Computer networks distance learning. Application of computer networks in distance learning. Review of online resources for

State educational institution of higher education vocational education RF



Department of Computer Science

O. A. Bogdanova

4th year student of the Faculty of Social and information technologies

Distance learning via the Internet

Coursework in computer science

Scientific adviser -

Professor, Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences

Kazarinov A. S.

The work is protected by "___"___________2006

With rating_________________

Glazov 2006


2. PROS AND CONS TO………………………………………………………..6-8


4.1. FEATURES OF DEVELOPMENT OF EDUCATIONAL MATERIALS………………………………………………………………………………......10

4.2. REQUIREMENTS FOR CREATION OF COURSES BEFORE…………………………………………………………………………………………10-11

4.3. STRUCTURE OF COURSES UNTIL…………………………………12-13


COURSES UNTIL………………………………………………………………………………...14-16







Russia has one of the largest and most authoritative educational systems in the world, but its capacity and, most importantly, the forms of provision of educational services no longer meet the needs. Thus, as a result of high competition for admission to higher educational institutions, every year about 1.5 million applicants remain outside high school. Due to difficult economic conditions, students are forced to combine study with work and are not always able to attend classes regularly. Up to 2 million people annually need retraining in areas of higher education. The ongoing structural changes in the economy, social and political life Millions of people are required to be retrained in all areas of professional, humanitarian and socio-economic education. Approximately 2/3 of the country's adult population is not covered by any form of additional education and awareness. Our compatriots in the CIS and Baltic countries are in a difficult situation with obtaining education, especially higher education.

These problems are superimposed on such traditional factors for Russia as the distribution of the contingent in need of training, large areas and, on the contrary, uneven territorial distribution educational institutions. The transition to a post-industrial society assumes that at least 40-50% of the population must have higher education. Solving these problems using traditional teaching methods requires exorbitant financial costs and distraction from active work an unacceptably large number of people.

The real alternative to this is the development of the system distance education(FROM TO). By creating a mobile information and educational environment based on modern information and telecommunication technologies, and reducing unit costs per student in comparison with traditional education systems, LMS allows for a fundamentally new level of accessibility of education while maintaining its quality.

One of the most actively discussed in last years forms of such services are training using the global INTERNET network or distance learning. Ideas and opinions about the appropriateness of this form of training are very different, and often completely opposite. This is completely normal, considering that until recently almost any teaching method in which at least some of the materials were handed out for independent study was considered distance learning. The storage medium did not play a special role: paper or magnetic.

Distance education is increasingly associated with a closed learning system, in which the main means of communication, learning and information transfer is INTERNET. Developed in 1991, Web technology becomes the environment where distance learning fits most naturally and effectively, not excluding the use of FTP (File Transfer Protocol) protocol (and program) for transferring files between computers, email, etc.

Occupying an intermediate position in form between full-time and correspondence, distance learning is a completely special phenomenon that cannot be reduced to the first two. A specially designed shell should provide a full set of tools that allow individual training, provide all information support in accordance with the curriculum, testing and self-testing, a system of final control measures, etc.

Today, there are many types of training that have a regulatory framework, traditions and available technologies for their organization. But do we know enough about distance learning?

The purpose of this work is to describe the available technology for organizing educational institutions.

The tasks we set for this:

· Analyze information resources providing subsidiaries services;

· Consider the regulatory framework, features and contradictions of subsidiaries;

· Propose the structure of an Internet resource for the organization of educational institutions.


Training is a purposeful, systematic, organized process of equipping with knowledge, skills, abilities, and education is the result of training, upbringing and personal development.

Distance learning (DL) is a form of education, along with full-time and part-time education, in which the best traditional and innovative methods, means and forms of education based on computer and telecommunication technologies are used in the educational process.

The basis educational process with DO is a targeted and controlled intensive independent work a student who can study in a place convenient for him, according to an individual schedule, having with him a set of special teaching aids and an agreed upon opportunity to contact the teacher by telephone, e-mail and regular mail, as well as in person.

DL is a purposeful interactive, asynchronous process of interaction between subjects and objects of learning among themselves and with learning tools, and the learning process is indifferent to their spatial location.

In the education system, preschool education meets the principle of humanism, according to which no one should be deprived of the opportunity to study due to poverty, geographic or temporary isolation, social vulnerability and the inability to attend educational institutions due to physical disabilities or employment with production and personal matters. Being a consequence of the objective process of informatization of society and education and absorbing the best features of other forms, DL entered the 21st century as the most promising, synthetic, humanistic, integral form of education.

There are other interpretations of the concepts of distance learning and education, reflecting the variety of approaches to understanding them:

Distance education is a special, perfect form that combines elements of full-time, part-time, part-time, correspondence and evening education based on new information technologies and multimedia systems. Modern means telecommunications and electronic publications make it possible to overcome the disadvantages of traditional forms of education, while maintaining all their advantages;

Distance learning is a new organization of the educational process based on the principle self-study student. The learning environment is characterized by the fact that students are mostly, and often completely, distant from the teacher in space and (or) time, while at the same time they have the opportunity to maintain a dialogue at any time using telecommunications.


