rushes along the ground
Light drifting snow.

Rising, they rush into the distance
Aircraft flights.
It celebrates February
The birth of the army.


The loose snow darkens in March.
The ice on the window is melting.
Bunny runs around the desk
And on the map
On the wall.


April, April!
Drops are ringing in the yard.

Streams run through the fields,
There are puddles on the roads.
The ants will come out soon
After the winter cold.

A bear sneaks through
Through the dead wood.
The birds began to sing songs,
And the snowdrop blossomed.

The lily of the valley bloomed in May
On the very holiday - first day.
Seeing off May with flowers,
The lilac is blooming.


June has arrived.
"June! June!" -
Birds are chirping in the garden...
Just blow on a dandelion
And it will all fly apart.


Haymaking is in July
Somewhere thunder grumbles sometimes.
And ready to leave the hive
Young bee swarm.


We collect in August
Fruit harvest.
Lots of joy for people
After all the work.

The sun over the spacious
Nivami is worth it.
And sunflower grains


Clear morning in September
The villages thresh bread,
Birds fly across the seas -
And the school opened.


In October, in October
Frequent rain outside.

The grass in the meadows is dead,
The grasshopper fell silent.
Firewood has been prepared
For the winter for stoves.


November seventh day -
Red calendar day.
Look out your window:
Everything on the street is red.

Flags flutter at the gates,
Blazing with flames.
See, the music is on
Where the trams were.

All the people - both young and old -
Celebrates freedom.
And my red ball flies
Straight to the sky!


In December, in December
All trees are in silver.

Our river, like in a fairy tale,
The frost paved the way overnight,
Updated skates, sleds,
I brought a Christmas tree from the forest.

The tree cried at first
From home warmth.
In the morning I stopped crying,
She breathed and came to life.

Its needles tremble a little,
The lights lit up on the branches.
Like a ladder, like a Christmas tree
The lights shoot up.

Firecrackers sparkle with gold.
I lit a star with silver
Reached the top
The bravest light.

A year has passed like yesterday.
Above Moscow at this hour
The clock of the Kremlin tower is striking
Your own fireworks - twelve times.

(S. Marshak)

Round dance - all year round

One after another every year
There is a round dance going on.

I entered the round dance with frost
Young January first.
Through aspens and birches
He hung up the lace.

A February made snowdrifts
Near the house in half a day,
I rode more joyfully
There are kids on the sleds with them.

To fresh meadows
Sheep were walking in the herd,
Began March melt the snow,
Drive along the streams to the river.

Woke up the grass April:
- Wake up, sleepyhead! -
Forced to trill
Squirrel on a maple tree.

May I couldn’t fall behind anymore.
It's early across the river
I lit a fire from flowers,
I decorated the clearing.

June- a swimmer of all swimmers,
He is cheerful and brave,
Gathered guys from all over
To the pond: - Guys, swim!

July wheat in the fields
Filled with selected grain.
And scattered the birds high
Through the spacious skies.

August brought out a melon with a pear
And a fragrant loaf:
- Well, eat your fill, everyone.
And treat your neighbor!

A September, childish friend,
I walked around the schools.
Guided the starlings south,
Made the field bare.

WITH October and the year has grown!
Decorated with gold
He brought the rains with him,
Necessary for arable land.

Contributed November in celebration
Bright banners:
Hotter than the sun itself
Talkier than ringing.

December full of worries
In a city, town, -
New Year's Eve for kids
Decorating the Christmas trees.
(G. Lyushnin)

The year goes by

They sleep under the snow
Bushes and garden,
And a pond and a vegetable garden.
Opened January
Our calendar
And the new year began.

In any crevice
A blizzard is blowing,
Walking on the ground.
Winter painter
Bushes, houses -
Everything is whitewashed February.

The last blizzards
Cold fluff
Spring leads to the start.
Warm rays
The rooks are flying,
Takes off his fur coat March.

The singers sing -
Blackbirds, starlings,
The rivers break the ice.
And all April
The drops are ringing:
“Spring, spring is coming!”

Meeting May,
Do not forget,
What is precious every day.
Hurry up, plow
So that the oats grow,
Buckwheat and barley!

It's hot.
The time has come
Everything needs to grow and mature.
IN June day
Don't hide in the shadows
Don't be afraid to get tanned!

Sometimes there's a thunderstorm
Blinds the eyes
Green flax blooms.
Grew up with sparkles
To the haymaking
July Kostsov leads.

Just wait for it -
It will rain.
days August do not believe.
Shoot quickly
Bread from the fields
So that there are no losses.

Yellow gardens,
There are stacks in the meadows,
Starlings are flying south.
September came,
And the doors of schools
Opened up for the guys.

The sheets are rustling,
The fields are empty
And now to the houses
October lucky
Grain and honey -
Income by workdays.

We are with November
In the ranks alone -
We don't care about the wind.

On the ice of the river
The skates are ringing.
A wood grouse buried itself in the snow.
December coming
End the year
And an old calendar.

(G. Ladonshchikov)

Twelve months

Twelve months are running
Replacing season,
And it closes the circle again
Sorceress nature.

January comes with New Year
To the sound of festive firecrackers,
He dances in circles under the tree
Among the donated toys.

February is the last winter month.
But February, what a pity,
Is that why he is so sad?
Only twenty-eight days were enough.

The snow melts and runs in streams,
Spring beauty is coming.
Happy spring to the month of March!
The ringing drops sing to us!

April hurries and warms behind him,
And now from underground
On a thin leg, like fairies,
The snowdrop flowers have risen!

The trees turn green in May,
And everything around suddenly blossomed.
And the sun is stronger every day
Summer warmth gives us.

Spring is leaving, just in time
Wave a lilac scarf.
And white poplar fluff
June flies into every home.

And now summer is in full swing!
July is baking in full force! Heat!
But in the courtyards, forgetting about it,
The kids are frolicking in the morning!

August is a completely different matter.
He's cooler than the average brother.
There are so many pears and apples in the orchards
It's ripe! Rejoice, guys!

