§9. Social system and church organization in Rus'. Using additional sources of geographic information, prepare a report on the use of modern computers Using additional sources yourself

1. Define the concept.
Modern biology is a set of natural sciences that study life as a special form of existence of matter.

2. Fill out the table.

The contribution of scientists to the development of biology

3. Name the scientists who made a significant contribution to the development of genetics.
G. Mendel, G. de Vries, T. Morgan, J. Watson and F. Crick.

4. Fill out the table.

Relationship between biology and other sciences

5. Explain why the development of biology is associated with the solution of many modern problems humanity. What problems do you think can be solved first by biology?
Conservation of nature, prevention of environmental disaster, creation of biologically active substances and medicines for the treatment of fatal diseases and hereditary diseases, selection for cellular level and etc.

6. Write what the following sciences study.
Botany- plants.
Zoology– animals.
Ichthyology– fish.
Entomology – insects.
Taxonomy – diversity of living organisms.

7. What natural sciences that make up biology arose at the end of the 20th century?
Biotechnology, genetic engineering

8. Solve the crossword puzzle “History of biology.”

9. Using additional sources information, determine what is being studied:
Bryology- science of mosses.
Mycology- science of mushrooms.
Paleobotany – the science of fossil plants.
Algology– the science of algae.

10. Make up the names of the sciences yourself:
Theriology- a branch of zoology that studies mammals;
Anatomy- science of man;
Lichenology - science that studies lichens;
Histology- a branch of morphology that studies the tissues of multicellular animals.

11. Cognitive task.
Dendrology - a branch of botany that studies woody plants. The branch of dendrology that reconstructs past climatic conditions using tree rings is called dendroclimatology. Try to give a name scientific discipline, whose task is dating historical events And natural phenomena by analyzing wood growth rings.
Answer: Dendrochronology.

12. Before you are four blocks of data: “Name”, “Last name”, “Lifetime”, “Country”. Selecting one element from each block, fill in the rows in the table, placing in chronological order information about scientists who contributed to the development of biology.
Name: Andreas, Georges, Robert, Alexander, Claudius, Karl, William, Ivan, Gregor, Theodore.
Surname: Cuvier, Galen, Mendel, Vesalius, Harvey, Sechenov, Fleming, Koch, Schwann, Linnaeus.
Lifetime: II century BC e., XIX century, XVI-XVII centuries, XVIII-XIX centuries, XVI century, XIX-XX centuries, XIX century, XVIII century, XIX-XX centuries, XIX-XX centuries. Country: England, Italy, Germany, Ancient Roman Empire, Russia, Sweden, England, Germany, France, Austria.

13. Formulate and write down the main ideas of § 1.1.
Modern biology is a set of natural sciences that study life as a special form of existence of matter. Science goes back to ancient times. The following outstanding scientists played a major role in the development of biology as a science:
Aristotle, Claudius Galen, William Harvey, Carl Linnaeus, Karl Baer, ​​Jean Baptiste Lamarck, Georges Cuvier, T. Schwann and M. Schleiden, Charles Darwin, G. Mendel, I. Mechnikov and L. Pasteur, I. Pavlov, V. I. Vernadsky, J. Watson and F. Crick and many others. These great people lived in different time(from the 2nd century BC to the present day) and made discoveries important for the existence of mankind.
Today biology is a collection of sciences. It is divided into complex sciences: botany, zoology, anatomy and physiology. Then, narrower disciplines were formed, such as arachnology, ichthyology, embryology, evolution, genetics, etc. In the 20th century, on the border related disciplines Biochemistry, biophysics, and biogeography arose. At the end of the century there appeared molecular biology, biotechnology and cell, genetic engineering. The achievements of these sciences open up broad prospects for the future of humanity.
Today biology is a productive force, by the development of which one can judge general level development of humanity.

Task 1. Make a plan to answer the question. What changes in life Eastern Slavs contributed to the formation of the ancient Russian people?

Task 2. Using the textbook text, fill out the table.

Write what strata the population of the countries consisted of Western Europe in the Middle Ages.

Task 3. Match the Old Russian term and its explanation.

Task 4. Using additional sources, independently draw up a diagram of “Church organization in Rus'.”

Task 5. Conduct your own historical research on the topic “Monasteries in Ancient Rus'" Make a plan according to which you can create an essay on this topic.
1. The reasons for the appearance of monasteries in Ancient Rus'.
2. The structures of the monastic community and the rules within it.
3. Traditional activities of monks.
4. The role of monasteries in the religious and cultural life of Ancient Rus'.

