"Star Wars: The Last Jedi." Will Ray turn to the Dark Side of the Force? To dissapear - fanfiction for the Star Wars fandom Star Wars Rey will turn to the dark side

Do you love Reddit as much as we do? Every day there is trouble for the studios. Let's see how right the user turns out to be, who posted a lot of key moments and plot twists in the eighth episode of the space saga, begun by George Lucas in the late 1970s.

Recently Oscar Isaac dropped the phrase that compared to “ The Force Awakens", the eighth Episode will seem almost arthouse to the viewer. He said “independent films,” to be completely honest. And the Reddit user in his spoilers is not so wrong - after reading the entire text, one gets the feeling that the film really will not look like an action movie, but will slow down the action for the time being.

But enough introduction. Go.

The film is divided into three equal parts storylines: Rey, Finn, Kylo Ren. They all intertwine only in the third act.

There's not much action in the first two acts, but the third act will blow everyone's minds.

Essentially, the structure isn't as similar to Empire as Awakening reminded everyone of A New Hope, but parallels can be drawn. Rey undergoes Force training with an elderly Jedi Master (Luke) on an abandoned planet, while Finn and Poe are beautiful city where dark things happen. Finn and Poe are betrayed and captured by Kylo Ren. He wants to use his friends as bait for Rey, which will ultimately lead to a duel between Kylo and Rey in the industrial area of ​​the city.

The story behind Kylo Ren's murder of the Jedi is that Snoke lured Kylo and several students to the Dark Side of the Force and ordered everyone else killed. Only Luke and a few students survived, including Ray. Luke sends the girl to the planet Jakku.

Ray's mother died when Ren and his accomplices attacked.

Rey is angry at Luke because she considered him her father and also because he abandoned her. Luke turns to Rey and says, " No, you are my father».

Rey is the incarnation of Anakin Skywalker. Actually, Luke went in search of the first Jedi temple in order to understand the principle of the process. He learned that the spirit of the Chosen One is reincarnated by the Force whenever the balance of the universe is upset. This happens regularly, and Anakin was far from the first Chosen One. That’s why Ray wields the Force so masterfully—you just have to remember what eight-year-old Anakin did.

Ray is a product immaculate conception, but nothing is said about midichlorians. Luke tells Rey that she is a “child of the Force.”

Luke does not want to train Rey, because according to Jedi history, the Chosen One, due to the chaotic power that flows within him, always has great difficulty remaining on the Light Side. Luke is afraid that Rey will turn out to be Vader 2.0, and she will turn to the Dark Side, which will cause more harm to the galaxy than Kylo could ever imagine.

Still, Luke takes on Rey’s training and leaves everything to the will of the Force. He makes this decision after consulting with the ghosts of Obi-Wan and Yoda (wait for the appearance of Ewan McGregor and the voice of Frank Oz).

Ray learns to use a lightsaber and the Force when she is visited by a vision of Maz Kanata and Hayden Christensen. Hayden-Anakin tells Rey that she is him, but she is completely different. A scene follows showing hundreds of other ghosts, hinting at Rey's past.

Rey senses that something has happened to Finn and tells Luke that she must go help her friend. Luke recounts how he too felt the same way and Yoda insisted that he stay and complete his training, but his insubordination resulted in pain. But Ray replies that Luke is not Yoda, and he solves his own problems, which leads to them leaving together.

Finn wakes up on the Resistance ship, and learns from Poe that they are already on their way to the temporary planet where the center of the Republic is located after the main planets were destroyed by Starkiller Base.

Leia lobbying for the idea of ​​starting a war.

The Republic is led by a temporary dictator, Lord Vikram (Benicio Del Toro), who came to power thanks to several senators trying to maintain order.

The destruction of the heart of the Republic by Starkiller Base led to a disruption in communications, as everything was brought to these planets. Vikram is trying to restore all contacts so that the Republic does not descend into anarchy.