Once upon a time people believed
New Year is celebrated in autumn.
September will remember this -
Academic year he starts!

October. The harvest has been harvested.
And it's getting colder every day.
A carpet of leaves by chance
He washed it with autumn rain.

And now winter is in a hurry,
To meet autumn on the doorstep,
And outside the window the snow is swirling,
The month of November is coming to us.


The door opened and she walked in,
Wrapped in a white blanket
Trees, streets, houses...
December - and winter has arrived!

Calendar leaves flash
The New Year is already knocking...
From January to December
All this will happen again!
(M. Mitlina)

twelve brothers

Whitened January
Outlined clearly
Not for an hour
Not late - This
It's here!

In February, in February
The blizzard rushes on a broom,
Covers all paths
So as not to pass March,
Don't go - don't come
And you can’t bring spring!..

All winter
White snow
And in March I took
And turned black.
Turned black with frustration
What people
The sun is welcome!

In the forest
April cleaning:
Willow makes crafts,
Snowdrop first,
Like a five
Stands a little shyly.
And the clouds are already
Like a pile
And this means:
Wait soon -

The first thunder strikes like a miracle -

Will usher in the summer rains!

Hares after the winter cold
They gave the willow tails,
They don't need a white tail -

The hares have turned gray!
In May the world looks new:
The sky is cornflower blue,
The ponds overflowed
The gardens have become dark,
Everything is blooming... and there is no answer:
Where is spring and where is summer?!

The sorties became bolder,
It became quieter and brighter.
The day grows, grows, grows -

Soon the night will turn.
In the meantime, the overgrown path
Strawberry, leisurely
June is coming across the earth!

July, July - the tip of summer...
The falling of apples is a sweet sound,
And the day is shy from dawn,
Suddenly it rumbles after noon.

The forest has gone to boast of mushrooms,
An aspen leaf tried on copper,
And in a field of faded chintz
The path can no longer be seen.

August bows at his feet,
August asks for help:
The garden and field are over the edge!
There is no salvation! To the rescue, Savior!
The harvest is ripe, just in time!

The summer is over,
School time is coming,
And in truth,
He is loved and desired,
Long-awaited, long-awaited
The ringing holiday of September!

The leaves have fallen
The birds have disappeared
Everything that bloomed
Hidden in disgrace.
The holes are busy
Disputes froze
The fences were frosty this morning...
What's so sweet about this time?
In the heart that squeezes us October?!

Black forest
Drawn to the roots
Behind the November pre-winter
The soul awaits snow soon.
Behind the gloomy nights
Round dance of white dances,
For patience and sorrow
The long-awaited New Year!

December is full of worries -

He doesn’t know how to manage everything!
He says goodbye to the old year
And celebrates the New Year!
He must decorate the Christmas tree!
Last day today
To invite everyone in the world
For the New Year's holiday!
(M. Sadovsky)

Twelve months

We call it winter time
When snowflakes swarm white
Flies somewhere into the distance.

After February comes MARCH,
Followed by APRIL and MAY.
A hubbub can be heard in the forest and field
Spring flocks of birds.

After May, summer is on its way
JUNE will lead to us.
JULY will give berry juice,
And the month of AUGUST is honey.

Behind the summer autumn ensemble
He will perform his dance,
The garden will be filled with leaves.

Dropping snow as we go,
Winter will come again.
Twelve months a year
And you need to know them all.

(V. Stepanov)

Twelve months

The house is twelve floors,
Name the tenants quickly!

Here are the lights on the first one,
Here January days.

On the second February mighty,
The clouds are filling with snow.

Higher March found housing
The entire floor is covered in puddles.

Here April, everyone is happy about him,
I planted seedlings around.

May opened the windows wider,
So that everything in the apartment dries out.

Here June, July and August,
They bring joy to everyone.

Where September, there is a rich table there,
Help yourself, everyone, guys!

Near the window October sighs,
Summer is remembered with sadness.

Here november, let's go higher,
There at December under the roof

New Year's surprise awaits.
And quickly take the elevator down!
(L. Slutskaya )


Spring will come
The ice will melt
Everything dances
And everything sings

And the sparrows are chirping...

AND in summer red
Everything is flowering,
Colorful songs

And the sparrows are chirping...

Will send autumn
Birds in flight
Long rains

And the sparrows are chirping...

Winter they will come
Who cares about songs
The ringing ones are here,
And the sparrows -
They are singing…

(V. Stepanov)

ABC of the seasons


The road is white, white.
Winter has come. Winter has come.
I wear a white hat
I breathe white air
My eyelashes are white
Coat and mittens, -
Can't tell me apart in the cold
Among the white birches.
I'll freeze. And the squirrel in silence
Suddenly he jumps into my arms.

The branches of the birches are freezing,
It's freezing cold in the morning.
Well, the bear doesn’t care -
He has been sleeping in the den for a long time.

Snowy hillocks in the forest
And the ravines were covered with snow.
The bunny jumped out of the hole -
Quiet. Cold. White...

The formidable Vyugovei walks
In a snow cap up to the eyebrows.
Even a wolf, a robber wolf,
He got scared and fell silent.

Spring was walking along the edge of the forest,
She carried buckets of rain.
Stumbled on a hill -
Buckets tipped over.

The drops rang -
The herons began to scream.
The ants got scared -
The doors were locked.

Buckets with rain Spring
I didn’t get it to the village.
A colored rocker
Fled to the skies
And it hung over the lake -

The forest froze in a transparent haze,
The ice on the trees is melting.
Drops fall from the branches,
And you can hear the trill of tits.

The snow has melted. It smelled like pret.
Thunder rolled in the sky.
Ants under an old spruce
The whole family is building a house.

The buds burst together,
The leaves are blooming.
The dew is trembling on the grass,
Elk runs after a rainbow.

Straw summer
Straw sand.
Straw hat
Slides to the temple.

Strawy distances
Straw days.
Straw horses
Visible in the sun.

Straw sky
Straw hut.
I draw with a straw,
Forgetting about the pencil.

The sun is shining brightly in the sky,
But it's not hot in the thick shade.
Here and there chicks sing -
The forests are new residents.

