Minutes and meeting protocols on the advice of prevention. Council for the prevention of crime in educational institutions. Anninsky municipal district


meeting of the Council for the Prevention of Neglect and Juvenile Delinquency of the Nasvinskaya Secondary Municipal Budgetary Institution comprehensive school"from 09/11/2012

Chairman: Maksimova T.M.

Secretary: Ivanova E.V.

Invited:class teachers of grades 1-11


1. On the registration of “difficult” children in school

2. On the registration of disadvantaged families within schools.


1. Class teachers of grades 1-11 who proposed to register the following school students with internal school registration:

1) Lupina Sergei (6th grade)

2) Ivanova Dmitry (7th grade)

3) Starostina Denis (7th grade)

4) Pronina Dmitry (3rd grade)

5) Belyaev Andrey (4th grade)

6) Fedorova Alexandra (4th grade)

2. The class teachers proposed to register the following disadvantaged families with the school:


Place of residence

Family composition

  1. Melnikovs (mother - Melnikova Anna Gennadievna; father - Melnikov Yuri Nikolaevich)

Nasva village

4 children, 2 second graders Melnikovs Galina and Polina)

  1. Amelichevs (father-Amelichev Sergei Alekseevich)


2 children, 1 fourth grader (Amelichev Pavel)

  1. Guchenko (mother Guchenko Zita Aleksandrovna)


1 child, third grader (Roman Guchenko)

  1. Lupina (mother Lupina Inga Valentinovna)

Lebedevo village

2 children - 5th grade (Ilya Lupin) and 6th grade (Sergey Lupin)

  1. Sokolovs (mother Sokolova Yulia Sergeevna, father Konkin Vladimir)

Nazimovo village

2 children, 1 - first grader (Valery Konkin), 1 - fifth grader (Karina Sokolova)

  1. Starostin (mother-Starostin Nadezhda Viktorovna)

Nasva village

2 children, 1 - first grader (Kotova Angelina), 1 - seventh grader (Starostin Denis)

  1. Arkhipovs (mother Arkhipova Nadezhda Valeryanovna)


1 child - eighth grader (Andrey Arkhipov)

  1. Malygina (mother-Malygina Elena Vladimirovna)

Nasva village

2 children, 1 is a seventh grader (Ekaterina Malygina), 1 is a ninth grader (Anna Malygina)

  1. Pudovs (mother Pudova Marina Alekseevna)

village Martinovo

1 child - fifth grader (Mikhail Pudov)

  1. Stepanyan (mother - Elena Yuryevna, father - Mikhail Semenovich)

Nasva village

Children: Aelita (6th grade); Simon (9th grade)

  1. Pronina (mother - Pronina Natalya Yuryevna


3 children: 3rd grade (Dmitry), 4th grade (Boris)

  1. Vorobyova Natalia Alexandrovna

D. Violins

5 children: 2 - first graders (Alexander and Sophia)

  1. Prokofieva Natalya Nikolaevna

D. Nasva

1 child - 2nd grade (Artem)

  1. Shlyapina Svetlana Alexandrovna

D. Nasva

3 children: 4th grade (Maria)

  1. Ivanova Galina Alekseevna

D. Nasva

1 child - 7th grade (Dmitry)


1. Class teachers should keep magazines individual work with “difficult” teenagers and systematically work with “difficult” children.

2. Class teachers and the chairman of the Council for Prevention and Delinquency should regularly visit disadvantaged families and conduct preventive conversations with parents.




meeting of the Council for the Prevention of Neglect and Juvenile Delinquency of the MBOU "Nasvinskaya Secondary School" dated September 12, 2012.

Chairman: Maksimova T.M.

Secretary: Ivanova E.V.

Invited:juvenile inspector


1. Preventive conversation with students in grades 1-5

2. Individual conversation with Pronin D., Guchenko R., Ivanov D.

Listened:Juvenile Affairs Inspector E.A. Bogdanov, who told students about the need to comply with generally accepted standards of behavior in public places.

In individual conversations Bogdanova E.A. noted the degree of responsibility for the offenses committed.




meeting of the Council for the Prevention of Neglect and Juvenile Delinquency of the MBOU "Nasvinskaya Secondary School" dated October 18, 2012.

Chairman: Maksimova T.M.

Secretary: Ivanova E.V.


1. Conversation with 6th grade students M. Pudov and E. Lukashenkov about behavior during recess.

2. Preventive conversation with Lupin S. (6th grade)

Listened:Class teacher of the 6th grade to O.N. Romanov, who reported on the preventive work carried out with M. Pudov, E. Lukashenkov and S. Lupin.

Students were also heard. Maksimova T.M. explained to the young men that they were violating the internal regulations of the school, which in the future could affect their characteristics.




meeting of the Council for the Prevention of Neglect and Juvenile Delinquency of the MBOU "Nasvinskaya Secondary School" dated November 20, 2012.

Chairman: Maksimova T.M.

Secretary: Ivanova E.V.


1. Conversation with Ivanov D. (7th grade) and Starostin D. (7th grade)

2. Discussion of the characteristics of students on internal school registration.

3. Hearing from the 7th grade class teacher to Dolgov N.V. about working with “difficult” students.

Listened:on 1 question from 7th grade students Ivanova D. and Starostina D., who systematically violate the internal regulations of the school, are rude to the duty officers, and are late for lessons.

On the second question, the class teachers were heard, who read out the characteristics of students who were internal school control.

On the third question, we listened to the class teacher of the 7th grade, N.V. Dolgova. She talked about the work she does with “difficult” students in the class.

Solution:1. Warn 7th grade students Ivanov D. and Starostin D. about the need to comply with the internal rules of the school.

2. Class teachers should adjust the characteristics of students registered within the school.

3. Systematize the work of the 7th grade class teacher with “difficult” teenagers, visit the families of the Ivanovs and Starostins.




meeting of the Council for the Prevention of Neglect and Juvenile Delinquency of the MBOU "Nasvinskaya Secondary School" dated December 14, 2012.

Chairman: Maksimova T.M.

Secretary: Ivanova E.V.


1. Discussion of the actions of 6th grade student S. Lupin and 8th grade student A. Arkhipov.

2. Student behavior primary classes at recess.

Listened:1. 8th grade class teacher Medvedkin R.S.: opening a criminal case against Lupin S. and Arkhipov A. (theft). Characteristics of students.

3. Primary school class teachers: ensuring employment of primary school students during breaks.

Solution:1. Edit the characteristics of S. Lupina and A. Arkhipova.

2. Class teachers should develop measures to keep students busy during long breaks in order to reduce injuries.




meeting of the Council for the Prevention of Neglect and Juvenile Delinquency of the MBOU "Nasvinskaya Secondary School" dated January 18, 2013.

Chairman: Maksimova T.M.

Secretary: Ivanova E.V.


