Quiet zone in Mexico. “Zone of Silence” in Mexico: what secrets does the deserted desert hide? Phenomena of the anomalous zone

This anomalous zone, located in the desert of Mexico, is called among scientists the Tethys Sea. For local residents, it is better known as the Silence Zone. Radio devices do not work here, electrical equipment fails, and a host of other incomprehensible phenomena occur.

At first glance, there may be nothing interesting in the Zone of Silence. One has only to imagine a desert area and unremarkable sparse vegetation. But the mysterious phenomena occurring here have glorified it to the most remote parts of the world. Since the mid-19th century, something strange has been going on here. Local peasants talked about hot stones falling to the ground, mysterious lights and lights seen in the sky at night.

Mexican pilot F. Sarabia is considered the discoverer of the anomalous Zone of Silence. In the thirties of the last century, he flew over the Mexican desert. For absolutely no reason, his radio station went silent, and after a while, as if obeying someone’s will, it started working again. The pilot, as expected, reported this incident to the flight director, and since then has become a pioneer of this anomalous zone.

Place where equipment breaks down

In the middle of the last century, an engineer named Harry de la Pena carried out geological surveys in these places. His radio suddenly turned off, and the researcher had to return to the base in order to repair it.

Upon returning to the camp, the radio worked as if nothing had happened. But as soon as Harry returned to his place of work, the breakdown story repeated itself again. This is how the engineer became acquainted with the anomalous territory, which the local population calls the Zone of Silence.

Indeed, the Mexican Zone of Silence seems to have declared war on all cars, televisions and radios. If at the very border of a given territory the radio receiver whispers at least something, then closer to the center it is already silent, like a real partisan.

In addition, cars constantly stall here, cases of , and there is even talk of encounters with humanoids. Local residents observe meteorite falls much more often than in any other place. It’s strange, but until some time scientists simply ignored the Zone of Silence.

Beginning of research into the anomaly

In the 70s of the last century, a rocket called Athena was launched at the American White Sands test site. For an unknown reason, Athena first strayed from its intended course, then went into the Silence Zone, and then exploded.

Just a few years later, a stage of the Saturn rocket caught fire here. It was impossible not to pay attention to these incidents, and the Zone of Silence received its moment of glory. The US Department of Defense, in agreement with the Mexican authorities, sent its specialists to the anomalous zone.

Ever since the time of Harry de la Pena, there have been suggestions that in this place radio waves are suppressed by some kind of magnetic influences. Time passed, and a scientific town appeared in the Silence Zone, where scientists from different countries globe to study an unusual phenomenon. Among scientists, the anomalous environment is called the Tethys Sea. In former times, there was an ocean with that name.

How are the oddities that arise in the Zone of Silence explained? It turns out that in this place there is a magnetic anomaly in combination with increased background radiation. Deposits of uranium and magnetite were discovered in this place. Most likely, this circumstance leads to malfunction of various electrical appliances. In addition to all of the above, it was found that in this place the level ultraviolet radiation significantly exceeds similar indicators observed in the most. No one has yet been able to explain this phenomenon.

Humanoids rush to the rescue

One day they were so carried away by their occupation that they did not even notice the approaching thunderstorm. Having thrown all their loot into the trunk, the couple were going to speed off in the car, but they never succeeded. The rain poured down, the dirt road became wet, and the car became hopelessly stuck in the mud. All the efforts of the spouses aimed at liberation from the mud captivity were in vain.

And then, through the rain veil, they saw two men of unusually tall stature. They quickly approached the car and waved their hands in greeting. Their faces were unusual in appearance, but at the same time their expression seemed quite kind to the spouses. The men offered their help to the archaeologists and headed to the trunk. The next second, the car seemed to fly out onto non-swampy ground. Wanting to thank his rescuers, Ernesto got out of the car, but there was already no trace of the strangers.

Probably, the Diaz spouses met those two men who some time ago entered the ranch located on the border of the anomalous zone. According to the ranchers, they were very tall and beautiful people with long white hair and clothes of a strange cut and color. Their speech was impeccable and at the same time melodic. They needed nothing but water. To the question: “Where did you come from?” they smiled pleasantly and answered in one word: “From above.”

