Speech warm-up. Speech warm-ups for reading lessons in primary school. Articulation exercises

Schoolchildren, especially the youngest, often find it difficult to sit quietly for an entire forty-five minute lesson. If high school students cope with this at the very least, then the kids have a very hard time - they get tired, their attention weakens. Therefore, teachers are forced to resort to various tricks during the lesson so that the child is active and interested throughout the lesson. One of these tricks is speech warm-ups in primary school. What is it and what are they?

What is speech warm-up

Another name for this process is speech charging. The phrase goes back to the English warm up ( literal translation- “warm-up”). This is one of the stages of a lesson in elementary school (older children no longer need this), which is carried out in game form. It aims to activate verbal communication, organization speech activity and prepares children for subsequent study of basic material.

The speech warm-up stage usually includes answers to questions and various game tasks. This process creates a relaxed, natural environment in which children can relax a bit.

Why do you need a speech warm-up?

As mentioned above, the purpose of this stage of the lesson is to maintain the interest of younger students in the course of the lesson. Older children are able to control their attention on their own, but younger ones (especially first-graders just coming from kindergarten) find it difficult to concentrate on the material for quite a long time (and forty-five minutes for kids is undoubtedly a very long time). That is why it is necessary not only to explain the material to them throughout the entire lesson and not to force them to write it down, but to make various “inclusions.”

The so-called physical exercises are also quite popular - everyone probably remembers “We wrote, we wrote, our fingers were tired...” - but they are aimed simply at a short rest from the activity; Speech warm-up successfully combines both play and assimilation of the necessary information. It helps to develop clear pronunciation words, expressiveness, improves memory and enriches the speech of schoolchildren.

What types of warm-ups are there?

Depending on which lesson the warm-ups are held, they occur different types. Warm-up tongue twisters are good for training diction in English and reading lessons. Warm-up poems are aimed at strengthening the memory of younger schoolchildren. In Russian, for example, exercises are good for developing breathing and articulation of the speech apparatus.

Basic rules for conducting speech warm-ups for children

Regardless of which lesson you include a warm-up in, you need to remember some important things.

  1. It is necessary to remember that all children are different and their capabilities are also different. This should be taken into account when preparing for class. The best option is to use both individual and collective approaches to students.
  2. It is advisable to start speech warm-ups from the first grade, during the period when kids learn vowel sounds. The most important thing here is to teach them how to articulate correctly.
  3. With each subsequent lesson, it is necessary to increase the volume of material for speech warm-up.
  4. You can use special syllable tables for work - they help children.
  5. When including tongue twisters in a lesson, you must first read them at a slow pace, carefully pronouncing each word. Words that are too complex should be pronounced syllable by syllable, most importantly, without stopping or making mistakes. Gradually the pace needs to be increased. You can also first say them to yourself, then in a whisper, and only then out loud. First of all, you need to work with the simplest tongue twisters. Subsequently, they can (and should) be complicated.
  6. To work off correct intonation, you can offer children tasks: read the text with surprise, grief, joy, and so on.
  7. Speech warm-up should not be long (five to seven minutes is more than enough).

Russian language warm-up

Why is it important to engage in speech development in Russian? Or in writing or literacy lessons - the names are different in different primary schools, but the essence does not change.

The fact is that our speech, our language is an essential component in the formation of our personality and character. If a child’s speech is developed well enough, he will not have problems communicating with both children and adults - he will calmly formulate his thoughts, express his desires, agree on something, and so on. A child who was not able to instill the correct speech skills in time, whose speech is confused and “chewed,” is unable to do any of the above, which leads to the development of trauma in the child’s psyche.

This is especially painful at school: children are quite cruel creatures, and if peers are not able to understand the child, they begin to tease him, bring him to tears, and provoke him. Therefore, it is so important that before entering school (or at least in the first grade!) the child learns to properly control his speech apparatus.

For this purpose, Russian language lessons use speech warm-ups in the form of exercises such as pure and tongue twisters, phonetic chants, games to develop hearing, voice and correct sound pronunciation, and so on.

Examples of warm-ups for Russian language lessons

The following can be used as easy tongue twisters:

  1. Five ducklings, five kittens, Mitya has ducklings, Vitya has kittens.
  2. Sasha walked along the highway and sucked on a dryer.

For the initial level of practicing sounds, the following are suitable:

  1. Ba-ba-ba - that's how the trumpet hums.
  2. Boo-boo-boo - I blow into the trumpet.
  3. Ha ha ha - there are three roosters in the yard.
  4. Shu-shu-shu - I write beautifully.
  5. Moo-moo-moo - I cleaned up the house.

You can find a lot of such pure sayings in children's books or come up with your own. The main thing is to practice syllables and sounds, to achieve their clear and correct pronunciation by all children.

A very good game aimed at developing a child’s hearing is the following. The teacher makes a sound, for example, “p”. He takes turns asking the children (or throwing them a ball), and they must come up with a word where this sound occurs. Anyone who repeats what has already been said before or cannot name anything is eliminated from the game (as a change, you can give some kind of forfeit for losing).

To work off correct pronunciation sounds, there are also many different games. For example, this one. One of the guys (or the teacher) is the driver. He stands at one end of the office, everyone else stands at the other. On tiptoe, without making the slightest noise, the children must get to the driver. If someone made a careless movement and a sound was heard, then the driver should loudly say: “Sh-sh-sh-sh-sh!” - and the one who was “at fault” freezes. The one who can reach the driver first replaces him.

