Competence of governing bodies of higher education institutions. Analysis of the management system of the university (on the example of the Tomsk State University of control systems and radio electronics). Uncompensated risks of the election of the governing bodies of the university


TUSUR is the youngest of Tomsk universities but has never been in the shadows. Created at the time of the breakthrough into space, the rapid development of electronic computing technology, new means of communication and radio electronics, the university from the first years of its existence was at the forefront of scientific and technological progress. TIRiET, TIASUR, TASUR, TUSUR: whatever it is called, it is the brand of the leader. A leader in the field of training qualified personnel for high-tech sectors of the economy, the introduction of innovative educational and research programs, applied development of new technology, equipment and control systems.

To be the first is tusurov way. TUSUR is:

The first student business incubator in Russia<#"justify">The purpose of this work is to study the management system of the university. The achievement of the goal will be facilitated by the consistent solution of the following series of tasks:

study the organizational structure of the university;

consider the governing bodies of the university;

explore the principles of the formation of bodies, competencies, personalities;

rector. Election of the rector, main responsibilities. Vice-rector, President;

personal development strategy for the next 5 years;

mastered competencies in the course of studying the disciplines of the 1st year.

1. Organizational structure university

.1 Structure and functions of the administration and academic council

The direct management of the university is carried out by the rector. The rector heads the administration, which is a collegial governing body. The administration solves the infrastructural tasks of the university. The university administration includes vice-rectors of the university, appointed by the rector in the areas of activity, directors of institutes that are part of the university, deans of university-wide faculties, heads of the main university-wide departments, and chairman of the trade union committee. The rector and vice-rectors constitute the Presidium of the administration. The rector of TUSUR is Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, Shurygin Yuri Alekseevich. President - Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, Anatoly Vasilievich Kobzev.

The general management of Tomsk State University of Control Systems and Radioelectronics is carried out by an elected representative body - the Academic Council of TUSUR, elected for 5 years by a conference of teachers, researchers, representatives of other categories of workers and students of the entire university. The activities of the Academic Council are aimed at solving the main issues of life support and development of the university as a whole.

There are various working commissions in the Academic Council, namely:

commission for educational and methodological work (chairman - Bokov L.A.);

Commission for Socio-Economic Development (Chairman - Yury A. Shurygin);

commission for scientific and industrial work (chairman - A. Shelupanov);

Commission on Informatization and Telecommunications (chairman - Y.P. Yekhlakov);

budget commission (chaired by MA Domnina);

International Cooperation Commission (chaired by A. Kobzev);

personnel commission (chairman - P.E. Troyan);

Scientific Ethics Commission (chaired by IN Pustynskiy).

1.2 Administration and management

The main goal of the administrative and economic management (AHU) is the implementation of administrative and economic support of the university. AHU is an independent structural unit of the university. The head of the AHU is the vice-rector for administrative and economic work (AHR).

In its activities, AHU is guided by the current legislation of the Russian Federation, regulatory legal acts and teaching materials on maintenance, norms and rules for the maintenance, operation and repair of buildings, technical equipment, regulatory documents on compliance with the sanitary and anti-epidemic regime, counter fire safety and safety measures, organizational and administrative documents of the university.

Management in the administrative and economic management is performed by: Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor, Vice-Rector for AHU - Oleg Efimovich Troyan; Chief Engineer, Assistant to the Vice-Rector for AHU - Oleg Alexandrovich Teushchakov; campus director - Dmitry Sergeevich Urzhumtsev; corps assistants.

Subdivisions of administrative and economic management:

Chief Engineer Service

Chief Engineer - Oleg Teushchakov. The chief engineer service consists of four departments:

· Chief Power Engineer Department (OGE),

· Operational and technical department (IT),

· Chief Mechanic Department (OGM),

· Accounting and control group.

The main duties of the service:

· ensuring reliable, economical and safe operation of electrical installations, heat supply systems, water supply and sewerage systems, ventilation equipment,

· maintenance and overhaul of installed technological equipment and utilities,

· development of measures for the reconstruction and modernization of engineering systems of the university,

· creating conditions for the safe and comfortable work of students, staff and teachers of the university,

· development and implementation of measures for energy saving of consumed resources,

· interaction with all organizations providing utilities and economic services to the university, concluding agreements with these organizations,

· accounting of consumed resources and ensuring control over invoices for their payment,

· monitoring compliance with the rules and regulations on labor protection, safety, industrial sanitation and fire safety, the requirements of environmental, sanitary authorities, as well as bodies exercising technical supervision,

· organization of training, annual certification and advanced training of workers and engineering and technical workers,

· preparation of orders and instructions governing the activities of departments and services of the university to maintain comfortable conditions in educational buildings and dormitories,

· preparation of quarterly and annual reports on utility and household expenses for Federal agency of Education,

· performing calculations to pay expenses for a negative attitude towards environment, the conclusion of contracts for the disposal of hazardous waste,

· obtaining licenses for the right to use subsoil for the purpose of extracting groundwater, storing hazardous waste, developing a project for waste generation from university facilities,

· management of work on certification of workplaces for working conditions at the university.

Security Service.