The confrontation between Leah and Vikram begins. Vikram agrees that the Republic should go to war with the First Order, but wants to wait until communications are restored so that a solid army can be assembled. Now they have only a small fleet at their disposal. Leia does not agree, and wants to enter the battle as quickly as possible, before Snoke recovers from the explosion of Starkiller Base. Leia believes that both sides are in chaos and now is the time to strike. Vikram objects, arguing that Leia is drawing on the emotions associated with Han's death. In turn, Leia calls him “a political viper,” recalling that they used to spend several days in the Senate arguing about certain things.

The planet on which the remains of the Republic are located is protected by a powerful shield that is able to repel any attack by the First Order.

Leia gives Poe and Finn the task of exploring the city, since according to her information, spies of the First Order are lurking somewhere in the Republic. Leah suspects Vikram.

Leia's contact, Chala (Kelly Marie Tran), leaves a lasting impression on Finn. She goes with him and Poe in search of information.

Chala, Finn and Poe find Vikram's assistant, who witnessed the contact between Vikram and the First Order. Leia and the Resistance fighters arrest Vikram and imprison him for treason. He denies everything, and the rest of the Republic officials are simply horrified: in fact, she carried out a military coup. Leia takes control of the planet's defense systems and frivolously gives Finn the codes to control the planetary shields.

In a conversation with Chala, Finn briefly shares the strangeness in Vikram's behavior: for some reason the traitor did not turn off the shields for the First Order. They go into the room where they are waiting Captain Phasma. Chala takes out a blaster, takes Finn prisoner, takes the control codes and turns off the planetary shields. She says that she planted the evidence herself, and used Finn to get the codes. In fact, she considers him a traitor to the First Order. Phasma forces Finn to turn off the protective shields.

The First Order attacks the planet, capturing Finn, Poe and Leia. Kylo begins to torture Finn using the Force. He knows that this will lure Rae out of her hiding place and she will fall into his trap.

Okay, even if this leak turns out to be complete nonsense, we still had a nice time translating it. It's always interesting to compare later. Well, what if this is true after all? We would watch this!

Illustration copyright LUCASFILM Image caption Who will Rey serve - good or evil?

The first full trailer for the eighth episode of Star Wars - the film Star Wars: The Last Jedi - does an excellent job of intriguing with new scenes of the star saga, hinting at unexpected plot twists, but leaves you in the dark. What will happen next to the characters in the film?

After watching the trailer, we have a lot of questions. First of all, about what will happen next in the Star Wars universe.

Attention! There may be spoilers below! Or they may not. We ourselves don’t know yet.

Will Rey turn to the Dark Side?

Illustration copyright LUCASFILM
Image caption Kylo Ren: no father, no mother

“When I found you, I saw wild, unbridled power. But besides it... Something truly priceless.”

These words from the Supreme Leader of the First Order, Snoke, played by Andy Serkis, are heard in the opening scenes. Until now, we didn't know much about this character. Finally, we can take a good look at it.

Who is he talking about? About Kylo Ren (Adam Driver), who meets us in the first frames, or about Rey (Daisy Ridley), who appears next in the trailer?

Illustration copyright LUCASFILM

“Only once have I seen such power,” says a stunned Luke, apparently comparing Rey to Ren. “Then she didn’t scare me.” But now…"

Rey, apparently, will have to endure Snoke's torture, and then she will say: “I need someone who will show me the way in this world.”

She appears to be saying this to Ren, who in the next shot extends his hand. Tricky editing trick? Or will these two actually team up?

Will Kylo Ren kill General Leia?

Illustration copyright LUCASFILM
Image caption Princess Leia: I gave birth to you, and you kill me?

“Let the past die,” says Ren as we see him in the thick of space battle at the controls of a new model of the TIE silencer starfighter. “Kill if necessary,” he clarifies.

And again editing and gluing together frames: before us is General Leia (Ren’s mother). In the last film of the saga, Ren killed his father, Han Solo. Will Leia face the same fate?

“And you will become who you are destined to be,” Ren says finally.

Leia doesn't answer, but raises her eyebrows. Like, probably, anyone who is about to be killed by their own son.