First, let's note the advantages of distance learning.

· Manufacturability - training using modern software and technical means makes e-education more effective. New technologies make it possible to make visual information bright and dynamic, to build the educational process itself, taking into account the active interaction of the student with the learning system.

· The development of Internet networks, high-speed Internet access, the use of multimedia technologies, sound, video makes distance learning courses complete and interesting.

According to 57% of US teachers, the results of distance learning are equal to or even superior to the results of traditional classes.

33.3% of surveyed teachers believe that in the coming years the results of distance learning will exceed the results of classroom learning.

· Accessibility and openness of learning - the opportunity to study remotely from the place of study, without leaving your home or office. This allows a modern specialist to study almost all his life, without special business trips or vacations, combining it with his main activity. At the same time, focusing on studying in the evenings and on weekends.

· You can study from almost anywhere in the world where there is a computer and the Internet.

· As a rule, distance learning is cheaper than regular education, primarily due to lower costs of travel, living in another city, lower costs of organizing the courses themselves (no need to pay for classroom space, fewer staff, costs for teachers can be reduced, etc. .d.).

· Freedom and flexibility, access to quality education - new opportunities for choosing a course of study are emerging. It is very easy to select several courses from different universities, from different countries. You can study in different places at the same time, comparing courses with each other. There are opportunities to study in the best educational institutions, using the most effective technologies, with the most qualified teachers.

· Studying at any time in any place allows students not only to remain in their usual environment and maintain the usual rhythm of life, but also to develop an individual study schedule.

· A person can study remotely incognito for various reasons (age, position, position, shyness, etc.).

· Opportunity to train disabled people and people with various disabilities.

· When using distance learning, the educational institution receives a larger number of foreign students; universities have the opportunity to increase the number of students by attracting distance students from other countries and cities.

· Individuality of distance learning systems. DL is more individual in nature, more flexible, the student himself determines the pace of learning, can return to individual lessons several times, can skip certain sections, etc. The student studies the educational material during the entire study period, and not just during the session, which guarantees deeper residual knowledge. This training system forces the student to study independently and gain self-education skills.

· Experience shows that a distance learning student becomes more independent, mobile and responsible. Without these qualities he will not be able to learn. If they were not there initially, but the motivation to learn is great, they develop and upon completion of training, specialists emerge who are truly in demand on the market.

· Documentation of the learning process - the teacher can keep the course itself, electronic correspondence with the tutor, and he can refer to them later, as needed.

· BEFORE providing learning opportunities to more people, interest in learning increases, learning productivity increases, allows you to study when necessary, attracts people of different age groups.

· DL makes the learning process more creative and individual, opens up new opportunities for creative self-expression of the student.

· The introduction of distance learning reduces the nervousness of students when taking a test or exam.

· DL is individualized, the ability to adapt to the work style of each student and teacher, providing tools for independent customization.

· The use of modern Internet technologies and DL makes it easy to form various virtual professional communities (for example, communities of teachers), communicate between teachers, discuss problems, solve common problems, exchange experience, information, etc.

· The development of DL requires the use of new tools and teaching methods, the construction of new teaching models.

· The use of search engines in training opens up completely new possibilities. Modern search engines accumulate billions of documents; these are huge databases of information and our task is to use them in the learning process.

Despite many advantages, DO also has its disadvantages:

· Lack of direct face-to-face communication between students and the teacher. And when there is no person nearby who could emotionally color the knowledge, this is a significant disadvantage for the learning process.

· Requirement of a personal computer and Internet access.

· High requirements for setting learning objectives, administering the process, difficulty motivating students.

· One of the key problems of Internet learning remains the problem of user authentication when testing knowledge. Most distance learning programs require an in-person examination session. This problem is partly solved by installing video cameras on the training side and corresponding training software.

· The need for a number of individual psychological conditions. Distance learning requires strict self-discipline, and its results directly depend on the student’s independence and consciousness.

· As a rule, students feel a lack of practical classes. There is no constant control over students, which for a Russian person is a powerful incentive.

· The high cost of building a distance learning system, at initial stage creating a system, the costs of creating a distance learning system, the distance learning courses themselves and the purchase of technical support are high.

· High labor intensity of developing distance learning courses. Creating 1 hour of truly interactive multimedia experience takes over 1000 professional hours. One way to solve this problem is to search and use existing video and audio files, using methods of gradual complication distance courses.


In recent years, there has been more and more talk about the use of Internet technologies as a technological basis for distance learning (DL), which is associated with the increased capabilities of technical means of communication and the spread of the Internet computer network. The following factors, determined by the didactic properties of this information technology tool, speak in favor of such a basis for various models of distance learning.

