Anomalous "devil's belt". What secrets does the magic of mirrors hold? Anomalous zone over the Baltic

The meaning of the AFGHAN ANOMAL ZONE in the Directory of Miracles, Unusual Phenomena, UFOs and Other Things


a large pathogenic geoformation included in the devil's belt, in which there are 5 zones (Bermuda Triangle, Devil's Sea, Gibraltar Wedge, Hawaiian Anomaly) equidistant from each other by 72 degrees and located at 30 degrees of the Northern Hemisphere of the Earth. (HF)

Miracles, unusual phenomena, UFOs, etc. 2012

See also interpretations, synonyms, meanings of the word and what the AFGHAN ANOMAL ZONE is in Russian in dictionaries, encyclopedias and reference books:

  • AFGHAN in The Illustrated Encyclopedia of Dogs:
    The AB greyhound looks aristocratic, proud and independent, without signs of lightness or rudeness. Features of this breed: exotic or “oriental” expression of the eyes, ...
  • ZONE in the Directory of Secrets of games, programs, equipment, movies, Easter eggs:
    Zone: High Security Misadventure If you throw away 300 health points of medicine, it will end up on the ground, but so will...
  • ZONE
    FREE FROM CUSTOMS CONTROL - a part of the territory of the state in which any material assets that are the subject of foreign trade transactions are not subject to customs...
  • ZONE in the Dictionary of Economic Terms:
  • ZONE in the Dictionary of Economic Terms:
  • ZONE in the Dictionary of Economic Terms:
  • ZONE in the Dictionary of Economic Terms:
    FRANCA is a currency area that includes former French colonies in West Africa and French possessions in the Pacific. Bank...
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  • ZONE in the Dictionary of Economic Terms:
  • ZONE in the Dictionary of Economic Terms:
  • ZONE in the Dictionary of Economic Terms:
    JOINT ENTERPRISE - a separate part of the territory of a given country, considered as being outside its customs territory, on which special (preferential) ...
  • ZONE in the Dictionary of Economic Terms:
    FREE TRADE - 1) an area within which a group of countries maintains free, duty-free trade; 2) preferential trade zone: a separate part ...
  • ZONE in the Dictionary of Economic Terms:
    FREE ENTERPRISE - a separate part of the territory of a k.-l. state, considered as being outside its customs territory, on which special (preferential) ...
  • ZONE in the Dictionary of Economic Terms:
    FREE - see FREE ZONE...
  • ZONE in the Dictionary of Economic Terms:
  • ZONE in the Dictionary of Economic Terms:
  • ZONE in the Dictionary of Economic Terms:
  • ZONE in the Dictionary of Economic Terms:
  • ZONE in the Dictionary of Economic Terms:
  • ZONE in the Dictionary of Economic Terms:
  • ZONE in the Dictionary of Economic Terms:
  • ZONE in the Dictionary of Economic Terms:
  • ZONE in the Encyclopedic Dictionary:
    [from Greek] 1) part of the surface of a ball (spherical belt), enclosed between two parallel circles; 2) in natural history, a belt or strip...
  • ZONE
    SHADOW ZONE, see Silent Zone...
  • ZONE in the Big Russian Encyclopedic Dictionary:
    STRATIGRAPHIC ZONE (chronozone), a unit of general stratigraphic. scales subordinate to the tier; includes layers with a characteristic complex of fossil organisms that are not repeated in ...
  • ZONE in the Big Russian Encyclopedic Dictionary:
    ISLAND ARC ZONE, see Transitional...
  • ZONE in the Big Russian Encyclopedic Dictionary:
    SILENT ZONE, in acoustics, area earth's surface, where sound from distant powerful sources is not heard, while ...
  • ZONE in the Big Russian Encyclopedic Dictionary:
    COMFORT ZONE, optimal. for the human body, a combination of temperature, humidity, air speed and exposure to radiant heat (for example, at rest ...
  • ZONE in the Big Russian Encyclopedic Dictionary:
    ZONE in music, narrow band sound. frequencies, within the limits of which a change in frequency does not change the sound quality as defined tones. fixed...
  • ZONE in the Big Russian Encyclopedic Dictionary:
    ZONE (from the Greek z?ne - belt), stripe, space between k.-l. boundaries; territory, area of ​​parts, characterized by certain ...
  • ABNORMAL in the Big Russian Encyclopedic Dictionary:
    ANOMAL DISPERSION, see Wave dispersion...
  • ZONE in the Popular Explanatory Encyclopedic Dictionary of the Russian Language:
    -y, w. 1) A belt or strip of the globe with common features natural conditions, flora, fauna, etc. Climatic...
  • ZONE in the New Dictionary of Foreign Words:
    ((gr. zone zone) 1) space characterized by certain general characteristics, strip, area, etc. (border zone, artillery fire zone...
  • ZONE V Explanatory dictionary Russian language Ushakov:
    zones, w. (Greek zone - Belt) (book). 1. Belt, stripe, space between something. two lines. Geographical area. Hot zone. Zone...
    one of the medium-sized energy-active zones in Europe, which became famous in the early 1990s thanks to the educational and journalistic activities of local ufologists, ...
  • DEVIL'S BELT in the Directory of Miracles, unusual phenomena, UFOs and other things:
    five large anomalous zones of the Earth equidistant from each other, located along 30 degrees northern latitude: Bermuda Triangle, Devil's Sea, Gibraltar...
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    a high-mountainous area near the Chegen River in the Chegen Gorge and the Side Range in Kabardino-Balkaria, where there is a lot of UFO flight activity. Abnormal...
  • AFGHAN HOUND in the Encyclopedia of Dogs.
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    a small anomalous zone approximately 7 km southwest of the Zikeevo railway station in Kaluga region. In the 1990s, in this place, ...
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    a possible anomalous zone, a place in Tennessee (USA), where eyewitnesses still sometimes have the opportunity to observe a kind of chronomirage - ...
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    an anomalous zone in the Krasnoyarsk Territory, located at a node of the icosahedral-dodecahedral structure of the Earth. This name is often confused with “Devil’s Glade” (see above) ...
  • DEvil's Glade ("DEVIL'S CEMETERY") in the Directory of Miracles, unusual phenomena, UFOs and other things:
    a geopathogenic anomalous zone located approximately 400 km south of the site of the Tunguska explosion and probably associated with it ...
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    a possible anomalous zone, an English place in which eyewitnesses from the Middle Ages to this day have seen a large number of ghosts. ...

There are probably no places left on Earth where no human has set foot. Persistent, purposeful people They conquered gloomy granite rocks, deep taiga thickets, the vast expanse of the sea, waterless deserts, and many other hard-to-reach areas of the planet. All this causes a deep sense of self-satisfaction and legitimate pride. However…

There are certain areas of land and water, the territory of which it would be better not to even look into. At first glance, this area is no different from the nearby mountains, gorges, forests, lakes or ocean surface. But this is only at first glance. In reality, such places are anomalous zones.

In order to know their true essence, you need to spend some time in one of these places, at least a few hours. In just about thirty minutes, surprised questions will arise. Why are there no fish in a lake or river, why are the tree trunks in the forest so distorted, why can’t you hear the birds singing and where have the mosquitoes gone?

In the ocean, near the ship, the water may foam and gas will begin to escape to the surface. The school of dolphins that accompanied the ship for a long time will disappear; seagulls flying near the surface of the water will disappear; people will have a feeling of unreasonable fear, and a strong headache. The arrows of the ship's instruments will begin to perform the lezginka, the barometer will show something unclear, the locator will refuse to work, and the compass needle will rush around in panic.

Finding himself in such a situation, an ignorant person will think that he is going crazy, but a knowledgeable person will understand with horror where he has ended up. Science very correctly defines this phenomenon, trying not to frighten people once again. An anomalous zone is an area where for a long time, with some regularity, phenomena are observed that do not fit into the framework of generally accepted laws or are completely uncharacteristic of the area.