There is also a wide choice of games for voice development. For example, there is this exercise: guys compete in pairs against each other. At the teacher’s command, they begin to draw out vowels - first in a whisper, and then more and more loudly. Whoever lasts longer wins.

Reading warm-up

Reading, in a sense, is an even more important subject than the Russian language - without learning to read, you cannot learn anything more. It is through reading that a person’s vocabulary is formed and his horizons broaden. It is not for nothing that they say that the brains of those people who read little or do not read at all are practically undeveloped. Reading improves brain activity and provides food for the mind. That’s why it’s so important to conduct speech warm-ups in class. literary reading in primary school. If you do not instill a love for literature at this age, at this level of life, it will be impossible to instill it later. For correct, conscious reading, correct intonation, the ability to distinguish meaning, and expressiveness are very important. All this is trained and honed with the help of speech warm-up in a reading lesson.

Examples of reading warm-ups

  1. Tasks aimed at expressiveness and articulation (they teach you to carefully, slowly, read what is written): footprints-tears, meadow-bow, ski-lying, drop-heron, hat-sliver, met-met, did-did, grass-grass and so on.
  2. Counting books (aimed at teaching clear diction and expressiveness).
  3. Tongue twisters (more complex than the above, for example, the well-known one about Karl and Clara; it is even better to use tongue twisters in the form of quatrains).
  4. Tasks to reconstruct a text, usually poetic, are also good examples of speech warm-up for reading. Here the child’s task is to choose a word so that, firstly, it fits the meaning, and secondly, it rhymes with the next line. For example: people on the sea..., people with oars...

Warm up in English

For students junior school(of course, not everyone) often finds it difficult to learn a foreign language. They have difficulty remembering complex sounds and rules, and generally don’t really understand why they need to learn a foreign language. This is why it is so important that the lesson has a friendly, relaxed atmosphere, diluted with game tasks: this will help the kids get a little distracted, while simultaneously repeating vocabulary, grammar and learning to improvise - that is, lively, free communication, but in English. Speech warm-up is aimed at all of the above.

Most often, “English” teachers conduct a similar warm-up at the very beginning of the lesson. This prepares the kids for the main process of the lesson and gradually introduces them to the material. Also, the purpose of speech warm-up in an English lesson can be considered to be the desire to arouse in children an interest in the language and a desire to speak it.

When choosing a type of warm-up for a particular lesson, it is very important for a teacher (as mentioned above) to remember the different abilities of children - after all, some know the language a little better, others a little worse. It is necessary that all students be involved in the lesson. In addition, speech warm-up must be connected in one way or another with the main material of the lesson.

Examples of warm-ups in English

There are countless options for speech warm-ups. You can take both ready-made ones and come up with your own based on them. Here for the teacher there is an endless field of activity, scope for imagination. The main thing is to put your soul into the lesson, and then the use of speech warm-ups will certainly give a positive result.

Speech warm-ups for literary reading lessons

2-4 grades


1. Breathing exercises:

a) inhale, exhale: a, o, y, i, e, i;

5, 10, 15;

“The one who hears the worst is the one who doesn't want to listen."

II. Diction exercises:

1. I – E – A – O – U – Y

2. Syllables:

he is an un eun

na nya nyo nyu

nan non nun nen

nte nty nty ntu

on - on - on - a pine tree grows in the yard;

but - but - but - tomorrow we will go to the cinema;

an - an - an - pack your suitcase;

in - in - in - did you go to the store?

Sonya brought raspberries to Zina in a basket.

Posh__ Mu__ na ba__

And buy__self__:

Come__ cockroach__

I'll treat you to tea!

II . Speech warm-up

1. Breathing exercises:

a) inhale, exhale: a, o, y, i, e, i;

b) inhale, exhale the numbers, count in order to 5, 10, 15;

c) inhale, as you exhale, pronounce a proverb or saying: “The one who hears the worst is the one who doesn't want to listen."

(Inhale through the nose, exhale through the mouth).

Breathing affects the sound, its smoothness, strength.

II. Diction exercises:

1. I – E – A – O – U – Y

We read as they are written, then we begin to read with the letter E, then with A, etc., placing each preceding vowel at the end of the table.

We pronounce it slowly, smoothly, melodiously, in one breath.

2. Syllables:

ta to tu to

you are from

no it no no

tat tne tnu tny

III. Exercises for the development of the speech apparatus, pure speech.

ta - ta - ta - our house is clean;

you - you - you - all the cats ate the sour cream;

ti - ti - ti - ate almost all the porridge:

te - te - te - we put off sewing;

then - then - then - we started playing lotto;

at - at - at - we take a scooter with us.

IY.Exercises for intonation:

A weaver weaves fabric on Tanya's dress.


1. Breathing exercises:

Speech warm-up

_______ _______

II. Diction exercises:

1. I – E – A – O – U – Y

2. Syllables:

A – O – U – Y – I – E – Yu

ar or ur yr

ra ro re rya

rar rir rock rar

tyr sar ryan ryun

III. Exercises for the development of the speech apparatus, pure speech.

mouths ryu rly lryu

ra - ra - ra - It's time for Katya to sleep;

ro - ro - ro - there is a bucket on the floor;

ry - ry - ry - mosquitoes fly;

or - or - or - we swept the yard;

IY.Exercises for intonation:

ar - ar - ar - there is a lantern hanging on the wall.

Roma was afraid of thunder,

He roared louder than thunder.

