Urgues distance education system. Jurgues distance education system Jurgues distance education portal

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via remote control system

education YURGUES


1 Organizational arrangements at the beginning of training 4

2 Main types of student activities before testing 8

3 Methodological support of the educational process 12

4 Control measures 16

5 Features of the organization of the educational process in SDO YURGUES 19

1 Organizational arrangements at the beginning of training

1.1. To work in the system distance education(SDO) YURGUES you must obtain a login (user name) and password from the representative office to enter the SDO Internet portal. To get to the DO YURGUES portal, you need to enter the site address in the window of your Internet browser - www.do.sssu.ru. Next, you need to log in (log in with your unique username and password). You can check the “Remember login” checkbox - this will allow you to log into the site without re-authorizing on this computer.

1.2. After authorization it opens home page site from which you can go to any section that interests you. When you click on the “Logout” button, the work session ends and you are taken to the login page

To go to your profile, you need to click on your last name (in the upper right corner of the screen) and study your personal data.

1.3. Set your photo, which will appear for email recipients. To do this, click on the “Browse” button and select a file with a photo from the drop-down list of files and “Open” it.

1.4. Change the portal login password to the desired one. To do this, click on the button labeled “Change Password” and enter the new password and confirmation in the fields that open. Save the new value.

1.5. Click on the “Teachers” button. Familiarize yourself with the opening list of disciplines that are planned to be studied in the current academic year. Pay special attention to disciplines for which midterm or intermediate control is provided for in the winter session, preparation for which must already begin. The same table shows the names of teachers who provide consultations in the disciplines being studied.

1.6. Go to the “Mail” section, click on “Create a letter” and send a letter to each teacher. In the letter you must inform that you are a student of the specialty (indicate the code and full name), studying using distance learning educational technologies(DOT) at the representative office of YURGUES in the city ... (indicate the city) and began studying the discipline ... (indicate the name of the discipline).

It is also possible to attach up to 3 files to a letter. You can mark it as “Important letter”.

When selecting a recipient, select the “My Teachers” category, select all recipients and confirm the selection.

For convenience, the user is given the opportunity to independently sort records in tables on the site. To do this, simply click on the heading of the desired column. If the number of rows in the table is very large, you can customize the number of rows displayed. To do this, enter the number of lines and press “Enter”.

2 Main types of student activities before testing

2.1. Training using DOT involves independent study of educational material by the student using electronic textbooks, as well as regular textbooks.

2.2. During the learning process, all questions that arise when studying specific disciplines should be addressed to the teachers of the relevant disciplines.

The list of teachers can be viewed in the “Users” section of the “My Teachers” category or in the “Teachers” section on the main panel. In the “To” field, enter your last name and initials.

By clicking “Select recipient”, select the “My teachers” category, check the teacher and click “Select”.

2.3. Training involves completing assignments from teachers and passing current and intermediate (also called milestone) control.

2.4. Each student from the groups assigned to the teacher can send individual assignments by email from the portal. Therefore, it is necessary to regularly check incoming mail in the LMS portal.

2.5 The second way of communicating to students individual or group assignments is to post relevant information in the forums of the LMS portal. Students have access to general (open) portal forums, as well as forums specially created for specific groups, teachers and disciplines. Therefore, the second regular action of a student should be to visit forums in disciplines.

2.6. In forums, teachers can conduct a time-distributed seminar on individual topics of the discipline. Student activity on forums has a beneficial effect on receiving a positive grade on a test or exam.

2.7 When you enter the forum, a list of topics that are discussed in it is displayed. In the “Topic” column there is the name of the topic itself, under which its author is written.

The "Last Post" column indicates the author and date of the last post. By clicking on the last name you can view the user data. Clicking on the arrow next to the last name will take you to the last message. The next two columns show the number of replies to the topic and the number of views.

2.8 To create a new topic, you must go to the desired forum and click the “ New topic" In the “Title” field, enter the name of the topic. Write a message (convenient common formatting tools are provided for this purpose). If necessary, attach a file to the message by clicking the “Browse” button. To post a message, you need to click on the “Send” button. To avoid creating a topic, click Cancel. To preview, click the "Show" button

2.7. Student communication with teachers and other students (on forums and by mail) can be carried out from any computer connected to the Internet.

3 Methodological support of the educational process

3.1. Substantial part methodological support disciplines - work programs, study guides, assignments for tests, etc. are available on the computers of the representative office and can simply be copied for ease of study to your own storage medium (floppy disk, CD, etc.). To do this, you should contact the representatives of the representative office.

3.2. The work program is a document that is developed by the teacher in accordance with the State educational standard, is approved by the Scientific and Methodological Council of the specialty (NMSS) and determines the content of the educational material of the discipline and the sequence of its study. It also indicates recommended literature for the discipline and other information.
3.4. Tutorial(lecture notes) contains the actual educational material intended for self-study student.
3.5. All questions that arise during the study (what, to what extent, how, etc.) must be clarified from the teacher of the discipline by sending him letters or questions in the LMS portal (or from the teacher-consultant at the representative office).

A student's question differs from a letter in that the system records the time from the moment it is received and informs the teacher about the time remaining to send an answer to the question. Delays in answering student questions are unacceptable, and fulfilling this provision is one of the responsibilities of the deputy head of the department for further education. The time given to the teacher for answers is set by the system administrator.

3.6. If according to some discipline teaching materials are not available for study at the representative office, you should look at the materials available on this discipline in electronic library YURGUES. You can do this yourself, or with the help of an employee of the representative office.

Only persons who are registered readers and have a library card have access to the YURGUES electronic library. Registration of students as readers of the YURGUES library is carried out by employees of representative offices.

In the “Search” section you can freely enter information about

If you know the name of the manual, you can find it using the “Search” subsection. You can also conduct an “Advanced Search” using the attributes Author, Specialty, Discipline, Type.

3.7. If the electronic library does not have the necessary materials, you should contact the teacher of the discipline directly by sending him a corresponding letter or a question in the LMS portal. In such a letter, the second recipient should indicate the deputy head of the department of DL of the corresponding department.

The full name of the desired deputy head of the department for further education can be found when selecting the recipient by indicating the corresponding position in the “Employee” category.

3.8. If there is no response from the department (!!!), forward a copy of the letter to the head of the department of DO Konovalenko V.V. to take appropriate action. Open the Sent Items folder, open the letter and click Forward.

