Kostroma gu. Kostroma State University named after N. Nekrasov (KSU named after N.A. Nekrasov). Information on various admission conditions

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Kostroma State University named after N. A. Nekrasov
(KSU named after N. A. Nekrasov)

Nekrasov Kostroma State University

Kostroma State Workers' and Peasants' University in memory October revolution 1917 (1918–1921),
Kostroma Teachers' Institute (1939–1949),
Kostroma State Pedagogical Institute named after N. A. Nekrasov (1949–1994),
Kostroma State Pedagogical University named after N. A. Nekrasov (1994–1999)

classical university

Rassadin Nikolai Mikhailovich

7350 (2010)

Russia, Kostroma


Coordinates: 57°45′59.62″ N. w.

40°55′04.76″ E. d. /  57.766561° s. w. 40.917989° E. d. (G) (O) (I) 57.766561, 40.917989 Kostroma State University named after N. A. Nekrasov (full name: Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education
vocational education

"Kostroma State University named after N. A. Nekrasov") is a higher educational institution located in Kostroma.

The main part of the university's academic buildings is located in the central part of the city, on the embankment of the Volga River. History of Workers' and Peasants' University The actual founding date of the university can be called 1918, when the “Kostroma State Workers’ and Peasants’ University in memory of the October Revolution of 1917” was opened. A legal document that legalizes the activity

In commemoration of the October Revolution of 1917, which liberated the working masses from political, economic and spiritual oppression on the part of the propertied classes and opened wide paths for them to sources of knowledge and culture, establish state universities in the cities of Kostroma, Smolensk, Astrakhan and Tambov and transform the former Demidov Law Lyceum in Yaroslavl and Pedagogical Institute in Samara. The date for opening universities is the day of the first anniversary of the October Revolution - November 7, 1918.

Classes at the educational institution began on November 17, 1918 with a lecture by privat-docent, later world-famous anthropologist E. M. Chepurkovsky, “Types of prehistoric and modern population Great Russia." The first rector of the university was N. G. Gorodensky, a teacher of classical philology, but after working for a little over a year, he resigned due to health reasons.

Nikolai Gavrilovich Gorodensky, first rector of Kostroma University

The next rector of the university was the head of the department of political economy and statistics, Professor F. A. Menkov. The university managed to assemble an excellent staff of teachers. Only at the Faculty of Science there were 10 professors. Such famous scientists as F. A. Petrovsky (classical philosophy), B. A. Romanov and A. F. Izyumov (history), A. I. Nekrasov (history and theory of art), V. F. Shishmarev (history of Western European literature and Romance philology), S. K. Shambinago (literary criticism), A. L. Sacchetti and Yu. P. Novitsky (law). Here the famous Pushkinist S. M. Bondi and future academician historian N. M. Druzhinin. Students of Kostroma University could hear brilliant speeches by People's Commissar of Education A.V. Lunacharsky, lectures by Fyodor Sologub on new literature and new theater.

The university initially included natural sciences, humanities and forestry faculties, and later pedagogical and medical faculties. Due to the country's policy of equal access to education, illiterate workers and peasants entered the university and could enroll without exams. Short educational level students, necessitated the opening of an educational association, which included a higher public school and a provincial society of public universities. Since 1919, the function of preparing students to study in the academic department was taken over by the working faculty that appeared at the university. In 1921, 3,333 students studied at all faculties.

Building "B" KSU

Due to the severe consequences of the civil war and the transition to a new economic policy, which resulted in a reduction in funding for educational institutions, the People's Commissariat of Education in the city decided to close or reorganize a number of young universities. Two universities were created on the basis of Kostroma University - a pedagogical institute (Institute of Public Education) and an agricultural one. In subsequent years, several educational institutions were created on the basis of the university, which were repeatedly transformed and changed the direction of their activities.

Pedagogical Institute Editorial and publishing activities

The main directions of editorial and publishing activities: publication of monographs, collections scientific works, textbooks, teaching aids and other types of scientific and educational literature.
The university publishes scientific journals“Bulletin of KSU named after N. A. Nekrasov” (ISSN 1998-0817) and “Economics of Education” (ISSN 2072-9634), included in the List of periodical scientific and scientific-technical publications published in Russian Federation, which recommend the publication of the main results of dissertations for the scientific degrees of Doctor and Candidate of Sciences. These magazines, as well as the series “Bulletin of KSU named after N. A. Nekrasov: Pedagogy. Psychology. Social work. Juvenology. Sociokinetics" (ISSN 2073-1426) are included in the Russian Science Citation Index.

Postgraduate and doctoral studies

At the university, as a base university, there are 4 dissertation councils for the defense of dissertations for the degree of Doctor of Science and Candidate of Sciences in pedagogical, psychological, economic, philological sciences and cultural studies (the term of office of dissertation councils was extended by order of Rosobrnadzor dated 10/08/2009 for the period of validity nomenclature of specialties for scientific workers. KSU is also the founder of the council for psychological sciences, opened at the Yaroslavl State Pedagogical University named after K. D. Ushinsky.

Science Library

The university's scientific library was created in November 1918. Recognizing great importance for the university scientific library, VI Provincial Congress of Soviets September 20, 1918. spoke in favor of organizing a department of sociology and political economy within its structure and allocated 100 thousand rubles for these purposes. Books were purchased from individuals and accepted free of charge from organizations. The purchase of various publications in the capitals was organized. By 1921, the university had created a library that was respectable on a provincial scale, which contained about 30 thousand copies of scientific, educational and fiction.

In 1949, when the teacher's institute was transformed into a pedagogical institute, the library's book stock amounted to 45 thousand book units, there were less than six hundred readers, and 4 librarians worked. In 1953, a reading room with 20 seats was organized in the library premises; the library area was 200 square meters. meters. Books from the store and library collection were carried on horseback, librarians themselves chopped wood and lit the stoves in the library.

Reading room of the Scientific Library of KSU named after N. A. Nekrasov (building B

In 1976, the library was given the premises of the sports hall (formerly the assembly hall of the Grigorovsky Women's Gymnasium), where there is currently a reading room with 200 seats under the scheme of open access to sources of active demand. Since 1981 science Library The university occupies a premises with an area of ​​more than 2 thousand square meters. meters in the educational building "B". In 2007, a reading room was opened at the Institute of Pedagogy and Psychology. Here, just like in the first reading room, there is a computer area and open access.

The library's collection as of January 1, 2011 amounts to 609,540 copies, including scientific literature - 217,322 copies; received by the library in 2010 - 14504 copies, including scientific literature - 8437 copies; the electronic catalog as of 01/01/2011 is 137949 entries; card index of scientific works of teachers - 24294 records; electronic card index of articles - 44173 records; local history card index of articles - 8340 entries.