In golden flowers the edge,
The bees dance in a circle.
A frog screams in the reeds:
It's raining because of the river.

It's warm in the forest until the morning
From resinous pines.
A squirrel carries a mushroom into a hollow...
Autumn is coming.

Autumn looked into the garden -
The birds have flown away.
There's rustling outside the window in the morning
Yellow snowstorms.
First ice underfoot
It crumbles, breaks.
The sparrow in the garden will sigh,
And sing -

Empty in the swift's house -
The poor one flew away,
And like a hedgehog's umbrella
Yellow maple leaf.

The spider knits a web,
The wind drives the clouds.
The chipmunk became sad
About last summer.

In the frost hollow,
Rowan in the lights.
The woodpecker beats with its beak -
Waiting for winter to visit.

(V. Stepanov)


The calendar locomotive is rushing,
There are twelve carriages behind...

Car one name is January,
He meets us “at the parade”:
He opens the New Year,
Children are delighted with gifts...

Beyond January February coming
with blizzards, snow and winds...

There's a trailer behind him March;
Spring begins
Having given the command to her: “To start!”
And now nature comes to life...

March is followed by April:
the trees are budding,
the sun is shining, drops...

Caravan May brings flowers,
To cover them afterwards
Fields, meadows, gardens, alleys...

Railway carriage- June lets us know
That summer will warm us now.

He takes for himself support
July- the trailer is not in vain:
Birds are chirping, everything is blooming
And the sun is shining clearly...

And beyond July August rushes,
He pleases the people with gifts:
His trailer is full
juicy fruits, flowers...

Follows August September,
painting the leaves yellow, red...

But he cuts them off October,
September's work is now in vain...

And now November is running,
It's raining, the wind is blowing...

And then the snow rushes December,
The annual lineup brings up the rear!

(Anya Aksenova )

Baby monthling

Snow Father January
Opens the calendar,
All paths and paths
Covered the snowman with clothes.

And in the cold February
There's a lot of snow in the yard,
A blizzard is raging outside the window,
A friend to the winter wind.

Wake up, forest, from sleep,
Spring is coming!
Let the frost not want to go away,
March spring tramples the path!.

Drops are dripping loudly,
The young one has come April,
Coppices, fields
Streams flowed.

Welcome the warm wind -
Smells like lilies of the valley May,
And they laugh without threat
In May there are morning thunderstorms.

Lilacs are blooming all around,
And the day has noticeably arrived,
That June, dressed in flowers,
Red summer begins.

In bright sunshine
Smells like strawberries
To us July brings heat
He asks everyone to swim in the river.

August rich in stars
He brings fruit to the garden,
Gives honey and mushrooms,
Golden sheaves.

Brother September beauty
Covers the globe of the Earth,
And my native land,
Like a painted box.

IN October before winter sleep
All the trees are in gold,
But through the magnificent outfits
The autumn coolness is pouring.

The rain won't stop,
A school of cranes is flying,
There are dirt and puddles on the roads,
Helmet November hello from the cold.

The year has come to an end,
AND December came up
All nature falls asleep
Before the winter New Year.
(M. Volkova)

Calendar in verse

JANUARY jumped on skis in the morning,
To inspect your possessions.
He played with the red fox,
And he gave the bunnies a treat.

FEBRUARY reflected with frost:
In icicles and glass puddles.
Played snowballs with a bear,
And he sang to the wolf about the winter cold.

MART does not want to admit
That spring comes with him.
And on the river it is in a hurry to break down,
Ice warmed by the warm sun.

APRIL meets starlings from the south,
Merry drops are ringing.
The snow melts as if from fright,
Turning the roads into jelly.

MAY bestowed flowers on the earth,
And the chirping of bright birds.
And the sun is above the clouds for us,
Will wave his eyelashes in greeting.

JUNE is welcomed by children together.
Holidays are a joyful call,
Calls to rush like the wind,
And take a sip of sunshine.

JULY, fishing and hiking,
There are children on a noisy river.
Unforgettable years!
It's time for fun days!

AUGUST is already baking with sunshine,
And everything in the garden ripens.
The shadow draws us in with coolness,
And the aroma of sweet berries.

SEPTEMBER. The bell rang
The baby is starting first grade.
And a tangle of yellow leaves,
The breeze moves across the sky.

OCTOBER plunged into shadow,
The sun's ray is obscured by a cloud.
Dull rain greets the day,
Autumn is spreading its wings again.

NOVEMBER - we can't go for a walk
Now the frost burns, now the wind cries.
The bear will go to sleep in the den,
- Winter is approaching us, that means.

DECEMBER - and winter came,
Decorating the Christmas tree with snow glitter.
There is noise and chaos in the area,
How good it is to play on the slide!

(A. Metzger)

Golden knitting needles

Once upon a time the sun
To be lazy in the sky:
He has
Golden knitting needles,
Colored yarn -
At the bottom of the chest:
Exactly four
Magic ball.

The sun is working
Every time
Knits new clothes.
White in a ball
The year begins
Next green
The yarn is coming.

Red yarn -
For red summer,
Yarn for autumn -
Yellow colors.

Years pass
And the sun is knitting.
Knits and bad words
He won't say.
What can you do?
Kohl from nature
Fashions change!
(V. Orlov)

Four colors of the year

White caps on white birches.
White bunny on white snow.
White pattern on the branches from frost.
I'm skiing through the white forest.

Blue sky, blue shadows.
The blue rivers have shed their ice.
Blue snowdrop - spring resident,
It grows boldly in the blue thawed patch.

In a green forest on a green blade of grass,
A green beetle wags its mustache.
Green butterfly on the path,
I covered my net with a thread cap.

The yellow sun warms less.
Yellow melons on yellow soil.
Yellow leaves rustle along the alley.
Yellow drop of resin on the trunk.

(I. Surikov)

Who's wearing what

The puddles are shining
On the paths -
Autumn stomps
In boots.

Cloud rain
Took away -
Walks in shoes

Summer walks
Or in sandals

A winter A,
Creaking snow, -
In warm

( V. Orlov)


Leaves. Yellow pencil -
This autumn scenery.