1. Report on work with children on the prevention of antisocial behavior.

2. Report on preventive work with parents of children under in-school supervision.


1. On the first question, we listened to the deputy director for educational work, T.M. Maksimova. She spoke about the work being done at school with children to prevent antisocial behavior. The class teachers conducted thematic cool watch, parent meetings.

2. On the second question, we listened to the class teacher of the 7th grade, N.V. Dolgova, who spoke about the work done with the parents of children who were registered with the school. 2 families were visited - the Ivanovs and the Starostins. Explanatory work was carried out on the employment of teenagers in free time.

3. Decided:

Class teacher Dolgova N.V. continue monitoring the families of children registered with the school.




meeting of the Council for the Prevention of Neglect and Juvenile Delinquency of the MBOU "Nasvinskaya Secondary School" dated 02/13/2013.

Chairman: Maksimova T.M.

Secretary: Ivanova E.V.


Consideration of applications from subject teachers working in 7th grade.


Information from Maksimova T.M. - a statement was received from teachers regarding 7th grade students: Ivanova D. (constantly late for lessons, non-attendance, lack of preparation - does not complete homework, no parental control, failure in several subjects), Starostina D. (late for classes, failure to complete homework, lack of discipline, lack of full parental control).


1. Intensify work with parents of students, individual conversations with students.

2. Additional classes in subjects, consultations for exams.




meeting of the Council for the Prevention of Neglect and Juvenile Delinquency of the MBOU "Nasvinskaya Secondary School" dated March 21, 2013.

Chairman: Maksimova T.M.

Secretary: Ivanova E.V.


1. Review of information by T.M. Maximova in relation to 9th grade students about academic performance and behavior in class, about absences from classes.


1. Information from Maksimova T.M. regarding the behavior of Tsvetkov A. (9th grade), who systematically does not prepare for lessons, is late for lessons, and conflicts with teachers.

2. Maksimova T.M. reported on the reasons for absence from classes by 9th grade student Malygina A.


1. Give time to correct all unsatisfactory grades and attend consultations.

2. Invite parents of students to individual conversations with the director.

3. Intensify the work of the class teacher with parents and students, teachers working in this class.

4. Inform Tsvetkov A.’s parents about his poor academic performance and behavior.




meeting of the Council for the Prevention of Neglect and Juvenile Delinquency of the MBOU "Nasvinskaya Secondary School" dated May 16, 2013.

Chairman: Maksimova T.M.

Secretary: Ivanova E.V.


1. Discussion of the behavior of 6th grade student Lupin S.

2. Conversation with students who have learning problems.


1. On the first question, we listened to the 6th grade class teacher N.V. Dolgova, who reported on Lupin S.’s behavior during lessons and breaks. Lupin S. systematically skips classes, is late, and is seen smoking.

2. Class teachers of grades 1,2,4,6,7,8 reported on the current performance of “weak” students who had unsatisfactory grades for trimesters.


1. Discuss Sergei Lupin’s mother Inga Valentinovna with her son’s behavior.

2. Subject teachers should strengthen their work with low-performing students.




meeting of the Council for the Prevention of Neglect and Juvenile Delinquency of the MBOU "Nasvinskaya Secondary School" dated 04/09/2013.

Chairman: Maksimova T.M.

Secretary: Ivanova E.V.


1. Conversation between a juvenile affairs inspector and school students.

2. Individual conversations with teenagers.


1. Inspector for juvenile affairs Ekaterina Aleksandrovna Bogdanova, who spoke to students in grades 5-8 and talked about how to behave in public places, until what time you can be on the street without parental accompaniment.

2. Inspector and Maksimova T.M. conducted individual conversations with students (Lupin S., Lupin I., Belyaev A., Bogdanov A., Nuranova E., Gusakov A., Chuprunov A., Tkachenko D., Tsvetkov A., Lukashenkov E.) about the need to comply with the rules for students, talked about responsibility for the misdeeds of teenagers.


1. Visit the families of students who are members of the HSC.

2. Conduct conversations with parents of teenagers who are members of the HSC.



MOBU secondary school from Nizhneulu-Elga from 09/01/2016.

Chairman: Ibatullina N.N.

Deputy: Ilyina M.S.

Secretary: Kryukova I.V.


    Analysis of the work of the Council for the Prevention of Neglect and Juvenile Delinquency of the Municipal Budgetary Institution Secondary School in Nizhneulu-Elga for the 2015-16 academic year.

    Formation of a data bank on “difficult” teenagers, teenagers at risk, teenagers from disadvantaged families. Approval of a preventive work plan at school. Organization of cooperation with law enforcement agencies.

    Knowledge lesson “Family. Family values"(for parents and children).

    Involving students in clubs.


1. On the first issue, we listened to the chairman of the school Council for the Prevention of Neglect and Juvenile Delinquency analyzing the work for the 2015-2016 school year.

2. On the second issue, we listened to the chairman of the school prevention council, Ibatullina N.N., who proposed for approval the work plan of the Council for the Prevention of Neglect and Delinquency among Minors for the 2016-2017 school year. She recommended that students with deviant behavior and families in difficult life situations who have problems raising children be registered internally at school; she also proposed a plan for the school’s preventive work for approval.

3. On the third question with the demonstration of the Knowledge Lesson “Family. Family Values” (for parents and children) was presented by class teachers.

4. On the fourth issue of attracting students to clubs, the deputy chairman of the school Council for the Prevention of Neglect and Crime, Ilyina M.S., spoke. with a proposal to attract students to clubs.


1. Work with children and disadvantaged families who are registered within the school:

1) Bochkareva A. (8th grade)

2) Bayazitov R. (8th grade)

List of families “at risk” included in the internal school register of the Secondary School Municipal Educational Institution from Nizhneulu-Elga in the 2016-2017 academic year:

    Vanyushin (village Nizhneulu-Elga)

    Garifullins (village Nizhneulu-Elga)

2. Approve the work plan of the Prevention Council and the school’s preventive work plan.

3. Organize participation in the work of DDT and SDK circles and in extracurricular activities.

4. More widely involve class teachers, parents, law enforcement agencies.


meetings of the Council for the Prevention of Juvenile Delinquency

MOBU secondary school from Nizhneulu-Elga from 10/03/2016.

Chairman: Ibatullina N.N.

Deputy: Ilyina M.S.

Secretary: Kryukova I.V.


    Causes of adolescents' educational difficulties. The role of family and school in developing the moral qualities of adolescents.

    Attending classroom hours.

    Autumn holidays.


1. On the first question, we listened to the report of the class teacher to I.V. Kryukov. about the reasons for the difficulty of raising adolescents and about the role of family and school in nurturing the moral qualities of adolescents.

2. On the second question, we heard the chairman of the school Prevention Council Ibatullina N.N. after attending classroom hours in grades 5, 7, 8, 9, she suggested adhering to the school’s preventative work plan, continuing to conduct conversations, discussions, debates, and classroom hours on the prevention of difficult-to-educate adolescents.

