How to raise your authority. How to gain respect in a new team. Sharing time with the team

Having importance and authority in the team, both among colleagues and management, is what many employees strive for. But not everyone succeeds in gaining lasting authority at work. At the same time, work qualities, diligence and discipline do not play a decisive role.

  1. Maintaining your image
    Appearance and clothing must be appropriate for the position. If you are a DJ in a nightclub, a jacket and tie will look awkward. The same goes for a lawyer in a tracksuit. Accuracy and at least basic taste should come first. In addition, clothes should be modern, and not a stock from “grandmother’s chest of drawers.”
  2. Accuracy
    The workplace should look neat. Papers and things directly related to the current work are allowed. People around you should see that you are working and not imitating vigorous activity. At the same time, all kinds of mistakes, dirt, and unsanitary conditions are unacceptable. And at the end of the working day, the table should remain in perfect order.
  3. Personal qualities
    You cannot change yourself and your character, but negative traits V work time it is important to curb and control. Greed, temper, and isolation at work must be “kept to yourself.” You should prepare in advance for possible conflict situations, rehearse your behavior in case of work provocations, sometimes even through force.
  4. Your own point of view
    It should not be imposed, but it is not recommended to adapt to someone.
  5. Know your worth
    You can’t “shirk” from work, but you shouldn’t let even your bosses “ride on you.”
  6. No familiarity
    To gain authority at work, you need to establish smooth, respectful relationships with all members of the team, from the cleaning lady to the general director. You should not ingratiate yourself and show your own superiority, even if you are a leader.
  7. Correct behavior
    It is important to know moderation in everything, especially in behind-the-scenes conversations and collective events outside of work: at corporate parties, tea parties, etc.
  8. Don’t “knock” management behind their backs
    If there is a need to inform management about an incident that will negatively affect your colleague, you must first inform that colleague.
  9. Helping colleagues
    It is important to provide effective assistance to work colleagues if possible, even if the assistance is outside of your responsibilities. Your work will definitely be noticed and appreciated not only by ordinary employees, but also by management.
  10. Any employee can be replaced
    It is always necessary to remember the axiom: “ Irreplaceable people no,” and the main thing is to try it on at the moment when you want to say too much.

How to gain authority in a team? Be honest with yourself and colleagues, responsible, punctual. Work tirelessly, help colleagues and, most importantly, “keep your mouth shut.” Of course, you won’t be able to apply everything listed above at once, but work and skill will overcome any obstacles.

At work, these are integral factors of professional success, accompanied by rapid advancement up the career ladder. If team members do not trust you, then it is pointless to count on a highly paid position. The head of the company will not see you as a division leader with managerial qualities. Only respected employees who can influence the firm's performance and resolve issues achieve promotion.

However, achieving respect in a new team is relatively difficult, because in an established society laws and orders unknown to you prevail. You cannot come to work and tell employees about your professional skills and personal qualities– colleagues will consider such behavior provocative, avoiding your company. It is not recommended to indulge the “old-timers” of the company in everything, neglecting your own opinion. Over time, it will be extremely difficult for you to achieve respect among your employees. In this situation, newcomers who have recently gotten a job have a logical question: How to gain authority in the team?

Rules of behavior in a team

The first day at a new job is a significant event for which it is important to prepare in advance. If you do not plan your actions and rely on experimental answers when communicating with colleagues, then there is a risk of misunderstanding with employees. You are not familiar with the traditions of the team in which you find yourself, so prefer to limit yourself to a standard set of phrases, avoiding unnecessary activity. It is important to appear before colleagues as a person who knows the value of spoken words. When left alone with employees, when the management, after introducing you to the team, retires to the office, adhere to the following recommendations:

Guided by simple rules of behavior in a new team, you can easily find a common “language” with your colleagues. Having achieved your cherished goal, it is important not to lose the trust you have received from your employees. It is easy to lose authority if you lose your feeling self-esteem, trying to please every member of the team. Remember that people only respect strong personalities able to “stand up” for their own words and actions. You should not lose control of your emotions, lash out at colleagues and succumb to negative thoughts. Prudence and tranquility, self-sufficiency and justice are the “keys” to success, allowing you to open different doors on the path to cherished goals.