  • The ability to extremely quickly transmit information of any volume, of any type (visual and audio, static and dynamic, text and graphic) over any distance.
  • The ability to quickly change information via the Internet from your workplace.
  • Storing this information in computer memory for the required length of time, the ability to edit, process, print, etc.
  • Possibility of interactivity using multimedia information specially created for these purposes and prompt feedback.
  • Ability to access various sources of information, primarily Internet Web sites, remote databases, numerous conferences around the world via the Internet, working with this information.
  • Possibility of organizing electronic conferences, including real-time, computer audio conferences and video conferences.
  • Possibility of dialogue with any partner connected to the Internet.
  • Possibility of requesting information on any issue of interest through electronic conferences.
  • The ability to transfer the received materials to your floppy disk, print them and work with them when and how it is most convenient for the user.

The Internet has eliminated or significantly reduced time, spatial and financial barriers to the dissemination of information, and created its own integrated information structures. Naturally, this is of great importance for educational system, because information is the “habitat” of all educational programs.

As a DO organization, we will be based on the Internet computer network and Web technologies.


A full-fledged online learning project consists of: an instructional block, an information block (a resource content system), a control block (a testing and evaluation mechanism), a communication block (an interactive teaching system) and a control system that brings it all together.


The DL course is not only the text of the lessons itself, but a holistic process that includes searching for suitable information on networks, exchanging letters both with course curators and with other students, accessing databases and periodical information publications distributed via the Internet.

Distance learning, individualized in its essence, should not, at the same time, exclude the possibility of communication not only with the teacher, but also with other students, cooperation in the process of various kinds of cognitive and creative activities.

When creating a DL course, it is important to take into account the characteristics of the target group for which this course is being created and choose a distance learning methodology taking into account the characteristics of the student’s technical support.

The effectiveness of distance learning depends on the quality of the materials used (training courses) and the skill of the teachers involved in this process. Therefore, the pedagogical, meaningful organization of distance learning (both at the stage of course design and in the process of using it) is a priority.


When creating DL courses, the following requirements must be taken into account:

Motivation. Motivation is a necessary component of learning and must be maintained throughout the learning process. A clearly defined goal that is set for the student is of great importance. Motivation quickly decreases if the level of assigned tasks does not correspond to the student’s level of preparation.

Setting a learning goal. From the very beginning of working at a computer, a student should know what is required of him. Learning objectives must be clearly and clearly formulated in the program.

Creating prerequisites for the perception of educational material. To create the prerequisites for the perception of educational material, auxiliary materials (guides for students) included in the finished package or prepared by the teacher himself can be useful. Preliminary testing is possible.

Presentation of educational material. The strategy for presenting the material is determined depending on the educational tasks being solved. An important issue is the design of frames supplied to the display screen. Known readability principles must be used.

Feedback. This criterion is of key importance for the student, less so in the testing program, more so in the training program. The computer is capable of providing feedback, and this assistance can be individual.

Grade. While working with a computer, students need to know how they can handle the course material. However, it is preferable not to indicate the number of incorrect answers until the final tabulation. Most students, as a rule, are not stimulated big number remaining tasks, a large number of completed tasks stimulates less. The most important thing in a distance learning course is the organization of communications “student - teacher - students”. For these purposes, it is recommended to organize student work in projects or “cooperative learning” and discussions.

When creating DL courses, hypertext technologies and multimedia tools are widely used. The use of hyperlinks leads to a non-linear structure of the course, to the ability for the learner to navigate according to his own learning strategy throughout the course text. Hypertext is the ability to create “live”, interactive educational material, equipped with links between different parts of the material. The capabilities of hypertext give the teacher the opportunity to divide the material into a large number of fragments, connecting them with hyperlinks into logical chains. The next step here could be to create “own” textbooks based on the same material for each student, depending on his level of knowledge. Hyperlinks allow you to access external sources of information and make the course part of the Internet.

When designing a DL course, the isolation of the distance learning student should be taken into account. Materials must be provided with the necessary explanations, be user-friendly and attractive, and all difficulties in the learning process must be foreseen in advance by the authors.

It is necessary that the material captivates you. The use of a variety of graphics, animation and simulation should help increase the attractiveness of distance learning courses

The DO course should be divided into relatively small, logically closed parts (sections). Hypertext allows you to break the text of a section into smaller structural units - lessons. Each section should have a heading, and the activities of the section should have subheadings.

A distance learning course is developed on a modular basis: each module is a standard educational product, including a clearly defined amount of knowledge and skills intended to be studied over a certain time, or a credit unit, the quality of work with which is recorded by coursework and tests, as well as tests, test and examination means.

Methodological aids should be structured in such a way that the student can move from activities performed under the guidance of a teacher to activities organized independently, to the maximum replacement of teacher control with self-control. Therefore they must contain detailed description rational techniques for the described types of activities, criteria for the correctness of decisions, recommendations for the effective use of consultations.


Currently, the following structure of further education courses is widely used:

· Introduction (Course Information). A brief description of the course is given, who it is intended for, what you need to know and be able to do for successful mastery, schedule, goals and objectives of the course, abstract of the course, organization of the course, required literature, order of training, how to work with this course, place and relationship with other disciplines of the program by specialty.

· Main text in the form of modules with illustrations highlighted keywords(for a future glossary) and definitions, links to other course pages, and other sources of information on the Internet, as well as main conclusions for the section. Each module must have a title. It is possible to indicate a List of questions related to this section, but not included in the program, indicating the sources where you can read them optionally and additional lecture materials.

