Competitions for social educators every year. Competitions for teachers from the Ministry of Education. Correspondence competitions for teachers

The profession of a teacher is, first of all, a calling; it is impossible to become a good teacher if you do not love children and are not ready to devote your life to their upbringing. Mediocre teachers are unable to engage their students, resulting in noise and poor discipline in the classroom, which ultimately leads to poor quality of knowledge in the subject. A completely different situation is observed in the lessons of teachers who invest their knowledge and soul into their profession; they do not stop there and constantly improve their level. Competitions for teachers 2016-2017 identify the most worthy representatives of this noble profession, stimulate their further development, and provide a good example for aspiring teachers.

Types of competitions for teachers 2016-2017

Competitions are held annually among teachers, in which the most best representatives urban and rural schools, and often it is the latter that often take first place. Apparently, the environment has an effect, where there is less fuss and distracting temptations, and low funding, which also stimulates further growth, but the main thing is human factor. In rural areas, from time immemorial, teachers have been valued and respected, so young men and women who decide to devote themselves to this profession try to live up to the situation. Competitions for teachers 2016-2017 The Ministry of Education states that the majority of winners are men, despite the fact that 85% of teachers in the country are women. Young people don't often choose this profession, but having chosen this path, they often show a truly creative, non-standard approach, using progressive methods - computer technology, modern devices, studying world experience.

There are two types of competitions:

  • full-time, where public speaking is assessed in the form of a report or an open lesson, they take place in 3 stages - municipal, regional, federal;
  • remote – held electronically, applicants submit their articles, presentations, reports, video recordings of the lesson. Typically, such competitions are devoted to one topic, and representatives from all regions of Russia participate in them.

In addition to the Ministry of Education, competitions can be held by non-state, that is, private organizations that undertake to finance the event. Often such competitions are accompanied by monetary rewards for prizes, this is an additional incentive. Pedagogical competitions increase the level of knowledge of participants, create an atmosphere of healthy competition, promote the exchange of experience, and exalt the prestige of the profession. During the national competition “Teacher of the Year of Russia”, held in the country annually, the best of the best is determined; the main objective of the event is to identify talented teachers who are able to bring in a fresh idea, guided by which, it is possible to improve general level education. The selection takes place in several stages:

  1. placement on the Internet of original information that can arouse interest among the organizers of the competition. Oral presentation – demonstration lesson, demonstration of oratory, dialogue with students, conversation with parents, the ability to interest them in a sensitive topic;
  2. master class on the subject;
  3. participation in round table with representatives of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation.

Based on the selection results, 15 representatives reach the last stage, from which the best is selected. The winner is awarded the right to become an adviser to the Minister of Education for a year; such a high honor stimulates young teachers and opens the way for them to further career growth, opens up broad prospects. The age of the participants does not matter, the main criteria are excellent knowledge object, computer, application modern technologies, mastering several disciplines and teaching abilities are encouraged, instilling patriotism and knowledge of history in the younger generation.

Competitions 2016-2017 among teachers of various disciplines

Teachers primary classes must be fluent in the basics of several sciences at once; they, like no one else, are given the right to lay the foundation of knowledge for schoolchildren who have just embarked on the path of knowledge. The competition for primary school teachers has the most important goal - the exchange of experience among the most talented teachers, which demonstrates the ability of an extraordinary approach to teaching lessons, the ability to interest children at a very early stage and develop an interest in knowledge. Competitions are held not only within the country, but also at the international level, teachers get acquainted with alternative teaching methods, implement interesting ideas into your own practice. Remote competitions among primary school teachers - a publicly accessible form in which any teacher can take part, the result can be known on the same day.

English is the language of world communication, so knowledge of it is necessary for every person who intends to obtain higher education and anyone interested in their own career. Competition for teachers in English 2016-2017 is organized by the Macmillan publishing house, whose Russian representative office is celebrating its 15th anniversary.