The majority of the fund consists of textbooks and teaching aids on all educational programs implemented at the university. Scientific literature is presented in sufficient quantities. Included library fund both new and old, rare books on history, art, literature, pedagogy, psychology, published in the 18th - early 20th centuries, as well as unique examples of modern printing art.

Rare book hall of the Scientific Library of KSU named after N. A. Nekrasov (building A)

In the library's collection, a special place is occupied by books from the libraries of Kostroma educational institutions, transferred many years ago to the young university. Over the 90 years of the university’s life, its library fund was replenished with gifts from bibliophiles P. T. Vinogradov, N. F. Zhokhov, S. I. Biryukov, I. A. Serov, V. S. Rozov, S. N. Samoilov and others. Informatization of educational and scientific processes has determined new priorities in the activities of the library. An electronic catalog for the library collection is being created. The introduction of the retro collection of the library of the Institute of Pedagogy and Psychology into the electronic catalog and barcoding of documents for the organization of automated book distribution have begun. Users of the electronic reading room (opened in 2006) can get acquainted not only with electronic publications, but also with the latest business and educational literature presented by leading publishing houses.

Since 2003, the KSU scientific library has been a member of the Association of Regional Library Consortia. Parallel literature search services are available to users in a single access point via electronic catalogs libraries of Russia and the consolidated catalogs of the consortium, access to lists of newspaper and magazine articles of the Russian Book Chamber, an electronic database of dissertations of the Russian State Library, and a number of databases of scientific publishing houses is organized. The creation of the website “The Royal Family of the Romanovs and the Kostroma Region” became possible thanks to the maintenance of the corresponding card index and collection of books collected in the rare book fund.

On September 1, 2011, the “Book Archive of the Terra Publishing Complex” was opened in the main reading room of the library. The publishing house "TERRA" donated its archive to the university - more than 12,000 volumes of unique scientific and fiction literature, author's manuscripts and illustrative materials.

For many years, the library has been a methodological center coordinating the activities of libraries of vocational educational institutions in the Kostroma region. Seminars are held on its basis library workers, there are interuniversity sections in the main areas of library work.

Famous people Rectors
  • Talov L. N. (1949-1954)
  • Zemlyansky Fedor Markovich (1954-1961)
  • Sinyazhnikov Mikhail Ivanovich (1961-1986)
  • Panin Valentin Semyonovich (1986-1989)
  • Rassadin Nikolai Mikhailovich (1989-present)
  • Graduates
    • Batin, Mikhail Alexandrovich - entrepreneur, chairman public organization"For increasing life expectancy."
    • Buzin, Alexander Ivanovich - artist, art critic, Honorary Citizen of Kostroma; candidate of art history, professor
    • Vikenty (Novozhilov) - bishop of the Russian Orthodox Old Believer Church, bishop of Kostroma and Yaroslavl.
    • Golubev, Alexander Vyacheslavovich - speed skater, Honored Master of Sports (), champion of the XVII Winter Olympic Games () in the 500 m race.
    • Kildyshev, Albert Vasilievich - restoration artist, art critic, poet.
    • Lebedev, Yuri Vladimirovich - Russian writer, literary critic, author of textbooks for secondary and high school; Doctor of Philology, Professor.
    • Petrov, Dmitry Valentinovich (b. 1958) - Soviet and Russian artist, photographer, teacher.
    • Popkov, Vladimir Mikhailovich - Soviet, Ukrainian and Russian film director, screenwriter, actor.
    • Rassadin, Nikolai Mikhailovich - rector of Kostroma State University named after N. A. Nekrasov; Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor.
    • Samoilov, Sergey Nikolaevich - Russian statesman, Deputy Plenipotentiary Representative of the President of the Russian Federation in the Central Federal District, former Advisor to the President of the Russian Federation (2001-2008)
    • Sitnikov, Sergei Konstantinovich - Russian state and political figure, Governor of the Kostroma Region (2012)
    • Skatov, Nikolai Nikolaevich - Russian philologist, literary critic; Doctor of Philology, Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences.
    • Syrov, Valery Mikhailovich - Russian and Ukrainian artist, member of the Union of Artists of the USSR and the National Union of Artists of Ukraine.
    • Trushkin, Vasily Mikhailovich (b. 1958) - Soviet and Russian artist, teacher, entrepreneur.
    • Tsan-kai-si, Fedor Vasilievich - head of the department of Vladimir State Humanitarian University. P. I. Lebedev-Polyansky; Doctor of Philosophy, Professor.
    • Yakovenko, Alexander Nikolaevich - Ukrainian politician, leader of the Communist Party of Workers and Peasants of Ukraine.
    • Lutoshkin, Anatoly Nikolaevich (1935-1979) - Russian psychologist, specialist in the field of social and educational psychology, author of How to Lead.

    Kostroma State University named after N.A. Nekrasova.

    Teaching is one of the most noble professions. After all, training and education of the future shift is the key to the prosperity and development of any society. The future of many Russians, and of all of Russia as a whole, will depend on what kind of teacher he will be, what example he will set for his students, what and how he will teach.

    The leadership of our country, realizing this, is taking the necessary measures to increase teachers’ salaries, improve their working conditions, and improve the material and technical base of school education. Therefore, the teaching profession will always be in demand, and teachers will receive a decent salary. Kostroma State University named after N.A. will help you get this much-needed profession. Nekrasova.

    KSU named after Nekrasova

    Kostroma Nekrasov University traces its history back to 1918 and will soon celebrate its centenary. Over the years, the university has gone through several reorganizations, but it has managed to maintain the main thing - continuity and traditions of quality education. The university acquired the status of a classical university and the ability to train generalist specialists in 1999, having successfully passed certification.

    All these achievements cannot be imagined without teachers, associate professors, professors and doctors of science, who devoted many years to the university and training future teachers within its walls. Tens of thousands of graduates successfully work not only in the Kostroma region, but throughout Russia, continuing the glorious traditions instilled in them at KSU. Nekrasova.

    Today the university is one of the largest in the region. And the university building is located in a picturesque location on the banks of the Volga. This is a modern computerized complex equipped with the latest software and methodological manuals for training modern specialists. The social and living conditions of the university are also at the highest level. And nonresident students are provided with a dormitory in which all the necessary conditions for living and studying.

    Studying at Nekrasov KSU

    Nekrasov Kostroma University includes 10 faculties that train specialists in the pedagogical and humanitarian fields, including:

    · natural sciences;
    · foreign languages;
    · historical;
    · musical and pedagogical;
    · technology and service;
    · physical and mathematical;
    · physical culture;
    · philological;
    · artistic and graphic;
    · legal.

    For future teachers there is a wide choice of specialties. For children who like biology or geography, the Faculty of Natural Sciences will always open its doors. And its graduates will then be able to teach their favorite subjects at school and teach future generations to love the nature around us.