Y. Exercises to develop reading speed aloud and silently,

I need to wash my face____

Morning____ and evening____

I knocked____ off my feet -

I have more____ more____.

For two hours he called____

I've been waiting for him for two hours___.

IY. Speech warm-up

1. Breathing exercises:

Speech warm-up

_______ _______

II. Diction exercises:

1. I – E – A – O – U – Y

2. Syllables:

ag og ig ge

gag gok gos gan

lag lag byag lips

gyup zog gaz vyg

gno gka gsy sgya

III. Exercises for intonation:

Once every G Aloshu village Horse

And she said: “I am G horse,

On G itare, on G armoshka

I will do it too G O - G Osh!

2. Make a riddle.

Say it slowly, clearly, emphasizing the highlighted words with your voice.

Downhill- horse,

Uphill- a piece of wood.

He roared louder than thunder.

Y. Exercises to develop reading speed aloud and silently,

We won't notice___ zhu___

And r___ winter___ closed___ .

Y. Speech warm-up

1. Breathing exercises:

inhale - exhale

II. Diction exercises:

1. I – E – A – O – U – Y

2. Syllables:

as os us us us is

sa se xia sy so

sos bitches sin tos tes

stya tsi tso sne sko

3. Speak clearly, emphasizing the sound (s) with your voice.

A XYa pineapple dough

SANYA sieve storks

TO OSTYA sled institute

WITH ONYA tanker's nose

WITH HER son is a taxi driver

Sa - sa - sa - runs in the forest ___________;

So – so – so – Vova ____________;

wasps - wasps - wasps - there are a lot of ________ in the clearing;

Su - su - su - it was cold in _____;

Vus - vus - vus - _____ is grazing in the meadow.

IY.Exercises for intonation:

Granny bought beads for Marusya.


1. Breathing exercises:

inhale - exhale

Speech warm-up

inhale, and as you exhale we pronounce the sounds p s sh

inhale, and as you exhale, pronounce the syllables for. sha, va

II. Diction exercises:

1. I – E – A – O – U – Y

2. Syllables:

inhale, and as you exhale we say a tongue twister: there is grass in the yard, there is firewood on the grass

Ach och uch ych ich

Cha choo cha cha cha

Chach chuk chon chud dech

Soch ball ncha kchu chnya

III. Exercises for the development of the speech apparatus, pure speech;

cha – cha – cha – it’s burning in the room ________;

chu - chu - chu - with a hammer I _________;

IY.Exercises for intonation:

och - och - och - came ________.

Watchmaker squinting his eye

He fixes the watch for us.

Say it with a feeling of joy.

Say with a feeling of sadness.

Say it with a feeling of resentment. YII

1. Breathing exercises:

Speech warm-up

_______ _______

II. Diction exercises:

1. I – E – A – O – U – Y

2. Syllables:

. Speech warm-up

as much as possible

zhi zhu zha zha zha

zhazh zhizh zhin zhizh zhan

fat between strangers vuzh

III. Exercises for the development of the speech apparatus. Pure talk.

Zhu - zhu - zhu - we'll give milk _________;

Zha – zha – zha – _________ has needles;

Zhi – zhi – zhi – ________ live here;

Well - well - it started raining ________ ;

Jo – jo – jo – meadow, cottage cheese, snowball, _________.

IY.Exercises for intonation.

Siskins, grass snakes, hedgehogs, swifts,

Giraffes, mice and walruses,

Rose hips, tires, reeds,

Cars and pencils.

Y. Complete the riddle in rhyme.

Amazing child!

Just left ________

Can swim and dive

Like his own ________.

From branch to branch,

Fast as a ball

Jumps on _______

Ginger _________ . . YIII Speech

1. Breathing exercises:

a) inhale, exhale: a, o, y, i, e, i;

b) inhale, exhale the numbers, count in order to 5, 10, 15;

c) inhale, as you exhale, pronounce a proverb or saying: “The one who hears the worst is the one who doesn't want to listen."

(Inhale through the nose, exhale through the mouth).

Breathing affects the sound, its smoothness, strength.

II. Diction exercises:

1. I – E – A – O – U – Y

We read as they are written, then we begin to read with the letter E, then with A, etc., placing each preceding vowel at the end of the table.

We pronounce it slowly, smoothly, melodiously, in one breath.

2. Syllables:


ak ok uk yk

ko kya ku kyu

kik kan kyn nik

whale so weave kne

III. Exercises for the development of the speech apparatus. Taratorki.

Doesn't want a scythe

Mow with a scythe.

IY.Exercises for intonation:

He says: “A braid, a braid.”

Tongue Twisters:

I bought a hood.

Put on the cuckoo's hood,

How funny he is in the hood!

IX. Speech warm-up

1. Breathing exercises:

inhale - exhale

Speech warm-up

inhale, and as you exhale we pronounce the sounds p s sh

inhale, and as you exhale, pronounce the syllables for. sha, va

II. Diction exercises:

1. I – E – A – O – U – Y

2. Syllables:

al ol yl el

la li le lu

lal luk los lyn

I'm so lazy

Lo – lo – lo - it’s warm outside.

Lu-lu-lu - the table is in the corner.

St – st – st – our chair broke.

Ol - ol - ol - we bought salt.

IY.Exercises for intonation:

Lara and Valya are playing the piano.

X . Speech warm-up

1. Breathing exercises:

Speech warm-up

_______ _______

II. Diction exercises:

1. I – E – A – O – U – Y



O. Oh! ABOUT? U. U! U?

And I. And I! And I?