To participate in the competition you must submit an essay or a greeting card. The essay should be written on the topic of the influence of books from this publisher on language learning by students. The volume of work is up to 200 words. Postcard - in the form of a photo from a greeting poster containing pictures, collage, original text. Works are sent to the publisher’s email address with the mark “Macmillfn Rassia 15”, best job will be awarded with a valuable gift. In the city of Astana, where the EXPO 2017 exhibition is scheduled to be held, a competition was held for teachers of Kazakhstan 2016-2017 teaching English. The competition consisted of 3 rounds:

  • 1st – paperwork on the theme “EXPO 2017 – discover Kazakhstan”,
  • 2nd – presentation of the methods of teaching English in your school,
  • 3rd – presentation of your hobby.

In the final round, teachers demonstrated a variety of abilities - playing musical instruments, dancing, and culinary skills. Maria Yuryevna Vlasova, a teacher at school No. 25 in Astana, won the competition for English teachers 2017, and the reward was a two-week trip to England.

Every school subject important in its own way, in order to inspire teachers, to make them want to establish themselves among their colleagues, pedagogical competitions for teachers 2016-2017 are held free of charge, financed from the state budget or through registration fees. Such events include the all-Russian Internet competition “Open Palms”, in which not only teachers, but also educators and speech therapists can take part; in total, more than 160 nominations are presented, the winners receive diplomas. The main goal of the competition is to introduce computer technology V school life. Similar competitions are held by: the Center for Pedagogical Innovations named after. Ushinsky, Academy of Pedagogy, Center for Modern educational technologies and other organizations.

Mathematics is one of the most important school subjects; not all students are able to cope with the program material; trying to convey the material to students as accessible as possible is the main task of the teacher. Competitions for mathematics teachers pursue the following goals:

  • promotion professional level teachers to provide quality education;
  • dissemination of best practices for presenting material;
  • introduction of new forms of training;
  • studying and implementing positive experience in preparation for .

Participants assume that the competitions identify the most talented teachers who, based on their own methods and experiments, pass on their accumulated experience to their colleagues and help students master difficult science.

Competitions for Russian language teachers 2016-2017 are held, along with other subjects, by various organizations in the educational industry; these are the same “Open Palms”, where innovative teachers can present their original methods. The most interesting ideas will be taken into account during development methodological manuals. Russian language is one of the compulsory passing the Unified State Exam, helping schoolchildren easily overcome it with subtleties is the main task of teachers.

One of the subjects that should be given increased attention is history; in the near future, this subject will become mandatory. The education of youth is based on patriotism and love for the Motherland, a distortion historical facts instills contradictory thoughts into the minds of young people; history teachers should help them understand the true state of affairs. New ideas are offered by teachers who put forward their methods to the competition for history teachers. The organizers will select the most worthy works, the winners will be awarded diplomas, and their methods will be put into practice in other schools.

The health of the nation is the most important issue; in the country’s schools, much attention is paid to sports, the halls are equipped with modern exercise machines and equipment, teachers involve children in competitions, and the most proactive ones participate in competitions for physical education teachers 2016-2017. In a series of lessons with a busy program, sports should be an outlet that will allow you to escape from mental stress and give you vigor. But the kids don’t always go to class with great inspiration, and the problem is with the teacher; not everyone tries to organize an interesting lesson, and it’s not always possible to squeeze the established standards out of unsportsmanlike schoolchildren - the kids shirk, come up with non-existent excuses so as not to embarrass themselves in front of their classmates. Competitions for teachers physical culture They identify talented teachers who share their methods and programs designed for each student, to cheerful teachers who organize lessons in an interesting way, go with pleasure, and as a result - sporting achievements, victories in competitions between schools, and a general healthy attitude.

Many schools focus on mastering not just one, but several foreign languages, For example, German language, where original teaching methods are also identified, recommended for future use.

Any school subject can become a favorite among students, this is facilitated by talented teachers who really spare no effort or time to improve themselves and teach children, competition creative teacher 2016-2017 unites teachers of all specialties. Teachers demonstrate non-standard teaching methods; in their lessons, children receive not only knowledge, but also pleasure. No less talented teachers participate in competitions for music teachers, creating amateur performance groups at school, identifying capable children who choose a creative path in the future.