In addition to the definition, there are also explanations. The reason is seen in deep faults in the earth's crust, in magnetic anomalies. Indicate the confluence of groundwater flows flowing at different deep levels. They talk about zones of increased wave conductivity (biological anomalies) and refer to Hartmann's geobiological grid. People with bolder views consider UFOs, space-time holes, “windows” in Parallel Worlds and other measurements.

Clear, unified, generally accepted, explaining everything scientific theory these days no. This is understandable: there are many anomalous zones, each of them has its own specifics, and scientific research, even in one of these areas, requires enormous material costs. Research, of course, is being conducted, but it is scattered and not systematic. At least, no one has yet defended a dissertation on any of these zones.

But there is a detailed list of the vast majority of dangerous areas that have settled on the blue planet. It is present on many sites on the Internet and in various types of literature. Anyone, guided by these data, can get into the anomalous area that has attracted their attention and experience for themselves all the delights and vagaries of the mysterious phenomenon.

Devil Belt

One of the most mysterious areas of the planet, on whose conscience there are more than one thousand ruined human lives, called the Devil's Belt. It really, like a belt, bends around the Earth along 30 degrees N. w. and consists of five anomalous areas: the Bermuda Triangle, the Devil's Sea, the Gibraltar Wedge, the Afghan Anomaly, and the Hawaiian Anomaly. These areas are equidistant from each other. The distance between them is exactly 72 degrees.

About Bermuda Triangle So many films have already been written and shot that perhaps there is not a person left on Earth who has not heard about him. Spread out this education in the waters of the Atlantic. The vertices of the triangle are: the southern tip of Florida, Bermuda and Puerto Rico.

The first timid conversations about mysterious phenomena in this part of the Atlantic Ocean arose back in the 30-40s of the 20th century. In 1950, American journalist Edward Johnson wrote a short pamphlet called The Bermuda Triangle. In this thin, several-page book, he presented some information about the disappearance without a trace of people, ships and planes in this water area.

Over the next 25 years, the situation developed neither shaky nor slow. Some knew that Bermuda was not entirely clean, others had no idea about it. Everything changed in 1974 after the release of Charles Berlitz's voluminous work. In it, the author presented to the readers a large number of interesting facts about the anomalous phenomena that have taken place over the past 40 years in the above-mentioned waters of the Atlantic. This information made my blood run cold and I lost sleep. The American called his study, like his predecessor, “Bermuda Triangle”.

Reputable publications liked the content of the book. In the context of the global economic crisis, when circulation fell and abundant revenues turned into meager trickles, a fresh, intriguing sensation was just right. The work of Charles Berlitz was printed in millions of copies and was not miscalculated. Beautifully designed books with exciting content sold like hot cakes. A year later, the whole world knew about the Bermuda Triangle.

The first mysterious case in the Bermuda Triangle

The anomaly of this area is obvious. Take, for example, the story of a passenger airliner crossing Bermuda airspace in 1972. Before this, the plane's crew had flown this route many times. And on this September day the flight proceeded as usual - normally.

The instrument readings indicated the smooth operation of the most complex equipment. The weather overboard was amazing. The pilots felt great; The flight attendants smiled sweetly as they served the passengers. Those same indulged in a serene rest, enjoying a comfortable flight.

Unexpectedly, the excited voice of the ground controller broke through the ship's commander's headphones. He reported that for 10 minutes the plane was not in sight of the radar. The huge airliner disappeared from the control center screens and only now reappeared on the monitors.

All this time he was persistently called to communicate, but the crew was silent. The assumptions on earth were the most terrible - this could be understood by the genuine joy and relief that was clearly visible in the voice of the dispatch service employee.

The airliner landed - the flight ended safely. The physical and mental condition of the crew and passengers met the best standards. Devices, technical means and the equipment worked perfectly. There was only one oddity. All the clocks on board the plane were exactly ten minutes behind.

The second mysterious case in the Bermuda Triangle

Something similar happened to a passenger ocean liner in 1973 crossing the Bermuda Triangle in a southerly direction. He headed for Montego Bay, Jamaica. It took almost a day to reach their destination, and the passengers lazily basked in the sun, occasionally casting jaded glances at the ocean expanses.

In the above-mentioned resort town, the liner was also expected within the specified period. Imagine the surprise of the port workers when they discovered the silhouette big ship, very close to the entrance to the harbor, much earlier than the appointed time. How he appeared there - no one could say anything definitive.

On the arriving ship, the crew was also in extreme amazement. According to the readings of maps and instruments, the liner was supposed to spend at least another twenty hours cutting through the vast waters of the Atlantic with its powerful hull, but for unknown reasons it covered hundreds of kilometers in an instant and arrived at its destination port with a shocking advance.

To everyone's horror, it turned out that the children on the ship had grown noticeably. They have matured by two years. Older men and women have more gray hair and wrinkles. How people managed to lose as much as 24 months of their lives has forever remained a mystery.

American plane that disappeared in the Bermuda Triangle in 1965

In the Bermuda Triangle, many cases of planes and ships disappearing without a trace have been recorded.. These events occur according to the same scenario. At first, everything goes well, and ground crews receive cheerful messages about the normal operation of instruments, good weather and excellent visibility. Suddenly the connection breaks and is never restored.

Newspaper report with information about the disappearance of a plane with 9 crew members on board in the Bermuda Triangle area

An air or sea vessel disappears without a trace. Rescuers are searching the suspected area of ​​the accident, but to no avail. Among the quiet gentle waves it is never possible to detect either the wreckage of vehicles or the bodies of people.

Devil's Sea

The Devil's Sea has a similar ominous reputation. It is located in the Pacific Ocean, very close to the coast of Japan. Its borders are outlined by a triangle. The peaks of the latter are: the island of Guam (southern Mariana Islands), the island of Luzon (the largest in the Philippine archipelago), the island of Miyake (next to the island of Honshu, 100 km from Tokyo).

The fragile boats of fishermen have been lost here since time immemorial. The alarm began to sound in the first half of the 20th century, when large ocean-going ships appeared in these waters. The loss of a tanker, destroyer or passenger liner cannot go unnoticed. In 1955, Japan officially declared the waters adjacent to Miyake Island dangerous for seagoing vessels.

The authorities of the island state limited their warning to waters belonging to Japan. As for the Philippines and the Mariana Islands, they treated the problem more frivolously and lightly. When you are in blissful ignorance, then, as God willing, you may or may not be lucky: the end in the event of an encounter with the unknown, cruel and mysterious is always fatal.

Forewarned is forearmed. This simple rule was not used not only by ordinary civilian ships, but also by the military command of the US armed forces.

There is probably no person in the world who does not know that one of the largest strategic American military bases is located on the island of Guam. It occupies almost half of the island's territory and maintains the well-being of the population at the proper level.

It was from the military airfield of this base that on a cool autumn morning in 1979, three supersonic fighters took off. The weather was calm and visibility was normal. The pilots successfully completed the combat mission assigned to them and received the command to return back.

But then the unexpected happened. Two fighters disappeared from radar screens. The flight director began to call them to get in touch, but the answer was silence. The third pilot was in touch. He received orders to reconnoiter the situation and, as far as possible, provide assistance to his colleagues.

Within a few seconds, the pilot reported that a bright red light appeared in the distance. This was followed by a report that the source of this phenomenon was a ball. It is he who emits light that blinds the eyes and makes it difficult to navigate using instruments. After some time, the people on the ground heard a loud scream, and the connection was interrupted. The plane also disappeared from radar screens, like its two brothers.

The Devil's Sea is part of Pacific Ocean. This is a mighty, deep and huge body of water. It is very capricious and is characterized by strong storms, storms and typhoons. It is typhoons that prevail in the northwestern part of the ocean. But it is in the Devil's Sea that they are most common. There are more than 40 typhoons a year here. Dead swells with gentle waves reaching a height of 15-20 meters are also a common phenomenon here.