· Self-test questions after each section, tests and topics for discussion on the forum for this course. Problems with answers for training.

· Reference materials for subject area course (glossary), linked by hyperlinks to the main text. The glossary, if possible, should fully reflect the content of the course (ideally, the glossary should contain terms in Russian and English). List of abbreviations and abbreviations.

· Electronic library – electronic books on the subject of the course, links to electronic library sites, electronic books with information necessary for the student, for example, on working with email, searching for information on the Internet, etc. Each link must be accompanied by an annotation.

· Means of collaboration between the student and the teacher and other students (e-mail, teleconferences (forum), chat).

· Practical and laboratory work necessary for high-quality mastery of the course. It is recommended that you first obtain admission to this type of class and test your knowledge of theoretical material.

· Creative assignments (coursework, essays, assignments, situations, etc.) aimed at independent application of acquired knowledge, skills, and abilities, implementation of projects individually and in collaborative groups.

· Block of problem situations (task texts to identify the depth of understanding).

· Database of abstracts, coursework, projects, abstracts of other students, presentations.

· Web-works of students (or presentation files posted on the Internet).

· Block with files (presentations, abstracts, ....)

· The most frequently asked questions and answers to them, posted on the Web site and available to students.

· Final test. Examination materials, requirements for the level of proficiency in materials.

· Unit for monitoring the results of educational work.

· Package of questionnaires. The course package includes a package of questionnaires to get to know potential students and a package of tests to determine their initial level of knowledge in a given subject, topic, and a final questionnaire to evaluate the course and tutor.

· Workshop to develop skills in applying theoretical knowledge with examples of completing tasks and analysis of the most common errors.

· Virtual laboratory workshop.

· Portfolio (Student Portfolio) – Everything that the student has written is placed here, including emails, completed work, assignments, and teacher responses.

· Classroom – names and E-mails of class participants, teacher, assistants, with the ability to send a letter to any of them or all of them at once, including the teacher.

· Study groups - Depending on the requirements of the teacher, students can unite in small “teams” that collectively carry out individual projects.

· Bulletin board - information for all students in the group and for a specific student.

· Files for downloading by students (presentations, Word files).

· Laboratory work (simulation of laboratory work using programming languages ​​and direct transfer of data during laboratory work in Internet).


When creating a DL course, it is necessary to take into account the features of Internet technologies. Given the weakness of Internet channels in Russia, it is not recommended to make Web pages very large. You should not use full-screen pictures or a large number of them in order to reduce the loading time of the Web page. Large download pages should be divided into several pages and connected with hyperlinks.

When developing a DL course, the participation of an author, methodologist, webmaster, designer, and programmer is necessary. The quality of the developed course depends on the coordinated work of this entire team. Having prepared materials for the DO course, the author submits it to the webmaster. The webmaster reworks the course to present it online.

When creating a course, you must use an iterative approach. The course should be changed and improved based on the results of work with the course materials by the Webmaster and other specialists.

After the course is created, the course is tested and verified by the course author and pilot tests of the course are carried out, based on the results of which the course is finalized.

A special Web site is being developed to organize distance courses. The website contains a system for managing the distance learning process, information on the organization of training, a list of courses offered and the courses themselves. Each course is located in its own section of the site.

To present courses on the Internet, a standard course shell with a convenient navigation system is usually used. For each course, tests and a conference (forum) are created. A closed and open area is created to host the course on the site. Information about the student's testing is entered into the database.

The course placement is multi-level. At the first level, the structure of the course and annotation of the sections are shown. Each section of the course is divided into separate modules (web pages).

EXAMPLE of a distance course web page

· Maximum use of hypertext capabilities is encouraged.

· The text should be short or at least divided into paragraphs; the text should be convenient for quick reference.

· Each graphic file must have a text signature, which will be visible when the student turns off the graphics on his computer.

· Each web page should have a section title (color black) and a lesson title (color dark blue).

· Each page can have a vertical margin on the left, which can be used to place various subheadings, comments, and graphic images.

· On any web page you can open a new window to view information in several windows simultaneously or alternately. It is possible to use a frame structure when the computer screen is divided into several independent windows (frames).

· Large drawings can be presented in two steps. First, a small drawing appears on the screen - a smaller copy of the large drawing; when you click on the small drawing, the large drawing appears in a new window. The size of graphic files is optimized to reduce Web page load.

In order to analyze how the above principles and requirements are implemented in practice, we examined a number of DL sites. Below is a list and characteristics of each of them.

On home page The International Center for Distance Learning contains an introduction, a window with Center news, and sections “Distance Learning” ( Brief story about distance education and its advantages in general and about the International Center for Distance Learning KURSY.RU and the courses and services it provides in particular), “List of courses”, “Frequently asked questions” and the section “Wanted!” (Vacancies for course authors and teachers at the International Center for Distance Learning KURSY.RU). Below are links to individual courses; you can ask the developers a question using a special form or write to them by email.