Who can see it, who can't

A strange story happened to a journalist from Spain named Luis Ramiros. He found himself in the Silence Zone with a large group of his colleagues. While everyone was busy setting up camp in the city of Ceballos, Luis, accompanied by a photographer, went on a journey through the desert. In an unfamiliar place, they eventually got lost. The improvident travelers did not take any water or food with them.

Finding themselves in an unfamiliar place, the researchers felt a slight panic. The ever-increasing feeling of anxiety eventually reached its climax, and the companions were seized with terrible fear.

At this time, Ramiros saw three people in unusual clothes and turned to the photographer driving the car with a request to stop it. But he, without slowing down, rushed past. “Why didn’t you brake?” - Ramiros was indignant. The photographer replied: “There was no point in slowing down, since not a soul was visible around.”

The journalist decided that the sun was hot on his head, and he began to have visions. However, after some time, he saw the same people again. Ramiros asked to slow down under the pretext that he needed to go out to relieve himself.

Having got out of the car, the man approached the travelers and said hello. The strangers answered him warmly and then informed him that they were looking for the missing goats. Ramiros asked them how to get to Ceballos, and they explained to him in detail. The photographer watching the journalist kept looking at him as if he were crazy. The driver was completely discouraged when, following Ramiros's tips, they quickly reached Ceballos.

The journalist told his colleagues about an intriguing adventure in which he had the opportunity to become a participant. They laughed and replied that goats had never been bred here, and people did not live in that area. But the journalist stubbornly insisted on his own, and the next day, accompanied by several police officers, he went in search of strangers. Unfortunately, the search was unsuccessful, and the travelers seemed to have disappeared into the ground. The journalist did not understand who told him the right path - aliens who took on human form, or ghosts who came from the other world.

The Zone of Silence (Zone of Silence, “Sea of ​​Tethys”) is an anomalous zone in the desert, a mysterious territory on the border of the states of Durango, Chihuahua and Coahuila (Mexico) 400 miles south of American city El Paso. The main oddity of this place, first of all, is that the radios here go off and not a single TV receives transmissions (hence the name given by the local residents).
The “Zone of Silence” is a flat, dull plain, where frail thorny bushes and cacti are found only occasionally, but poisonous snakes are found in abundance. However, people have settled here since prehistoric times, settling around the few springs. Some sources have not dried up to this day.

In terms of its mystery, as scientists say, it is comparable to the Bermuda Triangle, Egyptian pyramids and Buddhist monasteries in the Himalayas, fortunately, it is located at the same latitude as these world celebrities. What is this mystery expressed in? For example, in the small town of Ceballos, televisions do not work, and radios barely sound even at full power. If you move away from this settlement 50 kilometers into the deserted desert, then the radio finally turns off, the clock stops, and the compass needle dances.

According to Dr. Santiago Garcia, people knew about the oddities in this zone back in the middle of the 19th century. Even in those days, farmers often observed “hot stones” falling to the ground from a clear sky...

In the 1930s, Mexican airline pilot Francisco Sarabia's radio stopped working "for no apparent reason" while flying over the zone; he told his superiors about this and became the first officially recognized victim due to the strange features of the "Zone of Silence".

In 1964, chemical engineer Harry de la Peña carried out geophysical exploration in this desert area near San Ignacio Hill. It was pure chance that helped discover the “Zone of Silence” - the engineer’s radio suddenly stopped working. He returned to base to repair the device, but the radio was intact. On our next visit to the mysterious place, history repeated itself. From that moment on, discoveries in the “Zone of Silence” came one after another. It turned out, in particular, that here meteorites literally rain down from the sky [IG, 1997, No. 60, p. 4]. Despite the proximity of the United States, from where, it would seem, dozens of scientists would immediately come to study the mystery of nature, nevertheless, no one began full-fledged experiments. It would be logical to assume that nearby (underground?) there is a secret military base, whose powerful installations turn the entire broadcast upside down. But... no one, including the Americans, has such equipment yet, especially not in 1964.

However, both the authorities and the public really became interested in the “quirks” of the zone only in the 1970s, when the American experimental ballistic missile Athena, launched from the White Sands test site, suddenly deviated from its course and, rushing towards this zone, crashed into earth... A few years later, one of the stages of the Saturn rocket (the launch vehicle of the famous Apollo spacecraft) exploded over the zone.

