
Curious facts about the countries of the world. The most unusual responsibilities of children around the world ‎15.
Country that consumes the most food

Galina Nikolaevna Toropkina Presentation "Countries of the World" Children's

presentation - one of the most effective ways to help a child learn new information. It helps to conduct a lesson in kindergarten effectively and in an accessible way. Our students love to travel. Together with their parents, they travel to the memorable places of our homeland, but not everyone has the opportunity to visit foreign ones Presentation "Countries of the World" countries . This will allow you to make an amusing trip V foreign countries.

: England, France, USA, India. She will introduce children to the main attractions, customs, and national clothes of these:

countries foreign countries;

Target Arouse interest in the lives of other peoples;

Introduce basic concepts of foreign countries countries

Foster respect for different peoples

, their customs, characteristics. Publications on the topic:

Presentation “Great Atlas of the World. The result of the implementation of the Geographical Society project “Blue Planet on the Palms” Good day, dear colleagues. Last December, I told you about my work on the joint project of the preschool educational institution “Blue Planet.

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educational activities Program content: Introduce children to climatic zones: savannas, deserts and semi-deserts, tropical forests, mainland Australia.

Project on the environment “Countries of the World” MBOU "Kozlovskaya Secondary School No. 2" PROJECT on the environment

10 facts about South Korea:

    The country has a very strong influence of the United States, so every year Korean more and more borrowed from English words, pronounced in the Korean manner. For example, “ice cream” is pronounced “aysy khyrimy”, “ticket” is “thiket”, etc. And this despite the presence of native Korean equivalents.

    In Korea, they still eat dog meat, but animal rights activists are actively fighting it, and the dish has gone from everyday to delicacy. It is believed that dog meat gives male strength and protects against diseases.

    In some cities in Korea, you can order whale meat and even assorted whale meat from different parts of its body in a restaurant. True, such a dish will not be cheap.

    As in many Asian countries, in Korea (especially in the provinces where there are almost no tourists) there is a special attitude towards women with blond hair. People turn around, take pictures and almost worship the blondes.

    In Korea there is a cult of education. Even during holidays, students sit in libraries every day from morning to evening to prepare for exams and job applications. This leads to an oversupply of qualified specialists and a shortage of ordinary workers. Even for a foreigner, getting a job in large cities is a difficult task.

    Korea leads in youth suicide rates. Studying is so important to Koreans that students often kill themselves if they do not pass exams with a good score.

    Korea has long been an agricultural country, requiring a lot of labor, and as a result, people preferred to have boys rather than girls. Girls were often disposed of. When ultrasound machines appeared, the country introduced a ban on determining the sex of a child before birth in order to avoid mass abortions if the fetus is female. I don’t know whether this ban is still in effect.

    In Korea, a popular dessert is sweet bean ice cream. I still can’t wrap my head around how you can eat sweet beans, and I haven’t been able to try it. Sweet potatoes are also quite common.

    One of the most popular Korean dishes is Kimchi - spicy sauerkraut with various spices. It is as popular as bread on the Russian table. Kimchi has a specific strong odor, so in almost every Korean family There is a separate refrigerator for storing Kimchi.

    Koreans are absolutely not shy about talking about “toilet” topics, even at the table. Complaining about diarrhea or constipation during a family dinner is an absolutely normal practice, but instead of “how are you?” You can hear: “How did you eat today? Is everything okay with your stool?” Korea also has a museum park dedicated to toilets and excrement.

Useful tips

If you are thinking about starting a family, and even more so about having a child, then you now need to think about the future of your child. Today we will talk about which country has the optimal set of conditions and factors for raising children, from birth to adulthood.

We'll look at 12 countries that are best suited for both your child and your entire family.

To determine which countries are best for raising children, researchers looked at the following eight attributes: concern for human rights, family friendliness, income level, gender equality, happiness, safety level, well-developed system public education and a developed healthcare system.

