Ship in assassins creed 3. Storyline. Southgate infiltration

The Battle of Bunker Hill in the seventh sequence will pit two armies - British and American - face to face. General Putnam will try to take advantage and place artillery on the hills to fire shrapnel at the enemy. While the plan is being put into action, John Pitcairn will sit down in Boston under the reliable cover of ships that will constantly fire at the patriots’ positions from the water, preventing them from approaching the city. In a conversation with General Putnam, Connor will offer to get rid of the main obstacle - the ships. The idea will be received with skepticism, but this will not bother the brave assassin at all. The ships are located close to the coast, so getting to them will not be difficult. Each ship has several guards on duty. Of particular interest is the grenadier, who must be killed from the air and then blow up the ships without being noticed.

If we draw parallels with Assassin’s Creed 2, it turns out that the task is similar to the one where Lieutenant Savonarola was required to go unnoticed. So this time, the guards on the ships are very sensitive to any irritants. All attempts at open confrontation will lead to actual failure: in case of alarm, it will not be achieved. The soldiers notice murders all over the deck and it doesn’t matter that there are boxes on it, and the ship is constantly firing from cannons. Everything is heard and seen. The only grenadier is on the ship on the left, the ship on the right is occupied by two officers, and the cover consists of ordinary ordinary soldiers. If Connor doesn't have a supply of arrows or poison darts, it's better not to waste his time and nerves. It would be wiser to complete the task with full synchronization later, on the second try. You need to kill the grenadier last, having dealt with the soldiers first.

We proceed as follows: we swim behind the ship, climb along the side to the place where the patrolman stops. When he comes to the edge and stands with his back, press the left mouse button; you don’t need to hold the right one, otherwise Connor will jump on the enemy rather than push him into the water. We let the grenadier pass. We go up to the deck. As soon as Connor is noticed by the soldier on the left, we take our starting position at the side. When he comes to the edge, we throw him into the water. Once again we let the grenadier pass and climb onto the mast. It doesn’t matter whether any of the soldiers notice Connor, the main thing is that the grenadier doesn’t see him. We take out the bow, aim it at the soldier on the right, and shoot with the [Q] key. We climb along the ropes to the extreme mast, where two soldiers are talking. We kill them one by one with a bow. We approach the edge of the area, wait for the grenadier, kill him by jumping from above by pressing the left mouse button. We blow up the ship and sail to the second one. We wait for the officer and throw him into the water. We carefully creep up to the barrel of gunpowder, set it on fire, and dive into the water. We rise behind the flag to Mars and give a signal to Putnam.

Part 1

So, we, as Desmond, go into the cave after the others. The artifact opened door after door, as if it were he who was going towards his goal, and not the people who were just carrying him. When the journey seemed almost over, Juno told Desmond that he needed to find the key. He had a seizure and was immediately reconnected to the Animus.

Part 1. Review of what has been learned

A little training. Hold [right mouse button] to run and overcome obstacles. Then you will need to climb the walls ahead, to do this, also climb the wall with a running start, when necessary, jump [space] or change direction, or you can release the ledge [E] to land. So you need to follow the green markers. Kill two Templars by approaching them and pressing [Left Mouse Button]. To swing on the pipe, hold [right mouse button]. And if you press [right-click] and [spacebar] at the same time, you get a long jump. Soon the training will end, and Desmond will change his appearance to his ancestor. Just walk forward, listening to his conversation with someone, apparently a servant. Approach the door and press [E] to start the mission.

Part 1. Deadly number

  • Theater Royal Covent Garden, 1754

You find yourself in the theater just in time, noble spectators are invited into the hall. You must also enter and find your seat. A certain Reginald sits next to you, with whom Haytham Kenway (that is the name of this ancestor of Desmond) enters into dialogue. Press [V] to use Eagle Eye. The gold-lit target is on the far balcony. Now you can get up, move left to the discovered stairs. Climb up it and, holding onto the ledge, return to the hall. Just follow the markers to the upper levels of the balconies. The audience is so engrossed in the spectacle that they do not notice Haytham. Finally, climb onto the balcony furthest to the stage and go through the door by breaking it [E]. To do this, move the mouse in the indicated directions until all the tabs are fixed. Finally, press both mouse buttons at once. The door will be broken open and you will be taken backstage. Jump across the scenery to the other side, nothing complicated. This way you will find yourself in the right loggia. Kill your target. All that was left was to leave the opera house. When you find yourself in a crowd, hold [spacebar] to push people aside. Just follow the green markers to go outside.

Part 1. Journey to the New World

  • Atlantic Ocean, 1754
  • Day 2

The next day, Haytham Kenway sailed to Boston by ship. Putting down his pen and ink, he decides to walk around the upper deck. There, a sailor named Graves decided to fight with the guest of honor. As he swings, hold down [E] to block the blow. Then start striking yourself by pressing the left mouse button. The next sailor can be taken down with one combined blow. And when the first one pulls out the knife, first parry the blow [E], and then take the knife away [space]. The captain will intervene and call Kenway to his cabin. He is worried about the brewing rebellion. Return to your cabin.

  • Day 28

Leave the cabin and find the sailor. He will send you to a doctor or cook. They will direct you to James. He himself fears a riot, and therefore will help Haytham. Go to helmsman Mills. Someone is throwing cargo overboard! Go down into the hold to find the culprits. Use Eagle Vision [V] to inspect the area. One of the barrels is strangely marked. Return to the cabin.

  • Day 33

Here is the solution to the discarded barrels. There are no conspirators, and the target is Kenway himself. You need to defeat Mills. To do this, it is enough to carry out one block [E] and counterattack [LMB].

  • Later that day...

The ship was caught in a real storm. There are not enough sailors, so fasten the sheets nearby, then run to the other end of the deck, and there the sheets will also come untied, and another one in the middle of the deck. Now climb onto the folk mast, you can do this along a grid of ropes near the very side. Cut the rope to lower the sail. Save the sailor, just run to him.

  • Day 79

Meet the captain on the upper deck. Climb the mast to see New land.

Part 2

Part 2. Welcome to Boston

  • Boston, 1754

Haytham Kenway arrived in America. Follow Charles Lee. He's going to help you settle in Boston. While Charles is looking for horses, Haytham goes about his business. The map opens to . This is where you meet Benjamin Franklin. He wrote an almanac, but for some reason someone stole several pages from it. But you in this moment you need to enter the weapons store, talk to the merchant to buy a sword and a flintlock pistol. Then go outside. Charles has found horses and is waiting only for you. Approach an empty horse and press [spacebar] to mount it. Now follow Charlie through the streets of Boston to the Green Dragon. Get off the horse [E].

Part 2. Johnson's order

Talk to the man leaning against the fence. Thomas Hickey has already found the thieves, but is afraid to attack alone. Shoot the sentry [Q], then climb up to where he was just standing. You can't get over the battlements, so climb up the stone wall on the right. Go down, pick up the gun from the rack and shoot [Q] one guard with it. Move further, meet your comrades. When the gate closes, aim [F] and shoot the barrels to blow them up. Go inside, take the chest. Shoot the arrogant bandit and finish off the rest. Now you can search the bodies; to do this, approach one of them and press [E]. On the way back there will be another enemy squad. Accompany Hickey and Lee on the way back. Several more squads of guards will attack.

