Exit to the astral plane upon awakening. How to correctly enter the astral plane (astral world)? Techniques and recommendations. Gaining the experience of entering the Astral in full consciousness

Julia, thank you for your answer! I somehow got a little lost from this discussion.
So I never managed to end up anywhere near my body, etc. Yes, I didn’t even try, to be honest. But there were several cases, I don’t know if this applies to the astral:
1. A year has passed since my letter to you. And the following began: every night I saw the room in which I slept, and felt the presence of someone hostile. But when I tried to move, it turned out that I was sleeping. It’s very scary because I understand that I’m in a dream, but I can’t wake up. She even tried to hit her husband. But she couldn't move. Then I learned to move, I feel his hand, I try to pinch him so that he wakes up and wakes me up. But I feel him, but he doesn’t feel my attempts. This lasted for a week, I was all exhausted, I was afraid to go to bed, so as not to get stuck in my own dream again.
On the last day, I was able to get up, ran to the door, everything was somehow weak, but it seemed to me that someone was frightening nearby, and then I realized that I had to try to wake up again. And it happened - I woke up. But it was a dream within a dream. And after much suffering I managed to escape.

2 A couple of weeks after this passed, I woke up, and there was what I remembered as a man near the bed. And everything became bright. He said that there is no need to be afraid, he will not cause fear and those whom I was afraid of are not here. It was as if I saw the planet on which bright flashes. He explained that our worlds are connected through them. But I cannot know this until I experience catharsis.
To be honest, I didn’t know anything about catharsis. And I woke up in the morning with only this word in my head. And already, clinging to him, she remembered what happened at night.

3. A year and a half after that, I slept in the next room, again walked along the corridor, but again everything was cotton. And the walls. Everything was strangely askew or something. There was deformation in everything. And again fear. The next day I slept in a regular room again. And dreams with horror stories began again, from which I could not get out, I tried to push my husband, but to no avail.
After a couple of days of such dreams, I began to look for similar cases and methods of dealing with these fears. And in one place I read that mutual repelling helps a person - that is, you need to firmly drive it away.
And then it’s night, I fall asleep. This horror is repeated again. But then I realized that I was in a dream again and managed to wake up. And I remembered that I needed to drive them away. I fell asleep on purpose and without panic (usually I tried not to sleep again, so as not to encounter this again). I fall asleep, it happens again. And I tell them (I don’t know who) something like: “Enough! Get out of here. I'm not afraid of you. If you don’t lag behind, you yourself will begin to fear me! Get out!" And with this I am abruptly thrown out of sleep and stupor. Woke up and fell asleep. And there was no more fear.
But the morning after that, something happened that had never happened before. I’m lying down, the sun is shining into the room, my husband is looking at something next to me. I see myself. And I can't move. And then I sit up with a sharp push from a lying position. And I understand that I see myself from a sitting position, and my body (from the chest down) lies in that position. And I sharply bend my knees. They remain lying down. But in the place where they should be (where I bent them and lifted them) there was some kind of incomprehensible radiation. As if from fire - it was like heat, but it still seemed to shimmer a little. That is, it seemed denser than the air around it. And then my husband wakes me up and says that I haven’t moved at all.

4. This summer (i.e. about a year after the previous incident) I woke up in a dream again. I was scared that I couldn't get out of this. But it was 1 night.

5. A week ago. I slept in the next room again. And I realized that I was in a dream. But there was something different. My son is nearby. And I scream for help - I saw it as if I was disappearing. But then I saw a boy behind the door to the room. And the son doesn’t say anything, but I seem to hear the word “brother” (he doesn’t have a brother or sister). And I look through the door window, he stands there and tries to open the door, I press it, but he still bursts into the room. And that's the end.
It was the night before the solar eclipse in February.