    Children who are interested in foreign languages ​​are given the opportunity to become teachers of English, German or French At school. Lovers of history and local history have the opportunity to receive an appropriate education and teach them at school.

    The Faculty of Technology and Service occupies a special place at the institute. In addition to the sought-after specialty of a labor teacher, graduates of this faculty will also acquire a lot of skills in working with metal, wood, and other materials, which will greatly help them not only in professional activity, but also in everyday life.

    In addition to teaching specialties, the university also trains future lawyers. Despite numerous attacks against educational institutions of this profile and their graduates, the legal profession has been and will be in demand. And graduates of the Faculty of Law, if they have a certain amount of knowledge and skills, will be able to find a job in their specialty without any problems.

    More detailed information about the university, rules and admission procedures for all specialties will be provided by the official website of KSU named after. Nekrasov, available around the clock on the Internet.

    KSU named after Nekrasova is a leading scientific and scientific-methodological center in the main areas of educational activity.

    The company is currently eliminated! Company liquidation date: 08/26/2016

    Legal entity status:

    Full name:

    INN: 4401005035, OGRN: 1024400534476

    Acting Rector: Ershov Vladimir Nikolaevich
    - is a manager in 1 organization (active - 0, inactive - 1).
    - is a founder of 1 organization (operating - 0, inactive - 1).

    A company with the full name "FEDERAL STATE BUDGETARY EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTION OF HIGHER EDUCATION" KOstroma STATE UNIVERSITY NAMED AFTER N.A. NEKRASOVA "" was registered on May 28, 1999 in the Kostroma region legal address: 156000, Kostroma region, Kostroma city, 1 May street, 14.

    Registrar "" assigned the company INN 4401005035 OGRN 1024400534476. Registration number in the Pension Fund of Russia: 054026006006. Registration number in the Social Insurance Fund: 440144072844001.

    Main activity according to OKVED: 85.22. Additional views activities according to OKVED: 18.12; 45.11.4; 45.19.1; 45.19.4; 47.9; 58.11; 58.13; 58.14; 68.20.1; 69.10; 70.22; 72.19; 72.20; 73.20.1; 73.20.2; 82.99; 85.23; 85.41.9; 90.0; 91.01; 93.19; 96.04.

    Liquidation Details
    OGRN 1024400534476
    TIN 4401005035
    checkpoint 440101001
    Organizational and legal form (OLF) Federal state budgetary institutions
    Abbreviated name of the legal entity KSU IM. ON THE. NEKRASOV, KSU, NEKRASOV UNIVERSITY
    Region Kostroma region
    Legal address 156000, Kostroma region, Kostroma city, 1 Maya street, 14
    Address 156005, Kostroma region, Kostroma city, Kuznetskaya st., 9
    Registration date 28.05.1999
    Date of assignment of OGRN 24.12.2002
    Accounting with the Federal Tax Service
    Date of registration 02.10.1995
    Tax authority Inspectorate of the Federal Tax Service for the city of Kostroma, No. 4401
    Information about registration with the Pension Fund of Russia
    Registration number 054026006006
    Registration date 30.06.1991
    Name of territorial body Office of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation for the city of Kostroma (Leninsky district) (When registering legal entities), No. 054026
    Information about registration in the FSS
    Registration number 440144072844001
    Registration date 02.07.1999
    Name of the executive body State institution - Kostroma regional branch of the Social Insurance Fund of the Russian Federation, No. 4400
    OKVED codes Additional activities (22):
    18.12 Other types of printing activities
    45.11.4 Wholesale trade of cars and light motor vehicles on a fee or contract basis
    45.19.1 Wholesale trade of other motor vehicles, except passenger ones
    45.19.4 Wholesale trade of other motor vehicles, except passenger vehicles, for a fee or on a contract basis
    47.9 Retail trade outside shops, stalls, markets
    58.11 Book publishing
    58.13 Newspaper publishing
    58.14 Publishing magazines and periodicals
    68.20.1 Rent and management of own or leased residential real estate
    69.10 Activities in the field of law
    70.22 Business and management consulting
    72.19 Other scientific research and development in the field of natural and technical sciences
    72.20 Research and development in social sciences and humanities
    73.20.1 Market research
    73.20.2 Public opinion research activities
    82.99 Activities providing other business support services, not elsewhere classified
    85.23 Training of highly qualified personnel
    85.41.9 Additional education for children and adults, other, not included in other groups
    90.0 Creative activities, activities in the field of art and entertainment
    91.01 Activities of libraries and archives
    93.19 Other activities in the field of sports
    96.04 Sports and recreational activities
    Affiliated companies

  • INN: 4401007498, OGRN: 1044408617560
    156000, Kostroma region, Kostroma district, Kostroma city, Simanovsky street, 69, A
    Chairman: Druzhinin Yuri Vladimirovich

  • INN: 4442013726, OGRN: 1134400000602
    156000, Kostroma region, Kostroma city, 1 May street, 14
    Head: Sidlo Andrey Alekseevich

  • INN: 4401116232, OGRN: 1144400000117
    156000, Kostroma region, Kostroma city, Myasnitskaya street, building 19D
    General Director: Lukyanov Nikolay Nikolaevich
  • Other information History of changes in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities
  • Date: 12/24/2002
    GRN: 1024400534476
    Tax authority:
    Reason for changes: Entering into the Unified State Register of Legal Entities information about a legal entity registered before July 1, 2002
  • Date: 03/24/2003
    GRN: 2034408621586
    Tax authority: Inspectorate of the Ministry of the Russian Federation for Taxes and Duties in Kostroma, No. 4401
    Reason for changes:
  • Date: 12/24/2004
    GRN: 2044408641957
    Tax authority: Inspectorate of the Federal Tax Service for the city of Kostroma, No. 4401
    Reason for changes:
  • Date: 12/24/2004
    GRN: 2044408641968
    Tax authority: Inspectorate of the Federal Tax Service for the city of Kostroma, No. 4401
    Reason for making changes: State registration of changes made to the constituent documents of a legal entity related to changes in information about a legal entity contained in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities, based on an application