The main functions of the security service:

· organization and provision of security and access control in educational buildings, dormitories and other facilities of TUSUR,

· organization and implementation of fire-prevention measures and works at TUSUR facilities,

· organization of mobilization work and special registration of persons subject to booking or conscription The Russian army,

· organization and control over the work of the chief of staff of civil defense and emergency situations of TUSUR on planning events civil defense, timely bringing to the readiness of forces and means for carrying out emergency rescue and other urgent works, ensuring sustainable management in emergency situations,

· organization of maintaining the operability of the TUSUR system for collecting, processing and displaying information,

· organization and support of interaction between heads of university departments with law enforcement, Civil defense and emergency situations in case of emergencies,

· analysis of the economic condition and business reputation of legal entities participating in the conduct of quotations and tenders for contract work and procurement, upon the recommendation of the interested departments,

· participation, within the limits of its competence, in the selection and placement of personnel, prevention of penetration into the personnel of TUSUR by persons carrying criminal intentions capable of damaging the interests of TUSUR,

· conducting checks of candidates for managerial positions, positions related to material liability, and specialties classified as high-risk at the suggestion of the HR department,

· preparation and presentation of information and analytical materials to the management on the state and development prospects of the Security Council,

· organization of interaction with public associations on ensuring the maintenance of law and order in educational buildings, dormitories and during mass events,

· conducting, on behalf of the TUSUR management, official inspections related to violation of public order and the regime,

· solving other tasks in accordance with the objectives of TUSUR,

· planning, organizing and monitoring the implementation of a set of measures to ensure the safety of TUSUR activities,

· control over compliance with safety requirements in the field of physical and technical protection of TUSUR facilities,

· information and analytical work on the security of the organization, continuous and systematic analysis of information about probable threats, informing officials about security threats,

· consideration of letters, complaints and applications of individuals and legal entities on issues within the competence of the Security Council,

· training of personnel on security issues,

· taking additional measures to ensure security during a period of heightened threat or in an emergency,

· organization and control of access control at facilities, use technical means inspection and security,

· development and implementation of measures for the prevention of violations of security measures, the suppression of theft and other offenses in the organization,

· participation in the conduct of official investigations,

· implementation of other functions within its competence in accordance with the goals and objectives of TUSUR.

Procurement Department (OMTS).

OMTS responsibilities include:

· Purchase of materials and equipment at the request of university departments.

· Storage of material values ​​in the warehouses of the university and their issuance at the request of departments.

Property management department.

The tasks of the property management department include:

Obtaining expert assessments in Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation<#"justify">Labor protection department.

The main tasks of the labor protection department:

· organization of work to ensure that TUSUR employees comply with labor protection requirements;

· control over compliance by employees with laws and other regulatory legal acts on labor protection, collective agreement, labor protection agreement and other local regulatory legal acts of TUSUR;

· organization of preventive work to prevent industrial injuries, occupational diseases and diseases caused by production factors, as well as work to improve working conditions;

· informing and consulting all TUSUR employees on labor protection issues;

· study and dissemination of advanced experience in labor protection, promotion of labor protection issues.

Capital Construction Department (OKS).

The main responsibilities of the OCS:

· maintenance and overhaul of university facilities, rectorate educational council mandate

· checking the estimated calculations of contractors,

· monitoring compliance with the rules and building codes when carrying out repair work,

· preparation of defective statements and determination of cost construction works,

· interaction with construction and design organizations.

1.3 Governing bodies of the university

The university has autonomy and is responsible for its activities to each student, society and state. The autonomy of a university is understood as its independence in the selection and placement of personnel, the implementation of educational, scientific, financial, economic and other activities in accordance with the legislation Russian Federation and this Charter.

The university is managed in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, the Model Regulations on educational institution higher vocational education(higher educational institution) and this Charter on the principles of combining one-man management and collegiality. The competence of the Founder is established by this Charter, as well as federal laws and regulatory legal acts of the President of the Russian Federation or the Government of the Russian Federation.

To solve the most important issues of the life of the university, the Academic Council of the university convenes a conference of scientific teaching staff, representatives of other categories of employees and students (hereinafter referred to as the conference). The procedure for the election of delegates to the conference, providing for the participation of all categories of workers, students and members public organizations, agenda, date of the conference is determined by the Academic Council of the university. At the same time, the members of the Academic Council of the university should make up no more than 50 percent of the total number of delegates. The conference is considered competent if at least two thirds of the list of its delegates took part in its work. The decision of the conference is considered adopted if more than 50 percent of the delegates present at the conference voted for it. The competence of the conference includes:

) adoption of the Charter of the university and the changes made to it;

) election of the Academic Council of the university;

) election of the Rector of the university;

) discussion of the project and making a decision on the conclusion of a collective agreement;

) other issues referred by the legislation of the Russian Federation and this Charter to its competence.

The general management of the university is carried out by an elected representative body - the Academic Council of the university. The Academic Council of the university includes the Rector, who is its chairman, vice-rectors, the President and, by decision of the Academic Council, deans of faculties. Other members of the Academic Council of the university are elected at the conference by secret ballot. The number of members of the Academic Council of the university is determined at the conference. Maximum amount members of the Academic Council cannot exceed 60 people.

The norms of representation in the Academic Council of the university from its structural units and students are determined by the Academic Council of the university. Representatives of structural units and students are considered elected to the Academic Council of the university or withdrawn from it if more than 50 percent of the delegates present at the conference voted for them (if there are at least two-thirds of the list of delegates). The composition of the Academic Council of the university is announced by the order of the rector.

In case of dismissal (expulsion) of a member of the Academic Council from the university, he automatically leaves its membership. The term of office of the Academic Council is not more than 5 (five) years. Early elections of members of the Academic Council are held at the request of at least half of its members.