Part 2. Doctor

Approach Charles at the Green Dragon. We need to find one more person from the list. Leave the tavern. Talk to Charles outside Mr. Church's house. The owner's house is not found, but inside there is a real pogrom. Now eavesdrop on the neighbors' conversation. They won't like it, you need to stand between two other people so that no one thinks you are eavesdropping. Then move towards the Church and climb onto its roof. This can be done on any window. As a result, you will find yourself right on the weather vane. Start synchronization [E]. To get down, you need to perform a Leap of Faith. Aim at the hay cart, hold [right] + [W] and press [space]. Now you need to eavesdrop on some conversations like you did before. You can hide from view behind fences, you can sit on a bench. In general, use your environment to your advantage. Charles will join you soon. You need to get into the warehouse unnoticed and avoid the sentries. The easiest way is to climb onto the roof and make your way along them to the door. It's locked, which means Haytham needs to steal the key. Select a target, wait for the interfering guards to leave, and search the target's pockets by holding [E]. Now you can enter the warehouse. Benjamin Church is tortured here. Attack the guards from behind, so you can quietly kill all three.

Part 2. Soldier

Enter the Green Dragon. After the video you will find yourself on the street. Talk to Charles. Then follow him through the camp. Here General Braddock interrogates a soldier named Pitcairn, whom he considers a deserter. He is clearly not going to give it to you, so you will have to free the new recruit yourself. Follow the squad that accompanies Pitcairn. There is a red radius marked on the radar, don't get too close, but don't lag behind either. You can just walk on the rooftops. Charles will make the guards chase him, you no longer need to hide, just run along the ground directly behind the guards until they catch up with Lee.

A fight will break out, but you run straight after the drummer-informer and kill him so that he does not call for help. As for “consecutive multi-kills,” the meaning of this expression is not very clear. Haytham begins to chop the soldiers into cabbage, and this task is immediately counted. Approach Braddock, groaning on the ground.

Part 2. Infiltration of Southgate

While in the Green Dragon, talk to Charles. Point one: theft of the guard's convoy. Pick up the gun on the roof. You can start killing the soldiers in the back rows. Then you will have to resort to close combat. Then the detachment will allocate places to guard the convoy. But along the way you will still be stopped. Press [T] to take enemy soldiers by surprise. Repeat the operation further as needed until you arrive at the fort. Follow your squad until it splits up to free the prisoners. But first you need to find and kill the general. He positioned himself a little away from the prisoners, next to the horses. Climb into the hay cart, and when the curious general approaches, press [left mouse button] to kill him. And the job is done, and the corpse is hidden.

Now your task is a new task - the release of three groups of captured Indians. Sneak up to the pads and open them. In this case, you need to kill three guards in a certain way. To perform a kill from around the corner, you need to crouch behind cover and attack the sentry when he catches up with you. The last captured natives are still on the ship.

The escape of the prisoners was noticed and you were declassified. Grab the [space] soldier to take cover from the bullets. You need to make your way through the courtyard, using “human shields” to avoid bullets. Don't go near the gate, it's better to swim to the other side and go around the fortification. This way you will get into the rear of the enthusiastic shooters. Kill Silas Thatcher.

Part 3

Part 3. Having your own opinion

  • Boston, 1755

Winter has come to the port city. Return to the Green Dragon. The Indian girl Haytham rescued was seen in Lexington. Find the “Frontier” point in the south of the map. You can quickly travel there. Go to the Lexington Eastern Grounds location. There is a road here, we go straight along it, or even past it. By the way, pay attention to the tracks and snowdrifts, even in Skyrim there is nothing like that! Find Charles Lee. Mount your horse and follow Charles to the Indian camp. The fire has recently been put out, fresh footprints are visible in the snow leading north, follow them. Soon you will find a stranger, but she will try to escape from you along the tree branches, try to keep up. When Haytham loses sight of the girl, just look up, she is hiding in a tree. Finally you must catch up with Gadzidzio, that's her name.

Follow her up the hill. Edward Braddock is in the village below. Take a leap of faith into the hay wagon and catch up with Jio. Enter the tavern, you need to listen to the soldiers. You can lean against the wall near the soldiers on the left, and also stand behind the bar to listen to the soldiers on the right. Now you can carefully approach the door. The grenadiers really didn't like Haytham. There are four to beat. To use two environmental items, you need to catch a soldier on a counterattack and knock him over onto a table or other piece of furniture. Then there will be another four soldiers.

Part 3. Execution is everything

Now we head to Braddock's camp. The path is long, so it is better to steal the horse. Dzio is waiting for you.

Soldiers cannot be killed. Fortunately, a cart is heading to the camp just now. Catch up with her and climb inside. This will take you to the camp. The cart will stop very well so that you can get out of it right into the bushes. You can't catch the eye of the soldiers, you can't kill them. First of all, it's worth breaking two cannons. Sneak up to each one and interact. Even if you are noticed, there is still a chance to simply run away and hide. Now you need to eavesdrop on the conversation between two officers. Fortunately, you don't need to get close to them. Only run through the bushes. Haytham decides to steal the map from the headquarters tent. To do this, you need to climb into the cart next to the sentry and whistle [E], and when he approaches, grab him [LMB]. If you don't have anything in your hands, the soldier will only be stunned. Get into the tent and steal the map. All that was left was to leave the camp. You can do this without hiding, run through the gate and its hapless guards. Talk to Gadzidzio.

Part 3. Braddock Expedition

Return to the tavern.

  • Five months later...

The day came for the appointed ambush on Braddock's "expedition". When the squad dismounts, interact with Gadzidzio.

You need to quietly kill two militiamen. The easiest thing is the one that stands on the right edge, next to a pile of pine trees, where you can drag it. Now whistle [E] to lure another militiaman. Also in this pile can fit a marked officer who goes back and forth. Now Haytham finds himself on a horse, dressed in a red uniform. Drive along the road past the soldiers, find General Braddock and drive close so that the trigger works. So, the French are advancing, “Bulldog” flees, and you catch up with him, having shot three carts with barrels along the way. Hold [Q], aim at the barrels, release the key. Now all that remains is to kill Braddock.

  • A few days later…

Return to the Green Dragon.

Part 4

Part 4. Hide and seek game

  • Ganadazedon, 1760

Now you're in the role little boy named Radunhageidu you find yourself in an Indian settlement. Follow the other children to the forest. Here they decide to play hide and seek. You only have four minutes to find all the children. Study the first clue on the ground. The ground is full of footprints, so you will find the first boy near the large boulders. Two more climbed into the pine needles. And the last one in exactly the same shelter. To avoid making mistakes, do not climb into shelters that are not marked. Now go back to the tree. Now you need to hide.

Run back to the village. Enter the big house. To raise the beam, press [E] quickly and often. The door to the house does not open, go around it to the right.

Part 4. Feathers and trees

  • Ten years later...