The Moscow Teacher 2017 competition has been held among teachers of capital schools for several years; in 2015, 650 teachers from the capital took part in it. This year the conditions have become more complicated, the selection will consist of 4 stages, the winner will be nominated for the “Teacher of the Year” competition..

Contest pedagogical excellence is a competition between teachers of professionalism, the ability to demonstrate their teaching style, reveal the secrets of mastery, and discover the unusual in the traditional. In Russian schools, teaching competitions are widespread, since teachers are creative people who constantly work on their qualifications. Communication with the younger generation does not allow the talent of the teacher to fade, who regularly takes part in competitions for teachers 2018 – 2019 from the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation.

Professional pedagogical competitions originated in Russia in the 20s of the last century. In 1923, the Pravda newspaper, together with the People's Commissariat for Education, organized an All-Russian competition for the best teacher. The announcement of the competition stated that the best teacher should be considered a teacher who “managed to maintain the school under extremely difficult conditions, taught children to love school, connected the school with production, accepts Active participation in public life, fights religious prejudices, helps to banish moonshine and drunkenness, helps organize a cooperative, shows best ways management" ("Pravda" No. 65 of April 24, 1923.) Special Development The pedagogical competition movement began in the 80s of the 20th century.

Main objectives of competitions for teachers

Pedagogical excellence competitions are a unique stage of advanced training for teachers, an open competition for teachers.

Therefore, the main objectives of teacher competitions are:

  • identifying the best experience in domestic pedagogical practice;
  • dissemination of this experience through the media;
  • growth of professional skills of competition participants.

A teacher working on his professional growth wants to make himself known to the general public in order to improve his skills and disseminate his experience.

Types of teacher competitions

Let's talk about face-to-face competitions who have great weight in the teaching environment.

  1. One of the main and significant pedagogical competitions in Russia is “Teacher of the Year” or “Educator of the Year”.

The founders of this competition are the Ministry of Education and Science Russian Federation Federal agency in education, CJSC Publishing House "Teacher's Newspaper", Central Committee of the Trade Union of Workers of Public Education and Science of the Russian Federation.

The results of the “Teacher of the Year” competition can be taken into account by the school administration and replace:

  • control;
  • interview;
  • certification for the highest category.

And the higher the status of the competition by stage (school, municipal, regional, all-Russian), the more prestigious is participation in it.

  1. No less prestigious is the All-Russian competition for the best teachers of general education organizations within the framework of the PNPE (Priority National Project “Education”) to receive monetary incentives.

The winners of this competition have the opportunity to receive a cash reward in the amount of 200 thousand rubles.

The best competitions

"Beacon of Education"

In order to support the implementation of national professional standards for teachers, increase the quality of delivery of material to schoolchildren, as well as the professional development of teachers, they can take part in this competition, where their achievements are assessed and original author’s methods and forms of teaching are presented.

Applications for the “Beacon of Education” can be sent by e-mail along with the competition work itself. You should also pay a purely symbolic registration fee of a little over 200 rubles, for which a check or receipt must be attached to the application letter.

The following nominations participate in this competition:

  • lesson development;
  • notes at preschool educational institutions;
  • development of extracurricular activities;
  • integrated educational activities;
  • author's programs;
  • presentations;
  • experience in implementing Federal State Educational Standards;
  • ICT in education;
  • Master Class;
  • pedagogical essay;
  • ped project;
  • development of events and the events themselves on the theme “Year of ...” (depending on the announced theme of the corresponding year - for 2019 everything will be announced later);
  • pedagogical skills.

The quality of the broadcast is also assessed here. teaching experience, and non-standard proprietary methods, compliance with current technical and information teaching aids, as well as the effectiveness of methodological techniques, rationalization of study and many other criteria.

All winners (the first three prizes), as well as laureates whose works are not included in their number, but are worthy of separate evaluation, are awarded diplomas.