  • Date: 05/03/2007
    GRN: 2074401055111
    Tax authority: Inspectorate of the Federal Tax Service for the city of Kostroma, No. 4401
    Reason for making changes: State registration of changes made to the constituent documents of a legal entity related to changes in information about a legal entity contained in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities, based on an application
  • Date: 07/30/2007
    GRN: 2074401085130
    Tax authority: Inspectorate of the Federal Tax Service for the city of Kostroma, No. 4401
    Reason for changes:
  • Date: 01/30/2008
    UAH: 2084401008360
    Tax authority: Inspectorate of the Federal Tax Service for the city of Kostroma, No. 4401
    Reason for changes: Amendments to information about a legal entity contained in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities due to errors made by the applicant in a previously submitted application
  • Date: 10/28/2008
    GRN: 2084401156739
    Tax authority: Inspectorate of the Federal Tax Service for the city of Kostroma, No. 4401
    Reason for changes: Submission of information on registration of a legal entity as an insurer in territorial body Pension Fund of the Russian Federation
  • Date: 02/16/2009
    GRN: 2094401038356
    Tax authority: Inspectorate of the Federal Tax Service for the city of Kostroma, No. 4401
    Reason for making changes: Amendments to information about a legal entity contained in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities due to errors made by the registration authority
  • Date: 03/13/2009
    GRN: 2094401057606
    Tax authority: Inspectorate of the Federal Tax Service for the city of Kostroma, No. 4401
    Reason for making changes: State registration of changes made to the constituent documents of a legal entity related to changes in information about a legal entity contained in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities, based on an application
  • Date: 03/27/2009
    GRN: 2094401099010
    Tax authority: Inspectorate of the Federal Tax Service for the city of Kostroma, No. 4401
    Reason for changes: Submission of information on registration of a legal entity as an insurer in the executive body of the Social Insurance Fund of the Russian Federation
  • Date: 09/04/2009
    GRN: 2094401263042
    Tax authority: Inspectorate of the Federal Tax Service for the city of Kostroma, No. 4401
    Reason for changes:
  • Date: 08/30/2010
    GRN: 2104401106302
    Tax authority: Inspectorate of the Federal Tax Service for the city of Kostroma, No. 4401
    Reason for changes: Submission by the licensing authority of information on granting a license
  • Date: 06.12.2010
    UAH: 2104401151710
    Tax authority: Inspectorate of the Federal Tax Service for the city of Kostroma, No. 4401
    Reason for changes: Submission by the licensing authority of information on granting a license
  • Date: 01/31/2011
    UAH: 2114401006960
    Tax authority: Inspectorate of the Federal Tax Service for the city of Kostroma, No. 4401
    Reason for making changes: State registration of changes made to the constituent documents of a legal entity related to changes in information about a legal entity contained in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities, based on an application
  • Date: 01/31/2011
    GRN: 2114401006971
    Tax authority: Inspectorate of the Federal Tax Service for the city of Kostroma, No. 4401
    Reason for changes: Change of information about a legal entity contained in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities
  • Date: 06/30/2011
    GRN: 2114401060519
    Tax authority: Inspectorate of the Federal Tax Service for the city of Kostroma, No. 4401
    Reason for making changes: State registration of changes made to the constituent documents of a legal entity related to changes in information about a legal entity contained in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities, based on an application
    - ORDER
  • Date: 06/30/2011
    UAH: 2114401060520
    Tax authority: Inspectorate of the Federal Tax Service for the city of Kostroma, No. 4401
    Reason for changes: Change of information about a legal entity contained in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities
  • Date: 08/24/2012
    UAH: 2124401066910
    Tax authority: Inspectorate of the Federal Tax Service for the city of Kostroma, No. 4401
    Reason for changes: Submission by the licensing authority of information on the re-issuance of documents confirming the availability of a license (information on the extension of the license)
  • Date: 08/05/2014
    GRN: 2144401086619
    Tax authority: Inspectorate of the Federal Tax Service for the city of Kostroma, No. 4401
    Reason for changes: Change of information about a legal entity contained in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities
    - ORDER
    - ORDER
  • Date: 09.12.2014
    GRN: 2144401099852
    Tax authority: Inspectorate of the Federal Tax Service for the city of Kostroma, No. 4401
    Reason for making changes: State registration of changes made to the constituent documents of a legal entity related to changes in information about a legal entity contained in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities, based on an application
    - ORDER
    - ORDER
    - ORDER
  • Date: 05/19/2015
    UAH: 2154401066125
    Tax authority: Inspectorate of the Federal Tax Service for the city of Kostroma, No. 4401
    Reason for changes: Submission by the licensing authority of information on license revocation
  • Date: 05/21/2015
    GRN: 2154401068479
    Tax authority: Inspectorate of the Federal Tax Service for the city of Kostroma, No. 4401
    Reason for changes: Submission by the licensing authority of information on granting a license
  • Date: 05/23/2015
    GRN: 2154401072538
    Tax authority: Inspectorate of the Federal Tax Service for the city of Kostroma, No. 4401
    Reason for changes: Submission by the licensing authority of information on granting a license
  • Date: 12/02/2015
    GRN: 2154401145930
    Tax authority: Inspectorate of the Federal Tax Service for the city of Kostroma, No. 4401
    Reason for making changes: State registration of changes made to the constituent documents of a legal entity related to changes in information about a legal entity contained in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities, based on an application
    - ORDER
  • Date: 12/10/2015
    UAH: 2154401150430
    Tax authority: Inspectorate of the Federal Tax Service for the city of Kostroma, No. 4401
    Reason for changes: Submission by the licensing authority of information on the recognition of the license as invalid
  • Date: 12/16/2015
    UAH: 2154401153070
    Tax authority: Inspectorate of the Federal Tax Service for the city of Kostroma, No. 4401
    Reason for the changes: Recognition of an entry made in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities in relation to a legal entity containing information received from another body as invalid on the basis of a message received from the specified body
  • Date: 03/16/2016
    UAH: 2164401170350
    Tax authority: Inspectorate of the Federal Tax Service for the city of Kostroma, No. 4401
    Reason for changes: Change of information about a legal entity contained in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities
    - ORDER
    - ORDER
  • Date: 03/18/2016
    GRN: 2164401173430
    Tax authority: Inspectorate of the Federal Tax Service for the city of Kostroma, No. 4401
    Reason for changes: Beginning of the procedure for reorganization of a legal entity in the form of merger
    - ORDER
  • Date: 03/21/2016
    GRN: 2164401202678
    Tax authority: Inspectorate of the Federal Tax Service for the city of Kostroma, No. 4401
    Reason for changes: Amendments to the information contained in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities in connection with the renaming (resubordination) of address objects
  • Date: 06/21/2016
    GRN: 2164401275014
    Tax authority: Inspectorate of the Federal Tax Service for the city of Kostroma, No. 4401
    Reason for changes: Submission by the licensing authority of information on granting a license
  • Date: 08/26/2016
    GRN: 2164401316011
    Tax authority: Inspectorate of the Federal Tax Service for the city of Kostroma, No. 4401
    Reason for changes: Termination of a legal entity through reorganization in the form of merger
  • Date: 08/26/2016
    GRN: 2164401316077
    Tax authority: Inspectorate of the Federal Tax Service for the city of Kostroma, No. 4401
    Reason for changes: Submission of information on registration of a legal entity with the tax authority
  • For more than sixty years, the leading university in the region, KSU, has been supplying highly qualified personnel. Kostroma is the only city in Russia where specialists are trained for the jewelry industry. The university is focused on the latest educational technologies, has significant scientific potential, has a good material base. Graduates of KSU (Kostroma) are in great demand in the country.