Whiteness, snowdrift, aspen -
This winter picture.

Snow melts, streams, drops -
Here spring in watercolor.

Sun, meadow, full of flowers -
This summer canvas.

And here is your artist,
Who created all this beauty
And held a vernissage!
(O. Bundur)


Here is a white sheet. And coal
Winter paints the forest and the house...
Then spring drops
Watercolor will add its own
Colors everything. And in turn
The summer artist will come to us,
So that with oil paint again
Paint the landscapes around.
And autumn, appreciating the work,
The canvases will be framed with gilding.
(L. Slutskaya

On the nose

How freckles appear on your nose,
This is a sign - spring"On the nose".
If Tanya’s nose turned blue -
Summer. The blueberries have ripened in the forest.
The tan turned my nose bronze -
Wait for that autumn coming soon.
Got a little cold
pink -
So, friends,
"On the nose" New Year!

Seasons of the school year


Autumn rain drums on my window,
There are puddles and fallen leaves near the school.
And the gray clouds and the wet path,
And there was dirt everywhere, and my head hurt...
Sad nature sheds tears of sorrow.
My heart is sad and I want to sleep.
Well, what a shame in inclement weather

The earth is shrouded in a crystal shroud,
Children dive into white snowdrifts,
The skates are sharpened and the skis are in front of me,
The snowstorm is over, and it’s time to go to the forest.
The street is full of cheerful people!
Winter the prankster invites you to play in the snow!
Well, what a shame in frosty weather
Do you have to give schoolchildren so many lessons?!

The spring rays warmed the whole earth,
Green grass is everywhere,
And bird trills flow over us,
And the sun is shining and your head is spinning!
Enchantress nature beckons you into your arms!
I look outside and feel like going for a walk...
Well, what a shame in good weather
Should we, the unfortunate children, be given lessons?!
(T. Varlamova)


Be summer eternal -
everything would burn.

Be eternal autumn
everything would be damp.

in winter eternal
everything would freeze.

Here is the eternal spring
another thing!
(V. Berestov)

Learning the names of the months

Said January:
- I am a king!

Laughed February:
- You're a liar!

March yawned
April sneezed
May pinched the frog.

Sang June,
July danced
August bit the apple.

A September flew away
A October whistled
A november slipped,
A December smiled:

- The year is over and again
We need to start a new one!

Said January:
- I am a king…

(I. Gurina )

Learning the names of the months-2

Walked through the snowdrifts January,
The king of all winter frosts!

I was catching up with him February
I lost my shawl from the blizzard.

Came in for a shift March,
It rang: “Spring, let’s start!”

Sailed along the streams April,
He carried some drops in his pocket.

rustled the leaves May:
- Take off your warm jacket!

Dandelion carried June.
Do you want a miracle? Just blow!

And in July, and in July
We had a rest at the sea!

August buzzed with bees,
Yes, he was sitting like a mushroom in the forest.

In golden September
We forgot about the heat!

The wind blew October:
Let's pick up yellow leaves!

Us november frozen
The first snow fell to the ground.

Here December coming to us
Ending a long year!
(I. Gurina )


For summer

Reading is not a punishment

v Don't try to force your child to read when he is actively engaged in another activity.

v Reads aloud - plays theater.

v Reading is correct, error-free, with understanding.

v We read children's magazines and comics, do crossword puzzles.

We write without dirt - we develop fine motor skills

o 1. We train fine motor skills - modeling, applique, drawing.

o 2.Coloring - shading in different directions - pictures in color pencils. The main task - strokes are even, identical in intensity, do not go beyond

borders of the drawing.

Alternative to Russian language

o1. The game “Cities” is very useful -

Come up with a word not for the first, but for

second, third sound of the previous word

o 2 .

o Write often, but not enough! 3. Copy texts, determine stress and syllables in words; repeat

vocabulary words

Mathematics v Table

addition and subtraction in 10, 20 within learn



A person's success is undoubtedly due to him

the closest people with the invisible ones, on

first glance, daily efforts,

hard work, patience and responsibility.

program "School of Russia"

learn short poems by heart
1. Tales of A.S. Pushkin
2. L.N. Tolstoy “Lipunyushka”
3. P. Ershov “The Little Humpbacked Horse” 4. S.P. Aksakov ""
The Scarlet Flower
5. V.I. Dal "Snow Maiden"
6. V. Odoevsky "Moroz Ivanovich"
7. Stories, fairy tales, fables by L.N. Tolstoy and D.K. Ushinsky
8. Stories about animals by V. Bianki, N. Sladkova, E. Charushina
9. Stories and fairy tales by N. Nosov
10. A. Milne “Winnie the Pooh and all-all-all”, etc.
11. E. Uspensky “Crocodile Gena and his friends”, “Uncle Fyodor”, dog and cat”, “About Vera and Anfisa”
12. V. Dragunsky's stories about children
13. Tales of C. Perrault
14. Tales of H.H. Andersen
15. Fairy tales of the Brothers Grimm
16. D. Rodari "The Adventure of Cipollino"

17. A. Lindgren "Kid and Carlson"

Reading speed


Incoming control

(September) I


(December) I





1 class

30 – 40 words

1 class

2nd grade

40 – 50 words

50 – 60 words

40 – 50 words

3rd grade

60 – 70 words

70 – 80 words

60 – 70 words

4th grade

80 – 90 words

90 – 100 words Ukrainian (folk tales

parents read to children)"Mikita Kozhum

vocabulary words

Yak”, “Kotigoroshko”, “Ivasik – Telesik”, etc.

2+1, 3-2, 2+2, 5-3, 5-1, 1+3, 3+2.

1. Write down only those examples in which the answer is 4:<,= ):

6….2 6+2….6+1 5+3….4+4

4….4 3+2….4+2 1+7….6+1

2. Compare (>,

3. Numbers 3 increase by

and write down the answers

3+2= 4+3= 3+3=

5+1= 2+4= 7+2=

4. Write down your answers:

6-….=4+1 8-1=6+…. ….-1=8+1

….+1=9-1 4-1=….+1 9-1=2+….