And further. This may or may not be a coincidence. But six months ago I had a dream. But I didn’t understand that it was a dream. And in this dream my relative, husband and some man.
I'm trying to save a relative. Then a man attacks us. I cover my relative with myself and call for help. And my husband fights off this man, but it turns out that in the fight he got a knife in his throat. And then I collect a lot of money around - bills.
It was a terrible dream.
But on the same day I am next to this relative. And during the day he starts bleeding from his mouth. I'm calling an ambulance. They are coming. I grab a stack of bills that were then put aside at home. And my husband arrives and helps me send my relative to the hospital.
Now, either a coincidence, or the image of the man who was a threat to my relative in a dream was transferred to the relative himself in reality. That is, in a dream I saw what happened later during the day, but with distortion.

Can all sorts of fears cause me harm? Or does it all remain on the other side? What could this be, have you encountered something similar?

I hope that you find something interesting in my story. Thank you!

They ask themselves this question and want to try their hand at entering another world.

Updated 10/11/2019

The name of this world is Astral, also known as the Astral, Subtle World (they call it differently, but the essence does not change). This world exists outside of earthly time, one might say, in another dimension. There are several ways to enter and exit the astral plane, which are described in detail below.

How to enter the astral plane

Need to take into account main point, namely intervals, as a result of which one can exit the astral plane. While there may be no difficulties with entering, returning to the real world can sometimes be somewhat problematic.

Three methods to help you correctly enter the astral plane:

  1. The first method is waking up . This technique is best suited for beginners or those making their first trip to the astral plane. How does this happen? A person must adjust his body so that he does not completely wake up, esotericists know how to do this. The following picture emerges: a person is sleeping, but at the same time his consciousness is already involved in work and it is easiest to configure it as needed. What sensations may arise? The impressions are completely different, some images arise, vibrations begin throughout the body, the person feels as if he is not in his body.

2. The second method is falling asleep . It may not be as successful as the first method. A person, of course, wants to sleep, and it is not always possible for him to catch exactly that moment of transition from real world to the astral plane. Different pictures may appear in the head, but over time the person simply falls asleep in a normal sleep and nothing happens. Thus, this method is not suitable for those who are planning to visit the astral plane for the first time.

3. The third option, the most difficult, is meditation. . This happens because a person is faced with the task of going from being completely awake to a state of brain shutdown. This method is not at all recommended for beginners, because through meditation, access to the astral plane is available only to professionals who have already done this several times.

Why are techniques needed to enter the astral plane?

On different spaces of the Internet there are a huge number of techniques that will help a person travel to the astral plane faster. At this point the reader will learn what exactly they are needed for.

First of all, techniques exist to help tune the brain to the desired wavelength for entering the astral plane. During a dive, a person is distracted from the real world when doing them.

The techniques themselves are aimed at causing human body a feeling of vibration, this state is similar to a small electric shock. The difference is that this process is painless. It is this state that is most favorable for entering the astral plane.

Professionals, as a rule, do not use any techniques or distractions to enter the astral plane. Beginners, first of all, need to start with them.

Three techniques

  • 1. The phantom rocking technique, short, occurs upon awakening. The point is that when you wake up, you should try to move any part of your body without straining your muscles. A big mistake in this technique is to imagine that the arm, leg, and so on are moving. This cannot be done. If nothing happens within a few seconds, then the technique needs to be changed.

  • 2. The second technique is performed when falling asleep. You need to achieve deep lapses in consciousness and try to perform phantom rocking, they help not to fall asleep and at the same time achieve a significant immersion in the desired state.

  • 3. There is another equally effective technique for beginners - rotation.. When awakening, you need to imagine that the astral body is revolving around the material one. When the performance begins, real sensations appear, and you immediately need to raise the astral body from the material one. Otherwise, everything will be over in a few seconds.

- Do not eat before bed, you can drink a glass of drinking or mineral water.

- Relax and calm down nervous system. This could be: calm music, a book, or just silence. Mental exercises help a lot.

- Look into your inner world. Close your eyes, mentally “put on dark glasses” and go deep, deep inside yourself. In this way, you can get answers to your questions, but the main thing is to set up (give yourself a setting) your astral body to enter the subtle world.