3. On the third question on drawing up a plan for working with children for autumn holidays ah Ibatullina N.N. spoke.


1. Involve parents more widely in the prevention of educational difficulties in adolescents.

2. Approve a plan for working with children during the autumn holidays.

3. Continue to conduct conversations, discussions, debates, and classes on the prevention of neglect and juvenile delinquency.

4. Entrust the organization of the child’s leisure and employment during the autumn holidays to school teachers and their parents.

Chairman: ________Ibatullina N.N.

Deputy:___________ Ilyina M.S.

Secretary:_____________I.V. Kryukova


meetings of the Council for the Prevention of Juvenile Delinquency

MOBU secondary school from Nizhneulu-Elga from 02.11.2016.

Chairman: Ibatullina N.N.

Deputy: Ilyina M.S.

Secretary: Kryukova I.V.


1. Problems of aggressive children. Prevention of injuries, prevention of violations of discipline, fights, obscene language;

2. Inviting parents, students, violators of discipline at school, organizing fights, insulting children and teachers;

3. The status and implementation of plans to help children in socially dangerous situations.


1. On the first question, we listened to the report of the class teacher Ilna M.S. about the problems of aggressive children, about the prevention of injuries, about the prevention of violations of discipline, fights, and obscene language.

2. On the second question, we listened to the chairman of the school Prevention Council, Ibatullina N.N., who introduced the invited Garifullin parents to the school’s preventive work plan. She introduced me to a guide for parents “How to deal with a difficult child,” and also introduced me to the classification of difficult-to-educate children.

3. On the third issue, class teachers A.A. Filippova spoke. and Kryukova I.V. with a report on the status and implementation of plans to help children in socially dangerous situations.


    Intensify work with teenagers (and their families) who have not yet broken the law, but are showing a tendency towards antisocial behavior;

    Improve early preventive work with families raising children;

    Create a data bank of visitors and single-parent families (with children from 0 to 18 years old) in order to prevent antisocial behavior not only of children, but also of parents;

    Qualitatively improve the work of consolidating the efforts of public organizations, families, schools, medical and cultural institutions, labor collectives, and law enforcement agencies;

    Qualitatively improve the diversity and content of the organization of teenagers’ free time, taking into account society;

    Protect the rights of minors and social patronage for families in socially dangerous situations, their social rehabilitation.

Chairman: ________Ibatullina N.N.

Deputy:___________ Ilyina M.S.

Secretary:_____________I.V. Kryukova


meetings of the Council for the Prevention of Juvenile Delinquency

MOBU secondary school from Nizhneulu-Elga from 12/02/2016.

Chairman: Ibatullina N.N.

Deputy: Ilyina M.S.

Secretary: Kryukova I.V.


1. The child’s health is in your hands. Prevention of smoking, drunkenness, use of toxic and narcotic substances;

2. Invitation of parents, students detained in a state of alcoholic or toxic intoxication, violators of discipline and order at school and in public places.

3. Planning work with students on winter holidays Oh.


1. On the first question, we listened to class teacher A.A. Filippova. With report-presentation about the health of the child and the prevention of smoking, drunkenness, use of toxic and narcotic substances;

2. On the second question, we heard the chairman of the school Prevention Council Ibatullina N.N. She said that as a result of the raids carried out in the evening, no children were found to be under the influence of alcohol or toxic substances.

3. On the third issue on drawing up a plan for working with children during the winter holidays, Deputy Director for Education and Resource Management N.N. Ibatullina spoke.


1. Parents should assist in creating an environment of psychological comfort and personal security for students in the family and in the environment social environment.

2. Prevent antisocial behavior and crime, protect the life and health of families.

3. Coordinate the interaction of teachers, parents (persons replacing them), representatives of administrative bodies to provide assistance to students.

4. Approve the plan of activities for the winter holidays.

5. Entrust the organization of the child’s leisure and employment during the winter holidays to school teachers and their parents.

6. Organize duty during the holidays at night from 9 to 12 at night for parents and teachers of the school.

7. Continue preventive conversations with students, parents,

8. Continue home visits by class teachers and members of the Council for the Prevention of Neglect and Juvenile Delinquency

Chairman: ________Ibatullina N.N.

Deputy:___________ Ilyina M.S.

Secretary:_____________I.V. Kryukova


meetings of the Council for the Prevention of Juvenile Delinquency

MOBU secondary school from Nizhneulu-Elga from 01/11/2016.

Chairman: Ibatullina N.N.

Deputy: Ilyina M.S.

Secretary: Kryukova I.V.


1. Difficulties in learning and communicating with a child and ways to eliminate them;

2. Inviting parents, students who missed classes without a good reason, parents who lack control over the child, parents of disadvantaged families;

3. Conversations with students who are unsuccessful based on the results of the 1st half of the year.


1. On the first question, we listened to the report of the class teacher O.L. Andreeva. about difficulties in learning and communicating with a child and ways to eliminate them.

2. On the second question, we listened to the deputy of the school Prevention Council Ilyina M.S. She said that Tatyana Turaeva, a 7th grade student, often misses class. She has absences without good reason. Class teacher Artemyeva E.O. had a conversation with the parents. Introduced me to the memo for parents “About the child’s daily routine.”

3. On the third issue, Deputy Director for Water Resources Management N.N. Ibatullina spoke. She said that according to the results of the 1st half of the year there were no underachievers. But there are students who can study better: Turaeva T., Ermolaev N., Ivanov A., Ivanov N., Urunov T.. These students need to be extra work.


1. Reduce the number of unjustified absences of students as a result of the introduction new system attendance control.

2. Strengthen parental control over children.

3. Follow the child’s daily routine.

4. Constant monitoring of progress and attendance at school;

5. Continue to involve the teenager in educational activities of the class and school.

Chairman: ________Ibatullina N.N.

Deputy:___________ Ilyina M.S.

Secretary:_____________I.V. Kryukova


meetings of the Council for the Prevention of Juvenile Delinquency

MOBU secondary school from Nizhneulu-Elga from 02/01/2016.

Chairman: Ibatullina N.N.

Deputy: Ilyina M.S.

Secretary: Kryukova I.V.


1. The role of the family in development moral qualities teenager Law and responsibility;

2. Invitation of parents, students violating the school charter. Prevention of theft, damage to school and personal property;

3. Inviting parents of children who are in a difficult social situation.


1. On the first question, we listened to the report-presentation of the class teacher

Vanyushina A.I. about the role of the family in the development of moral qualities of a teenager, law and responsibility.

2. On the second question, we listened to the chairman of the school Prevention Council, Ibatullina N.N., who talked with invited 8th grade parents, conducted a training, and gave psychological and pedagogical recommendations for parents on communicating with children.