5. Insert the missing numbers so that the equalities are true:

10-3=6 5+3=8 3+5=7

9-5=4 3+4=8 8-2=6

6. Find incorrect equalities and solve correctly: 7. Find

4+5=9 4+3=8 9+1=11

3+4=7 3+1=4 8-5=4

incorrect equations and solve correctly:

Children go to school 4 months before the New Year and 5 months after the New Year. How many months do children go to school in total?

9. Numbers

reduce by 3 and write down the answers.

10. Circle the two-digit numbers:

3, 1, 10, 4, 15, 13, 8, 6, 41, 7, 2, 19, 5

11. Circle single digit numbers:

3, 12, 5, 8, 19, 11, 6, 20, 21, 9, 34, 10

12. Write down the number that precedes the number:


13. Fill out the table:

Term 9 3 0 8 2 4

Term 1 6 10 1 7 4

Sum . . . . . .

14. Find the unknown term:

6+…=8 3+…=7

…+1=7 8+…=10

…+4=9 3+…=6

15. Solve the problem:

There were 5 kittens playing in the yard. 3 more kittens approached them. How many kittens are there?

16. Count:

10+7= 9+10= 17-7=

18-10= 10+2= 14+1=

17. Compare (>,<,= ):

18…10+3 10…8+10

14…6+4 16…10+6

12…2+10 19…17-10

18. Solve the problem using your wits:

A goose, a rooster and a cat were running along the path. How many paws stomped along that path?

19. Fill out the table:

Term 2 4 6 8 3

Addendum 7 6 5 2 9

Sum . . . .

20. Count:

5+0= 10+0= 7-0=

0+3= 7-7= 4+0=

6-0= 9+0= 0+8=

21. Solve the problem:

One pen costs 6 hryvnia. How much do two of these pens cost?

22. Solve the problem:

The dishes ran away from Fedora -

Three glasses, three cups, three dishes.

How many fugitives were there?

23. Draw a broken line consisting of three links. Write down what its length is.

24. Find a sum whose first term is 9 and the second term is 6, underline:

9-6=3 9+6=15 6+3=9

25. Fill out the table:

Minuable 10 9 8 7 6 5

Subtracted 6 3 5 2 4 5

Difference. . . . . .

26. Count:

9-6= 10-3= 7-6=

10-8= 8-4= 4-4=

7-5= 9-5= 10-5=

27. Solve the problem:

There are 10 vowels in the Russian language (name them), and 4 fewer sounds. How many vowel sounds are there in Russian?

28. Draw one segment 5 cm long, and the second 3 cm shorter.

29. Numbers

reduce by 3 and write down the answers.

30. Find the difference whose minuend is 9 and the subtrahend is 6, underline:

9-6=3 9+6=15 9-3=6

31. Count:

10+2= 15-5= 19-10=

11-10= 10+7= 13-3=

15-10= 14-4= 11-1=

32. Solve the problem using your wits:

The table cover has 4 corners. One corner was cut down. How many corners does the table top have?

33. Compare (>,<,= ):

10+3…10+5 10+0…10+1

10+6…10+8 10+9…10+2

10-3…10-5 10+7…10+4

34. Enter the numbers so that the equalities are satisfied:

…-4=9 …+0=17 13-…=10

11-…=8 14-…=14 17-…=7

35. Correct mistakes:

13-4=8 13-8=5 12-5=6

13-7=6 13-9=4 12-6=6

13-5=7 13-6=8 12-8=5

36. Remember the composition of the number 12 . Fill out the table:

10 6 8 7 9 5

. . . . . .

37. Recover records:

8-5=….+…. 9-5=….+…..

9-5=….+…. 6+3=….+…..

8-2=….+…. …-…=….+…..

38. Remember the composition of the number 13 . Fill out the table:

4 6 8 7 9 5

. . . . . .

39. Compare (>,<,= ):

7+3…7-3 2+4…9-4

8-3…4+3 7-4…3+4

9-3…3+3 5+4…5-4

40. Solve the problem:

4 ducklings were basking in the sun. 5 goslings came running to them. How many birds are there?

41. Draw a closed broken line consisting of four links.

42. Ingenuity task:

There are 10 brothers in the family. The oldest is 20 years old, and each next one is 2 years younger than the previous one, how old is the youngest?

43. Write down the answer:

13-7= 7+5= 9+2=

10-2= 2+7= 5-1=

11-7= 7-4= 5+6=

44. Numbers

reduce by 5 and write down your answers.

45. Fill in the missing numbers:

11-…=9 …-8=5 3+…=9

6+…=12 13-…=8 …+7=15

1+…=4 … -3=9 3+…=11

46. ​​Remember the composition of the number 15 . Fill out the table:

6 9 8 5 10 7

. . . . . .

47. Solve the problem:

There were 3 elk grazing in the clearing, and 6 more deer. How many deer were grazing in the clearing?

48. Ingenuity task:

What floor on top will be the fourth floor of a 20-story building?

49. Numbers

3. Numbers 6 and write down your answers.

50. Decide:

9+4= 9-4= 5-2=

8+4= 12-6= 3+6=

13-10= 1+10= 11-5=

51. Translate:

16 cm=…dm…cm 1dm 2 cm =…cm

19 cm=…dm…cm 1dm 7 cm =…cm

20 cm=…dm…cm 1dm 1 cm =…cm

52. Solve the problem:

4 gnomes live in one house, and 2 more gnomes live in the other. How many gnomes live in two houses?

(2-step problem. Try to solve it.)

53. Remember the composition of the number 14 . Fill out the table:

7 9 8 10 6 5

. . . . . .

54. Ingenuity task:

Tea, milk and juice were poured into three yellow, green and blue cups. What drink is in each cup if the tea is not in a blue or yellow cup, and the juice is not in a blue cup?

55. Decide:

12-8= 10-5= 7+6=

15-9= 4+8= 9-3=

8+3= 9+4= 13-8=

56. Numbers

reduce by 8 and write down your answers.