Connor is another ten years older. Talk to the Indian to start the quest. Learning to climb trees. Difficulties may arise at the fork of branches. Select one and press [spacebar] to climb it. When Connor notices the eagle's nest, he will just need to run forward, almost like on the ground. When Ganadogon falls, go back and help him. At the same time, you should not touch either the ground or the water. While the second guy is searching for nests in the trees, Connor climbs the mountain. When you have the eagle feathers, it remains to search three more nests in the trees that Ganadogon was afraid of. You can already touch the ground. The first two nests are very close, but the third is quite far away, it is not visible on the radar at first, but you just run through the trees towards the marker, you definitely won’t miss it. When you collect feathers, interact with your friend.

Part 4. Hunting lessons

Go up the hill into the green area. Here you must kill a rabbit. Use your bow [Q] and shoot him. Remove the skin [E]. Now you need to set a trap. Find the highlighted grass in the green area. Open inventory [R] and select “trap”, place it in one of the cells. Now place the trap in place [Q]. Find the clue in the new green area. Now approach the deer carefully and hide in the grass. Change the trap to bait and use it. Kill the deer when it approaches the bait. Freshen the carcass. Return to the rabbit traps. Refresh the caught animal. Now you need to hunt on your own.

The conditions are as follows:

  • you need to kill three types of animals - rabbit, deer and fox;
  • you need to place a trap, and behind it a bait so that the fox (make sure there is one nearby) going to the bait falls into the trap;
  • two animals must be killed by jumping from a tree or a stone;
  • and all this before the counter reaches five skinned animals.

When you're done, go to the marker. A bear will attack. Press the keys shown on the screen. Leave the dangerous area and return to the village.

Part 4. There will be something to remember

Rod's mother decided to tell Connor the secret of the tribe. He himself will encounter the Forerunner civilization. He will turn into an eagle and fly in the clouds. Flight is controlled with movement keys. You must avoid collisions with trees and other obstacles, you have the right to only one mistake.

Part 5

Part 5. Rude

  • Frontier, 1769

Connor left his family and rushed east, in search of a man with the sign of an assassin. You need to go east to Davenport Manor. And already there you can find “Mansion”.

Connor isn't allowed inside, and it's raining. All that remains is to take refuge in the stables.

  • The next day…

The next morning, Connor tries to get attention again. Screw the front door, knock on the back door too. Then climb onto the balcony. And this is not enough for the old man. There is nothing to do, take refuge in the stable. At night, marauders will come to the old man, Connor decides to intervene. It's not a tricky thing, don't expose yourself to attack, and easily save your 50%. Go to the mansion, now the old assassin will receive you. Follow the old man into the secret lair. By the way, his name is Achilles.

Part 5. Journey to Boston

  • Six months later...

Has arrived new winter. Leave the mansion and get into Achilles' carriage.

  • Boston, March 5, 1770

Follow the old man. Achilles wants Connor to buy everything himself. Go to the mixed goods store. The merchant will accept the order, with the exception of boards. Outside, the soldiers were up to something. Return to Achilles. Near the town hall, they notice Haytham and his accomplice. Connor must follow this suspicious man. Don't get too close, but don't lose sight of him either. When you find yourself on the roof and the stranger pulls out a gun, hurry to stop him. Alas, there were two accomplices - Charles Lee shot on the opposite roof. Run across the rooftops from the red area to hide. Once you are out of sight of the guards, a yellow-green area will appear, and if you get out of it, the chase will end. You have one minute and twenty seconds to do this.

Part 5. Particularly dangerous

Soldiers are still searching for Connor. We need to find Mr. Samuel Adams, who wants to help you escape. On the way to it, try not to catch the eye of the soldiers. It's better to carefully walk across the roofs.

To lower the wanted level, Samuel suggests tearing down posters with Connor's portrait. It is enough to remove two of the four hanging in the city. Return to Adams again. Connor is no longer wanted. Go to the indicated tunnel entrance, past the guards around you can walk along the roof.

Part 5. Lay low

Go through the tunnel, light the torches along the way. Adams may not like the direction you take, listen to him. You can wander through the tunnel later. At the end you will have to break down the door, it's even easier than in the opera.

Part 5. Fighting the press

Go to meet Sam Adams, go down the roof to the printing workshop. You will see that printers can be bribed, then your wanted level will be reduced. Follow Sam to the port. Now you need to return to Achilles' mansion.

Part 5. Return of the Prodigal Son

Achilles gave Connor two hand blades. At this time a stranger knocked on the window. Go outside.

Part 5. Rescue on the river

Follow Godfrey as he calls you to rescue someone in the river. Terry landed on a log, which was being carried downstream at great speed. Catch up with him. Run over rocks and logs, don't touch the water and don't release the right mouse button. Just before the waterfall, Connor will have to jump into the water [space] to save a drowning man. It turns out that Terry and Godfrey intend to build a sawmill. And the estate now really needs boards.

Part 5. Start of training

Robert Faulkner wants Connor to help restore the ship Aquila. Return to the mansion. Here Achilles decided to teach Connor “ledger”. This is a magical book with which you can make purchases. Buy wood from a sawmill. Then, through the trade menu, send the caravan with wood to the merchant. This way you will earn some more money.

Part 5. We are not looking for easy ways 2

  • Six months later...

"Aquila" has been restored, the team has been recruited. Talk to Robert Faulkner on board. Select "We are not looking for easy ways 2" as a target.

  • East Coast, 1773

Now the ship left the harbor and went out into the open. Take the helm. Order half sail [E], and then full sail, and set course for the green marker. The green stripe on the radar indicates the wind, its strength and direction. To lower the sails a little, press [Q]. You must not touch shallows and rocks, be careful, it is better to go with half sail. As a route, you can follow the large ship ahead. This way you will soon easily reach Martha's Vineyard. The guns are installed, the gunners are hired, return to the helm. Raise full sails and sail towards the stuck ship, it will be a target. Hold [left mouse button], wait for the guns to be ready and release! Repeat with the ship on the port side. Now let's learn how to use a falconet. Hold [right mouse button] and release when the crosshair turns red. Swim towards the house.

Attack! This is the real battle!

  • Shoot at least two ships with falconets during the attack of the first three ships.
  • Withstand 3 frigate attacks. Be ready to press [spacebar] when the icon lights up on the screen. Watch the red line on the water, this is the enemy targeting mark. At this time, you need to command to duck [space]. You need to withstand three attacks before you sink the frigate.

Part 6


Meanwhile, a task appeared for Desmond in real world. Climb the yellow stairs, from here the path along the technical corridors begins. This will take you to the area outside the building. There is a crane on the right, jump on it and climb onto the arrow, and from it back onto the building. Jump on the protruding pieces of iron, and at the end cling to the colored wires. There is another crane on the roof itself, and you need to climb onto it. So, you are standing on the tip of the crane boom, jump and immediately open the parachute [left mouse button]. The goal is a helipad, fly there. Then there are only videos.

Desmond returned to the base with the artifact. Here you need to find the ruins of a building that starts from the stairs. This is approximately the opposite of the Animus. There, on one of the floors, after two visions there will be the required hole. This will open a new door. You can return to the Animus to Connor.

