Austria in German. Topic in German: Austria (Österreich – theme, story, text). Progress of the training session

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Lesson topic: “Eine Reise durch Osterreich” - Traveling around Austria Tatyana Grigorievna Chernova, German language teacher, MAOU Secondary School No. 3, St. Bryukhovetskaya Krasnodar region

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Lesson topic: “Eine Reise durch Osterreich” Objectives: to introduce students to the cities of Austria and their attractions; train in reading with full understanding of what is read; intensify the use of the studied lexical material on the topic “City”; activation of grammatical material (control “fahren”; Modalverben) Equipment: presentation “Travel in Austria”, cards with LE on the topic “City”, cards for working with modal verbs, recording of the song “Tschuff, tschuff die Eisenbahn”) Lesson progress: 1 . Organizing time. Guten Tag! Wie geht's? Was gibt es Neues und Interessantes? Wie ist das Wetter heute? (Students answer the teacher's questions) - Heute haben wir eine ungewohnliche Stunde. Wir machen eine Reise nach Osterreich. Ich hoffe, dass unsere heutige Stunde euch viel Spass macht. Gute Reise! Womit fahren wir?Vielleicht mit einem Zug? Und mit wem fahren wir? Also, wollen wir zuerst ein Lied singen. (Children perform the song “Tschuff, tschuff die Eisenbahn”) 2. Phonetic minute: (slide number 3); cards with LE on the board, repeat modal verbs by cards. 3. The main stage of the lesson: a/(slides 4-5) conversation with the class on the topic Austria: 1. Wo liegt Osterreich? An welchen Staaten grenzt Osterreich? Aus wie viel Bundeslander besteht Osterreich? Wie heisst die Hauptstadt von Osterreich? Wie sind die Staatsfarben von Osterreich? b\(slides 6-7) Teacher’s story about Austria, working with texts; (slides 8-14) – Vienna is the capital of Austria; (slides 15-16) – Salzburg. B\ Control of LE knowledge and writing practice. Nehmt die Filzstifte und schreibt die Worter zum Thema “Osterreich”. Was fallt dir dazu ein? Klebt die Sticks auf die Tafel und ubersetzt die Worter. d/ Beanwortet meine Fragen (slide 17). (Students answer the teacher’s questions. Who was the most attentive in the lesson) 4. The final stage lesson. a/ let's summarize. Also liebe Freunde, wir beenden unsere Stunde. Sie haben sehr gut gearbeitet. Ich meine, dass sie gute Kenntnisse bekommen haben, die sie im Leben gebrauchen konnen. (They draw a smile on the sticks if you liked the lesson) B/ Grades for the lesson. C/Hausaufgabe.

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Wie man hier miteinander umgeht: Gruss Gott! Ich begrusse Sie! Meine Hochachtung! Main Respect! Kuss die Hand! Habedieehre! Adieu! Pfuat die Gott! Ba-ba! Pa-pa! Servus! Der Junge der Bub Das Abitur die Matura Die Fastnacht der Fasching Die Tomaten die Paradeiser Der Januar der Janner Der Februar der Feber Die Apfelsinnen die Orangen

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SERVUS, Osterreich! Grosse - 83,871 km2, Einwohnerzahl - 8.3 Millionen Hauptstadt – Wien Bundeslander- (9) Weitere grosse Stadte: Graz, Linz, Salzburg, Innsbruck, Klagenfurt Sprachen - Deutsch Der grosse Fluss - Donau, 351 Kilometer. Weitere wichtige Flusse: Inn, Mur Der hochste Berg - Grossglockner, 3 797 Meter Wahrung – Euro Den Namen "Ostarrichi" gibt es mindestens schon seit dem Jahr 990. Er bedeutet ubersetzt – “Ost-Reich”.