4 Control measures

4.1. To pass the control measures, the student must come to the university representative office. The testing system allows testing sessions only from the representative office's computers.

4.2. Current control can be carried out in the form of testing, student completion and assessment of test papers by the teacher, etc. The form of ongoing monitoring is determined by the discipline teacher. Successful completion of current control is a necessary condition admission to passing intermediate (foreign) control, i.e. admission to a test or exam.
4.3. Interim control is usually carried out in the form of Internet testing. To participate in testing, the student must come to the Representative Office, whose employees identify the person being tested and allow him to take the test.

4.4. By default, in the SDO YURGUES, each student has the opportunity to take testing of a given level in the discipline three times (but only once during the day). If the student was unable to achieve a successful result, then to take the test it is necessary to obtain the permission of the discipline teacher and the system administrator again.

4.5. As a condition for allowing additional testing, the teacher may invite the student to complete an individual task to confirm that the student is actually working with the educational material and to be sure that the student is not trying to pass the test “for luck.”
4.6. The results of control activities are recorded by teachers in electronic reports. If the statement is “not closed,” then the teacher has the opportunity to make changes to it. After “closing” the statement, the results repeat exams are reflected in the retake column.
4.7. The “closed” electronic progress record is printed by the teacher, signed by him and transferred to the dean’s office for storage.
4.8. Students have the opportunity to view their grades by being in the LMS portal and clicking on the “Grades” button.
4.9. If the student successfully passes the test, the teacher reflects this fact in the electronic report.

Attention: the rating obtained during testing does not, as a rule, coincide with the “percentage of completion” indicated on the statement. The testing rating is only the basis for the teacher’s decision to assign a particular grade in the electronic report.

4.10. If, after passing the test, the grade does not appear on the report, you can contact the teacher with a request to indicate the rating boundaries corresponding to the assignment of various grades, thereby reminding him of the need to put the grades on the report.

You can also draw the attention of the deputy head of the department for DL ​​and the head of the DL department to this fact.

4.11. In accordance with the order of the rector, grades are entered into student records based on data from closed electronic statements. The correctness of filling out the record book is confirmed by the signature of the director of the IDZO and the seal.
4.12. Students who have successfully passed the intermediate certification in all planned disciplines are transferred to the next course of study by order of the director of the Institute of Educational Institution.
4.13. Students with debt are given a deadline for its liquidation. Students who have not eliminated the debt within the prescribed period may receive permission by submitting an appropriate application to study again in the same course, or by order of the rector they will be expelled from the university.
4.14. The list of disciplines that must be studied by a student in each course is regulated by the working curriculum approved by the rector of YURGUES, which can be viewed by clicking on the “Plans” button.

5 Features of organizing the educational process in SDO YURGUES

5.1. The main feature of organizing the educational process of students correspondence form training in SDO, in comparison with traditional distance learning, is the intensification of interaction between the teacher and students and its distribution over time.

5.2. The concept of sessions (introduction, laboratory and examination) for students studying using network DOT takes on a different meaning.

The installation session boils down to receiving educational materials and educational documentation. Laboratory examination sessions mean a period of intensive testing and other control activities, intensive networking with teachers that do not require interruption from production.

5.3. At the same time, students studying using online DOT have all the rights of correspondence students, in particular the right to receive additional paid leave to participate in sessions in accordance with the norm established by law. Home > Abstract

3.7 Distance education system YURGUES YURGUES has been creating and developing a distance learning system (DLS) since 1999. Over the past time, a technological, technical, organizational and information basis has been created for the introduction of DL technologies into the educational process of YURGUES. Currently, DL technologies are used by more than 3,500 part-time students living in various cities of the Southern federal district, as well as in Nizhnevartovsk and Tashkent (Uzbekistan). Particular attention is paid to the creation of a regulatory framework for the educational system. Documents at the federal level are supplemented with materials that specify practical issues of using DL technologies in the educational process. The use of distance educational technologies (DET) and improvement of LMS is one of priority areas development of the University. As the main DOT in YURGUES, (network) Internet technology is implemented using the capabilities of a specialized Internet portal of the DOT system, integrated with an electronic document management system for planning and management educational process YURGUES (software package “Plans” and integrated programs). 3.7.1. Organizational structure of the system of subsidiary YURGUES SDO YURGUES is based on the use of modern telecommunications and Internet technologies, providing access to information resources of YURGUES for more than 3,500 students studying by correspondence, which allows reducing the time they spend in sessions, thereby increasing the accessibility of education. Figure 15 shows the main participants in the DL system and the interaction between them. The general management of the system is carried out by the University rector’s office - directly by the rector, the vice-rector for correspondence, distance and additional professional education, and the vice-rector for information technology. To plan, organize and control the progress of the educational process using DET, the Faculty of Distance Education (DEL) was created. The employees of the dean's office of the FDO are, in particular, deputy heads of departments for distance education, whose main responsibilities are:

      organizing work aimed at improving and preparing electronic educational and methodological materials in the disciplines taught by the department; comprehensive monitoring of the educational process using DOT; communication between departments and representative offices; consulting department teachers on the specifics of using DOT.

Figure 15 - Organizational structure of the system of subsidiary YURGUES

For interaction between remote participants educational process The university uses an IP channel with a capacity of up to 4 Mbit/s. Students studying using DOT receive educational materials on the studied disciplines in electronic form in the electronic library YURGUES (), which is a database of educational and methodological materials. The interaction of LMS participants and each of them receiving all the necessary information is ensured by a specialized LMS portal (), integrated with other information subsystems of the university. 3.7.2 Electronic document management system when planning the educational process The information and technological basis of the SDO YURGUES is the system of electronic document management, planning and management of the educational process developed at the University and successfully operated, the core of which is the “Plans” software package. It contains electronic layouts of the relevant regulatory documentation and has extensive capabilities for automating all processes associated with their preparation. Other university information systems closely interact with the “PLANS” package:

      "Electronic library YURGUES" (database of educational and methodological materials, ); “Entrant” (entering and storing data about applicants), “Dean’s Office” (recording data about students); “Electronic statements” (accounting, storage and analysis of the results of control activities); “Testing system” (carrying out control activities on the corporate network and the Internet); “Cards for correspondence students” (accounting and storing data on the implementation of the educational process schedule); “Information system YURGUES” (WEB-information for participants in the educational process and all interested parties); specialized portal LMS (), important feature which is deep integration with the mentioned university information systems
Planning the educational process is the most important stage of its organization. At the first stage, scientific and methodological councils of specialties based on state standards and approximate curricula specialties are developed by RUP specialties. After their verification by the educational and methodological department, the plans are considered by the Academic Council and approved by the rector of the University. The layouts of the RUP specialties approved by the rector of the university are available for viewing in the SDS portal for registered users, as well as in the “URGUES Information System” for other interested parties. At the second stage, the administrator of the “Plans” package, based on the RUP of specialties and information about the real contingent of students from the “Dean’s Office” database, calculates the teaching load of the departments. For departments, the planned teaching load for studying each discipline by an academic group of students is provided in electronic layouts of department plans in the form of a set of lines, taking into account the type of classes, which are assigned to teachers by the head of the department. Upon completion of the consolidation of the teaching load, the head of the department creates electronic layouts of individual plans for teachers. Each teacher plans the types and volumes of work in the “second half of the day” (scientific, educational and methodological, organizational and methodological, educational, etc.), as well as the schedule for studying disciplines by students studying using DOT. Then the data entered by teachers into the electronic layouts of individual plans is transferred to the department plan, which is sent by the head of the department to the educational department. At the third stage, the educational department checks the correctness of the plans of the departments and, based on them, forms instructions for the control room for automatically drawing up a class schedule. After approval by the rector of the University, the schedule is sent to the deans of faculties, departments, teachers and becomes available to all users (including students) in the information system. 3.7.3 Features of planning and organizing the educational process in SDO YURGUES Planning the workload for working with students studying using DOT is noticeably different from planning the workload for students studying under the traditional distance learning scheme. This is, first of all, the absence of lectures and practical classes. The main type of interaction between the teacher and students is consultations, which are carried out by teachers of the University departments in the LMS portal. As a rule, one teacher can provide assistance to students not in one discipline, but in a group or cycle of disciplines; in this sense, he plays the role of a tutor (organizer of the distance learning process) in cycles of disciplines. In order to provide departments with the opportunity to more flexiblely plan the work of teachers in the SDL, the teaching load for a group of students studying using DLT is presented in a differentiated form in the department plan. In this case, the total contact load is equal to the classroom load for all types of educational work in this discipline in accordance with the RUP of correspondence education. Workload planned for lectures, practical classes and supervision independent work with traditional distance learning, it is planned to conduct distance consultations in the SDO. 3.7.4. Planning a schedule for studying the discipline In contrast to traditional distance learning, the use of DOT makes it possible to organize a modern educational process, including many of the attributes of full-time education by ensuring interactive communication between teachers and students throughout the entire period of study, effective feedback, prompt consultation, and these advantages are most fully realized when organizing a network educational process on the Internet:
      communication between teacher and students throughout the entire training period; counseling (individual and group), explanation of educational material by the teacher; conducting tests (current and intermediate); performing joint research and creative tasks; performing virtual laboratory workshops remotely; organization of active cognitive activity for each student, individual or group; providing effective feedback, interactivity; ensuring individualization and differentiation of the learning process; formation of sustainable motivation for educational and cognitive activities.
The fundamental difference between the educational process in LMS in comparison with traditional distance learning is the possibility of distributing the interaction between the teacher and students over time. Due to this, general requirement to each teacher-consultant in the discipline is to conduct virtual seminars on the discipline being studied with students in groups (from two to five people) distributed over time. A virtual seminar is not the only form of ongoing (in the process of studying a discipline) interaction between a teacher-consultant and a student. LMS provides the ability to perform special homework, test work, writing a report or essay, analyzing the situation during an educational discussion, etc. It is fundamental to implement educational activities students during the intersessional period. The activity of students in the current interaction with the teacher is regarded as a prerequisite for the successful completion of control activities and can be noted in the reports of the teacher-consultant with a corresponding increase in rating. Current control of knowledge in the SDO YURGUES, as a rule, is carried out in the form of network testing on selected topics of the discipline, for example, in accordance with the topics of traditional tests of correspondence students. This eliminates the need to check test papers and stimulates students’ independent learning. This does not mean that execution individual tasks According to the options, it disappears as a type of student work. But the purpose of completion is not to obtain credit for test work, but preparation for passing intermediate testing. Accordingly, when testing, specialized sets of tasks in test form are used, aimed at testing students' mastery of the relevant sections of the disciplines. Planning the types and timing of online training events with students when studying a specific discipline is carried out directly by teachers in electronic layouts of their individual plans. For this purpose, a special sheet “Schedule” is formed in the electronic layouts of teachers’ individual plans. Using the services provided to the user by the electronic layout individual plan, each teacher-consultant plans to conduct time-distributed (off-line) seminars (virtual seminars) on the discipline being studied or other events that activate independent academic work students during the intersessional period. Information about the types of network events, their timing, and the composition of remote streams is provided in the LMS portal to students of groups in which the teacher is a consultant and determines the schedule of the educational process in the discipline. In addition, this information is useful for the LMS administration to monitor the reality of conducting online training events. During kick-off session organizational activities are carried out, training materials and training documentation are received, registration by users of the LMS website. Laboratory examination sessions are reduced to periods of intensive testing and other control activities. A number of specialties and disciplines require laboratory or practical work on real equipment; for this purpose, the educational schedule of FDO students includes short-term sessions conducted directly at YURGUES. Participation in such sessions is provided for by individual contracts with students and the regulations for studying at the SDL. It should be noted that all FDO students are part-time students and have all the rights and responsibilities associated with this, including the right to paid leave. Certificates of summons are issued by the dean's office of the Faculty of Education at the request of students, the duration of the summons coincides with the formal terms of the sessions, the student has the right to independently decide how to use the vacation: work intensively at home via the Internet or come to YURGUES to participate in a traditional session. 3.7.5. Promising and innovative technologies of subsidiaries The development, testing and adaptation of promising technologies of subsidiaries is carried out by Yuzhny regional center distance education (Southern RCDO). The main activity of the Southern RCDO is the development, testing and implementation of new educational information technologies, technological support for the educational process in the system additional education YURGUES using DET, development of electronic teaching aids, adaptation and conversion of them into network formats, development of virtual laboratory workshops, administration of the DPO system website, training and consultations on work in the field of DET. The main projects completed and being carried out by the Southern RCDO:
    Virtual laboratory workshop in the courses "Electrodynamics", "Electronics" and "Electrical Engineering". (authors I.N. Semenikhin, A.E. Popov); Internet site for supporting online learning for the YURGUES DPO system based on LMS Moodle; annual international scientific and practical Internet conference " Information Technology in science and education"; All-Russian seminar “Moodle in online learning”; sets of teaching aids on electronic media. The manuals are prepared in a format that is compatible with the formats of online learning support systems and, at the same time, allows for independent use. Work is currently underway to convert all electronic resources into XML format in accordance with the requirements of the IMS specification.
The developments of the Southern RCDO were awarded two silver (2003-2004) and one gold (2002) medals from the All-Russian Exhibition Center, a diploma from the Educational Environment 2004 forum, and a diploma from the Russian State Institute of Educational Education of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation. Since August 2006, the Southern RCDO, together with the Department of Information Technology and Technology, conducted an experiment on the use of LMS Moodle in the educational process in the specialties " Applied Informatics" and "Information systems and technologies." Choice specified specialties determined by the fact that they are the most prepared for learning using modern information technologies, since the computer is both an object of study and a teaching tool. Training was conducted in a number of disciplines of the OPD, SD and DS cycles. For full-time students, the use of Internet technologies was voluntary, but almost all students (about 50 people) chose this particular technology. For distance learning students, the use of this technology was recommended when studying a number of disciplines in the Department of Information Systems and Radio Engineering. More than 200 students took part in the experiment; the potential capacity of the system (on the current server) is up to 2000 students. The experiment showed high efficiency systems, ease of use and development opportunities. The results of the experiment are recommended for implementation in the additional education system of YURGUES. The basis of the system's methodological support is Moodle courses, which are containers containing a full set of necessary software for studying the discipline. For example, we can consider the structure of the “Information Technologies” course. For implementation, the “structure-course” model was chosen, providing a set of conditionally thematic sections containing the minimum necessary methodological and educational support (Figure 16). The first is a general section on the discipline, which includes a forum for discussion general issues, work program disciplines in the form of a word document, a test in the discipline and a manual in HTML format. The Information Technology course includes completing course work, for which a special section has been allocated, containing a form for sending a file, a word document with a list of sample topics, and a forum for discussing issues of preparing coursework.