57. Solve the problem:

At the dog show, graduates of the dog school received 5 gold, the same number of silver and 3 bronze medals. How many medals did school graduates receive in total?

58. Remember the composition of the number 10 . Fill out the table:

3 6 2 7 5 9

. . . . . .

59. Decide:

8+5= 18-9= 4+9=

11-7= 14-8= 6-5=

9+4= 17-8= 10+9=

60. Ingenuity task:

The weight of half a watermelon is 3 kg. What is the mass of the entire watermelon?

61. Solve the problem:

One artist painted 6 oranges, and another artist painted 4 more. How many oranges did both artists draw?

62. Fill in the missing numbers:

3+…=12 14-…=9 …-9=5

8+…=12 6+…=14 15-….=9

13-…=5 17-…=8 …+6=11

63. Remember the composition of the number 18 . Fill out the table:

9 8 16 7 13

. . . . .

64. Decide:

9+5= 13-9= 12-7=

7+4= 10+4= 11-8=

1+7= 14-9= 17-7=

65. Numbers

3. Numbers 7 and write down your answers.

66. Ingenuity task:

The dog Sharik, the cat Matroskin and the cow Murka are 6 years old together. How old will they be together in a year, was it a year ago?

67. Remember the composition of the number 11 . Fill out the table:

2 6 9 7 8 5

. . . . . .

68. Solve the problem:

There were 9 tulips in the bouquet, 4 of them were red, the rest were yellow. How many yellow tulips are in the bouquet?

69. Decide

10-4= 9+3= 16-9=

8+8= 11-2= 9- 4=

12-10= 5+2= 7+5=

70. Solve the problem:

The white clown has 5 balls, and the red clown has 3 fewer balls. How many balls do both clowns have?

71. Numbers

reduce by 9 and write down your answers.

72. Insert the missing + or - signs:

10…6…8=8 5…7…9=3

16…7…5=4 4…10…5=9

11…2…9=18 15…6…4=13

6…6…15=15 17…7…8=2

73. Fill in the missing numbers:

…+4=12 …-7=7 2+…=11

15-…=9 13-…=5 9+…=14

12-…=7 6+…=12 …-6=9

74. Solve the problem:

A young pear is 4 meters high, and an old one is 9 meters high. How many meters is the old pear tree taller than the young one?

75. Remember the composition of the number 17 . Fill out the table:

10 8 7 9 0

. . . . .

76. Decide:

3+8= 8+5= 14-7=

12-6= 3+3= 15-8=

10-9= 14-9= 5+3=

77. Solve the problem:

9 dogs performed in the arena. 7 dogs sat on the bedside tables, and the rest jumped into the house. How many dogs were in the house?

78. Ingenuity task:

Katya, Natasha and Olya were collecting pine cones in the forest. One girl found 8 cones, another - 9, and the third - 10. Natasha collected more cones than Olya, and Katya more than Natasha. How many cones did each girl collect?

Russian language

1. Add a vowel to make a word:

d...m, p...t, p...l, m...l, s...n

2. Add the consonant to make the word:

Lu..., ra..., ro..., so..., dy...

3. Place emphasis on words. If you find it difficult, look in the dictionary.

School, lamp, song, business, catalogue, shovel.

4. Which words have more letters than sounds? Write them out.

Stranded, coat, friends, joy, sea, fun, bumblebee.

5. Which words have fewer letters than sounds? Write them out.

Singing, airplane, apple, patience, daughter, raccoon, poplar.

6. Insert the necessary words into the sentences.

Dill and ………… grow in the garden bed.

Ran along the path……………

Put emphasis on words.

7. Underline the vowels in the words.

Acacia, smile, shop, frost, frying pan, country.

8. Underline the consonants in the words.

June, leaves, car, backpack, cash register, kettle.

9. Place emphasis on words. If you find it difficult, look in the dictionary.

Riddle, wizard, leisure, briefcase, sorrel, beets.

10. Which words have more letters than sounds? Write them out.

Stump, family, night, jam, skates, trees, blizzard.

11. Which words have fewer letters than sounds? Write them out.

Hawk, train, guest, skill, oven, spruce, seal

12. Underline the words in which the second syllable is stressed:

Shop, sadness, city, ravine, salad, sugar, tomato.

Write two words in which the stress falls on the second syllable.

13. Underline the consonant letters denoting hard consonant sounds.

Table, chairs, plate, flowers, chamomile, calendar.

14. Underline the consonant letters that indicate soft consonant sounds.

Day, month, cup, awl, album, boy

15. Fill in the missing letters in the words. Highlight the spellings.

S...roka, p...nal, cla....., m...l...ko, v...r...beat, k...rowa, d...vochka.

16. Write down words in which all consonants are hard. If you wrote it down correctly, you have a proposal.

Water, earth, our, faithful, friend, helper.

17. Write down words in which all consonant sounds are soft. If you wrote it down correctly, you have a proposal.

They, we, loved and grew lilacs and lilies of the valley.

18. Fill in the missing letters in the words. Highlight the spellings.

D...zhurny, v...rona, r...bota, m...tire, k...r...ndash, student...

Write 5 more words with these spellings.

19. In which group are the letters not in alphabetical order? Emphasize.

1). b, s, b, e 2). c, d, d, f

3). m, n, o, p 4). ts, h, sh, sch

20. Write the words in alphabetical order:

hat, sea, jelly, wave, yacht, pine

21. In which word are all consonant sounds voiced? Emphasize.

Rocket, flag, war, victory

Write two words in which all consonants are voiced.

22. In which word are all consonants unvoiced? Emphasize.

Glass, word, rainbow, cloud

Write two words in which all consonants are unvoiced.

23. Write down the proposal. Check it out. Highlight the spellings.

The student took a notebook and pencil.

24. Fill in the missing letters in the words. Make up a sentence with one of the words and write it down.

M...dve, s...roka, d...zhurny, d...daughter, Kie..., for...ts.