3. Pronounce clearly, emphasizing the sound (Y) with your voice.





III. Exercises for the development of the speech apparatus.

OH – OH – OH – is this your eraser?

AY - AY - AY - warm May has arrived.

HEY – HER – HER – come quickly.

IY.Exercises for intonation:





XI . Speech warm-up

1. Breathing exercises:

Speech warm-up

_______ _______

II. Diction exercises:

    I – E – A – O – U – Y


Af of uf yf

Fa fo fu fy

Background fin fen fas

Fich loof kef fro

III. Exercises for the development of the speech apparatus.

Background - background - background - we bought a phone.

Fe - fe - fe - soon we will go to a cafe.

Fet - fet - fet - ate a kilogram of sweets.

IY.Exercises for intonation:

Fili had

They lived with Fili,

Filya was beaten.

XII. Speech warm-up

1. Breathing exercises:

Speech warm-up

_______ _______

II. Diction exercises:

1.I – E – A – O – U – Y

2. Syllables:





III. Exercises for the development of the speech apparatus.




IY.Exercises for intonation:

In the winter cold everyone is young.

Say with a feeling of joy;

with a feeling of distress;

with surprise.

XIII. Speech warm-up

1. Breathing exercises:

Speech warm-up

_______ _______

II. Diction exercises:

I – E – A – O – U – Y

III. Voice it!

Say the tongue twister, stressing a different syllable each time.

Don't chop wood

On the grass of the yard.

IY. Voice and portray!

Gray wolf in a dense forest - How much did they take?

I met a red fox. - A tuft of wool.

    Lizaveta, hello! The right side was torn off

    How are you, toothy? The tail was chewed off

    Things are going well. In a fight.

    The head is still intact. - Who bit it off?

    Where have you been? - Dogs.

    On the market. “Are you full, dear kumanek?”

    What did you buy? - I barely dragged my legs!



1. Breathing exercises:

inhale - exhale

Speech warm-up

inhale, and as you exhale we pronounce the sounds p s sh

inhale, and as you exhale, pronounce the syllables for. sha, va

II. Diction exercises:

1. I – E – A – O – U – Y

2. Syllables:

asch asch

soup soup

Shchsch shok shus shchan

kysch lashch lishchi shpe schza

III. Exercises for the development of the speech apparatus.

Ša - ša - ša - we bring home bream,

Asch - asch - asch - We're hoping for a cape.

Shield - shield - shield - The chick in the nest squeaks.

Shchik – shik – shik – box, inventor, detective.

IY.Exercises for intonation:

Two puppies, cheek to cheek

They pinch the brush in the corner.


1. Breathing exercises:

inhale - exhale

Speech warm-up

inhale, and as you exhale we pronounce the sounds p s sh

inhale, and as you exhale, pronounce the syllables for. sha, va

II. Diction exercises:

1. I – E – A – O – U – Y

2. Syllables:

Speech warm-up

ash osh ush ish

shu shi she sho

Shosh shush nosh shower

III. Exercises for the development of the speech apparatus.

Shto shti tsha shva

Sha - sha - sha - the mother washes the baby.

Shu - shu - shu - I’m writing a letter.

IY.Exercises for intonation:

Ash - ash - ash - Marina has a pencil.

Sasha knocked the bumps off with his hat.

Read with a feeling of joy,

with surprise.

    Speech warm-up

1. Breathing exercises:

a) inhale, exhale: a, o, y, i, e, i;

b) inhale, exhale the numbers, count in order to 5, 10, 15;

c) inhale, as you exhale, pronounce a proverb or saying: “The one who hears the worst is the one who doesn't want to listen."

(Inhale through the nose, exhale through the mouth).

Breathing affects the sound, its smoothness, strength.

II. Diction exercises:

1. I – E – A – O – U – Y

We read as they are written, then we begin to read with the letter E, then with A, etc., placing each preceding vowel at the end of the table.

We pronounce it slowly, smoothly, melodiously, in one breath.

2. Syllables:

with a feeling of sadness,

am om yam

meh meh meh meh

mim mat met kyam

III. Exercises for the development of the speech apparatus.

Mev kmi mnu rmya

Ma - ma - ma - I’m at home myself.

Mu - mu - mu - milk for anyone?

Mo - mo - mo - eating popsicle.

Mi - mi - mi - sing the note "mi".

IY.Exercises for intonation:

The bear found honey in the forest

Little honey, many bees.


1. Breathing exercises:

a) inhale, exhale: a, o, y, i, e, i;

b) inhale, exhale the numbers, count in order to 5, 10, 15;

c) inhale, as you exhale, pronounce a proverb or saying: “The one who hears the worst is the one who doesn't want to listen."

(Inhale through the nose, exhale through the mouth).

Breathing affects the sound, its smoothness, strength.

II. Diction exercises:

1. I – E – A – O – U – Y

We read as they are written, then we begin to read with the letter E, then with A, etc., placing each preceding vowel at the end of the table.

We pronounce it slowly, smoothly, melodiously, in one breath.

2. Syllables:

az oz from uz

language zu zy ze

Zaz zyn nuz kaz

Zyur zty szo evil

III. Exercises for the development of the speech apparatus.

For - for - for - go home goat.

Zu - zu - zu - we wash Katya in the basin.

Zok - zok - zok - we'll sing one more time.

IY.Exercises for intonation:

Tongue Twisters

Buba the bunny has a toothache.