After this, according to media reports, the US military department sent a special group to study the mysterious features of the ill-fated territory. One of the first scientists to explore the “Zone of Silence” and its strange properties was Harry de La Peña, it was his group who discovered that communication using portable radios was impossible in this place. It was claimed that there is a certain “magnetic force that suppresses radio waves” in this region.

edited news RammkindeR - 1-11-2012, 21:46

Or, as it is also called, the Sea of ​​Tethys, is an unusual desert area at the junction of the borders of the Mexican states of Durango, Chihuahua and Coahuila, 648 km south of the city of El Paso. This area is a flat and rather dull plain, covered with rare stunted thorny bushes and cacti, among which numerous poisonous snakes crawl. People there live around preserved springs. Main oddity silence zones- radios and televisions stop receiving signals there. According to researchers, the territory of silence can be compared with other famous anomalous places and mysterious structures on the planet, for example, the Egyptian pyramids. And they are located at the same latitude. In the silence zone is the small town of Ceballos.

There are no televisions here at all, and radios are barely audible. But if you drive 50 km away from a populated area into the desert, the radio completely stops playing anything coherent, the clock stops, and the compass needle “goes crazy.” The strangeness of this area was known back in the middle of the 19th century. Often, local residents witnessed “hot stones” falling to the ground. The first reliable victim of the whims of the anomalous zone in the 1930s. became Mexican Airlines pilot Francisco Sarabia. While flying over this territory, his radio station suddenly went silent. In 1964, chemical engineer Harry de la Peña was conducting research near San Ignacio Hill. He identified the unusual nature of the surrounding area - the walkie-talkie suddenly stopped functioning. The scientist got ready and returned to the base, where the radio started working again. Harry decided to check his guess and went to the hill. Naturally, the device died down next to him. Since then, interest in the silence zone has gradually increased. Enthusiasts noticed that meteorites sprinkle the ground there quite often. Although the border with the United States is not far, for some reason numerous groups of serious scientists did not rush to study the anomalous zone
and did not conduct full-fledged experiments. Apparently, they waited until the 1970s, when the launch of the American Athena rocket over this zone unexpectedly ended with it deviating from course and falling to the ground. A few years later, one of the stages of the Saturn rocket exploded there. All these events finally prompted the military to organize a special group to study the mysterious properties of this area.

After it was discovered that there is a magnetic force in this zone that suppresses radio waves, researchers regularly visit it, stopping in a town equipped by the Mexican authorities specifically for this purpose. The zone of silence began to be called Tore Tethys. This is what was once called the ancient ocean, the waters of which splashed here in the past. The base for scientists was called “Biosphere”. Naturally, such an extraordinary place could not be avoided by aliens, whom local residents repeatedly observed throughout the 20th century. Humanoid creatures of the strange appearance and UFOs frequented the silence zone. And here is the testimony of researchers Ernesto and Josephine Diaz. On October 3, 1975, they were heading out into the desert in a car to collect strange rocks and ancient fossils when they got caught in a thunderstorm. The dirt rapids quickly became wet and turned into a squelching swamp. The car is stuck. While the drivers were struggling with the mud, two human figures appeared a little further away, approaching the car and waving their arms. Their faces were very unusual. These tall assistants in yellow raincoats and hats easily pushed the car onto solid ground, after which they disappeared without a trace. Those who, by the will of fate, find themselves in this area report mysterious lights and fireballs flying over the ground at night. Moreover, they hover in some place, shimmering in different colors, and instantly fly away, disappearing from sight at the speed of lightning. Local residents talked about a UFO in the form of a brightly glowing ball, from which humanoids allegedly emerged, also shining with a strange light. In 1976, the appearance of a UFO was recorded by photography. The photographs clearly show a shiny silvery object. Several photographs were taken before the unknown aircraft took off into the air and flew west, out of sight. The owners of one of the local small ranches, located on the border with the silence zone, have repeatedly reported that they are periodically visited by 2 men and 1 woman. All three are beautiful, tall, with long white hair. They behaved extremely politely, but were dressed very strangely. Their voices are unusually melodic, although they spoke Spanish. The only thing they asked from the farmers was water. Politely asking if they could take water from the well, they filled their flasks and immediately left. And when asked where they were from, they answered with a smile that it was from above. Also in the silence zone there are the mysterious ruins of an ancient complex of huge stone structures. Most likely they were once astronomical observatory. Their age is several thousand years. There are different versions about the reasons for the strange properties of the Mexican desert. The main one is the assumption of the presence of large deposits of magnetite in these places. Iron ore is known to suppress electromagnetic waves. In addition, a fairly high content of uranium was discovered in the surrounding mountains. True, the question of the reasons for the appearance of UFOs here remains unanswered.