    A word about the university

    Today we can say with confidence that KSU Kostroma is well known and loved, since this university has been adorning the city since 1949, and the university and the region experience all the joys and worries together. It is from here that the bulk of applicants come to the university; it is from here that the largest and best part of the graduates go to the enterprises of the region.

    In Kostroma, KSU is a highly respected university, capable of setting the direction for the entire future path of the younger generation. This is the path to success, since the education here is of exceptional quality and is truly in demand. Here every student has the opportunity to develop all their brightest Creative skills in order to move up the career ladder as successfully as possible in the future. That is why there is almost always a fairly high competition for admission to Kostroma State University for all specialties.

    Reasoned choice

    Today's applicants have many options when choosing a higher education institution. However, Kostroma State University is one of the most win-win. And this can be confirmed by thousands and thousands of graduates who have become successful professionals, entrepreneurs, government officials, scientists, engineers, and teachers.

    KSU named after Nekrasov (Kostroma) - and multidisciplinary. It has a long history and powerful scientific potential, thanks to which there are enormous opportunities for self-realization. This university is not only innovative, but also creative, with talented teachers who devote all their knowledge to students, with a ready-made platform for the most breathtaking experiments.


    The actual date of creation of the university is 1918, when the new state university was called the workers' and peasants' church and was opened in memory of the October Socialist Revolution. Kostroma University was legalized in January 1919 by a decree of the Council of People's Commissars, which was signed personally by V.I. Lenin. A world-famous scientist, E.M. Chepurkovsky, began classes in November 1918 at this educational institution.

    And the rest of the teaching staff in Kostroma was truly stellar. Political economy was taught by Professor F.A. Menkov, humanitarian subjects - F.A. Petrovsky, B.A. Romanov, A.F. Izyumov, A.I. Nekrasov, V.F. Shishmarev and many other wonderful scientists. It was here that one of the most famous Pushkin scholars S. M. Bondi and academician N. M. Druzhinin began their teaching career. And that is not all! Students of KSU in Kostroma listened to brilliant lectures by Anatoly Vasilyevich Lunacharsky, People's Commissar of Education, and Fyodor Kuzmich Sologub, a wonderful poet, an expert on new literature and new theater.


    From the very beginning, the university had only three faculties - forestry, humanities and natural sciences; a little later medical and pedagogical faculties were opened. It was very difficult to teach students in those days, since everyone had the same access to education, and workers and peasants school programs didn't pass. However, the enthusiasm was great. An educational association was opened with the Higher National School, where applicants received fairly in-depth training.

    In 1919, the workers' faculty was opened and took over the preparation of students for academic education. By 1921, more than three thousand workers and peasants were studying at Kostroma State University. Then many new universities in the country went through a reorganization process, including KSU. On its basis, two universities were created - agricultural and pedagogical. And this was not the last transformation.


    Since 1939, this university existed and developed as a pedagogical institute; in 1946 it received the name of N. A. Nekrasov, since the anniversary of the Russian poet was widely celebrated in the country. In 1950, by correspondence and day departments 1,800 students studied, fifteen departments functioned, where almost ninety teachers worked. Since 1960, the university has developed particularly successfully. The art school was merged into KSPI in the form of the art and graphic faculty, then a department of foreign languages ​​was opened, which by 1968 became a separate faculty.

    By that time, Kostroma had increased the number of KSU buildings. Back in 1964, building “A” appeared - a large educational building, which is located on May 1st Street. The construction was also huge, in which almost all of Kostroma participated. The KSU dormitory (850 places!) on Shchemilovka, the sports complex on Pyatnitskaya, new educational buildings - all this was built before the beginning of the 80s. Because needs National economy changed over time, new specialties were needed. KSU in Kostroma has always responded to such demand. New faculties were formed: music and pedagogy, labor and general technical disciplines, physical education, methodology and pedagogy primary education.


    Economic and social transformations in the nineties of the twentieth century were very large-scale. They also contributed to the development of KSU in Kostroma. Specialties increased to nineteen, faculties became thirteen. Most of the pedagogical traditions and heritage accumulated over many decades have been preserved. There are already twice as many students studying here, and Teacher Education KSU was famous not only in its own region. The teaching staff has changed significantly in quantitative and qualitative terms: among four hundred teachers there are more than one hundred and seventy candidates and doctors of science, associate professors and professors.

    Back in the eighties, seventeen people were preparing for graduate school. In the nineties there were more than seventy of them. And postgraduate studies were already open in fourteen specialties. Until 1994, four doctoral and thirty-five candidate dissertations were defended. The university was certified, and the institute became a pedagogical university - KSPU named after Nekrasov. Scientific and business connections were established with universities in Germany, Great Britain, Denmark, France, Poland and some other countries. And in 1999, the logical result of all this development was the order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation on the status of a classical university with the name "KSU named after Nekrasov" (Kostroma).


    Today, a team of KSU scientists conducts innovative, exploratory, fundamental, applied, scientific and methodological research in all sciences present at the university. The development of scientific schools and areas of higher education in education, in the history of Russia, is becoming more and more noticeable. economic theory, intercultural communication, archeology, jurisprudence, literary criticism, social psychology, dialectology and phraseology, social work and social education, ecology, chemistry and many others.

    Publication activity is increasing, many scientific developments, and therefore every year the rating of KSU among the rest becomes higher and higher Russian universities. Monographs, collections of scientific papers, textbooks and teaching aids, many other types of methodological literature.

    Publishing activities

    The university has its own publications - "Bulletin of KSU" and "Economics of Education", which are included in the List of periodical scientific and technical publications of the Russian Federation, where the results of dissertations are published. Applicants for candidate and doctoral degrees do not have to look for long to find journals for publication. The entire series of "Bulletin of KSU" (which includes psychology, pedagogy, juvenile science, social work, sociokinetics) is included in the index scientific citation Russian Federation.

    Currently, graduate school prepares candidates of sciences in twelve branches of science and thirty-nine specialties; by 2011, nine doctoral specialties had already opened. The master's program at KSU (Kostroma) begins accepting documents on the twentieth of June and continues until mid-August. Entrance tests are conducted according to a convenient schedule, which can be found on the university website.