Kylo's thumb rests on the big red button. He trembles and swallows hard, just like anyone who is about to kill their own mother probably would.

Why is Finn wearing a First Order uniform?

Illustration copyright LUCASFILM
Image caption Finn: “One of our own among strangers”?

Finn (John Boyega) fades into the background in this trailer, letting Rey and Kylo Ren pass by.

But in the battle scene with Captain Phasma (Gwendoline Christie), Finn is wearing a First Order uniform. Is he working undercover?

What scared Porg so much?

Illustration copyright LUCASFILM

The Porg is a furry creature that travels with Chewbacca on the Millennium Falcon and looks like a cross between a penguin and a guinea pig if you add a fish mouth and golf ball eyes.

In the trailer footage, it screams shrilly, clearly frightened by something. As anyone rushing through space, running away from a squadron of TIE fighters, would probably scream.

It's safe to say that Porg plushies will be this season's best-sellers in toy stores. Or, if they're not touching enough for you, pay attention to the cute pointy-eared ice foxes that appear in the frame a little later.

“A week and a half ago, a post by user kreganyong from 4chan was quoted. He claimed to have watched Star Wars Episode VIII and offered to ask him questions about the film's plot. To be convincing, he briefly described the contents of the official trailer (let me remind you that the trailer was released only on October 9). Then they didn’t really believe him, like many other “insiders” who create similar topics out of a desire to get their 15 seconds of fame. But now that we've all seen the trailer, I'm starting to believe that this user has actually seen the film - or is at least very familiar with its contents.

Snoke gains his power by draining the life from other beings. However, by now he uses this technique exclusively as punishment, since such “doses” are tiny for him - he can only get enough of the death of millions of living beings, as was the case with the destruction of the Hosnian-Prime system in Episode VII. Snoke literally feeds on death, and tragedies like the one that befell Hosnian Prime energize him and restore him. Therefore, in The Last Jedi, Snoke is in much better condition than in The Force Awakens. We also learn from Luke that Palpatine wanted to create the Death Star for the same reason - to feed on the deaths of others. It's like a drug: the more you get, the less effective it is, so Snoke needs more and more victims. Wars, genocide - all this allows him to extend the years of his life.

Snoke has been doing this for thousands of years. The Jedi were able to defeat him and imprison him, but he was able to corrupt one of them - the one who later became the first Sith. Then, a thousand years before the events of the new films, a war broke out between the Sith and the Jedi, and Snoke's knowledge was lost. The surviving Sith (Darth Bane and then Palpatine) constantly felt the “call” of the Dark Side - it was Snoke who encouraged them to release him in exchange for a promise to reveal the secret of eternal life and limitless power.

Luke tells Rey that Snoke wants to turn Kylo Ren into a vessel of the Force and then destroy him, thus destroying the Force itself. This will mean the death of the entire galaxy, because life in it was created by the Force.

Act 1

The first act of the film is almost entirely devoted to Rey and her time on the island. She tries to convince Luke Skywalker that she is ready to train. In the first act, the first turning point in the mind of Kylo Ren occurs: he saves his mother during the battle over D'Kar, and she manages to escape from the encirclement of the First Order. Finn comes to his senses and during the battle becomes a gunner on a bomber piloted by Paige Tico is Rose's sister (played by Callie Marie Tran) and the chemistry between Finn and Rose is almost immediate.

Act 2

As Rey continues his training, Kylo Ren meets with the Knights of Ren at Vader's castle to set in motion his plan to overthrow Snoke (with Rey's help, he hopes). Finn and Rose travel to Canto Bight to meet with DJ, who supposedly knows a way to lead the Resistance to victory. There is an army of droids hidden from everyone and a factory for their production, left over from the prequel era. It is no secret that the Resistance has little to oppose the combat power of the First Order - it does not have a sufficient number of fighters and, in fact, does not have a fleet. It may seem to the viewer that DJ wants to betray the Resistance agents, but in fact the traitor turns out to be Rose - she tells the First Order about the location of the planet Krayt during her stay on Canto Bight. She is forced to do this because her (and Paige's) parents are being held captive by the First Order. As Rose turns away from Finn and is ready to follow Phasma, Phasma tells her that her parents were killed long ago. This news hits Rose on the spot. She also ends up being captured by the First Order.

