Back to school after winter break. Holidays in quarters. Where to find information about holidays

On March 9, 2020, the deadline for submitting compositions for participation in the Eurovision Song Contest 2020 expired. Russian TV viewers waited all day in vain - on the official website of the competition in the “Participants” section, the song from the group “Little Big” representing our country did not appear. Instead of the title it says “No song yet” and “To be announced later”.

But there is no need to worry - the organizers reported that the song was received on time. And the delay can be explained simply - the Russian “sponsors” decided to “stir up” the public’s interest in the event and make a show out of the song’s premiere.

We tell you when, what time and on what channel will the presentation of the song “Little Big” for the Eurovision Song Contest 2020 take place?.

Very soon - on Thursday March 12, 2020, we will find out with which song the group "Little Big" will represent Russia at the upcoming Eurovision Song Contest.

It was announced that the presentation of the song "Little Big" will take place on Channel One live broadcast "Evening Urgant". The program is scheduled to start on 23:30 Moscow time March 12, 2020.

Previously, the broadcast with the group "Little Big" in the program "Evening Urgant" was planned by Channel One on Friday, March 13, 2020 (starting at 23:20 Moscow time).

That is, the presentation of the song “Little Big” for the Eurovision Song Contest 2020:
* When will it take place - March 12, 2020 (Thursday).
* On Channel One, in the program “Evening Urgant”.
* What time - at 23:30 Moscow time.

The band's frontman Ilya Pruskin announced that the song would be fun and with a "Brazilian touch." Perhaps the composition for the European song competition will be the song "Uno", a 15-second segment of which has already appeared on YouTube.

Updated March 12, 2020 at 11:45 p.m.: The composition with which the band will perform at Eurovision was (as we expected) song "Uno". You can watch the clip on the Channel One website in the Music section.

For every student, winter holidays are a real holiday that children look forward to throughout the school year. And with the increasing workload on schoolchildren, the issue of proper rest becomes especially important. That is why all schoolchildren and their parents want to know about the school dates winter holidays 2018 in Russia in advance, because these are the best days to use for a joint holiday with the whole family.

When are winter holidays in the 2017-2018 school year?

Since in modern Russian schools There are two ways of teaching: by quarters and by trimesters, then accordingly for different types There may be different start and end dates for the holidays. But regarding specifically the winter holidays for schoolchildren, in both cases the terms should be the same, while depending on the region of the Russian Federation, as well as on the educational institution, the terms of vacation days in winter may differ slightly. Thus, winter holidays at school in the 2017–2018 school year are approximately will begin on December 28-30 and continue until January 9-10.

Who sets the dates for the 2018 school winter holidays?

The Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation participates in the formation of the weekend schedule and school days during the training period of the children throughout each year. But the actions of the Ministry are only advisory in nature. By law, each educational institution can adjust timing school holidays, so as not to get out of schedule and have full control educational process. In addition, Russia is a large and multinational country, with a huge number of cultural characteristics, which also influence the educational process. The Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation only gives recommendations and monitors that children’s rights are not infringed, and that work and rest time is adjusted in the most rational way. But the last word in this matter always remains with the directors of each school, lyceum or gymnasium. There is a nuance that you should be aware of. In the matter of formation, the director’s opinion can be influenced up to its complete change through parental committee. If for some reason the parents of students are not satisfied with the decision of the school management, then they have the right to submit their proposal, and it will definitely be considered.

Where can you relax during the winter holidays 2018

The best way to gain strength for further study is quality rest. And for children, during the holidays, it will be more than useful not only to spend time actively, but also to gain interesting impressions. Children's winter camp - this is exactly the way active rest most often chosen by parents for their offspring. The beauty of this holiday is that you don’t have to send your children somewhere far away; you can find camps near your own locality.