Part 6. On the trail of Jones

To start the task you need to go to Boston. The fastest way to do this is with a ship. In Boston, find Sam Adams.

Follow him down the street. Stefan Chafo is trying to defend his property before the soldiers. Connor decides to help him. Kill the soldiers. Now we need to catch up with Adams at the meeting. In order not to exceed wanted level 2, it is enough not to get involved in a fight with tax collectors for now.

If after the meeting you also find yourself locked in the tavern, call up the menu and boot from last point conservation. Then you will find yourself outside and the task will continue. This is the bug.

Head to the port. But first, make sure you have bullets in reserve. You need exactly three pieces. If you don't have enough, you can kill the guards with guns first, they have bullets. There are marked barrels of gunpowder on the ground. You must pick them up and bring them to the boxes. Blow up the barrels. You will also be attacked by smuggling guards, you can safely kill them.

The next target is those same tax collectors. The difficulty is not in them at all, but in the city guards, which it is better not to kill, so as not to increase the wanted level. When you clear the collection groups indicated by the green marker, the task will be completed.

Part 6. The cook is angry

Samuel has gone missing and Stefan Chafo has been robbed. This has become too much for him, so now he walks the streets and gets into trouble. Your task is to accompany him in this matter.

  • Do not engage in collisions longer than 15 seconds. This is the limit for one fight. Each new counter will again have 15 seconds.
  • Don't let Shafo lose more than 33% of his health. You can even start the battle with the guards yourself, then the cook will be safe.
  • Get 5 stealth kills. To do this, select hidden blades in your inventory. Attack the guards from behind.

Menu training for using allies. Press [T], select “kill” (well, now it’s the only one available) and confirm your choice.

Part 6. Tea party

  • Boston, December 16, 1773

First you need to kill 15 guards. The ship event will now begin.

  • Drop 10 boxes of tea into the water. Approach the box, press [E], aim at the water and throw the box [space].
  • Throw 3 British soldiers into the water. It’s done like this: you stand near the side/bridge of the ship, a British soldier runs up to you, you intercept his blow, and he flies into the water.
  • Get a kill with a musket in the air. Muskets can be picked up from racks. You pick it up, climb somewhere, select a target in a red uniform below and press [left mouse button]. It is important that you are unarmed ([R] move the “fist” to the left cell).

All that remains is to help your comrades until the counter reaches 100 dropped boxes.

Part 6. Aggressive negotiations

Return to the estate and talk to Achilles.

  • Six months later...

It was impossible to leave Johnson alive; this oversight would have to be corrected. Travel to the Frontier and talk to your Indian friend.

You need to go down, cross the river, go around the red zone on the left outside its diameter, so you will find yourself at the back of the prayer house. Climb onto the roof and jump from it directly onto Johnson. I really do NOT recommend skipping the video, otherwise Connor might teleport to hell, which is why everything additional conditions will be overwhelmed. So, when Johnson is killed and the Indians are saved, you must run east, towards the cliff. There will be a tree leaning towards the river. You must run along it and jump into the river like a swallow.

Part 7

Part 7. Midnight Ride

  • Frontier, April 18, 1775

So, Connor accompanies Revere to his army. Ask for directions [T] to get directions. There is even a road here, although you can run into soldiers along it. Pretty soon you'll be dismounting. You need to approach the doors of different houses until Revere identifies the right one. The process is repeated three times.

  • Additionally: do not engage in combat. Until the third house.

The soldiers are already waiting in the third house.

  • Get to Prescott in 2 minutes. The author managed it in a minute and ten seconds. To do this, you need to move off the road so as not to get caught by the soldiers.

Get to the Hancock-Clark House in Lexington. Trading in this village goes on even at night.

Part 7. Lexington and Concord

  • Lexington, April 19, 1775

While the militias lead defensive battle, Connor is ordered to deliver a report to Concord. To speed up your horse, press [spacebar].

  • Rescue the hostage. There will be a red dot on the radar to your left behind the bridge. This is a squad of soldiers who need to be killed.

Connor was entrusted with commanding the militia, on horseback. Keep an eye on the radar and the battlefield. You have three squads of shooters. You see which of them the enemy is heading towards, you drive up, there is a circle marked there, from it you give the order “fire” [E].

  • Destroy 7 groups of soldiers with one order. To destroy a group with one order, you need to wait until the line stops and begins to raise their muskets. At this very moment you need to command “fire”.

In fact, you will simply download as quickly as possible from one squad to another and command “fire” right there, without even waiting. Although, one must think, the militia can be saved if you wait until the enemy discharges muskets into the shelters. If you are playing on high difficulty, you may have to use this trick.

All that's left is to talk to Jason Barrett.

Part 7. War is Coming

Follow the scout. He will lead you to Israel Putnam. The militia troops are greatly hampered by the ship firing at them.

  • Complete Charlestown without taking damage. Don't step on the cannonballs, "don't stand still" - as the hint says, avoid the red coats.

Dive into the water and swim to the ships. Your goal is two frigates. On the right, it is enough to throw the patrolling soldier into the water, in the place where he looks down at the water every time. Then you can climb on board undetected and light the gunpowder. Jump overboard and enjoy the fireworks.

It's more difficult with the left frigate. Firstly, there is the aforementioned grenadier, who can only be killed by jumping from above. So first we drag two more accessible targets into the water. The two soldiers at the bow can be eliminated with the help of shenbiao, or poisoned darts. Now you can jump on a grenadier - a Scotsman in strong armor.

When both ships are destroyed, you must replace the flag of one of them. Otherwise, the allies will not notice that they have stopped firing. Swim to the shore.

Part 7. Battle of Bunker Hill

Get on your horse and ride for the patriot.

At the beginning, you must cross the dangerous firing zone. You need to do this from cover to cover, you start running only immediately after the shots, and end up in another cover. Bullets hit the stones, and the second landmark is a flash among the musketeers. They have a five second reload time. If necessary, you need to move to the left towards the water.

You can climb onto the rock only by using tree branches. This way you will overcome the patrols over their heads.

Now our task is to kill Pitcairn by jumping on him. At the same time, you cannot kill the British, no more than 4 of them, this will probably be enough. Avoid patrols along the edge. Almost at the other end of the accessible area, you can find a stump that begins the path we need. Jump onto the flagpole and from it onto Pitcairn.

Part 8

Part 8. Something extraneous

Welcome to New York circa 1776. Get on your horse and follow the agent. In the market square, a counterfeiter was trying to sell colored paper. He needs to be followed. Soon the object will meet with his accomplices.

Climb the stairs to the roof of the barn, hide behind the barrels. This will complete the first additional task.

The pursuit continues. For the second eavesdropping, you will need to jump higher, on the right side of the street. Wooden decking almost under the roof. Then just follow your accomplices up or down, you’ll figure it out.

The final phase of the task is the pursuit of Tom Hickey. The condition is not to push. The task may seem impossible - the townspeople may line up almost in a line to prevent you from letting you in, not to mention the endless attempts to throw themselves under your feet. You can't climb onto the roofs - it takes too long. Your only trump card is the ability to choose a different route, while Tom chooses the same lanes every time. Important! You can’t knock Tom himself down either... you need to press [LMB] when you get close.