Task 6. Solve the crossword puzzle.

Task 7. Compare the organization of the Orthodox and Catholic churches. Record your findings.

Task 8. Write a short essay on the topic “Spiritual values ​​of our ancestors”, note in it how Christian values ​​differed from pagan ones.

The place and role of Rus' in Europe. Materials for independent work and project activities.

Task 1. Find in the text of the textbook the names of European states in the 9th-11th centuries. Write them down.

Task 2. Underline the correct statements.

Task 3. On contour map(p. 31) using colored pencils, draw approximate trade routes from Rus' to the countries of Western Europe, trade routes from Rus' to the countries of the East.

Task 4. Using additional materials, fill out the table “Foreign trade of Rus' in the 9th – early 12th centuries.”

Using the text of the textbook and additional materials you found on your own, give short written answers to the questions posed.

  1. Indicate who is depicted in these portraits.
  2. Compare the programs for transforming Russia put forward by these statesmen. What do you see in common between them? What is their fundamental difference?


  1. photo on the left - Sergey Yulievich Witte. photo on the right - Pyotr Aleksandrovich Stolypin
  2. Witte carried out major economic reforms, which strengthened public finances and accelerated the development of Russia. Stolypin tried to help society, created new bills, and directed his efforts to make life easier for the people.
    The program of S.Yu. Witte provided for the strengthening of industry Russian Empire For this purpose, a monetary reform was carried out.
    P.A. Stolypin’s program was based on agriculture. He contributed to the peasants leaving the community, this became the basis for the creation of capitalist (prosperous) peasants in the countryside. The reform also provided for an increased role of capital in the development of the village, namely lending to peasants by the Peasant Bank.
    Both programs were aimed at improving the economic condition of the Russian Empire. The fundamental difference is that Witte saw the future of Russia in industrialization, while Stolypin saw the basis and future of Russia in a developed, prosperous peasantry.

What principles of relations with other states did Alexander I defend?

In this quote, he declares himself an opponent of aggression, a champion of justice in Europe and a supporter of non-interference in the internal affairs of other states.

What territories were annexed to Russia during the reign of Alexander I?

Finland, Moldavia, Wallachia and part of Galicia.

Compare the conclusions and formulate the problem (author’s version – p. 367).

Question: Alexander I – a conqueror or a peacemaker?

Answer: Alexander I is much more of a peacemaker. Russian regiments during Napoleonic Wars They fought almost all over Europe, took Paris, but the territories annexed to Russia were small. The creation of the Holy Alliance finally shows the essence of Alexander’s policy. It did not bring benefits to Russia. Moreover, because of him, a brilliant opportunity in Greece was missed; under the terms of the alliance, Russia sent its troops to other states free of charge, incurred military expenses, and received nothing in return. However, the alliance was designed to maintain peace in Europe, so the emperor agreed to it, even initiated it.

Russia mainly sought to retain its lands. However, in some cases, long-standing conflicts remained (for example, with Turkey and Sweden). In these areas, Russia sought to expand its possessions, therefore its policy can be called moderately aggressive, but at that time none of the strong powers adhered to anything else. At that time, the country was either ready to seize other people's lands, or inevitably lost its own.

Using the map on flyleaf 1, identify the countries with which Russia was supposed to interact in different areas of its foreign policy: on the European, on the “Eastern question”, on the Caucasian direction, on the Central Asian, on the Far East-Pacific.

In the European direction, Russia bordered on Sweden, Prussia and Austria, but interacted in one way or another with all the states of the region, even with the Ragusa Republic (the capital of which, Dubrovnik, on the territory of modern Croatia, was even besieged by Russian troops together with Montenegrin troops in 1806).

In the Caucasian direction we had to interact with Turkey and Persia.

The “Eastern Question” is the decision of the fate of Turkey.

IN Central Asia Russia interacted with Persia, as well as with the Emirate of Bukhara and numerous small states.

On Far East China was the main partner, given Japan's self-isolation policy.

On the American continent, Russia interacted with Great Britain and Spain, with whose possessions, respectively, in the territory of modern Canada and California, bordered its possessions (Alaska and Fort Ross). Since 1821, Mexico took the place of Spain, of which California became a part. Also in Hawaii, where the Elizabethan fortress existed for a short time, the Russians interacted with the local kings and the Americans.

According to the diagram on p. 34 determine what parts they consisted of armed forces Russia. How was the soldier’s formation formed? officers army?