A characteristic sign of a scary place is a change in the color of the water.. In the morning it may have a reddish tint, and by lunchtime it may become dark brown. Sometimes it is bright green or light gray. An unknowing person may be frightened by the instantaneous seething of water on large territory. The surface of the ocean is covered with white foam, the effect is accompanied by a sound reminiscent of a kettle boiling, only much louder. These are gases that burst to the surface from the ocean depths.

A ship that finds itself at the epicenter of such an outburst is capable of simply sinking. The density of the gas is many times less than the density of sea water, and a multi-ton ship will simply fall to a depth of many kilometers, losing buoyancy. This can happen instantly - which is why many ships that end up in the Devil's Sea never return to their native shores.

Gibraltar wedge

The next devilish place, located in the Devil's Belt, is called the Gibraltar Wedge. Its base rests on the sandy desert of the Great Western Erg (Algeria) and stretches in a tapering strip towards the Strait of Gibraltar.

It is among the dunes that most often mysterious and incomprehensible things happen that frighten people. There, many eyewitnesses talk about an incomprehensible rustling whistle that suddenly appears in the vast expanses of the Sahara. It sounds boring, monotonous, gradually changing tone and volume. This performance lasts for many hours and can drive you crazy.

The source of the whistling cannot be determined. Sometimes it seems that the sound comes from the sky, sometimes there is a certainty that tedious waves are pouring straight from the ground. This terrible cacophony stops instantly and can repeat no earlier than in a month or two.

Afghan anomaly

The Afghan anomalous zone covers the eastern regions of Afghanistan. In these lands adjacent to Pakistan, UFOs can often be observed. They appear before people's eyes in the form of bright red balls, silver plates and disks. They do not behave aggressively, but their very appearance puts eyewitnesses into a state of stupor. Sometimes, however, there are cases of death. A person who comes close to an incomprehensible phenomenon can simply be turned into ashes.

Hawaiian anomaly

The Hawaiian anomalous zone, as you might guess from the name, is located north of the Hawaiian (Sandwich) Islands. This anomaly is not as popular as Bermuda or the Devil's Sea. Little is said or written about her. The reason for such inattention is that this section of the Pacific Ocean was not considered dangerous and mysterious for a long time.

Only recently it became clear that it is characterized by the presence of rogue waves here. They are also called wandering waves or monster waves. These waves can reach a height of 40 meters. They move along the surface of the ocean on their own, ignoring currents and wind direction. Their length, as a rule, does not exceed one kilometer, and their height drops sharply at the edges. Waves can have both crests and troughs.

This phenomenon was discovered only twenty years ago. Previously, oceanology categorically stated that waves higher than 21 meters in nature cannot exist. This postulate was refuted by the ERS-1 and ERS-2 radar satellites. It was they who discovered, in the process of monitoring the surface of the world's oceans, these strange, contrary to classical ideas about the water element of education.

The largest number of rogue waves is present precisely in the Hawaiian anomalous zone. There are at least five or six wandering waves in it per month - this is a lot, since no more than three or four similar phenomena can be counted in the entire world's oceans during the corresponding period.

It is thanks to the discovery of wandering waves that inexplicable disappearances become clear large ships in the central part of the Pacific Ocean. But the nature of the phenomenon itself is still unclear. A number of scientists associate such formations with the expansion of the area of ​​high atmospheric pressure.

Huge masses of air, with a certain speed, are displaced by a wide front towards the low pressure zone. At the same time, a surge of water occurs on the surface of the ocean. In most cases, the result is small waves that also travel in a wide front, but sometimes a monster of enormous height or depth appears.

There is also another hypothesis. She sees the cause of the occurrence of traveling waves in interference (superposition). In the depths of the ocean there are many wave oscillations of different directions. At some point, such fluctuations overlap each other. This results in one total wave. She begins to live on her own and goes for a walk on the ocean. Over time, the wave wastes its terrible energy and fades away.

The devil's belt reliably occupied a narrow zone of the northern hemisphere. Besides it, in the vast expanses from the equator to north pole, there are many other anomalous places. Each of them has its own individual features and characteristics. There are many such mysterious corners in Russia.

Since the beginning of the 80s, the Perm anomalous zone has been extremely popular among ufologists. It is located on the border of the Perm region and Sverdlovsk region, along the left bank of the Sylva River. The area occupies about 70 square meters. kilometers. Currently, it is visited by at least half a million people a year to touch, live, the mysterious and enigmatic.

It all started in 1980, when a native resident of these places, Pavel Sergeev, saw a cosmic body fall into a pond. High waves appeared. They roared down on quiet shore, and the shocked eyewitness froze in the middle of the spray, not wanting to believe his eyes.

In the deep autumn of 1984, Perm geologist Emil Bachurin saw something amazing in the form of a bright purple ball slowly rising from behind the tops of slender pines. The beautiful vision hovered in the air for some time, clearly showing off in front of the viewer, and then, having enjoyed the effect, it rushed upward and disappeared into the heavenly distance.

The geologist decided to find the site of the proposed takeoff. He wandered among the trees for a long time until he came to the forest edge. Here he discovered a large thawed area. Its diameter was 62 meters. Being a professional, Bachurin took soil samples. The analysis showed the presence of an abundance of rare earth metals in the soil.

The Perm anomalous zone is famous not only for its luminous balls. Here we notice a change in the passage of time. It can accelerate, and then the day flies by before a person’s eyes in three to four hours. It happens differently. People perceive a day as a very long process. In other places three days pass, and in the ill-fated zone - one.

All these metamorphoses live in inner world person. The clock dispassionately records the inevitable and measured passage of time, neither accelerating nor slowing down in the least, compared to areas not included in the anomalous zone.

Many people who visited these places claim that they came into telepathic contact with extraterrestrial intelligence. There are even those who have seen alien creatures with their own eyes. Some people believe such stories, others don’t - it all depends on the individual.

It is noteworthy that almost throughout the entire territory of this anomaly, batteries and accumulators are discharged very quickly. If the watch is quartz, then it stops after three days. Mobile phones need to be charged twice a day. However, this is not necessary, since it is not possible to establish uninterrupted cellular communications in this mysterious area.

Car batteries are holding up well. But if you don’t drive the car for a week, then it will no longer be possible to start it without outside help. Flashlights become unusable after a couple of hours, and the same applies to batteries for radios.

Loud hooting sounds or prolonged howls are common here. Sometimes, at night, you can clearly hear a child crying. All this unnerves people, but at the same time intrigues and fascinates with its mystery.

Devil's tract

The Devil's Settlement, a tract on the banks of the Chertovskaya River, is also widely known to the public. It is located near the city of Kozelsk in the Kaluga region. Currently it is a natural monument of all-Union significance.

The settlement is a large hill. Its eastern slope is gentle, the western slope is steep. The latter has many grottoes (shallow caves). The top of the hill is flat. Sandstone rocks are constantly found here, which is not typical for central Russia. Also uncharacteristic is the centipede fern, which grows in abundance on the hill. Its habitat is Karelia. How he ended up in the Kaluga region is absolutely unclear.

Devil's settlement in the Kaluga region from a bird's eye view

The forest occupies almost the entire surface of the hill. This is a wonderful place for tourists, so colorful tents are not uncommon here. Almost everyone who has lived in such tents notes either a partial or complete loss of orientation. A man goes to the river for water and begins to fornicate. He cannot find either the camp or the river. This can go on for an hour or two. In the end, the lost one finds his way to the right place - fortunately, it is not a remote taiga, but almost a civilization.

Numerous cases of chronoanomalies have also been noticed here. It seems to a person that an hour has passed, but in reality, at least five hours have sunk into eternity. Or, conversely, the walk takes a long time, and at the end of the journey it turns out that the clock has counted down only 20 minutes.