How does the login process work?

Many people are interested not in the question of how to enter the astral plane, but in information about what this process is like and what sensations it causes.

You need to imagine some large, heavy backpack, which is filled to capacity with bricks. A person wears this backpack all day without taking it off, and then at a wonderful moment gets rid of it. In the astral state, a person feels incredible lightness, does not feel any weight, as if he were a feather.

To summarize, it is worth giving a small recommendation when entering the astral plane. Under no circumstances should you travel to another world without preparation, as it may be dangerous or otherwise unsuccessful. May occur strange noises and sensations that can easily frighten a beginner, so for safety it is better to make the first exit under professional guidance.

This article is intended for those beginners who have never tried to leave their body and travel to the astral plane. It sets out easy way go to the astral plane. To do this, first of all, you need to learn to separate the astral body from the physical. When you succeed, you will be able to move freely in the astral plane and experience unforgettable and exciting sensations. First of all, you will have to master the technique of immersing yourself in a trance, that is, in an altered state of consciousness when the body is completely relaxed. It would seem that achieving this or learning this is not easy. There are entire schools that have been teaching trance for years.

Step 1

So, you should remember that, as soon as you wake up, try not to move and under no circumstances open your eyes. Now mentally feel all your limbs and try to mentally move them. In this way you will learn to feel your astral body and then control it.

Step 2

When you have learned to control your limbs, the next step is to mentally leave your body and hover above it. Whirl, spin, flutter like a moth.

Step 3

Imagine that you are a bun and are rolling out of your bodily shell. Just be careful not to roll too far.

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Step 4

Try to mentally jump out of your body and fly over it like a bird. Be careful not to fly too far.

Step 5

When you have learned to leave the body in any of the listed ways, try to mentally transfer yourself to any place that you want and that you can imagine.

Step 6

By practicing all of the above, gradually learn to control your body and rotate it as you wish in different directions.

Step 7

Learn to listen to yourself, study yourself and all the sensations and sounds that arise. Try to distinguish and feel all the images that arise.

Step 8

You should do this practice for at least ten to fifteen minutes every day. Gradually you will learn to manage and control your body.

Use the state after awakening, since at this time it is easiest to go to the astral plane. Yoga schools spend years teaching these practices to their students.

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We return back to the body.

We took a walk on the astral plane - it’s time to go back. But how to do this?

It’s very simple: give a mental order - “come back!” This was the easiest way to go to the astral plane.

The main thing is to act with unshakable confidence in the success of this event. If you are by nature an indecisive person, you shouldn’t even start. Still, if the attempt fails, you should force yourself to fall asleep again and repeat everything from the beginning. Usually, two weeks of daily training is enough for this practice to be successful. I recommend keeping a diary in which to record your achievements and feelings. When you put your thought on paper, it will help you understand it more clearly.

Just watch - don't get too carried away. Staying outside the body for too long is dangerous. As soon as you see your body from the outside, immediately come back.

Among them there are very simple ones, which are accessible to every beginning astral traveler, and quite complex ones, which require additional training and certain knowledge and skills. In this article we will talk about seven techniques that will be of interest to both beginners and those who have already had experience entering the astral plane.

Through experience, you can determine the exit technique that is most suitable for you and practice astral flights. Remember that training should be regular, since it is frequent repetitions of the chosen technique that will help you achieve success and master the skills necessary for astral flights.

Method one: Astral double

  • Sit in a chair. Relax, you should be calm and confident. Now look at yourself from the outside, mentally create your double, paying close attention to every part of your body, from your fingers to the smallest details of your face.
  • In front of you is your copy, absolutely identical both externally and internally. Begin to gradually give your double your energy. To do this, imagine that a cord has appeared in the area of ​​your solar plexus that connects you and your copy. Give as much energy as you can, let it flow along this cord to your double and fill him with vitality.
  • This exercise should be done daily for two months. Over time, you will feel that, together with the flowing energy, you yourself are ready to “float” to your double. Don’t resist this, and soon you will be able to see yourself from the outside, through the eyes of your own astral double.