The faculties, which are part of the university, are headed by deans (leaders), elected by the academic council, by secret ballot for a period of up to five years from among the most qualified and authoritative specialists, who, as a rule, have an academic degree or title, and approved by the order of the university rector.

The procedure for electing the dean of the faculty is determined local act University approved by the Rector.

The department is headed by a head who is elected by the Academic Council by secret ballot for a period of up to five years from among the most qualified and authoritative specialists of the relevant profile, who, as a rule, have an academic degree or title, and who is approved in the position by order of the Rector of the university.

The procedure for electing the head of the department is determined by a local act of the university, approved by the Rector. The head of the department is personally responsible for the level and results of scientific and educational-methodical work of the department.

The direct management of the activities of the branch is carried out by the director appointed by the order of the Rector from among persons who, as a rule, have experience in educational, methodological and (or) scientific and organizational work in a higher educational institution. The director of the branch acts on the basis of a power of attorney issued by the Rector of the university. The director of the branch is personally responsible for the results of the work of the branch he heads.

In the structural divisions of the university, by decision of the Academic Council, elected representative bodies - academic councils (councils) - can be created.

The order of creation and activity, composition and powers of the academic council (council) structural unit determined by the Academic Council of the university.

1.4 Rector. Election of the rector, main responsibilities. Vice-rector, President

The conference of scientific and pedagogical workers, representatives of other categories of employees and students of TUSUR on the election of the rector (hereinafter referred to as the conference) is held no earlier than 4 months and no later than the end of the term of office of the current rector. The date of the election of the rector is subject to agreement with the Federal Agency for Education in accordance with the established procedure.

Qualification and other requirements for candidates for the post of rector of the university:

1. The rector of TUSUR is elected at the conference by secret ballot for up to 5 years on a competitive basis based on the results of discussion of the programs of candidates for the post of rector from among highly qualified scientific and pedagogical workers or specialists.

A candidate for the post of rector must meet the following requirements:

be a citizen of the Russian Federation;

have an academic degree and (or) an academic title;

be under the age of 65.

A candidate for the post of rector must have the knowledge, skills and abilities of planning and implementing the educational and research process, and must have high moral and ethical qualities.

Preparation for the election of the university rector:

1. The specific date for the election of the rector is approved by the Academic Council of the University in agreement with the Federal Education Agency in the prescribed manner.

The preparation and conduct of the election of the rector, as well as control over the observance of this Regulation, is carried out by the commission for the election of the rector (hereinafter referred to as the commission).

The commission is formed in the number of at least five people from scientific and pedagogical workers and employees representing research institutes, faculties and other structural divisions of the university. The current rector cannot be a member of the commission.

The composition of the commission and its chairman are approved by the Academic Council of the University. Members of the commission, nominated as candidates for the position of rector, are excluded from the composition of the commission. In this case, new members are not included in the commission.

The commission independently elects a deputy chairman, a secretary and distributes duties among its members. Sessions of the commission are held as necessary and are considered competent if at least 2/3 of its members are present at the meeting. The date of the meeting is determined by the chairman of the commission. The decisions of the commission are made by a majority vote of the number of those present. All decisions of the commission are drawn up in minutes and signed by the chairman and secretary of the commission.

A special room is allocated for the work of the commission. Information about the location of the commission and the schedule of its work is brought to the attention of the university employees.

The procedure for nominating candidates for the position of the rector of the university:

1. Nomination of candidates for the post of rector begins after the approval of the Academic Council of the University of the date of the conference and is carried out within 20 calendar days.

The right to nominate a candidate (s) for the post of rector belongs to:

a) the Academic Council of the University;

b) academic councils of the structural divisions of the university;

c) teams of departments and other structural divisions of the university;

d) public organizations;

e) associations of university employees;

f) self-nomination of candidates is allowed.

The decision to nominate or support a candidate for the post of rector is made by an open vote by a simple majority of votes present at the meeting (meeting) in the presence of at least 2/3 of the members of academic councils or collectives. The number of candidates for the post of rector is not limited.

Academic councils of the university and faculties, meetings of staff, along with the nomination, can decide to support already nominated candidates.

A candidate for the post of rector has the right to withdraw his candidacy before the start of secret voting at the conference upon a written application to the commission. At the same time, re-nomination of a candidate during the current election campaign is not allowed.

Minutes of meetings of academic councils, meetings of labor collectives of structural divisions of the university for the nomination of candidates must be submitted to the commission.

The minutes must contain the following information: the total number of members of the Academic Council or members of the team of employees, the number of those participating in the meeting (meeting), the number of those participating in the voting and the number of votes cast for the candidacy, against and abstained.

Each candidate, including those participating in elections by self-nomination, submits the following documents to the commission:

a) a written statement of his intention (consent) to take part in the election of the rector as a candidate for this position, indicating the date and place of birth, passport data, place of residence, contact phone numbers;

b) minutes (s) of the meeting (s) of Academic Councils on the nomination of candidates for election to the post of rector, as well as on the support of candidates;

c) autobiography;

d) list scientific papers in chronological order certified by the scientific secretary of the university;

e) the candidate's election program in paper and electronic form;

f) the main provisions of the candidate's program on paper (no more than 2 pages of typewritten text) and electronic media;

g) a questionnaire indicating the following information:

· on the award of academic degrees (indicating the topics of dissertations and the dates of awarding academic degrees);

· on the assignment of academic titles (indicating the dates of their assignment);

· on passing over the past 5 years of advanced training, professional retraining or internship, contributing to the preparation for solving the problems facing the rector of a higher educational institution;

· about awards, honorary titles; bringing to disciplinary, material, civil, administrative and criminal liability;

· knowledge of foreign languages;

· on participation in elected and advisory bodies state power.