The armed forces consisted of regular and irregular troops, with the former predominant. The officers in the regular units were nobles, both those who graduated from military schools and those who simply enlisted in the regiment, and the soldiers were representatives of the tax-paying classes (mostly peasants) recruited through conscription. The irregular units were made up of Cossacks and foreign servicemen.

The war against Persia of 1804-1813 began as a defense of territories that voluntarily joined Russia, but ended with the entry into the empire of new khanates on the territory of modern Northern Azerbaijan. Therefore, from today’s point of view, it can be called aggressive, but from the point of view of that time, it only led to the annexation of disputed territories.

At the same time, in Europe, Russian troops fought not to expand the territory of their state, but in the interests of other monarchs (for the sake of returning the territory to some and the crowns themselves to others). This war cannot be called aggressive.

Compose a memo on the significance of the Peace of Tilsit from the point of view of French and Russian diplomats. Are there significant differences in their assessment of the events that took place on the banks of the Neman in 1807?

Note from a French diplomat

The negotiations went well. Russia no longer threatens us. Moreover, she joined the continental blockade, which will finally bring Great Britain to its knees. The obi of the emperor showed each other cordial affection. Perhaps the union will even deepen. It will be in highest degree beneficial for us, as well as for Russia, although Alexander still did not understand this. Russian territory is a springboard for a strike on India, which will greatly weaken Great Britain, and both empires could well share the benefits of victory.

Note from a Russian diplomat

The contract is signed. Russia has not lost much at the moment, but France has gained too much. We recognized all its conquests, the creation of the Duchy of Warsaw, the reduction of Prussian territory, we recognized Bonaparte’s rootless relatives and even his marshals as monarchs. Russia agreed to withdraw its troops from Moldova and Wallachia and renounced its claims to the Ionian Islands. But that's not what's important. Now that we are forced to withdraw from the fight, there is no one to stop the Corsican: the British do not know how to fight on land. In addition, some say that joining the continental blockade will lead to great losses for us.


The French rejoiced at the conclusion of this peace and hoped for the expansion of the union, hoping to use Russia in the fight against Great Britain, while the Russians considered this treaty a forced measure to which they were forced by force. Russia initially hoped to not fully comply with the agreements and to terminate them at any opportunity.

Is it possible to recognize Russia’s actions after the conclusion of the Peace of Tilsit as aggressive? Explain your opinion.

Russia seized territories that did not previously belong to it, for example, Finland. Therefore, from a modern point of view, it can be called an invader. But from the point of view of the people of that time, it was a struggle for disputed lands. Indeed, the dispute between the Russians and the Swedes for control over the Finns lasted since the times of the Novgorod Republic.

Imagine that you are one of the generals who are sincerely loyal to Napoleon. How would you evaluate Bonaparte's action towards the Duke of Enghien? If you were close to Emperor Alexander I, what would be your opinion on this issue?

Opinion of a Napoleonic general

This deed cannot be called either worthy or glorious, but it was necessary. They say that the Duke was plotting an assassination attempt on our Emperor. Besides, we remain heirs great revolution, we must fight the aristocrats. There are rumors that the Duke was captured as a result of deception. But this lies on the conscience of the performers, not on the honor of France.

Opinion of close Alexander

This is a heinous crime. The murder of a representative of the royal dynasty is always disgusting, but the ancestors of Louis Antoine Henri de Bourbon-Condé, Duke of Enghien go back to Saint Louis and Hugo Capet. But in in this case it is also senselessly cruel. The Duke was not involved in politics; Bonaparte did not gain anything by shooting him. We need to make him regret this.

Discuss whether, in your opinion, it was possible to resolve the contradictions that arose between Russia and France after the Tilsit agreements through peaceful negotiations? Justify your opinion.

The main contradictions were related to the continental blockade. Russia suffered huge losses because of it, but for Napoleon it was the cornerstone of his policy. These contradictions could only be resolved in one peaceful way - two countries could enter into a real alliance and attack together British colonies in India. This would allow Russia to compensate for losses, and France to significantly weaken its main enemy. However, Alexander I would never have gone to war together with the usurper of the throne against the legitimate king. Therefore, the contradictions between the countries were insoluble.


Task 1. Make a plan to answer the question. What changes in the life of the Eastern Slavs contributed to the formation of the Old Russian people?

The formation of the Old Russian people was facilitated by:

  • submission to the power of the Kyiv prince;
  • participation of tribes in national affairs;
  • joint military campaigns;
  • smoothing out linguistic differences, forming a single Old Russian language;
  • acceptance of Christianity, belief in one God;
  • identifying oneself with the Russian people.

Task 2. Using the textbook text, fill out the table.