3. On the third issue, the deputy chairman of the school Council for the Prevention of Neglect and Crime, Ilyina M.S., spoke. with a conversation with invited parents of children who are in a difficult social situation about the state of affairs in the families of the Vanyushins, Gusarovs, and Garifullins.


1. Continue to qualitatively improve, diversify and meaningfully fill the organization of free time for teenagers, taking into account society;

2. To protect the rights of minors and social patronage of families in a socially dangerous situation, their social rehabilitation.

3. Continue individual preventive work with students and their parents.

Chairman: ________Ibatullina N.N.

Deputy:___________ Ilyina M.S.

Secretary:_____________I.V. Kryukova

Municipal educational institution "Kurasovskaya secondary

comprehensive school"


from 5.11.2007

members of the Council: R. P. Chupakhina

Medvedeva V. A.


According to the action plan, the following work was carried out:

Participation in school and district chess tournaments;

Class teachers conducted questionnaires “My thoughts on healthy lifestyle”;

The socio-psychological service carried out checks at the place of residence of children enrolled in secondary education;

During the autumn holidays, teachers and parents are on duty in places where young people gather.

The main goals of teachers’ activities in the past academic year were pedagogical social initiatives for children and adults, conditions for their independent choice, civic formation, spiritual, moral and patriotic education.

Main directions socially – pedagogical work at school were determined, in general, by the problems that arise in the process of raising and educating children. The most important problem is organizing summer holidays for students.

Chairman of the board Dyukareva A. V. noted that every year there are summer health camps at the school, where proper nutrition students, as well as them. Children work in the school area, teachers and physical education workers organize sport competitions, classes.

At the end school year a parent meeting was held with “difficult” children and their parents “On the organization of summer holidays, the behavior of children during summer holidays“, since these are the children who should be under the close attention of adults.

The school psychologist conducted a survey “What will I do in the summer”;

a healthy lifestyle was promoted. (demonstration documentary film, drawing competition, visual).

In order to comply with the rules traffic Lenami TOU issued “We are pedestrians, we are passengers”, a drawing competition entitled “Know the rules of the road” was held, a lecture “Rules of Conduct on the Roads” was held.

An important event in the lives of children was the administration of a school and a rural settlement of a children's summer playground.

Children at risk were employed in the summer. It was carried out by a school psychologist for the purpose of preliminary employment of graduates. The socio-psychological service carried out work to identify minors who do not continue and do not want to find work.

During the summer holidays, the school's socio-psychological service identified disadvantaged families in order to provide socio-legal and psychological assistance.

Dysfunctional families were visited (conversations were held with parents and children, housing inspection reports were drawn up) living conditions), those evading the duties of raising and supporting their children were called to a commission under the head of the administration of a rural settlement.

During the summer period, teachers and parents were on duty in places where public events were held.

Psychologist Chupakhina R. P., who said that the most important thing is that not a single crime was committed during the summer period. All “difficult” children were visible, active, and did not disrupt order. I propose to evaluate the work of the socio-psychological service as “good”.


The work of the socio-psychological service was rated “good”

Council of R. P. Chupakhin

Municipal educational institution "Kurasovskaya secondary

comprehensive school"


meeting of the “Crime Prevention Council”

Present: school director Eremina N.M.

Chairman of the Council Dyukareva A.V.

members of the Council: R. P. Chupakhina

Medvedeva V. A.

Cool 6th and 10th grades

Ambalia S. A., Spitsyna T. A.


1. Discussion of the work plan for the winter holidays. work to carry out the preventive operation “Vacation” in the period from December 24 to January 15.

2. Removal from the internal school register of 6th grade students Karnuta Andrey, Polshchikov; 10th grade Medvedev Igor.

Speakers: head teacher Eremina N. M., who said that we, teachers, need to ensure the safety of children during the New Year holidays, and then during the winter holidays.

Deputy Director for HR Dyukareva A. V., which introduced the school’s work plan for the winter holidays, as well as the action plan for carrying out the preventive operation “Vacation” in the period from December 24, 2007 to January 15, 2008. She pointed out the need to organize duty during the holidays for both school teachers and parents.


Approve a work plan for the winter holidays to carry out preventive “Vacations”.

Class teachers spoke on the second question: 6th grade Ambalia S. A., which spoke about noticeable shifts in better side in the behavior and attendance of 6th grade students Karnuta A. and Polshchikova A.; 10th grade Spitsyna T. A., who noted positive aspects in the behavior of 10th grade student Igor Medvedev. They proposed removing students Karnuta A., Polshchikova A., Medvedev I. from the internal school register.

Decided: Remove 6th grade students Karnuta A., Polshchikova A., 10th grade students Medvedev I. from the internal school register.

Secretary of the Council R. P. Chupakhina

Municipal educational institution "Kurasovskaya secondary

comprehensive school"


meeting of the “Crime Prevention Council”

dated January 16, 2008

Present: school director Eremina N.M.

Chairman of the Council Dyukareva A.V.

Deputy Chairman S. M. Tatarenko

members of the Council: R. P. Chupakhina

Medvedeva V. A.


Reporting information on the interdepartmental preventive operation “Vacation” from December 24, 2007 to

Speakers: social teacher Medvedeva V.A., who said that on the basis of the order of the Department of Education and Science of the Belgorod Region “On conducting the regional interdepartmental preventive operation “Vacations” on the territory of the Belgorod region and the order of the education department “On conducting the regional interdepartmental preventive operation “Vacations” on territory of the Ivnyansky district" from December 24, 2007 to January 15, 2008, such an operation was planned and carried out at the Kurasovskaya Secondary School.

During the winter holidays, teachers and parents were on duty in places where young people congregated in order to prevent crime among school students, and disadvantaged families were visited to find out how students were employed outside of school hours.

Crime Prevention Council Dyukareva A.V. She noted that, under the leadership of class teachers, the school carried out a huge effort to involve teenagers in the work of the school. New Year's Eve events were organized and held, in which the bulk of the students were involved. During the holidays, the work of NOU sections was organized in order to prepare for the Olympiads.

Sports competitions in football and volleyball were held.

The work of interest groups, the VPSC “Justice in Strength” was organized, followed by a performance by club members for the purpose of propaganda healthy image life; Lectures and discussions were held.


As a result of the exchange of views, the overall plan and organization, carrying out the work under common name Rate “Vacations” with a “good” mark.

Protocol from ______________________________

Agenda: 1. Approval of the composition of the preventive council

2. Approval of the work plan for the academic year

3. Information from the social teacher about students enrolled in

preventive accounting in school and emergency education


director: __

social teacher

teacher-psychologist: _____

deputy Director of HR: ____________________________________________

nurse: ______



Director: To keep minutes, I propose to appoint a social teacher as secretary _________________I propose to vote. Will there be recusals?

Director: Adopted unanimously.