Kylo Ren travels to Ah-To with the Knights of Ren. He wants to put an end to the growing conflict before it's too late. Luke easily deals with the Knights using the Force (without killing them), and a duel occurs between Kylo and Rey. At the top of the cliff, a piece of rock breaks off, and Ray falls from the top, hitting his head on a rock. She loses consciousness. Kylo Ren, realizing that the moment is right, jumps after her. Luke sees this.

Kylo swims after Rey and drags her into an underwater cave where there is air. Rey comes to, and she and Kylo begin to discuss what led up to the events of Episode VII: how Snoke manipulated Ben into thinking that it was Luke and his Jedi who killed Rey and her family [the author says nothing about Rey and Ben knew each other before, but judging by what he writes, this is exactly what it is - Nexu]. Ben stopped experiencing visions of Rey after he left Jakku [and again, nothing is clear: what exact moment are we talking about? Looks like Rey and Ben were on Jakku together?] Rey listens to Kylo in disbelief, but he has the advantage because he took her sword. Kylo tells her that he must talk to Luke - now that he has realized the tragedy of his mistake, which led to the death of the Jedi.

Kylo returns Rey's lightsaber, and together they rise to the surface to find Luke, but they only find the Knights of Ren, and Luke has disappeared somewhere. At the same time, he stole the ship on which the Knights arrived.

We never see the droid factory because it's a lie. DJ doesn't trust Finn and Rose, but he wants to get out of prison. He tells Leia and Holdo the whole truth about what is happening, while Rose, meanwhile, supplies false information about the droids to the First Order.

What DJ is really concerned about is a system not shown on the galactic map where there actually are droids that have existed autonomously for many years (some of them are thousands of years old). They somehow managed to get rid of the built-in restrictions, or somehow managed to turn into “free-thinking” droids. And they began to gather their forces, fearing that their freedom was under threat. C-3PO heard DJ talk about this and remembered the stories he had overheard on the Resistance droid spy network (mentioned briefly in The Force Awakens).

The situation at the end of The Last Jedi is that Threepio will act as an emissary of the Resistance. He will go to the droid enclave and call on them to fight the First Order (and this will probably be shown in Episode IX). If the Resistance wins, the droids will have complete freedom. They will spread a special signal throughout the galaxy, which should “awaken” all droids - they will become free and will be able to join their brothers. Those droids that wish to continue serving their owners will remain in their previous status. Holdo and some members of the Resistance strongly disagree with this idea, because a situation where former slaves gain freedom can lead to unpredictable consequences. Leia, who sympathizes with Threepio, approves of the plan.

Act 3

During the second act, Leia and Holdo try to revive the base on Crait. They discover an old equipment warehouse from the days of the Rebel Alliance - and there is even stuff from the prequel era.

After Rose gives the First Order Krayt's coordinates (which DJ told Leia about), the First Order and the Resistance begin preparing for battle.

The base is underground. Leia sends a message to Ah-To and tells Rey that she and Luke are both needed at Krayt immediately. Before Rey can even respond, First Order ships descend on him and Kylo. It turns out that Kylo's TIE fighter had a tracking device.

Kylo tells Rey that they will meet on Crait and takes off in his TIE to give Rey and Chewbacca time to reach the Millennium Falcon. They leave the planet and make a hyperspace jump to Krayt. Meanwhile, TIE Kylo Ren is damaged in a skirmish above Ah-To and is captured by a giant First Order starship. Ray senses in the Force that Kylo has been captured.

Rey returns to Leia empty-handed - no Luke, no Kylo. But she tells Leia that Kylo saved her life. Leia smiles: she believes that her son has fallen in love.
No information on where Luke Skywalker might be.

When Leia tells Rey what happened to Finn and Rose, Rey mimics Luke's actions from The Empire Strikes Back and tries to come to their aid, when the First Order fleet arrives to strike Krayt. Kylo, ​​Finn and Rose are on Snoke's Star Destroyer. Hux gives the order to put the planetary cannon on alert, which is capable of sweeping away the Resistance base with one shot.

Ray frees Finn and Rose through a series of battles aboard the First Order ship, and then sets out to free Kylo as well. Finn doesn't like this at all, but Rey manages to convince him. When they find him, Kylo is chained to a torture chair. Before freeing him, Ray jokes about how their roles have changed. But just as they are about to flee, Snoke’s guards fill the room and take the entire company prisoner (Kylo does not have a lightsaber).

The prisoners are brought to Snoke. He tells Kylo that he has one last chance to fulfill his destiny. Either he will kill Rey, Finn and Rose, and Snoke will reveal to him a secret that he has hidden until now - the secret of limitless power - or he will die with them, but before that he will witness how the cannon destroys the base, and with it - and his mother. After these words, Snoke causes Kylo Ren's lightsaber to float through the air and hover in front of him.

The first to attack Kylo is one of Snoke's guards, Finn. Finn looks at Kylo with hatred and, just when it seems that Kylo is going to kill him, Kylo uses a Force Push to throw the guards to the sides. Snoke looks at this in surprise; in his hands is the sword Ray. For a moment, it seems that Kylo will stand alone against everyone, but then the lightsaber suddenly slips out of Snoke’s hands and ends up in the hand of Luke Skywalker. Seeing this, Snoke disappears behind the door behind his throne. Luke tells Rey that the salvation of the galaxy is in her hands, throws her a sword and sets off in pursuit of Snoke.

Kylo and Rey stand back to back, next to Rose and Finn, and we witness one of the most exciting fight scenes in Star Wars. Rey and Kylo face off against Snoke's guards and stormtroopers; Finn and Rose pick up weapons from the dead stormtroopers and also join the battle. Of course, the focus is on Kylo and Rey and their samurai-style fight against the advancing enemy forces.

Finally, the battle is over and the four leave the Star Destroyer just before it suffers critical damage during the space battle. They return to Crait, and then Ray discovers that Kylo is not with them. He tells her that the orbital cannon is about to destroy the base and kill his mother, and he is going to stop it.
The gun is ready to fire. No time. Kylo tells Rey to tell his mother - he really blames himself for everything that happened. Rey begs him to come back (she screams "Come back!" like she screamed at Jakku as a little girl in Episode VII, and cries). However, there is no time left.

Kylo grabs his TIE and sets it to self-destruct mode, and then leads the fighter into the muzzle of the cannon, which is about to fire. We're willing to believe that Kylo will die as a result of his TIE exploding, disabling the cannon and destroying the entire ship. The screen explodes and we see Rey's (and even Finn's) face filled with despair. But something makes us believe that Kylo survived: Leia does not react in any way to the explosion of the ship - on the contrary, she congratulates everyone who is next to her.

When Rey returns to Leia in tears and tells her what happened to Kylo and Luke, Leia tells her that she feels both are alive - but Luke is in mortal danger. The shot cuts to an image of Snoke's ship, the Supremacy, holding Luke Skywalker captive. Snoke imprisoned him in a special field. Luke tells Snoke that he has lost. To this, Snoke answers him: “Ren hopes that with your help he can fix everything. He will search. But is he ready for what will be revealed to him? Luke reacts to these words with a very scary look.

The film ends with Ray boarding the Millennium Falcon and setting out to find Kylo. Then we are shown that the ejection seat from the TIE cabin in which Kylo was flying is drifting in space, and in it is Kylo, ​​restrained by his seat belts and unconscious. Ray cautiously tries to find out if he is alive, and Chewie confirms that he is. “Ben,” Ray says, looking out the window of the Falcon.

Fans continue to speculate about the upcoming eighth episode of Star Wars. The new official synopsis of the film on the Japanese website, which is dedicated to the new episode, added fuel to the fire. It says that Rey and Kylo Ren have a lot in common, as they both struggle with the Light and Dark Sides of the Force. We invite you to familiarize yourself with it in more detail:

Light? Dark? Rey and Kylo seem to move between these two sides. A shocking new plot development awaits you in Star Wars: The Last Jedi! While the world was shocked to learn that Rey's proposed hand belonged to Kylo Ren, what's next for these two? Light? Dark? Together they are driven by a mighty Force. Rey, who awakened the Force in the previous film, carries with her a sense of loss and uncertainty, which makes her vulnerable to the Darkness... Kylo killed Han Solo, despite the fact that he was his real father; will the small part of Light remaining in his heart be able to overcome the Darkness? These are two resonating personalities from whom we cannot take our eyes off!

Fans of the saga are already saying that Rey will turn to the Dark Side of the Force and the balance will change! Just look at the international poster of the film, where Rey is depicted as if above the rest in the place where the villain was most often located in the posters of the previous parts. For example, such villains of past films as Darth Maul, Darth Vader and Kylo Ren were in this arrangement. On the other hand, this place on the last poster was occupied by Luke Skywalker! The filmmakers clearly want to confuse fans and create an incredible surprise.

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“There was something... inside of me that was always there. Now it has woken up and I need help."

Still licking her wounds - both physical and emotional - from the events of The Force Awakens (just looking at Kylo Ren's face is guaranteed to cause lifelong psychological trauma), Daisy Ridley's Rey clearly needs some guidance. the time when what will be shown in the new film "Star Wars: The Last Jedi" will happen. Having crossed the galaxy on her journey in search of Luke Skywalker, Rey arrives on the planet Ahch-To to begin what she thinks is Jedi training.

Confirming previously known information, the trailer released in October proved that Luke does indeed fear Rey's ferocious Jedi powers, perhaps because they bring back bad memories of his Jedi Academy and, more specifically, how it was destroyed at the hands of Kylo Ren - the aspiring Jedi, previously known as Ben Solo, the son of Han Solo who died in The Force Awakens - yes, Harrison Ford himself insisted on the death of his hero.

It was this failure that essentially forced old Skywalker into exile, and we understand that Mark Hamill's character spent those intervening years between Return of the Jedi and The Force Awakens searching for the last Jedi Temple. But how does all this apply to Rey? Well, way, the Episode VIII trailer certainly hints that the disillusioned "orphan" from the desert planet Jakku is about to move on to dark side strength. What can I say, genes.

Not only that, but a new synopsis for the film was revealed today on a Japanese website, and it also hints that Daisy Ridley's character is headed down a dangerous path. Check out the rough translation below:

Light? Darkness? Rey and Kylo, ​​two people who seem to be connected to each other; A shocking new plot development awaits us in Star Wars: The Last Jedi

Rey, who, although in the previous film "The Force Awakens" awakened this very Force, still feels loss and uncertainty; she will be drawn to the Darkness... like Kylo, ​​who killed Han Solo, despite the fact that he was his real father; Will the small amount of light that still remains in his heart be hopeful and be able to defeat the Darkness!?

These two figures that seem to resonate with each other - we can't take our eyes off them!

Again, this is a very rough translation and is hardly concrete evidence that Rey will turn to the Dark Side, but it is certainly leaning towards it. Combined with all the other evidence we have already seen, we would say that this moment it is very likely that she will choose evil - at least become more harsh in her methods, but this is only our best guess and will not be confirmed in any way.

Either way, all will be revealed when Star Wars: The Last Jedi hits theaters on December 15th. According to director Rian Johnson, there will be a cliffhanger ending that should give Star Wars fans plenty to talk about until Episode IX is released in 2019.

Episode nine was subjected to some pretty sudden changes V Lately. At the helm of the new film is JJ Abram, who gave us the remake of Star Trek and The Force Awakens. A new release date of December 2019 has been confirmed, removing the question of box office competition with the so-called Wonder Woman sequel.