Silence zone

Something similar is happening in other anomalous places in vast Russia. As for the other world, here you can pay attention to Mexico. Most of this country is occupied by the Mexican Highlands. It is on it, between the towns of Hidalgo Del Parral and Gomez Palacio, that the Zone of Silence is located. This is the name given to a vast area of ​​semi-desert plateau with pronounced anomalous phenomena.

The nature in these places is dull and boring. Among plants there are only cacti, among animals - snakes. Sparse villages along the railway, practically no civilization. But even its weak shoots are mercilessly suppressed by unknown forces that reign supreme here.

In the silence zone, radios and televisions do not work, even train drivers on this section of the railway track have no communication. Pilots flying over an anomalous section of the Mexican Highlands complain that the operation of control instruments is disrupted, the voice of the ground controller is lost in noise and crackling, and anxiety and even fear appear in their souls.

Rare residents of these places often see bright balls at night. Their color is red one night, green the next. Sometimes, instead of balls there are small bright yellow lights. They hang for a long time in the night, and then slowly, slowly fade and disappear. Strange oblong objects also appear, shimmering with all the colors of the rainbow. They quickly sweep through the atmosphere and instantly disappear into the distance.

There are stories about strange people. They are usually tall and blond. They like to appear on secluded ranches. They communicate politely with the owners, asking them about local life. They move on streamlined vehicles with large wheels. They introduce themselves as employees of social services, speak excellent clear Spanish. Only their eyes are alarming: empty, cold and motionless.


Acquaintance with various unusual phenomena once again convinces that the blue planet is full of secrets and mysteries. Anomalous zones occupy a worthy place among them. This amazing and practically unstudied phenomenon excites the minds of researchers, forcing many of them to drop everything and rush to the ends of the world to see something new, never seen before.

The inquisitive human mind uses every opportunity to bring itself, at least one step, closer to unraveling mysterious phenomena. But they are in no hurry to tell the truth about themselves. This intrigues people even more and encourages them to come up with new and new hypotheses that at least somehow explain the incomprehensible. Some of these hypotheses look very plausible, and maybe some of them are true. Time will show.

The article was written by ridar-shakin

Based on materials from foreign and Russian publications

Mysterious disappearances. Mysticism, secrets, clues Dmitrieva Natalia Yurievna

Devil Belt

Devil Belt

This ominous name unites a whole complex of mysterious places on the planet, consisting of five anomalous zones. What is surprising is that these zones are located in a strict geometric pattern in relation to each other. All of them are on equal distance from each other. All of them stretch along 30° N latitude. and are spaced exactly 72° from each other, forming a regular pentagon with their arrangement. All of them have a diamond shape. All these zones are located in the northern hemisphere.

The mysterious complex includes: the Bermuda Triangle, the Devil's Sea, the Hawaiian Anomaly, the Afghan Anomalous Zone and the Gibraltar Wedge.

The first person to notice this connection in the location of the zones was the American writer and researcher Ivan Sanderson. With him light hand, starting in 1968, these zones were united into the Devil's Belt. There were more than a dozen hypotheses about the origin of the belt, but none of them could explain this mysterious phenomenon.

Bermuda Triangle

There are such a huge number of rumors and legends about this anomalous zone that it can be difficult to determine which of them are genuine facts and which are artificially created sensations. But the fact remains - the Bermuda Triangle is one of the most mysterious and ominous places on our planet. It was originally thought that its area was bounded by three straight lines: the first side of the triangle connecting Florida and Bermuda, the second going from them to Puerto Rico, and the third completing the triangle from Puerto Rico to Florida. Hence the name of this zone. However, later researchers noticed that many strange events occur near Bermuda Triangle, but not within its limits. After Ivan Sanderson’s discovery, everything was explained - this zone of anomalies also has a diamond shape, like the rest of the Devil’s Belt, it’s just that the second part of the diamond does not have such clear boundary indicators - it is located in the ocean.

Why is the Bermuda Triangle so famous? Truly incomprehensible phenomena occur in this area. Airplanes and sea vessels disappear without a trace, on-board instruments suddenly fail, strange phenomena occur over time, completely serviceable drifting ships are discovered, with not a soul on board or all of them dead for an inexplicable reason.

The first sensational case of disappearance in the Bermuda Triangle, which attracted the attention of the whole world, dates back to 1918. The multi-ton ship “Cyclops” was carrying about 400 passengers and a large shipment of manganese ore. He did not reach his destination - on March 6, 1918, the ship disappeared without a trace, without sending either a distress signal or any radiograms clarifying the circumstances of the disappearance. Several countries joined the search for him; US President Woodrow Wilson personally participated in the search operation. However, neither the wreckage of the Cyclops nor the bodies of its passengers were found.

At that time, ideas about the anomalous zone had not yet been formed; the name Bermuda Triangle itself did not exist. The incident was considered to be an isolated incident.

Only by 1950, when similar cases began to recur, did researchers pay close attention to this section of the Atlantic Ocean. And only then the disappearance of the “Cyclops” was attributed to the first of the mysteries of the Sea of ​​the Damned or the Devil’s Lair, as this anomalous zone was initially called. This part of the ocean received its modern name in 1974, after the publication of Charles Berlitz’s book “The Bermuda Triangle”. With the light hand of the author, this name took root and began to be used all over the world.

The next sensational disappearance occurred in the Bermuda Triangle in 1945. And if the Cyclops incident could still be explained by any normal, natural causes- you never know how many ships go missing in the ocean - then the incident with the Avenger aviation unit left no doubt about the involvement of some hitherto unknown natural or intelligent forces. It was after this incident that they started talking about the Bermuda Triangle as an anomalous zone and began to carefully investigate all cases of disappearance of ships and aircraft in this area.

On December 5, 1945, a flight of US Navy Avenger torpedo bombers, consisting of five aircraft, took off from a base in Fort Lauderdale. This was a planned training flight. The planes had to drop training torpedoes on conditional targets and return to base.

The task was completed, and they were already waiting on the shore for confirmation from the Avengers that they were ready to land. But suddenly a strange message was received from Captain Taylor, the flight commander, that the pilots of all five ships were simultaneously off course and could not see the ground. The air base controller sent a request for the coordinates of the aircraft. The answer was unexpected. An experienced pilot of the lead aircraft of the flight, who had completed dozens of flights in the most difficult conditions, reported that he could not determine his location. At the air base, the pilot was ordered to head west, since in this direction there was a long coast of Florida, which was impossible to miss. But the pilot replied that everyone’s navigation instruments had suddenly failed, and there was no way to determine the direction. The planes were flying blind. He also said that the ocean below them looked unusual. No one understood what this meant.

The air base continued to give instructions on where to head. But for unknown reasons, there was strong communication interference, and there was a feeling that the pilots did not hear commands from the ground at all. The dispatchers could hear snippets of radio conversations between the pilots. They were all extremely confused and continued to get confused in the direction. A little later, a completely different message came from the flight commander. He insisted that the planes were over the Gulf of Mexico. This could not have happened, even according to the roughest estimates of the dispatchers, the link should have been in opposite side cards. The farther they went, the more the panic of the pilots grew; they shouted confused phrases into the air, from which it was impossible to determine either what was happening or where they were. It was only clear that they were surrounded by some kind of unusual white fog, from which it was impossible to get out and that they could not see the sun, that there were strange white waters beneath them. Another mysterious phrase from Captain Taylor was heard: “They look like people from the Universe!”, over which researchers then puzzled for years. The planes rushed about in search of land, they constantly changed course, which made it impossible for dispatchers to fix their location.