    Submission of documents to master's programs

    The admissions committee of KSU (Kostroma) is located at the address: Dzerzhinsky Street, building 17, room 115. Along with the application, the applicant must present documents that will prove his identity and citizenship. In addition, the application must be accompanied by:

    Original and photocopy of the document on higher education;

    Photocopies of documents if the last name, first name or patronymic have changed;

    Documents about the applicant’s individual achievements;

    When choosing the areas of defectology, psychology and pedagogy, an original and a copy of a special medical certificate are required;

    If you plan to move into a dormitory, you must provide the results of a fluorographic examination.

    In 2017, 664 people (bachelor’s and specialist’s degrees) became KSU students on a budgetary basis, 290 people will study in the correspondence department, and 209 people will study in the master’s program. Applicants quite often take advantage of the opportunity to apply simultaneously for three areas of study and participate in three competitions, thus increasing the chances of successful admission to this university.

    Training courses

    For applicants to KSU there are training courses with an intensive program that helps not only to pass the Unified State Exam well, but also internal entrance tests. Training is provided in the following subjects: chemistry, physics, Russian language, drawing, painting, social studies, mathematics, literature, history, computer science and ICT, foreign languages, biology.

    For each discipline it is expected to provide at least one hundred academic hours. Classes begin now, in November, and last until the end of April. This is one day a week from 16.00 to 19.00, that is, four lessons of 45 minutes each. Applications are accepted directly at KSU (Kostroma). Address: Dzerzhinsky street, building 17, room 114. The cost of one item is 6 thousand rubles. Work began at the end of October free courses in computer science and ICT.


    Today, every applicant knows that it is impossible to enter a good university (and KSU is a very good one) without having certain personal achievements, which can only be achieved by a special Olympiad for high school students. This is exactly what is happening at Kostroma State University, and it’s called “Support of the Kostroma Region.”

    This year’s assignments were in thirteen areas, and all of them were prepared the best teachers university. This humanitarian sciences, mathematics, chemistry and physics. By coping with such tasks, high school students can demonstrate not only good theoretical knowledge, but also creative abilities. As a result, every single participant receives three additional points for the Unified State Examination. The winners receive five points, and the winners of each direction receive ten points towards their Unified State Exam results.

    Unique laboratory

    Recently, a laboratory was opened at KSU to train jewelry specialists. About seventeen million rubles were spent on state-of-the-art equipment from the federal budget. For example, there is a 3D printer there, on which you can create a three-dimensional model of any product, and there is no such equipment even at Kostroma enterprises (and Kostroma has been famous for its jewelers since ancient times). It should be noted here that this specialty is in great demand.

    The Kostroma region today processes up to fifty percent of all Russian gold and up to seventy percent of all Russian silver. It is rightfully considered the jewelry capital of the country: one and a half thousand jewelry-related enterprises and organizations operate in the region. Every tenth product is exported. Consumers are not only CIS countries, but also Belgium. Switzerland, UAE, India, Hong Kong and many other countries. Up to eighty percent of exported jewelry is made here, and therefore the demand for such specialists is enormous.

    Scientific library and more

    For many decades, the scientific library of KSU has been the main methodological center that coordinates the activities of all libraries located in professional educational institutions of the region. Seminars for library workers are held here, and sections that strengthen ties between the city’s universities and related to library work are constantly functioning.

    In the park near the main building of KSU in 2009, a monument was erected to the great son of the Kostroma land - writer, publicist, philosopher, sociologist Alexander Aleksandrovich Zinoviev, although he graduated not from KSU, but from MIFLI (MSU). He was, however, very closely connected with the university of his native land. Posthumously received the title of honorary citizen of the Kostroma region. Even after his cremation he bequeathed his ashes to be scattered “over his native Chukhloma.” And at KSU there are still many followers of the famous logician and sociologist.



    About the university

    “Kostroma State Workers’ and Peasants’ University in memory of the October Revolution of 1917” - under this name on the initiative of local authorities The first university in our city appeared. The Decree of the Council of People's Commissars of January 21, 1919 legalized the establishment of a state university and decided to consider November 7, 1918 as the date for its opening. These important events began complicated story university education in Kostroma.

    The building of the Noble Assembly on the former Pavlovskaya Street (now Mira Avenue) temporarily became the main building of the university. Classes began on November 17, 1918 with a lecture by private assistant professor, later world-famous anthropologist E. M. Chepurkovsky, “Types of prehistoric and modern population of Great Russia,” read in the White Hall.

    The first rector of the university created in Kostroma was Professor N. G. Gorodensky, who taught classical philosophy and already had experience in organizing a university in Tiflis, where he was the first rector, and Professor M. I. Kovalevsky, who was elected vice-rector, received his education abroad, mainly in the famous Gottingen university. At the end of 1919, when N. G. Gorodensky resigned as rector for health reasons, the head of the department of political economy and statistics, Professor F. A. Menkov, became the head of the university.

    Despite socio-economic difficulties, the new university absorbed best traditions Russian higher education. Kostroma residents specially went to get acquainted with the organization of educational affairs at Moscow State University, some of whose professors and students became teachers of the new university, and the dean of the Faculty of Humanities, Professor V.F. Shishmarev, who had previously taught in St. Petersburg, could not help but bring in the traditions of Petrograd university education.

    The university managed to assemble an excellent staff of teachers. Only at the Faculty of Science there were 10 professors. Such famous scientists as F. A. Petrovsky (classical philosophy), B. A. Romanov and A. F. Izyumov (history), A. I. Nekrasov (history and theory of art), V. F. Shishmarev (history of Western European literature and Romance philology), S. K. Shambinago (literary criticism), A. L. Sacchetti and Yu. P. Novitsky (law). Here the famous Pushkinist S. M. Bondi took his first steps in teaching (his first scientific discoveries who did his student work) and the future academician historian N.M. Druzhinin. Students of Kostroma University could hear brilliant speeches by the then People's Commissar of Education A.V. Lunacharsky, lectures by the remarkable Silver Age writer F. Sologub on new literature and new theater.

    Along with the main faculties of science and humanities, the VI Provincial Congress of Soviets, taking into account social needs region, proposed to open special faculties, primarily forestry and pedagogy. A year later, a medical department was opened. The university quickly turned into a large educational center.

    Since workers and peasants could enter the university without exams, there were 2,494 students enrolled in the humanities, natural sciences and forestry faculties. However, the illiterate students had a vague idea of ​​academic education. When they heard lectures on psychology, the history of philosophy and other disciplines, their interest in studying at the university could not help but decrease: the students clearly lacked basic training. In this regard, an educational association was opened at the university, which included a higher public school and a provincial society of public universities. Since 1919, the function of preparing students to study in the academic department was taken over by the working faculty that appeared at the university.

    Consequences Civil War, the introduction of a new economic policy, and reductions in education funding led to the closure of the young university already in 1921. However, the educational and scientific potential of the university was in demand. The Faculty of Science was transformed into the Practical Agricultural Institute, and Faculty of Education merged with the Institute of Public Education, as a result of which an independent pedagogical institute was created, which existed for about two years.