Applicants who are not TUSUR employees additionally submit certified copies of documents on higher education, academic degree, academic title, certified copy of the work record book. Also, candidates can submit other documents at their discretion.

The status of the president, his rights and responsibilities.

1) The President's activities are aimed at improving the efficiency of university management, promoting the development of the university, expanding representative functions.

) The President is a member of the Academic Council, university administration ex officio.

) The president of the university, in agreement with the rector, exercises the following powers:

participation in the activities of the board of trustees and other self-governing bodies of the university;

participation in the development of a concept for the development of the university;

represents a higher educational institution in relations with state bodies, bodies local government, public and other organizations;

participation in solving issues of improving the educational, scientific, educational, organizational and management activities of the university.

) The President has the right:

participate in the work of the general meeting (conference) of the university, the academic council of the university with a decisive vote, submit to the general meeting (conference) of the university, the academic council of the university, the rector proposals for improving the organization educational process, scientific research and give recommendations on these and other issues;

participate in the consideration of educational, scientific, industrial, personnel and educational activities on the councils of faculties and branches of the university;

use classrooms, reading rooms, libraries, information funds, services of computer centers, laboratories of the university for free;

represent the university at international forums, in state and public organizations of Russia on previously agreed issues related to the development of higher education and science;

carry out other functions and powers in accordance with the charter of the university, decisions of the general meeting (conference), academic council and the rector of the university.

) Proposals developed under the leadership of the president are submitted for approval by the rector, academic council, general meeting (conference) in accordance with the established procedure.

) The President is obliged in his activities to be guided by the current legislation of the Russian Federation, other regulatory legal acts, the charter, local acts of the university.

2. Personal development strategy for the next 5 years

Each individual, in order to succeed in a super-competitive environment, needs to work out his own personal development strategy. Realizing it, you can accept correct solution for example, if I don’t like what I’m doing, I need to stop doing it now. Postponing the transition from a hateful business to your favorite activities for later is like putting off your life in your old retirement years.

First you need to understand where I am now, then decide where I want to move, and then you need not only to define the goal, but also try to formulate and directly draw the path along which you will get there, that is, set career goals and identify how I will reach them. It should be borne in mind that there are known limitations to career planning, since many factors for the future are practically unpredictable. However, I can do my own SWOT analysis, revealing my current level of skills and competence, that is, the tools that will either lead me to my goal or prevent me from achieving it. Opportunities are determined by assessing the environment, i.e. what is currently available and what can be expected in the long term, by examining existing trends. Threats - obstacles are also identified in the environment, and recognizing them will allow me to minimize risks.

Table 2.1-SWOT analysis

Strengths: - persistence in achieving the goal; - self-control, gentle and loyal character; -willpower; -a responsibility; -sense of humor; -sincerity, honesty; - neatness. Weaknesses: - inattention; -manifestation of laziness; - daydreaming; -feeling of doubt; - at times there is a decline in interest in any business (except for a hobby). Opportunities: - to graduate from the university, having received a decent education; -be financially independent from parents; -Have a promising job or create your own business; -create a family "nest"; - to find new friends. Threats: - illness, injury; - expulsion from the university; -selection of another specialty; - lack of a job or a high level of employees per one workplace; - change in marital status (financial opportunities); analysis - a method of strategic planning, which consists in identifying the factors of the internal and external environment of the organization and dividing them into four categories: Strengths ( strengths), Weaknesses (weaknesses), Opportunities (opportunities) and Threats (threats).

The task of a SWOT analysis is to provide a structured description of a situation regarding which a decision needs to be made. The conclusions drawn from it are descriptive, without recommendations or prioritization.

Consider the interaction of the parties against each other.

To begin with, let's look at the impact of strengths on the above opportunities. The first paragraph of the column "Opportunities" indicates the receipt of a decent education, namely, to successfully graduate from the university. Therefore, without perseverance and persistent achievement of the goal, this is impossible. It is also necessary to have willpower, responsibility, self-control and accuracy. The second paragraph mentions financial independence from parents. To have your own capital, you just need to be responsible and be able to persist. And for a job well and well done, they get a high salary, therefore, accuracy also takes place in this paragraph. The third paragraph talks about the estate promising work or about starting your own business. All the qualities of a leader are important here. Indeed, in work, even the most ordinary, they welcome initiative, responsibility, the ability to solve problems increased complexity etc. It follows from this that you need to develop additional qualities in yourself for more productive work. As a result, the existing strengths have a good effect on the development of prospects, but it is also not worth stopping at this stage. As they say study, study and study again. Only the coin has two sides: good and bad. Let's study the second side for universal armament.