Figure 16  Screen view when entering the “Information Technology” course

Thematic sections have been formed to carry out ongoing control of knowledge; the form of control is an abstract, which is sent through the appropriate form. After verification, the result is entered into a table and can be used for manual or automatic transfer to the electronic records of the university automated control system. To conduct seminars and consultations, it is very convenient to use forums, which in Moodle have fairly high functionality - it is possible to force all students to subscribe to a specific forum, as well as receive digests of messages from forums, track discussion threads, turn on the highlighting of unread messages, etc. Knowledge control and assessment can be carried out using a variety of methods - from traditional tests to grading via a message in the forum when working together with students in the wiki format, etc. Full use of Moodle's capabilities is not always justified and the choice of certain modules is determined by specific tasks and a specific teacher, taking into account the characteristics of the discipline, the readiness of certain resources, personal preferences, etc. For initial organization process, it is enough to determine a certain minimum of support that allows you to begin teaching students, continuing to fill it as necessary. The generalized structure of the minimum course support is given in Table 3.4 Table 3.4 – Typical structure of educational and methodological support for a Moodle course

Course Sections Information resource Activity resource Control resource
    General section
    Study guide for the discipline Work program for the discipline
Discipline Forum Discipline test
    Course work
List of course work topics Forum for discussing coursework Coursework file submission form
    Topic 1
    Topic 2
Links and files on this topic Forum on the topic (electronic seminar) Form for submitting an abstract on the topic
    Topic 3
Links and files on this topic Forum on the topic (electronic seminar) Form for submitting an abstract on the topic
    Topic 4
Links and files on this topic Forum on the topic (electronic seminar) Form for submitting an abstract on the topic

The task of forming a minimal course structure is assigned to a specialized department of the university, since experience has shown that teachers do not strive to master the system “from scratch,” while at the same time they easily edit an existing template, changing it according to their requirements, often quite radically. The ability to constantly monitor the course content is very important, in particular, in the process of experimental teaching of the “Information Technologies” course, some imbalances in the initial knowledge of some students were revealed, which required giving Additional information. This was done by placing files and links in the first topic of the course (see Figure 16). It should be noted that the set of these resources is not a constant - the teacher can quickly manage them, realizing certain goals. Thus, the Moodle course is self-developing, and its relevance is constantly maintained. The most important feature of Moodle is the ability to save courses in a standardized form, which allows not only the exchange of courses between faculties, but also between universities. Thus, it can be concluded that the use of LMS Moodle in combination with the widespread use of international standards and specifications for description and packaging educational resources allows you to quickly and efficiently implement an environment convenient for all categories of users e-learning. Currently, the Moodle server is used as the main support system for additional education via the Internet; sets of additional education programs, from short-term to professional retraining. To date, more than 15 continuing education programs have been implemented on the site. More than 200 people completed actual training in 2008 alone. Number of universities using Moodle Lately growing very quickly. In this regard, there is an urgent need to coordinate efforts to increase efficiency. In March 2007, on the basis of the Dubrava sanatorium (Zheleznovodsk), the South Russian State University of Economics and Service held the first all-Russian seminar on the use of the Moodle system, in which representatives of dozens of universities of the Russian Federation took part, among them the Siberian Road Academy, Krasnoyarsk State University, Belgorod State University, Taganrog Technological Institute of the Southern federal university, Siberian State University of Transport, Voronezh State University, Penza State University, etc. Since 2008, the all-Russian seminar held by YURGUES in Zheleznovodsk has become an annual event, gathering dozens of participants from all regions of Russia and the CIS countries. It should be noted that Moodle is distributed on the basis of an open license; its use is not associated with the need to purchase expensive software and licensing. Years of experience of YURGUES in the field of distance education have shown that developed technological, technical and software tools are not enough for the optimal construction of a highly effective DL system; the presence of a correct and optimally organized management system for the entire project plays a more important role. Of particular importance is the stability of the system under negative conditions. external influences: such as failures in the operation of communication channels, failures in the operation of server equipment, significant changes in legislation, adjustments to the goals and objectives of the system during operation, changes in market conditions, etc. One of the optimal solutions is to divide the functions of the system into educational and administrative. In this case, the subsystems must have not only independent channels for exchanging information with remote objects (subjects) of the system, but also several parallel channels, including physically separated ones. In reality, complete separation of functions is impossible to achieve. For example, in the work of the administrative system there is a need for information (at least statistical) that is available only in the educational part. The question arises of the optimal choice of the number of intersystem “gateways”, their mode of operation and optimization of the quantity and content of transmitted information. The number of “gateways” and the content of the exchange strongly depend on the structure of both subsystems, on the flow of documents, data, control actions, etc. All of the above, in turn, depends on the tasks being solved, the goals of the system, external conditions, etc. Thus, the task arises of developing a distributed educational system, ensuring uninterrupted functioning in the event of negative external influences, as a special information and communication environment with elements of self-adaptation. It is advisable to analyze the functioning of the ROS on the basis of models varying degrees approaching the idealized one. Models can be presented in the form of structural and functional diagrams, with detail, as a rule, in IDEF0 and IDEF3 notations, however, specific objects and functions introduced additionally can be used. The most effective are systems with an intermediate level of integration, combining several management and training technologies included in a distributed and diversified information environment. The combination of technologies allowed YURGUES to reduce the influence of a number of factors that negatively affect the effectiveness of the distributed educational system. In particular, the presence of pre-created alternative learning paths allows you to quickly respond to changes in legislation, market conditions, etc. The experience of YURGUES has shown that the most stable structures are those that have at least three parallel channels of information exchange between subjects and objects of the educational process. Apparent redundancy does not play a noticeable role, since at each moment a limited set of nodes and connections of the model operates. Currently, the structure of the educational system is being optimized from the point of view of its economic efficiency, provided that the quality of training is maintained, as well as the development of functions for self-tuning of the system when external factors change. The implementation of the proposed principles takes place in the information and educational environment of additional vocational education YURGUES.
3.7 Distance education system YURGUES