Part 8. Bridewell Prison

Quite unexpectedly, Connor ended up in prison. Go to the wall to eavesdrop on the conversation. You can inspect the camera, and then go to bed. The guard will wake you up, follow him. When you go down into the crowd of prisoners, you will need to use “eagle vision” [V]. Look for the gold-lit man in the corner, his name is Mason Weems. He will invite you to play dice. The goal is to line up a chain of dice of your color in a row of 3 pieces. Like tic-tac-toe, only the field is fancier. However, you don’t even have to win – the conversation will resolve itself. Weems made the key, but a certain Finch stole it. We need to steal the key back. The prisoner is on the top tier. Walk up and pickpocket [hold E]. Now return to your cell on the same level.

  • The next day…

The key didn't fit into Connor's cell. Find Weems again. You need to get into the “pit”, and to do this, start a fight and beat everyone who goes against you.

You will actually be thrown into a hole. In the meantime, while the warden has his back to Connor's cell, his key can be stolen and replaced. Now interact with the grate. Follow the guard and rush past to the stairs. Here Mason will show you the VIP cameras. In one of them, on the third floor, Hickey should be sitting. Do not go up the stairs the guard went up, but along the opposite one. You only have two minutes and a limit of one kill.

Part 8. Public execution

Connor is about to be hanged. Tied up and beaten, he walked to the gallows. However, he was not destined to die that day.

Signal Achilles [T], otherwise he won't even notice that Connor is actually being hanged. Now we need to catch up with Hickey.

  • Kill 2 enemy militias. These are soldiers with muskets.
  • Washington's bodyguards must survive.
How it's done: you catch up with Hickey (if you're lucky and he'll get stuck in the crowd during the replay) and start pushing him, holding [right mouse button]. As soon as a fight breaks out, the militia will come to you, you must kill them. Then Hickey. The bodyguards must survive.
  • Philadelphia, June 16, 1775

Achilles and Connor find themselves back in the Continental Congress. Here you will watch the signing of what is probably the Declaration of Independence.

Part 9


  • Brazil

Desmond was sent to Brazil on another mission. From the metro it goes directly to the entrance to the stadium. Unlike Haytham and his visit to the opera, we don’t have a ticket, so we’ll have to improvise. The door on the right is open. Try to avoid the guards. Find the door to the toilet, so you will pass the barrier. Just before the next one there is another door leading to the street. You can climb back from it through the window, go up the stairs. Hide from the guard and sneak out as soon as he passes by. You will already find yourself in the box. At this moment some kind of battle is taking place in the stadium. You need to climb onto the iron frame reinforcements, straight from the stock. Make your way to the opposite side. Desmond was already ahead of an unknown mercenary. Catch up with him, don't care about the security anymore. There will be a big fight, watch out for the guards, they will shoot. Beat them all up. The killer actually had another artifact with him. Run straight back to the subway.

All that remains is to connect the source in place. If you have not yet connected one, then I inform you that the hole for it is in the ruins behind the destroyed stairs, opposite the Animus. In turn, he opens the door to opposite side, you can place a second source there. You can return to the Animus.

Part 9. Lost cargo

  • Winter 1777

This is not the first time for us to search for a target using the traces left behind; there should be no problems here. The driver stands by the broken cart. We'll have to catch up. As before, run close and press [Left Mouse Button] to stop him. Now we know approximately where Church is hiding.

Further you will meet a caravan (cart) with hay. You can't hide in the hay, but you need to walk close to overhear the conversation. Stay to the side of the road, running across when you come across another sentry. In the end, Connor will end up in the hay. Kill three people and remain undetected? Just a piece of cake! You drag the first one into the hay. Now follow the talkers, hiding in the bushes. Enter the dilapidated log house, the second patrolman is hiding behind it. Be patient, wait until the speakers move away, only then whistle and kill the guard in the house. The third sentry is straight ahead, near the boxes. All that remains is to catch up with the chatty comrades. And they've already caught someone. Save the poor guy. You need to kill 13 people to do this. Although, with great pleasure, the author would have left him to die.

Part 9. Father and son

  • A mounth later…

Connor returned to New York again, probably experiencing conflicting feelings after being sent to prison and almost being hanged.

Follow Haytham across the rooftops. Dad decided to test the dexterity of his son, but he himself strives to be left behind. On the spot, Connor will need to change into a soldier's uniform. You will probably notice a target marked in red. Get into the hay wagon and drag the mercenary there. Or two guards in red, then it doesn't matter if you kill the mercenary in front of witnesses.

Part 9. Foam and flame

Connor and Haytham managed to get into Church's brewery. They soon meet its owner, Benjamin Church.

Although, in fact, this is just a mercenary with a similar build and wearing a wig. Fight with the mercenaries, Haytham’s health limit is 50%, so don’t sit back and protect him. Then you will have to get out of the burning brewery. Follow Haytham's path along the ceiling beams. Avoiding fire damage is easy, just avoid all burning objects, there is always a safe way.

Part 9. Bitter result

  • Caribbean Sea, 1778

The pursuit of Church continues even at sea. Haytham and Connor pursue him in the Aquila.

First, lower the half of the sails. This will make it easier to pass between the rocks. The damage limit is as much as 20%, so you have to meet it. The desired ship “Greeting” is already anchored in the bay. But it is empty, and the small and aggressive schooner, like a dog, is already running away with all sails. Full speed ahead! You can't fall behind by more than 500. Be prepared for frequent squalls.

Run after Haytham. This area was damaged by a large fire. Climb to the top of the ruined church. From it, jump after Haytham onto the soldiers. Kill all those marked in red without touching the orange ones. In this case, you must use two of them as human shields, shielding yourself from the three “orange” officers with muskets. I remind you that you need to wait for them to prepare to shoot, get close to the soldier and press [spacebar].

They forgot to tie up one of the officers. Connor must catch up with him and stop him by jumping from above. Important! You need to press the [E] key, not the mouse button, as with a regular air kill. You need to run up [right mouse button] and press [E], then Connor will jump on top of the officer. After a few tries, you should be able to memorize his route so you can find the best place for an ambush. When the officer is captured, push [space] him into the fort.

Part 10. Loyal trust

Neither George Washington nor Haytham Kenway lived up to Connor's expectations, and that's putting it mildly. Now the messengers are rushing with an order to attack his home village. Ride your horse, you will have 3 minutes to do everything. You can't touch the ground. Shoot the first one. The second group can be defeated by jumping from horse to horse [LMB], killing the riders. You will probably have more than a minute of time left. Ride to the village. Go around the soldier's camp. Find the village elder.

It seems that Charles Lee has already taken the strongest hunters out of the village and intends to expose them to the militia army. Hide your weapon, so by attacking from behind you can stun all six.

Part 10. Battle of Monmouth

  • Monmouth, June 28, 1778

One assassin, one gun, one army of suicide bombers.

We aim and shoot at [space]. You need to aim at those walking slightly ahead of the platoon; the shot is not fired instantly. For standing ones, it’s even easier - catch them in focus and shoot.