XVIII. Speech warm-up

1. Breathing exercises:

a) inhale, exhale: a, o, y, i, e, i;

b) inhale, exhale the numbers, count in order to 5, 10, 15;

c) inhale, as you exhale, pronounce a proverb or saying: “The one who hears the worst is the one who doesn't want to listen."

(Inhale through the nose, exhale through the mouth).

Breathing affects the sound, its smoothness, strength.

II. Diction exercises:

1. I – E – A – O – U – Y

We read as they are written, then we begin to read with the letter E, then with A, etc., placing each preceding vowel at the end of the table.

We pronounce it slowly, smoothly, melodiously, in one breath.

2. Syllables:

od ud id ed

de de di du

dyl didl dol das

garden pud ndu kdo

III. Exercises for the development of the speech apparatus.

Du - do - yes - the wires are humming.

Doc - doc - doc - we love to eat honey.

Water - water - water - Aunt Luda is a gardener.

IY.Exercises for intonation:

Grandfather Dodon played the pipe,

Dimka's grandfather hurt him.

Modern educational systems are based on communication, that is, they are communicative in nature. The teacher faces an important task - to teach children to use their native language correctly, to instill the desire to regularly improve and enrich it, to express their thoughts competently and fully, to prepare them for effective speech communication and information exchange. For these purposes, speech warm-up is the best fit, which helps develop pronunciation skills, expressive reading, and also prepares for creative activity. Such classes received a lot of positive feedback, including professional teachers, and among parents of schoolchildren.

Goals and objectives

Speech warm-up (speech exercises) is a set of short dynamic exercises. This is an important aspect of teaching preschoolers and younger children school age who have not yet achieved a high level of oral communication and fluent reading skills. Speech is also carried out at the beginning of a reading lesson to improve the articulation of sounds and practice clear speech. Regular implementation of such exercises helps to quickly eliminate defects in the pronunciation of sounds that cause difficulties in children, which is confirmed by reviews of speech therapists. The concept of speech warm-up can vary depending on what goal the teacher is guided by when performing a particular set of exercises. It is advisable to differentiate speech warm-ups to develop articulation skills, as well as to improve communication skills.

When preparing a warm-up, you should adhere to the following recommendations:

  • It is necessary to carefully select material for classes, based on an assessment of the psychological and pedagogical situation in the class.
  • Exercises should contribute to the development of children's horizons and replenish their active vocabulary.
  • You should perform the exercises regularly, for a few minutes at the beginning of the lesson.
  • Gradually move from simple to complex.
  • Give children the opportunity to express themselves creatively and be curious.

Speech breathing

Important preparatory stage To perform a speech warm-up, you need to develop the skill of inhaling and exhaling correctly and holding your breath. The famous teacher, Russian language methodologist M.R. Lvov, put breathing technique in first place. Technique for performing breathing exercises:

  • breathe through your nose;
  • do not raise your shoulders;
  • inhale briefly, exhale smoothly;
  • do not puff out your cheeks;
  • Take breaks between exercises to avoid dizziness.

Breathing exercises are performed without voice or with voice. Exercises without voice can be performed in a playful way using available materials. For example, in the “Football” exercise, students must blow a paper ball into a goal, and in the “Butterfly” exercise, they must make a paper butterfly suspended on a thread flutter. Sometimes it will be enough to just use your imagination - gently blow on an imaginary dandelion or blow out the candles on an invisible birthday cake without puffing out your cheeks.

Speech warm-up to develop articulation skills

This type of speech warm-up is traditionally carried out in several stages:

  1. Development exercises or articulation gymnastics. Aimed at training the articulation apparatus (tongue, lips, soft palate).
  2. Exercises to practice diction allow students to instill the skill of clear pronunciation of words, teach accuracy in constructing statements and self-control.
  3. Intonation exercises allow students to acquire the skill of expressing thoughts with different emotional tones, as well as recognizing the emotions of other people in their voices.

Sample speech warm-up to develop articulation skills

Articulation gymnastics - exercises “Frog”, “Elephant”, “Clock”. During these exercises, children train their lips and tongue in a playful way. Speech warm-up for articulation is performed with a count; the rhythm can also be set by a simple thematic rhyme.

Exercises to practice diction. Students clearly pronounce a series of vowels (ee-a-o-u-s), and then the syllables ( ar-or-ur-yr, rya-ro-re-rya). Pure talk. Also quite common and effective speech warm-up. Reading pure phrases is aimed at repeated repetition of a sentence consisting of words with complex articulation (Four turtles have four hatchlings).

Intonation exercises. " In the winter cold everyone is young". You need to read the saying with different intonations - first with a feeling of joy, then sadness and surprise.

Speech warm-up to develop communication skills

Question answer. It forces you to think broadly, show curiosity, and provides a tool for finding the necessary information. Elementary school students experience difficulties when it comes to taking the initiative in conversation and asking various questions. Therefore on initial stages It is recommended to give not too generalized, specific tasks.

Dialogue-game. Helps students find themselves in a new communicative situation, makes their imagination and ingenuity work, and promotes their emotional disclosure.

Description of the situation. Teaches you how to construct a monologue correctly and talk about something for a relatively long time and coherently. To develop your horizons, it can be performed using reproductions famous works Russian artists.