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Method two: Muscular technique

Many techniques for entering the astral space are based on visualization. But it is likely that not everyone is able to effectively use such methods. It is for such people that the kinesthetic or, in other words, muscular method of entering the astral plane was created.

Lie down on the bed, relax, plug your ears and close your eyes. Let nothing distract you.

Concentrate on yourself, on your own “I”, distance yourself from the physical body, imagine that you just came out of it. The main thing to remember is that you need to express the clearest and most clear intention to leave your body and go to the astral plane.

After this, tense all the muscles of your body and do not relax them as much as possible long time. Then suddenly relax and try to experience the feeling of falling into the abyss.

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Method three: Meditation

The meditation method of entering the astral plane is one of the most popular and does not require large energy expenditures. Entering the astral plane through meditation is quite simple, and its effectiveness has been confirmed more than once by many people who entered the astral space during a meditation session.

Sit comfortably in a reclining chair, relax and close your eyes. Try to think about something pleasant. Relax your muscles and body until every part of it feels like cotton wool.

Having achieved complete physical relaxation, let go of all your thoughts and try to free your consciousness from everything. Let it merge into absolute emptiness. Often, when relaxing their mind, people hear a quiet hum in their ears, feel a gentle breeze, or feel a chill running through their skin. The most bizarre images and pictures may appear before your closed eyes; look at them, but do not try to analyze them.

When your body and mind are completely relaxed, simply lie down and wait. During this process, spontaneous movements may occur, you may feel as if your head is growing in size or your limbs are beginning to change. Vibrations may occur throughout the body, which will become more and more noticeable. Lie quietly and don’t think about anything, because it is the incessant vibration that is sure sign that you are leaving your physical body.

  • Imagine your travel route. Fantasize and create the most vivid images possible. Try to merge with the emerging picture, gradually penetrate into it.
  • Now all the doors are open to you: go to your past, go to visit your friend, or fly to where you would like to go all your life. Contemplate not only your past and present self, but also your future, during this conversation you will definitely discover something new for yourself.
  • When you realize it's time to return to real life, just order yourself to return to your physical shell, to your body. Lie quietly for a while, without moving, and then open your eyes.
  • Analyze your astral flight, think about what you experienced. Ask yourself the following questions: was the exit truly astral or was it just a trick of the imagination? How easy was this exit for you? What sensations did you experience while traveling on the astral plane? If all your sensations were exactly the same as in ordinary life– you really made an exit to the astral plane.
  • Remember that the more you practice such exits, the better and faster you will be able to perform astral travel. Persistence and perseverance are what you need to enter the astral plane using the meditation method.

It is possible that your first exit will be so quick and unexpected that you will immediately return to your physical body, but this will once again prove to you the effectiveness and efficiency of this method.

There are many ways to meditate. Over time, you will choose for yourself exactly the one that will be most suitable. The main thing here is to use the meditation session as a kind of springboard for traveling to the astral plane.

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Method four: Webster technique

Another common and effective method exit to the astral plane, which was proposed by R. Webster.

This method is simple, but many people need to repeat it several times to actually achieve astral flight. This is due to the difficulty of simultaneously implementing both conscious and subconscious volitional efforts. Before you start practicing this method, try to think about astral exit as much as possible. Constantly think about the importance and significance of this astral flight, then your subconscious will record all the necessary settings, and it will be much easier for you to make an astral flight.

  • The room in which you are going to enter the astral plane should be dark and warm enough. No one should disturb you or distract your attention. Conduct the experiment completely alone.
  • Close your eyes and focus completely on your breathing. After this, transfer all your attention to the tips of the toes of one foot, try to think only about this, without allowing any unnecessary thoughts. Imagine how your astral body leaves its physical shell in this very place.
  • Then repeat all the steps, but with the other leg. Feel how the astral body is gradually freed, starting from the tips of the legs and ending with the back of the head. At this time, imagine how your astral double flows around your physical body.
  • Gather all your will in the forehead area and express the desire to enter the astral plane. Right now the necessary motivations should come into play – both conscious and subconscious.