Weaknesses are known to contribute to the development of threats, the so-called "sticks in the wheels." Therefore, it is necessary to especially treat this place of analysis. Consider the impact weaknesses to threats. The first thing to look at is the points: inattention or daydreaming. They can lead to not very good consequences. Qualities such as laziness and doubt can affect performance and activity. In this regard, a career is threatened, namely the low probability of finding a promising job. Also, expulsion from the university can be attributed here. Such a quality as a rapid decline in interest in any business leads to low efficiency and low quality of work performed. Take the same education at the university - interest disappears, as a result, either a change of profession, or a change of university. And in order for the weak side not to negatively affect the opportunities, you need to pay as little attention as possible to what hinders development so much. As mentioned earlier, special attention should be paid to weaknesses, so that they do not overwhelm those opportunities and prospects that we would like to achieve in the near future.

After conducting a thorough analysis, I formulated my development strategy based on it.

Setting myself the goal of reaching the desired heights, namely: successfully graduating from the university, having received a decent education, becoming financially independent from my parents, finding a decent job for me, finding a loving family, I rely on my strengths, developing additional qualities in myself every time for more success. Every day I try to reduce the influence of weaknesses, turning them into my strengths.

Strategy achievability criteria.

In order to determine the criteria for the attainability of the strategy, it is necessary to formulate a specific goal (or goals).

To date, I have set 4 main goals (objectives):

graduate from the university, having received a decent education;

be financially independent from parents;

have a promising job or create your own business;

create a family nest.

Only in order to get the desired result, it is necessary to draw up a strategy (how the goal will be achieved, the criteria for achieving the strategy)

So, in order to successfully graduate from the university, you need to study well: attend all lectures and practices, complete all tasks fully and with high quality and pass everything perfectly examination papers... And ultimately, a university graduation diploma will be received. The next step to be financially independent from your parents is to get a promising job to become independent. For a promising job, you need to have a decent education (the achievement of which was described earlier). Also, in the arsenal, one should have such qualities as: perseverance, accuracy, perseverance, willpower, responsibility, the ability to navigate in difficult situations, solve quickly assigned tasks and much more. Having developed these qualities, there will be more chances of getting a high-paying job.

Let's analyze each goal by setting our own measurability indicators.

And so, the first on the list of goals is to graduate from the university and get a decent education. Consequently, the measure for this direction will be obtaining a diploma of higher education with honors. Next comes financial well-being. This item will be measured in monetary units, their presence or absence. After that, they talk about having a promising job or starting a business. Here, the measure will be the availability of work that will suit the salary (over 30 thousand rubles), work schedule (5 through 2), social benefits (sick leave payment, maternity leave payment, payment for medical examination, etc.), vacation pay and status position held (enterprise management manager). The fourth point is about starting a family. This means that the criterion for achievement is the wedding and, after an indefinite time, the birth of children (approximately two children).

Of course, you need to take into account that plans are changing, but I would like to implement the planned and set plans, combine "I want", "I can", "I must".

If what I was doing I would not call work. High pleasure, pleasure, great with nothing, incomparable joy of having a highly paid hobby.

3. The mastered competencies in the course of studying the disciplines of the 1st year

The competencies of the disciplines I studied during 1 course are shown in table 1.

Table 1 - Learned competencies

Index Contents Discipline Assessment OK-1 knowledge of the basic values ​​of world culture and readiness to rely on them in personal and general cultural development Russian language and culture of speech5 OK-2 Knowledge and understanding of the laws of the development of nature, society and thinking and the ability to operate this knowledge in professional activities History Philosophy 5 3 OK-5 citizenship 4Ability to analyze and evaluate historical events and processes History 5 OK-5 mastery of the culture of thinking, the ability to perceive, generalize and analyze information, setting a goal and choosing ways to achieve it History 5 OK-6 ability to logically correctly, reasonably and clearly build oral and written speech History Philosophy 4 3 OK-8 the ability to find organizational and managerial decisions and the willingness to bear for them Responsibility Jurisprudence Educational practice 5 4OK-9 the ability to use normative legal documents in their activities Jurisprudence 5OK-10 striving for personal and professional self-development Philosophy 4OK-13 the ability to analyze socially significant problems and processes History Educational practice 5 4OK-14 foreign languages at a level that ensures effective professional activity Foreign language 4OK-15 to master the methods of quantitative analysis and modeling, theoretical and experimental research Mathematics 5OK-16 understanding of the role and meaning of information and information technologies in development modern society and economic knowledge Informatics Programming and software 4OK-17 to master the basic methods, methods and means of obtaining, storing, processing information, skills of working with a computer as a means of information management Informatics 5OK-18 the ability to work with information in global computer networks and corporate information systems Informatics 5OK-19 the ability to carry out business communication: public speaking, negotiations, holding meetings, business correspondence, electronic communications Educational practice 4OK-20 the ability to take into account the consequences of managerial decisions and actions from the standpoint of social responsibility History 5OK-21 to master the basic methods of protecting production personnel and the population from possible consequences accidents, catastrophes, natural disasters Life safety 5 OC-22 Ability to adhere to ethical values ​​and a healthy lifestyle Physical culture 5PK-8 Ability to assess the conditions and consequences of organizational and managerial decisions Educational practice 4PK-19 Ability to plan operational (production) activities of organizations Programming and software support of project activities to an economic image 4PK-26 thinking Microeconomics Macroeconomics5 5PK-29 the ability to analyze the behavior of consumers of economic goods and the formation of demand Microeconomics Macroeconomics5 5PK-30 different structures markets and the ability to analyze the competitive environment of the industry Microeconomics Macroeconomics 5 4PK-31 the ability to apply quantitative and qualitative methods analysis when making management decisions and build economic, financial and organizational and managerial models Additional chapters of mathematics-1 Additional chapters of mathematics-24 4PK-32 the ability to choose mathematical models organizational systems, to analyze their adequacy, to adapt models to specific management tasks Additional chapters of mathematics-1 Additional chapters of mathematics-25 4PK-33 to master software tools for analysis and quantitative modeling of control systems Programming and software for project activities 4PK-34 to master methods and software for processing business information, ability to interact with information technology services and effectively use corporate information systems Programming and software for project activities4