Prosperous countries

1. Finland

Parents will be completely satisfied with the Finnish school system. The country ranked second in OECD (Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development) indicators in reading, science and mathematics. Much attention is paid to sports and healthy image life. By law, every child under the age of seven has the right to upbringing, education, physical and cultural development.

Finland is also one of the safest and most favorable countries from an environmental point of view, modern technologies, social equality and business. Much attention is paid to the development of healthcare.

Countries of the world for children

2. Sweden

Universitas 21 (this is a network research universities, which allows its members to share experiences, collaborate across borders and develop global knowledge exchange) has rated the Swedish school system as the second best in the world. According to STC, this country is in fifth place in terms of living conditions for children.

Education is free from the age of six. Most residents have completed secondary and higher education. High percentage of interested or engaged in various sciences. The crime rate is extremely low. Riots and hooliganism are considered rare occurrences.

Sweden is the most favorable for personal and cultural development, entrepreneurship, and comfortable retirement. Swedes are very sensitive to the environment. As in almost all European countries, beautiful architecture has been preserved here.

Which countries have the best education?

3. Norway

This country is one of the not so many, today, child-friendly regions. Parents will be pleased to know that the kingdom ranks ninth in the OECD rankings for reading, maths and science. This is several positions higher than the United States.

Children also have a legal right to full care in all nursery schools. Higher education it's free here. The insurance system is well developed.

Norway is also one of the best countries world in terms of quality of life, ecology, safety, entrepreneurship and modern technologies in various fields.

A good education

4. Austria

In this country, correct manners, moral education and good habits. Education in Austria is at the highest level. And the most interesting thing is that primary and secondary education is free here, of course state language. There are several official languages ​​in the country, including Slovenian and Hungarian.

It's no secret that all types of art are very developed in Austria. This European country is safe and great for business, travel, holidays and retirement. In general, the climate in the country is mild, but highly dependent on the topography.

Best higher education

5. Switzerland

It is believed that this country has one of the best, if not best system education in the world. And, to everyone’s surprise, education in the confederation is one of the most accessible. Switzerland is famous for the professional training of its teachers and professors.

While two referendums for abandoning regular army ended with a negative result, the Mercer study ranked Zurich, one of the country's largest cities, second in the world in terms of safety.

In all cities, social relationships and cultural education are very developed. Switzerland is also among the top 10 best countries for quality of life, entrepreneurship and recreation. Don't forget, of course, about delicious cheese and milk chocolate.

Best education in the world

6. Netherlands

If you are a parent who works or studies in the Netherlands, you are entitled to child care benefits for children under 12 years of age. The European Union Steering Committee for Child Safety has a separate representative office in this country.

The system works to ensure the safety of children in homes, schools and on the streets. Education in the Netherlands is one of the best in Europe. Diplomas are recognized all over the world. Training on English language- quite a normal phenomenon in this country. It’s not for nothing that Holland is called the gateway to Europe. Pupils and university students constantly attend various cultural events, museums and exhibitions.

This Central European country is favorable for studying in the field of latest technologies, also for business, leisure and cultural development.

The best education

7. Denmark

As Amazon and Facebook become more active in issues such as parental leave, timely pay and compensation, Denmark is far ahead in this regard. There is excellent education here at all stages, and schooling is compulsory.

Among the highest educational institutions stand apart technical universities. A significant part of the state budget is systematically allocated to improve and develop education and health care. Medicine in the kingdom, as in all European countries, is always at the highest level.

Denmark has a special attitude towards development interpersonal relationships, social security, culture and ecology. There are good conditions for entrepreneurship and retirement.

Where is the best education

8. Canada

Canada is highly regarded for its education system, even if there is no such ministry in the country. The OECD scores rank the country third in math, reading and science.

Canadian teenagers are among the most educated in the world. There are a number of safety programs provided by Child Safe Canada. There is excellent medicine and many social programs.

