What folders should a speech therapist have? Documentation of a speech therapist at a preschool educational institution. List of required documentation for a speech therapist teacher

Ekaterina Kharlamova
Documentation of a preschool speech therapist educational institution

« Documentation of a speech therapist at a preschool educational institution»

1. Regulatory documentation(job descriptions, regulations on the speech therapy center, safety instructions speech therapist teacher);

2. Working hours speech therapist teacher, approved by the manager;

3. Class schedule speech therapist teacher;

4. List of children enrolled in classes, approved by order for kindergarten;

5. Speech card for each child taken to classes, indicating the date of entry and end of classes, with a work plan to correct the identified speech disorders, promotion results every six months;

6. A schedule of activities with children at the speech center, approved by the director;

7. Journal of examination of children’s speech (from 3 to 7 years old, attending preschool;

8. A register of all children in need of speech therapy assistance;

9. Attendance register speech therapy sessions children;

10. Long-term plan work for a year;

11. Calendar plan for individual lessons with children;

12. Individual notebooks for classes with children;

13. Journal of registration of consultations with parents;

14. Journal of registration of consultations with teachers;

15. Relationship Notebook teachers-speech therapist and teacher;

16. Copies of performance reports correctional work behind academic year (over the last 3 years);

17. Materials for working with educators, specialists, parents (consultations and seminars aimed at preventing speech disorders in children);

18. Cabinet passport.

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Maintaining the necessary documentation is an integral part of the work of a speech therapist teacher. This is what often raises many questions for specialists starting their activities.

According to the current Regulations on the speech therapy center at a general education institution, 4 documents are mandatory, constitute financial statements and are not subject to abolition, these are:

List of students with speech impairments;

» log of attendance at speech therapy classes;

Schedule of speech therapy classes;

Speech cards of students enrolled in speech therapy classes.

There are other types of documentation that reflect the areas of work of a speech therapist teacher, these are:

Oral and oral examination log writing;

Annual educational plan methodological work;

Promising and lesson planning correctional work;

Reporting documentation;

Passport speech therapy room.

Document retention periods

As noted above, the mandatory documentation that makes up the financial statements must be stored in the speech therapy center for a certain time. For example, a log of attendance at speech therapy classes; speech cards of students enrolled in speech therapy classes, with accompanying notebooks for;

annual reports on the work done should be kept until all students included in these documents are completely released from the speech therapy center, that is, 3 years.

It is advisable to keep a log of students’ oral and written speech and a list of students with speech disorders in a speech therapy center until all students included in the log and list leave school, that is, for 10 years. This is explained by the fact that these documents contain information about all students examined and identified by the speech therapist teacher, indicating the measures taken regarding them and the results of correctional work.

The speech therapy office's passport is located and stored in the office permanently.

There are no strict storage periods for other types of documentation.

Registration and maintenance of documentation in the speech therapy center

Each speech therapist teacher begins his work with an examination and records the results of this examination in a journal. In section 2, we proposed tested forms for maintaining documentation filled out based on the survey results:

Journal of examination of oral and written speech;

List of students with speech impairments;

Speech cards of students enrolled in speech therapy classes.

As noted above, in the process of correctional work, the speech therapist teacher also maintains other documentation. Logbook of attendance at speech therapy classes. Information about students enrolled in speech therapy classes is reflected in the attendance register, which contains the roster of each group and the schedule of classes, reflecting the topics of classes in each group. For the attendance register, you can use a regular class register or an extracurricular activity register. The title page must contain information about the educational institution, its location and educational period

, on which the journal is started.

samples of required documentation

· List of children enrolled in classes for a given school year.

· The work schedule of the speech therapist teacher and the work schedule of the speech therapist teacher (certified by the head of the educational institution),

· A log of attendance at speech therapy classes by students enrolled in the speech center.

· Journal of examination of students' oral and written speech.

· Individual card of a child enrolled in a speech therapy center.

· Speech cards for each child enrolled in a speech therapy center.

· Workbooks and test books.

· Annual plan of advisory and methodological work of the speech therapist teacher with the teaching staff and parents (approved by the school director or head of the preschool educational institution)

· Long-term and calendar plans for individual and subgroup speech correction classes with children

· Report on the results of work for the academic year



  1. List of children enrolled in classes for a given school year.
  2. The work schedule of the speech therapist teacher and the work schedule of the speech therapist teacher (certified by the head of the educational institution),
  3. A log of attendance at speech therapy classes by students enrolled in a speech therapy center.
  4. Journal of examination of students' oral and written speech.
  5. Individual card of a child enrolled in a speech therapy center.
  6. Speech cards for each child enrolled in a speech therapy center.
  7. Workbooks and test books.
  8. Notebooks-diaries for individual lessons on sound pronunciation correction.
  9. Annual plan for advisory and methodological work of a speech therapist with the teaching staff and parents (approved by the school director or head of the preschool educational institution)
  10. Long-term and calendar plans for individual and subgroup correctional speech classes with children
  11. Report on the results of work for the academic year

Appendix No. 1.