Silence zone or “Sea of ​​Tethys” is an anomalous zone in the desert in Mexico, a mysterious area that is located 400 miles south of the American city of Zl Paso, on the border of the states of Durango, Chihuahua and Coahuila. In this area, televisions do not work, and radios begin to play intermittently and in some places also go completely silent - hence the name given by the local residents. This is the main secret of this area.

The Silent Zone is a flat and gloomy plain. There are practically no plants here, only sometimes you can see a thorny bush or cactus, but there are a lot of poisonous snakes. Nevertheless, people have settled in this area for a long time - since antediluvian times. Settlements were built around scarce springs. Some of these springs have not dried up to this day. Because of this mystery of the Silent Zone, scientists compare its properties with the mysteries of the Bermuda Triangle, the mysteries of the pyramids of Egypt and Buddhist monasteries in the Himalayas. The following fact is striking: all of the above areas, including the Zone of Silence, are located at the same latitude. In the town of Ceballos, located on the outskirts of the Silence Zone, not a single television is working, although the radios still make some sound - but even at full power it is barely audible. If you move 50 km from Ceballos into the desert, the radio finally goes silent and the clock stops.

According to Dr. Santiago Garcia, people knew that mysterious things were happening in this zone back in the middle of the 19th century. Already in those days, farmers living here or nearby often noted how “hot stones” fell to the ground in the middle of a clear sky. In the 1930s, an airline pilot in the Mexican state of Coa Huila named Francisco Sarabia flew over the Zone of Silence. The radio station above his zone went silent, for no apparent reason. The pilot notified his superiors about this incident, and now he is considered the first person of our time to be “injured” due to unusual phenomena in the Silence Zone.

In 1964, Harry de la Peña, a chemical engineer, was engaged in geophysical research in this area, near San Ignacio Hill. Suddenly, de la Peña's radio went off. When he returned to the base to repair the radio, he discovered that it was completely intact. Thus, he accidentally found the Silence Zone. The next time the engineer was in the area again, the same thing happened again. Since then, discoveries have followed one after another in the Silent Zone. In particular, it turned out that meteorite falls are very frequent here. This anomalous zone is located in close proximity to the United States, which, logically, should immediately send experts here and conduct the necessary research. However, this did not happen - no one ever began to closely study this mysterious zone. This behavior of the US government has led some to believe that somewhere nearby (perhaps underground) there is a secret military base using high-power devices, which are the reason for the strange behavior of the Zone. In principle, it is logical, but there is one small detail - in 1964, neither the Americans nor anyone else could have had equipment of such power. Nevertheless, the anomalous zone was safely forgotten for several years, but in the 70s they had to remember about it. Then the American experimental ballistic missile Athena, launched from the White Sands test site, suddenly deviated from its course and, heading towards this zone, exploded there. A few years later, one of the stages of the Saturn rocket burst into flames over the zone. That’s when everyone turned their attention to the Zone of Silence. The US Military Department sent a special group to the Silence Zone to conduct a detailed study of the mysterious features of the anomalous territory. One of the first researchers to study the Zone of Silence was the well-known Harry de la Pena, and his group confirmed that communication using walkie-talkies and portable radio stations is impossible in this area. Researchers have suggested that there is some kind of “magnetic force that suppresses radio waves” in this area.

Since then, experts from different parts of the world have been coming here to study the zone. At the same time, they use a scientific town built in the very center of the Silence Zone as a base camp. The scientists working here gave the Silence Zone the name “Tethys Sea” - that was the name of the ancient ocean, which, according to scientists, was located in this place in ancient times. In the center of this town there is a research laboratory called “Biosphere”, designed to study the species found here. amazing shapes biological life and anomalous phenomena.