Sample speech warm-up for developing imagination

Answer-question. This is a type of question-answer speech warm-up, only it is performed in reverse. You can come up with a funny name that children will love, for example, the game “Inside Out” or “Topsy-Turvy.” At the beginning of the exercise, the teacher reads a short story or shows a picture, from which the children themselves make up a story. Then each student receives a card with an answer (“Four”, “In the forest”), questions for which he must come up with on his own. (“How many paws does a fox have?”, “Where does she live?”).

Dialogue-game. Once children have practiced asking questions, they can begin asking each other questions. One student (" guest") receives a card on which his role is written, but does not show it to others. The task of the others is to guess who is in front of them by asking various questions. Themes may vary: professions, magical creatures, fruits and vegetables.

Useful exercises when learning a foreign language

Speech warm-up is especially important in speech classes. foreign language. Speech warm-up in English lessons allows the teacher to make the beginning of the lesson bright and attract the attention of students, helps children tune in to the lesson and switch from their native language to a foreign language. On the one hand, such exercises English language can be aimed at repeating and consolidating the material covered in the previous lesson. On the other hand, a speech warm-up can serve as an introductory part for new topic. There are several types of such exercises:

  • Phonetic speech warm-up. The English language presents a challenge for students when it comes to pronouncing the interdental sounds "s" and "z", which are absent in the native language. Phonetic warm-up helps prepare the speech apparatus for pronouncing complex sounds. This type includes tongue twisters, rhymes, phonetic “ladders” ( we- win- wind- winter- window).
  • Lexical. As a lexical speech warm-up, you can use the “snowball” game, when each student adds one word to the original sentence. The teacher offers a model sentence and shows an example: « A lady went to the market and boughta pumpkin”. Students continue to add one word to the sentence, repeating all previous options. The task encourages repetition. Remembering the order of words in a sentence, past form irregular verbs (went, bought), vocabulary on a specific topic is practiced.
  • Grammar. Helps to consolidate a certain grammar topic. The work can be structured in question-and-answer form. For example, students stand in a circle, throw a ball to each other and take turns asking the question “Have you ever...?”;
  • Dialogue speech warm-up in English helps to develop the skill of forming different types questions, as well as a short and concise answer. The teacher offers students cards describing the situation and assigning roles. For example, acquaintance, dialogue in the library, dialogue in the clinic, etc.

Throughout life, a person’s speech improves and becomes enriched. The most important period in its formation and development is childhood. At this time, active development takes place linguistic means, replenished and activated lexicon, reading and writing skills emerge. Speech warm-ups in elementary school help children move to a new level of speech activity, improve pronunciation, learn to communicate, as well as overcome emotional barriers and believe in their abilities.

Nikitina Elena Andreevna
Job title: teacher speech therapist
Educational institution: State educational institution "Lebyazhevskaya special (correctional) boarding school"
Locality: Lebyazhye village, Kurgan region
Name of material: article
Subject:"Methodological technique - speech warm-up"
Publication date: 13.02.2018
Chapter: secondary vocational

State Budgetary Educational Institution “Lebyazhye Special (Correctional) Boarding School


Performed: Nikitina Elena Andreevna

teacher speech therapist

Speech warm-ups in class.

A lesson in a modern primary school for children with speech impairments should be

aimed at correcting oral and writing. Especially great attention

should be aimed at children whose speech disorders are systemic

character, affecting phonetic-phonemic and lexical-grammatical

sides of speech. Level speech development mentally retarded children are much lower

speech disorders manifest themselves against the background of severe cognitive impairment

activity, abnormal mental development in general. Speech disorders in

Such children are characterized by persistence and are difficult to eliminate.

Therefore, work on correcting oral and written speech is so important not only

speech therapy classes. Speech warm-ups provide great assistance in work,

which can be taught in any lesson, be it mathematics, Russian,

speech development or technology.

“Guiding the game, organizing the lives of children in the game, the teacher influences everything

aspects of the development of a child’s personality: feelings, consciousness, will and

behavior in general."

Stages of the lesson at which it is appropriate to use a methodological technique:

"Speech warm-up" - the beginning of the lesson (in order to mobilize attention, include in

training session);

"Speech pause"- middle of the lesson (in order to switch attention, change the view

activities). Speech minutes can be combined with the topic of the lesson, if not

It turns out that the result will still be there. The format is varied: you can

conducted orally or included in a presentation, you can use visual,

didactic materials.

Below are examples of speech warm-ups.









it is necessary to develop the mobility of the articulatory apparatus. Visual tempo

the perception of text largely depends on the capabilities of the speech motor channel. U

students with developmental disabilities have impaired mobility and coordination of organs









exercises for correct pronunciation of sounds, for practicing diction, for developing


(we pronounce



students to correctly read words and correct them.

Speech gymnastics is carried out for 3-5 minutes. Depending on the target

direction and nature of the exercise. In addition, some exercises may

become part of physical education sessions. Speech gymnastics can be done while sitting or

Speech gymnastics includes:

Breathing exercises;

Exercises to practice intonation and rate of speech;

Exercises to improve speech expressiveness;

Exercises to improve pronunciation (sound pronunciation and diction)

Examples of speech gymnastics:

Breathing regulation exercise.

The exercise is performed standing. The teacher explains to the children that they need to stand straight,


at ease,



exhale. Hold your breath for the count of “ones”, then count in unison on one exhale

to three, then to four and five. Instead of counting as you exhale, quietly say either

sentence or words. The teacher draws attention to the fact that the end of the word

(sentences) sounded clearly and with the same force as the beginning.

You can make sounds instead of words or sentences.