Also during the winter holidays, you can go with your child to the sea or simply travel around the countries to get acquainted with the culture and ways of celebrating the New Year in different parts of the world. But first, it would be good to get to know her in your own country. Therefore, you can consider the option of a trip to Veliky Ustyug or Kazan - these cities will bring you and your children a lot of impressions.

Also see: in 2018 in Russia, the date of the holiday.

Schoolchildren always look forward to the onset of the holidays, when they can at least briefly forget about the “granite of science” and devote more time to their favorite hobbies, walks with friends, games and relaxation with family. Information about the holiday period is always of interest to parents, as this makes it possible to control all possible “tails” of the child, plan family vacations and joint entertainment. This year, the question of possible reforms in determining vacation dates has become relevant for schoolchildren and their parents.

Let us remember that until recently in Russian Federation There was an established scheme in place, according to which the Ministry of Education received recommendations on the duration of holidays planned for the autumn, winter, spring and summer periods, and also provided information on the recommended timing of their implementation.

The usual school holiday system may change in 2016

School management state type had the opportunity to set the final dates for the onset of vacation holidays independently, having made an appropriate decision at the teachers' council. The main requirement of the Ministry was to comply with the specified number of days and start the holidays on Monday.

Innovations in the school system

Today, the issue of returning to the old norms and the possibility that the dates of the holidays will again become uniform, regardless of the region of the state, are being actively discussed. The capital was ahead of other regions and has already conducted surveys and votes regarding this proposal.

The initiator of the introduction of common dates was Isaac Kalina, who holds the post of Minister of Education of the Moscow Government. As it became known after processing the results of the survey, none of the proposed options received more than half of the votes of those surveyed. It is known that parents chose from several proposed options:

  1. the first concerns the classical type of education, in which the academic year is divided into quarters. In this case, schoolchildren will be given the opportunity to have three vacations (autumn, winter and spring) between quarters and a long summer vacation;
  2. the second of the options proposes dividing the year into three trimesters, lengthening the vacation time between them;
  3. the third is to divide the year more fractionally, into five periods of study, separated by four vacation periods of 6 or 7 days.

The total time that schoolchildren will spend on vacation will be kept unchanged under any option, and this, according to current educational standards, is 34 or 35 days (except for the summer vacation period).

Holidays in quarters

Thus, vacation time, in the case of studying in quarters, was determined as follows:

  • autumn vacation begin on October 26 and last for eight days (excluding Saturday and Sunday) - until November 4;
  • winter holidays are quite long and last two weeks - from December 28 of the current year to January 10 of the next;
  • spring break will last from March 21 to March 29 inclusive, that is, 9 days;
  • summer holidays last at least eight weeks and begin on May 24-25.

In this case, additional rest time is also planned for first-graders and children studying in classes with developmental correction - from February 22 to 29.

Holidays by trimester

In the case of training in trimesters, it was proposed to distribute vacation time as follows:

  • autumn holidays last for a week - from October 5 to 11, and another week - from November 16 to 22;
  • the winter holiday period will be from December 31 to January 10, that is, as a result, schoolchildren will receive 10 days of rest during the New Year's festivities, and then continue to rest for another week - from February 15 to 22;
  • spring vacation was planned from April 4 to April 12;
  • the summer holidays should ultimately last at least eight weeks, starting on May 24-25.

First-graders and classes studying under the developmental correction system have additional holidays lasting five days - from March 9 to 15.

As a result, it was decided that vacations in Moscow would be scheduled either according to the usual version of quarters with days off after each of them, or according to the option of a modular (fractional) year: 5-6 weeks of study, interrupted by seven days of rest. The final decision falls on the shoulders of pedagogical council schools.

Each school can independently decide how many days to study - 5 or 6

We also note that schools in Russia have the right to independently determine the number of days in a week allocated for education, that is, they themselves decide whether children will study six or five days a week. Until recently, a six-day period was the norm, but after gaining such independence and conducting a survey of parents, most educational institutions countries switched to training according to the standard system of 5 days after 2.