Director: I propose to approve the chairman and members of the preventive council for the current academic year consisting of: social teacher ___________– chairman, permanent members: deputy Director of HR: ____________, teacher-psychologist ________________, nurse: ____________, parent representative, member of the Governing Council: ________________. Will there be recusals? Please vote.

Secretary: Adopted unanimously.

Resolved on the first issue:

Approve the composition of the preventive council consisting of: social teacher ______________– chairman, permanent members: deputy Director of HR: ______________, teacher-psychologist ____________, nurse: _______________, parent representative, member of the Governing Council: ____________________

On the second question we heard:

Director: Having studied in detail the work plan of the preventive council for the current academic year presented by the social educator, I propose to approve it without amendments.

Council Member: Indeed, the work plan deserves approval and approval.

Resolved on the second issue:

Approve the preventive accounting work plan for the current academic year.

On the third question we heard:

Social teacher: At the beginning of the current school year, ______students of the school are on preventive registration at the school: _________. Preventive work is systematically carried out with the above students, positive dynamics are observed in the level of their social adaptation, and preventive work with them will continue in the current academic year. Not a single student at the school is registered with the ODN.

Resolved on the third issue:

Please take note of the information. Parents students to strengthen control over the behavior of children, to be constantly in contact with class teachers. Class teachers: be lenient with children deviant behavior, apply individually in your work - personal approach, work with them in such a way that everything positive in them is directed in the right direction.

Social teacher: coordinate work with children with deviant behavior.

Secretary of the meeting: / ______________________ /

Agenda: Social teacher information:

About working with children with deviant behavior;

For general education;

On organizing meetings between the ODN inspector ____________ and students

crime prevention schools;

On organizing joint raids of social educators, classrooms

managers and inspectors of the ODN ________________ in asocial

families and families of children with deviant behavior


social teacher : ________________________________________________

teacher-psychologist: _________________________________________________

deputy Director of HR: ____________________________________________

nurse: _______________________________________________________

parent representative, member of the Governing Council: _______________


Social teacher:

Work with children with deviant behavior and children at risk was carried out in the following areas:

- working with children with deviant behavior;

-children under supervision

-children under guardianship;

- work with children and adolescents in the following areas: healthy lifestyle(Drug-Free School program) and protection of children's rights(universal legal education program “ABC of Law”);

- work with children raised in asocial families;

- work with the guardianship and trusteeship authority, ODN, KDN and ZP, UTiSR, UPF;

Antisocial families were systematically visited (raids were organized) by a social teacher, class teachers, and an inspector for children's education _________, and individual preventive conversations were held.

Individual preventive work was systematically carried out with children registered for preventive care at school and their parents. As necessary, prevention councils were carried out, based on the results of which recommendations were given to parents, children, class teachers, subject teachers. The psychological and pedagogical service was constantly working. The school administration, together with the psychological and pedagogical service, developed a correction program for the adaptation of each child to deviant behavior and his rehabilitation among peers through the intensification of his activities in cool team, involvement in clubs, sections, activities of interest, through the humanization of the child’s relationships in the family, using the method of equalizing the child’s capabilities, the method of organizing his leading activities. Diagrams have been compiled on the level of social adaptation of children with deviant behavior that characterize positive dynamics in the level of their social adaptation.

We constantly work with children who often miss school hours __________________. Currently _________ has no problems with passes.

In order to prevent antisocial behavior, the following activities were carried out:

To prevent the growth of social orphanhood among minors: visiting disadvantaged families together with class teachers, individual preventive work with children with deviant behavior and their parents, designing a stand “Self-government of minors”

Aimed at popularizing the role of family and family education:

participation in parent meetings on topics from the series “Communicate with a child...How?” An ODN inspector (“Administrative and criminal liability of minors, responsibility of parents for the commission of illegal actions by children”) was involved in the work of parents’ meetings.

participation in work with children and adolescents (from the legal education program (“Studying the Universal Declaration of Human Rights”, “Literary and Legal Quiz”, “Administrative and Criminal Responsibility of Minors”, “Learning to Be a Citizen”).

During the school year, information was provided in a timely manner to the education department of the Borisoglebsk urban district on universal education; in the Department of Internal Affairs at the Borisoglebsk GROVD - information about crimes committed on school grounds for each quarter ___________ school. G.

We are constantly working with guardian families. She repeatedly visited them at home in order to monitor their living conditions and upbringing, their state of health, and to check the safety of their housing and property left after the death of their parents. The payment of cash benefits to them was monitored. Assistance was provided in their recovery.

Attention was also paid to low-income families who found themselves in difficult life situations. Through UT and SR, assistance was provided in obtaining stationery by the beginning of the school year - (family ________); in receiving New Year's gifts children from large families, families where parents are disabled or parents are participants in hostilities - ______; assistance was provided in purchasing free vouchers to the sanatoriums “Burevestnik”, “Pearl of the Don” - (________)

In September, the school hosted a “Mercy” campaign, during which money was collected for expensive treatment for one seriously ill child, a school student.


Please take note of the information. Continue working in the indicated directions.

Social teacher: / ____________________ /

Teacher-psychologist: / ______________________ /

Nurse: /_______________________/

Representative from parents

member of the Governing Council: /_______________________/

Protocol from ___________________

Agenda: Information from a social teacher about working with antisocial people



social teacher : ________________________________________________

teacher-psychologist: __________________________________________________

deputy Director of HR: _____________________________________________

nurse: ________________________________________________________

parent representative, member of the Governing Council: ________________


Social teacher:

During the academic year, contacts were maintained with the Commission on Minors' Affairs and the Protection of Their Rights (KDN and ZP), with the ODN on increasing the responsibility of disadvantaged parents for raising their children, with the Administration of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation for the Borisoglebsk Urban District (UPF) on the issues of assigning payments to children - pensions in the event of the death of one or both parents, with the OSU Borisoglebsk Complex Center social services population (OSU BKTSSON) on issues of registration of preferential categories of various benefits for families, including on issues of monitoring the receipt of benefits for large families for food and travel, with the drug addiction prevention center and the “SAM” center in order to promote a healthy lifestyle.

Much attention was paid to families raising children with deviant behavior who are on in-school preventive registration

On the list

To the beginning



school year

At the end of _________ school year.



in ONE

At school

Individual preventive work was systematically carried out with children and their parents:

    conversations, individual consultations;

    prevention councils were held, based on the results of which recommendations were given to parents, children, class teachers, and subject teachers;

    The school administration, together with the social teacher, developed a correction program for the adaptation of each child to deviant behavior and his rehabilitation among his peers through the activation of his activities in the class group (involvement in clubs, sections, activities of interest, through the humanization of the child’s relationships in the family, using the technique of equalizing opportunities child, methods of organizing his leading activities);

    In order to create a unified educational space for children with deviant behavior and children from disadvantaged families, the school administration established close contact with the child and his family, as well as the social teacher, class teachers, subject teachers, senior inspector of the Educational Inspectorate ________ and the executive secretary of the KDN and ZP Savidova E.P. ;

    the attendance and academic performance of children with deviant behavior were monitored, as well as children who often missed classes without good reason, as recorded in the school register, and at the request of class teachers;

    Work was systematically carried out with students and their parents to prevent absences from classes without good reason, and the senior inspector of the Educational Inspectorate ___________ was involved in joint work;

During the year, maladjusted students were identified. An individual preventive conversation was held with students and their parents: __________________________ The senior inspector of the Educational Inspectorate __________ was involved in work in this direction.