I approve________________

Head DOU full name

List of children enrolled in speech therapy center

(name of institution)

for the 2010-2011 academic year.

Appendix No. 2

Logbook for recording the attendance of speech therapy classes for children enrolled in a speech therapy center

(name of institution)

in the 2010-2011 academic year.

Month September

List of children

Artemiev Evgeniy

Total children

Appendix No. 3.

I approve

Director of MSOS ___

(signature) (full name)



Teachers and speech therapists(FULL NAME.) for _____ academic year

Appendix No. 4.

"I affirm"

Director of MSOSH _

(signature) (full name)

Cyclogram of the activities of a speech therapist teacher

MDOU No. _________ _________________________________ for _____ academic year


Day of the week










Group lesson

with subgroup I


specialists, work in PMPk;

Work with documents.

Office design work

Production of visual aids and teaching materials.

Group lesson

with subgroup II

Individual sessions


Group lesson

with subgroup I

Group lesson

with subgroup II

Individual sessions

Consultations for parents


Group lesson

with subgroup I

Group lesson

with subgroup II

Individual sessions


Individual sessions

Individual sessions

Individual sessions

Consultations for parents

Appendix No. 5

Speech card

(to be completed for each student,

enrolled in a speech therapy center)

  1. Last name, first name, age.
  2. Class.
  3. Home address, phone number.
  4. Date of enrollment in speech therapy center.
  5. Academic performance in your native language (at the time of the examination).
  6. Complaints from teachers or parents (legal representatives).
  7. Psychiatrist's report.
  8. Hearing condition.
  9. Data on the progress of speech development. Anamnesis of general and speech development.
  10. State of the articulatory apparatus (structure and mobility).
  11. general characteristics speech (recording of conversation, independent coherent statements):

A) lexicon: vocabulary within the limits of everyday life, wider, etc.; what parts

mainly uses speech; errors in the use of words: substitutions in meaning and acoustic similarity (give examples);

b) grammatical structure: types of sentences used, presence

agrammatisms (give examples);

c) pronunciation and discrimination of sounds: pronunciation of sounds; absence,

distortion, replacement and mixing of individual sounds; distinguishing oppositional sounds, reproducing words with different sound-syllable composition (give examples); pace and intelligibility of speech.

  1. Level of development of skills in analysis and synthesis of sound

composition of the word.

  1. Writing: the presence and nature of specific errors (mixing and

replacement of consonants, agrammatisms, etc.) in written works ah of students - dictations, presentations, essays performed by them during the initial examination and in classes at the speech therapy center (written work is attached to the speech card).

  1. Reading: level of mastery of reading technique (letter by letter,

syllabic, words); reading errors; reading comprehension.

  1. Manifestations of stuttering: a) supposed cause; severity

stuttering; situations that aggravate its manifestation (answers at the board);

b) formation linguistic means(pronunciation, vocabulary, grammatical structure); c) features of general and speech behavior (organization, sociability, isolation, impulsiveness);

d) adaptation to communication conditions.

  1. a brief description of child according to psychologist and teacher

(organization, independence, stability of attention, efficiency, observation, attitude towards existing speech impairment).

  1. Conclusion of a speech therapist.
  2. The results of speech correction (marked in the map at the time

expulsion of a student from a speech therapy center).

Appendix No. 6

Individual student card.

1. Last name, first name of the child. _______________________________________


2. Date of birth. ______________________________________________

3. Home address, telephone. ____________________________________

4. Did you attend kindergarten________________________________________________

5. Speech therapy report.__________________________________________


5. Date of enrollment at the speech therapy center. _______________________

6. The result of correctional work after the first year of study


7. The result of correctional work after the second year of study_________________________________________________________________________________________________________________


10. Release date. _______________________________________________

Speech therapist's signature

Appendix No. 7

Annual plan of organizational and methodological work

correctional and developmental

teacher-speech therapist at MDOU

Full name for the 2010-2011 academic year.

Main directions

Form of work


1. Working with children

1.1.Diagnostic direction

1.2. Correctional and developmental direction

2. Work with teachers

Advisory and methodological direction

3. Working with parents

Advisory direction

4. Equipment and equipment of the pedagogical process

Appendix No. 8

Journal of examination of oral and written speech of students at a speech therapy center at the Municipal Educational Institution




Date of Birth

Date of examination

Speech therapy




Date of issue

Speech therapist documentation secondary school

List of required documentation for a speech therapist teacher

Maintaining the necessary documentation is an integral part of the work of a speech therapist teacher. This is what often raises many questions for specialists starting their activities.