For example:

1) Inhale and pronounce all vowel sounds in one exhalation. First they say

in chorus, then individually. –

Read quickly and look carefully:




2) On one exhalation, increase or decrease the sound.

Steamboat whistle - approaching or moving away: N-N-N, M-M-M-M...

Bee buzzing: J-J-J-J...

Wind noise: Sh-Sh-Sh-Sh…..

The sound should be pronounced effortlessly, freely.

3) Taking a deep breath, as you exhale, read 15 consonants of one row (with sounds):

B K Z S T R M N V Z R Sh L N X

3) Extend the sound as follows:

First 5 sec. quietly, then another 5 seconds. increasing the volume, last 5 sec.

as loud as possible. Make sure that the chest does not shrink.

This skill is further reinforced through reading. The teacher demonstrates to the children

How to take a breath while reading:

Breathe evenly and unnoticed by the listeners;

Before reading long sentences (without pauses), you need to type enough

air, use it sparingly in order to read the sentence from the beginning

until the end, without interruption.

In order to teach children to speak clearly and purely, we can recommend


exercises aimed at clarifying the pronunciation of certain

sounds, the use of sounds in words, phrases and sentences.

Here you can actively use: pure sayings, nursery rhymes, quatrains

poetic texts. For example: “A rustling sound is heard, the mice are out”, “It’s creepy for a bug”





program material. For example: section “Sounds and Letters” in the Russian language.

When studying the differentiation of sounds [s] - [z] after clarifying the pronunciation

For the indicated sounds and comparison exercises, you can use a pure phrase:

Bitten the dog.

There's a wasp right in the nose.

The dog wanted

Eat a wasp.

And the wasp escaped -

She's gone!

And the tasks can be varied:



exclamation point



Like a dialogue, like an information-message...

On behalf of anyone fairy tale hero, from a representative of the profession….


work off



respond correctly to what the interlocutor says.

Learning to speak expressively.

Expressiveness is what stands out from the general background, what arouses interest.

The correct choice of tone helps the interlocutor to listen, understand, and appreciate.

1. Read following the instructions:

, - slight pause

: - long pause before explanation

Quite a long pause when comparing

; - long pause at the end of a semantic passage.

The same exercise can be performed orally and during pronunciation along the way.

show a card with a sign.

Texts, proverbs, proverbs to choose from. For example:

“Whoever wants to know a lot needs to sleep little!”

“It’s Valyusha’s birthday!

Treat everyone, Valyusha.

Here are the cheesecakes

Here's the jam

Here it is hot, strong...”

the indicated “signal sign”. "Signal signs":

Ask in wonder;

! - rejoice;

…. – grief;

You ask to clarify;

Claim your rights as an elder.

The choice of type of speech warm-up depends on:

Age characteristics of students;

Training stage;

Lesson topics;

Students' language experience;

It could be:

Reading syllabic tables various modifications;

Reading difficult words based on syllabic and morphemic composition words

Readings by guess.

To develop the skill of correct reading, you can use exercises ,

aimed at developing memory and attention:

1. Game: "Crawling Line".




pure saying, proverb... The tape stretches quickly. Children read either “about

yourself,” or out loud. Then they reproduce what they saw from memory. Or write it down

third word, preposition...

2. "Editor"

In one minute, find words in the text starting with a given letter.





4. Find the extra syllable: vo, do, jo, but, ky, ho (“ky”, since the rest are with the letter “o”)

5."Name the rule»:

Hidden here is a very important rule for spelling numerals. Read

his: 5b – 20b, 30b, 5b0 – 8b0, 5b00 – 9b00

6. Read the words from right to left:


Exercises to develop conscious reading skills

1. What do words have in common and how do they differ?

Spruce - ate, Yura - hurray, soap - sweet.

2. Which letter, syllable, word is extra?

ma ra la ny ta

ku na dy ti lo

Games with words.

1. Game “Find a word in a word.”

For example, currant (mole, genus...).

2. Reading two-syllable words with two missing letters.

3. Crosswords.

What is the boy's name?

4. Arrange the letters correctly.

When working with deformed texts, unfinished stories, actively

I use the technique of visual modeling. Using models that include

supporting stylized pictures corresponding to parts of the story activate

attention, arouse interest. Using display with the inclusion of actions itself

the child satisfies his natural need to perceive and act

simultaneously. This is important for the accumulation of the child’s sensory experience.

Tasks like: Make up sentences about the topic of the lesson.

School, class, desk, duty officer, guys, notebook, pencil case, lesson.


For children with speech disorders speech warm-ups are essential

meaning. They contribute to the development of higher mental functions: perception,

attention, memory, thinking, development creativity, contribute

correction of oral and written speech through the preparation of sentences,

develops the ability to express one’s thoughts logically, verbally through utterance

of your thoughts, providing evidence, contributes to the development of moral

qualities: mutual assistance, mutual assistance, positive attitude towards opinion

other people, respect for one’s own opinion, develop the ability to work in

group, in pairs this is very important, because junior schoolchildren don't know how to work yet

a team. Increases student interest in lessons.

1. Standing in a stable position: feet approximately shoulder-width apart, arms hanging freely along the body, head straightened and the top of the head reaching towards the ceiling.

2. Closing our eyes, we begin to consistently build our body from bottom to top. From the shin we use our imagination to begin building the legs to the knees.

3. From the knee, gradually build up the hips and hip girdle.

5. Having reached the chest, we stop and feel how the shoulder girdle is attached to the core of the spine, easily and freely turning in different directions.