The main layers of the population of Ancient Rus' Their characteristics
Princes The Grand Dukes collected tribute from all state lands, although the population was not personally dependent on them. The younger scions of the princely family received small towns as rulers and became feudal lords.
Druzhina Boyars are the senior squad. The junior squad is the administration. The princely warriors carried out administrative and military functions. For faithful service they could receive lands for management. They collected tribute from them on behalf of the prince.
Tribal nobility Rich community members. Some of them, by lending money in times of famine, could make their fellow citizens dependent.
Clergy Ministers of worship in religions professing faith in one God.
Free community members, merchants, artisans The bulk of the population of Rus' consisted of free farmers who paid tribute and carried out duties in favor of the state.
Dependent population Smerdas, purchases, rank and file and slaves. Purchases are people who have taken a purchase (borrowed) and are working off the debt itself and the interest on it. Ryadovichi are persons who served landowners under a series (agreement) and, as a rule, became dependent on him for a monetary debt, assistance with seeds or tools. Servants were called captive slaves, who over time became the object of purchase and sale. Smerds are a dependent population in a princely or boyar estate.

Write what strata the population of Western European countries consisted of in the Middle Ages.

In each European country, the inhabitants were divided into three classes: the clergy, the knighthood (feudal aristocracy and noble knights), the third class (citizens and peasants).

Task 3. Match the Old Russian term and its explanation.



2 3 4




Task 4. Using additional sources, independently draw up a diagram of “Church organization in Rus'.”

Task 5. Conduct your own historical research on the topic “Monasteries in Ancient Rus'.” Make a plan according to which you can create an essay on this topic.

  1. Monasteries played an important role in the religious and cultural life of Ancient Rus'.
  2. From the very beginning of their foundation, the monasteries of Ancient Rus' represented something more than just religious institutions.
  3. Monasteries were centers of education and writing, temples of art and architectural monuments.
  4. The missionary role of monastic monks. Trained and enlightened the population.
  5. Military-strategic significance of monasteries.

Task 6. Solve the crossword puzzle


2. The first head of the church was Russian. ( Hilarion)
4. Head of the Christian Church in Ancient Rus'. ( Metropolitan)
5. Head of church authority in major cities. (Bishop )


1. Abbot of a monastery in Rus' (find in a reference book or on the Internet). ( Abbot )
3. Monk, one of the founders of the Kiev-Pechersk Monastery. ( Anthony )

Task 7. Compare the organization of the Orthodox and Catholic churches. Record your findings.

There are many large and small differences between Orthodoxy and Catholicism, both in form and content. The main difference that led at one time to the division of the Christian Church into Eastern (Orthodox) and Western (Catholic) is the difference in organization. At the head Catholic Church stands the Pope - the vicar of the Son of God on earth, who, according to Catholics, is infallible in his church decisions. Orthodoxy denies the Catholic dogma of the primacy of the Pope and his infallibility.

The Orthodox Church does not have a common center and includes several independent churches. In addition to the Russian Orthodox Church, there is Georgian, Serbian, Greek, Romanian, etc. These churches are governed by patriarchs, archbishops and metropolitans. Orthodox believe that Jesus Christ is the head of the Church. Unlike Orthodox Church, Catholicism is one Universal Church. All its parts are different countries the world are in communication with each other, follow the same creed and recognize the Pope as their head.

Task 8. Write a short essay on the topic “Spiritual values ​​of our ancestors”, note in it how Christian values ​​differed from pagan ones.

With the adoption and strengthening of Christianity in Rus', the spiritual values ​​of our ancestors changed significantly. Love for God and neighbor, piety and sacrifice, as the main values ​​of Christianity, acquired a dominant role in the life of the Russians.

If under the pagan religion we saw the flourishing of the cult of power - who is stronger is right, then Christianity brought love for one's neighbor. At the everyday level, this manifested itself in the fact that people began to look for compromises, trying to maintain relationships.

It cannot be said that the Slavs during pagan times did not have traditions of respect for parents and elders, but Christianity gave a new understanding of family and clan, based on the inviolability of relationships. In life, this manifested itself in the strengthening of family traditions. In addition, the concept of personal piety became significant, although in paganism an individual outside the collective did not have any significance, and piety was determined by the traditions of the community.

Also, I cannot say that our ancestors, with the adoption of Christianity, became more sacrificial for the sake of a common goal, sacrificing their own principles for the common good. However, this value has changed its meaning. Loyalty to the family began to be replaced by fidelity and sacrifice in the name of God - more general concept, which ensured the unity of people not only within their own clan, but within the whole state.