With every fiber of your soul, wish to make an astral flight, and then you will feel that you are soaring up to the ceiling, seeing the body left on the bed.

Method five: Harari method

Based on the principle of visualization, the Harari method is an effective and efficient way to develop the mobility of your consciousness.

  • Choose a place in the apartment where you are especially comfortable, both physically and mentally. Once you have chosen such a place in the house, go outside and find an equally suitable place in the open air. These two places should be located close to each other, literally a ten-minute walk.
  • Stand in the second chosen spot, close your eyes and take one deep breath. Imagine that you are in a comfortable chair, nothing bothers you, and you are completely relaxed. Then slowly open your eyes, imagining that everything that is happening to you now is an important part of your out-of-body experience. Let all emotions and impressions become as vivid as possible.
  • Take a deep breath, look around you and let the whole gamut of sensations pass through you, feel yourself and the nature around you as strongly and deeply as possible. Then slowly walk to the first place you choose, while continuing to sensually capture everything around you. Don't talk to anyone along the way.
  • You must be a mute observer, your mind must be occupied only with the sensations that gives you the world. Don't think about problems at work or in your family. Once you enter the premises, spend 15 minutes there and then return back. Take a deep breath, close your eyes and imagine yourself sitting at home in a cozy chair.

Open your eyes and hurry home. At home, take off your shoes and, sitting in a chair, try to completely relax and concentrate on thoughts about the place outside the house where you have recently been. Remember what sensations you experienced when you were just standing or sitting in an imaginary chair. Take a deep breath and imagine that you are in the first place, indoors. Think about the feelings and sensations you experienced when you imagined your body walking into the house and sitting in a chair.

Method six: Access to the astral plane using the vortex method

Thanks to the vortex method you will find the necessary for astral travel mobility of consciousness. The vortex method is conventionally divided into two parts. At the first stage, you will need to adhere to a certain special diet. You should give up meat and also try to limit yourself in the amount of food you eat.

Two hours before entering the astral plane, you will have to completely give up food. Your main food should be fruits and vegetables, especially carrots. Eat raw eggs. Don't eat nuts, don't drink too much liquid, and avoid alcohol and coffee altogether. Do not smoke or use any drugs.

This diet should be followed for at least two weeks before the intended exit to the astral plane, but the longer, the easier it will be to carry out astral travel.

  • When you decide that you are completely ready to enter the astral plane, sit comfortably in a dark room, do not cross your arms or legs. Place a glass of plain water nearby.
  • Breathe deeply, relax. After the breathing exercise is completed, imagine that you are inside a large cone. Mentally go up and imagine that you are in the epicenter of a whirlwind. Identify yourself with the top of the cone until the vortex takes you out of the cone.
  • Other options for the imaginary picture are also possible. You can imagine yourself sitting on a blanket with steam evaporating from it. Identifying yourself with this vapor, free yourself from the outer shell and leave your body.
  • Another option: it's like you're looking at your mirror image. Looking carefully at your own double in the mirror, imagine that your consciousness is passing to it.
  • Imagine yourself sitting inside a large barrel, into which water is gradually poured. When the water fills the entire space, find a loophole in the barrel and go to the astral plane.

The main goal of this method is to divert your attention from the physical body.

Method seven: Okoya technique

This method is based on the ancient magic of the Sumerians, it is simple and effective and does not require any special skills. Appealing to the spirit of Okoya will not only help you enter the astral plane, but also achieve much more.

Sit down and cross your legs. With the ring finger of your right hand, draw twelve lines in the air at chest level, drawing them away from you.

Clasp your hands at chest level. Imagine these lines lighting up with a dark red flame. Say the mantra:

"Tor ma leyo roz Okoya"

The lines will begin to move and permeate your body. Desire to leave your physical body and as soon as you feel that you are ready to leave, say: “shi oh.”