6. We continue to line up the cervical vertebrae and feel how the head floats up easily and weightlessly on its growing vertical.

7. Let’s imagine how easily our hands rise up, like feathers, starting from our fingertips.

8. Smoothly lowering your arms and returning to the starting position, open your eyes. Exercise "Sun".

1. Having relaxed your whole body, take a “coachman’s pose” in a half squat, “the sun is sleeping.”

2. The “Sun”, having woken up, rises from the horizon and stretches its rays (arms and fingers) up and to the sides, trying to reach the most remote corners of the surrounding space and hold the vault of heaven on its rays (at the highest point we strain “to ringing" whole body).

3. “Night” and “sun rays” descend and begin to fade: first, the fingers relax with general tension in the rest of the body.

4. Then the hands, elbows, arms drop to the shoulders, the shoulders sag, the torso bends, the legs give way - we again find ourselves in a relaxed “coachman pose”, “the sun has set” and resting. But in a moment it will wake up and, rapidly rushing upward, will again fill the entire space.

Exercises for establishing nasal mixed-diaphragmatic breathing.

Breathing is the energy base of speech. Diaphragmatic breathing allows us to fill the most capacious lower lobes of the lungs during speech.

Exercise 1.

1. In a sharp half-squat with a straight back, we simultaneously grab the upper part of the body with our hands (as if hugging ourselves), actively inhale through the nose, directing the breath into the lower part of the lungs. The mouth is half open, we don’t think about exhaling. Excess air comes out through the half-open mouth.

2. Having done 8-10 squats, we exhale for a long time through slightly closed lips, accompanying it with the sound f-f-f-f-f.

Exercise 2.

1. Sitting on a chair, as if about to rise from it, we direct our body upward. IN last moment Without allowing yourself to tear yourself away from the seat and fixing yourself in this position, we actively sigh through the nose.

2. Sitting on a chair, we exhale long with the sound f-f-f-f.

Exercises 3-4.

1. Turning your head alternately to the right and left shoulder, inhale through your nose 6-8 times. The mouth is half open, we don’t think about exhaling. Having completed the series, we exhale fixedly through half-closed lips with the sound f-f-f.

2. A similar exercise only with the head tilted up and down.

Each series of breaths is performed 7-8 times.

Vibration massage to awaken speech resonators.

1. Tapping the fingertips on the forehead from the middle to the temples, we pronounce the sounds mi-mi-mi;

2. We continue the massage by tapping our fingers from the bridge of the nose to the lips, pronouncing the sounds no-no-no;

3. We also massage the upper jaw with the sounds of vi-vi-vi;

4. Lower jaw - zhi-zhi-zhi sounds;

5. We pat the chest with our palm and pronounce the sounds yamma-yanna-yalla. With an emphasis on sonorous sounds.

6. Also patting yourself on the lower part of the ribs;

An exercise to develop different sound ranges.

1. Stand up straight with your hands in front of your chest. In a sharp half bend while simultaneously moving your bent arms to the sides, pronounce the sound - I (repeat 6-8 times).

2. Stand up straight, arms along your body. Leaning forward and as if tearing off the grass under your feet with your hands, in the lower position pronounce the same sound - I (repeat 6-8 times).

3. Stand sideways, left leg slightly in front, right leg resting behind. With your hands, grasping an imaginary rope, pull it towards you, leaning your body back. In the extreme tilted position of the body, pronounce the sound - I (repeat 6-8 times).



1. Pull out your lips and then stretch them into a smile. Carefully, slowly, make sure that your lips stretch and hide your teeth behind them. Repeat 6-8 times.

2. Pull your lips forward like a tube, then, without changing the position of your lips, lift them up to your nose and lower them down to your chin. Repeat 6-8 times.

3. Lips forward like a tube, then pull them without changing position to the right and left. Repeat 6-8 times.

4. Lips forward in a tube, then up, left, down. Repeat 6-8 times.

5. Use your tongue to tingle the inside of the cheek, alternately the right and left.

6. Manipulation with the tongue: roll it into a tube; straighten with a spatula; stick it out in different directions like a snake sting and hide it in your mouth.


With table vowels I-E-A-O-U-Y

1. Pi-PE-PA-Po-Pu-Py;

2. Bee-Be-Ba-Bo-Bu-By;

3. Ki-Ke-Ka-Ko-Ku-Ky;

4. Gi-Ge-Ga-Go-Gu-Gee;

5. Ki-gi, Ke-ge, Ka-ga, Ko-go, Ku-gu, Ky-gy;

6. Wi-fi, We-Fe, Wa-fa, Wo-fo, Wu-fu; You-fy;

7. Or ryo, Ur-ryu, Or-rya;


From near Kostroma, from near the Kostroma region, Senka is carrying Sanka and Sonya on a sled. He's lucky and he's so tongue twisters. A black grouse was sitting on a tree; the shadow of the black grouse was from the tree. They say, if you look for a wasp's whiskers, you won't find it. Like how Savva is, so is his glory. They say the cap is sewn, but not in Kolokolov’s way, the bell is poured, but not in Kolokolov’s way. It is necessary to re-cap and re-cap. The bell needs to be re-knocked and re-knocked. We need to re-speak and re-speak all the tongue twisters. And then you’ll start talking like you’re babbling a river.

Anyone who wants to talk must pronounce everything correctly and clearly, so that everyone can understand it. We will talk and pronounce it so correctly and clearly that it will become clear to everyone.

Brief warm-up of the speech apparatus