Application for admission to TSTU. Tambov State Technical University (TSTU). Photo report from the Open Day

On November 15, Tambov State Technical University hosted the Day open doors. Schoolchildren, their parents and teachers were able to get acquainted with the areas of study at the technical university, meet with the management of the university, directors of university institutes, and the executive secretary admissions committee and ask questions that interest them. The admission rules for applicants in 2016 can be found on the TSTU website.

Photo report from the Open Day

It is worth noting that on the website of the Ministry of Education and Science Russian Federation information about the procedure for admission to universities has appeared. Order approving the new procedure for admission to training in educational programs higher education– bachelor’s, specialist’s, master’s degrees, published by the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia, received state registration by the Ministry of Justice of Russia. The procedure will apply starting with admission for 2016/17 academic year. Previously, the admission procedure was approved for a period of one year, but the existing document will be permanent. This means that the standards by which admission is carried out will not fundamentally change annually and applicants will be aware in advance of all the details when admitted to the university.

Order dated August 20, 2019 on enrollment in the Autonomous non-profit organization of higher education "Russian new university" persons who have submitted an application for consent to enrollment and have successfully passed entrance tests upon admission to full-time and part-time forms on-site training under contracts for the provision of paid educational services (Tambov branch)(.pdf)

Archive 2018.

Order dated August 18, 2018 on the enrollment in the Autonomous Non-Profit Organization of Higher Education "Russian New University" of persons who have submitted an application for consent to enrollment, who have successfully passed the entrance examination for admission to full-time and part-time forms of education for places under contracts for the provision of paid educational services (Tambov branch)( .pdf)

Order dated October 17, 2018 on enrollment in the Autonomous Non-Profit Organization of Higher Education "Russian New University" of persons who have submitted an application for consent to enrollment and have successfully passed the entrance examination for admission to behind full-time on-site training under contracts for the provision of paid educational services (Tambov branch)(.pdf)

Archive 2014

Order on the enrollment of applicants included in the lists of those recommended for enrollment and who submitted the original document of the established form within the prescribed period, to places under contracts for the provision of paid educational services, who have successfully passed the entrance examination for admission to full-time education from September 1, 2014.

Order on the enrollment of applicants included in the lists recommended for enrollment and who submitted the original document of the established form within the prescribed period to places under contracts for the provision of paid educational services, who have successfully passed the entrance examination for admission to correspondence courses.

License No. 1625.0000 dated 08/05/2011 00:00, valid indefinitely.

Accreditation No. N 0510 dated 04/01/2013 00:00, valid until 04/01/2019 00:00.

Rector: Mikhail Nikolaevich Krasnyansky, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, Corresponding Member Russian Academy natural sciences Mikhail Nikolaevich Krasnyansky was born on December 22, 1969 in the city of Tambov into a family of employees.
From 1976 to 1983 he studied at secondary school No. 28 in Tambov. In 1983 he moved to high school No. 29 in Tambov, which he graduated in 1986 with a Gold Medal.
In 1986 he entered and in 1992 graduated with honors from the Faculty of Cosmonautics and Automatic Aircraft of the Moscow aviation institute them. Sergo Ordzhonikidze with a specialization in “Life support systems, rescue and protection of aircraft crews” (qualification of systems engineer).
In 1992 he entered and in 1995 completed his postgraduate studies at the Tambov Institute of Chemical Engineering (Tambov State Technical University) with the defense of a candidate's thesis in the specialty 05.17.08 - Processes and apparatus chemical technologies.
He has an academic degree of Doctor of Technical Sciences (defended doctoral dissertation in 2010 on the topic "Methodology of forecasting and ensuring the reliability of the functioning of processes and devices of multi-product chemical production"in the specialties 05.17.08 - Processes and devices of chemical technologies; 05.13.01 - System analysis, management and information processing (chemical industry)) and the academic title of professor (awarded in 2013 in the department of "Automated design of technological equipment").
Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences (2014).
Published more than 150 scientific articles in peer-reviewed scientific journals and conference proceedings, 6 teaching aids with UMO stamps, 5 monographs, 7 certificates of state registration of computer programs were received. Participation and management of more than 15 projects and grants from federal and departmental target programs, the Russian Foundation for Basic Research, and economic agreements with enterprises in the real sector of the economy. Over the past 3 years, 4 government contracts and 2 agreements have been completed. Participation in 3 international projects under the Tempus program.
Area of ​​scientific interests: theory and methods of computer-aided design of technical systems of multi-product chemical production, taking into account the reliability of the functioning of process equipment; design of information and educational systems with remote multi-user computer access to laboratory and industrial equipment; development of virtual simulators for training operators of technical systems in the basics of work in normal and emergency situations.
For many years of fruitful work on development and improvement educational process, significant contribution to the training of highly qualified specialists was awarded Certificate of honor Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation. Awarded a medal"All-Russian Exhibition Center Laureate" for organizing an interactive information and learning environment on the Internet for training engineering specialists.
Labor scientific and pedagogical activity began in 1995 as an assistant in the department of "Flexible Automated Production Systems" at Tambov State Technical University and continues to this day at TSTU in the following chronological order: as a senior lecturer in the department of "Flexible automated production systems" (1998-2000); as an associate professor of the department of "Flexible automated production systems" (renamed in 2003 to the department of "Automated design of technological equipment") (2000-2012); as Deputy Director for educational work Tambovsky regional center Federation of Internet Education (2003-2006) and International educational center APTECH-Tambov State Technical University (2006-2012); as a professor in the department of "Automated design of technological equipment" (transformed in 2014 into the department of "Computer-integrated systems in mechanical engineering") (2012 - to present).
Appointed by Order No. 1796-03 dated October 31, 2012 to the position of Vice-Rector for Scientific and Innovation Activities.
From July 10, 2014, he was appointed acting rector of the university.
Married, has a son.

Availability military department: not indicated

Availability of hostel: Yes