YURGUES has been creating and developing a distance learning system (DLS) since 1999. Over the past time, a technological, technical, organizational and information basis has been created for the introduction of DL technologies into the educational process of YURGUES.

Currently, DL technologies are used by more than 3,500 part-time students living in various cities of the Southern Federal District, as well as in the cities of Nizhnevartovsk and Tashkent (Uzbekistan).

Particular attention is paid to the creation of a regulatory framework for the educational system. Documents at the federal level are supplemented with materials that specify practical issues of using DL technologies in the educational process.

The use of distance learning technologies (DET) and improvement of LMS is one of the priority areas for the development of the University. As the main DOT in YURGUES, (network) Internet technology is implemented using the capabilities of a specialized Internet portal of the DL system, integrated with the electronic document management system for planning and managing the educational process of YURGUES (software package “Plans” and integrated programs).
3.7.1. Organizational structure of the system of subsidiary YURGUES

SDO YURGUES is based on the use of modern telecommunications and Internet technologies, providing access to information resources of YURGUES for more than 3,500 students studying by correspondence, which allows reducing the time they spend in sessions, thereby increasing the accessibility of education.

Figure 15 shows the main participants in the DL system and the interaction between them. The general management of the system is carried out by the University rector’s office - directly by the rector, the vice-rector for correspondence, distance and additional professional education, and the vice-rector for information technology.

To plan, organize and control the progress of the educational process using DET, the Faculty of Distance Education (DEL) was created. The employees of the FDO dean's office are, in particular, deputy heads of departments for distance education, whose main responsibilities are:

    • organizing work aimed at improving and preparing electronic educational and methodological materials in the disciplines taught by the department;

    • comprehensive monitoring of the educational process using DOT;

    • communication between departments and representative offices;

    • consulting department teachers on the specifics of using DOT.

Figure 15 - Organizational structure of the system of subsidiary YURGUES

For interaction between participants in the distance learning process, the university uses an IP channel with a capacity of up to 4 Mbit/s.

Students studying using DOT receive educational and methodological materials on the disciplines studied in electronic form in the electronic library of YURGUES (http://www.libdb.sssu.ru), which is a database of educational and methodological materials.

The interaction of LMS participants and each of them receiving all the necessary information is ensured by a specialized LMS portal (http://www.do.sssu.ru), integrated with other information subsystems of the university.
3.7.2 Electronic document management system when planning the educational process

The information and technological basis of the SDO YURGUES is the system of electronic document management, planning and management of the educational process developed at the University and successfully operated, the core of which is the “Plans” software package. It contains electronic layouts of the relevant regulatory documentation and has extensive capabilities for automating all processes associated with their preparation.

Other university information systems closely interact with the “PLANS” package:

    • "Electronic library YURGUES" (database of educational and methodological materials, http://www.libdb.sssu.ru);

    • “Applicant” (entering and storing data about applicants),

    • “Dean’s Office” (recording student data);

    • “Electronic statements” (accounting, storage and analysis of the results of control activities);

    • “Testing system” (carrying out control activities on the corporate network and the Internet);

    • “Cards for correspondence students” (accounting and storing data on the implementation of the educational process schedule);

    • “Information system YURGUES” (WEB information for participants in the educational process and all interested parties, http://www.stud.sssu.ru);

    • specialized LMS portal (http://www.do.sssu.ru), an important feature of which is deep integration with the mentioned university information systems
Planning the educational process is the most important stage of its organization. At the first stage, scientific and methodological councils of specialties, based on the State Standards and sample curricula of specialties, develop the RUP of specialties. After their verification by the educational and methodological department, the plans are considered by the Academic Council and approved by the rector of the University.

The layouts of the RUP specialties approved by the rector of the university are available for viewing in the SDS portal for registered users, as well as in the “URGUES Information System” for other interested parties. At the second stage, the administrator of the “Plans” package, based on the RUP of specialties and information about the real contingent of students from the “Dean’s Office” database, calculates the teaching load of the departments. For departments, the planned teaching load for studying each discipline by an academic group of students is provided in electronic layouts of department plans in the form of a set of lines, taking into account the type of classes, which are assigned to teachers by the head of the department. Upon completion of the consolidation of the teaching load, the head of the department creates electronic layouts of individual plans for teachers.