At some point, the airbase controllers managed to take a bearing on the Avenger. It was located somewhere east of Florida. However, a message came from Taylor that he had allegedly determined the location - it seemed to him that the planes were over the Florida Keys, which is located southwest of Florida, that is, in the completely opposite direction. The pilots were again confused and did not know which way to fly. Using direction-finding coordinates, a rescue squadron headed towards the flight, but the missing people were not found. Moreover, one of the planes sent to search also disappeared.

About 20 hours had already passed since the departure of the Avenger flight; their fuel must have been running low. But for a long time at the base they hoped for a miraculous rescue of the pilots and did not turn off the signal lights on the runway. The miracle did not happen; Avenger never returned.

This case was analyzed in great detail by the most prominent aviation experts. All radiograms that reached the base were compared, even the most fragmentary ones. But the commission was never able to come to any intelligible conclusions regarding what happened. It was after this incident that the Bermuda Triangle became the object of numerous studies. Beginning in 1950, all cases of disappearances in this area began to be recorded, and a number of attempts were made to systematize the information received.

However, the hype surrounding the ill-fated triangle did a disservice to researchers. Here and there, new disturbing articles about unexplained disappearances appeared in the press. But in reality, these were falsified facts, unverified rumors, or sensations blown out of the blue. To be fair, it should be noted that in the area of ​​the Bermuda Triangle there are a very large number of water and air routes, and ship traffic there is extremely busy. Therefore, the concentration of accidents, breakdowns, and equipment failures there is high. And most of them happened for very real, explainable reasons and did not represent anything mysterious.

Based on this, many skeptics argued that there were no mysteries at all, that it was all a hoax created by newspapermen. This opinion was shared by the English researcher Lawrence D. Cousche, who was the first to collect chronological order and analyzed more than 50 cases of disappearances of ships and aircraft in the area. Many other researchers agreed with him. However, it is impossible to ignore the facts. And they show that, in at least 15% of cases, incidents in the Bermuda Triangle are truly unexplained.

Such mysteries include, for example, the case of a passenger airliner flying to Miami. He fell into the notorious “white fog” and was absent from the radars of ground services for 10 minutes and did not make contact. When the plane reappeared, the pilot could not understand what the dispatcher was asking him about - he strictly adhered to the set course, did not turn anywhere, and did not receive any requests from the ground. Only at some point the plane found itself shrouded in impenetrable white fog. When the puzzled dispatcher asked to check the time, it turned out that the on-board chronometer and the watches of all passengers on the plane were exactly 10 minutes behind. It was as if they had fallen into a time trap; for them this failure lasted seconds, but on the ground 10 minutes passed.

According to one theory, the passage of time is somewhat influenced by all bodies moving in a circle. Professor N. Kozyrev was able to achieve this effect by conducting experiments with flywheels. Perhaps the Gulf Stream has the same effect, spinning water vortices hundreds of kilometers in diameter.

Several similar cases have been recorded. And, as a rule, mysterious incidents were somehow connected with the appearance of “ white fog"or "white waters". Over decades of research, dozens of hypotheses have emerged trying to explain the mystery of the Bermuda Triangle. Some of them were absolutely fantastic. Some tried to justify what was happening scientific methods. But none has yet been recognized as the official version. Here are the most popular hypotheses.

1. Underwater earthquakes. This hypothesis was put forward by the Polish researcher E. Korkhov. He made the assumption that millions of years ago, when the continents shifted in earth's crust giant caves could form. If such a cave is located under the ocean floor, then during an underwater earthquake its roof may collapse. Water will pour into the resulting cavern in a powerful stream, causing a colossal whirlpool to form on the surface of the ocean, capable of drawing in not only water, but also a significant part of the airspace above this part of the ocean.

2. Methane emissions. One of the most scientific versions put forward by marine geologist from the University of Sunderland Alan Judd. It is as follows. A significant amount of methane hydrate accumulates on the ocean floor. When it disintegrates, colossal bubbles filled with gas are formed. They rise to the surface of the sea and explode. A large area of ​​water around is saturated with methane, causing the density of water to sharply decrease. Once in such an area, the ship instantly sinks. Methane-saturated water has an unusual white tint, which corresponds to the frequent mention of “white waters”. In addition, when a bubble explodes, the methane that rises into the air poses a danger to aircraft flying in this area, as it can lead to engine shutdowns and other technical problems.

Despite the harmony of this version, some points remain unclear. Firstly, methane accumulations form not only in the Bermuda Triangle area, but in many other areas of the world's oceans. But similar incidents have not been recorded anywhere else. Secondly, the methane explosion lasts seconds, its concentration in the air normalizes in a matter of minutes. However unexplained phenomena with wandering in the “white fog”, in some cases lasted for hours (take, for example, the same “Avenger”).

3. Infrasound. This phenomenon was discovered long before the exploration of the Bermuda Triangle and was called the “voice of the sea.” Its essence, in short, is that under certain conditions during a storm, zones of condensation and rarefaction of air arise, causing specific fluctuations. Due to these vibrations, infrasound of the most powerful force is generated and spreads over considerable distances. Infrasound radiation occurs in the range of about 6 Hz - this is the most dangerous frequency for humans. The human ear is not able to recognize the sound itself, but it picks up these vibrations. They act on the human brain in a specific way, causing an inexplicable feeling of fear and panic. As the frequency and duration of infrasound increases, a person may lose his mind from horror and become paralyzed nervous system and hearts. Since infrasound travels at high speed over a considerable distance, the following picture may arise. The ship is sailing on a calm sea, but somewhere a thousand kilometers away a storm is raging, and infrasound reaches this quiet area. And people, maddened by sudden causeless horror, rush into the sea and die, leaving the whole and unharmed ship to drift.

This hypothesis is completely scientifically substantiated. But, unfortunately, it can only explain part of the incidents in the Bermuda Triangle - only those that involve the disappearance of people from a ship, while the ship itself is found abandoned and unharmed. But not a single incident in the air can be explained using this hypothesis.

4. Magnetic anomalies. According to one hypothesis, magnetic anomalies often occur in the Bermuda Triangle area, leading to disruption of the operation of navigation instruments, both on ships and on aircraft. This leads to loss of orientation in space, deviation from the course, and the inability to determine one’s own coordinates. This version explains most of the incidents more accurately than others. But she cannot answer the question - why are the remains of the disappeared ships and planes not found? After all, the entire area of ​​the Bermuda Triangle has been “combed” up and down over the decades. But no traces of the loss were found. In addition, this hypothesis does not explain the strange jumps in time.

5. Paranormal hypotheses. Unlike the first, these hypotheses do not try to explain what is happening in the Bermuda Triangle using scientific methods. Because, as we see, none of the scientific hypotheses could explain all the phenomena of this fatal place. Proponents of paranormal hypotheses claim that inexplicable and unknown forces are at work here. The range of hypotheses is very wide. This is the version about secret weapon the lost Atlantean civilization, and the theory of time traps, and the assumption of the emergence of black holes, and the opinion that mysterious disappearances are organized by aliens. These hypotheses can be viewed with skepticism. But we should not forget that the unknown has surrounded humanity for centuries, and only gradually, through such riddles, makes it possible to comprehend it step by step, to make more and more new discoveries.

Devil's Sea

The Devil's Sea is the second anomalous zone included in the Devil's Belt and is not inferior to the Bermuda Triangle in its notoriousness. This is a section of the Pacific Ocean located near the coast of Japan. If, following Sanderson, we consider it in the shape of a diamond, then its three peaks are the islands of Guam, Honshu and Luzon, and the fourth is located somewhere in the ocean. But, of course, these boundaries are arbitrary; they cannot be determined with an accuracy of a kilometer. Therefore, disputes periodically arise about clarifying these boundaries. Some researchers are inclined to think that the center of the Devil's Sea is located 300 miles from the coast, near the Medzin Reef. Others agree that the most active part of this anomalous zone is the area of ​​​​the sea near Miyake Island. Still others think that the most fatal point lies between the islands of Iwo Jima and Bonin.