"Pedagogical potential"

This competition is very interesting because it does not impose any limits on the submitted works, encouraging teachers to truly reveal their potential, to show independence and creativity in choosing the direction of improving their own professional skills. Free nomination means not only the absence of any restrictions in the topic, but also in the form of performing the work.

And, by the way, this is an excellent chance to prove themselves to those whose projects do not fall into any category of other competitions, but are worthy of being evaluated. The only condition of the competition: works must prove that they really are a path to achieving more than just good quality– outstanding teaching results.

Any teacher can participate in this competition. secondary schools, preschool teachers, employees additional education, educational psychologists, defectologists, speech therapists, organizers, social workers, accompanists, physical education instructors, methodologists and industrial training masters.

“Teaching Potential” is conducted in absentia, and in order to take part in it, you need to pay the registration fee, fill out a form and send your work along with all this.

"Pedagogy: science and practice"

The purpose of this competition is to encourage teachers to work on the development of such a science as pedagogy, because modern world does not stand still - new trends are born all the time, and the educational policy of the state receives new guidelines.

It becomes a tool for identifying successful theoretical developments in this area, as well as improving and exchanging practical experience in their implementation on the ground. There are a lot of nominations in this competition, and in particular, among them:

  • modern technologies in pedagogy;
  • education innovations;

  • “Health and study”;
  • vectors for improving the educational process;
  • generalization of “field” experience;
  • patriotic education;
  • methodological developments;
  • ICT in the educational process;
  • events dedicated to the current announced year;
  • diagnostic techniques in the educational process;
  • implementation of Federal State Educational Standards;
  • psychology and pedagogy.

Teachers from schools of all levels and specializations, including correctional, vocational, additional education institutions and others, can take part in them.

And the criteria for evaluation are the completeness of the presentation and development of the problem, the relevance of the applied scientific concepts, compliance with modern trends of both domestic and foreign pedagogy, competence of the nominee, author’s position, as well as reliability.

“Together with the planet!”

Another competition worthy of mention is “Together with the Planet!” - a separate environmental event aimed at developing environmental views in children, educating the younger generation in this regard, as well as the development by teachers of methods and professional competencies in this area.

To this competition, participants can submit their work on creating environmental projects, conversations, games, quizzes, presentations, lessons, and also send in digital format recordings of lessons, excursions, projects and their own notes on educational activities for the environmental development of students.

As a rule, all works are reviewed within a couple of days after the announced start date of the competition, after which the result is announced and the winners are determined. Then an electronic or official award ceremony takes place, and valuable and cash prizes are sent to particularly distinguished participants.

List of competitions for teachers in 2018-2019

Name of the site Competition name
Model school "Beacon of Education" "Pedagogy: science and practice"

"Pedagogical potential"

Ecological competition“Together with the planet!”

CDPU "ACADEMY OF PEDAGOGY" “Genius Workshop” “New Ideas”

« Best Presentation to the lesson"

"Methodological system of an effective teacher"

"Best media lesson"

“Innovative methods and technologies in teaching”

"Pedagogy of creativity"

Pedagogical Academy modern education(performed free of charge with a certificate
competitions for teachers, preschool teachers and teachers of additional education in accordance with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard)
« Working programm teacher in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard "Teacher is a creative profession"

"Pedagogical innovations"

« Modern lesson according to the Federal State Educational Standard"

"Lesson using ICT"

« Extracurricular activity»

“Integrated lesson - development and application”

"Pedagogical portfolio"

“Health-saving technologies in the classroom”

"My office"

“Best website (blog)”

Both teachers of secondary and senior level academic disciplines, as well as primary school teachers, can take part in these competitions.

The video of a participant in the competition of professional pedagogical excellence “Teacher of Orenburg-2018” can be viewed here:

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All-Russian competition of presentations and methodological developments for teachers and schoolchildren

Every student in grades 1-11, teachers can take part in the event

  • biology,
  • geography,
  • foreign language,
  • computer science,
  • stories,
  • local history,
  • mathematics,
  • music;
  • social studies,
  • psychology,
  • technologies,
  • physicists,
  • ecology,
  • economics,

as well as speech therapists, teachers of music schools and additional education, educators and teachers of preschool educational institutions!