Having achieved respect among your colleagues, do not relax - you must adhere to your image without abusing the trust of the team

Features of a woman’s adaptation in a male team

It is important to distinguish between adaptation in teams where male or female employees predominate. In such companies, completely different relationships develop between colleagues, creating an exceptional atmosphere. A girl who finds herself in a male group must first of all not lose her temper by succumbing to the influence of the stronger half of humanity. In the current situation, you can find a variety of advantages that are not typical for companies with female employees. Men will not gossip, generate intriguing rumors and deliberately complicate the life of a new colleague, belittling the girl’s self-esteem. The egos of the guys will not allow them to behave in this way, risking their own authority among employees.

The most important factor is to accept the rules of behavior, forgetting about moralizing and boring discussions of fashion collections from the cosmetics industry. Leave such conversations for your lover, without loading your colleagues with unnecessary information. In the presence of a new employee, colleagues will definitely make dirty jokes, discuss sporting events and discuss car tuning. If you are interested in one of the topics raised by the team, be sure to support the conversation by correctly expressing your own opinion. Remember that insisting on your position is not a practical solution.

Accept their rules of behavior and peculiarities of relationships, becoming “one of your own” in the male community. The main thing is to be patient, because in some situations you will have to keep your own opinion to yourself. However, do not be offended if a colleague crosses the boundaries of subordination. An active and self-sufficient girl will definitely be respected in the team, and over time you will notice manifestations of care towards the only employee. It should be noted that your professional skills will be an integral factor influencing the opinion of men. If you are a qualified specialist who unquestioningly fulfills your duties, then “earning” authority points among guys will not be difficult.

Peculiarities of adaptation of a man in a women's team

If a man is lucky enough to get into a female team, then it is important to think in advance about the peculiarities of his behavior in the company of his newly minted colleagues. The first thing you need to do is maintain your self-esteem when appearing in front of the ladies. However, we must not forget about politeness, gallantry and courtesy, which girls will definitely appreciate. The main difference between the adaptation of a woman in a male community and a guy in a girls’ group is the manner of behavior. Girls will prefer to work in tandem with a brutal “male” who will not support conversations about cosmetics, new products from the fashion world and effective diets for weight loss. A man's strength should be to set aside and be patient, accepting the peculiarities of discussions in a women's team. However, it is not recommended to become a participant in such conversations in order to maintain your honor in the eyes of your employees.

Another piece of advice that a man should remember is that he should not have a love relationship with a girl in a women’s group. If you start paying more attention to a particular lady, then the spirit of feminism will definitely “awaken” in the rest of the fair sex. Prefer to keep your distance from colleagues, following the rules. It is strictly forbidden to meet different employees in turn, trying to hide your adventures from the team. The chosen ones will definitely share their happiness with their friends during the working day, which will instantly collapse on the reefs of lies. In the current situation, you risk being left without work, assistants in labor activity and the manhood you “thought” of when inviting colleagues from your company on dates. Become a friendly comrade and a sympathetic colleague for your employees, do not appear as a seducer, tempter and liar.

If you treat your new colleagues with respect, showing others your own self-sufficiency and professional skills, then gaining a foothold in the team will not be difficult. Compliance with subordination is another integral component of success, allowing you to earn authority among your employees. The main thing is not to panic, be friendly and tune in to a positive “wave”, experiencing positive emotions towards your colleagues. If you correctly apply the above recommendations from psychologists, you will create a comfortable atmosphere at work, find yourself in the unfamiliar walls of the office and gain peace of mind.

Perhaps everyone is familiar with the situation when, having come to new job, you find yourself in a close-knit team, in which you feel a little (or even very much) a stranger. Sometimes this is due to the fact that people have known each other for a long time and the newcomer disturbs the established comfort with his very presence, or simply rejection, perhaps due to the fact that new employee I didn’t have time to gain authority in the new place. What to do in such a situation? Should you be particularly active?

How to gain authority in a team?

Even true professionals in their field, if they move to a new place of work, are concerned with the question of how to win the respect of their colleagues and at the same time not create an army of enemies and envious people. Therefore, it is very important to have an individual approach to each colleague and to understand that the team as a whole always has its own unspoken charter, its own rules of behavior that are important to learn as quickly as possible.

How to do it? Yes, it’s very simple, try to unobtrusively ask your colleagues questions in a conversation, this way you will get to know them better, and you will also discover facts about your new place of work, local traditions and relationships. From the very beginning, try to remember the first and last names of your colleagues so that you don’t have to ask again. We talked about this in previous articles.

And of course, the main thing you need to do, or rather, not do at first, is not to get into arguments with anyone if you want to win the respect of your colleagues. The first impression is the most important. In the future, you can smooth it out somewhat, but not change it. Therefore, first try to prove yourself to be the life of the party, smile, be polite and courteous. I think you have before your eyes examples of people whom you see and you feel good and pleased. And there are other characters you want to stay away from. This is a clear example of how you can look in someone's eyes. Don't forget this.

