What features do our inland seas have? What seas wash Russia: their characteristics and features. What seas and oceans wash Russia

There are 63 seas on the globe. These cannot include the Caspian and Aral (these are huge, but still lakes - “descendants” of the ancient Tethys ocean), as well as the Galilean and Dead (the addition of “sea” here is historical). What is the sea like? This question was answered by the classifications of scientists A. M. Muromtsev, Yu. M. Shokalsky, A. V. Everling, Krummel, N. N. Zubov. In the article we will present the most widespread categories of seas.

What is the sea like: classification by oceans

The most famous classification is the one that distributes seas according to their belonging to the basin of a particular ocean. Based on it, we can distinguish 5 varieties of these reservoirs:

  1. Pacific - 25 seas, including the Bering, Yellow, Japanese, Philippine, Tasmanovo, Fiji, Okhotsk, East China, etc.
  2. Atlantic - 16 seas, including the Baltic, Azov, Caribbean, Northern, Mediterranean, Aegean, Black, etc.
  3. Indian Ocean - 11 seas, including the Arabian, Red, Timor, etc.
  4. Arctic seas - 11 seas, including the Barents, East Siberian, Pechora, Laptev, Kara, Chukotka, etc.
  5. Southern Ocean - seas of Antarctica: Amundsen, Bellingshausen, Commonwealth, Cosmonauts, etc.

What types of seas are there: names based on their isolation from the ocean

  1. Interisland - located in a dense ring of islands that interfere with active water exchange with the ocean: Sulawesi, Java, etc.
  2. Intercontinental (Mediterranean) - surrounded by land so that it communicates with the ocean by only a few straits: the Red, Mediterranean, Caribbean, etc.
  3. Marginal - freely communicating with the expanse of the ocean; currents in them are also formed thanks to its winds. The ocean also influences the nature of their bottom sediments, microclimate, flora and fauna: Japanese, South China, Bering, Okhotsk, etc.
  4. Internal - completely closed from contact with the ocean by land. Within themselves they are divided into inland (Russian Black, Yellow) and intercontinental (Red, Mediterranean), as well as isolated - not in contact with other similar reservoirs (Aral or Dead), and semi-closed (for example, Azov, Baltic).

Distribution of seas by degree of salinity

  1. Lightly salted seas - the percentage of salt is lower than in ocean waters. For example, the Black Sea belongs here.
  2. Highly salted seas - the percentage of salinity of their waters is higher than that of the ocean. A good example is the Red Sea.

As can be seen from the classification, there are no seas with fresh water.

Other classifications of seas

What else is the sea like? Based on water temperature, sea water bodies are divided into tropical, temperate and polar - northern and southern.

Based on the severity of the ruggedness of the coastline, seas can be divided into highly indented and slightly indented. But, for example, the Sargasso Sea does not have such a line at all.

Having asked ourselves: “What is the sea like?”, each of us will make our own classification: calm, formidable, gentle, raging, enchanting, warm, icy, distant or close. Scientific categories are more suitable for professional research of these reservoirs.

1. How do seas differ from oceans?

The sea is part of the World Ocean. The sea is a large expanse of water, which is limited on one or more sides by land and separated from the ocean by elevated underwater terrain or islands. The ocean is the entire body of water on Earth. The ocean surrounds islands and continents. From the above definitions we can conclude that the sea is only a part of the World Ocean, which is separated from it by elevated underwater terrain or land.

2. List the main features of the Russian seas.

The seas of Russia have a number of unique features:

The seas of Russia are located in cold climatic zones and are covered with ice in winter; during this period, navigation of ships is extremely difficult.

The Barents, Bering and Okhotsk seas are among the most productive seas in the world, and the productivity of the West Kamchatka shelf is the highest in the world and amounts to about 20 t/km2.

In the Far Eastern seas of Russia, stocks of commercial species with global significance: pollock, Pacific salmon, Kamchatka crab.

In Arctic and Pacific waters, significantly larger cod stocks (compared to the North Atlantic) remain.

Russian seas have the highest diversity of sturgeon and salmon fish in the world.

The most important migration routes for marine mammals and birds of the northern hemisphere pass along the coast of the Russian seas.