Canada also provides excellent conditions for business and entrepreneurship, the development of modern technologies, travel and recreation for the whole family, and comfortable living throughout the country. The climate in different provinces is very different. You will be quite comfortable settling here.

Best Education Systems

9. Germany

In this country, as in neighboring Austria, public education is free if you study in the state language. Already in kindergarten, children are cared for professionally and responsibly. Study foreign languages special attention is paid. The culture of art and sports is high. The healthcare and insurance system has been developed.

Excellent in Germany social politics. Good conditions for work, leisure and cultural development. Very convenient geographical location.

So, there are three more countries left on our list that you probably didn’t expect to see in this top. But we invite you to pay attention to them and maybe change your ideas about these friendly countries that are more than suitable for your future or already created family.

Best professional education

10. Czech Republic

Yes, don't be surprised! It is the Czech Republic that is becoming more and more attractive for young and promising families. In this country, you will not be surprised by the discipline and strict control in the field of education.

On the other hand, you may be surprised by the loyalty of Czechs towards raising children. Parents begin to explain to their children quite early what it means to be an adult and independent life. Much attention is paid to learning languages ​​from the first grade.

Many people believe that when children appear, you can put an end to vacation for a long time. But what about the example of thousands of mothers who calmly travel with their child around the world, even if they recently celebrated their first year of life? You just need to understand that going on vacation is possible even with a baby, and such a voyage will not turn into hell. Of course, you will need to carefully think through all the points, book a hotel in advance, buy air tickets and find out all the details of check-in. But the most important thing is to choose a country. Not all cities and states are equally good for traveling with children, but some are directly created for family vacations. Find out which ones.

1. Denmark

Suddenly, Denmark is in first place. Why not? A European country with a very high standard of living and the same level of comfort for tourists. In addition, Denmark, or more precisely, Copenhagen, is simply a fabulous paradise for children. Little ones gingerbread houses, narrow streets and cobbled squares, monuments to mermaids and elves, waffles, vanilla straws and pies sold on every corner, many water canals along which yachts and ships sail, as well as floating houses. Just imagine this surroundings through the eyes of a child. And parents are pleased that they can buy air tickets to Copenhagen at a good price, and most hotels in the center provide all the amenities for travelers with children.

A fairy-tale atmosphere still reigns in the homeland of Hans Christian Andersen. There is even a huge Children's Museum in the National Gallery where you can spend hours wandering around with children of different ages. Interesting fact: in Copenhagen, in almost every courtyard and park there are playgrounds with the highest level of safety, different from each other and having an original design. With your child it is worth visiting the Andersen Museum, walking along the tourist route of Malysh and Carlson along the roofs, and visiting the old Tivoli amusement park.

Price: an economy class flight for two with a child under 12 years old will cost approximately 520 euros.

2. France

Naturally, we are talking about Paris first of all, but the peculiarities of France are such that any city and even the outback here seem to be created for traveling with children. There are coastlines with a favorable climate and clean beaches, and chalets with everything you need. And you will be able to see Paris not only through a romantic haze and will be surprised to discover how convenient this city is. Judge for yourself: all hotels are not only suitable, but also have all the amenities for parents and children; the center is clean and well maintained; many walking routes and a children's menu in any. Buying tickets to Paris is good way instill in your child a taste from a young age.

In terms of leisure time, you will have to plan every day here, there are so many interesting things to see in the city of romance. For example, the Museum of Magic, where illusions and tricks await you, a zoo with rare animals and a petting zoo, an unusual Museum in the grass, “Aqua Boulevard”, which is literally an extended attraction made of water. The City of Science has entire sections designed to surprise and develop inquisitive kids. And, of course, of course, Disneyland is one of the best and most beautiful in the world, the dream of every child.

Price: 970 euros for two people with a child in economy class.