A successful job is when you come there in the morning and no one annoys you.

Find a leader
Rules of behavior in a team

When you learn about the rules of behavior that have already been established in the team, you should strictly adhere to them, even if you don’t like them. You see, this is the whole point - to overcome yourself. People are initially closed in their shell of comfort, and in order to penetrate it, you must show that their contrived comfort is not threatened. That you are not only “not against”, but even “for” maintaining their comfort. So don't criticize anything you don't like. On the contrary, support. “Should I go after work, when everyone is tired, to sit somewhere? Of course I'm for it! “Chip in for the birthday of someone I haven’t even met? No problem!"

As for the questions that colleagues will have regarding your personality, you should answer politely and very thoughtfully. What does it mean? And the fact that they may ask you about politics, but you don’t know who the people gathered in the department support. Or talk about meat, despite the fact that someone here is an ardent vegetarian, and therefore, without knowing this, you don’t need to call all vegetarians crazy, otherwise you will immediately make enemies for yourself. Answer exactly as much as they want to know from you; there is no need to talk about things that were not asked. Always be correct, leave yourself an escape route, this will help you get around sharp corners.

Sharing time with the team

In continuation of what has been said, it is worth separately emphasizing the importance of spending time together with colleagues. You will be perceived as one of their own if something good and pleasant is associated with you. Relaxation, and also fun, is what you need. So if the department suddenly wants to go somewhere else, you should jump at the opportunity, even if you were planning on doing something else.

Individual approach

Don't forget that all people are different and everyone reacts to the situation according to their own logic, which may be far from your ideas about life. This is neither good nor bad, it's just a factor to consider. When communicating with colleagues, remember what people like and what they don’t, try to adapt to their whims. At least for starters. But when you enter the circle of “your own”, then you can allow yourself some liberties.

Woman in a male team

Now let's talk about how a woman can adapt to a male team, how to behave and make men take herself seriously. Firstly, initially a woman should relax internally, if only because it is easier to work with men. They rarely gossip, do not intrigue, and generally have a simpler approach to life.

And then it is important to replace your typically feminine behavior with masculine behavior. What does it mean? Let me give you an example: in the men’s campaign, it’s common to make vulgar jokes. And not because all men think only about one thing, but simply because men consider this kind of humor funny, and everyone likes to laugh. If the joke amused you, feel free to join in and laugh, and if you didn’t like it, don’t start a moralizing lecture about how such jokes are inappropriate. Just smile and keep working. This is how a woman in a male team can feel like she belongs.

The most important thing is to learn to understand men, which is actually not that difficult and is essentially a matter of habit. Masculine humor and freer behavior will become a normal atmosphere to which it is important to adapt and not interfere with colleagues to express themselves the way they like. A little tolerance and understanding on your part will make it easy to join the male team. And then everything will depend on your professionalism, which will allow you to gain authority.

A man in a women's group

But here the case is somewhat more complicated, because communicating with one woman alone is a completely ordinary situation, but when a man ends up in a women’s group, where he simply has nothing to talk about with his colleagues, this, of course, is torture. Moreover, modern women are very often feminists of some kind (well, aren’t they?). This means that conversations of this kind, diluted with discussions of lipstick and Lenochka’s skirt from the accounting department, will become commonplace for you, which you need to endure. No other way. But unlike the previous case, women want to see a man in you. You don't need to start gossiping with them, but on the contrary, you should behave like a man, while being responsive and polite. In fact, this is the main thing that a man in a women's team should know.

The authority of the leader in the team

There is often a situation when new management comes to an established team. And if this boss is you, then you will probably be interested in learning how to gain authority among new colleagues.

The secret here lies in two things:

  1. Balance between rigor and understanding.
  2. You need to be a leader.

Both points in equally decide how your subordinates will treat you. Now more about each of them. The balance between the “evil cop and the good cop” will help you put yourself on the right track from the very beginning. If you initially allow yourself to be bullied, then it will be extremely difficult to change such an attitude. Therefore, let us immediately understand who is in charge here. But you don’t need to boast about your power, otherwise you will be hated in the blink of an eye. And no one can go against the team. Alternate your exactingness with a friendly, individual approach to each employee. Be careful and fair, for Good work praise. Don't forget that praise motivates you to work even more than criticism. Such a balance is the most correct approach, which increases the authority of the leader in the team.