A total of 170+ nominations!

All details about the event are on the competition page and in the regulations.

Let's draw magic - 2020

All-Russian competition of New Year's drawings and crafts, master classes and scripts for teachers primary school, art and technology teachers, additional education teachers and librarians.

If you like not only to teach your children how to make crafts for the New Year, but also know how to make surprises with your own hands, then our competition is for you: the nomination “Drawing for New Year or winter theme” and “Crafts for a New Year or winter theme” are open to teachers. And they are popular!

Many teachers prepare school New Year's performances or cool watch. Submit your script to our competition and receive a beautiful diploma for your portfolio as a participant in a script competition or master classes before the holidays!

You can also send the work of your students to participate in the event. This could be crafts, drawings, Christmas tree decorations, or a video recording of a New Year's poem being read.

In total, the competition includes 6 nominations for teachers and 5 nominations for schoolchildren.

Interim results of the competition and the issuance of award documents are held weekly on Wednesdays, except January 1.

All details about the competition are on the page and in the regulations.

The pure shine of the stars

All-Russian competition of presentations and methodological developments, artistic recitation and illustrations for teachers.

A new pedagogical competition is dedicated to the 150th anniversary of the birth of poets Silver Age Mirra Lokhvitskaya and Zinaida Gippius. However, the theme of the event is not limited solely to their creativity.

Each teacher can submit to the competition a methodological development of a literature lesson, a scenario for an extracurricular event or a literary lounge, an integrated lesson or a presentation dedicated to the life and work of a poetess of the 19th - early 21st centuries of his choice.

The nominations “Artistic Reading” and “Illustration” are open to all subject teachers. You can read yours favorite poem or make an illustration, or maybe draw a portrait of your favorite poetess.

In total, the competition includes 13 nominations for teachers and 7 nominations for students.

Thirst for new discoveries

All-Russian competition-marathon for teachers of geography, literature, primary school teachers, college and university teachers.

Theme of the competition: the geography of our planet in all its diversity.

Each geography teacher can send to the competition a methodological development of a lesson, a presentation for a lesson, the development of an integrated lesson, or a scenario for an extracurricular activity. A literature teacher can participate with methodological development lesson on studying a work of the adventure genre as part of school curriculum, and as part of extracurricular reading.

The competition is also open to primary school teachers, because it is with them that children begin to get acquainted with the geography of our planet during lessons on the world around us.

Two additional nominations are also open to teachers. If you have a copyright electronic textbook on any topic, long-read or lapbook of your own design, then you can submit your work in the category “Non-standard tutorial" For all teachers who are interested in painting, regardless of the subject they teach, the “Illustration” nomination is open.

There are also nominations for schoolchildren. Students can submit a report, presentation, research work, and also take part in the reading competition.

The competition is divided into 3 streams. Results and issuance of award documents at the end of each stream. Participate in the first stream and add a new diploma to your portfolio of achievements on November 26, 2019.

All details are on the competition page and in the Regulations.

Heroes of History 2019 / 2020

All-Russian competition-marathon for teachers of history, literature, primary school teachers, college and university teachers.

Theme of the competition: history of Russia and world history from ancient times to the present day.

Each history teacher can send to the competition a methodological development of a lesson, a presentation for a lesson, the development of an integrated lesson, or a scenario for an extracurricular activity. A literature teacher can participate in the methodological development of a lesson on studying a historical work both as part of the school curriculum and as part of extracurricular reading.

The competition is also open to primary school teachers, because it is with them that children take their first steps in studying the history of our country.

There are also nominations for schoolchildren. Students can submit a report, presentation, research paper, essay on a historical topic to the competition, and also take part in a reading competition.

The competition is divided into 4 streams. Results and issuance of award documents at the end of each stream. Participate in the first stream and add a new diploma to your portfolio of achievements on September 21, 2019.