3. UK

Once again, as in the case of France, many UK cities are ideal for family holidays, not to mention, if your budget allows, you can even rent a castle to make your little prince or princess happy. But, of course, it is better to strive for the capital, London. The birthplace of Peter Pan, Harry Potter, Sherlock Holmes. It’s enough to imagine how delighted children will be when traveling on a double decker along the picturesque streets. It’s worth buying tickets to London, if only because there are some of the best museums for children and adults (but with excursions for children) in the world.

For example, visit with your child British museum to see mummies, or the Natural History Museum, where there are life-size dinosaur skeletons. The Harry Potter Museum is not discussed at all; children there are simply delighted and remember such an institution for the rest of their lives. If your child loves mysteries and detectives, Baker Street with the Sherlock Holmes Museum will help you. And there are wax figures of Madame Tussauds, the Museum of Childhood, the Museum of Science, where you can actually perform simple experiments and play with optical illusions. London is also home to the tallest Ferris wheel in Europe.

Price: 700 euros for two people with a child in economy class.

For tourists from the CIS countries, Türkiye first comes to mind when it comes time to think about a vacation. Indeed, this is the best resort, many families can afford the flight, the quality of relaxation is very high, the sea is warm and clean, there are comfortable and varied all-inclusive hotels, and there are excursion routes in many cities. You should buy tickets to Turkey if you are looking for a resort primarily because of the sea, do not want to stress with a lot of things to do and walk around the city, and want to receive all the benefits of a great vacation.

And it is very convenient to fly to Turkey with children. There are several reasons for this. Firstly, as already mentioned, the sea is clean and warm, many beaches are private, with security and lifeguards. Secondly, the lion's share of Turkish hotels are not just positioned as family hotels, where you will be provided with a crib, an armchair, and a children's menu. Here you will find animators, children's rooms with nannies, swimming pools for children, attractions for children on land and water. Thirdly, even in high season, Türkiye is an affordable country. Fourthly, the mild climate promotes health improvement.

Price: 500 euros for two people with a child in economy class.

5. Netherlands

Another European country that is very convenient to be with children. All conditions for this exist in Amsterdam. Its size is small, the city is cozy, intimate, with many water canals and small bridges that are so pleasant to walk along. The cult of eco-travel is thriving here, which is to your advantage. You can move around the city on bicycles (and here all conditions have been created for such a means of transportation in the form of paths and parking lots), you can rent a boat or even a houseboat. When you decide to buy tickets to Amsterdam, you find yourself in a lovely city where technology goes hand in hand with medieval charm.

There are a lot of parks in the city - it is green, clean, surrounded by tulips and trees. Every park almost always has entire play areas for children. Visit the children's science museum, the huge Artis Zoo, or the exhibits of the Tropical Museum, where strange things from all over the world are collected. Amsterdam is also famous for its small pastry shops, which children are simply delighted with. We especially recommend “Auntie’s Cake”. For older children, there are special quests for art museums, for example, Van Gogh. In an entertaining way, he will be introduced to the masterpieces of world painting.

Price: 690 euros for two people with a child in economy class.

6. Spain

It cannot be said that Spain is an affordable place for tourists, including the price of the flight, but believe me, it is worth it. The country’s mild, healing climate can cure many even chronic diseases, which is why parents often choose Spain for children with problems with the musculoskeletal system or the respiratory tract. But even if everyone in the family is healthy, you can buy tickets to Barcelona or any other city and not regret it one bit.

The combination of the sea coast, tropical climate and ancient city, where there is an abundance of any attractions - this is ideal. Adults are eager to see Gaudi’s ingenious buildings in Barcelona, ​​but they will also be of interest to children, who have hardly ever seen such fantastic towers and cathedrals. There is also plenty of pure children's entertainment here. Be sure to visit the Tibidabo amusement park, the mammoth museum, and the Magic Fountain, which amazes your imagination in the evening.

Price: 870 euros for two people with a child in economy class.