Unique ecosystems have been discovered in the Russian seas: the relict ecosystem of Lake Mogilnoye, relict ecosystems of kelps in the Arctic (Chaunskaya Bay), shallow hydrothermal communities in the bays of the Kuril Islands.

3. What are the resources of the Russian seas? Why do seas need protection?

The seas of Russia have a variety of resources that are of great economic importance. First of all, these are cheap transport routes connecting our country both with other states and with its individual regions (the Northern Sea Route passes through the seas of the Arctic Ocean). Of significant value biological resources seas, primarily their fish wealth. Almost 900 species of fish live in the seas surrounding Russia. Of more than 250 commercial species. The importance of the mineral resources of the seas is increasing. The energy of sea tides can be used to generate electricity. In Russia, there is currently only one small tidal power plant - the Kislogubskaya TPP on the Barents Sea. The seas are also places of rest. Of course, most of the seas in our country are too harsh natural conditions so that people can relax there. But southern seas– Azovskoye, Chernoye, Caspian and Japanese attract a large number of vacationers. However, attracting the population's attention to the seas carries the threat of depletion of the listed resources, and the seas are also very often used as a place for the release of liquid waste, therefore a system of sea protection is very important.

4. Choose the correct answer. The largest and deepest sea off the coast of Russia: a) Black; b) Beringovo; c) Barentsevo; d) Okhotsk.

6.-7. Mark on contour map the seas washing the shores of Russia, the Gulfs of Finland, Anadyr, Shelikhova, Penzhinskaya Bay, Ob Bay, the Kara Gate, Longa, Vilkitsky, Tatar straits. On the contour map, use arrows to indicate the Northern Sea Route. Label the seas, straits through which it passes; apply large ports.

8. Marine painters depict the sea in their works. What works do you know? Who created them? Why is the image of the sea interesting to you? What feelings does a painting depicting the elements of the sea evoke in you?

The sea is an inexhaustible source of inspiration for many creative people. Ivan Konstantinovich Aivazovsky, a genius whose talent is recognized throughout the world. He was compared to a poet who composed poems with a brush. Ivan Konstantinovich’s paintings amaze with their monumentality, play of colors and realism. After viewing his paintings, you want to drop everything and fly to the sea. Russian artist Artem Chekhov, a master of digital painting and haunting images, creates his masterpieces in Photoshop, while mastering traditional techniques and materials. Despite the fact that the works are based on pixels and not oil strokes, the paintings are mesmerizing, and it seems that in a moment they will come to life. Grandson of the writer A.N. Radishchev and part-time famous Russian marine painter. Alexey Petrovich was not only a professor of painting and an influential person, but also a benefactor for the benefit of widows and orphans of artists. His paintings are academic, but at the same time imbued with a love of nature and its movements. Ivan Aivazovsky’s painting “Rainbow” evokes the following feelings: the clouds in the sky have dissolved into a transparent, wet veil. A stream broke through this chaos sunlight, lay like a rainbow on the water, giving the painting a multicolored coloring. The whole picture is painted in the finest shades of blue, green, pink and purple colors. The same tones, slightly enhanced in color, convey the rainbow itself. It flickers with a subtle mirage. From this, the rainbow acquired that transparency, softness and purity of color that always delights and enchants us in nature. The painting "Rainbow" was a new, higher level in Aivazovsky's work. Regarding one of these paintings by Aivazovsky F.M. Dostoevsky wrote: “The storm... of Mr. Aivazovsky... is amazingly good, like all his storms, and here he is a master - without rivals... In his storm there is rapture, there is that eternal beauty that amazes the viewer in a living, real storm...”

Sea- part of the ocean with its own regime, formed under the influence local conditions and free or difficult water exchange with adjacent ocean (sea) waters. The sea communicates directly or through straits with them and is separated from them by ridges of islands and underwater rises (thresholds). The main feature of the sea is its inherent hydrometeorological conditions.

Main features of the seas

The sea is a regional complex natural object. Unlike the ocean, the nature of which is determined mainly by planetary processes, the main features of the sea, due to its smaller size than the ocean, are formed under the influence of regional factors. The most significant of them are: geographical position, degree of isolation of the sea from neighboring basins, river flow, water circulation. The main features of a sea include the presence of a basin (depression), a threshold separating it from adjacent areas of the ocean or another sea (although there are seas without these features), and independent circulation of water.