The site interface is presented in a restrained color scheme (blue and cyan tones, background color is white), 3 fonts are used, hypertext is actively used, a convenient page width (600 pixels), the text is divided into paragraphs, and a minimum amount of graphics.

On the home page of this resource an introduction in which you can find information about the benefits of additional education, a list of courses provided, feedback, and a link to useful articles on the topic. The right column is reserved for site news; you can view all news and subscribe to them. The left column contains links “Educational institutions”, “Educational loan”, “Course search”, “Information for universities”. In the menu located at the top of the page there are sections “Questions and answers”, “training application” and “Contacts”.

When developing the resource, a minimum of graphics was used, a sufficient amount of hypertext, one type of font (not large enough, which makes it difficult to read), the text is divided into paragraphs. The web page has a convenient resolution.

On the main page of the Corporate Authorized training center REDCENTER user can get acquainted with the news of the site. Each item is a hyperlink where you can find out more about each news. Below is the introduction and contacts. The left column contains quick links (“News”, “Directions of study”, “Schedule”, “Order training”, “Distance learning”, “Certification”, “Partners”), a list of courses formatted as hyperlinks. There is a search for information on the site. In the right column there is an express survey (“Are you satisfied with the quality of services provided by REDCENTER?”) and attention-grabbing banners (“Spring with Microsoft” promotion - Microsoft courses at a discount!”, “Take part in the survey - get a discount on training !”, “Training on NETg courses in the Science Park of Moscow State University”). At the top there is a convenient menu (“About the company”, “Courses”, “Training”, “Testing”) with convenient detailed pop-up items.

The page makes maximum use of hypertext and hyperlinks, a sufficient number of graphics (banners), text divided into paragraphs, a white background, a convenient page width, and a single font for the entire page.

On the main page of the Central Coordination Center Specialist at MSTU. N.E. Bauman contains a huge amount of information. For convenience, the information is divided into subsections: “New courses”, “Unique services”, “Distance learning news”, “ Training courses", "The process of distance learning" (+ links to pages for more detailed information on this topic), "Corporate solutions", "Ordering and paying for training". All information is given in an accessible form.

At the top there is a detailed menu (“Home”, “About the Center”, “News”, “Courses”, “Certification”, “Testing”, “Conference”, “Employment”) with pop-up items and icons “Search” and “ Server map." The column “Distance learning” is highlighted with the sub-items “Distance learning”, “Catalogue of distance courses”, “Order of training”, “Computer requirements”, etc. Many points are repeated in various sections of the web page. On the one hand, this can be considered a plus, because... In any case, the user will be able to find the information he needs, but on the other hand, this clutters the resource page, the user may get confused in the huge amount of information.

The background color of the pages is white, the color scheme is in blue and yellow tones, and is designed very professionally and attractively for the user. A huge amount of hypertext and hyperlinks was used, the text was divided into paragraphs, a lot of graphics, and one font was used.

Overall a very attractive and interesting resource.

On the main page of the Moscow Center for Internet Education there is an introduction and recommendations for using this resource. Contacts are also provided. The Moscow Center for Internet Education provides free distance learning for employees of state and municipal institutions in the field of general secondary education of the Russian Federation (teachers, school administrators and education authorities, employees of the advanced training system for employees of the education system, etc.). In the upper corner of the page there is quick access to the following functions: “Home”, “Site Map”, “Search”, “Feedback”, designed in the form of pictures. In the left column there is the emblem of the Federation of Internet Education and sections “About the project”, “News”, “Training courses”, “Our teachers”, “Register”, “For listeners”, “Help”, “About the site”, “Found” error".

The page is designed in a pleasant color scheme (light green and gray in text and graphics and a white background), the text is divided into paragraphs, hyperlinks are used; a small but sufficient amount of text; A single font and additional graphics were used.

The main page of the Open Law Institute lists the advantages of distance learning; below are the site news. In the column on the right, the following sections are designed as buttons: “About us”, “Admission”, “Start registration”, “What’s what”, “Question-answer”, “Documents”, “Specialties”, “Our college”, “ Education on credit", "Library", "Etalon Plus", "Internet broadcasting", "Our news", "Science news", "Collaboration", "Download", "Contacts", "Payment for services", "Required" . There are also services for searching the site, contacting a consultant via ICQ, and subscribing to the newsletter.

The decor is quite modest and sparse. Hypertext is actively involved, the page size is larger than recommended, two types of fonts are used.

On the main page of the Art&Image Internet Institute, the advantages of distance education are indicated, there is a small introduction, a registration window, and a link “Online seminars” is given. There is also a menu consisting of sections: “About us”, “Admission rules”, “News”, “Graduates”, “Diploma works”, “Contacts”. There are also sections on “How we teach” and “What we teach.”

The Internet Institute works in two directions: professional retraining and advanced training.

The design of the site is bright (the main background color is orange), but not intrusive. It does not distract, but attracts. The resource design was professionally developed by Ahouse Design. One font was used, the page size was compact, and graphics were used wisely.

For convenience, we have compiled a summary table in which we indicate which of the listed criteria each Internet resource meets.