8. Italy

A logical item on this list. If you are wondering where to go with your children, just buy tickets to Rome or some iconic city in Italy, and you definitely won’t go wrong. Antiquities are at every step here, let your child enthusiastically walk through the catacombs under the cities or the steps of the Colosseum. Children's excursions in any language in an accessible form will introduce children from 6 years old to the history of the city and civilization as a whole. Some go further and attend a large-scale 3D event, where history literally comes to life in an interactive performance.

The exhibition of da Vinci's machines and mechanisms will be interesting not only for your kids, but also for you. Experienced tourists say that even a full day is not enough to explore all the quirks. There is also a children's science museum in Rome. Puppet theater performances take place on Janiculum Hill, which offers stunning views of the city. By the way, street performers with puppets, just like in the Middle Ages, still entertain children in the squares. And, of course, be sure to try the world-famous Italian ice cream in local restaurants - it’s just every child’s dream.

Price: 970 euros for two people with a child in economy class.

This presentation contains the most interesting facts from all continents. Every country in the world has its own characteristics and unique features that deserve the attention of not only tourists.

Chinese civilization is one of the oldest on the planet. Therefore, today in this country antiquity is harmoniously intertwined with the most modern, technological achievements of mankind.

the great Wall of China

To protect their borders, the Chinese built the Great Wall of China. Previously, the wall stretched for 8800 km. Today, a section of 2,400 km has been preserved.

The main traders of the world

China is a global manufacturing hub and a major trading center. The busiest seaport is located in China, in the city of Shanghai. It receives 25,000,000 containers per year and its cargo turnover is constantly increasing.


Japan is an island state. In total, the country occupies just under 7,000 islands. Only 4 of them are so large that they make up 97% of the entire territory of the country.

Country of centenarians

Japan is known for its large number of centenarians. The country is home to more than 50,000 people whose age is over 100 years.

Two Koreas

Recently, by the standards of history, divided civil war Korea, divided into North and South parts, is gradually finding opportunities for unification. But for now it's two different states with many similarities and differences.

North Korea

North Korea is a closed country with strong control not only over residents, but also over all visitors. One of the most obvious examples of restrictions on the freedom of North Koreans is on the closed Internet.

Interesting fact about the country of North Korea! North Korea is isolated from the world: there is no Internet and you can’t take pictures on the street

People can only get to a few government websites with specific literature about the party, labor and the history of socialism.

South Korea

The state is an economic miracle with developed industry and trade. After secession in 1945, southern neighbors North Korea were able to achieve a truly big leap in development (12th economy in the world). The North, on the contrary, lags far behind modern world(213 out of 230 world economies).

Until now, technologically advanced Koreans from the south, out of superstition, bypass the number 4, which they consider a sign of death. It gets to the point that even the elevators skip the button for the 4th floor. This floor is not found in all buildings - often the third is immediately followed by the fifth.


Another special Asian culture on the world map is Indian. In India there were also many interesting features and unique facts.

Future most populous country

India is growing faster than China, with its nearly 1.4 billion population, and has a current population of 1.3 billion. According to experts, a change in leadership will occur in the mid-2020s.

Big population means big problems

Where there is noticeably too much overpopulation, many problems arise. Starting from the spread of diseases, ending with a huge amount of human waste.
In India there is nowhere to dispose of excess waste. Even the rivers Indus and Ganges, sacred to Hindus, present a sad sight.

India is still a land of fairy tales

Despite all the problems, India is a colorful country. In it today you can find the spirit of fairy tales, luxurious royal life and legendary deeds in the name of love. Perhaps the most important symbol of strong feelings can be called the Taj Mahal - the mausoleum that the ruler of India, Shah Jahan, erected in honor of his wife who died during childbirth.


On the European continent there are also many interesting places, because the territory of the Old World, as Europe is often called, contains many countries of the world with a rich history and their own traditions.


The country from Central Europe is famous throughout the world for the quality of its roads. An interesting fact is that the famous autobahns contain not only perfectly smooth asphalt. The Germans think through everything down to the smallest detail.
For example, at certain intervals there are embankment bridges that are specially designed for the safe crossing of the road by animals.