What made this area of ​​the Pacific Ocean so “famous” that it was put on the same ominous list as the Bermuda Triangle? A burning interest in it awoke in the middle of the last century. It is difficult to say which factor is more related to this. On the one hand, in the 50s. There were such a large number of disappearances of ships without a trace in this area that it could not be explained by simple statistics. On the other hand, it was during this period that the phenomenon of the Bermuda Triangle, which had attracted the attention of the whole world several years earlier, began to be actively studied. Most likely, both of these reasons played a role. Surely, ship disappearances have happened in this area before, but the widespread publicity of incidents in the Bermuda Triangle forced us to look at what was happening from a different angle.

The sailors themselves were the first to raise alarm about incidents off the Japanese coast. Too often, schooners with their comrades on board began to go missing. And all these disappearances occurred in approximately the same area of ​​the sea. Even then, this area was dubbed the Devil's Sea. But the Japanese government did not immediately pay attention to the “cursed” place, being skeptical about the sailors’ fears. You never know how many superstitions and sea tales exist among sailors. However, skepticism lasted only as long as it was about small fishing vessels that could easily capsize and sink even in a small storm.

In the early 50s. everything has changed. For the period from 1950 to 1954. 9 different ships disappeared without a trace in the Devil's Sea. Moreover, this time they were not small private vessels, but powerful multi-ton cargo ships owned by prominent ship-owning companies. All of them were equipped with the most modern equipment at that time. Everyone had excellent radio communication. They seemed invulnerable. This turn of events forced the Japanese authorities to look at the problem with all seriousness.

The first sign in the series of fatal events on the Devil's Sea were two sensational incidents that happened almost one after the other. On September 24, 1952, the large research vessel Kairo Maru sank in this area under unclear circumstances. Its displacement was 210 tons, there were 31 people on board - 22 crew members and 9 scientists.

In mid-September, the ship set off on a scientific expedition on a government mission. The weather was favorable for the researchers; it was calm. Radio contact with coast services was excellent. But on September 24, just before the end of the expedition, the ship suddenly disappeared. No alarm signals were received from it, and no natural disasters were observed in the area. However, “Kairo-Mairu” seemed to disappear into thin air, leaving no traces behind. Two working versions of what happened were put forward. According to the first, the ship was covered by a giant wave and sank. The second suggested that the ship was pulled into a suddenly opened volcanic crater. None of the versions have been confirmed.

Less than a week had passed when exactly the same inexplicable disappearance occurred in the Medzin Reef area. On September 30, 1952, the Tosui-Maru ship, with a displacement of 60 tons, went missing. The exact number of people on board has not been established. This vessel was also equipped with last word technology and weather conditions were excellent. To explain what happened, the same two unproven versions were again put forward - a volcanic explosion and a giant wave. The remains of the ship were not found.

Over the next four years, seven more similar incidents occurred - modern sea vessels inexplicably disappeared, leaving no traces behind, as if they were fragile boats. The Japanese government decided to consider the Devil's Sea an anomalous zone and issued official recommendations to sailors to avoid it. But a recommendation is not a ban. And many ships, at their own peril and risk, continued to sail through the “cursed” place - some did not believe in the supernatural nature of what was happening there, others relied on their luck. And strange disappearances and disasters continued to occur. For example, in December 1976, the Norwegian tanker Berge Istra disappeared in the Devil's Sea under unclear circumstances. According to the official version, there was an accidental explosion due to the negligence of the crew members. But it is no longer possible to establish how everything really happened. And in the winter of 1981, a series of disasters in the Devil's Sea simply shocked the whole world - within one week, six ships were lost in this zone. They died under similar circumstances - excellent weather conditions and not a single distress signal from ships.

The anomalous zone did not spare aircraft either; planes flying over the ominous place also often got into accidents or simply disappeared without a trace. These disappearances began during the Second World War. But, of course, they didn’t give it any credit then. of great importance- the loss of a plane during the war did not seem like something supernatural. However, disappearances and unexplained disasters continued in peacetime.

There is an opinion that main reason Disasters occurring in the Devil's Sea include dangerous tropical cyclones and typhoons that originate in various areas of the Western Pacific Ocean, in the South China Sea, near the Mariana and Philippine Islands.

One of the last high-profile disappearances occurred in 1998. In August of this year, three jet fighters were returning from a training flight to the Misawa base on the island of Honshu. Around seven o'clock in the evening, two of them suddenly disappeared from the radars of ground tracking services. At the same time, a radiogram with strange content came from the third fighter. It reported that the pilot saw in front of him an incomprehensible object resembling a giant ball lightning Red. Then the last plane made a sharp maneuver, apparently to avoid a collision with this object, and also disappeared. Coast Guard patrols found a small piece of debris from one of the planes. The remains of the others were not found. That same year, in October, a similar incident occurred in the same area, near the Misawa base. This time the fighter disappeared from the radars without having time to give a single alarm signal. Patrol ships managed to find a piece of the wing of this aircraft.

Both accidents were thoroughly investigated. However, experts had only small fragments at their disposal, from which it was impossible to determine the causes of the sudden accidents. No intelligible explanations were given for these incidents.

Afghan anomalous zone

This is another mysterious place that is part of the Devil's Belt. Unlike the two previous maritime zones, this is a land zone covering the eastern regions of Afghanistan.

The Afghan anomaly currently remains poorly studied. There are several reasons for this. Firstly, Afghanistan is one of the poorest countries in the world, so it is not able to allocate funds for such exotic research. Surely, many scientists from other countries could and would like to independently equip expeditions to this mysterious place. But Afghanistan is part of the Islamic world, which is very prejudiced against foreign research on its territory. And this is the second reason. Well, the third is that since 1978 Afghanistan has not escaped civil war, escalating military conflicts with Western countries. In such conditions, the study of the anomaly does not seem of any value to this country; there are more pressing tasks.

However, some information about the Afghan anomalous zone still surfaces periodically, although very fragmentary. According to the stories of a few eyewitnesses, the appearance of NAO can often be observed in this area. The appearance of objects can be different - there were disc-shaped flying vehicles of silver color, and fiery red balls, and oblong white capsules. There was no direct aggression from these objects; rather, they were monitoring the area. However, their very appearance causes panic.

One of the most detailed and reliable descriptions of the appearance of the Nenets Autonomous Okrug in the Afghan anomaly zone is a letter from Rolf Meisinger, a German soldier. From 1988 to 1990, he served in a top-secret unit for the identification and subsequent study of natural, physical and psychic anomalies and phenomena. Your letter with the things stated in it interesting facts and he was able to make the evidence public only in 2005. It was published in the newspaper “ Soviet Russia" for August 4, 2005

Rolf Meisinger, on behalf of his group, conducted a survey of eyewitnesses mysterious phenomena. While in Afghanistan during the withdrawal period Soviet troops, he met one of the landing troops ensuring the safety of the retreat. The Russian military told him about an amazing incident that happened to them in the anomalous zone.

It so happened that the detachment strayed from the set route, getting caught in a sandstorm and taking the wrong course. The paratroopers wandered in the mountains for more than three days until they finally reached the valley to the river bank. The detachment commander took as a landmark the ruins of some fortress, the contours of which were clearly visible in the distance, and the detachment set off along the river towards these ruins.

From the first hours of their stay in this area, the paratroopers felt uneasy. Having visited hot spots more than once, the special forces soldiers in this deserted and safe valley suddenly felt an unaccountable, ever-growing anxiety. They soon noticed that no living creatures were visible here and there were no sounds except the sound of water. There were no birds in the sky, no insects in the air or on the ground. They did not meet a single snake on the way, which is so abundant in the Afghan valleys.

Having reached the ruins, the detachment stopped for the night. The night they spent in this anomalous zone cost seven fighters their lives, and the survivors still remember it with a shudder. Rolf Meisinger recorded the testimonies of the surviving soldiers, as well as the story of Major Galkin, the commander of the search group that found the surviving paratroopers.