Personal development strategy is a complex, multidisciplinary and ambiguous process. There are many different strategies. At any stage of your career necessary qualities are persistence and faith in what you are doing. Do not believe those who bury you. Let everyone around you think that you can not do anything. Only you know - everything is just beginning. In the lives of many people, the most varied failures turned out to be the forerunners of the most great achievements... Any event in our life can strengthen or weaken us. But how it ultimately affects us - the choice is always ours.

Any failure can make a person wiser and stronger. As you know, Edison has done over a thousand bad experiences until the light bulb was finally born. But each of the thousand experiments gave him new knowledge about electricity. Soon the solution became so obvious that he just couldn't help but find it. A vision of the future based on a determination not to back down made Edison great. Unyielding determination is impossible without optimism, without faith in ultimate success.

The main thing is to believe that the impossible is possible - and start formulating a clear strategic plan, backing it up with clear tactical developments. Then a piece of cleverly stubborn work and - the result ... Is it again not what you wanted? Think hard about why, and then start over. Maybe a little bit differently. After all, you have become wiser, and a new attempt has a better chance of success. How many times do you have to start over? And as much as you need to achieve the result that suits you. Obstacles, setbacks, and challenges can humble, temper, or harden us. Resigned to failure becomes a failure. The "hardened" after each failure becomes even more prepared and purposeful. Who to be - everyone makes the choice himself.

List of sources used

1. // Official information portal of the University - TUSUR // Date of treatment (28.06.2013).

TUSUR charter.

Normative legal documents.

4. SWOT analysis ( <#"justify">application

Figure 1 - The structure of the administration.


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1. Management of higher educational institution is carried out in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, the standard regulation on an educational institution of higher professional education (higher educational institution) and the charter of a higher educational institution on the principles of combining one-man management and collegiality.

The charter of a higher education institution (amendments to the charter and additions to it) shall be adopted by the general meeting (conference) of pedagogical workers, scientific workers, as well as representatives of other categories of employees and students of the higher education institution (hereinafter referred to as the general meeting (conference)).

Higher educational institutions implementing military professional educational programs (military educational institutions) carry out their activities in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.

2. The general management of a state or municipal higher education institution is carried out by an elected representative body - the Academic Council.

The academic council includes the rector, who is the chairman of the academic council, and vice-rectors, as well as the president, if such a position is provided for by the charter. Other members of the Academic Council are elected by the general meeting (conference) by secret ballot.

The composition, powers, procedure for elections and activities of the Academic Council are determined by the charter of a higher educational institution on the basis of a model regulation on an educational institution of higher professional education (higher educational institution).

Paragraphs four through five are no longer valid.

2.1. Boards of trustees are being set up at federal universities. The creation of boards of trustees in other higher education institutions may be provided for by their statutes.

Boards of Trustees are created in order to facilitate the solution of current and future tasks of the development of higher educational institutions, to attract additional financial resources to ensure their activities on priority areas development and control over their use.

The procedure for the formation of the board of trustees, its term of office, competence and procedure for its activities are determined by the charter of the higher educational institution.

2.2. In the part not regulated by the legislation of the Russian Federation, the procedure for the formation of bodies management of a higher education institution and their competence is determined by the charter of the higher education institution.

3. Direct management of a higher education institution carried out by the rector.

Candidates for the posts of rectors of state or municipal higher educational institutions, who have been nominated in accordance with their charters, are submitted for consideration by the certification commissions of the relevant authorized executive authorities or executive and administrative bodies of urban districts, municipal districts acting on a voluntary basis. The procedure for nominating candidates for the post of rector should provide for the possibility of their self-nomination.

4. Provisions on certification commissions and their composition are approved by the relevant authorized executive bodies or executive and administrative bodies of urban districts, municipal districts. The composition of such an attestation commission includes:

1) in the election of rectors of higher educational institutions under the jurisdiction of the Russian Federation - representatives federal bodies state authorities (50 percent), representatives of public organizations and state-public associations in the system of higher and postgraduate professional education and representatives of state authorities of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation, on the territory of which higher educational institutions are located (50 percent);

2) in the election of rectors of higher educational institutions under the jurisdiction of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation - representatives of state authorities of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation (50 percent), representatives of public organizations and state-public associations in the system of higher and postgraduate professional education (50 percent);

3) in the election of rectors of municipal higher educational institutions - representatives of local government bodies, respectively, of the city district or municipal district (50 percent), representatives of public organizations and state-public associations in the system of higher and postgraduate professional education (50 percent).

5. The rector of a state or municipal higher educational institution, in the manner prescribed by the charter of such a higher educational institution, is elected from among the candidates agreed with the attestation commission of the relevant authorized executive body or executive and administrative body of the city district, municipal district, by secret ballot at a general meeting ( conferences) for up to five years. After the election of the rector, an employment contract for a period of up to five years is concluded between him and the executive body or the executive and administrative body of the city district, municipal district, which are in charge of such a higher educational institution.