Table 1. Criteria for evaluating Internet resources on educational background.

Criteria for evaluation


Site structure

Website design

K2 – Introduction (course information);

K3 – Reference materials on the topic of the course;

K4 – Search for information on the site;

K5 – FAQ (frequently asked questions);

K6 – Communication with tutors and other students (forum, chat, conferences);

K7 – User registration;

K8 – Final tests;

K9 – Student Portfolio;

K10 – Files for download;

K11 – Readability;

K12 – Use of hypertext and multimedia;

K13 – Convenient page size;

K14 – Light background, dark text;

K15 – Standard fonts;

K16 – Convenient text divided into paragraphs;

K17 – Graphics that complement the text.

As we see, not a single resource fully meets all the requirements that we described above.

As for the structure, most resources contain information search on the site, the ability to communicate with tutors and other students, as well as Help. If we talk about the design of the site, it can be noted that almost all resources meet the requirements of readability, use of hypertext and multimedia, convenient page size, light background and dark text; using standard fonts, having convenient text divided into paragraphs. But not all sites contain enough graphics (to complement the text and attract the user's attention).

In terms of attractiveness, we can highlight the sites (Appendix 1) and (Appendix 2). They meet an important requirement when creating educational resources - increasing interest in the site and being attractive to the user.


To summarize, let us once again note the requirements for the development of an Internet resource for distance learning.

· A complete online learning project consists of: an instructional block, an information block, a control block, a communication block and a control system that brings it all together.

· When creating DL courses, hypertext technologies and multimedia tools are widely used.

· Materials must be provided with the necessary explanations, be user-friendly and attractive, all difficulties of the learning process must be foreseen in advance by the authors.

· You need to be captivated by the material. The use of a variety of graphics, animation and simulation should help increase the attractiveness of distance learning courses

· The DO course should be divided into relatively small, logically closed parts (sections).

· Introduction (Course Information).

· Reference materials on the subject area of ​​the course.

· Literature.

· Means of collaboration between the student and the teacher and other students (e-mail, teleconferences (forum), chat).

· Practical and laboratory work.

· The most frequently asked questions and their answers

· Final test

· Virtual laboratory workshop.

· Portfolio.

· Cool room.

· Study groups.

· Files for downloading by students.

For each course, a course calendar is determined: duration of study, deadlines for completing sections, testing deadlines, dates for virtual seminars, writing essays, deadlines for passing test assignments, etc.

More than any other course, distance learning courses must use a user-friendly interface that encourages students to continue with the work and complete it successfully.

It is recommended to use the principle of unity when creating a course: maintain a single color palette throughout the course, the same use of fonts, the same colors of hyperlinks, a single design style, etc.

· A Web page on average should not exceed three screens in length. The main screen resolution for users is 800*600 pixels.

· The text should be short or divided into paragraphs; the text should be convenient for quick reference.

· Graphic elements should complement the text.

· It is possible to use audio and video fragments.


So, let's summarize. In this work, we noted the prerequisites for the emergence of distance learning (DL), the definition of DL, the pros and cons of DL, and familiarized ourselves with the recommendations for creating an Internet resource on DL.

DO is a special, perfect form that combines elements of full-time, part-time, correspondence and evening education based on new information technologies and multimedia systems; This is a new organization of the educational process, based on the principle of independent student learning.

Pros: technological effectiveness, accessibility and openness of learning, lower cost compared to conventional education, freedom and flexibility, the ability to educate disabled people and people with various disabilities, individuality, etc.

Disadvantages: lack of direct face-to-face communication between students and the teacher, the need for a personal computer and Internet access, the problem of user authentication when testing knowledge, lack of practical training, etc.

In the practical part of the issue, we analyzed the information resources that provide educational services. As a result of theoretical and practical research activities, we described the available technology for organizing educational institutions.


1. PCWEEK. Russian edition. - No. 5 (227). – 2000.

2. “Distance education”. - No. 1-12. – 2005.

3. Results of the experiment in the field of distance learning and prospects for the development of distance educational technologies. (Decision of the board dated May 26, 2002). // Innovations in education.-2002.- No. 4. - P. 4-27.

4. Ibragimov. I.M. Information technologies and distance learning tools: a textbook for students. universities - M.: Academy, 2005.-336 p.

5. Internet in humanities education: Proc. manual for universities / Ed. E. S. Polat. - M.: Vlados, 2001.-272 p.

6. V. Kanavo. “Advantages and disadvantages of distance learning via the Internet” (

8. Kireeva, E.D. Analysis promising development existing forms of educational Internet projects // Innovations in education.-2002.-No. 4. - P. 38-40.


Annex 1

Appendix 2

FEDERAL AGENCY FOR EDUCATION State educational institution of higher professional education of the Russian Federation GLAZOV STATE PEDAGOGICAL INSTITUTE IM. V. G. KOROLENKO Department of Informatics O. A. Bogdanova

The main requirements for computer networks (CN) from the higher education system are to provide:

email mode;

remote access to library catalogs and files of electronic libraries;

remote access to user files;

remote access to databases and knowledge;

remote use of remote computing resources;

exchange training programs, lecture courses, training systems in selected areas;

organizing telemeetings, teleconferences and teleconsultations for the purpose of cooperating works on scientific topics, coordinating the work of collegial working groups, joint publications of authors;

exchange of information of a given volume in a confidential form.