It should be noted that unidentified flying objects and humanoids were repeatedly encountered here. Even at the beginning of the 20th century, local residents encountered intelligent creatures of outlandish appearance and behavior. One of these unusual meetings in the Zone of Silence happened with the spouses Ernesto and Josephine Diaz, entrepreneurs and amateur archaeologists, on October 3, 1975. They visited the area to look for interesting stones, fossils and remains of ancient animals. They got so carried away that they noticed the approaching thunderstorm too late. Not wanting to get caught in the rain, they put everything they found in the car and drove away. However, the thunderstorm still overtook them, and the dirt road along which they were traveling became a complete swamp. The car skidded and they were stuck. The Diaz couple tried to prevent the car from getting stuck in the mud, but to no avail. Suddenly they saw two human figures not far away, heading towards the car through the streams of rain, waving their arms welcomingly. These were two very tall men, with unusual but friendly faces. They offered to help Ernesto and Josephine and told the couple to get back into the car. The mysterious strangers moved to the rear of the body, and before Ernesto and Josephine realized what was happening, the car, to their great amazement, flew out onto solid ground from an impassable swamp. As soon as Ernesto came to his senses, he left the cabin to thank his amazing assistants, but found no one...

Magnetic mountain

Travelers who systematically pass through the Silent Zone claim that at night one can see strange lights or fireballs moving above the ground. For some time they simply hang in the air motionless, while every now and then changing their color, and then suddenly they suddenly take off from their place and disappear with the speed of lightning... There are trustworthy eyewitnesses who saw not only the lights, but also... When they arrived at this place in the morning, they found burnt or scorched tufts of grass and stunted bushes. And some even claim to have seen unidentified flying objects.

So, two farmers returning home from a party said that they met an unidentified flying object of very large size. It was a brightly glowing ball that descended from the dark sky to the ground, and aliens emerged from it, glowing with the same strange light. The humanoids headed towards the frightened farms, but they, having come to their senses, began to run.

There is another attraction in the Silence Zone - the so-called Magnetic Mountain. In 1976, the first photographs of an unidentified flying object were taken here, which landed next to it. The photographs show a shining silvery object. The journalist filming managed to film the unidentified object during take-off, when it soared up with a loud roar and almost instantly disappeared from sight in a westerly direction.

At the borders of the Silence Zone there is a small ranch. Its owners described three people who, according to them, regularly entered the estate. According to the descriptions, they were tall, blond, long-haired people: two men and one woman - unusually polite and very beautiful. They were dressed somehow unusually. They spoke excellent Spanish, without any accent, but there was an unusual musical ringing in their voices. These people came to the ranch for water, and exclusively for water. They politely asked permission to fill their own flasks with water from the well. They never asked for anything other than water. When asked where they came from, the strange guests smiled and answered: “From above.”

Sea of ​​Tethys

In November 1978, Luis Ramirez Reyes arrived in the Zone of Silence as part of a group of journalists. Ramirez wanted to pass the rest of the group. Ramirez and his photographer drove into the desert by car to be the first to get to the Biosphere. They were still very far from the laboratory, and the journalist suddenly had the idea that they had no supplies with them - neither water nor food - and that if they suddenly got lost, they would most likely die of thirst and hunger, if suddenly they get lost in the harsh desert. After some time, they came to a fork in the road and turned in the wrong direction - they got lost, just as Ramirez had feared. Soon the journalist saw three figures ahead, walking towards them. Ramirez was delighted, deciding that these were local residents who would help them find their way to the Biosphere, and asked the photographer to stop the car next to the people. But for some reason the photographer drove past them and didn’t even slow down. Ramirez was very surprised and asked the photographer about the reasons for such strange behavior. To this the photographer, no less surprised, replied that there were no people on the road. Ramirez thought that the desert was playing tricks on him and he was already hallucinating. The car drove a little more, and suddenly Ramirez saw the same three “local residents” on the road ahead. This time, when the car drew level with them, Ramirez again asked the photographer, who had not seen anyone, to stop. He obeyed, and Ramirez got out of the car and began asking these people how to get to the laboratory. They explained that we needed to turn aside and drive along the mountainous part of the “Tethys Sea”. In addition, they actually identified themselves as local residents and said that their sheep and goats were lost somewhere here, so they were looking for them. The journalist was surprised that these “local residents” had no water, no provisions, or any special equipment for traveling through the desert, although it was not unsafe to travel lightly in this gloomy desert. Nevertheless, Ramirez thanked them and returned to the car to the amazed photographer. They went the way that was indicated to them and after a short time they actually got to the “Biosphere”. The rest of the group was already there. Having met with them, Ramirez told about an unusual incident. The head of the laboratory, Harry de la Pena, was amazed to note that there were neither local residents nor anyone else in the desert, except for the visiting group of correspondents and those in the “Biosphere”. And even more so, here, said de la Peña, there are no sheep or goats to look for. In the following days, the group conducted a thorough study of the area, and definitely found out that for many kilometers around the desert was completely deserted...