Each teacher plans the types and volumes of work in the “second half of the day” (scientific, educational and methodological, organizational and methodological, educational, etc.), as well as the schedule for studying disciplines by students studying using DOT. Then the data entered by teachers into the electronic layouts of individual plans is transferred to the department plan, which is sent by the head of the department to the educational department.

At the third stage, the educational department checks the correctness of the plans of the departments and, based on them, forms instructions for the control room for automatically drawing up a class schedule. After approval by the rector of the University, the schedule is sent to the deans of faculties, departments, teachers and becomes available to all users (including students) in the information system.

3.7.3 Features of planning and organizing the educational process in SDO YURGUES

Planning the workload for working with students studying using DOT is noticeably different from planning the workload for students studying under the traditional distance learning scheme. This is, first of all, the absence of lectures and practical classes. The main type of interaction between the teacher and students is consultations, which are carried out by teachers of the University departments in the LMS portal.

As a rule, one teacher can provide assistance to students not in one discipline, but in a group or cycle of disciplines; in this sense, he plays the role of a tutor (organizer of the distance learning process) in cycles of disciplines.

In order to provide departments with the opportunity to more flexiblely plan the work of teachers in the SDL, the teaching load for a group of students studying using DLT is presented in a differentiated form in the department plan. In this case, the total contact load is equal to the classroom load for all types of educational work in this discipline in accordance with the RUP of correspondence education.

The workload planned for conducting lectures, practical classes and monitoring independent work during traditional distance learning is planned for remote consultations in the LMS.

3.7.4. Planning a schedule for studying the discipline

In contrast to traditional distance learning, the use of DOT makes it possible to organize a modern educational process, including many of the attributes of full-time education by ensuring interactive communication between teachers and students throughout the entire period of study, effective feedback, prompt consultation, and these advantages are most fully realized when organizing a network educational process on the Internet:

    • communication between teacher and students throughout the entire training period;

    • counseling (individual and group), explanation of educational material by the teacher;

    • conducting tests (current and intermediate);

    • performing joint research and creative tasks;

    • performing virtual laboratory workshops remotely;

    • organization of active cognitive activity for each student, individual or group;

    • providing effective feedback, interactivity;

    • ensuring individualization and differentiation of the learning process;

    • formation of sustainable motivation for educational and cognitive activities.
The fundamental difference between the educational process in LMS in comparison with traditional distance learning is the possibility of distributing the interaction between the teacher and students over time. In this regard, the general requirement for each teacher-consultant in the discipline is to conduct virtual seminars on the discipline being studied with students in groups (from two to five people).

A virtual seminar is not the only form of ongoing (in the process of studying a discipline) interaction between a teacher-consultant and a student. The LMS provides the opportunity to complete special homework, test work, write a report or essay, analyze the situation during an educational discussion, etc. It is important to carry out educational activities for students during the intersessional period.

The activity of students in the current interaction with the teacher is regarded as a prerequisite for the successful completion of control activities and can be noted in the reports of the teacher-consultant with a corresponding increase in rating.

Current control of knowledge in the SDO YURGUES, as a rule, is carried out in the form of network testing on selected topics of the discipline, for example, in accordance with the topics of traditional tests of correspondence students. This eliminates the need to check test papers and stimulates students’ independent learning. This does not mean that completing individual assignments according to options disappears as a type of student work. But the purpose of completion is not to obtain a pass on the test, but to prepare for passing the intermediate test. Accordingly, when testing, specialized sets of tasks in test form are used, aimed at testing students' mastery of the relevant sections of the disciplines.

Planning the types and timing of online training events with students when studying a specific discipline is carried out directly by teachers in electronic layouts of their individual plans. For this purpose, a special sheet “Schedule” is formed in the electronic layouts of teachers’ individual plans. Using the services provided to the user by an electronic layout of an individual plan, each teacher-consultant plans to conduct time-distributed (off-line) seminars (virtual seminars) on the discipline being studied or other events that activate students’ independent educational work during the intersession with students assigned to them. period.

Information about the types of network events, their timing, and the composition of remote streams is provided in the LMS portal to students of groups in which the teacher is a consultant and determines the schedule of the educational process in the discipline. In addition, this information is useful for the LMS administration to monitor the reality of conducting online training events.

During the orientation session, organizational activities, receipt of training materials and training documentation, and registration by users of the LMS website are carried out. Laboratory examination sessions are reduced to periods of intensive testing and other control activities.

A number of specialties and disciplines require laboratory or practical work on real equipment; for this purpose, the educational schedule of FDO students includes short-term sessions conducted directly at YURGUES. Participation in such sessions is provided for by individual contracts with students and the regulations for studying at the SDL. It should be noted that all FDO students are part-time students and have all the rights and responsibilities associated with this, including the right to paid leave. Certificates of summons are issued by the dean's office of the Faculty of Education at the request of students, the duration of the summons coincides with the formal terms of the sessions, the student has the right to independently decide how to use the vacation: work intensively at home via the Internet or come to YURGUES to participate in a traditional session.

3.7.5. Promising and innovative technologies of subsidiaries

The development, testing and adaptation of promising DL technologies is carried out by the Southern Regional Center for Distance Education (Southern RCDO). The main activity of the Southern RCDO is the development, testing and implementation of new educational information technologies, technological support of the educational process in the system of additional education of YURGUES using DOT, the development of electronic teaching aids, adaptation and conversion of them into network formats, the development of virtual laboratory workshops, administration of the system website Further education CDE.SSSU.RU, training and consultations on work in the field of additional education.

The main projects completed and being carried out by the Southern RCDO:

  • Virtual laboratory workshop on the courses "Electrodynamics", "Electronics" and "Electrical Engineering". (authors I.N. Semenikhin, A.E. Popov);

  • Internet site for supporting online learning for the YURGUES DPO system based on LMS Moodle;

  • annual international scientific and practical Internet conference “Information technologies in science and education”;

  • All-Russian seminar “Moodle in online learning”;

  • sets of teaching aids on electronic media. The manuals are prepared in a format that is compatible with the formats of online learning support systems and, at the same time, allows for independent use. Work is currently underway to convert all electronic resources into XML format in accordance with the requirements of the IMS specification.
The developments of the Southern RCDO were awarded two silver (2003-2004) and one gold (2002) medals from the All-Russian Exhibition Center, a diploma from the Educational Environment 2004 forum, and a diploma from the Russian State Institute of Educational Education of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation.