Once upon a time, most people associated astral travel only with science fiction films and books, but in Lately these seem to be secret knowledge became available. The most famous astral travelers are shamans who explore other worlds and receive the knowledge they need from there. According to esotericists, absolutely anyone can go to the astral plane.

Difference between astral travel and sleep

There is only one way to get to the astral world - through sleep. In fact, sleep and astral travel are similar in many ways, but astral travel is a fully conscious dream, when the physical body is separated from the mental, spiritual shell, but the mind does not sleep, as during ordinary sleep. The separation of the physical body from the spiritual occurs for every person every day; for this you just need to fall asleep. Scientists have proven that when falling asleep, the mental body separates and is located exactly in the same position as the physical body, but about half a meter above the person.

Therefore, the main difference between ordinary sleep and immersion in the astral plane is manifested in the mind’s control of all actions of the spiritual body; during ordinary sleep, the brain rests and the most surprising things that can happen are dreams, most often dictated to us by the subconscious.

How to enter the astral plane for a beginner. What you need to know

Anyone who is little familiar with astral travel should not rush to move on to practice; first of all, it is worth paying attention to the many nuances of entering the astral plane in order to protect yourself, as still a beginner in this practice, from dangerous consequences. Knowledge of such basic principles of astrotravel as:

  • Sleep control. It is to begin to distinguish and highlight the exact moment when you fall asleep.
  • Development of visualization skills. It is necessary for at least a week to train the idea of ​​how immersion into the astral plane has already occurred.
  • Self confidence. It is extremely important to be mentally prepared to enter the astral plane.
  • Calm. Often beginners have a fear of not returning from the astral plane, so you should remain calm and understand that at any moment, as soon as you want to return, you can do it.

A beginner should remember that rarely does anyone manage to plunge into another world the first few times. Therefore, you should not be upset if nothing worked out and you, for example, just fell asleep. It is important not to stop practicing, but to move slowly towards your goal - an exciting astro journey.

Why are techniques needed to enter the astral plane?

Absolutely all techniques for entering the astral plane are created in order to correctly target the brain for the upcoming journey. The fact is that when a practitioner performs these simple techniques, he automatically disconnects from the outside world and turns off his internal monologue. Also, these techniques allow you to “swing” the body and trigger the vibrations necessary for astral practice.

By the way, masters of astrotravel rarely use preliminary techniques, because... their body has already mastered the technique of entering the astral plane to the point of automatism, but beginners in this matter are recommended to start with the techniques.

Methods and techniques for immersion in the astral plane

There are many ways to enter the astral plane, for this reason, a beginner in the practice of astral travel should, after trying several techniques for immersion, choose the most convenient one for himself and practice it daily, this is how the ability to enter the astral plane develops.

A fairly well-known method of immersion into the astral plane is the so-called vortex method. The essence of this method is to follow a special vegetarian diet, as well as to avoid drinking coffee, alcohol, and cigarettes for at least two weeks.

Next, you should take a sitting position (make sure that your back is straight and the energy flows unhindered), without crossing your arms and legs. Also a well-known practitioner of astral travel, Minnie Keeler, recommends having a glass of clean water nearby, which, according to her, will protect you during practice from evil spirits living in the astral plane.

After completing several breathing cycles, you should imagine that you are in the center of a large cone. With the help of consciousness, you should rise to the top of the cone, then imagine yourself inside the vortex movement, while identifying yourself with the top of the cone. This visualization should be repeated until the shell of the cone bursts and you find yourself outside with the help of a vortex.

It should be noted that the vortex method is best suited for those who have a well-established visualization practice, since with its help it helps to transfer attention from the body to the mind. This method also has other options:

  • You are in a barrel that is gradually filled with water; when the water fills the barrel, you should find a hole in the side of it and go through it to the astral plane.
  • You are sitting on a carpet through which steam is passing, imagine that you are this very steam and are rising up, leaving the body.

Technique for a beginner

One of the simplest ways for beginners is to remember about 10 basic objects in one of the rooms of your apartment, the smell of the room, the lighting and the general environment. Then, having already left the room, you need to close your eyes and imagine yourself again in this room. If all the information about the room was collected correctly, then it will be possible to present it without much difficulty. In the future, traveling along already familiar routes mentally, you can develop more and more the ability of astral exit.

Hypnotic way

With the help of hypnosis, you can go to the astral plane for those for whom the visualization method or other methods of visiting the astral plane are very difficult. Such immunity occurs in cases where a person’s consciousness is closed or inhibited. The hypnotic method allows, bypassing the impact on a person’s consciousness and mind, to work with his subconscious.

There are two options for this technique:

  • the practitioner of astral projection himself enters a trance using the technique of self-hypnosis;
  • A specialist has a hypnotic effect on the subconscious.

It is worth noting that several self-hypnosis techniques have been identified, many of them are described in some detail in the specialized literature and do not pose a serious danger to the practitioner.

"Swing" method

This method of traveling to the astral plane, like “Swing”, is an imaginary swing. There are no restrictions on its use and, accordingly, everyone can use it. The essence of this method is that, having taken a comfortable position and closing your eyes, you need to imagine how warmth spreads throughout the body and how the sun’s rays “caress” the body. Next, you need to imagine that you are riding on a swing, which gradually accelerates and lifts you into the very sky, you should not be afraid, but you need to fly away from the swing. In the first sessions, it is recommended to land close to your body; as you progress in this technique, you can go on a “journey” to any place you want, but you should always start moving from the body.

"Swing" method

Through astral contact

One of the safe techniques is considered to be accessing another reality with the help of astral contact or, in other words, a mentor. But you should take the choice of a practice partner quite seriously, because... the main burden lies on him, not on you. It is the teacher who will help you plunge into the astral plane and, if necessary, help you return, completely controlling your stay outside the body. In addition, among astro travelers there are stories about how dishonest mentors, during the journey of the mental body, inserted another soul into the physical body, leaving the practitioner outside the threshold of the real world.

Alice Bailey Method

Alice Bailey's method is to move consciousness into the head before going to sleep, but in no case should you lose control of consciousness, as when falling asleep normally. We must strive to ensure that consciousness remains active - this is very important for entering the astral plane. By developing the ability to relax and gradually shift consciousness from the whole body to the head, you can learn to control yourself when entering the astral world. But unfortunately, this method You can’t call it fast-acting, and mastering astral travel with its help will take a very long time.

Method from Kate Harari

Kate Harari's method is not the easiest method of preparing for entering the astral plane. According to this method, your task is to choose the room in the apartment that you love most. After the choice is made, you also need to find a pleasant place for you outside the apartment or house - on the street. You should spend 10-15 minutes in this place, standing there with your eyes closed and absorbing the atmosphere of this place. Then, while still outside, you need to take a deep breath and imagine that you are on a comfortable sofa or chair. As you experience this, you should slowly open your eyes and imagine that everything you see around you is a consequence of your experience outside the body journey. Through inhalation, you should take a good look at the surrounding area and gradually begin to move to the room in the house that you have chosen for practice. Since, in your opinion, you are now receiving your first out-of-body experience, it is better to avoid communicating with people so as not to disrupt the chain of work with consciousness that is important for this method. Then, after you spend 10-15 minutes in the apartment, you should return to the street, close your eyes and, taking a deep breath, imagine that you are in this moment indoors, on your sofa or chair. After this, you need to open your eyes and return to the apartment. Find a comfortable position, relax and think about the place in the fresh air where you just were. Try to remember how you felt on the street, how you felt, imagining that you were sitting on the sofa. Next, through inhalation, you should imagine that you were again indoors and try to imagine what you felt when you stood on the street and imagined that your physical body was already at home.

Although this technique at first glance it may seem confusing, but it’s worth understanding it, because the technique that forms its basis is best able to prepare for entering the astral plane.

"Matema Shinto" - a pair outing

The “Paired Out” technique is based on the fact that two people who practice lucid dreaming and feel each other non-verbally use access to astral projection to convey some important information. To do this, it is necessary, while already outside the body, to meet in one designated place, and, after taking exactly 60 steps, knock on the door that appears nearby. When it is opened, you should convey the information and go back exactly 60 steps. Such a session, of course, requires training, but in the case when entering the astral plane occurs in a couple, there is a good opportunity to have support from a close friend while practicing out-of-body practices.

Meditation for ejecting the astral body from the shell

One of the main tools for preparing for entering the astral plane is meditation. Moreover, according to practicing astrologers, to practice it, it is better to take a sitting position and “trigger” relaxation of the whole body in it, based on the following algorithm of actions:

  • relax your arms and legs;
  • transfer the relaxation to the muscles of the body;
  • the face relaxes;
  • the body becomes soft like plasticine, and the work of consciousness is suspended (for better work you can concentrate on breathing).

There is also a version that a good step for entering the astral plane is the well-known “Shavasana” - one of the relaxing yoga asanas. The main difference between this meditation is that the body is ejected from a lying position, and not from a sitting position, as mentioned above.

What can you see when entering the astral plane?

For people not involved in astral flights, there is a standard description of such a place as the astral and it is often compared with the stories of people who have experienced clinical death. Indeed, those who practice astral access first of all see a certain corridor or deep tunnel, rotating and glowing.

In general, a trip to the astral world is a trip to exactly the same place as reality. This means that in the astral plane you should not expect to meet characters from science fiction films or any fictional creatures. Here there is a high probability of meeting only those who have long gone into another world, or those with whom you have not had a meeting for a very long time, but these people are significant to you - the fact is that in astral space there is no concept of time to which we got used to it.

What can you feel when entering the astral plane?

While on the astral plane, you can track how your presence here differs from your existence in reality. According to the testimony of practicing astrologers, the astral world provides additional, limitless capabilities to the body, such as passing through walls, the ability to fly, understand the language of animals and plants, and much more. In general, the presence of such possibilities is explained by the fact that any action in astral projection is carried out with the help of thoughts, and the abilities of our mind, as we know, are limitless.

As for the sensations of oneself, a person, being in the astral plane, recognizes his mental body as a ball or some kind of transparent figure; as he develops in the practice of entering the astral plane, a person can begin to see himself in a normal image.

When you enter the astral world for the first time, you can feel calm and relaxed throughout your body, lightness and a feeling as if you are floating in the air. By the way, the first exit from the body should not exceed the limit of 5 minutes, and it is also not recommended to move far from the body.

Terrible dangers lurk in the astral plane

When practicing exits to the astral plane, especially if you do not follow the rules and “walk” quite far from the body, you can run into some troubles, which then have consequences in reality. The astral world initially belongs to spirits and ghosts, and each of them has their own intentions, not always good. Thus, going into the astral plane without protection, there is always a risk:

  • do not return to the ordinary world, stuck in the astral;
  • attract negative entities from the astral world, as a result of which there is a possibility of acquiring mental illness, popularly called “obsession.”

In order to avoid getting into such situations, it is recommended to carefully study the literature on this topic and follow the rules that do not allow you to “travel” outside the home and, if you do long sessions, then secure yourself using the technique of entering the astral plane as a couple.

Rules that will save you from death in the astral plane

Before you start practicing astral travel, you should ask yourself the question “Why do I need this?” Having studied a sufficient amount of information on this topic, and without losing the desire to practice lucid dreaming, you should devote quite a lot of attention to protecting yourself during sessions. Of course, the best defense is prayer and a pectoral cross, which create a kind of shield on the mental level. If you do not belong to the Christian religion, then you can use any other symbols of faith, the main thing is the light energy that arises around you from such means of protection.