Individual preventive conversations and raids were carried out with disadvantaged families and families at social risk, together with the inspector of the Department of Social Security ____________, the secretary of the Department of Children and Social Security and the ZP Savidova E.P. In order to prevent antisocial behavior, measures were taken to prevent the growth of social orphanhood among minors, dysfunctional families were visited, and individual preventive work was carried out with children with deviant behavior and their parents.

We constantly work with guardian families (as families at risk):

    visited them at home in order to monitor the living conditions and upbringing of the wards, their state of health, for the safety of housing and property left after the death of their parents;

    in December _____, the RIC collected information on debts for housing utilities assigned to minor wards

    exercised control over the payment and expenditure of cash benefits intended for children under guardianship, over their provision of clothing, shoes, textbooks and teaching aids and everything necessary;

    monitored the progress of wards - school students; if necessary, together with the class teachers, maintained contact with guardians

    in May it is planned to assist in the recovery of wards and plan their summer holidays

At the beginning of the school year, all data was clarified:

    cards and other documentation were compiled for newly arrived wards

    an examination of their living conditions was carried out; survey reports were drawn up

    information was collected about their academic performance and adaptation in classroom groups

    work has been carried out on their social protection

To the beginning

Uch. G.


school year



Number of wards

Number of wards in need of safe housing

Attention was also paid to low-income families who found themselves in difficult life situations. Through the OSU BKTSSON they were provided with assistance in obtaining stationery by the beginning of the school year - (family _________); in receiving New Year's gifts for children from large families, families where parents are disabled or parents are participants in hostilities - ____; assistance was provided in purchasing free vouchers to the sanatorium “Burevestnik”, “Pearl of the Don” - ______.(___________________________)

MBOU BGO Secondary School No. ___ participated in the following events:

    in September – the regional interdepartmental preventive operation “Teenager - _____”, during which disadvantaged families, families of “social risk groups”, as well as families raising children registered with the school were visited

    at the end of December 20____ - school campaigns “Orange”, “Pencil” and “Mercy”, during which food, toys, books, clothes, shoes, stationery were collected and received by needy school students;

    in March – the “Vseobuch” campaign with the aim of increasing the effectiveness of measures taken to prevent neglect and delinquency among minors, realizing their rights to education, ensuring social protection and protecting the health of children and adolescents;

    in March - interdepartmental preventive raid "Teenager" in order to prevent neglect, homelessness, delinquency and antisocial actions among minors, identify and eliminate the causes and conditions contributing to this, improve the crime situation in teenage environment, identifying facts of child abuse;

    from 01 to 30.04 of this year, participation in the month for the prevention of social orphanhood.

During the year, the following events were held aimed at popularizing the role of family and family education:

    speaking at parent meetings on topics from the series “Communicating with a child... How? ": "Education without violence" (____); "Measures of encouragement and punishment in modern families"(_______), "Happy is he who is happy at home" (____); "Pros and cons" adolescence(7th grade parallel);

“12” against one or what prevents a teenager from listening” (parallel of 9th grade)

    meeting of parents with specialists (narcologist V.A. Nikolsky, methodologist of the drug addiction prevention center M.S. Kopylova, head of the department of the center Galeichenko O.L., representative of the Borisoglebsk interdistrict department federal service for drug control) - 2 times a year: November, April;

    individual conversations with parents;

    conversation between the inspector of the ODN ___________ and students of grades 5-6, as well as children with deviant behavior and children at risk on legal topics, watching a video about the temporary detention center for minors in Voronezh.


Please take note of the information. Continue work in this direction.

Social teacher: / ___________________/

Teacher-psychologist: / ____________________/

Deputy Director of HR: / ____________________/

Nurse: /____________________ /

Representative from parents

member of the Governing Council: /____________________/

Protocol from _________________

Agenda: about the progress and behavior of ____________, student _________

class MBOU BGO secondary school No. ______


social teacher : ________________

deputy Director of HR: _____________

nurse: ________________________

parent representative, member of the Governing Council: _________________

class supervisor ___________________

subject teachers: ______________________________________________

minor ____________________ and his mother ____________________


Class teacher and mathematics teacher: Subject teachers constantly complain about ______ due to the fact that he often violates discipline in class, gets distracted himself and distracts others, and does not understand the teacher’s explanations, because Firstly, does not listen, secondly, cannot absorb new material due to large gaps in knowledge. I have repeatedly told my mother that she should pay more attention to the child, but I have not seen any changes for the better. ____________, the social teacher of the school, spoke with the child and mother several times, but this only works for a certain time, then everything repeats.

The boy is constantly without school supplies. He does not study to the best of his ability. The reason for everything is laziness. Doesn't know the rules, putting emphasis is a problem. It happens that during class he sits under his desk and can walk around the room without permission. Attention scattered. Repeatedly I suggested that he take an individual approach to correcting the current situation, but with additional classes he runs away. When I gave home some task that he could easily cope with, and thus correct his difficult situation, he did not complete the task. To my request to show the completion of the task, he refused.

FULL NAME. subject teacher: Does not fulfill basic requirements: does not keep a notebook on the subject, does not regularly complete homework. He doesn’t know how to behave in class: he constantly makes comments to everyone, he can’t sit calmly at his desk.

FULL NAME. subject teacher: often absent-minded, inattentive, does not understand the teacher’s explanations, has no notebook, does not write in class, is involved in extraneous matters, does homework in bad faith, or rather, practically does not complete it. What clubs does he attend? What is he interested in?

Social teacher: __________ has no hobbies. When asked to become interested in, for example, some kind of sport, he refuses due to his difficult financial situation. The child’s social disadaptation is “visible”: at first there was discord in the family (father often drinks alcohol), the child, by and large, was not needed by both parents. When problems with the boy's behavior began to arise, his parents began to punish him. Conversations with the mother showed that she had little control of the situation, did not know the boy’s social circle, and did not understand the reason for her son’s bad behavior. In fact, the reason for his maladjustment is lack of attention from his parents and pedagogical neglect. The mother makes contact, but the child has already escaped from her control and does not obey her.

Mother explained that her son behaves so badly not only at school, but also at home. You can't rely on him for anything. He promises to clean his room, but doesn’t do it. Social teacher:What are your responsibilities in the family? How do you help your mom?