The basin of the sea, in which all oceanological processes take place, usually has a more or less developed shelf and continental slope. The ocean floor is found only in very deep (more than 2000 m) seas. The bottom of shallow seas with depths of up to 200-300 m is the shelf, and deep seas (up to 2000-2500 m) are the underwater margin or foot of the continent.

The sea is separated from the adjacent waters by continental shores, islands or underwater rapids in straits. The wider the sea is open towards the ocean, the more susceptible it is to its influence, which affects the climatic and hydrological parameters of the sea. Thus, the Barents Sea is noticeably different from the Siberian seas located to the east of it. It is heated by warm Atlantic waters, and most of it does not have permanent ice cover. New Earth prevents the penetration of warm Atlantic waters into the Siberian seas. The same island, as well as the Svalbard and Franz Josef Land archipelagos, block the access of the Arctic Ocean ice to the Barents Sea.

The more complex the connection between the sea and the ocean, the stronger the dependence natural features sea ​​from local conditions - climate and physical and geographical features of the adjacent land. Thus, the White Sea, surrounded by land on almost all sides, is more severe than the Barents Sea, located to the north and freely connected to the ocean. The Sea of ​​Okhotsk lies south of the Bering Sea, but is colder than it, since the first of them extends deeply into the region of the Asian continent, which is very cold in winter, and is “covered” from the warm Pacific waters by the cold Kamchatka Current.

The nature and volume of water exchange between the sea and neighboring basins depend on the width and depth of the straits connecting the sea with adjacent areas. The threshold in the strait, complicating water exchange, increases the isolation of the sea, which in turn affects its hydrological conditions. Thus, the Sea of ​​Japan is isolated from the deep Pacific waters. For this reason, the water temperature in the deep layers of the Sea of ​​Japan is low. Despite its position close to the subtropics, this sea is the coldest of all the seas washing the Far Eastern shores of Russia.

The depth of the threshold to a certain extent determines the features of the vertical structure of waters in the sea, its difference from the structure of adjacent areas of the ocean. Thus, in the Sulu Sea, the depth of the threshold of the deepest strait is 400 m. Ocean water enters the sea with characteristics characteristic of a horizon of 400 m (temperature 10.5°, salinity 34.45-34.47‰). These indicators are observed in the sea from a horizon of 400 m to the bottom (the greatest depth of the sea is 5500 m). True, such conditions are created only in seas where convective mixing does not affect deep layers. If, in an isolated sea, density mixing penetrates to the bottom, then its own water mass is formed.

Most full definition The concept of “water mass” belongs to A.D. Dobrovolsky (1961): “A water mass should be called a certain, relatively large volume of water that is formed in a certain area of ​​the World Ocean - the source, the source of this mass, which has for a long time almost constant and continuous distribution physical, chemical and biological characteristics that form a single complex and spread as a single whole.” The main indicators of a water mass are its temperature and salinity, although some other hydrochemical characteristics are often used, for example the amount of dissolved oxygen.

The structure of sea waters is formed by various geographical types of water masses, formed under the influence of regional climatic factors.

Continental runoff is one of the most important factors determining the hydrological features of the sea. Its influence is most noticeable and diverse in seas isolated from the World Ocean and in seas with severely limited water exchange. Thus, due to the large river flow, the salt composition of the Caspian and Aral differs from the oceanic one in the increased content of carbonates and lower concentration of chlorides. To a lesser extent, this is typical for both Black and Azov seas(see table).

Salt composition of the World Ocean, inland seas and river waters (% same)
And he Ocean Black Sea Sea of ​​Azov Caspian Sea Aral Sea River waters of Russia
Na+ +K+ 39,5 39,1 39,0 32,2 29,6 10,6
Ca 2+ 1,7 2,0 2,2 3,8 7,6 28,6
Mg 2+ 8,8 8,9 8,8 14,0 12,8 11,0
Cl – +B – 2 45,2 44,8 44,5 34,7 29,1 8,4
SO–4 4,6 4,7 4,8 14,6 19,6 10,6
HCO – 3 0,2 0,5 0,7 0,7 1,3 30,8

Getting into the sea river water reduces the salinity not only of the estuary areas, but also of areas significantly remote from them. At salinity less than 24.7‰, the temperature of the water at its highest density is above its freezing point. Such waters are called brackish, and seas are called brackish water. These include the Caspian, Black, and Baltic seas. In areas of strong influence of river flow, other things being equal, ice formation begins earlier than in water areas with “marine” salinity (greater than 24.7‰).