Holidays 2015-2016

As a result, most schools operate according to the following schedule determined for the current academic year:

  • Autumn holidays last in 2015 from October 26 to November 1. The possibility of extending this time depends on the will of the school leaders, since immediately after the holidays the holiday date of November 4 follows, which means it is possible to go to school starting from November 5;
  • winter holidays, which are one of the most long-awaited, will take place simultaneously for children and their parents from 12/28/2015 to 01/10/2016;
  • spring break will provide an opportunity to gain strength before the crucial period of graduation. They will take place, according to the recommendations of the Ministry of Education, from March 28 to April 3.

To these dates we can safely add the February holiday of first-graders and the general weekend of first-graders (1.05-2.05) and second-graders (1.05-9.05).

Holiday schedule in schools, universities and secondary institutions vocational education in Moscow are approved individually for each educational institution by its director, rector or other decision-maker. In practice, the vacation schedule rarely differs from the recommendations of a higher authority.

Russian schools live according to two academic “calendars”: quarters and trimesters. Depending on this, and also based on the recommendations of the Ministry of Education, educational institutions themselves determine the dates of the holidays. In general, it is beneficial for the school to adhere to the generally established framework, since general holidays mean greater opportunities for organizing quality children's leisure time: performances, excursions, concerts, etc.

Holidays in schools with a quarterly education system

Those who study in quarters have holidays four times a year - autumn, winter, spring and summer.

Autumn holidays 2019–2020 academic year

Of these, the dates of autumn holidays at the end of October and the beginning of November are less stable: their end date depends on the day national unity, which is celebrated on November 4th.

New Year holidays 2019–2020 academic year

New Year holidays, as a rule, begin in the last week of December and end on the 10th of January. Schoolchildren go to school on Monday. Winter holidays will continue for the 2019/2020 academic year from December 31 to January 12. First-graders will have additional holidays in winter* – from 17 to 24 February.

Spring break 2019–2020 school year

The situation with holidays in the spring is much simpler - the dates do not depend on holidays. Spring break falls in the last week of March and the first week of April. In 2020, schoolchildren will have a rest from March 23 to March 31.

Summer holidays 2019–2020 academic year

Summer holidays will start as usual - from June 1 to September 1 Schoolchildren are waiting for three whole happy months free from lessons.

* For students of first grades and classes of correctional and developmental education.

In addition to scheduled holidays, school classes may be canceled for the following reasons:

Published 24.10.18 13:40

Read about when the autumn holidays in schools in Russia are in 2018, as well as when the holidays for schoolchildren are in 2019.

When are school holidays in autumn 2018 in Russia?

Vacations are the most favorite time for students. And even those who left the school a long time ago remember the times of rest with a cheerful smile. Both students and their parents are looking forward to a break in the educational process, but they look forward to the autumn break - the very first - with special impatience.

Many students, and their parents, notice that in different educational institutions autumn holidays fall on different dates intkbbee time. The reason for this discrepancy is the teaching process adopted in each particular school. The academic year can be divided either into four parts - quarters, or into three - trimesters. At the end of each part there must be a short break. The 2018-2019 academic year is no exception.

When are the autumn holidays for quarterly schools?

As a rule, in institutions with a quarterly education system, the first holidays occur in October, most often in the last week of the month. The autumn holidays 2018-2019 will not be an exception - the holidays will begin on October 29. But some questions may arise with the start date of the second quarter.

The fact is that during the autumn holidays of the 2018-2019 academic year, National Unity Day falls - an important public holiday, and therefore a general day off. It is celebrated on November 4, Sunday. According to the transfer law holidays The day off will be the day after the holiday - Monday, November 5th. Thus, the holidays are extended by another day, and instead of seven days, schoolchildren will rest for eight. And if we add to this the official weekend before the start of the holiday - Saturday October 27 (if the school has a five-day period) and Sunday October 28, then schoolchildren will have nine or even ten days off in the fall.