All details are on the competition page and in the Regulations.

The pedagogical excellence competition is a competition between teachers of professionalism, the ability to demonstrate their teaching style, reveal the secrets of mastery, and discover the unusual in the traditional. In Russian schools, teaching competitions are widespread, since teachers are creative people who constantly work on their qualifications. Communication with the younger generation does not allow the talent of the teacher to fade, who regularly takes part in competitions for teachers 2018 – 2019 from the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation.

From the history of pedagogical competitions

Professional pedagogical competitions originated in Russia in the 20s of the last century. In 1923, the Pravda newspaper, together with the People's Commissariat for Education, organized an All-Russian competition for the best teacher. The announcement of the competition stated that the best teacher should be considered a teacher who “managed to maintain the school under extremely difficult conditions, taught children to love school, connected the school with production, takes an active part in public life, fights religious prejudices, helps to banish moonshine and drunkenness, helps organize a cooperative, shows the best ways of running a household” (“Pravda” No. 65 of April 24, 1923.) The pedagogical competitive movement received particular development in the 80s of the 20th century.

Main objectives of competitions for teachers

Pedagogical excellence competitions are a unique stage of advanced training for teachers, an open competition for teachers.

Therefore, the main objectives of teacher competitions are:

  • identifying the best experience in domestic teaching practice;
  • dissemination of this experience through the media;
  • growth of professional skills of competition participants.

A teacher working on his professional growth wants to make himself known to the general public in order to improve his skills and disseminate his experience.

Types of teacher competitions

Let's talk about intramural competitions, which have a lot of weight in the teaching environment.

  1. One of the main and significant pedagogical competitions in Russia is “Teacher of the Year” or “Educator of the Year”.

The founders of this competition are the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, the Federal Agency for Education, CJSC Publishing House "Teacher's Newspaper", the Central Committee of the Trade Union of Public Education and Science Workers of the Russian Federation.

The results of the “Teacher of the Year” competition can be taken into account by the school administration and replace:

  • control;
  • interview;
  • certification for the highest category.

And the higher the status of the competition by stage (school, municipal, regional, all-Russian), the more prestigious is participation in it.

  1. No less prestigious is the All-Russian competition for the best teachers of general education organizations within the framework of the PNPE (Priority National Project “Education”) to receive monetary incentives.

The winners of this competition have the opportunity to receive a cash reward in the amount of 200 thousand rubles.

Why are distance teaching competitions needed?

Remote competitions held on the Internet are commercial in nature and are not particularly significant.

And yet teachers take an active part in them. Why?

The remote nature of such events is due to the distance of participants and organizers from each other. Online competitions of pedagogical excellence are held for the following purposes:

  • the prestige and status of the teacher in society increases;
  • participants in teaching competitions identify and study new areas of pedagogical theory and practice;
  • school employees remotely get acquainted with innovative technologies that contribute to the development of the education system.

List of competitions for teachers in 2018-2019

Name of the site Competition name
Model school "Beacon of Education"

"Pedagogy: science and practice"

"Pedagogical potential"

Environmental competition “Together with the planet!”


"New ideas"

“Best presentation for a lesson”

"Methodological system of an effective teacher"

"Best media lesson"

“Innovative methods and technologies in teaching”

"Pedagogy of creativity"

Pedagogical Academy of Modern Education

(performed free of charge with a certificate
competitions for teachers, preschool educators and additional education teachers in accordance with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard)

“Teacher’s work program in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard”

“Teacher is a creative profession”

"Pedagogical innovations"

“Modern lesson on Federal State Educational Standards”

"Lesson using ICT"

"Extracurricular Activity"

“Integrated lesson - development and application”

"Pedagogical portfolio"

“Health-saving technologies in the classroom”

"My office"

“Best website (blog)”

Both teachers of secondary and senior level academic disciplines, as well as primary school teachers, can take part in these competitions.

The video of a participant in the competition of professional pedagogical excellence “Teacher of Orenburg-2018” can be viewed here:

third here: