Holidays in July Navy. Day of the founding of the Russian Navy. Modern Russian Navy

Day Navy(VMF) is celebrated in Russia on the last Sunday of July based on a presidential decree Russian Federation dated May 31, 2006 “On the establishment of professional holidays and memorable days in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation."

Navy like independent species The Armed Forces of the Russian Federation evolved from late XVII century to the beginning of the 20th century. The creation of a regular military fleet in Russia was due to the country’s urgent need to overcome territorial, political and cultural isolation, which at the turn of the 17th-18th centuries became the main obstacle to economic and social development Russian state. The first regular formation of the Russian Navy was the Azov Fleet, which was formed from ships and vessels built in the winter of 1695-1696 and intended to assist the army in the campaign to capture the Turkish fortress of Azov.

On October 30 (October 20, old style), 1696, the boyar duma, on the proposal of Tsar Peter I, adopted a resolution “Sea vessels should be ...”, which became the first law on the fleet and official recognition of its foundation.

During the Northern War of 1700-1721 it was created Baltic Fleet, which promoted Russia to the ranks of major maritime powers. The first warships for him were built in 1702–1703 at the mouth of the Syas River on Lake Ladoga and on the Svir River. In 1703, the base of the Russian fleet in the Baltic was founded - Kronshlot (later - Kronstadt).

During the Northern War, the main tasks of the fleet were determined, the list of which remains practically unchanged to this day, namely: the fight against the enemy’s naval forces, the fight on sea communications, the defense of one’s coast from the sea direction, assistance to the army in coastal areas, striking and ensuring an invasion of enemy territory from the sea. The proportion of these tasks changed as material resources and the nature of armed struggle at sea changed. Accordingly, the role and place of individual branches of the fleet that were part of the fleet changed.

Before the First World War, the main tasks were carried out by surface ships, and they were the main branch of the fleet. During the Second World War, this role for some time passed to naval aviation, and in post-war period with the advent of nuclear missile weapons and ships with nuclear power plants, submarines established themselves as the main type of force.

Before the First World War, the fleet was homogeneous. Coastal troops (marines and coastal artillery), which existed since the beginning of the 18th century, were not organizationally part of the fleet. In 1906, submarine forces were born and began to develop as a new branch of the Navy. In 1914, the first units of naval aviation were formed, which in 1916 also acquired characteristics independent kind strength The Navy was finally formed as a heterogeneous strategic association by the mid-1930s, when the Navy organizationally included naval aviation, coastal defense and units air defense(air defense).

During the formation of the regular Russian fleet, its organizational structure and functions were unclear. In 1717, by decree of Peter I, an Admiralty Board was formed for the day-to-day management of the fleet. In 1802, the Ministry of Maritime Forces was formed, which was later renamed the Naval Ministry and existed until 1917. Organs for combat (operational) command and control of naval forces appeared after Russo-Japanese War with the creation in 1906 of the Morskoy General Staff. On January 15, 1938, by resolution of the Central Executive Committee (CEC) and the Council of People's Commissars (SNK), the People's Commissar IAT of the Navy, within which the Main Naval Staff was formed.

Permanent groupings of forces in naval theaters were formed as decisions were made Russian state historical tasks related to the acquisition of access to the World Ocean, the inclusion of the country in world economy and politics. In the Baltic, the fleet existed continuously since May 18 (May 7, old style) 1703, the Caspian flotilla - from November 15 (November 4, old style) 1722, and the fleet on the Black Sea - from May 13 (May 2, old style) 1783. In the North and Pacific Ocean groupings of naval forces were created on a temporary basis or, without significant development, were periodically abolished. The current Pacific and Northern fleets have existed as permanent groupings since April 21, 1932 and June 1, 1933, respectively.

The fleet received its greatest development by the mid-1980s. At this time, it included four fleets and the Caspian Flotilla, which included more than 100 divisions and brigades of surface ships, submarines, naval aviation and coastal defense.

The Navy of the Russian Federation is the successor to the Russian Navy and the USSR Navy, consists of naval strategic nuclear forces and general naval forces. It includes surface forces, submarine forces, naval aviation and coastal forces, which include coastal missile and artillery forces and marine infantry.

Organizationally, the Navy consists of four operational-strategic formations: Northern, Pacific, Baltic and Black Sea Fleet, as well as the Caspian flotilla.

The Navy is capable of delivering nuclear strikes on enemy ground targets, destroying its fleet groups at sea and bases, disrupting the enemy’s ocean and sea communications and protecting its maritime transport, facilitating Ground forces in operations in continental theaters of war, to land amphibious assault forces, to participate in repelling enemy landings and to perform other tasks.

According to the Commander-in-Chief of the Navy, Vladimir Korolev, currently from 70 to 100 ships of the Russian Navy are constantly in various areas of the World Ocean, performing their functions.

Throughout its history, the fleet has played an important role in the fate of Russia. World history forever captures the legendary battles of the Russian fleet at Gangut (now the Hanko Peninsula in Finland), Tendra, Sinop, Chesma, the most important operations during the First World War and the Great Patriotic War.

The history of celebrations in honor of the fleet dates back to the time of Peter I. The reason for the first real naval parade was the victory won by the Russian fleet on July 27 (August 7, new style) in 1714 in the Battle of Gangut during the Northern War. She became the first Russian history naval victory of the Russian fleet. The Gangut victory was solemnly celebrated in St. Petersburg. The celebration continued for several days. In his decree, Peter I ordered that the day of the Gangut victory be celebrated annually on July 27 with solemn services, naval parades and fireworks. This day has become a kind of holiday for the Navy. Later, the celebration of the victory was limited only to a solemn prayer service. In the middle of the 19th century, the tradition of the times of Peter I was revived: on July 27, parades of ships decorated with flags began to be held and gun salutes sounded.

In 1917, the holiday was canceled. Since 1920, at the suggestion of the Naval Forces Headquarters Baltic Sea, on the day closest to May 18, Petrograd (now St. Petersburg) began to celebrate Red Fleet Day. On May 18 (May 7, old style) in 1703, the Russian regular fleet won its first victory in the Baltic. In the boarding battle, the Swedish boat "Gedan" and the shnyava (a small two-masted ship with straight sails) "Astrild" were captured. Subsequently, the date of this battle was accepted as the day of the emergence of the Baltic Fleet.

The Navy Day holiday in the USSR was first celebrated on July 24, 1939 on the basis of the resolution of the Council of People's Commissars of the USSR and the Central Committee of the All-Union Communist Party of Bolsheviks dated June 22, 1939, by which it was established. Navy Day was to be celebrated annually on July 24th. The date of celebration of Navy Day was moved to the last Sunday of July by the decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR dated October 1, 1980 “On holidays and memorial days” and subsequent legislative acts.

Traditionally, the celebration of Navy Day begins with the ceremonial formation of the personnel of naval units and the ritual of raising the St. Andrew's flag and flags on ships. Naval parades and military sports festivals are held on this day at the bases of the Northern, Pacific, Baltic and Black Sea fleets, as well as the Caspian flotilla.

Parades of warships on this day have been held annually since 1939, and were not held only during the Great Patriotic War. Patriotic War (1941-1945).

In 2017, on behalf of the President, for the first time in modern history the main naval parade. In terms of the scale of the event, the number of ships and aircraft involved, this event could be compared with the Victory Parade on May 9 on Red Square in Moscow.

The main naval parade on Navy Day will now be held annually.

There are quite a lot of military holidays and memorial days in the latest list of special dates in Russia, corrected in 2017. Some of them are well-known, some are familiar only to representatives of certain professions, and most of us are not even aware of the existence of some. But among them there are those that literally every resident of the country knows - special, significant holidays of the Armed Forces. Among such dates are Military Day Navy or simply Navy Day.

Date 2019

Despite the fact that everyone knows about this holiday, the question of what date is Navy Day arises regularly. The fact is that in our country this memorable day does not have a clear, fixed date in the calendar. And every year the holiday is celebrated on a new date.

According to the Presidential Decree, Navy Day is celebrated on the last Sunday in July. That is why every year we have to specifically clarify the date of the holiday.

This special holiday

No matter how unusual it may seem, Navy Day is not a professional holiday. Yes, it is celebrated by everyone who has connected their lives with the existence and functioning of the navy, everyone who is engaged in protecting the country’s maritime borders, who ensures the combat readiness of ships and coastal crews, sailors and border guards, veterans and simply those who have a military member in the family naval units. But at the same time, the holiday bears the name of the Navy, which means it is not a professional day, but a memorable one. It was established as a tribute to the memory of the maritime glory of our country.

A little history

In 2019, Navy Day will be celebrated for the eightieth time - this holiday appeared at the beginning of the 20th century, back in 1939. The then young Soviet state, which had recently appeared on the map, was faced with the urgent task of protecting and defending its own borders. To solve this problem, various military units were created, including the Navy, which initially bore the title of Workers' and Peasants'.

Initially, the country's leadership set itself the goal of a kind of rehabilitation of the Fleet: returning to it the glory of one of the most formidable combat units, general mobilization and strengthening it as a unit of the Armed Forces.

In 1939, the head of the newly formed Fleet was Admiral Nikolai Kuznetsov - a man who devoted his entire life to the sea, a man who began his career as a messenger in the port of Arkhangelsk and, through his own labor and talent, rose to the highest naval rank in the country.

Among the first steps taken by Kuznetsov to mobilize the Fleet was the proposal to establish a new holiday - Navy Day. In June 1939, this idea was supported by the Council of People's Commissars - at the next meeting a corresponding Resolution was signed, and a month later - at the end of July 1939 - all military personnel of the USSR Navy celebrated their own holiday.

The holiday was originally scheduled specific date– July 24. Regardless of the day of the week, the holiday was celebrated in midsummer until the end of the seventies of the 20th century. But in 1980, a new Resolution was issued, or rather, a Decree of the Presidium of the USSR Armed Forces. This document changed the dates of a number of special holidays, mostly professional; changes were made from fixed to floating. Among the other holidays and memorial days whose dates were adjusted was Navy Day. Now it was to be celebrated on the last Sunday in July.

Until the collapse of the Union, this date was assigned to the holiday at the legislative level. In 1991, the new state - the Russian Federation - reserved the last Sunday of July for Navy Day. And in 2006, by a separate Presidential Decree, the holiday was given the status of a memorable day.

It would seem like very minor changes: it was a professional holiday, but it became a memorable date. However, do not be mistaken - in fact, this status radically changes the attitude both to the holiday itself and to everyone who celebrates it. Initially, this celebration belonged only to those whose “place of work” column indicated the Russian Navy. Today, in 2019, Navy Day is a holiday for everyone who is not indifferent to the glory of Russia as a maritime power, who is proud of the victories won by our Navy at sea. In a word, for everyone who is sure - the Navy is not just an abbreviation, behind these letters lies the honor and glory of Russian sailors.

Look video about Navy Day in Russia:

Sailors have always been considered courageous and persistent people: they can handle any problem. Every year we remember the best sons of the Motherland on Navy Day. The date of its celebration does not fall on the same date, as it is celebrated on the last Sunday of the second summer month. On this day, the military and officers who repay their debt to the Motherland on the water are congratulated on TV screens. Relatives and friends congratulate “their sailors”.

History of appearance

In 1939, Navy Day was first approved. The date of the official holiday was July 24. In 1980, a decree decided that Russians would celebrate the solemn date on the last Sunday of July. Even in Soviet times, everyone considered it their duty to congratulate sailors. They were given cards and gifts.

Today, on Sailor's Day, we hear congratulations from colleagues, relatives, friends and even from the president. Everyone remembers the glory of courageous and brave warriors, despite the lack of ships and submarines.


The date of which is known to every Russian is celebrated on a grand scale. Cities host parades, concerts, sales, performances, and competitions. Higher ranks make speeches thanking the soldiers for their numerous exploits and service. Shops sell special souvenirs, and in the evenings, city residents enjoy fireworks displays. Days are spent on warships open doors", everyone can come in and give souvenirs to the sailors. Worthy officers receive promotions on Navy Day; this date is also associated with awards.

Russian fleet

The fleet began to form under Peter I in 1696, when the first decree on sea vessels was adopted. After 106 years, the Ministry of Naval Forces was organized, which existed until 1917. In the mid-30s of the twentieth century, the USSR fleet included air defense units, coastal defense, and naval aviation. Currently the water divisions include:

  • ships and boats - 200 units;
  • cruisers - 6 units;
  • destroyers - 8 units;
  • anti-submarine ships - 10 units;
  • submarines - 68 units.

IN Lately additional modern ships and submarines with the latest weapons. It is planned to expand the number of ships until 2020, as well as introduce modern technical advances. On Russian Navy Day, which falls in the hot month of July, it is customary to take pictures with sailors. Photos of ships and submarines from exercises appear in newspapers and magazines. The fleet today is underwater, surface Marine Corps, troops units special purpose, rear units. Strategic objects:

  • Baltic fleet,
  • Black Sea Fleet;
  • Pacific Fleet;
  • Caspian flotilla.

On Navy Day 2013, the date of which was July 28, crew awards, concerts, parades, and meetings were held. Celebrations took place especially solemnly in the cities and bases where our flotilla was concentrated.

Sailors are the strength and pride of our Motherland. Young men look up to them, and many teenagers dream of “blue vests.” By celebrating the holiday, we support the fighters and show them attention and respect.