School holidays for the 2018-2019 academic year by trimester calendar

Nevertheless, we can, of course, outline the approximate scope of the holidays. If any of the schools chooses a different schedule, in any case it will not differ from the one we have given by more than a week.

So, if the school operates in quarters, then the holidays fall from October 29 to November 5. Taking into account the fact that October 29 is a Monday, the actual holiday will begin on October 27 or 28, depending on whether the children study on Saturday.

Let us remind you that Monday, November 5th, will be a day off due to the national holiday, which falls on the 4th.

If the school uses trimesters, then the autumn holidays will divide the school year twice:

  • from 8 to 14 October,
  • from November 19 to 25.

When studying at school in quarters, the recommended rest periods in schools, gymnasiums and lyceums are 7 calendar days in the fall, 2 weeks in the winter and 1 week in the spring. Two additional days at the discretion of the administration educational institution can be added to autumn or winter holidays taking into account public holidays (November 4 and New Year).

This means that the holiday schedule for 2018-2019. may include the following vacation dates:

  • autumn - from October 27 to November 5, 2018;
  • winter - from December 26, 2018 to January 8, 2019;
  • spring - from March 23 to March 31, 2019

Summer holidays begin for junior school students on May 23-25, and for high school students (except for 9th and 11th grades) - from June 1st. Graduates will complete the educational process in accordance with the exam schedule, taking place from the end of May to the end of June.

National Unity Day in 2018 falls on a Sunday, so the autumn holidays of the 2018-2019 academic year will most likely begin on October 29 and end on November 5, amounting to 8 days, and taking into account the weekends (October 27 and 28) - 9-10 days. During this time, schoolchildren will be able to have a good rest, visit museums and theaters, go to the cinema and spend time with parents and friends.

Autumn holidays for a modular learning system

Vacations under the modular system are calculated according to the following scheme: training - 5-6 weeks, then rest - 7 days. Children take the following breaks from their studies:

  • in the fall of 2018, these days fall on October 7-13 and November 18-24;
  • in winter - from December 29, 2018 to January 8, 2019 and February 18-24;
  • in the spring of 2019 - April 8-14.
  • summer holidays - from June 1 to August 31.

Vacation schedule 2018-2019 for schoolchildren by quarters

  • Start of the school year: September 1, 2018
  • First quarter: September 1 - October 26, 2018
  • Autumn holidays: October 27 – November 5, 2018
  • Second quarter: November 6 – December 29, 2018
  • Winter holidays: December 30, 2018 – January 8, 2019
  • Third quarter: January 9 – March 22, 2019
  • Additional holidays for first year students:
  • February 16 – February 25, 2019
  • Spring break: March 23 – March 31, 2019
  • Fourth quarter: April 1 - May 31, 2019.
  • End of the academic year: May 31, 2019.
  • Summer holidays 2019: June 1 - August 31, 2019.

Vacation schedule 2018-2019 for schoolchildren by trimester

The training schedule by trimester is quite simple - students in this system spend 5 weeks studying, after which the 6th week is a vacation. The result is the following school term dates for 2018-2019:

  • 1st trimester: September 1, 2018 - October 6, 2018;
  • 1 autumn holidays - from 7 to 14 October 2018
  • 2nd trimester: October 14, 2018 - November 17, 2018;
  • 2 autumn holidays - from 18 to 24 November
  • 3rd trimester: November 25, 2018 - December 29, 2018.
  • Winter holidays - from December 30, 2018 to January 8, 2019
  • 4th trimester: January 9, 2019 - February 15, 2019;
  • 2 winter holidays: from February 16, 2019 to February 24, 2019
  • 5th trimester: February 25, 2019 - April 5, 2019;
  • Spring break - from April 6, 2019 to April 14, 2019
  • 6th trimester: April 15, 2019 - May 31, 2019.
  • Summer holidays - from June 1 to August 31, 2019.