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Das Klima Das Besondere an Österreich sind seine Berge: Zwei Drittel des Landes liegen in den Alpen - dem größten Gebirge Europas. Der höchste österreichische Berg ist der Großglockner mit 3.797 Metern. In den Bergen herrscht ein alpines Klima. Das bedeutet, dass es viel regnet und es kurze kuhle Sommer und lange schneereiche Winter gibt. Je flacher das Land wird, um so weniger Schnee gibt es und um so heisser wird der Sommer. Der grosste Fluss heisst Donau.

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Osterreich ist ein Touristenland Die schone Natur und das gute Klima machen Osterreich zu einem sehr interessanten Touristenland. Touristen und Alpinisten kommen im Winter und im Sommer nach Osterreich; sie verbringen ihren Urlaub im Gebirge und treiben Wintersport. Das Zentrum des Wintersportes ist die Stadt Innsbruck. Zweimal-1964 und 1976 war Osterreich Gastgeber der Winterspiele.

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Altmodisch, gemutlich und nicht ganz billig Sehr beliebt sind die Cafehauser (die Beisel) in Wien. Dort gibt es Torten, Kuchen und naturlich Kaffee. Dort sitzen dann die Wiener, oft stundenlang, und lesen Zeitungen oder diskutieren uber Politik und das Leben. Die uralte Tradition entstand 1683. („Schwarzen“,“Braunen“ (mit Milch), „Melange“ (mit Sahne), „Espresso“)

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Der Stephansdom ist das Wahrzeichen Wiens. Von den Wienern wird liebevoll "Steffl" genannt.

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Das inoffizielle Wahrzeichen Wiens Beliebt und bekannt ist auch der Prater, der Vergnugungspark mit dem Riesenrad. Wenn du mal einen Film siehst, der in Wien spielt, kommt garantiert irgendwann das Riesenrad ins Bild!

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Wien gilt auch als "Stadt der Musik".Die Wiener Staatsoper zählt zu den bekanntesten Opernhäusern der Welt.

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“Die blaue Donau” Von den Bergen des Wiener Waldes aus sehen wir die Stadt und die Donau. Von hier aus ist die Donau blau. So hat sie J.Strauss wohl gesehen, als er seinen Walzer “Die blaue Donau” komponierte. Die Donau ist vielmehr gelb-braun.

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Jedes Jahr wird am letzten Donnerstag im Fasching der Wiener Opernball gefeiert. Er bildet den Höhepunkt der Ballsaison. Für die rund 200 Debütanten-Paare gilt das Eröffnen des Opernballs auch heute noch traditionell als „Einführung in die Gesellschaft“.

Österreich liegt im südlichen Mitteleuropa und hat die Fläche von drei und achtzig Tausend acht hundert vier und fünfzig km2. Hier leben etwa siebeneinhalb Millionen Einwohner. Österreich grenzt an verschiedene Länder: an schöne Schweiz, Italien, attraktives Slowenien, kaltes Ungarn, an bekannte Tschechische Republik, die malerische BRD und an kleines Lichtenstein.

Die österreichische malerische Landschaft besteht aus großen hohen und schönen Mittelgebirgen. Österreich ist eines des berühmtesten Alpenlands. Die Berge liegen im unmittelbaren Süden dieses Landes und erstrechen sich bis zur großen Donau im Norden. Österreich ist eines des waldreichsten Land Europas. Diese einmaligen Naturschönheiten und zahlreiche unwiederholbare Sehenswürdigkeiten machen dieses Land für viele Touristen sehr attraktiv.

Seine Hauptstadt ist Wien. Österreich besteht aus neun selbstständigen Bundesländern. Das sind Burgenland, Niederösterreich, Wien und andere.

Man nennt Wien eine Musikstadt, weil dort die größten Komponisten, wie Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, Joseph Haydn, Johann Straus und Ludwig von Beethoven, lebten und arbeiteten. Bis jetzt Wien ist eine Musikstadt Europas.

Der Stephansdom ist das Wahrzeichen von Wien.

Österreich ist ein hochentwickeltes Industrieland. Die größten und wichtigsten Industriezweige sind Maschinenbau, Chemie - und Textilindustrie, Elektronik und andere.

Österreich ist besonders malerisch, deshalb wünschen die Touristen dieses Land zu besuchen.

Austria is located in south central...
Europe, and its area is eighty-three thousand eight hundred fifty-four square kilometers. Approximately seven and a half million inhabitants live here. Austria borders on various countries: beautiful Switzerland, fashionable Italy, attractive Slovenia, cold Hungary, famous Czech Republic, picturesque Germany (FRG) and little Liechtenstein.

The Austrian scenic landscape consists of large highlands and beautiful midlands. Austria is one of the most famous Alpine countries. The mountains are located in the very south of the country and stretch to the great Danube in the north. Austria is one of the richest countries in Europe with forests. These unique natural beauties and countless unique attractions make this country incredibly attractive to tourists.

Its capital is Vienna. Austria consists of nine independent federal states. They are Burgenland, Lower Austria (Niederosterreich), Vienna and others.

People call Vienna a musical city because famous composers such as Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, Joseph Haydn, Johann Strauss and Ludwig von Beethoven lived and worked here. And to this day, Austria, Vienna is considered the musical city of Europe.

St. Stephen's Cathedral is a landmark of Vienna.

Austria is one of the most developed industrial countries. The largest and most important industrial sectors are mechanical engineering, chemical and textile industries, electronics and others.

Austria is incredibly picturesque, so many tourists dream of visiting this country.

Theme, story, text

Die Republik Österreich wurde im November 1918 nach Zerfall der Doppelmonarchie Österreich-Ungarn gegründet.

Österreich gehört zu den Ländern mit dem Mehrparteiensystem. Eine der größten politischen Parteien des Landes ist die Sozialdemokratische Partei Österreichs (SPÖ).

Die Republik Österreich ist ein hoch entwickelter Industriestaat. Er verfügt über Vorkommen an Erdöl, Eisenerz, Kohle und Magnesit. Man gewinnt auch Kupfer, Silber, Zink und andere Bodenschätze. Beträchtlich sind auch Wasserkraftreserven Österreichs.

Der staatliche Sektor liefert rund 20 Prozent aller Industrieerzeugnisse. Eine wichtige Rolle spielen in der Wirtschaft die Monopole, starke Positionen hat das Fremdkapital, vorwiegend das bundesdeutsche.

Die führenden Industriezweige sind die Elektroindustrie, die chemische und die elektroenergetische Industrie, Maschinenbau, Bekleidungs- und Textilindustrie.

Die Landwirtschaft bedeckt fast vollständig den Bedarf des Landes an landwirtschaftlichen Erzeugnissen. Der wichtigste Zweig der Landwirtschaft ist die Tierproduktion.


The Republic of Austria was founded in November 1918 after the collapse of the dual Austro-Hungarian monarchy.

Austria is located in Central Europe. It borders on 7 European countries: in the north with the Federal Republic of Germany, in the east with Hungary, in the south with Yugoslavia and Italy, in the west with Switzerland and Liechtenstein.

The country covers an area of ​​84,000 km2. The population is 8.5 million. Official language Austria - German.

Austria is a federal state that consists of 9 federal states. Each federal state has its own constitution, its own parliament and its own government. The head of state is the federal president, who is elected by the population for a 6-year term.

Austria is a state with a multi-party system. One of the largest parties is the Social Democratic Party of Austria.

The Republic of Austria is a highly developed industrial country. It has deposits of oil, iron ore, coal and magnesite. Copper, silver, zinc and other minerals are also mined. Austria's hydropower resources are also significant.

The public sector supplies about 20 percent of all industrial output. Monopolies play an important role in the economy; foreign capital, mainly Germany, has a strong position.

The leading industries are electrical engineering, chemical and power engineering, mechanical engineering, light and textile industries.

In this article we will talk about the main historical attractions of Vienna. After all, rich palaces, beautiful historical buildings, the town hall are known throughout the world, and it is impossible to come to Austria and not visit these greatest buildings.

Map of Vienna with attractions

To make it easier to navigate and understand where everything is in the city, I am posting a map of Vienna with attractions that you can download. If you need metro and tram maps, you can find them in the article ““.


  • : Hofburg
  • Hofburg address: Michaelerkuppel, 1010 Vienna, Austria
  • How to get there
  • Working hours: 9:00 — 17:30
  • Ticket prices: 13.9 Euro; but other types of tickets are also available

The Hofburg is a former imperial palace in the heart of Vienna and the winter residence of the Habsburg dynasty. Currently, the Hofburg is the residence of the President of Austria. The palace stands on Heldenplatz Square, created during the reign of Emperor Franz Joseph I. Throughout the entire complex, consisting of 19 buildings and courtyards, you will see beautiful fountains, sculptural groups, parks, and gates. Currently, there are museums, a national library, and a concert hall on the territory of the complex. Here you will see the rich interior decorations
The complex occupies an entire block: dozens of buildings, nineteen courtyards, two parks and countless internal areas. The Hofburg acquired its current appearance by 1913. Now its territory houses museums, galleries, the national library and concert halls.

Vienna City Hall

  • Name of attraction on German : Rathaus
  • Town Hall address: Friedrich-Schmidt-Platz 1, 1010 Vienna, Austria
  • How to get there

Vienna City Hall is a majestic building in the neo-Gothic style. The building was erected between 1872 and 1883. Currently, the building houses the city hall, the provincial government, parliament, senate and other important municipal departments. The length of the building is 152 m, width 127 m, height of the central tower 98 m. The building contains 1,575 rooms, 5 towers and 2,035 windows. The building area is 113,000 m2. The main hall of the town hall is used for exhibitions, concerts, receptions and balls. Approximately 800 different events are held at the town hall each year. In winter, on the square in front of the town hall, the largest in the city is erected, where you can drink mulled wine, buy new Year gifts and chat with friends.


  • Name of the attraction in German: Burgtheater
  • Theater address: Universitätsring 2, 1010 Vienna, Austria
  • How to get there: Nearest metro station Herrengasse (line U3)
  • Ticket prices: ticket price depends on the performance - from 3.5 Euros for standing seats to 61 Euros for seated seats on weekends and holidays

The Burgtheater is a royal theater located opposite the Town Hall. The theater was founded by order of Empress Maria Theresa in the 18th century. At all times, this theater was considered one of the most prestigious drama theaters in Europe.

  • Name of attraction: Austrian Parliament Building
  • Parliament address: Dr.-Karl-Renner-Ring 3, 1017 Vienna, Austria
  • How to get there: Nearest metro station Rathaus (line U2)
  • Working hours: from 1 to 5 excursions per day from 10:45
  • Entry fee: free as part of a group excursion

The Parliament Building (Hohes Haus) is a monumental, stately imperial building with an area of ​​13,500 m². The building has 100 rooms: chambers of the National Council, Federal Council, meeting rooms, libraries, lobbies, bars. If you look closely, then in architectural appearance the buildings can be seen elements of different styles: neoclassical, Byzantine and antique. And opposite the building there is a sculptural composition of Pallas Athena with a fountain.

St. Stephen's Cathedral

  • Name of the attraction in German: Domkirche St. Stephan zu Wien
  • Cathedral Address: Stephansplatz 3, 1010 Vienna, Austria
  • How to get there
  • Working hours: 6:00 — 22:00
  • Entry fee: tour of the entire cathedral 19.9 Euro; climbing the tower 5 Euro

St. Stephen's Cathedral is a Catholic cathedral in the center of Vienna on Stefansplatz Square, national symbol Austria, the Metropolitan Church of the Archbishop of Vienna and one of the main symbols of Vienna. You will often notice that the cathedral is called the Austrian national sanctuary.

The cathedral was founded in 1137, and its construction was completed in 1160. The cathedral has 4 towers, the highest is the southern tower with a height of 136 m, where there is an observation deck. From the observation deck you can see up close the multi-colored patterned tiled roof of the cathedral, consisting of 230 thousand tiles. On one side of the cathedral, the mosaic forms a double-headed eagle, which is a symbol of the empire ruled from Vienna by the Habsburg dynasty. On the north side are the coats of arms of the city of Vienna and the Republic of Austria.

The cathedral contains the largest organ in Austria with 10 thousand organ pipes, catacombs, a tomb, 23 bells and various sculptural decorations. For example, the sculpture of St. John of Capistrana.

Plague Column

  • Name of the attraction in German:Wiener Pestsäule
  • Address: pedestrian street Graben, Vienna, Austria
  • How to get there: Nearest metro station Stephansplatz (lines U1 and U3)
  • Cost of visit: for free

The Plague Column is a column dedicated to the Holy Trinity, installed on the Graben pedestrian street. The baroque monument was erected after the Great Plague epidemic in 1679. This is the most famous sculptural group in Vienna.

Karlsplatz Square

  • Name of the attraction in German: Karlsplatz
  • How to get there

Karlsplatz is a city square on the border of the first and fourth districts of Vienna. It is also the largest transport hub of the capital of Austria, because... 3 metro lines intersect here, and the most important tram and bus routes pass here.

The following buildings are located on the square: , Technical University, library Technical University, concert hall of the Vienna Philharmonic Musikverein, Resselpark, Vienna House of Artists Künstlerhaus, Secession House, Catholic Church Karlskirche.

The dominant feature of the square is the 72-meter-high Karlskirche. The church is very unusual, because... it combines different elements of style: an ancient Greek portico, ancient Roman columns like Trajan's Column, two Baroque pavilions and a large dome reminiscent of the dome of St. Peter's Basilica.

Vienna Philharmonic

  • Name of the attraction in German: Musikverein
  • Address of the main building of the Philharmonic: Musikvereinsplatz 1, 1010, Vienna, Austria
  • How to get there: Nearest metro station Karlsplatz (lines U1, U2 and U4)
  • Ticket prices: from 5 Euros for standing places to 31 Euros

The Vienna Philharmonic, with its main concert hall Musikverein on Karlsplatz square, is considered one of the best symphony orchestras in the world. Both local groups and groups from abroad perform on the stage of the concert hall. If you want to plunge into the atmosphere of the 18th century, come to costumed musical performances.

  • Name of the attraction in German: Wiener Staatsoper
  • Opera address: Opernring 2, Vienna, Austria
  • How to get there: Nearest metro station Karlsplatz (lines U1, U2 and U4)
  • Ticket prices: 116-208 Euro

The Vienna State Opera is the largest and most famous opera house in Austria. It is for the theater that many tourists come to Vienna. The theater building was built in 1869 in the neo-Renaissance style by the famous Czech architect Josef Hlavka. Accommodates 1,709 people seated and 567 people standing.

The repertoire of the Vienna Opera is one of the richest in the world. The repertoire includes 50-60 operas and 10 ballet performances: Carmen, Faust, Peer Gynt, etc. Performances are shown every day.

Dancing musical clock Ankerur

  • Name of the attraction in German: Ankeruhr
  • Hours address: Hoher Markt 10-11, Vienna, Austria
  • How to get there: Nearest metro station Schwedenplatz (lines U1 and U4)
  • Entry fee: for free

The Ankerur Dancing Musical Clock is a large clock and quite an interesting attraction, which is located near St. Stephen's Cathedral. Ankerur is a large clock in the form of a bridge between two buildings. The length of the clock is 10 meters! The watch was created by the artist Franz von Mach in the Art Nouveau style; the watch dial is made of mosaic. Over the course of twelve hours, 12 figures of people who left an important mark on the history of Austria cross the bridge. Among the figures you can see the emperors Marcus Aurelius, Charlemagne and Maximilian I, Empress Maria Theresa, composer Joseph Haydn, Prince Eugene of Savoy.

Pedestrian streets Kärntnerstrasse and Graben

  • Name of the attraction in German: Kärntner Straße and Graben
  • How to get there: Nearest metro station Stephansplatz (lines U1 and U3)

Kärntnerstrasse and Graben are the main pedestrian streets in the center of Vienna in the area of ​​St. Stephen's Cathedral. Kärntnerstrasse starts at the Vienna Opera and ends at St. Stephen's Cathedral. Like the pedestrian streets of other European cities, there are many souvenir shops, cafes, coffee shops, hotels, clothing stores, casinos, perfume shops and luxury brand stores. Before Christmas, these and neighboring streets are beautifully decorated with lights.

Hundertwasser House

  • Name of the attraction in German: Hundertwasserhaus
  • House address: Kegelgasse 36-38, 1030 Vienna, Austria
  • How to get there: Nearest tram stop Hetzgasse (tram no. 1)

The Hundertwasser House is a residential building in the center of Vienna with 52 apartments, which was built according to the design of the Austrian expressionist artist and architect Friedensreich Hundertwasser. Hundertwasser did not like identical box houses, so he created such unprecedented and unusual projects all over the world. In Vienna we see a multi-colored house in which there are no straight lines, and the amount of color on the facade is amazing. If you look closely, you will not see the same windows in the house. The facade of the house is covered with multi-colored glazed tiles. The beauty of the house is added by green spaces on the roof. In the house you will find a cozy cafe and a souvenir shop with outlandish houses and crafts that you can bring as a gift from Austria.

City park and golden monument to Strauss

  • Name of the attraction in German: Johann Strauss Denkmal
  • Address: Am Stadtpark, 1030 Vienna, Austria
  • How to get there: Nearest metro station Stadtpark (line U4)
  • Entry fee: for free

One of the symbols of musical Vienna is the golden monument to Johann Strauss, located in the City Park (Stadtpark). In addition, the park contains sculptures of Franz Schubert, Franz Lehár and Robert Stolz, a marble statue of the artist Hans Makart, and a bronze bust of the composer Anton Bruckner. The park is perfect for relaxing from the bustle of the city: in spring and summer, beautiful flowers bloom there, there is a flowerbed with a clock like in Geneva, and a pond with ducks. The largest building in the park is Kursalon, which used to be a spa, now this building is used for balls, congresses and parties.

Prater Park

  • Name of the attraction in German: Prater
  • Address: Riesenradplatz 1, 1020 Vienna, Austria
  • How to get there: Nearest metro station Prater (line U2)
  • Working hours: Ferris wheel 9:00 - 23:45
  • Ferris wheel ride cost: 10 Euro

The Prater is one of the largest city parks in Europe. The length of the park along the Danube River is 5 km. Local residents love to play sports in the park because... there are good running and cycling tracks, a velodrome, a stadium, and sports grounds. In addition, there are pavilions of the Vienna International Fair, a hippodrome, a stadium and an “Action & Fun” amusement park.

If you come with children, you can take them on a miniature railway. Please note that the Prater is home to one of the symbols of Vienna - the Vienna Ferris Wheel (Wiener Riesenrad), built in 1896-1897, which for a long time was the tallest Ferris wheel in the world (wheel height - 64 meters). Be sure to take a ride on the wheel and admire the panorama of Vienna. One of the interesting attractions in the amusement park is the world's tallest chain carousel, the Prater Tower, 117 meters high!

On the territory of the park there is a Madame Tussauds wax museum, where tourists love to take pictures with the following celebrities: Arnold Schwarzenegger, Gustav Klimt, Napoleon, Nicole Kidman, Mozart, Freddie Mercury, Leonardo DiCaprio.

Danube Tower

  • Name of the attraction in German: Donauturm
  • Tower address: Donauturmstraße 8, 1220 Vienna, Austria
  • How to get there: Nearest metro station Kaisermühlen VIC (line U1), then through the park 1 km
  • Working hours: 10:00 — 24:00
  • Entry fee: 9.90 Euro

Danube Tower – TV tower in Vienna with a height of 252 m, built in 1964 during the Vienna International Garden Exhibition. This is Vienna's most popular observation deck. The observation deck is located at an altitude of 150 meters, and the two restaurants “Panorama” and “Danube Waltz” are at an altitude of 160 and 170 m. The Danube Tower is the tallest building in Vienna and the second tallest in Austria. On the observation deck there is also a bungee jumping platform from which Nastya Ivleeva jumped in the program Eagle and Tails.

Belvedere Palace

  • Name of the attraction in German: Belvedere
  • Belvedere address: Prinz Eugen-Straße 27, 1030 Vienna, Austria
  • How to get there: Nearest tram stop at Upper Belvedere Quartier Belvedere (tram no. 1.18) or Karlsplatz metro station at Lower Belvedere (lines U1, U2 and U4)
  • Working hours: 9:00 — 18:00
  • Entry fee: 15 Euro

The Belvedere is a historic palace complex in Vienna in the Baroque style. The complex includes two palaces - the Upper and Lower Belvedere. In the Upper Belvedere there is a museum with paintings mainly by Austrian authors such as Gustav Klimt, Schiele, Kokoschka, etc. In the halls of the Upper Palace there is the famous painting by Gustav Klimt “The Kiss”. The palace complex is especially beautiful in spring and summer, because at this time its symmetrical garden with cascading fountains is decorated with tulips and other flowers. The beauty of the complex is added to by numerous sculptures of goddesses and nymphs, as well as hedges.

Schönbrunn Palace

  • Name of the attraction in German: Schloß Schönbrunn
  • Palace address: Schönbrunner Schloßstraße 47, 1130 Vienna, Austria
  • How to get there: 600 meters walk from the nearest metro station Schönbrunn (line U4)
  • Working hours: 8:00 — 17:00
  • Entry fee: 14.20 Euro for adults, many combo ticket options available

Schönbrunn Palace is the Viennese summer residence of the Austrian emperors on the outskirts of the city. This is one of the most important architectural structures of the Austrian Baroque. Palace in different time used by the following prominent figures: Ferdinand II, Charles VI, Franz I, Napoleon, Elizabeth "Sissi". Currently, the palace has 1,441 rooms, and 45 rooms are open to the public. Visitors are especially amazed by the Ceremony Hall. During the year, the complex is visited by 6 million tourists, and the palace itself is visited by 1.5 million tourists. One of the decorations of the palace complex is the park, where the Glorietta Pavilion (a building on the top of the hill), the Palm House and the Zoo are located. On the territory of the complex there is a museum of very beautiful rare exquisite carriages that belonged to various rulers of Austria-Hungary.

On the territory of the palace complex is the Schönbrunn Zoo, built in 1752 as an imperial menagerie. This is the oldest zoo in the world. The zoo is home to 4,600 animals. Here you can see rare animals, such as pandas. Currently, Schönbrunn Zoo is considered one of the most modern and best zoos in the world. One of the main attractions of the zoo is the huge tropical pavilion and greenhouse. Ticket price to the zoo: 18.5 Euros for adults and 9 Euros for children.

Monument to Soviet soldiers who died during the liberation of Austria from fascism

  • Name of the attraction in German: Heldendenkmal der Roten Armee
  • Address: Schwarzenbergpl., 1030 Vienna, Austria
  • How to get there: Nearest metro station Karlsplatz (lines U1, U2 and U4)

Monument Soviet soldiers, who died during the liberation of Austria from fascism, is made in the form of semicircular colonnades and installed in honor of the heroes of the Red Army who fell during the battle for Vienna in World War II. The memorial consists of a triumphal arch and a 12-meter-high figure of a soldier, depicted with a Shpagin machine gun on his chest. The names of the fallen soldiers are inscribed on the walls of the monument.

Church of Francis of Assisi

  • Name of the attraction in German: Kaiserjubiläumskirche or Mexikokirche
  • Address: Mexicopl. 12, 1020 Wien-Leopoldstadt
  • How to get there: Nearest metro station Vorgartenstraße (line U1)
  • Entry fee: for free

Church of Francis of Assisi - roman catholic church in neo-Romanesque style. The church looks very interesting, because the monumental three-nave basilica made of gray brick with a heavy tower above the middle cross and two bell towers on the western facade is one of the largest church buildings in Vienna. Not all tourists get to the church, because... it is located not in the center, but on the banks of the Danube. Construction of the church began at the end of the 19th century and was completed in 1913. The church was erected in honor of the 50th anniversary of the accession to the throne of Emperor Franz Joseph.

Every traveler will be able to find interesting historical sights in Vienna, I will list some more that were not included in the list: Heldenplatz, Am Hof ​​Square, Kirche am Steinhof, Liechtenstein Palace on Fürstengasse (Gartenpalais Liechtenstein), Mozart House Museum.

In order to optimally explore all these buildings, palaces and squares, I advise you to mark all route points on an offline map before your trip. And, having arrived in Vienna, you can stroll through all of these without fuss iconic places. If you prefer to explore new cities with excursions, then I advise you to read our article ““. In this article we talk about the most popular and exciting excursions that will be of interest both to people who come to Vienna for the first time, and to those who have been here more than once.

The second option for optimal sightseeing is purchasing an offline author's route "from reliable agencies of official dealers of Aeroflot, S7, Ural Airlines and all famous airlines in the world.

Österreich liegt im südlichen Mitteleuropa und hat die Fläche von drei und achtzig Tausend acht hundert vier und fünfzig km2. Hier leben etwa siebeneinhalb Millionen Einwohner. Österreich grenzt an verschiedene Länder: an schöne Schweiz, Italien, attraktives Slowenien, kaltes Ungarn, an bekannte Tschechische Republik, die malerische BRD und an kleines Lichtenstein.

Die österreichische malerische Landschaft besteht aus großen hohen und schönen Mittelgebirgen. Österreich ist eines des berühmtesten Alpenlands. Die Berge liegen im unmittelbaren Süden dieses Landes und erstrechen sich bis zur großen Donau im Norden. Österreich ist eines des waldreichsten Land Europas. Diese einmaligen Naturschönheiten und zahlreiche unwiederholbare Sehenswürdigkeiten machen dieses Land für viele Touristen sehr attraktiv.

Seine Hauptstadt ist Wien. Österreich besteht aus neun selbstständigen Bundesländern. Das sind Burgenland, Niederösterreich, Wien und andere.

Man nennt Wien eine Musikstadt, weil dort die größten Komponisten, wie Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, Joseph Haydn, Johann Straus und , lebten und arbeiteten. Bis jetzt Wien ist eine Musikstadt Europas.

Der Stephansdom ist das Wahrzeichen von Wien.

Österreich ist ein hochentwickeltes Industrieland. Die größten und wichtigsten Industriezweige sind Maschinenbau, Chemie- und Textilindustrie, Elektronik und andere.

Österreich ist besonders malerisch, deshalb wünschen die Touristen dieses Land zu besuchen.

Austria is located in south-central Europe and its area is eighty-three thousand eight hundred and fifty-four square kilometers. Approximately seven and a half million inhabitants live here. Austria borders on various countries: beautiful Switzerland, fashionable Italy, attractive Slovenia, cold Hungary, famous Czech Republic, picturesque Germany (FRG) and little Liechtenstein.

The Austrian scenic landscape consists of large highlands and beautiful midlands. Austria is one of the most famous Alpine countries. The mountains are located in the very south of the country and stretch to the great Danube in the north. Austria is one of the richest countries in Europe with forests. These unique natural beauties and countless unique attractions make this country incredibly attractive to tourists.

Its capital is Vienna. Austria consists of nine independent federal states. They are Burgenland, Lower Austria (Niederosterreich), Vienna and others.

People call Vienna a musical city because famous composers such as Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, Joseph Haydn, Johann Strauss and Ludwig von Beethoven lived and worked here. And to this day, Austria, Vienna is considered the musical city of Europe.

St. Stephen's Cathedral is a landmark of Vienna.

Austria is one of the most developed industrial countries. The largest and most important industrial sectors are mechanical engineering, chemical and textile industries, electronics and others.

Austria is incredibly picturesque, so many tourists dream of visiting this country.

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