On the last Sunday of July, a holiday of special pride and glory of Russia is celebrated - Navy Day. The initiative was launched in 1939, only during the Soviet period this holiday fell on July 24. Much later, in 1980, the Presidium of the USSR established to celebrate it without a fixed date. By decree of the President of Russia in 2006, Navy Day acquired the status memorable date in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation.

Protecting national interests has been the main task for more than three centuries. It would be impossible without the valor, courage of military sailors, responsibility, professionalism of workers and employees of those institutions and enterprises that are directly related to this area. And even in peacetime there are various, responsible tasks, in addition to the defense of the country and demonstration military power: ensuring safe research activities, participation in humanitarian and peacekeeping actions, search and rescue operations.

The role of the Navy in the history of Russia is undeniable, and it received its first fame back in ancient times. The sea voyage of several hundred ships to the capital of Byzantium, Constantinople, which our ancestors carried out in 860, is a clear example, and a successful one at that. Novgorod land, with which the statehood of Rus' began, had access to two seas: the Baltic and the White. She mastered the capabilities of the military flotilla, albeit on a small scale, but, nevertheless, preserved in history.

As the state developed and gained access to the sea, the need arose to organize a permanent flotilla. The first attempts, such as the creation by Ivan the Terrible of a privateer, almost pirate fleet, were short-lived. But they became the very prerequisites that formed among the subsequent rulers of the state the understanding that: “There will be sea vessels...”. This phrase of the young Tsar Peter I was the beginning of the formation of a regular Russian fleet and a state decree approved by the Boyar Duma on October 20 (30), 1696, and is now listed as the founding day.

Already by 1700 there were first results at our own shipyards, and almost immediately the opportunity for baptism of fire presented itself, and in 1714 the first serious victory was won. The founders of the art of naval combat are considered to be Peter himself, who trained as a child with his “amusing troops,” as well as F. Apraksin, M. Golitsyn. The development of the fleet took place through difficult trials and selfless feats, when Russia defended its interests and independence.

Peter the Great, partly in memory of his father, established the St. Andrew's flag, which became the main symbol and battle banner until 1918. It was under Tsar Alexei that the first warship "Eagle" was built in 1667. This three-masted galliot received a special flag, a prototype approved by Peter. In 1992, the status of the flag returned, just as the status of the most powerful fleet was gradually returning.

The historical peak of power last occurred in 1985, and the US Navy is considered its main competitor. Now the strength of the fleet is assessed not by the number of ships, but by naval aviation, submarines, innovative technologies, therefore, the Ministry of Defense gives priority to the rearmament of the Russian Navy.

Events dedicated to the celebration of Navy Day are as impressive and majestic as itself, and take place throughout Russia. In St. Petersburg, where the headquarters is located, in any city where there are naval bases and water areas, military formations are especially grandiose, because special training takes place on the important date. These are Vladivostok (Pacific Fleet), Astrakhan (Caspian), Sevastopol (Black Sea), Kaliningrad (Baltic), Severomorsk (Northern) and other cities. You can see a parade of ships, a yacht show, boat races, aviation performances, and parachutists.

The holiday begins with a special ceremonial part - raising the flag. No one will be indifferent to popular music on a maritime theme or classic bravura marches performed by orchestras. Concerts are organized; theatrical performances and military sports competitions; master classes on current topics, for example, knitting sea knots. Launch balloons into the sky with recognizable colors, the colors of the Russian flag, and fireworks are mandatory attributes of the holiday glorifying the Russian Navy and the people who serve the Motherland.

The last Sunday of the second summer month is a professional holiday for military sailors. On this day, military personnel of the fleets and flotillas of the Russian Federation are congratulated. Among them are sailors, officers, employees of the coast guard and other units of the Navy. On this day, they traditionally congratulate WWII veterans who defended our Motherland by serving on ships. Soviet Union. This is a holiday for the cadets too naval schools, teachers and students of higher education educational institutions Russian fleet.

history of the holiday

The history of Navy Day dates back to 1714, when the ships of our fleet first won a naval victory over the Swedes during the Northern War. It was then that Peter I announced celebrations that lasted several days. Following this, a decree was issued that the Gangut victory should be celebrated every year on July 27. This holiday became a kind of progenitor of the modern Navy Day.

Everything changed after the October Revolution of 1917: the celebrations were officially cancelled. And in 1939, People's Commissar Nikolai Kuznetsov made a proposal to revive this holiday. The Council of People's Commissars, together with the Communist Party, approved this idea and decided to revive Navy Day in order to mobilize the broad masses of workers.

The last Sunday of July was chosen as the official date. In 1980, the Presidium issued a decree that this day should be moved to the last Sunday of July. And in 2006, Vladimir Putin issued a document that gave the holiday the status of a memorable day.