______________ confirmed that he helps his mother little with housework and undertakes to become her first assistant in the future. We will try to solve the problem with academic failure in the near future.


    Register _____________________ with internal school records.

Mothers: strengthen control over your son’s progress, be constantly in contact with the class teacher, social worker and subject teachers, seek help from specialists: a neurologist, a child psychiatrist.

To the class teacher: be in close contact with the social pedagogue, subject teachers and the child’s mother, encourage the child even for the smallest successes.

For subject teachers: take an individual approach to correcting the current situation

Social teacher: coordinate work with a child with deviant behavior.

Social teacher: / _____________________ /

Deputy Director of HR: / ______________________ /

Classroom teacher: / ______________________ /

Nurse: /________________________ /

Representative from parents: /_________________________________/

Protocol No. 1

Meetings of the Council for the Prevention of Delinquency and Neglect among Minors on September 26, 2015.

Council members present:

Invited: school teachers

Subject of the meeting.

    Planning meetings of the Prevention Council for the 2015-2016 academic year. (social teacher Klimenko O.V.)

    Familiarize yourself with disadvantaged families, intra-school control, risk group (social teacher Klimenko O.V.)

1. On this issue, social teacher Klimenko O.V. familiarized the school teachers with the calendar planning of the prevention council and the work plan for the 2015-2016 school year. , where the main goal of the work is: prevention of deviant and antisocial behavior and offenses among students and pupils, including social adaptation and rehabilitation of students, pupils at social risk groups and the formation of law-abiding behavior and a healthy lifestyle for students. The main objectives of the Prevention Council are: organizing regular work to implement the system for preventing neglect and juvenile delinquency, and other regulatory and legal acts regarding the prevention of negative manifestations in children and adolescents. Identification and suppression of cases of involvement of students and pupils in criminal or antisocial activities, identification and elimination of causes and conditions conducive to the commission of offenses by students and pupils, organization of educational activities.

2. On this issue, social teacher Klimenko O.V. familiarized the prevention council with the lists of dysfunctional families, intra-school control, and risk groups.

1.Work according to this planning.

2. Work with these families, involve them in activities, involve students who are under internal school control, and involve the risk group in sections, clubs, and electives. Be present in lessons, pay attention to who the children communicate with both at school and outside.

Secretary: Ustinovich I.S.

Protocol No. 2

Meetings of the Council for the Prevention of Delinquency and Neglect among Minors on October 26, 2015.

Council members present:

Bartusevich Viktor Vasilievich Chairman of the Council for Prevention

Bobukh Valentina Petrovna Teacher – psychologist

Klimenko Oksana Vitalievna Social teacher

Kapranova Lyudmila Nikolaevna Nurse

Ostapenko Alexander Sergeevich Teacher - organizer of the NVP

Muldasheva Gulnara Bopanovna Deputy Director for VR

Ustinovich Inna Sergeevna Senior counselor, secretary

Molkova Tatyana Leonidovna Chairman parent committee

Zhusupov Tolgat Abzalovich Akim of Bolsheizyumovsky village

Invited: teacher Burdeynaya M.I., mother Chernous E.P.

Subject of the meeting.

    Put Chernous Elena Petrovna as a dysfunctional family. (social teacher Klimenko O.V.)

    Put Chernous Anzhelika, a checkpoint student, in a risk group. (social teacher Klimenko O.V.)

1. Regarding this issue, Elena Petrovna Chernous, born September 15, 1989, self-employed, has secondary education, arrived on September 28, 2015. at the KSU "Bolsheizyumovskaya Secondary School" from the village of Mironovka. According to the district inspector for juvenile affairs, Basharov A., this family is registered as dysfunctional at the police department and has been repeatedly considered by the commission on juvenile affairs and the protection of their rights under the akimat of the Taiynshinsky district. Chernous Elena Petrovna, has two minor children Chernous Angelika born December 2, 2008. students of the checkpoint class, Natalya Kozachenko, born 04/21/2012. This single-parent family receives survivor benefits for its youngest daughter. On this moment lives on Embankment street No. 2 private sector cell phone. 87478202275. Lives with Leonid Mikhailovich Igrakov, who works at Ak-Zhar LLP as a grain processing operator (drying master), who has two minor children and receives survivor benefits.

2.According to the fact that Elena Petrovna Chernous is a dysfunctional family, it is necessary to put Angelica Chernous in a risk group.

Decision of the Council for the Prevention of Delinquency and Neglect among Minors:

    Set Chernous Elena Petrovna as a dysfunctional family. Social teacher Klimenko O.V., deputy. Director for HR Muldasheva G.B. , teacher Burdeina M.I. visit this family, monitor attendance.

    Teacher Burdeina M.I. keep an eye on appearance child and whether the mother is engaged with the child. The mother must bring and pick up the child in person every day.

Chairman of the Prevention Council: Bartusevich V.V.

Secretary: Ustinovich I.S.

Protocol No. 3

Council members present:

Bartusevich Viktor Vasilievich Chairman of the Council for Prevention

Bobukh Valentina Petrovna Teacher – psychologist

Klimenko Oksana Vitalievna Social teacher

Kapranova Lyudmila Nikolaevna Nurse

Ostapenko Alexander Sergeevich Teacher - organizer of the NVP

Muldasheva Gulnara Bopanovna Deputy Director for VR

Ustinovich Inna Sergeevna Senior counselor, secretary

Molkova Tatyana Leonidovna Chairman of the Parents Committee

Zhusupov Tolgat Abzalovich Akim of Bolsheizyumovsky village


Subject of the meeting.

    Preventive work with students based on reports from class teachers and subject teachers. .(social teacher Klimenko O.V., deputy director for HR Muldasheva G.B.)

On this issue, social teacher O.V. Klimenko, deputy. Director for VR Muldashev G.B. read the following from chemistry teacher Belaya L.D. a report was written on a 9th grade studentIlbay D., Malinovsky M., Myakushka V., from history teacher Halaim S.M. for 9th grade students Malinovsky M.,UnitsIlbay D., Poremsky G., from the teacher of chemistry and biology Belaya L.D. per 9th grade studentUnitsilbay D., from history teacher Halaim S.M. for 9th grade students Malinovsky M.,UnitsIlbay D., Poremsky G., from the teacher of chemistry and biology Belaya L.D. per 7th grade studentUnitsIlbay D., from the teacher of chemistry and biology Belaya L.D. per 11th grade student Biller Anatoly. Explanatory notes were written from all students, and parents were notified. Preventive conversations were held with students, and extracurricular activities schoolboy.

Decision of the Council for the Prevention of Delinquency and Neglect among Minors:

1 Social teacher Klimenko O.V., deputy. Director for HR Muldasheva G.B., teacher-psychologist Bobukh V.P., class teachers conduct conversations, attend classes, organize free time at school and outside. Parents are monitored daily in preparation for training sessions, attending lessons and individual consultations to see what the children are doing after school.