Since August 2006, the Southern RCDO, together with the Department of IS&RT, has been conducting an experiment on the use of LMS Moodle in the educational process in the specialties “Applied Informatics” and “Information Systems and Technologies”. The choice of these specialties is determined by the fact that they are the most prepared for training using modern information technologies, since the computer is both an object of study and a teaching tool.

Training was conducted in a number of disciplines of the OPD, SD and DS cycles. For full-time students, the use of Internet technologies was voluntary, but almost all students (about 50 people) chose this particular technology.

For distance learning students, the use of this technology was recommended when studying a number of disciplines in the Department of Information Systems and Radio Engineering. More than 200 students took part in the experiment; the potential capacity of the system (on the current server) is up to 2000 students.

The experiment showed the high efficiency of the system, ease of use and development opportunities. The results of the experiment are recommended for implementation in the additional education system of YURGUES.

The basis of the system's methodological support is Moodle courses, which are containers containing a full set of necessary software for studying the discipline. For example, we can consider the structure of the “Information Technologies” course. For implementation, the “structure-course” model was chosen, providing a set of conditionally thematic sections containing the minimum necessary methodological and educational support (Figure 16).

The first is the general section for the discipline, which includes a forum for discussing general issues, a work program for the discipline in the form of a word document, a test for the discipline, and a manual in HTML format.

The “Information Technologies” course includes coursework, for which a special section is allocated containing a form for submitting a file, a word document with a list of sample topics, and a forum for discussing issues related to the preparation of coursework.

Figure 16  Screen view when entering the “Information Technology” course
Thematic sections have been formed to carry out ongoing control of knowledge; the form of control is an abstract, which is sent through the appropriate form. After verification, the result is entered into a table and can be used for manual or automatic transfer to the electronic records of the university automated control system.

To conduct seminars and consultations, it is very convenient to use forums, which in Moodle have fairly high functionality - it is possible to force all students to subscribe to a specific forum, as well as receive digests of messages from forums, track discussion threads, turn on the highlighting of unread messages, etc.

Knowledge control and assessment can be carried out using a variety of methods - from traditional tests to grading via a message in the forum when working together with students in the wiki format, etc.

Full use of Moodle's capabilities is not always justified and the choice of certain modules is determined by specific tasks and a specific teacher, taking into account the characteristics of the discipline, the readiness of certain resources, personal preferences, etc. For the initial organization of the process, it is enough to determine a certain minimum of support that allows you to begin teaching students, continuing to fill it as necessary. The generalized structure of the minimum course provision is given in Table 3.4

Table 3.4 – Typical structure of educational and methodological support for the Moodle course

Course Sections

Information resource

Activity resource

Control resource





  1. General section

  1. A textbook on the discipline

  2. Work program of the discipline

Discipline Forum

Discipline test

  1. Course work

List of course work topics

Forum for discussing coursework

Coursework file submission form

  1. Topic 1

  1. Topic 2

Links and files on this topic

Forum on the topic (electronic seminar)

Form for submitting an abstract on the topic

  1. Topic 3

Links and files on this topic

Forum on the topic (electronic seminar)

Form for submitting an abstract on the topic

  1. Topic 4

Links and files on this topic

Forum on the topic (electronic seminar)

Form for submitting an abstract on the topic

The task of forming a minimal course structure is assigned to a specialized department of the university, since experience has shown that teachers do not strive to master the system “from scratch,” while at the same time they easily edit an existing template, changing it according to their requirements, often quite radically.

The ability to constantly monitor the course content is very important; in particular, during the experimental teaching of the “Information Technologies” course, some imbalances in the initial knowledge of some students were revealed, which required additional information to be provided. This was done by placing files and links in the first topic of the course (see Figure 16). It should be noted that the set of these resources is not a constant - the teacher can quickly manage them, realizing certain goals. Thus, the Moodle course is self-developing, and its relevance is constantly maintained.

The most important feature of Moodle is the ability to save courses in a standardized form, which allows not only the exchange of courses between faculties, but also between universities.

Thus, we can conclude that the use of LMS Moodle in combination with the widespread use of international standards and specifications for describing and packaging educational resources allows you to quickly and effectively implement an e-learning environment that is convenient for all categories of users.

Currently, the Moodle server is used as the main support system for additional education via the Internet; sets of additional education programs, from short-term to professional retraining programs, are being actively formed. To date, more than 15 continuing education programs have been implemented on the website CDE.SSSU.RU. More than 200 people completed actual training in 2008 alone.

The number of universities using Moodle has been growing very quickly lately. In this regard, there is an urgent need to coordinate efforts to increase efficiency. In March 2007, on the basis of the Dubrava sanatorium (Zheleznovodsk), the South Russian State University of Economics and Service held the first all-Russian seminar on the use of the Moodle system, in which representatives of dozens of universities of the Russian Federation took part, among them the Siberian Road Academy, Krasnoyarsk State University, Belgorod State University, Taganrog Technological Institute of the Southern Federal University, Siberian State University of Transport, Voronezh State University, Penza State University, etc.

Since 2008, the all-Russian seminar held by YURGUES in Zheleznovodsk has become an annual event, gathering dozens of participants from all regions of Russia and the CIS countries.

It should be noted that Moodle is distributed on the basis of an open license; its use is not associated with the need to purchase expensive software and licensing.

Years of experience of YURGUES in the field of distance education have shown that developed technological, technical and software tools are not enough for the optimal construction of a highly effective DL system; the presence of a correct and optimally organized management system for the entire project plays a more important role. Of particular importance is the stability of the system’s operation under conditions of negative external influences: such as failures in the operation of communication channels, failures in the operation of server equipment, significant changes in legislation, adjustments to the goals and objectives of the system during operation, changes in market conditions, etc.

One of the optimal solutions is to divide the functions of the system into educational and administrative. In this case, the subsystems must have not only independent channels for exchanging information with remote objects (subjects) of the system, but also several parallel channels, including physically separated ones.