There is nothing to do, you will have to help out your dad. Here I want to say two things. 1) Desmond's father is not only an obvious bastard, but also clumsy. 2) For a thousand years, the Assassins still didn’t realize that they were entering the Templars’ lair; it wouldn’t hurt to disguise yourself for a change. No matter what, he will have to get out of it with what he has.

And, you know, battles without clues about the start of an enemy attack are even more interesting. When you find yourself in the elevator shaft, cling to the glass fasteners. Kill the three guards at the top. Make your way further, killing the guards as you come - it’s definitely not worth collecting a whole crowd. Then one mercenary with a pistol catches a glitch and tries to escape. You must catch up with him and kill him. Then make your way into Vidik’s office, where he is keeping his father. You will have to press [LMB] to fire a shot. Then there will be a real combination - [Space][E][LMB][R]or [Q] (which letter do you like best?:) Now you can go to the soldiers and press these buttons.

The third source is connected if you climb the stairs that were opened by the second source. There is only one untraversed area left - there is a staircase to the right of the "central road". The tricky part: you see the hologram, but you can't climb up to it. The answer is that you don’t need to do this! The path leads a little down, there is some kind of room where you can climb in and continue the path.

We have the Apple of Eden, three generators are connected, it remains to get the last fragment - Haytham's key.

Part 11. Battle of the Chesapeake

You must talk to Robert Faulkern and select the “Battle of the Chesapeake” mission as your travel destination.

  • Chesapeake Bay, September 5, 1781

New naval battle!

  • Destroy three small ships in one salvo. It's simple: move so that there are three small ships in the white aiming area and shoot.
  • Sink two frigates by hitting them in their powder holds. After the defeat of the first five ships, three more frigates will appear. One of them has its powder holds already exposed. You'll have to tinker with the rest. Remember training? First you need to expose these very holds by shooting at the front of the frigate. Then you shoot from falconets.

Despite all efforts, the last allied ship was sunk. Alone, the Aquila will have to fight the battleship. There are no more guns, let's go ram! All boarding, again.

  • Kill five people with counterattacks. If you suddenly forgot, to do this you need to catch the moment of the enemy’s strike, indicated by a red diamond, at this moment you need to press [E], and then [LMB] to finish off the enemy.

All that remains is to kill the captain of the battleship and leave him before the explosion.

Part 11. Lee's last battle

The crusade against Charles Lee continues. Connor goes underground in New York to sneak into the fort. But first you need to give a signal to the admiral to begin the assault.

Drag the guard into the well and get out. Conditions: time limit – 3 minutes, health – 50%. You can't get caught at all. Why then a health limit? Get on the roof. One of the two sentries opposite (preferably the one on the right) will have to be killed, then it will be easier to move on. On the last roof before the lighthouse we also kill the sentry. While no one is looking, fall into the hay cart and you can try to eliminate the extra sentry on the right. Climb up to the lighthouse and interact!

Organizing shelling of a fort in which you yourself are, of course, “smart”. However, Lee did not show up for his last battle. But a father was discovered who intended to reduce the number of descendants to zero. You need to parry attacks the moment they start. There is no diamond, but it was the same in “our time.” Keep Connor's back to the wooden objects, then Haytham will take damage. This is the end of the Templar Grandmaster.

Part 12

Part 12. Rest in peace

  • New York, 1782

Charles Lee gives a speech at Haytham Kenway's funeral. The mercenaries will capture Connor, don't try to avoid it. When they start beating him up, press [E] to break free. You need to kill 5 soldiers. Then return to the church and kill the remaining mercenaries. The score will already be 13/15. Now run to the pier and swim to the ship. Now the limit is only two kills. Climb aboard and hang under the window to eavesdrop on the captain. The conversation will continue in the cabin. Climb onto the deck and slide to the window. Now you need to kill the captain of the Jersey. Be careful not to fall into the water. You don’t even need to go anywhere far - the captain will make a round of the sentries and return back to his cabin. The odd one out is the sentry closest to you, who guards the entrance to the cabin. After his death, you can wait for the captain and kill him. Now feel free to jump into the water.

Part 12. Chasing Lee

Rules of the chase: do not move further than 50 meters. Don't push anyone. Overcome the first obstacle in the video of powder barrels along the left edge, away from the explosion. Go around the soldier to the right. Don't run to the next line, jump to the left. Then there will be a chase inside a burning unfinished ship. By “don’t get shot” we mean “don’t get damaged by fire.” First, dive down, following Charles, then climb up the wall on the right, and jump further from there. When the wall collapses, instead of a door, a passage in the form of a frame is formed, you go there. Run further, take the improvised elevator, chase Lee to the upper deck. There will be a video. Go to the port master. Connor is so weak that he can barely move. When Connor sails after Lee, all that remains is to enter the tavern and watch the video.

Our time (not a spoiler)

If you haven't sourced before, you'll finally have to do it. So, the first place for installation is to the left of the “central road” to the protective barrier. There are also stairs and ruins. You need to climb to the very top. There will be several visions that will end with the installation of the source at the very top. Then it will open new route– right behind the Animus. By installing the source there, you will open a new staircase. It is hidden among the crystals to the right of the “central road”. There is only one place in which you can get stuck. You already see the hologram, this is the same place, but you just can’t jump. There is no need to do this: the road goes further, down. There will be a room without a ceiling that you can climb into and continue on your way. I think you can easily complete the collection of jumps in the spirit of Lara Croft. This is the end of the third part of Assassin's Creed. Who passed, well done :)

Naval battles in Assassin's Creed 3 are another key element of the gameplay that the game developers have relied on. The next part of the series will be devoted to a pirate theme, which is unthinkable without ships and exciting sea battles, so you need to prepare for new challenges in Assassin’s Creed: Black Flag in advance. Controlling ships is unlikely to change dramatically in the future, but the experience gained will definitely come in handy; There is a great opportunity to practice now. Naval missions and privateering contracts in AC3- this is the key to mastery. Connor has access to the ship, Aquila, in the story, in the fifth chapter, after meeting Captain Robert Faulkner on the pier at the Davenport estate. Old sea wolf the shortest possible time will teach a beginner all the intricacies of the business. All key battles will take place under his supervision in the future. After training, the first icons with naval battles and privateer missions will appear on the global map.

Switching between weapons is done by holding down the [R] key, firing from cannons - [LMB], firing from falconets - [RMB], dodging a shot - [Space], increase speed - [E], slow down - [Q]. In battles, the wind plays an important role, the direction of which is indicated by the compass in the lower left corner of the monitor: the green stripe is tailwind, the red stripe is headwind. Naval and privateer missions can be replayed: > DNA sensor > select the desired column from the red list. On the global map, task icons appear during the main story of AC3: naval tasks - Templar Cross, privateering contracts - the helm.