Chairman of the Prevention Council: Bartusevich V.V.

Secretary: Ustinovich I.S.

Protocol No. 4

Meetings of the Council for the Prevention of Delinquency and Neglect among Minors on November 26, 2015.

Council members present:

Bartusevich Viktor Vasilievich Chairman of the Council for Prevention

Bobukh Valentina Petrovna Teacher – psychologist

Klimenko Oksana Vitalievna Social teacher

Kapranova Lyudmila Nikolaevna Nurse

Ostapenko Alexander Sergeevich Teacher - organizer of the NVP

Muldasheva Gulnara Bopanovna Deputy Director for VR

Ustinovich Inna Sergeevna Senior counselor, secretary

Molkova Tatyana Leonidovna Chairman of the Parents Committee

Zhusupov Tolgat Abzalovich Akim of Bolsheizyumovsky village

Invited: school teachers

Subject of the meeting.

    Schedule Christmas trees(school director V.V. Bartusevich)

    Duty at the New Year's light (Deputy Director for HR Muldasheva G.B.)

    Actions in the event of a threat of a terrorist attack at school (teacher - organizer of the NVP Ostapenko A.S.)

1. On the first question, school director V.V. Bartusevich. announced the schedule for New Year's parties. For the pupils of the checkpoint, hold a Christmas tree on December 28, 2015. from 10:00 to 13:00 hours. For students in grades 1-4, hold a Christmas tree on December 29, 2015. from 10:00 to 13:00 hours. For students in grades 5-7, hold a Christmas tree on December 29, 2015. from 14:00 to 17:00 hours. For students in grades 8-11, hold a Christmas tree on December 29, 2015. from 18:00 to 21:00 hours. For pupils of the preschool mini-center, hold a Christmas tree on December 30, 2015.

2. On the second question, Deputy Director for VR Muldasheva G.B. I introduced everyone to being on duty at the New Year's light. For pupils of the checkpoint Latysh O.S., Burdeynaya M.I., Kapranova L.N., Raspopov D.D., Bobukh V.P., Klimenko O.V., Muldasheva G.B., Raspopova T.S. , Ustinovich I.S., Sinigubova I.V., Gres I.Yu., Ivanchenko V.L.. For students in grades 1-4 Patronnik V.V., Lukyashchenko L.G., Bodnar V.V., Dmitrieva T.V., Bobukh V.P., Ustinovich I.S., Kapranova L.N., Raspopov D.D., Klimenko O.V., Raspopova T.S., Krupin A.A., Nikitina E. V., Lakomkina T., Belokur N.A., Ostapenko A.S., Muldasheva G.B., Ivanchenko V.L.. For students in grades 5-7 Bakhtiyarova N.Zh., Gadirova A.T., Wagner E.N., Kobal I.I., Vitchenko L.N., Muldasheva G.B., Zhunusova S.O., Klimenko O.V., Bobukh V.P., Ustinovich I.S., Kapranova L. N., Raspopov D.D., Raspopova T.S., Pinchuk T.E., Buchmiller T.N., Latysh O.S., Nazarenko E.V., Nechaeva L.F., Martysyuk L.M. , Asherbekova G.K., Kem A.A., Kobal I.I., Bartusevich V.V., Ivanchenko V.L. .For students in grades 8-11 Halaim S.M., Belaya L.D., Bodnar G.Yu., Torichnaya L.I., Muldasheva G.B., Zhunusova S.O., Klimenko O.V., Bobukh V.P., Ustinovich I.S., Kapranova L.N., Raspopov D.D., Kobal I.I., Ostapenko A.S., Kobal E.I., Isaev M.Kh., Malkova T. , Goncharova T.Yu., Makhiboroda S.A., Miroshnichenko V.M., Bai Mukanova B.K., Chumeiko T.V., Mayer I.Yu., Koshelenko O.P., Bychenko L.V., Baranova M.D., Lyashchenko I.V., Kremer A.V.. For pupils of the preschool mini-center Rutkovskaya V.I., Vinogradova V.V., Pogorelova T.E., Raspopov D.D., Kapranova L. .N., Bodnar G.Yu., Ivanchenko V.L., Ustinovich I.S..

3. On the third question, teacher - organizer of the NVP Ostapenko A.S. provided instructions on what to do if there is a threat of a terrorist attack at school. He explained the actions of the staff when an explosive device is detected, when an explosive device is triggered, actions when taking schoolchildren or staff hostage, if you are held hostage, during an operation by the special services to free you, the actions of a person who received a message threatening to mine a school building, actions when shots at windows or on the street.

Decision of the Council for the Prevention of Delinquency and Neglect among Minors:

    Familiarize school teachers, the parent community, and the local inspector with the schedule for holding New Year trees at school

    According to the order to distribute duty on the New Year's Eve

    Familiarize everyone who works at the school with the actions to take in the event of a threat of a terrorist attack at the school, subject to signature.

Chairman of the Prevention Council: Bartusevich V.V.

Secretary: Ustinovich I.S.

Protocol No. 5

Meetings of the Council for the Prevention of Delinquency and Neglect among Minors on February 16, 2016.

Council members present:

Bartusevich Viktor Vasilievich Chairman of the Council for Prevention

Bobukh Valentina Petrovna Teacher – psychologist

Klimenko Oksana Vitalievna Social teacher

Kapranova Lyudmila Nikolaevna Nurse

Ostapenko Alexander Sergeevich Teacher - organizer of the NVP

Ustinovich Inna Sergeevna Senior counselor, secretary

Molkova Tatyana Leonidovna Chairman of the Parents Committee

Zhusupov Tolgat Abzalovich Akim of Bolsheizyumovsky village

Invited: class teachers, subject teachers

Subject of the meeting.

    Preventive work with students based on reports from class teachers and subject teachers. .(social teacher Klimenko O.V.)

On this issue, social teacher O.V. Klimenko read out the following reports from class teacher L.D. Belaya. per 9th grade student Unitilbay D., from technology teacher Ivanchenko V.L. for 9th grade students Ziza N., Mikhaleva V., from chemistry and biology teacher Bela L.D. per 11th grade student Biller Anatoly. Parents have been notified. Preventive conversations were held with students, and the student’s extracurricular activities were monitored.

Decision of the Council for the Prevention of Delinquency and Neglect among Minors:

1 Social teacher Klimenko O.V., deputy. Director for HR Muldasheva G.B., teacher-psychologist Bobukh V.P., class teachers conduct conversations, attend classes, organize free time at school and outside. Parents are daily monitored in preparation for classes, attending lessons and watching what their children are doing after school.

Chairman of the Prevention Council: Bartusevich V.V.

Secretary: Ustinovich I.S.