In reality, complete separation of functions is impossible to achieve. For example, in the work of the administrative system there is a need for information (at least statistical) that is available only in the educational part. The question arises of the optimal choice of the number of intersystem “gateways”, their mode of operation and optimization of the quantity and content of transmitted information. The number of “gateways” and the content of the exchange strongly depend on the structure of both subsystems, on the flow of documents, data, control actions, etc. All of the above, in turn, depends on the tasks being solved, the goals of the system, external conditions, etc. Thus, the task arises of developing a distributed educational system that ensures uninterrupted functioning in the event of negative external influences, as a special information and communication environment with elements of self-adaptation.

It is advisable to analyze the functioning of the ROS on the basis of models of varying degrees of approximation to the idealized one.

Models can be presented in the form of structural and functional diagrams, with detail, as a rule, in IDEF0 and IDEF3 notations, however, specific objects and functions introduced additionally can be used.

The most effective are systems with an intermediate level of integration, combining several management and training technologies included in a distributed and diversified information environment. The combination of technologies allowed YURGUES to reduce the influence of a number of factors that negatively affect the effectiveness of the distributed educational system. In particular, the presence of pre-created alternative learning paths allows you to quickly respond to changes in legislation, market conditions, etc. The experience of YURGUES has shown that the most stable structures are those that have at least three parallel channels of information exchange between subjects and objects of the educational process. Apparent redundancy does not play a noticeable role, since at each moment a limited set of nodes and connections of the model operates.

Currently, the structure of the educational system is being optimized from the point of view of its economic efficiency, provided that the quality of training is maintained, as well as the development of functions for self-tuning of the system when external factors change.

The implementation of the proposed principles takes place in the information and educational environment of additional professional education of YURGUES.
3.8 Additional professional education

Institute of Economics and Technology of Service (IETS) is structural unit University. The Institute was created in 1999 on the basis of the Center for Continuing Professional Education.

The main activities of IETS are the provision of educational services:

  • for professional retraining at the base higher education;

  • for advanced training in certain types of activities.
Leading teachers of the University, highly qualified managers and specialists from federal and municipal government bodies take part in the educational process of additional professional education programs.

Listeners participating in the programs receive the most modern knowledge, the latest regulatory and methodological materials and have the opportunity to continuously improve their knowledge and skills.

IETS organizes various programs of additional professional education for specialists, managerial and executive personnel of government and municipal organizations, enterprises, firms, joint stock companies, banks through seminars, advanced training, and professional retraining programs.

At the end of 2008, YURGUES participated in a competition held by the Administration of the Rostov Region as part of the subprogram “ Staffing innovative development of the Rostov region", and won the right to train more than 70 specialists in the additional vocational training program "Logistics" at the expense of the regional budget.

Over the past three years, the number of implemented programs has doubled. Today it is possible to carry out retraining of personnel in 39 continuing education programs using remote technologies and the possibility of organizing on-site classes, including:

1) professional retraining program to obtain additional qualifications"Teacher high school" - 1080 hours;

2) 13 programs (over 500 hours) of professional retraining on the basis of higher education to perform a new type of professional activity:

    • “Accounting, analysis and audit” – 502 hours;

    • “Finance and Credit” – 502 hours;

    • “Management” – 502 hours;

    • “Cars and automotive industry” – 502 hours;

    • “Marketing” – 502 hours;

    • “Advertising” – 502 hours;

    • "Construction sewing products» – 502 hours;

    • “Hotel service and tourism” – 502 hours;

    • “Jurisprudence” – 590 hours;

    • “Information systems and technologies” – 516 hours;

    • “Economics and management in a service enterprise” – 536 hours;

    • “Design of leather goods” - 524 hours;

    • “Traffic organization and safety” – 870 hours.
3) 17 long-term (over 100 hours) advanced training programs for in-depth study current problems science, engineering, technology, socio-economic and other problems in the profile of professional activity:

    • “Modern computer and telecommunication technologies in the office” – 114 hours;

    • “Computer graphics and graphic technologies” - 120 hours;

    • “Information technologies in education” (planning and management of the educational process) – 116 hours;

    • “Information technologies in distance learning” – 115 hours;

    • “Information systems in educational process management” – 104 hours;

    • “Municipal management” - 104 hours;

    • “Advertising” - 102 hours;

    • “Taxes and taxation in the field of small business” - 104 hours;

    • “Taxation and legal relations in the field of small business” - 116 hours;

    • “Enterprise management” - 104 hours;

    • “Legal relations and taxation in the field of small businesses when transporting passengers by car" - 104 hours;

    • "Hotel and travel business" - 102 hours;

    • “Restaurant manager” - 106 hours;

    • “Excursion work” - 104 hours;

    • “Hospitality Industry Management” - 104 hours;

    • “Taxes and taxation in health resorts and tourism organizations” - 104 hours;

    • “Organization of tax planning at an enterprise” - 106 hours;

    • “Management organization and management of the hotel business” - 104 hours.
4) 6 short-term (at least 72 hours) advanced training programs for thematic training on specific production issues, which is conducted at the place of specialists’ main work:

    • “Programming in C++” – 72 hours;

    • “Technical maintenance and repair of automatic telephone exchange” – 78 hours;

    • “Information technologies in accounting” – 76 hours;

    • “Internet technologies” – 74 hours;

    • “Information technologies in education” – 72 hours;

    • “Information technologies in searching and analyzing legal information” - 72 hours;
Some educational programs deserve special mention.

IETS implements, in agreement with the Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation, professional competence programs in the field of road transportation:

    • “Qualification training in organizing transportation by road within the Russian Federation” – 82 hours;

    • “Traffic safety in road transport” – 42 hours;

    • “Advanced training of specialists in organizing road transport within the Russian Federation” - 32 hours.
These programs are in steady demand in the Rostov region and provide a stable set of study groups.

The DPO program “Information systems in educational process management” was developed and implemented jointly with the IMCA of Rosobrnadzor of the Russian Federation. The courses are held twice a year, but in 2008 the number of people wishing to undergo training was so large that the third batch of training will be held in December.

Every year IETS conducts training according to the program “ Modern technologies in the fashion industry", combined with International competition young designers "Podium".

In 2008, IETS conducted advanced training courses under the program “ Innovative technologies in Marketing and Design” with the invitation as lecturers of Professor of the University of Dortmund Peter Duhm and Professor of the Academy of Arts of DenBosch (Netherlands) Valerie van Dam. There is an active practice of holding training seminars with the participation of specialists from other universities, business representatives, and prominent scientists from different regions of the Russian Federation and the CIS.