Repeated elections of the rector are held in case of violation of the procedure for election of the rector established by this Federal Law and (or) the charter of a higher educational institution, or in case of recognition of the election of the rector as invalid or invalid.

5.1. Rector federal university appointed by the Government of the Russian Federation for up to five years.

5.2. Rector of Moscow state university named after M.V. Lomonosov and the rector of St. Petersburg State University are appointed and dismissed by the President of the Russian Federation.

6. If a state or municipal higher educational institution as a whole is deprived of state accreditation, the rector of the higher educational institution and the vice-rectors who are responsible, within their competence for the quality of the graduates' training, are dismissed from their posts by the executive authority or executive and administrative body of the city district, municipal district, in charge of such a higher educational institution. In this case, the election of the rector of a higher education institution is not allowed, and he is accepted by the relevant body in charge of management in the field of education to work under an employment contract for a period of not more than five years. The founder of a higher education institution or a body authorized by this founder in charge of management in the field of education, on the proposal of the rector of the higher education institution, approves a new composition of the academic council.

7. After the renewal of state accreditation of a higher educational institution (but not earlier than one year from the date of its deprivation of state accreditation), an academic council is elected in such a higher educational institution in accordance with the procedure established by this Federal Law.

8. In a state or municipal higher educational institution that is being created or reorganized, before the election of the academic council, the charter of such a higher educational institution is approved by the relevant executive authority or executive and administrative body of the city district, municipal district for a period of not more than one year. An employment contract is concluded with the rector of such a higher educational institution for a period not exceeding five years.

University governing bodies

The university has autonomy and is responsible for its activities to each student, society and state. The autonomy of a university is understood as its independence in the selection and placement of personnel, in the implementation of educational, scientific, financial, economic and other activities in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation and this Charter.

The management of the university is carried out in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, the Model Regulations on an educational institution of higher professional education (higher educational institution) and this Charter on the principles of combining one-man management and collegiality. The competence of the Founder is established by this Charter, as well as federal laws and regulatory legal acts of the President of the Russian Federation or the Government of the Russian Federation.

To solve the most important issues of the life of the university, the Academic Council of the university convenes a conference of scientific and pedagogical workers, representatives of other categories of workers and students (hereinafter - the conference). The procedure for electing delegates to the conference, providing for the participation of all categories of employees, students and members of public organizations, the agenda, the date of the conference is determined by the Academic Council of the university. At the same time, the members of the Academic Council of the university should make up no more than 50 percent of the total number of delegates. The conference is considered competent if at least two thirds of the list of its delegates took part in its work. The decision of the conference is considered adopted if more than 50 percent of the delegates present at the conference voted for it. The competence of the conference includes:

1) adoption of the Charter of the university and the changes made to it;

2) election of the Academic Council of the university;

3) election of the Rector of the university;

4) discussion of the project and making a decision on the conclusion of a collective agreement;

5) other issues referred by the legislation of the Russian Federation and this Charter to its competence.

The general management of the university is carried out by an elected representative body - the Academic Council of the university. The Academic Council of the university includes the Rector, who is its chairman, vice-rectors, the President and, by decision of the Academic Council, deans of faculties. Other members of the Academic Council of the university are elected at the conference by secret ballot. The number of members of the Academic Council of the university is determined at the conference. The maximum number of members of the Academic Council cannot exceed 60 people.

The norms of representation in the Academic Council of the university from its structural units and students are determined by the Academic Council of the university. Representatives of structural units and students are considered elected to the Academic Council of the university or withdrawn from it if more than 50 percent of the delegates present at the conference voted for them (if there are at least two-thirds of the list of delegates). The composition of the Academic Council of the university is announced by the order of the rector.

In case of dismissal (expulsion) of a member of the Academic Council from the university, he automatically leaves its membership. The term of office of the Academic Council is not more than 5 (five) years. Early elections of members of the Academic Council are held at the request of at least half of its members.

The faculties, which are part of the university, are headed by deans (leaders), elected by the academic council, by secret ballot for a period of up to five years from among the most qualified and authoritative specialists, who, as a rule, have an academic degree or title, and approved by the order of the university rector.

The procedure for electing the dean of the faculty is determined by the local act of the university, approved by the Rector.

The department is headed by a head who is elected by the Academic Council by secret ballot for a period of up to five years from among the most qualified and authoritative specialists of the relevant profile, who, as a rule, have an academic degree or title, and who is approved in the position by order of the Rector of the university.

The procedure for electing the head of the department is determined by a local act of the university, approved by the Rector. The head of the department is personally responsible for the level and results of scientific and educational-methodical work of the department.

The direct management of the activities of the branch is carried out by the director appointed by the order of the Rector from among persons who, as a rule, have experience in educational, methodological and (or) scientific and organizational work in a higher educational institution. The director of the branch acts on the basis of a power of attorney issued by the Rector of the university. The director of the branch is personally responsible for the results of the work of the branch he heads.

In the structural divisions of the university, by decision of the Academic Council, elected representative bodies - academic councils (councils) - can be created.

The procedure for creating and operating, the composition and powers of the Academic Council (Council) of the structural unit are determined by the Academic Council of the university.