With a larger volume of runoff, the water level at the mouth of the seashore slightly increases, and a runoff current is formed. For example, in the Kara Sea, abundant continental runoff (mainly the Yenisei and Ob rivers) forms a layer of water about 1.5 m thick, which creates a steady flow along the coast of Taimyr to the Severnaya Zemlya archipelago.

The significant difference in salinity between desalinated waters and the underlying sea waters causes greater vertical stability of the water layers, which makes their mixing difficult.

Despite natural differences, the seas exhibit common features water circulation, which is influenced to a greater or lesser extent by local factors. In all seas as a result of exposure atmospheric pressure and winds, wind currents are formed in the surface layers. Due to the small size of the seas in relation to the scale of atmospheric dynamic processes, the coasts have a strong influence on wind currents. The curves of the coastline, protruding far into the sea, deflect the current from the direction of the wind.

In the coastal zone of many seas, there is usually a slight increase in level compared to open spaces, which contributes to the development of upper layers cyclonic circulation in the Northern Hemisphere. Depending on the local characteristics of the sea, water circulation is characterized by different stability, intensity, speeds of water movement, etc. In some areas, the main flows branch and local vortices are formed, having different sizes and lifetimes.

In shallow, significantly isolated seas, currents on the surface change quite quickly in time and are determined by the synoptic situation above the sea.

The circulation of water in the seas, widely and freely connected with the ocean, depends not only on the action of the wind, but also on ocean currents. Water exchange through the straits significantly affects the nature of water circulation even in large seas. Tides have a great influence on the movement of sea waters, which in some cases even change the direction of the prevailing water transport.

The Russian Federation ranks huge territory and is a major maritime power. The length of its water boundaries is almost forty thousand kilometers. From the north and east, our country borders only on the seas. They vary in size, depth and salinity level of water. The possibility of navigation and other uses of marine resources depend on these characteristics. Russian Federation They belong mainly to marginal seas from the basins of three oceans: the Pacific, Arctic and Atlantic. They occupy more than eight and a half million square kilometers. And our country carefully monitors the preservation water resources and is fighting their pollution. Even at school, every person becomes familiar with what seas wash Russia. But not all of them are familiar, for example, to residents of the middle zone.

What seas and oceans wash Russia?

The northern waters belonging to our country are part of the Arctic Ocean basin. There are most of the seas there. All of them, except Bely, are continental-marginal, and the boundaries between them are marked by islands and archipelagos. What seas wash Russia from the north? These are Beloe, Chukotka, Barents, East Siberian, Laptev and Kara.

The largest and deepest seas washing the shores of our country are the Sea of ​​Japan, Okhotsk and Bering Sea. They are located in the pool Pacific Ocean. What other seas wash Russia? Our country owns several reservoirs of the Atlantic Ocean: the Black, Azov and Baltic. These seas are inland.

In addition to these 12 reservoirs, Russia is also adjacent to the largest inland sea from the endorheic basin of Eurasia. It is often called a lake because it is not connected to the ocean. This is the Caspian Sea.

Arctic Ocean Basin

What seas wash the shores of Russia from the north? Kara, Laptev, East Siberian, Barents, Chukchi and White seas. These six seas constitute the largest group and cover a large area - more than four million square kilometers. All of them are characterized by the fact that they are very small. In addition, they are marginal because they are separated by islands or archipelagos. In some places it is even impossible to accurately determine the boundary between them. Only the White Sea is located inland, but in other characteristics it differs little from the rest.

What are the features northern seas Russia?

  • they are quite small; the deepest of them is the Laptev Sea; its average depth is about 500 meters;
  • the water temperature in these places is very low, even in summer rarely rising above 10 degrees, so in winter almost the entire surface of the northern seas is covered with ice;
  • The economic importance of the Arctic Ocean basin is not very high: beluga whales, seals and some fish are caught in these waters.