The general picture of what happened on this fateful night emerges as follows. Around two o'clock in the morning, a sharp whistling sound pierced the air, reminiscent of the sound of a passing jet plane. The detachment took up a defensive position. There were no planes visible. But suddenly a powerful beam of white light cut through the night sky from above on the left side. It was impossible to determine where it came from.

Light flooded the ruins, blinding the fighters. From the place where the beam came into contact with the ground, an increasing rumble could be heard, the earth trembled. After some time, in the sky above the detachment, out of nowhere, a strange oval-shaped object appeared and hovered, unlike anything the soldiers had seen before. It was silver and shimmered like mercury. Light spots appeared in the sky to the side of the object.

The detachment commander gave the order to open fire on the object. But he remained unharmed, as if absorbing the bullets that hit him. A flash of bright light blinded the fighters and they lost consciousness.

The detachment was discovered on the sixth day after his disappearance, that is, two days after that terrible night. Seven fighters were dead, two were blinded, and the rest were severely burned. None of them remembered what happened after the outbreak. When the surviving paratroopers were taken to the hospital and their radiation levels were checked, the Geiger counters around them went off scale. Everything indicated that the detachment was exposed to powerful radioactive radiation.

Rolf Meisinger, accompanied by a Soviet military research group, which included Major Galkin, visited the landing site for the night, in those same ruins. For three days, a thorough study of the area was carried out, and a field laboratory was deployed. Soil and water analysis was carried out, and video recording was carried out around the clock. Two deep depressions were discovered not far from the ruins correct form, reminiscent of craters from a powerful explosion. One night we managed to photograph strange spots of light in the sky, the source of which was not determined.

The research results were to be forwarded to Russian Academy Sciences for thorough study. But on the way back, the group was attacked by a detachment of Mujahideen, the equipment was smashed, and all tests were destroyed. After many hours of firefight, the group members managed to break away from their pursuers, and were soon picked up by a Russian helicopter. However, invaluable research obtained at the risk of life was lost. All that remains are eyewitness accounts recorded by Rolf Meisinger and preliminary conclusions drawn by team members based on field analyses. Based on these data, several versions have been put forward regarding the events taking place in the Afghan anomalous zone.

1. The valley was a former testing ground for secret weapons, and everything that is observed in it is the residual effects of these tests.

2. In the valley, and at present, the Afghan military periodically tests the latest weapons. The landing party came here during one of these tests.

3. The valley is a powerful geopathogenic zone, and what is happening is associated with some unexplored natural phenomena.

4. A UFO, possibly of alien origin, landed in the valley.

Hawaiian anomalous zone

The Hawaiian anomalous zone is not as famous and popular as the other zones of the Devil's Belt. Perhaps, if Ivan Sanderson had not calculated its location theoretically, no attention would have been paid to it. For a long time, this section of the Pacific Ocean was not noticed in any special “atrocities”, and no sensational events occurred in this zone.

This zone got its name from its location - it is located north of the Hawaiian Islands. Only after Sanderson's discovery did researchers begin to take a closer look at this site. It couldn’t be that everything here was completely quiet and smooth, at least some kind of anomaly had to be discovered. And indeed, close observation was not in vain. A unique feature of the Hawaiian anomalous zone has been found. Not long ago it was discovered that this place is characterized by the most frequent occurrence of rogue waves.

To be fair, it must be said that such rogue waves are also found in other parts of the world's oceans. But the largest number of them is in the Hawaiian anomalous zone. Over the course of one month, up to five or six such waves can be recorded here, while during the same period no more than three or four of them are formed in the entire world ocean.

The phenomenon of rogue waves (other names: wandering waves, monster waves, white waves, crazed waves) was discovered relatively recently, just three decades ago. This is the name given to giant waves, the height of which can reach 40 m. They are characterized by an amazing feature. These waves move along the surface of the ocean in any direction, regardless of currents and wind direction. The length of such waves is usually about 1 km. It is also characteristic of them that their height at the edges does not decrease gradually, smoothly disappearing, but drops sharply. That is, it looks as if a rectangular multi-story building made of water is moving across the sea.

The discovery of this phenomenon surprised ocean scientists a lot. Previously, it was read that the maximum height of ocean waves could be only 20 m. But this idea was decisively refuted by information received from modern radar satellites of the Earth. It was with the help of satellites that these gigantic destructive waves were discovered, completely changing all previous ideas about the capabilities of the sea elements.

Rogue waves should not be confused with tsunamis - they have nothing in common. Tsunamis arise as a result of any geophysical events (for example, large underwater earthquakes or giant landslides), which result in a sharp displacement of a section of the seabed. In contrast, traveling waves arise on their own, wherever and whenever they please. They are not caused by any weather conditions or geophysical shifts.

A wandering wave has enormous mass. The surface on which it falls experiences enormous pressure, reaching 120 tons per 1 m 2. Even the most powerful ship, faced with such a huge mass, can sink in just a few minutes.

Rogue waves have more than once become “characters” in feature films, such as “Poseidon”, “White Squall”, “The Perfect Storm”. These films were based on real events, describing the wreck of ships colliding with wandering waves.

The discovery of the rogue wave phenomenon has shed light on some unexplained disappearances of sea vessels in different parts of the world's oceans. But the nature of the wandering waves themselves has not yet been revealed; they still remain a big mystery. Of course, there are some hypotheses regarding their origin. But at the moment they are not yet sufficiently supported by actual research. It is very difficult to study rogue waves, since it is impossible to predict where and when they will occur. In this regard, the Hawaiian anomalous zone is of great scientific interest. After all, it is here that traveling waves occur most often, and, therefore, there are more opportunities to study them.

According to one hypothesis, the formation of traveling waves is associated with the spread of a region of high atmospheric pressure. Vast air masses move at high speed towards low pressure. Due to this, water is pumped onto the ocean surface. As a rule, large waves are formed, but not exceeding the average size. In exceptional cases, when the pressure drop is very sharp, giant waves can form. According to the second hypothesis, giant rogue waves are formed as a result of the superposition of unidirectional oscillations of ocean waves. Simply put, under certain, rather rare circumstances, several waves add up to form one huge rogue wave.

Both hypotheses have not yet been sufficiently developed and, moreover, are quite difficult to understand. But let's hope that in the near future the key to unraveling this young and little-studied phenomenon will be found.

Gibraltar wedge

The Gibraltar wedge is the last and least studied of the anomalous zones belonging to the Devil's Belt. This is a land zone located in Algeria. Its base lies in the sandy desert of the Great Western Erg (Erg-Igidi plateau), and the tip stretches in a narrow strip towards the Strait of Gibraltar.

This anomalous zone is not as destructive as other places in the Devil’s Belt; there are no human casualties on its account. Perhaps that is why no one has seriously studied it yet. However, this area has its own mysterious and frightening features, which have been repeatedly described by travelers.

In the vast expanses of the desert, from time to time a strange, chilling whistle of unknown origin suddenly appears. In absolute silence, a quiet rustling sound first arises. It is heard from all sides simultaneously, so it is impossible to determine its source. Either it seems as if it is pouring from the sky, or as if it is rising from the ground, then it is flying from somewhere on the side, simultaneously to the left and to the right. The rustling gradually increases, begins to change tone, sounds in different ways. Gradually it develops into a piercing loud whistle. This whistle at first causes a feeling of vague anxiety, then the anxiety intensifies and after some time the person is seized by animal horror, forcing him to rush in panic, without discerning the path, just to escape from this terrible sound. The fatal whistle can last for hours, driving people crazy, and then stops as suddenly as it started. What is characteristic is that it acts in a similar way on animals. For example, horses stop listening to their riders, throw them off and rush away.