Now regarding leadership. If you want respect from your employees, you have to work harder than them. Not with instructions, but with your example to push everyone forward. Be the first to arrive at work, the last to leave. Understand that in the minds of every person there is a desire to justify himself. This works best when the boss does nothing himself, but criticizes at the same time. And if you do, and even more than everyone else, then you are perceived as a leader, not an exploiter :)

How to control yourself and enjoy communicating with colleagues?

It is also important to talk about the situation of mutual hostility. It happens everywhere and needs to be dealt with. But how? You see a person, his views do not suit you, just as the person himself does not have particularly warm feelings for you. All this results in quarrels, banter or barbs. And on top of everything, you try not to show it, because you have to work in this team, which is exhausting day after day.

But the recipe here is very simple - be grateful to such circumstances. I understand that someone is now choking on their tea after reading such advice, and someone is twirling their finger at their temple, however, let’s take a closer look. Any circumstance that deprives you of peace is essentially a challenge that requires tension from you. Tension, in turn, promotes development. You train your patience, your wits, even your acting skills, if you like. Think of it as a game, and the next time you meet at work, your colleague will turn from an enemy into just an object, a mannequin on which you practice.

The second tip is to be positive. Much of your inner worry is of your own making. If instead of worrying you start thinking about good sides colleagues and the situation in general (as in the first tip), you will notice that you will immediately feel better. And most importantly, don’t let anyone lower your self-esteem. If they try to offend you, then most often it is envy. And they envy you when you are considered better. Don't forget this.

Well, we have uncovered a very difficult topic and figured out how to fit into new team and gain authority. And do not take this test as something serious, let everything be a game, then your soul will become easy. Good luck!

The issue of authority in a team is almost the most important for any person. It doesn’t matter at all what kind of team we have in mind. This could be a group of colleagues surrounding you at work or just a group, but consciously or not, each of us dreams of “weighing” as much as possible in the eyes of others.

We all want our advice to be always listened to, our opinions to be taken into account, and our wishes to be fulfilled. Even those who claim the opposite and try to prove that he is absolutely indifferent to the opinions of others about him, in fact also want to have significance.

Rule 1.

This rule has been known to everyone almost since childhood. It lies in the fact that first you work for your authority, and only when you earn it will it begin to work for you. This means that you will have to put in effort to achieve your goal. Even when it seems to you that all your actions are meaningless, do not give up. The situation, and with it your authority in the team, can change at any moment.

Rule 2.

Start laying the foundations for your future authority from the first day of joining a new team. When meeting your colleagues, try to be friendly, affable, and show interest in them. If you get sympathy for your person from the very beginning, it will be much easier for you to become an authority in the future.

Rule 3.

Don't isolate yourself and keep silent. By being able to insert the right phrases into place that will seem interesting and meaningful to others, you will also raise your level in their eyes.

Rule 4.

In order to quickly get along with people new to you, it is best to organize a meeting with them in an informal setting. This could be going to a bar together, drinking tea at home, or going on a picnic out of town. Feel free to offer this to people first, they will immediately appreciate it.

Rule 5.

Show respect to all team members. If someone from the team does not evoke a feeling of sympathy for you, it is better to simply not say anything about him. This recommendation is valid for those cases when a person who is unpleasant to you does not interfere with everyone else in the team. If his concepts of morality and ethics are far from generally accepted, you can try to reason with your opponent, which will also have a beneficial effect on your authority.

Rule 6.

Until you become “your guy” in the team, get ready for constant “strength” tests to be carried out on you. This cannot be avoided, so just try to prepare for them psychologically and treat everything with a bit of humor.

Rule 7.

Don't give up responsibility for your words and actions. Don't make false promises, and once you promise to do something, you must keep your word. By making just one mistake, you can immediately lose everything you worked so hard to achieve and your dream of becoming an authority can be forgotten.

Rule 8.

Everyone likes people who understand humor. Therefore, in order for you to look harmonious in the eyes of others, you will be required to develop both of these qualities - intelligence and a sense of humor. If you don’t do this, then very soon, instead of thinking about how to become an authority, you will be concerned about how to remove the stigma of a buffoon or, conversely, a pedantic cracker.

Rule 9.

Our last rule, which is the most important, is don’t lose your naturalness. True authority can only be gained by your real qualities, and not by the role you try to play. Evaluate yourself. If you have suspicions that you do not fully meet the requirements for authoritative people, try to work on yourself, develop necessary qualities, and only after that begin to build your authority.

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How authority works and how to gain it

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Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi, psychologist

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