In accordance with the Constitution of the Russian Federation, citizens of Russia are guaranteed the right to receive, on a competitive basis, free higher and postgraduate professional education in state and municipal higher educational institutions. In the Russian Federation, the Federal Law of October 24, 2007 No. 232-FZ "On Amendments to Certain Legislative Acts of the Russian Federation (regarding the establishment of levels of higher professional education)" established the following levels of higher professional education:

higher professional education, confirmed by the assignment of a qualification (degree) "bachelor" - bachelor degree to a person who has successfully passed the final attestation;

higher professional education, confirmed by the assignment to a person who has successfully passed the final certification, qualifications (degrees) "specialist" or qualifications (degrees) "master" - training of a specialist or master's degree Standard terms of mastering the basic educational programs of higher professional education in full-time training consists of: to obtain a qualification (degree) "bachelor" - four years; to obtain the qualification (degree) "specialist" - at least five years; to obtain the qualification (degree) "Master" - two years Pikulkin AB System government controlled... - M .: Knowledge, 2001. - S. 48 ..

A higher educational institution is an educational institution created and operating on the basis of Russian legislation and implementing educational programs of higher professional education. Currently, there are the following types of higher education institutions: universities, academies and institutes. State universities are under the jurisdiction of the Russian Federation, the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, there are also municipal universities. In these educational institutions, students who have successfully passed the final certification receive higher professional education of the following degrees: bachelor, graduate, master. The terms for obtaining higher professional education are, respectively, four, five and six years. The Big Law Dictionary / [VABelov, VV Boytsova, LV Boytsova, etc.]; Edited by A.Ya. Sukharev, V.E. Krutskikh. 2nd ed., Rev. and add. - M.: INFRA-M, 2003 .-- S. 214 ..

Management of a higher education institution is carried out on the basis of the Federal Law "On Higher and Postgraduate Professional Education", the Model Regulations on an Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education (Higher Education Institution) and the charter of a higher education institution.

The general management of a state or municipal university is carried out by the Academic Council, which is elected by secret ballot at a general meeting (conference) of the teaching staff. The composition, powers, procedure for the activities of the Academic Council are determined by the charter of the university.

The head of the university is the rector. The rector is elected by the general meeting (conference) of the teaching staff for a period of five years and approved by the education management body, which is subordinate to this institution. The Regulations on the Status of the Rector of a State Higher Educational Institution of the Russian Federation of Federal Subordination, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of June 11, 1996, No. 695, defines the powers of the rector, who acts as a state representative in an educational institution and is responsible for training highly qualified specialists. The rector issues orders and instructions that are binding on all employees of the university and students studying in it.

Structural divisions of the university - faculties, institutes, departments. They are headed by deans (the institute is headed by a director), elected by the academic council from persons with an academic degree and academic title. The elected dean (director) is approved by the rector.

The main scientific and pedagogical division of the university is the department, which is headed by the head. Heads of departments are elected (appointed) in the manner prescribed by the charter of the university. The department conducts educational, methodological and scientific work in the relevant disciplines, prepares scientific and pedagogical personnel.

Non-state universities are managed by their founders or a board of trustees formed by them.

Management of non-state educational institutions is carried out in the manner prescribed by their charters and current legislation.

1. The management of a higher educational institution is carried out in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, the model regulation on an educational institution of higher professional education (higher educational institution) and the charter of a higher educational institution on the principles of combining one-man management and collegiality.

The charter of a higher education institution is adopted by a general meeting (conference) of pedagogical workers, scientific workers, as well as representatives of other categories of employees and students of a higher educational institution (hereinafter referred to as the general meeting (conference)).

Military educational institutions carry out their activities in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.

2. The general management of a state or municipal higher education institution is carried out by an elected representative body - the Academic Council.

The academic council includes the rector, who is the chairman of the academic council, and vice-rectors. Other members of the Academic Council are elected by the general meeting (conference) by secret ballot.

The composition, powers, procedure for elections and activities of the Academic Council are determined by the charter of a higher educational institution on the basis of a model regulation on an educational institution of higher professional education (higher educational institution).

The charters of higher educational institutions may provide for the creation of boards of trustees.

3. Direct management of the higher education institution is carried out by the rector. The rector of a state or municipal higher education institution, in accordance with the procedure established by the charter of a higher education institution, is elected by secret ballot at a general meeting (conference) for a period of up to five years and is approved in office by the educational management body in charge of the higher education institution.

In the event of a motivated refusal of the educational management body to approve the candidate elected to the post of rector of a state or municipal higher education institution, new elections are held, and if the candidate for the post of rector gains at least two-thirds of the votes of the total number of participants in the general meeting (conference), he is approved by the educational governing body without fail.

In the event that a state or municipal higher educational institution as a whole is deprived of state accreditation as a result of certification, the rector of the higher educational institution and the vice-rectors who are responsible within their competence for the quality of graduates' training are relieved of their posts by the educational management body that is in charge of the higher educational institution. In this case, the election of the rector of a higher education institution is not allowed, and he is accepted by the relevant educational management body under an employment agreement (contract) for a period not exceeding five years. The founder (founders) of a higher education institution or an education management body authorized by this founder (founders), upon the proposal of the rector of the higher education institution, shall approve the new composition of the academic council.

After re-certification of a higher educational institution (but not earlier than one year from the date of deprivation of state accreditation) and the renewal of state accreditation at a higher educational institution, the academic council is again elected in accordance with the procedure established by this Federal Law.

In a state or municipal higher education institution being created or reorganized, before the formation of the academic council, the charter of the state or municipal higher education institution is approved government agency management of education for a period not exceeding one year. An employment contract (contract) for the same period is concluded with the rector of such a higher educational institution.