There are many such testimonies. There are also reports of contacts with strange dwarfs - creatures that are only a few tens of centimeters tall. Ruben Lopez, a local businessman, once crossed the Zone of Silence on his way to Ceballos. His car's engine suddenly began to sputter, which surprised him since he had just passed the inspection. And then he saw ahead, at a distance of thirty meters, five short figures located on the side of the road. Lopez at first decided that these were just children who had gotten lost, but suddenly he saw that the “children” were dressed in strange silver overalls, and on their heads they had helmets that looked like motorcycle helmets. They headed towards Lopez's car, surrounding it, and then he got seriously scared. Lopez sharply pressed the gas in neutral, the engine howled, which made a shocking impression on the “dwarfs”. They scattered and disappeared into the darkness. As soon as the unusual dwarfs have disappeared from view, the car engine will start working normally again.

As mentioned in the first part of the article, meteorites fall with incredible frequency in the Silent Zone. In the late 1950s, a meteorite fell near the capital of the Mexican state of Chihuahua. Studies have shown that its composition included substances much more ancient than our entire solar system. As Professor Luisa Maeda Villalobos then said, “the material of this meteorite is as ancient as the Universe itself; The solar system is 5 billion years old, and this meteorite is a whopping 7 billion years older.” ... There are other mysteries in the Zone of Silence - for example, the amazing ruins of an ancient complex of Cyclopean stone structures, which experts tend to consider an ancient astronomical observatory. According to the most conservative estimates, it was built several thousand years ago, even before the Great Flood happened.

To explain the appearance of unidentified flying objects and anomalous phenomena, a variety of assumptions have been put forward. Thus, Dr. Santiago Garcia, who devoted a significant part of his life to researching this anomalous area, suggested that the US military could test a reconnaissance robot here, which was the source of the mysterious glow. During the day, its solar batteries could automatically replenish their charge, and at night the robot secretly carried out its research. Garcia recalled that when the Air Force team arrived at the site where the Athena rocket exploded to collect its debris, the military also took with them several truckloads of soil, apparently taking it from the desert for analysis. As to why the devices do not work here, some researchers say that the area has abundant deposits of magnetite, which can cause suppression of electromagnetic waves. In addition, analyzes of rocks from mountain ranges in this area have shown that they contain significant amounts of uranium.

And yet, with a stretch, these assumptions can explain only part of the phenomena. There is no answer yet to the question of what unidentified objects and mysterious humanoids appear here, why and where from.


In the north of Mexico there is a place where a person experiences inexplicable fear. There, car engines suddenly stall, televisions do not work. The radios either go silent or start broadcasting some kind of incomprehensible speech, for unknown reasons the clock stops ticking, and the compass cannot find the north. Very interesting fact: despite the fact that the radio in the silence zone usually does not pick up anything, there are points from which it is sometimes possible, even with the help of a very weak receiver, to tune in to a transmission coming from Japan or Korea. At night, multi-colored circles blaze here in the dark sky, which then merge into balls of fire and fly high into the sky.

This place, unlike any other, is called Zona Del Silencio - Zone of Silence ("Zone of Silence"), or, as the Mexicans themselves also call it - "Sea of ​​Tethys", and is located between 26-28 degrees northern latitude and 102-106 degrees west longitude, on the border of three Mexican states: Durango, Chihuahua and Coahuila, 400 miles south of the small town of El Paso.
By the way, these are the very latitudes at which Bermuda Triangle, mysterious Egyptian pyramids, strange Buddhist temples in Tibet and where, according to one version, the mysterious Atlantis rests in the depths of the sea. Add to this the stories of eyewitnesses that in the “Zone of Silence” meteorites literally fall from the sky, containing crystals much more ancient than the solar system, that “flying saucers” appear here every now and then and aliens from other worlds roam, and you will become It’s clear: “The zone of silence is a real mystery.