A reliable hypothesis that could explain the origin of the mysterious whistle has not yet been proposed. Obviously, the whistle itself contains infrasound - it is this that causes panic in people and animals. But infrasound is not audible to the human ear; it acts directly on the psyche. But where the whistle itself comes from, what or who makes it, is a big mystery. Perhaps this is exactly the sound that was described in ancient Greek literature (for example, in Homer’s Odyssey), when there were stories about sea sirens driving sailors crazy with their voices.

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From the book Siberia Firsthand author Aganbegyan Abel Gezovich

New industrial belt In the eleventh five-year period, the highway will go into operation. The road is eagerly awaited in Buryatia and the Amur region, in Transbaikalia and Primorye. Six regions, territories and autonomous republics of Siberia and Far East pin hopes for the arrival of BAM on

From the book Myths and mysteries of our history author Malyshev Vladimir

Japanese “suicide belt” Terrorists first tried to use the suicide weapon, the so-called “suicide belt” in the Middle East today, in St. Petersburg at the beginning of the last century. And it was made according to instructions translated into Russian

From the book We are Slavs! author Semenova Maria Vasilievna

Belt Slavic women wore woven and knitted belts. They were almost not preserved in the ground, so archaeologists believed for a very long time that women's clothing were not girded at all. But belts have been one of the most important symbols of male prestige since ancient times -


Prefabricated belt Detail protective equipment warrior. The width of the belt is 5-10 cm. Narrow metal plates were attached to the leather base; sometimes plaques, clasps, strap ends, printed plates. Such belts are known even among the Scythians and

From the book Encyclopedia of Slavic culture, writing and mythology author Kononenko Alexey Anatolievich

Belt A long strip of skin, fabric or knitted for girdling clothing, a necessary attachment, as well as decoration for decoration. In folk beliefs, it was also a talisman and had protective power. For the Cossacks, in addition to their main purpose - to girdle clothes and be

The Afghan anomaly, along with the Bermuda Triangle, is mysterious zone, part of the so-called Devil's Belt. Due to the fact that this area is practically not removed from military operations, the Afghan anomaly remains poorly explored. Nevertheless, information about unusual phenomena periodically appears in the media. The most detailed descriptions of the Afghan anomaly were provided by Soviet soldiers who served from 1988 to 1990.

The detachment was discovered six days after it mysterious disappearance. Seven fighters were found dead, two were left without vision, and the rest received severe burns. They could not remember what exactly happened after the strange flashes.

Anomalous zone in an abandoned military unit

Adulary is a mystical place; there are too many mysteries and secrets in it that cannot be rationally explained. Ghost town in the Moscow region. Former position S-25, call sign Adular. This is on Volokolamka, not far from Novopetrovsk. For everyone who works and lives near Pyatnitskoye Highway "Ghost town in the Moscow region. Former position s-25, call sign Adular. Considering the proximity to the capital, it has been preserved well. There are many interesting artifacts, both military and civilian themes. There are garages on the territory , two five-story three-entrance houses, many two-story administrative buildings, a boiler room, an electrical substation, warehouses. Nearby, one of the former military positions of the S-25. In the early 90s, the S-25 complexes were removed from combat duty, some of the personnel were transferred to other places. others quit; the town itself is located in the Istra region, long abandoned and plundered.

Anomalous zone over the Baltic

Early summer morning two Polish fishing boats were fishing near the borders of the territorial waters of the USSR. Two more Soviet trawlers were fishing next to them, and a merchant ship was sailing in the distance. However, soon the quiet idyll was disrupted by red balls appearing from nowhere in the sky. One of them paid close attention to one Polish boot, forcing it to maneuver and at the same time repeating all its movements. At the same time, the ball was always directly ahead in front of the bow of the fishing vessel.

Soon the team members were seized with an incomprehensible panic, many began to have headaches and nausea, and it became difficult to breathe. Some lost their sense of direction. At the same time, all electrical devices on the boat failed, and the ship practically lost control. Apparently, having reached its goal, the ball soared up and disappeared. After his disappearance, people came to their senses, and the equipment started working. The ship returned to the port, where the crew was immediately examined by doctors naval base. However, nothing other than loss of strength and nervous breakdown was found among the team members. All this happened on August 23, 1979.

And already in March 1995, the newspaper of the Polish Army published an article on its pages that the Baltic had its own Bermuda Triangle, because of which fishing vessels had died at sea not for the first time, and the latest case occurred quite recently. The ship, after a successful fishing, lay drifting with the engines turned off, and the crew selected fish from the nets. Suddenly, for no apparent reason, the ship tilted and lay on its side in the water. To start the engine and raise the ship, the mechanic rushed into the engine room. However, in just one instant, the ship capsized and began to sink. Of the eight crew members, seven survived. The mechanic died without having time to get out of the engine room.

The Baltic Sea zone was immediately called anomalous, and the Polish scientists ufologists They said that it was all due to UFOs, which for some reason had chosen this area of ​​the sea. By the way, luminous balls are not such rare visitors over the Polish sky. And they were seen not only over the sea, but also over the city. Some scientists suggest that it is possible that at the bottom of the so-called Bermuda Triangle and at the bottom of the Baltic Sea, aliens have built an underwater base or a spatial tunnel through which they penetrate from their world to ours.

However, there are many hypotheses, but, unfortunately, there is no scientific explanation for any of them yet. And the ships, meanwhile, are still disappearing.

54 people killed due to snowfalls and avalanches in Afghanistan

According to the latest news for today, February 5, 2017, in Afghanistan, due to abnormal frosts and heavy snowfall, which caused avalanches, at least 54 people were killed and about 52 citizens were injured. Temperatures in some areas of Afghanistan dropped to minus 10 degrees. In addition, the disaster caused damage to houses - about 168 buildings were destroyed. Communication and power lines were also cut.

The number of victims of abnormal frosts and snowfalls may increase, since rescuers have not yet been able to reach the most affected areas, where people may still remain.

Sand dunes, intricately curved trees and a mysterious atmosphere - near Ryazan there is its own anomalous zone - the so-called Fefelov Forest. This forest, located near the Kanishchevo microdistrict, attracts lovers of the otherworldly. Parapsychologist Andrei Zenkov approaches this tree with caution. He says the last time he was here, he suddenly felt ill in this very place.

According to him, his heart began to pound. I moved two meters away and it stopped; I came back and the pain returned. Parapsychologists from all over Russia have been looking for an explanation for what is happening in Fefelov Forest for several years now. The reason for exploring the area was the stories of those who visited here. According to people, they were haunted by a feeling of anxiety. There is no scientific explanation for this yet, but there are hypotheses. So, according to one version, the forest invisible “something” is a clot of energy, the source of which is sand - after all, it has been proven that dunes have the ability to move.

When moved, grains of sand rub, causing energy to move into environment. People feel it on themselves in the form of a warm or cold wave and darkening in the eyes. Sharp magnetic fluctuations were also recorded in the sandy forest. Presumably, it was the waves that bent the branches of the pine trees at the roots. Biologists are in no hurry to confirm the relationship, and it remains to speculate again.

According to Zenkov's assumption, trees also change due to changes in the magnetic background. The tree bifurcates, the branches grow sharply upward. There are many such trees of the same size in the forest. Perhaps this is a surge of negative energy.

Researchers cannot judge how far the negative aura spreads. Fefelov Bor is located a few kilometers from the residential district of Kanishchevo, which is surrounded on all sides by fields and ponds. In 2004 there were archaeological excavations, an ancient burial ground was found.

If the energy of this forest somehow influences the state and behavior of people, then this is not connected with the culture of recreation. As in an ordinary forest, in this enchanted forest there are scattered plastic bottles and cigarette packs. They are left by vacationers who are not afraid of stories about strange things happening in the forest. Parapsychologist Andrei Zenkov plans to return to the place with equipment to understand what is happening, try to discern the world of shadows, and if it really exists, show it to everyone.



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