    The problem of lack of funds led to further reorganization: in 1923, the institute merged with the pedagogical technical school, which existed on the basis of the teachers’ seminary, closed in 1918. The number of students at the technical school, located in the building of the former men’s gymnasium on Muravyovka (now building “A” University of Technology), after the closure of the university, increased tenfold - more than 600 people.

    In November 1924, the Kostroma Pedagogical and Vasilievsky Agricultural Technical Schools merged, as a result of which the M. Gorky Agricultural Pedagogical Technical School was formed, which trained teachers and agronomists in two departments. In 1927, a third department was opened - political and educational, which trained propaganda workers for the village.

    In connection with preparations for the transition to compulsory primary education, in 1928 the technical school again became pedagogical and included two departments - school (daytime) and preschool (evening). The technical school regularly organizes and pedagogical courses to relieve tension in the supply of teachers.

    In 1937, the pedagogical technical school was transformed into a pedagogical school. Thanks to the activities of its director T. E. Naumova, head teacher E. A. Voskresenskaya, Russian language methodologist V. I. Zhdanova, talented painter B. N. Tsarnakh, historian L. A. Pombrak and other teachers, it became possible to preserve in those years traditions of teacher education in Kostroma.

    In connection with the course taken by the country towards compulsory seven-year education, the scope of the school for the pedagogical educational institution in Kostroma turned out to be narrow. In 1939, by decision of the People's Commissariat of Education, the school was transformed into a teacher's institute, which different time until 1949, it was headed by P. L. Chernova, G. I. Barashkova, M. P. Kroshkina, Ya. D. Gilenko, N. A. Vilinskaya, P. Ya. Aleshkin, A. D. Volkov. The difficult 1940s became a period of relative stability in the development of the university. Initially, two departments were opened at the institute: Russian language and literature and physics and mathematics. From 1940 to 1946 There was a historical department, united during the war with the verbal department, and then again divided into two independent educational divisions. At the end of the war, a natural-geographical department also emerged.

    After the Great Patriotic War The teaching staff of the university began to change qualitatively. The first doctor of philological sciences and professor at the institute was A. V. Mirtov. Conducted at a high scientific and methodological level training sessions philologists M. N. Borzhek, N. A. Vilinskaya, N. A. Shchavelkina, historians K. A. Buldakov and I. E. Pakhomov, psychologist F. T. Kuimov. The energetic work of the director of the institute, A.D. Volkov, whose life was unexpectedly cut short in March 1949, and therefore he did not live to realize his dream of raising the status of the university, was aimed at improving the qualifications of teaching staff, strengthening the material base, and equipping classrooms and laboratories. , transforming it into a pedagogical institute.

    In 1946, the university was named after the Russian poet Nikolai Alekseevich Nekrasov, whose 125th birthday was then widely celebrated in the country. Behind short term Since its inception (the last graduation was made in 1952), the teacher's institute has trained about 1,200 teachers.

    From 1949, for more than 45 years, the university would become the Kostroma State Pedagogical Institute named after N. A. Nekrasov, although until 1953, the teachers’ and pedagogical institutes functioned in parallel and graduates of the teachers’ university often continued their studies in the third year of the pedagogical university. L. N. Talov (from 1949 to 1954), a graduate of MIFLI, a historian, became the director of the institute in a time of transition for the university. On January 1, 1950, the total number of full-time and part-time students was more than 1,800 people. By 1952, 84 teachers were already working in 15 departments of the institute, among whom were two doctors and 33 candidates of science.

    In those years, famous scientists worked at the Faculty of History and Philology: Doctor of Philology D. E. Tamarchenko, M. N. Belov - in subsequent years the author of many studies on the history of the working class pre-revolutionary Russia and history of the Kostroma region, in 1955 he replaced K. A. Buldakov as head of the department of Russian history. In 1953, the first graduate of the Faculty of History and Philology took place. Among this year’s graduates is N. N. Skatov, later a world-famous scientist who headed the Institute of Russian Literature (Pushkin House) for many years.

    Many talented students were educated by teachers of the Faculty of Physics and Mathematics Ya. D. Gilenko, B. F. Rubilov, Doctor of Physics and Mathematics D. A. Raikov, who previously worked in Mathematical Institute Academy of Sciences of the USSR.

    Students of the Faculty of Natural Sciences studied the nature of their native land together with their teachers: M. I. Toropova, P. I. Belozerov, N. I. Chudinovskikh, A. V. Alexandrova, V. N. Kolpakov and other talented specialists. Professor A.L. Zelikman was a very bright personality, a comprehensively erudite person and a creative researcher. To this day, students study invertebrate zoology using his workshop published in 1965.

    Thanks to the highly qualified teachers, scientific activity at the institute is strengthened. In 1951, the first collection of scientific works of teachers and students of the institute was published - “Scientific Notes of the KSPI” (the publication of each article at that time required permission from the Ministry of Education of the RSFSR). During 1950–1951 school year A scientific student society is being formed, uniting students in 15 scientific circles. By 1953, the NSO already numbered 78 people. Best students received a referral to graduate schools in the capital.

    Since 1954, the institute has been headed by F. M. Zemlyansky, an initiative rector, under whom the university has basic schoolhigh school No. 29 of the city of Kostroma. The school's teachers are appointed by order of the rector of the institute, its students have priority when entering KSPI, students here test pedagogical innovations in practice.

    In the 1950s The material and technical equipment of departments and classrooms is being improved, and new educational laboratories are opening. In the same year, a new dormitory for 275 places was built on Tekstilshchikov Avenue for teachers and students of KSPI.

    1960s–1980s – a period of increasing qualitative changes in the pedagogical institute, due to the introduction of universal secondary education in the country. During this period, M.I. Sinyazhnikov became the rector of the institute, having headed KSPI for 25 years from 1961. The new rector will organize a close-knit team of competent specialists. Among them stood out such scientists and talented organizers as I. P. Shulman and A. K. Shustov, who were former deputy rectors for academic and scientific work, deans of university faculties. N.I. Korochkin headed the correspondence department for almost 30 years. All of them, having walked the roads of the Great Patriotic War with honor, managed to do a lot to strengthen the prestige of KSPI, and worthily continued the best traditions in the development of national education.

    In 1964, the university was given an educational building on May 1st Street (now building “A” of the university). Construction is underway with the subsequent commissioning of a hostel on Shchemilovka Street for 850 places (1968), a sports building on Pyatnitskaya Street (1973), and an educational building “B” (1982).