Telecommunications are an important area of ​​using new information technologies in education.

Computer networks (CN) make it possible to conduct training at a distance. They create effective system operational remote consultations on various issues, provide free access to existing and developed databases and the exchange of text and graphic information of subscribers within the country, as well as abroad, solve problems of students related not only to cognitive, but also to their social activities. CS allow you to successfully solve current educational problems that arise due to the impossibility of direct contact between the teacher and the student in a specific field. pedagogical process FROM TO. This is especially relevant in the system of retraining and advanced training, training people with physical disabilities and people with disabilities who do not have the opportunity to receive an education in educational institutions in traditional ways.

When learning online using CS, the student, after completing all necessary documents gets access to educational and methodological materials in electronic form. He can print them out on his printer (without the right of commercial use), and read the resulting educational material directly from the screen. In addition, during the training process, the student can independently and autonomously access the database on the subject of training, which is available in the Distance Learning Center of the educational institution or elsewhere using the links available in the training materials. This will significantly help him deepen and expand his knowledge of the discipline. After studying a portion of the material, the student can ask questions to the teacher in writing (by email) and receive answers to them. Further, as a continuation of the learning process, to check the quality of mastery of the material, the teacher can set a series test questions, sending them to the listener also using KS, by email. Ultimately, it is advisable to take the exam in direct contact with the teacher or a trusted person in the traditional form: ticket - question - answer. Here, identification of the personality of the person taking the exam is achieved, and there is a more verified psychological and professional assessment of the quality of the student’s knowledge.

The educational environment of the SDL is a set of information, technological and administrative-organizational components interconnected in order to implement one target function - ensuring a high-quality educational process on a significant scale. basic university distance. The organizational components of this structure are the divisions of the Institute of Distance Learning (IDL), regional centers(RC) and territorial access points (TAP) (Fig. 3). The information components of the system are:

means of a corporate information system (CIS), namely a CIS database server (DB), automated workstations provided with special software;

server with electronic library educational materials, workstations (RS) of territorial access points and students, workstations of scientific research institutes.

To resolve issues of organizing operational document flow, it is necessary to ensure:

formation of a set of documents for students and tutors;

control of classes and tests (exams);

organization of support educational process methodological and other materials;

control of mutual settlements between the DC and the IDO;

The network distance learning system has a number of features associated with the Internet environment. They are characterized by the implementation of the following functions:

protection against unauthorized access;

formation of a catalog of information resources located in a given software environment, etc.

Figure 4 shows a diagram reflecting the structure of network education system users (categories) and the capabilities available to them. Software network DO system is divided into two parts,

Figure 3 - Educational environment of network learning in LMS

which are in an open and closed database. The open part is accessible to any Internet user and provides information about the system and training rules to any visitor. The closed part is accessible only to the system administrator.

All training courses are presented in the form of hypertext materials (HTML), combining:

text part with graphic illustrations;

an intermediate testing system implemented on the principle of selecting the correct answer from a proposed list of answers;

final testing, which ensures that answers are entered in natural language

Figure 4 - Structure of users of the network education system and the capabilities available to them.

language for their subsequent transfer to a tutor for checking.

The training courses have the same structure and consist of a set of thematic sections, each of which is accompanied by training tasks with answers and intermediate test. Completing the course final test. Each course is provided with a list of additional educational and scientific literature, as well as a dictionary of terms.

In the educational process, educational and practical aids are used, prepared specifically for preschool education, supplemented, if necessary, with educational material on audio cassettes and educational material on CD-ROM. In the online version, all educational materials are located in electronic library in hypertext version. Some of these manuals have audio inserts (for example, textbooks foreign language). The means of interactive interaction between students and teachers are e-mail and a group communication system (CHAT).

The graphic design of educational materials in the network DL system, as a rule, is not regulated and is a reflection of the creative process of the creator of the hypertext version. However, the rubrication (formalized structure) of the course is strictly specified and is determined at the level of the corporate standard (instructions for developing an educational and practical manual for LMS).

Modern approaches to the use of computer networks involve the implementation of information interaction between participants in the educational process in various modes of operation of the World Information Environment. Internet technology provides modern users with all the resources of global telecommunications and allows organizing educational activities using applied and instrumental software and systems available to the modern user. In this regard, a promising direction is the development of scientific and pedagogical foundations for the creation and use of the Global Information Environment continuing education based on the creation of a Unified educational space (information and subject environment) on a regional and global scale.

With all the variety of information and telecommunication technologies, as well as methods of organizing data when sending it over communication channels, the worldwide information computer network Internet occupies a central place. This is largely due to high speed and reliability of transmission of data of various formats via the Internet (text, graphic images, sound, video, etc.). The Internet provides the opportunity for collective access to educational materials, which can be presented in the form of simple textbooks ( electronic texts), and in the form of complex interactive systems, computer models, virtual learning environments, etc. The number of Internet users and information sources is constantly increasing. In addition, there is a constant improvement in the quality of telecommunications services provided.