25. Perform arithmetic operations with letters and write the resulting word and put the emphasis :


26. Write down words that have fewer sounds than letters:

Horses, beast, shadow, horse, spruce, door

27. Insert the missing letters, write two words in this spelling:

Fluff...nka, top...on, f...zn, sh...lo, embroidery...vka, press...vka,

28. Read the text. Divide it into sentences. Write it down.

I'm walking through the forest, suddenly I hear the knocking of a woodpecker, they call him a forest nurse; a woodpecker treats trees for pests.

29. Write the words according to the example:

light - light

funny - _____________________

Fine - ____________________

fast - _____________________

polite - ____________________

diligently - ___________________

Indicate the emphasis in words. Underline the syllables with the letter y.

30. Write down the proverbs without mistakes. Check it out. Explain their meaning. Specify spellings.

Modesty suits everyone.

There are tears - there is also conscience.

31. Divide the words into syllables and write them down. What words cannot be hyphenated?

Guys, lion cubs, gifts, horse, Olya, crane, stork, ice floe.

32. Write down words that consist of two syllables:

Acacia, star, radio, teapot, dance, watermelon, clearing, metro, pit.

33. Insert the missing letters, write two words in this spelling:, ch...lok, sh...ka, ch...brow, sh...finger, ch...gun, drag...,

34. Insert the missing letters, write two words in this spelling:

Ch...ynik, sh...vel, cloud..., grove..., ch...yka, farewell, seal,

35. Fill in the missing letters. Specify spellings.

There was a babbling stream in the forest. Birds are looking for food... The elk goes into the forest. A woodpecker knocked on a tree. Already... crawling into the reeds...

36. Write it down. Specify spellings.

Rains, grass, fields, rain, nest, scarf, mushrooms, snow, flag, snow, swifts, mushroom, mountain, thrush, hedgehog.

37. Fill in the missing words:

On the ice of the river the ___________ rings.

Buried in the snow _______________.

Going to end the year

and old _____________________.

Words for reference: december, skates, capercaillie, calendar.

38. Read:

Like on thin ice

A little white snow fell.

Write down the words with a soft sign, separating them with dashes.

39. Write it down, inserting a soft sign where necessary:

Girl, letter, cornflowers, dot, big, hospital, cloud

40. Insert the missing letters; if you are in doubt about which letter to write, then look in a spelling dictionary. Remember how they are written:

M...dve, for...c, l...sitsa, student, d...journal, t...trad, teach...l, briefcase...,

41. Draw sound patterns of words:

Sew ______________________



Tea _________________________

42. Read. Fill in the missing letters. Specify spellings.

Nice...winter days!

Snowflakes, like fluff, fall to the ground. I take a k...r...ndash and draw fluffy snow.

43. Read the words:

Sh...ka, k...r...ndash,;

Match the words in the first line with words from the second line that are suitable in meaning and write them down.

44. Write a sentence, underline the soft consonants:

The brown bear is a fast, agile and very strong animal.

45. Insert the missing letters; if you are in doubt about which letter to write, then look in a spelling dictionary. Remember how they are written:

M...dved..., December..., primer..., t...trad..., los..., l...sitsa, for...c, briefcase...,, June..., September...

Write a sentence with one of the words.

46. ​​Insert the missing letters and divide the words into syllables with dashes:

Animals, sick, boy, fell, then, lights, perches,,, residents, schoolchildren.

47. Read the words. Make a sentence out of them, write down:

In, spruce,, stood, tall.

48. Insert the missing letters, choosing the test word:, n...ha - ..., l...shadka - ..., h...lmy - ..., - ..., v...lna - ..., zm...ya - ..., st...would - ....

Write your two words on this spelling.

49. Choose a test word for each word and write down:

………-r…ka, ………….-r…sa

………-m…ha, ………..-z…blah

………-holy…cha, ………..-s…dy

………-st…na, ………..-d…ma.

50. Write down, indicate the emphasis in words .

Kyiv is the main city of our country.

51. Write, changing the words in brackets according to their meaning:

Beautiful (oaks), thin (ice), educational (years), fresh (bread)

52. Fill in the missing letters:

A clean tetra..., a brown bear..., a rubber boot..., a strong frost..., a green karanda..., a blooming tree..., a tractor factory..., a big city...

Underline the words that have more letters than sounds.

53. Write it down. Separate words with dashes for hyphenation.

Taras Grigorievich Shevchenko is a great Ukrainian poet.

54. Make a sentence from the words and write it down. Draw its diagram.

Mom gave Vitalik a gold aquarium with a fish.

55. Complete the words that suit their meaning, for example: the doctor is treating.

Artist __________________

Teacher ____________________

Builder ___________________

What does a soldier do?

56. Answer the questions:

Who's tweeting? __________________

Who's croaking?___________________________

Who's mooing?____________________

Who's chirping? _________________

put emphasis in words. Check the correct spelling of words in a dictionary.

57. Write it down. Specify spellings.

A person must have a good heart, and a tree must have a good root.

58. Read and write down the names of the instruments in alphabetical order:

Yegor has wonderful things:

Planer, saw, hammer and pliers.

He also has an ax and a chisel.

Egorka can build a house.

59. Guess what this word is.

The first letter in the alphabet comes before the letter L, the second - before the letter P, the third - before the letter O, the fourth - before the letter E.

Write this word, count how many letters and sounds it contains.

60. Perform arithmetic operations with letters and write the resulting word and put the emphasis:


61. Think about which letter should be inserted into the words by choosing test words. Write it down.

Gr(o,a)za, n(o,a)ra, v(o,a)lna, z(e,i)mlya, l(e,i)tso, tr(a,o)va

62. Make a sentence from the words and write it down. Draw an outline of the proposal.

The girl was treated to fragrant strawberries by her grandmother.

63. Select a test for the words in each line, write it down, put the emphasis, insert the missing letters:, to

G...ra, g...ry, after

W...s, h...s

Sl...y, according to...dam

64. Write it down. Identify hard and soft consonant sounds:

Ze zhi bu zhe si chu scha tse

tiny tiny crumble

65. Draw sound patterns of words:

Oaks ______________________



Hare _______________________

66. Find words that start with a letter h, write it down divided into syllables:


67. Write and underline a word with 5 letters and 4 sounds:

Dress, shoes and home should be as clean as possible.