According to the current Regulations on the speech therapy center for educational institution, 4 documents are mandatory, constitute financial statements and are not subject to abolition, these are:

List of students with speech impairments;

» log of attendance at speech therapy classes;

Schedule of speech therapy classes;

Speech cards of students enrolled in speech therapy classes.

There are other types of documentation that reflect the areas of work of a speech therapist teacher, these are:

Journal of examination of oral and written speech;

Annual plan of educational and methodological work;

Long-term and lesson planning of correctional work;

Reporting documentation;

Passport of the speech therapy office.

Document retention periods

As noted above, the mandatory documentation that makes up the financial statements must be stored in the speech therapy center for a certain time. For example, a log of attendance at speech therapy classes; speech cards of students enrolled in speech therapy classes, with accompanying notebooks for testing; annual reports on the work done should be kept until all students included in these documents are completely released from the speech therapy center, that is, 3 years.

It is advisable to keep a log of students’ oral and written speech and a list of students with speech disorders in a speech therapy center until all students included in the log and list leave school, that is, for 10 years. This is explained by the fact that these documents contain information about all students examined and identified by the speech therapist teacher, indicating the measures taken regarding them and the results of correctional work.

The speech therapy office's passport is located and stored in the office permanently.

There are no strict retention periods for other types of documentation.

Registration and maintenance of documentation in the speech therapy center

Each speech therapist teacher begins his work with an examination and records the results of this examination in a journal. In section 2, we proposed tested forms for maintaining documentation filled out based on the survey results:

Journal of examination of oral and written speech;

List of students with speech impairments;

Speech cards of students enrolled in speech therapy classes.

As noted above, in the process of correctional work, the speech therapist teacher also maintains other documentation.

Logbook of attendance at speech therapy classes. Information about students enrolled in speech therapy classes is reflected in the attendance register, which contains the roster of each group and the schedule of classes, reflecting the topics of classes in each group. For the attendance register, you can use a regular class register or an extracurricular activity register. The title page must contain information about the educational institution, its location and the academic period for which the journal is being opened. For example:

Attendance log for speech therapy classes

at the speech therapy center at Municipal Educational Institution Secondary School No.___

200__-200__academic year

In the “Information about students” section, the speech therapist places a list of students enrolled in classes in the current school year, indicating the class, date of enrollment, result of correctional work (“graduated”, “retained to continue correctional work”, “graduated”). If the speech therapy center serves several schools in the area, indicate the number of the school the child attends.

Four pages are allocated for each completed group, three pages for a subgroup and an individual student studying individually. On the left side of the page the group number and speech therapy report are indicated; you can also indicate what period this group is studying (first (second) year of study). When formulating the conclusion, the pedagogical classification of speech disorders is used. For example. Group No. 1: writing disorders caused by phonetic-phonemic underdevelopment of speech (first year of study).

On the right side of the page the schedule of classes for this group is indicated, for example: Monday, Wednesday, Friday - 10°°-10 40 . Otherwise, filling out does not differ from filling out a regular class register, where the names of students are written on the left, in the top row - the dates of classes according to the schedule, notes are made on the presence or absence of the student in class (grades for speech therapy classes are not entered in the attendance register), and on the right side the dates and topics of classes corresponding to the plan of work with this group are indicated. On the pages reserved for subgroup and individual work, on the left side, instead of the name of the group, the disrupted groups of sounds that need to be worked on are indicated, the rest is filled out in the same way.

The attendance register is completed at the beginning of each lesson. The presence of a student is indicated by a dot, absence by the letter “n”.

If a child repeatedly misses classes for an unknown reason, the speech therapist teacher notifies the class teacher and the student’s parents.

At the end of the magazine, space is allocated to record the work of the speech therapist during the examination period and during school holidays, as well as to cover advisory and educational work.

Accounting for the work of a speech therapist during the examination period

Type of work

Survey oral speech students of 1st "a", 1st "b" classes. Entering the obtained data into a journal for examining oral and written speech. Preparing to familiarize teachers and parents with the survey results

Examination of newly arrived 3rd grade students, processing and registration of examination results

Accounting for the work of a speech therapist during school holidays

Type of work

Preparation of a message for the methodological association of speech therapists in the city on the topic: “Requirements for conducting speech therapy classes”

Systematization of material on the development of language analysis and synthesis skills. Analysis of written work of students in grades 2 “b”, 2 “d”. Making additions to the examination log of oral and written speech

Accounting for advisory and educational work.