Steer the ship, at first glance, is more difficult than, but it is not so. All the firepower of the ships is concentrated on the sides, so you need to skillfully maneuver and wait for the right moment to inflict maximum damage on the enemies, of which there will be a lot in some naval battles. Connor, like everyone else, has access to several types of ammunition - cannonballs, cannonballs and buckshot. The effectiveness of weapons varies depending on the situation: cannonballs should be used to cause maximum damage, cannonballs are used to slow down enemy ships, and buckshot is good against manpower and for blowing up powder holds. Dodge shots necessary when the water around enemy ships turns red. This means that the enemy is preparing to shoot, and Connor and his team have a little time to find cover. sold at piers by harbor captains. They allow you to make the ship many times more powerful, increase firepower and hull strength.

Walkthrough of sea missions in Assassin's Creed 3:

  • Chase: Find ships threatening Martha's Vineyard.
    • Most, if not all, of the British gunboats can be destroyed with falconets. It is advisable to hit them with the first shot, otherwise difficulties may arise in front of the mines - the health of the protected ship will drop below the allotted limit of 50%. On the way to Martha's Vineyard, we use falconets to blow up the mines that float on the surface of the water near enemy ships. We destroy forts with cannons, turning sideways to the enemy at the very rocks and opening fire with the left mouse button; falconets are useless against them. We dodge the mortars, slowing down the ship's speed and leaving the firing zone, which is clearly visible on the water. A bell will notify you of the start of the attack.
  • The rescue: Meet Amanda off Nantucket and find out what she knows about Nicholas Beadle.
    • We set off to meet Nicholas Beadle's ship, the Randolph. The [Q] key will help you withstand the squally wind. When a squall begins, we furl the sails and slowly maneuver between the rocks until Aquila is in the ocean. The [Space] key will help you dodge rogue waves. Having reached the attacked merchant ship, we enter into battle, attack the ships with cannonballs from close range, it is important not to miss more than twice. The restriction does not apply to falconets; you can use them constantly, no matter whether the buckshot hits targets or not. After warming up, the frigates will enter the battle, we try to immediately hit the bow with cannonballs in order to get to vulnerable places - the powder holds. If you fail to complete the task the first time, restart the game from the last intermediate save point through the game menu by clicking and selecting the desired item. As soon as the hull of the frigates is breached, two white circles will appear around the powder holds. We aim at them with falconets and shoot when the sight turns red.
  • French intervention: find the Belladonna and escort her to the shores of America.
    • We protect the Belladonna from enemy ships, simultaneously destroying gunboats and frigates using falconets and cannons, and also do not let its health drop below 50%. Before the main battle you need to sink 11 English ships, which will advance in two waves. Knipels will help you cope with a battleship. They must be selected through the equipment menu by holding down the [R] key. We shoot them from medium distance. After two accurate hits, the enemy's masts will break in half. All that remains is to approach the battleship closely and begin boarding.
  • Beedle's Hideout: Find Nicholas Beadle in the Caribbean and put an end to the betrayal.
    • The pursuit of the Templar will end in the choppy waters of the ocean, where it will be necessary to destroy the Randolph's mast with one broadside and...

Privateer contracts in Assassin's Creed 3:

  • St. Augustine. Henderson is in trouble(reward: -25% trade risk): Protect the Henderson from English privateers.
    • Immediately from the start, we position ourselves at the stern of the ally, simultaneously destroying the first group of enemy gunboats on the right. We shoot at them with falconets and cannonballs. We intercept the second group on the approaches to the Henderson, taking a position between it and the attackers so that they cannot inflict more than 50% of the damage on it.
  • St. Augustine. Paving the way(reward: -25% trading risk): Find out what's going on at the lighthouse.
    • We inspect the surroundings of the lighthouse, at the moment of the attack of the gunboats we ram three of them, and destroy the rest with falconets and cannonballs.
  • St. Augustine. Dead hour(reward: -25% trade risk): Pursue the infamous pirate ship St. James.
    • We set off in pursuit of the ship, avoiding shoals and rocks. In open water we destroy the gunboats along with the St. James. In battle, hardened cannonballs will be useful, although you can cope with ordinary ones, the main thing is not to sink them ahead of time. To do this, use the [Space] key during enemy shots, dodging the projectiles.
  • Louisbourg. Troubled waters(reward: -25% trade risk): Drive English privateers away from the trade route.
    • We destroy three enemy frigates in turn, using ordinary or hardened cannonballs. During the battle, we dodge the killer waves with the [Space] key. It is important not to lose more than 50% of your health.
  • Louisbourg. Chasing the Scout(reward: -25% trading risk): prevent the “Scout” from escaping with all its secrets.

    • We destroy the patrol from a distance using falconets. We wait for the Scout to appear at the coastal rocks and attack him. In battle, it is important to use both sides and skillfully control the ship, otherwise the enemy fleet will not be destroyed in one and a half minutes. With the first salvo from the starboard side we destroy most of the gunboats, destroy the medium ships with hot cannonballs, and finish off the remaining ones with falconets. We slow down to meet the ships on the right with a broadside. While we wait for their approach, we can have time to sink the Scout. If time is short and there are only one or two opponents left on the water, we use a ram. Luck, correct calculation and the correct location of Aquila play a big role in the task.
  • Louisbourg. Incomparable(reward: -25% trade risk): ensure the safety of the trade route.
    • We guard the entrance to the canal for four minutes, fighting off gunboats, medium ships and two frigates, one of which must be sunk within the allotted time.
  • Bahamas. Dawn is breaking(reward: -25% trade risk): Destroy privateers hunting along the trade route.
    • We destroy two gunboats and two frigates without losing more than 25% of life. Red-hot cannonballs will come in handy in battle.
  • Bahamas. Call for help(reward: -25% trading risk): Respond to Independence's distress signal.
    • We destroy enemy ships, preventing them from weakening the ally’s hull by more than 75%. Hardened cannonballs will come in handy in battle.
  • Bahamas. Search for "Somerset"(reward: -25% trade risk): Find and sink the pirate ship Somerset.
    • We pass without damage between the coastal rocks. In open water we destroy gunboats and a frigate using hot cannonballs.
  • Virgin Islands. Sea wolves(reward: -25% trade risk): escape the squadron of the infamous Sea Wolves.

    • We accompany a convoy of eight merchant ships, immediately break out of their formation, taking Aquila to the right so as not to fall into the box. When four pirate frigates appear, we destroy them with hot cannonballs. You need to save at least four merchant ships from the caravan.
  • Virgin Islands. Midnight meeting(reward: -25% trade risk): catch up and destroy the Greyhound with its squadron.
    • We reach open water without getting damaged among the coastal rocks. We destroy enemy gunboats and sink the Greyhound with hot cannonballs.
  • Virgin Islands. The Giant and the Storm(reward: -25% trade risk): lure the Orpheus and its squadron into a trap and destroy it.
    • We get rid of the first wave of gunboats, two frigates and battleship We destroy them by blowing up the powder holds. Ships need to be attacked at the bow of the hull with hardened or simple cannonballs. As soon as the hull is pierced, a white circle will appear around the weak spot, into which you need to shoot with falconets to detonate the gunpowder and completely destroy the ship.