Sunday is a day off

Germany is a very punctual country where the law prevails. The Germans are very careful about the alternation of work and rest, so most employers try to make Sunday a day off for all employees.

So, on Sunday throughout Germany it is very difficult to find open shops. The exception is retail outlets at train stations and airports.


France can be considered the most beloved country among tourists. In 2018, the state was visited by almost 100 million travelers. For comparison, the United States, which is in second place, was visited by about 70 million people. Russia is also in the top ten, but the figures are about 30 million people.

Coffee or wine

In France you can drink good wine and pay less than for coffee.
The French value red wines more than white ones.

Guests or residents?

Today in France the issue of emigration is quite acute. The country has concentrated many refugees from other countries, especially African ones. For example, more people speak French in Africa than in all of France.

This is due to the fact that for a long time the French controlled a significant part of the Dark Continent. Today, with the development of transport, too many people want to leave their troubled homeland and move to prosperous Europe.

Great Britain

British Empire For a long time it was the largest in the world, uniting dozens of colonies around the world under one flag. At its peak, Britain occupied 20% of the landmass and its population accounted for 1/4 of the entire world.

The birthplace of sports

It was Great Britain that became the progenitor of popular sports, without which it is impossible to imagine any sports channel today. Among them: boxing, golf, rugby, polo and football.

First metro

Interesting Facts about the countries of the world are associated with human achievements. The capital of England, London, was the first in the world to have its own metro.
Today the subway line in the city is so branched and confusing that passes are sold by zone: from the center to the outskirts.


A country with a mild climate and unforgettably beautiful coastlines. 40 million tourists flock here every year - the 4th figure in the world.

Troubled Land

The Apennine Peninsula, where Italy is located, is not always calm. There are rifts and movements underground here. tectonic plates. Because of this, earthquakes occur in the country. The situation is aggravated by the largest active volcano in all of Europe - Etna.

Another dormant volcano - Vesuvius - went down in history as one of largest eruptions which destroyed an entire city. Many people know the famous painting “The Last Day of Pompeii”.


Italy has rich traditions, as well as a centuries-old cultural heritage. Today there are more than 3,000 museums and 40 architectural buildings that are part of the human heritage fund.

Italian food

Far beyond the borders of Italy itself, its food is famous: pasta, wine, sauces, olive oil and pizza.

Food similar to pizza has been prepared for a long time, and not only in Italy. But most similar to modern performance Pizza became a dish around 1500 in Italy, when tomatoes began to be added to it.


You can find almost everything in this country natural areas: mountains, forests, rivers, lakes, seas, plains. But many people go to Spain to relax on the beach. According to local laws, you can sunbathe naked on all beaches. But almost no one does this.

The capital of the state, Madrid, is famous for the Prado Museum, which exhibits original paintings by the greatest artists. In terms of size, the building is the largest in the world, on a par with the French Louvre and the Russian Hermitage.

Interesting facts about the countries of the world originate in ancient times. Spain is famous for bullfighting or bullfighting. All Spaniards await the start of the event, carefully honoring age-old traditions.

It is believed that bulls were sacred animals for the Iberians, the indigenous peoples who inhabited Spanish territories in ancient times. Therefore, the process of killing a bull (which ends the bullfight) was turned into a holiday to which the whole city came.


Greek civilization is considered one of the oldest on the planet. Therefore, the country is famous for its large number of historical sites and attractions, not all of which have survived to this day. The most famous cultural heritage can be called Olympic Games, which originate precisely in Greece. In modern times, the Games began to be held in 1896.

Greece has many seas. The most remote point of the country from the nearest coast is located only 137 km.


There are many unique places on the territory of Russia. But there are things that make it an important country for the entire planet.

Lungs of the Earth

On the territory of Siberia there are forests, which, according to various assumptions, make up 20-25% of the total green cover of the planet.