In appearance, this is a very impressive area: blue, almost always cloudless skies and red-yellow sandy soil, on which bushes of prickly cacti barely hang on here and there, but poisonous snakes are found in abundance. However, people have settled here since prehistoric times, settling around the few springs. Some sources have not dried up to this day. This whole exotic picture is bordered by lilac-orange low mountains.

The terrain is very unique. Between the low mountains there are saucer-shaped depressions with an area of ​​100 to 1500 hectares, called bolsons by the Spaniards. The largest and most important depression of the Mexican Highlands is the Bolson de Mapimi, bordered by steep calcareous edges. The silence zone occupies its central part.

It must be said in advance that an inquisitive tourist who sees the world through the lens of a photo or video camera will not find any spectacular or visual attractions here today for his photo album. There are no remains of ancient settlements, temple ruins, famous Aztec pyramids or geoglyphs, such as the Nazca Plateau. Just a piece of wild, waterless desert, far from any civilization. And, nevertheless, it deserves the closest attention of the scientific world and inquisitive people.

Stories of the Zone of Silence

The zone of silence at one time became interested in Santiago Roel Garcia (1919-2001), a Mexican political figure and scientist, Minister of Foreign Affairs of Mexico from 1976 to 1979, who, after leaving politics, devoted himself to historical research. His research records that unusual properties"cursed" Zone of Silence were first noticed in late XIX century, when a group of farmers tried in vain to grow cereal crops on barren land, periodically fell under a hail of “hot stones” falling from a clear sky.

Closer to night, a strong glow in the form of small rings is visible above the dead zone. The local residents called it “crazy lights,” probably because the rings rush wildly one after another, while remaining away from people.

Some local residents, many of whom are quite trustworthy, have not only observed mysterious lights. Returning to this place the next morning, we saw scorched or scorched tufts of grass and frail bushes.

On October 3, 1975, a strange meeting in the zone occurred between the spouses Ernesto and Josephine Diaz. These entrepreneurs and amateur archaeologists drove into the zone in their Ford pickup truck, intending to collect unusual stones and fossilized remains of ancient animals. Carried away by the search, they did not immediately notice the approaching thunderstorm. A few minutes later, the couple hastily packed their finds into the car and rushed away; however, the thunderstorm still overtook them, and the dirt road turned into a swamp. The pickup skidded, Ernesto and Josephine tried to prevent the car from completely getting stuck in the mud. And then, not far away, two human figures appeared, walking towards the car through the streams of rain and waving their hands welcomingly. Two very tall guys in yellow waterproof raincoats and hats offered their help to the desperate travelers. The trustworthy faces of the strangers were unusual. The guys asked the spouses to sit back in the pickup cab, and they went to the back of the truck. And before Ernesto and Josephine realized what was happening, their car literally flew out of a huge swamp onto solid ground! When Ernesto, who came to his senses, left the cabin to thank the saviors, they were nowhere to be seen...

Travelers regularly traversing the area have reported strange lights or fireballs moving above the ground at night. For some time they hang motionless in the air, changing their color, and then suddenly they take off and disappear with the speed of lightning...

Two farmers returning home from a party said that they saw a huge UFO in the form of a brightly glowing ball that descended from the dark sky to the ground, and humanoids emerged from it, glowing with the same strange light. The humanoids headed towards the farmers standing in a daze, but they came to their senses and began to run.

A small ranch located near the borders of the zone was regularly visited by three tall, long-haired, blond individuals - two men and one woman, whom the owners of the estate describe as extremely polite, very handsome, but strangely dressed people. And although they spoke impeccable Spanish, an unusual musical ringing was heard in the timbre of their voices. Did the mysterious visitors come solely to replenish their water supplies? They politely asked permission to fill the flasks they brought with them with water from the well and never asked for food or anything else other than water. When they were asked where they came from, they smiled and answered: “From above.”