As the Internet develops and the number of information resources published on it increases, the problem of finding the necessary resources becomes increasingly important. For the general secondary education system, it consists in searching for such information resources published on the Internet that could, in practice, improve the efficiency of the student training system.

The largest number of information resources is aimed at use by teachers and students during the educational process. Some of these resources are intended for use in the traditional education system in accordance with state educational standards And sample programs for each academic discipline. Other educational resources are intended for students’ extracurricular work, deepening knowledge and self-study(for applicants). Reference and encyclopedic resources are identified, as well as means of measuring, monitoring and evaluating the results of educational activities.

Using information resources on the Internet, teachers will be able to more effectively manage cognitive activity students, quickly monitor the results of training and education, take reasonable and appropriate measures to increase the level of training and quality of knowledge of students, purposefully improve pedagogical skill, have prompt targeted access to the required information of an educational, methodological and organizational nature. Teachers developing their own information resources acquire additional opportunity using fragments educational resources, published on the Internet, making the necessary links and respecting copyright.

Using information resources on the Internet, the administration educational institutions will be able to make effective management decisions, correlating them with current legislation and regulations, objectively evaluate the activities of teachers, promptly interact with colleagues, increasing general level planning and administering the activities of an educational institution.

It is advisable to use the main part of information resources to increase the efficiency of student learning in all disciplines of the educational program.

It is important to understand that the use of information resources on the Internet must first be correlated by teachers with the main components of the implemented methodological teaching system - goals, content, methods, organizational forms and teaching aids used. The resources used must fit into this system, not contradict and correspond to its components.

Particular attention should be paid to the selection and development of teaching methods using information resources on the Internet. Among such methods, students may be offered to search and use educational information, significant from the point of view of learning goals, design and research activities of students, based on interaction with Internet resources, the use of communication components of such resources for educational communication between students and teachers.

Connecting to the Internet gives rise to a number of problems that require immediate resolution. These include training and retraining of teachers to implement professional activity using telecommunications, providing the education system with high-quality information resources published on the Internet, as well as informing teachers and students about ways to access such resources.

Educational portals created on the Internet are having an increasing impact on increasing the efficiency of using ICT tools in teaching students.

This problem can be partially resolved through the development and implementation of comprehensive information educational portals (integrated Web systems). In this case, such portals, combining basic information resources of high educational value, could become an “entry point” into modern telecommunication systems for all persons in one way or another connected with education.

Using the portal system allows you to more effectively organize the work of teachers, since the most popular resources are collected and systematized on the portals. Links to resources collected on portals containing contact information about educational institutions and individual teachers, educational news, announcements about olympiads, competitions, conferences and other events may be useful. Most of the highest quality information resources, the use of which would increase the effectiveness of education, are cataloged on educational Internet portals.

Using a local network in education.

Development of funds computer technology, and especially the advent of personal computers led to the creation of a new type of information and computing systems called a local area network (LAN).

LANs have found wide application in computer-aided design and technological preparation systems, production control systems and technological complexes. LAN is effective way construction complex systems management of various production departments. LANs are being intensively introduced into medicine, Agriculture, education, science, etc.

Local network - (LAN - Local Area Network), this name corresponds to the association of computers located in a relatively small area (one enterprise, office, one room). Existing LAN standards provide communication between computers over a distance of 2.5 km to 6 km (Ethernet and ARCNET, respectively).

LAN is a set of hardware and algorithms that provide connection between computers and other peripheral devices (printers, disk controllers, etc.) and allow them to share common disk memory, peripheral devices, and exchange data.

Currently, information and computing systems are usually divided into 3 main types:

  • - LAN (Lokal Area Network) - a local network within an enterprise, institution, or one organization;
  • - MAN (Metropolitan Area Network) - a city or regional network, i.e. network within a city, region, etc.;
  • - WAN (Wide Area Network) is a global network connecting subscribers of a country, continent, and the whole world.

The main purpose of a LAN is to distribute computer resources: programs, compatibility of peripheral devices, terminals, memory. Therefore, the LAN must have a reliable and fast data transmission system, the cost of which should be less than the cost of connected workstations. In other words, the cost of a transmitted unit of information should be significantly lower than the cost of processing information in workstations. Based on this, the LAN, as a system of distributed resources, should be based on the following principles:

  • - a single transmission medium;
  • - unified management method;
  • - uniform protocols;
  • - flexible modular organization;
  • - information and software compatibility.

Local networks are common in the education sector. Most universities and other educational institutions have computers connected to a local network. In the same time modern technologies allow you to connect individual computers located not only in different rooms or buildings, but located on different continents. It is no coincidence that you can find educational institutions that have branches in different countries, whose computers are connected to local networks. Moreover, local networks can also unite computers of different educational institutions, which allows us to talk about the existence of local networks in the field of education.