    In connection with the transition to a five-year term of study, the educational and methodological work of faculties and departments is being restructured.
    The Faculty of History and Philology worked effectively during this period, which in September 1966 would be divided into the Faculty of History and Pedagogy and the Faculty of Russian Language and Literature. Among the first graduates of East Phil with a five-year period of study are now well-known scientists not only in Kostroma, but throughout Russia - literary scholars N. N. Skatov, Yu. V. Lebedev, V. V. Tikhomirov, dialectologist N. S. Gantsovskaya. Future teachers, graduates of KSPI L. D. Volkova, B. M. Kozlov, T. I. Pakhomova, G. I. Mashirova, were inspired to research work most interesting lectures by philologists M. F. Pyanykh, M. L. Nolman, V. Ya. Bakhmutsky, O. A. Minukhina. In the mid-1960s. A. M. Melerovich came to the Russian language department, becoming the founder of the Kostroma scientific phraseological school.

    “Sixties” students of the Faculty of Physics and Mathematics, who later came to its departments as teachers, V.V. Andrushkevich, E.P. Osipovich, V.A. Krotova highly evaluate the activities of the then dean F.I. Sorokin. It is he who is credited with strengthening the status of the faculty, where in the mid-1960s. More than 350 students studied. In 1969, the Ural-2 electronic computer was installed, marking the beginning of the creation of a computer center at the university.

    The Faculty of Natural Sciences also strengthened its scientific positions: in those years, 16 candidates of sciences already worked in its departments. A great contribution to the development of the scientific research activities of the Faculty of Science was made by the inventor and innovator, Doctor of Biological Sciences B. M. Niederstrat.

    With the order of the Ministry of Education of the RSFSR dated May 21, 1960 on the transfer to the budget of the pedagogical institute of the Kostroma Art School, founded in 1905 by a graduate of the Academy of Arts N.P. Shlein, the history of the art and graphic faculty begins, the first dean of which was a famous art critic, honored figure arts of the RSFSR A. I. Buzin. E. I. Mayansky, who developed educational plans for the training of labor teachers (the faculty trained teachers of drawing, drafting and labor).

    The faculty inherited the material and technical base of the school: a two-story stone building on Kooperatsii Street (house 8), a valuable library and a rich educational and methodological fund. Among the teachers of drawing, painting, and composition are graduates of the capital's art institutes: Honored Artists V. A. Kutilin and M. S. Kolesov, People's Artist of the RSFSR A. P. Belykh.

    On September 1, 1966, a department of foreign languages ​​was opened at KSPI, which two years later was transformed into an independent faculty. E. B. Shutova, in those years the head of the department of foreign languages, in a short time managed to select qualified teachers, the first among whom were I. A. Kabischer (Tikhonova), L. F. Skryabina, T. I. Ilyina, N. G. . Oleinik.

    In 1962, on the basis of the Faculty of History and Philology, one of the first and few departments in the country was opened for the training of history teachers and pioneer leaders with higher education. In 1966, the department was reorganized into an independent faculty for training teachers of history, social studies and methodologists of pioneer work - historical and pedagogical. Since 1968, the only one in the country has been operating at its base. extramural. A significant contribution to the formation of the new specialty was made by its first deans S. M. Mitsengendler, K. A. Voronina, A. N. Lutoshkin, the first head of the department of theory and methodology of pioneer work, famous historian children's movement V. G. Yakovlev. Istped (unofficially - Pioneer Faculty) has become a kind of trademark of KSPI for many years. He trained a significant number of talented teachers, organizers of children's and youth movements, and employees of management structures different levels. Among its graduates there are many doctors and candidates of pedagogical, psychological and historical sciences.

    In the 1980s, flexibly responding to the needs of the national economy, KSPI opened new specialties and formed new faculties: general technical disciplines and labor (1983), music and pedagogy (1984), pedagogy and methods of primary education (1985), physical education ( 1989). In 1989, the institute had 9 faculties, where 2,490 students studied. 286 teachers worked at 32 departments, of which 11 were professors, doctors of science and 119 candidates of science.

    In the fall of 1989, for the first time, the institute held elections for the head of the university on an alternative basis (V.S. Panin, who worked as rector since 1986, resigned due to illness). N. M. Rassadin was elected rector of KSPI. The assumption of office by the new rector coincided with the era of perestroika hopes, but it was followed by an acute socio-economic crisis in the country. In difficult crisis conditions, with constant underfunding, the rector and his management team (primarily vice-rectors S. N. Nikolaev, I. G. Asadulina, V. V. Chekmarev) managed not only to preserve the university, but also to ensure its accelerated development.

    By 1994, KSPI became a recognized center regional system continuous pedagogical education, having a significant impact on the organization of career guidance work in the region, on the basic training of teachers in almost all specialties secondary school, providing qualified personnel to a large region of Russia. The number of students at the institute has doubled in 5 years. They received pedagogical education at 13 faculties in 19 specialties. There have been significant changes in the teaching staff. Their number exceeded four hundred, including about 170 doctors and candidates of science, professors and associate professors. The graduate school increased its composition almost fivefold (from 17 to 71 people), which worked in 14 specialties. In the period from 1991 to 1994, 4 doctors and 35 candidates of science were trained at KSPI. Two specialized councils for the defense of candidate dissertations began their activities. During this period, more than twenty scientific and practical conferences and seminars were held at the institute, including 13 international and republican ones. In addition to cooperation with colleagues from pedagogical institutes of Russia, KSPI established business and scientific-methodological connections with educational institutions North Rhine-Westphalia (Germany), Darlington County (England), Halbeck Province (Denmark), universities in France, Poland and other countries.

    The result of this work was summed up by the certification of the university, which was followed by an order from the Minister of Education of Russia to rename it from July 1994 to Kostroma State Pedagogical University. N. A. Nekrasova.
    The subsequent five-year period of the university’s activity showed that the status pedagogical university was intermediate to reach a new level. Implementing the main ideas of the “University Concept of Education and Russian Culture,” developed and adopted by the Academic Council back in the early 1990s, the university increased its potential in training students in specialties that went beyond the pedagogical nomenclature. By 1999, the scientific and pedagogical staff of the university had reached 520 people, strengthening its quality: 55 doctors of sciences, professors and about 250 candidates of sciences, associate professors conducted classes with students. Leading scientific schools have emerged. Actively developed scientific directions in physical materials science, phytocenology and population biology, economic theory, national history, dialectology, phraseology, psychology, social education, social work, cultural studies. Scientific meetings at the all-Russian and international level were held, cooperative ties were formed with educational and scientific organizations Russia and abroad. The university opens branches in the city of Sharya, Kostroma region, and in Kirovsk, Murmansk region.

    The logical result of these processes was the order of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation issued on January 5, 1999, which assigned the university the status of a classical university and the name “Kostroma State University named after N. A. Nekrasov.”