In November 1978, journalist Luis Ramirez Reyes went to the zone as part of a group of journalists. Determined to get ahead of the rest of the group, Ramirez and his photographer drove a jeep deep into the desert to be the first to reach the Biosphere. They were still very far from their final destination when Ramirez suddenly realized that they had not taken any supplies with them - neither water nor provisions - and could easily die from thirst and hunger if they suddenly got lost in the harsh desert. Soon they reached a fork in the sand of a road with a barely knurled track and chose their further path incorrectly. After some time, Ramirez noticed three figures walking towards them ahead. Hoping that these were local residents from whom he could find out the way to the Biosphere, he asked the photographer who was driving to stop the car. But, to Ramirez's surprise, the jeep drove past them without slowing down! When asked why the photographer did not stop near the people walking along the road, he replied that he did not see any people on the road! Ramirez decided that the desert had already affected his psyche and he began to see visions... The jeep drove a couple more miles, and Ramirez, to his amazement, again saw the same “three local residents” ahead. When the car caught up with them, Ramirez asked the photographer (still not seeing anyone on the road) to stop and began asking those he met about the road to the Biosphere. They explained that we needed to turn aside and drive along the mountainous part of the “Tethys Sea”. These local residents also reported that they were looking for their lost sheep and goats here, although they had neither flasks with water nor the special equipment necessary for travelers in the harsh conditions here.

Following the recommendations received from the “natives,” the travelers after a while breathed a sigh of relief when they saw the tall building of the “Biosphere” in the distance. When they got there and met the rest of their group, Ramirez told the crowd about the strange meeting. The head of the laboratory, Harry de la Peña, who listened attentively to him, noted in an edifying tone that there were no peasants or other people in the desert, except for the visiting group of correspondents and those who make up the permanent contingent of the Biosphere. And, of course, there are no sheep or goats to look after. A survey of the area carried out in the following days made it possible to verify the complete desertion of the desert for tens of miles around...

There are reports of encounters with strangely dressed dwarfs only a few tens of centimeters tall! While local businessman Ruben Lopez was driving through the Sea of ​​Tethys to Ceballos at night, his car's engine suddenly began to misfire. He was very surprised, since the car had just gone through a complete Maintenance. Ahead, about thirty meters, Lopez noticed 5 short figures standing at the edge of the road; At first he thought they were lost children, but then he saw that they were wearing silver overalls and their heads were covered with helmets similar to motorcycle ones. When they began to approach the car, as if surrounding it, the frightened Lopez sharply “accelerated” in neutral, the engine howled, and the short creatures rushed in all directions into the darkness of the night. After the strange dwarfs disappeared from sight, the car engine started working normally again...

Residents of the village of Ceballos, which is located 25 miles from the Zone of Silence, say that the most interesting things happen here at night, when mysterious lights suddenly come to life in the dark sky. This is how one journalist who spent several days in the zone describes this phenomenon:
“At night we saw a light spot suddenly appear from behind a nearby mountain, similar to a lit round Street light. And I felt a chill creep up my back. A light spot of white began to turn greenish-red and, blinking, moved towards us. Suddenly, a little to the right, a lot of small bright stars appeared, starting some kind of incomprehensible game among themselves. They either merged into a circle or aligned into one line. Then, having gathered in the form of an integral, they began to approach us, enlarging in size. They changed color, maneuvered, and then suddenly disappeared.”

If we consider that light is nothing more than a type of electromagnetic waves, then, probably, the basis of these “light anomalies” is the same reason that causes anomalies in the propagation of radio waves. But these are just assumptions.

What is main reason strangeness and mysterious events occurring in the "Zone of Silence"? Since the early 70s of the last century, scientists from Mexico and the USA have been trying to figure out what the mystery is. We will talk about their research in the next publication: “Zone of Silence: In Search of Answers.”

When compiling the article, the following publications were used:

1. Site M.Y.S.T.E.R.I.A. (no author)
2. Site “There are no skeptics” (without author)
3. Website “Radosvet” (author Radosvet)
4. Website TuristUA.com (author Natalia Gapon)
5. Website “Our Planet” (without author)
6. Site "Groupneman" (without author)
7. Articles “Zone of Silence in Mexico” (author Eleonora Mandalyan)