68. Choose and complete the correct word:

Next to the bicycle stood a cat (fluff, fluff) _______________________

Our house is saved from enemies by a dog (baby, Baby)________________

69. Read the text, divide it into sentences. Write the second sentence:

I poured millet into the feeder, sparrows and tits immediately flocked to them and quickly pecked at the food.

70. Read the test words and insert the missing letters:

Teeth - teeth... shores - take...

Beaches - beach... oaks - du...

Treasures - treasures... trains - trains...

Eyes - eyes... frost - frost...

71. Write it down, changing the words in brackets as needed in meaning:

Hard (labor)______________

Gentle (slopes)_______________

Cheerful (looks)______________

February (frost)___________

72. Read the words. Find new words in them, write them down and put emphasis on them.

Duck, post, bison, crack, regiment, fishing rod

73. Read, make words from syllables, write, put emphasis:

ka, white nok, call, nickname, what

for, cha, yes ka, re re, ta, bya

74. Guess the word:

The first letter of the word appears in the alphabet after the letter O, the second - after the letter D, the third - before the letter U, the fourth - after T, the fifth - before the letter C.

Write down the word, put the emphasis.

75. Write down the words, divide them into syllables for transfer:

Grains, boy, seagull, shadow, cash register, singing, bunny, umbrella, magazine

76. Fill in the missing letters at or Yu:

Ch...lok, ut...g, ring...ha,, ch...desa, l...tiki, clap...

77. Compose and write a sentence using these words. Specify spellings. Draw an outline of the proposal.

In, wonderful, lilies of the valley, bloomed in the forest

78. Write down the proposal. Draw its diagram:

Emma is reading an interesting book.



Aa Bb Vv Gy Dd Ee Yj Zz Ii Yy Kk Ll Mm Nn ​​Oo Pp Rr Ss Tt Uu Ff Xx Ts Chch Shsh Shch y y Ee Yuyu Yaya


Vowels letters: a o u y e

I yo u and e

Vowel sounds: [a], [o], [u], [s], [e], [and]

Consonants letters: b, c, g, d, g, z, j, k, l, m, n, p, r, s, t, f, x, c, h, sh, sch

Can be hard and soft: b, c, d, d, h, j, l, m, n, p, r, s, t, f, x,

Always hard: [zh], [w], [ts]

Always soft: [ch’], [sch’], [th’]

Pairs: b c d g h

P f k t w s

Voiced: b c d j g h z l m n r y

Voiceless: p f k t w s x c h

They have no sounds: ъ, ь


From line to line, words are transferred syllable by syllable, but one letter cannot be left on a line and transferred to another line.

For example: re-ka, may-ka, boy-chik, cash-sa, ok-no - it’s possible;

Ya-ma, tea-ka, skates, group-ppa, sta-ya - you can’t.


ZHI SHI - write with the letter I,

CHA SHA - write with the letter A,

CHU SHCHU - write with the letter U,

CHN CHK schN - write without b.



Choose a test word so that the unstressed vowel becomes stressed.

For example: l and sa - li sy;

tro-patro py.


Choose a test word so that after this consonant there is a vowel.

For example: mushroom - mushroom s, fruit - fruit s, giraffe - giraffe s.

Collections of poems about the autumn months

**** (I. Gurina)
In golden September
We forgot about the heat!
The wind blew in October:
Let's pick up yellow leaves!
November froze us

The first snow fell to the ground.

**** (B. Elshansky)
Number nine! Number nine
And autumn time
Everyone has to try on their uniform for school -
The training starts in September.
Number ten. In October
The first cold blows;
The leaf turns yellow in the yard -
Autumn is pouring gold.
Here is number eleven.
What is November full of?
Autumn sends greetings to friends -

Getting ready to become winter.

**** (T. Levanova)
September is full of work:
They clean up the gardens.
The bins are full of goodness,
It's time for schoolchildren to go to school.
The crowns have turned yellow again,
Blizzards of leaves are swirling,
The rain is falling more and more frequently,
You know, October is coming.
Nature is sad in November:
Tired of bad weather.
It's already frosty at night

And the dawn comes late.

The year goes by (G. Ladonshchikov)
September has arrived
And the doors of schools
Opened up for the guys.
The sheets are rustling,
The fields are empty
And now to the houses
October is lucky
Grain and honey -
Income by workdays.
We are with November
In the ranks alone -
We don't care about the wind.
On the ice of the river
The skates are ringing.

>>> A wood grouse buried itself in the snow.

All year round

Samuel Marshak
The villages thresh bread,
Birds are flying across the seas -
And the school opened.

In October, in October
Frequent rain outside.
The grass in the meadows is dead,
The grasshopper fell silent.
Firewood has been prepared
For the winter for stoves.

The seventh day of November -
Red calendar day.
Look out your window:
Everything on the street is red.
Flags flutter at the gates,
Blazing with flames.
See, the music is on
Where the trams were.
All the people - both young and old -
Celebrates freedom.
And my red ball flies
Straight to the sky!

Children's month book (M. Volkova)

Brother September beauty
Covers the globe of the Earth,
And my native land,
Like a painted box.

In October before winter sleep
All the trees are in gold,
But through the magnificent outfits
The autumn coolness is pouring.

The rain won't stop,
A school of cranes is flying,
There are dirt and puddles on the roads,
November sends greetings from the cold.

Twelve Brothers (M. Sadovsky)

The summer is over,
School time is coming,
And in truth,
He is loved and desired,
Long-awaited, long-awaited
The ringing holiday of September!

The leaves have fallen
The birds have disappeared
Everything that bloomed
Hidden in disgrace.
The holes are busy
Disputes froze
The fences were frosty this morning...
What's so sweet about this time?
In the heart that squeezes us October?!

Black forest
Drawn to the roots
Behind the November pre-winter
The soul awaits snow soon.
Behind the gloomy nights
Round dance of white dances,
For patience and sorrow
The long-awaited New Year!