      A quick way to complete the sea mission "The Giant and the Storm" in AC3:

      • To quickly pass the Orpheus and its squadron before the battle, you need to install an improved ram on the Jackdaw, which is sold from harbor masters in the harbors of New York, Boston and the Frontier. Successful head-on collision with a battleship at maximum speed will lead to the immediate opening of the powder hold. If the maneuver fails, then, having caught up with it on the sides, you should shoot at the bow with red-hot cannonballs. Frigates are less durable, so first we stop them with nipples: we break the masts and tear the sails, and when they stop, we ram them into the bow at medium speed and shoot the holes that appear in the powder holds with falconets. After a collision with frigates, it is important to stop in time so as not to cause unnecessary damage with the ram, which will send the ship to the bottom.

      Slow way to complete the sea quest "The Giant and the Storm" in AC3:
      • In the “Giant and the Storm” mission, ordinary cannonballs will help you sink ships by hitting powder holds. Hardened cannonballs require very careful handling: if the second shot misses, the enemy may not survive and the synchronization conditions will fail; the privateering contract will have to start again. We try to hide behind high waves from enemy shots. Robber waves make it very difficult to shoot accurately, so it is important to wait. Yes, the victory will not be so spectacular, but after the nth number of repetitions you can come to terms with it. The ships can withstand several attacks. Haste most often leads to failure. It is very important to choose correct angle attacks and shot timing. You need to shoot at the moment when the enemy ship is on a wave, and its hull is completely open and not protected by water (waves dampen the impact power of the cannonballs).

        At the beginning of the battle, we knock down the masts of frigates and battleships with nipples to immobilize opponents. Then we swim up from the bow and stop diagonally from it, staying away from the sides. We choose a position so that the enemy cannot reach with shots, but at the same time is vulnerable. Hold down the left mouse button and hold it for an aimed shot. As soon as the sight mark on the water begins to blink white, we shoot at the enemy. The shells must hit exactly between the bow and the beginning of the side. If everything is done correctly, after a couple of shots with ordinary cannonballs, holes will appear on the hull, marked with white circles, which are undermined by shots from falconets.
The reward for completing privateer contracts is a trophy painting called “Privateer”, which will appear on the wall - next to the door to the balcony - in a room on the second floor of the estate. In addition, maritime trade routes will become practically safe for trade by water, which will allow for the crew and the result without any fear.

You need to stun the enemy, and under no circumstances kill him. This can be done in different ways. At the beginning of the game, just sneak up from behind and press the left stick of the gamepad.

At the middle stage of the game, you can remove all weapons from your hero, thereby forcing him to fight with his fists. Yes, the enemy will be armed, but you can also use the right tactics to win. In this case, this will be defined by the game as a normal stun, after which you can recruit a new member of Adrestia's team.

At later stages of the game, opponents will be strong, and it will be necessary to knock down the health of the desired NPC with a couple of hits. When his life bar is almost gone, use the Spartan Kick ability, which deals non-lethal damage and stuns the enemy.

This is the easiest and most reliable way to recruit new team members in Odyssey, since the NPC will remain at 1% health, which will simplify recruitment as much as possible, but at the same time your character will definitely not kill him. And you don't have to take off your equipment.

Stunning enemies is also a great way to collect the best weapons, armor and equipment in Assassin's Creed Odyssey, so use this tip for more than just finding new team members.

Skills of team members in Assassin's Creed Odyssey

Most of the NPCs you meet during the game will have one or two skills, randomly selected from a huge pool. And while they are often repetitive, players have found that some skills are more useful than others.

For example, the health and protection of the ship will be very useful throughout the game, they are represented by the icon of a small ship with raised sails. Since you will be doing a lot of fighting at sea, arrow damage will be another great skill for your crewmate. You can recognize it by the icon of three arrows.

Now we will list all the useful skills found in both common and rare and even legendary team members:

  • increasing ship armor points;
  • critical damage with spears (weak point creation with javelins);
  • critical damage with arrows (weak point creation with arrows);
  • damage to the target increases over time when attacking with spears (fire buildup with javelins);
  • damage to the target increases over time when attacking with arrows (fire buildup with arrows);
  • increased fire power when ramming;
  • increased damage when ramming an enemy ship (ramming damage);
  • additional damage from arrows (arrow damage);
  • additional endurance for rowers (rower stamina refill rate);
  • increasing ship health points;
  • reduced damage taken while boosting;
  • increase damage with concentration (increase fire power while bracing);
  • damage to the target accumulates over time (increase fire buildup with arrows);
  • additional fire damage;
  • additional damage from fire arrow damage.

Legendary Team Member Skills:

  • restoration of rowers' stamina points when cleaving an enemy ship (rower stamina refill rate when cleaving);
  • restoration of ship health points when splitting an enemy ship (health restored when cleaving);
  • increased damage when low health;
  • speed boost after drifting.

Unique ship crew members in Assassin's Creed Odyssey

As you progress through the game, you can meet story characters who, when... successful completion their personal quest, can join your team.

Here's who you should take a closer look at while traveling:

  • Odessa from the quest “Little Odyssey”;
  • Helion from the quest “Gang”;
  • By completing quests taken from the notice board, you can get many interesting lieutenants, although not everyone will want to become part of the team.
  • Evie Fry from the Ubisoft Club as a reward and pick it up from the Helix store.

Walkthrough of Assassin's Creed III - 11


Our father overestimated his capabilities and was captured by Abstergo. Let's go to Italy - to the very lair. Throughout your journey, you will have to often put into practice the combat skills received from your ancestors. Somewhere in the middle of the level, catch up with the crazy Cross and make your way to the end using the Apple of Eden. After this task, install the batteries in their places, as your father advises, and climb into the Animus. We have to finish Connor's story...

Battle of the Chesapeake

Chesapeake Bay September 5, 1781. We have to hold the bay from the main attacking forces of the British. At the very beginning we will need to perform secondary task: destroy 3 ships with one broadside . As soon as you watch the video, immediately swim into the midst of enemy ships and fire a salvo to destroy as quickly as possible more ships. After completing the task, you can disperse and use tactical attacks. As soon as one or two ships remain, loyalist reinforcements will arrive and another will appear secondary task: sink two frigates by hitting them in their powder holds . The weak point where you will need to precisely hit with falconets - RMB(to shoot) - will be enclosed in a white circle.

Finish off the remaining ships and follow your ally to the next battle. We watch the video, go to ram the last ship and board it. Before killing the ship's captain, complete secondary task: kill 5 enemies with one counterattack . And then, leave the battleship in 10 seconds.

Lee's Last Stand

Secondary tasks: Stay undetected on the way to the signal fire. Get to signal tower in 3 minutes. The limit of lost health should not exceed 50% . You will have to act as quickly as possible, pull the first soldier into the well and then I advise you to climb onto the roofs and go there. There will be only two patrolmen on the way, who can clearly notice us and disrupt complete synchronization. Use either a bow or poison darts on them - silently and effectively. Near the tower itself there will be two haystacks, jump into the nearest one and if you have time, you can kill another patrolman. From the hay, run to the wooden scaffolding and climb to the very top.

Severely wounded, move forward and fight your father. To survive in this battle, stay close to objects that can be manipulated in battle - bottles, barrels, tables, etc. To hit Haytham, parry his attack - E- and strike your blow LMB and Connor, using a handy combat item, will automatically use it.