Tuesday - 15°°-16 00 Thursday - 9°°-10 00

Annual plan of educational and methodological work

The entire complex of educational and methodological activities is reflected by the speech therapist in the annual plan of educational and methodological work, which is drawn up before the beginning of the year for which it is scheduled. The annual plan is approved by the head of the educational institution. As an example, we give the annual plan of the teacher-speech therapist of the city of Novorossiysk M.M. Amanatova.


Director of MOUSOSH No.


Annual plan

educational and methodological work of a speech therapist

Municipal educational institution No. ____

for 200 -200 academic year

Job title



Chapter 1. Organizational work

Examination of the speech of primary school students in order to identify children in need of speech therapy help

Familiarization of primary school teachers with the results of the survey

Identification of students in need of consultation with a psychiatrist and IPC

During the school year

In-depth examination of students' oral and written speech

During the school year

Individually as needed

Analysis of medical records of first grade students and newly arrived students

During September

Formation of groups of students; taking into account the homogeneity of the structure of the speech defect

Section 2. Working with documentation

Registration of a journal for examination of oral and written speech

As the examination progresses

Filling speech cards students enrolled in speech therapy classes

During the school year

During advisory and methodological work hours

Drawing up and approval of a schedule for speech therapy classes

Compiling a list of students in need of speech therapy assistance

Registration of information on the number of students with oral and written speech disorders

At the request of the administration

Drawing up calendar-thematic plans for speech therapy sessions with each group

Drawing up and filling out an attendance register for speech therapy classes

As classes progress

Drawing up an annual progress report

Section 3. Corrective and developmental work

Enroll first of all students with complex speech defects that impede successful learning for speech therapy classes school curriculum

As places become available in the group, students can be enrolled during the academic year

Carry out correctional work taking into account the school’s operating hours

During the school year

Group and subgroup classes should be conducted after school hours at least 2-3 times a week, according to the approved schedule

During the school year

Realize individual sessions with children with complex speech defects 2-3 times a week

During the school year

As needed

To develop interest in classes, use speech games, visual aids, and handouts in your work.

During the school year

Study the individual characteristics of students, take an individual approach to overcoming speech disorders

During the school year

Section 4. Relationships in working with primary school teachers and other specialists

Introducing primary school teachers With diagnostic results

Involvement of administration and class teachers to monitor attendance at speech therapy classes

During a year

During a year

On request

Mutual attendance at classes

According to the establishment plan

Participation in pedagogical councils

According to the establishment plan

Participation in the work of PMPC

During a year

On request

Collaboration with educational psychologists

During a year

Cooperation with medical workers schools

During a year

Participation in the work of the methodological association of primary school teachers

During a year

According to the establishment plan

Participation in the work of the methodological association of speech therapists of the city

During a year

According to the GUNO plan

Section 5. Promotion of specialized knowledge

Report for a speech at a methodological association of primary school teachers on the topic: “Specific writing errors caused by immature phonemic processes”

According to the establishment plan

During a year

As you apply

Consulting parents on specific issues

During a year

As you apply

Participation in class and school-wide parent meetings

During a year

At the request of the administration

Section 6. Self-education and advanced training

Studying new special literature

During a year

Attending seminars and methodological associations of speech therapists in the city

During a year

Studying the experience of speech therapists in the city, mutual visits and analysis of classes

During the year during holidays

Preparation for certification

During a year

Section 7. Equipment for a speech therapy room

Systematize material on correction of optical dysgraphia

During a year

Update syllabic tables

During a year

Prepare material for the development of coherent speech

During a year

Make material for working with letter elements

During a year

Teacher speech therapist:_____________________

Reporting documentation of the speech therapist teacher

At the end of each school year, from May 16 to May 31, the speech therapist teacher sums up the correctional and methodological work carried out over the entire school year and draws up digital and analytical reports.

The Standard Regulations on the Speech Therapy Center of an educational institution propose the following form of digital report.

Report on the number of students,

with oral developmental disorders

both writing and learning outcomes

in a speech therapy center, in a general education

institution ___________________________

for______________ academic year

Oral speech disorders

Writing disorders

General underdevelopment speeches

Phonetic-phonemic underdevelopment of speech

Phonemic speech underdevelopment

Phonetic speech underdevelopment


Reading and writing disorders caused by OHP

Reading and writing disorders caused by FFN

Reading and writing disorders caused by phonemic speech underdevelopment

Students identified

Enrolled in speech therapy center

Expelled from the speech therapy center

Left at a speech therapy center

Teacher speech therapist:

Director: ______

The digital report is accompanied by a text analytical report, which sets out the content of all educational and methodological work completed during the academic year and an analysis of correctional work with students, indicating positive and negative results. The report is drawn up in three copies, certified by the head of the educational institution, after which one copy is provided to the senior speech therapist of the city, coordinating the work of school speech therapy services, the second copy is provided to the school administration and the third remains at the speech therapy center.