Pacific Ocean Basin

From the east, the shores of Russia are washed by three seas: Bering, Okhotsk and Japan. They are warmer than the waters of the Arctic Ocean. In addition, these bodies of water are much larger and deeper. These seas are not entirely marginal in type - they are limited by large islands. And water exchange between them and the Pacific Ocean occurs through the straits.

By studying the features of these reservoirs, we can answer the question of which of the seas washing Russia is the deepest. This is the largest Bering Sea. Its depth reaches four thousand meters.

But otherwise it has the same features as other seas of the Pacific Ocean, namely:

  • large ebbs and flows;
  • many storms, strong winds, fogs and even tsunamis;
  • perform useful functions: shipping and fishing are developed in these seas.

Atlantic Basin and Caspian Sea

These are the warmest bodies of water in Russia. All three seas Atlantic Ocean- Baltic, Black and Azov - are internal. They are quite small and communicate with the ocean through straits and other seas.

The Caspian Sea generally belongs to the closed Eurasian basin. It is very similar in characteristics to Black and Azov: just as small, warm, not very salty and rich in fish. In addition, these seas are widely used for shipping and tourism. The climate of the Baltic is more severe, the coasts are rugged. But all the same, this sea is just as shallow, almost fresh, but rich in fish.

Why know which seas wash Russia?

The water resources of our country are of great economic importance. Russia has access to the seas of three oceans. They give her many advantages: they make it easier economic ties with other countries, provide opportunities for the development of recreation and tourism, and are of great commercial and raw material importance. Information about which seas and oceans wash Russia allows you to learn more about home country, her economic activity, climatic conditions and tourism opportunities.

“The Black and Azov Sea” - Performed by student 7 “A” Osmanova Khadyzha. Most often in the sea there are jellyfish with the names Aurelia and Cornerot. Fauna. Porpoise is a small dolphin up to 150 cm long. Jellyfish. Semi-anadromous species come from the sea to rivers to reproduce. Climate. The breeding period in rivers and or on borrowed land usually does not exceed 1-2 months.

“Sea of ​​Azov” - Why did the ancient Greeks call the Kerch Strait the Cimmerian Bosporus? 2. coast of Turkey. Length 10-35 (sometimes up to 50) cm. Volga, Ural, Terek, Kura and others are rivers flowing into the Caspian Lake. Length 1.3-1.8 m. 8 species, mainly in the tropics and subtropics on lakes and sea coasts. Who leaves the coastal part of the sea 11-12 hours before the start of the storm.

"Caspian Sea" - Vegetable world. The salt composition of the waters of the closed Caspian Sea differs from the oceanic one. Ruppiya. Many oil and gas fields are being developed in the Caspian Sea. Eelgrass. The Caspian Sea is also home to a marine mammal - the Caspian seal. Shipping. 3. Fishing and seafood production.

"Baltic Sea" - I can contribute to improving the environmental situation in the Baltic Sea. Lowest approval in Latvia, Lithuania and Russia. In your opinion, what is the average ecological state of everything? Baltic Sea? I influence the state of the ecology of the Baltic Sea. Methods of financing: increasing water charges.

"White Sea" - Temperature regime. 8th grade student Maria Martynova. The seashores (Onega and Kandalaksha bays) are indented by numerous lips and bays. The greatest depth of the sea is 340 meters, the average is 67 meters. Every year the sea is covered with ice for 6-7 months. Relief of the sea bottom. White Sea. Main ports: Arkhangelsk, Severodvinsk, Onega, Belomorsk, Kandalaksha, Kem, Mezen.

“Seas of Russia” - Caspian lake-sea Baikal Ladoga Onega. Baltic Sea Black Sea. Lakes of Russia. Lake Kopytko is a favorite vacation spot for residents and guests of our city. Seas of the Pacific Ocean. Seas, lakes and rivers of Russia. Rivers of Russia. Seas of the Arctic Ocean. Seas of the Atlantic Ocean. The rivers Ust - Labinsk - Kuban and Laba.

There are 9 presentations in total