Trees are recycled carbon dioxide into pure oxygen (they do this only during the day, in the light of the sun). Therefore, Russia is known as the largest oxygen producer on the planet.

The beginning of problems

World global warming- a big problem. And while most countries are forced to fear flooding, Russia will not be affected as seriously by large amounts of water.

The danger lies elsewhere. Constantly rising average annual temperatures could lead to melting permafrost in vast areas of Siberia and Far North. Then the defeated viruses that cause terrible diseases, as well as huge reserves of methane, which is fatal to humans, will be released from the glaciers.


At the time of its discovery, America became the continent of the New World, where many people tried to correct their mistakes and start living from scratch. The main state on the mainland - the USA - is also called the land of opportunity.

Not everything is really like that

There is a lot of money in the USA, but if a person has at least 10 dollars in his wallet and has no debts, then he is richer than a quarter of Americans.

The fact is that it is customary there to live on credit.

Patriotism The USA can be called the leading country in terms of quantity national flags
per capita.

They can be seen across the country from almost anywhere.

Brazil Another leading country on the American continent, but already in South America

- Brazil. It also contains its own characteristics and interesting cultural differences.

Language The existence of the Brazilian language is a big misconception, because it does not exist. In fact, Brazilians speak Portuguese. And the roots of this feature are hidden in colonial times. Brazil was subordinate to Portugal with its one of largest fleets

Old World.

High crime

Although Brazil is an economically developed country, the poverty of its population is high. It is for this reason that the country has such big problems with crime. After sunset in Rio de Janeiro, you don't have to stop at red traffic lights.

The authorities specifically allowed this to be done so that fewer cars would be robbed at intersections.


The youngest continent is often referred to as heaven on earth. These lands have absorbed many amazing and unique details that are not found anywhere on planet Earth.

One of a Kind Animals

Only in Australia are there some species of animals and insects that, due to their distance from the rest of the world, have developed over millions of years along their own branch. Therefore, nowhere else except Australia can you find the platypus, kangaroo, echidna, Tasmanian devil, wombat or Dingo dog.

There are many dangers on the Fifth Continent. And all of them are associated with a large number of poisonous and predatory living creatures. For example, snakes cause great inconvenience to people (38 species of poisonous snakes live on land alone), as well as 22 species of poisonous spiders, 3 species of wasps and bees, and 6 species of scorpions.

Of the snakes, 12 species are among the most venomous on the entire planet. During flood seasons, crocodiles easily swim into small towns and can be seen on the streets and lawns of houses.

Therefore, Australia has a very developed medical system. Doctors are ready to respond throughout the country within a few hours. And from childhood, children are taught to walk only on sidewalks, even in city parks.

African countries

Interesting facts about the countries of the world make them record holders on the planet. African continent has its own wealth that has no analogues.

Rich fauna

It is in Africa that animals that are unique in nature still live in the wild: hippopotamuses, giraffes, zebras, okapi, rhinoceroses. But there is less and less space left for them. For example, hippos used to live throughout the continent, but now live only in central Africa.

Desert and water

As many as 4/5 of the entire continent is occupied by deserts.

At the same time, the second longest river on the planet, the Nile (6850 km), flows in Africa. There is also a unique waterfall - Victoria, the sound of which can be heard 40 km away.

Fossil Continent

Africa or the Dark Continent is a land rich in natural resources. The mining industry is more or less developed in all countries. And to transport excavated coal or ore to the ports, Africa operates the longest train in the world.

It is possible to estimate its size only at a very great distance, literally from a bird's eye view.

Our huge planet is fascinating and mysterious. Not every continent, but every country in the world has its own interesting facts and features, because the Earth is inhabited by many nationalities with a distinctive culture, in my own way development.

They formed their own architecture, style of food and clothing, and attitude to life. Nature also provides an amazing number of unique objects from the very north to the south, from the west to the east.

Article format: Vladimir the Great

Video about facts about countries of the world

Interesting facts about the countries of the world: