Shocking decree of the US President. Waiting for a global catastrophe? About survivalists and the ancient Slavic approach to BP How to prepare housing for upcoming global cataclysms

An appeal by US President Barack Obama appeared on the official website of the White House, in which he declared September 2016 to be the month of preparation for global disasters. This announcement caused a mixed reaction among the American population. US citizens believe that with this announcement the president decided to prepare the country's population for a real global catastrophe without causing panic.

Moreover, recently German Chancellor Angela Merkel also appealed to citizens to have an emergency supply of water and food.



Americans have been tested by trial and tragedy from our earliest days, but year after year, no matter the difficulty, we will persevere and move forward. Fifteen years after the terrorist attacks of September 11, we think about our power when something threatens us.

Today, as Louisiana residents mourn the loss of loved ones and face massive damage caused by historic flooding, we are reminded of what Americans do in times like these...we see the power of love and community among neighbors who step up to help under extremely difficult conditions.

Prepare to face unknown challenges tomorrow- this is ours common task, and when faced with a crisis or disaster, we must do everything we can to prepare. During National Preparedness Month, we emphasize the importance of preparing ourselves and our communities to be resilient in the face of any emergency we may face.

While my Administration continues to do everything possible to keep the American people safe, it is the responsibility of every citizen to be as prepared as possible for emergencies. Either in the form natural Disasters such as hurricanes and earthquakes, or terrible manifestations of evil such as terrorism, danger can arise in unexpected places and at any time.

Fortunately, there are many things individuals, families, and communities can do to improve their preparedness. I encourage all Americans to take proactive steps to prepare for any situation that may arise:

Be prepared for emergency notification, check insurance, document valuables, create a plan for emergency communications and evacuation, and have a fully stocked emergency survival kit in the event of a global disaster.

And I encourage the business community to prepare their employees, develop a business continuity plan, and participate in community planning to ensure our communities and the private sector remain strong in the face of an emergency. For information on how to better prepare for emergencies that are common in your area or to learn about resources that may be available to improve preparedness, visit or

In the face of unpredictable threats and risks, we are committed to improving access to information and raising awareness of the importance of precautions. Our nation's leaders must take time to review the 2016 National Preparedness Report and find ways to address the vulnerabilities it highlights. All Americans can play a role in achieving national preparedness goals to address the risks that affect them and participate in preparedness efforts throughout our country.

We continue to cooperate with government and local authorities, in the public and private sectors, so that communities in crisis are not left alone to face these dangers alone. In addition to coordinating relief and rapid response efforts, we are focused on supporting the needs of survivors investing in affected areas and helping them rebuild their communities to be better, stronger and more resilient. Federal agencies Sharing resources with the public, promoting tools and technologies that can help during disasters, and preparedness strategies also work.

We've launched America's Emergency Preparedness Month! Join forces and help us plan for emergencies and we must get everything done by September 30th, we encourage everyone to consider this a national day of action to spur preparedness efforts from coast to coast.

Disasters are becoming more frequent and severe as our climate changes, both urban and rural areas are already feeling catastrophic impacts, including drought and rising sea levels, intensifying storms and fires, and more powerful hurricanes and abnormal heat. Climate change poses an immediate and lasting threat to our security and national security, and it is critical that we invest in infrastructure and integrate preparedness efforts in our communities to improve our ability to respond to and recover from the impacts of climate change and extreme weather events.

This month we pay tribute to the brave people who rush to the scene of a disaster for their dedication to our safety, no matter the risk. Let's recognize that we each have a role to play in preparing for emergencies, helping those affected by disasters, and ensuring all of our people have the resources and knowledge they need to protect themselves. Together, we will remain strong and resilient no matter what comes our way.

Therefore, I, Barack Obama, President of the United States of America, by the authority vested in me by the Constitution and laws of the United States, do proclaim September 2016 as National Preparedness Month. I encourage all Americans to recognize the importance of preparedness and work together to increase our resilience and readiness.

In witness whereof, I have affixed my signature to this document on August 31, 2016.

What exactly are you waiting for? What kind of disaster?

The Slavs have always been opponents of civilization, that is, when, due to technocracy, the native world of nature is destroyed. Civilization is a system of consumption without return. For more than one millennium, dark personalities have tried to take over the world through wars, pitting one people against another. Sometimes they succeeded, sometimes not so much. But one day they managed to implement one of their most secret methods of taking over the planet - usury, since then bankers have ruled the world under the command of the dark ones.

Fortunately for us, the time is now coming on Earth when the end of civilization will come. And believe me, this is great, people will stop destroying nature and extracting megatons of natural resources, pollute the atmosphere and fight with each other. Dark forces They will partly destroy themselves, Mother Earth will work hard on this, and Yarilo-Trisvetly (Our Sun) will also help with love. For us, the main thing is to take cover in time and not get involved in those games that the dark ones will try to impose on the world, saving their dollar. There will be wars, floods, and disasters. They have already broken out all over the planet, they just haven’t knocked on every house yet. But when they knock on a Russian person’s house, that’s when he’ll think: “Wow, why didn’t I prepare for this in advance?”

How long have you been a prepper? Where did it all start?

In general, each of us is a survivor, some to a greater extent, some to a lesser extent. We just don't think about it. Society uses a different term; we usually call such people thrifty. A person of this type prefers to make small supplies at home, in the cellar. “Just in case, in reserve, what if something happens,” he says to himself. Some people have a plot of land far from the city, others have a pit with food in their garage. And this is normal, for a Russian person the desire to stockpile lies on a subconscious level. This is due to our climatic factors, the harsh long winter, and the events that took place in our history.

I learned to stock up since early childhood. Even as a child, together with my parents, I filled the cellar with various preservatives that we stored for the winter: pickles, jams, tomatoes, cucumbers, mushrooms, potatoes, compote, etc.

This is passed down from generation to generation, of course, in metropolitan cities these traditions are lost. However, even in such conditions, there are people for whom a small plot of land outside the city is a rest for the soul, a place where they have their own little paradise, where they can gain strength by lovingly working on their own piece of land, in order to return to the city with new strength, in a new pursuit of money.

I consciously became a survivalist at the moment when I came to understand the world in which I live, what processes are taking place in it and what they can lead to.

How exactly do you prepare for disaster?

There are many preppers in Russia and they are all different. Some are preparing for a military invasion, some for various kinds of cataclysms, for a magnetic pole shift, for volcanic eruptions, for solar flares, for floods, and some for nuclear war. More people are arriving in our regiment every day, and this is due to the events that are happening in the world now. The instinct of self-preservation begins to awaken in people.

My preparation takes place on two levels - on the material and on the spiritual. For me, the spiritual comes first, and then the material. Some of the survivalists do not touch on the spiritual side of preparation at all, while others do not touch on the material side. I urge you not to rush to extremes, but to conduct more or less harmonious preparation. Naturally, it is better to at least prepare financially than to do nothing at all.

One day, when the shops stop working to feed yourself and your family, you, who miraculously survived, will be forced by hunger to go hunting. Of course, if you are not one of those who knew about this terrible event in advance and took care of your food safety by burying many caches throughout the area where you live. Hunger will force you to go into the forest after the beast, it will force you to kill in order to survive in this new world.

There are also survivalists among us who believe that they will survive by hunting and gathering for their food. Let me note that catching an animal in the forest is not such an easy task, even if you have good, high-quality down. Ed World clearly demonstrated this in his four-part film “Alone with Nature,” which is shown on the Discovery Channel.

A very good thing for a city dweller would be to start a vegetable garden, in which, step by step, begin to grow, albeit small, but your own harvest, independent of anyone. In the event of any terrible events, he will help you survive these difficult times with less shock.

I do not advise you to change your shopping addiction and become dependent on forest animals. And what’s more important, you shouldn’t, having gotten rid of your shopping addiction, fall into garden addiction. Of course, the vegetable garden is good source fuel for the stomach, but it also strongly correlates with climatic and other force majeure factors. Good and high-quality caches in large quantities and in various places both in their own and adjacent areas, The best way increase your food security and, as a result, survival in critical situations be it a military invasion of states hostile to us, severe natural anomalies, solar flares, man-made disasters and other possible options.

How does your family feel about this? Do your loved ones share your concerns?

I haven’t started my own family yet, but I feel like my soulmate is rubbing around somewhere nearby. It is very important for a person to create a family with his soul mate, which is destined for him by fate. It is with her that a person will quickly learn the lessons for which he came into this world; it is with her that he will be able to bring souls into this world that will have qualities that can teach him how to live further.

My parents do not support my fears, because I do not have these same fears. What should I be afraid of if I am already prepared for many man-made and natural disasters, if I already have hundreds of caches throughout the region, if I have already mapped out the routes of “where and what” in the event of certain events?

And what should I fear if I realize that I am not a body, that I am a soul and my body is just a spacesuit with the help of which I undergo training in this world, and that under the most terrible circumstances, the most I will lose is my body , your bag of bones. After some time they will give me a new one. And if anyone still believes that he lives once, then I dare to upset him, because he is mistaken and there are a million facts about this for those who are sleeping in their souls, but for those who have woken up, facts are not needed, they already know this.

Are you preparing for disaster alone or do you have fellow believers? Who are they?

There are preppers in every city. People are increasingly beginning to ask themselves the question: “What if? What then? How can I protect my family? We, survivalists, are the same ordinary people, we just ask ourselves these questions more often than others. As soon as a person asks himself this question, he automatically stands at a crossroads - to be a survivalist or not. If he answers to himself: “Yes, I am responsible for my family,” he goes to the store and buys himself a couple of bags of buckwheat, that’s it, now he is a survivalist. We call such survivors “sofa survivors” and there are more of them. This is neither good nor bad, it’s just a fact, and such people, as I already said, we usually call thrifty.

There are solitary survivors, there are collectives, and there are also survivors who are not written about in any media. mass media. This is a taboo; society should not know what those in power are doing. Many Corporations have their own armies, networks underground bunkers, thousands of secret food storage facilities, scientific and research centers where developments are underway to study climate, seismic and geomagnetic phenomena currently occurring on the planet and in near-Earth space. In addition to corporations, the majority of the world elite is preparing for the upcoming events; entire cities are being built underground and in the ocean with various infrastructure that facilitate long-term living in them.

Places in these cities are not sold for any money, because the world government already has all the money in the world, they themselves will print as much as they want, they don’t need money, money is just paper. Places in such cities are sold for completely different things, something that an ordinary person cannot even imagine. It’s too early to talk about this, people themselves must realize this, this is a kind of lesson for us, we must learn to see lies and be able to identify them.

As for comrades in convictions, I personally don’t have them, I have comrades in knowledge, comrades with whom I can cover my back in battle, and this, ask any intelligence officer, is much more important than any convictions. You need to make friends, but just friends, not partners. The squad, where everyone is responsible “for his own right”, is a strong ancient Russian system that helped our ancestors for more than one millennium repel enemies seeking to seize our lands.

What do you do in ordinary life, your profession?

I have one life and I don’t divide it into ordinary and unusual. I don’t have and never will have a profession, but I know many crafts, I especially like to work with an axe, I know how to pick mushrooms - which is not a craft, canning them, drying them, I learned how to dig trenches in the army, so now I have no problems with caches, communicating with the forest “on “You” can, but I can do a lot of things, of course, and even more that I can’t. And I don’t need professions to make money, what’s all this for, the path to nowhere, or rather down there, to dark worlds, what did I forget there?

But I can get money for a gun and buckwheat anyway, I went to the woods over there and picked mushrooms, strawberries, raspberries, brooms and put them in the bathhouse to steam, sat down by the road, for an hour or two, they’ll sell everything out in no time, you won’t have time to gasp. But you need a gun, without it it will be hard, like thousands of hungry people will be trampled, just have time to fight back later and sit out in the taiga. We have a survivalist saying: “An optimist learns English, a pessimist learns Chinese, a realist learns a Kalashnikov.”

Where should someone who decided to prepare for a global catastrophe start?

My answer may seem stupid to you, but this is only for those whose fontanel on their head is closed from love. And those who have an open mind will understand me.

First of all, you need to ask yourself two simple questions: who am I and why did I come into this world. There is an ancient saying: “Go there without knowing where, bring that without knowing what.” For those who have not cut off the deep ancient wisdom, let me explain - you need to go inside yourself in order to remember who you really are and why you came into this world. For those who are not aware of the meaning of life, I inform you that this meaning is “learning to love unconditionally,” that is, not giving a damn about all the machinations of the people around you, and this is very difficult, at least for me, and for most, I suppose, too. If you learn to love, you won’t be afraid of any apocalypse, nor will a flood or a Chinese military invasion affect you the way they affect those for whom love is given with great difficulty. Of course, a couple tons of buckwheat will only be beneficial, because, as they say folk wisdom: “Trust in God, but don’t make a mistake yourself.”

Finally, I would like to wish everyone love, happiness and successful survival in the upcoming events. And no matter what cataclysms and wars await us ahead, Rus' has stood and will stand, thanks to the strength of our people and the strength of their spirit.

An appeal by US President Barack Obama appeared on the official website of the White House, in which he declared September 2016 to be the month of preparation for global disasters. This announcement caused a mixed reaction among the American population. US citizens believe that with this announcement the president decided to prepare the country's population for a real global catastrophe without causing panic.

Moreover, recently German Chancellor Angela Merkel also appealed to citizens to have an emergency supply of water and food.



Americans have been tested by trial and tragedy from our earliest days, but year after year, no matter the difficulty, we will persevere and move forward. Fifteen years after the terrorist attacks of September 11, we think about our power when something threatens us.

Today, as Louisiana residents mourn the loss of loved ones and face massive damage caused by historic flooding, we are reminded of what Americans do in times like these...we see the power of love and community among neighbors who step up to help under extremely difficult conditions.

Preparing to face the unknown challenges of tomorrow is our shared responsibility, and when faced with a crisis or disaster, we must do everything we can to prepare. During National Preparedness Month, we emphasize the importance of preparing ourselves and our communities to be resilient in the face of any emergency we may face.

While my Administration continues to do everything possible to keep the American people safe, it is the responsibility of every citizen to be as prepared as possible for emergencies. Whether in the form of natural disasters such as hurricanes and earthquakes, or terrible manifestations of evil such as terrorism, danger can arise in unexpected places and at any time.

Fortunately, there are many things individuals, families, and communities can do to improve their preparedness. I encourage all Americans to take proactive steps to prepare for any situation that may arise:

Be prepared for emergency notification, check insurance, document valuables, create a plan for emergency communications and evacuation, and have a fully stocked emergency survival kit in the event of a global disaster.

And I encourage the business community to prepare their employees, develop a business continuity plan, and participate in community planning to ensure our communities and the private sector remain strong in the face of an emergency. For information on how to better prepare for emergencies that are common in your area or to learn about resources that may be available to improve preparedness, visit or

In the face of unpredictable threats and risks, we are committed to improving access to information and raising awareness of the importance of precautions. Our nation's leaders must take time to review the 2016 National Preparedness Report and find ways to address the vulnerabilities it highlights. All Americans can play a role in achieving national preparedness goals to address the risks that affect them and participate in preparedness efforts throughout our country.

We continue to collaborate with state and local authorities, across the public and private sectors, to ensure that communities in crisis are not left alone to face these dangers alone. In addition to coordinating relief and rapid response efforts, we are focused on supporting the needs of survivors investing in affected areas and helping them rebuild their communities to be better, stronger and more resilient. Federal agencies also work to share resources with the public, promote tools and technologies that can help during natural disasters, and prepare strategies.

We've launched America's Emergency Preparedness Month! Join forces and help us plan for emergencies and we must get everything done by September 30th, we encourage everyone to consider this a national day of action to spur preparedness efforts from coast to coast.

Disasters are becoming more frequent and severe as our climate changes, with both urban and rural areas already feeling catastrophic impacts, including drought and rising sea levels, more severe storms and fires, and more powerful hurricanes and heat waves. Climate change poses an immediate and lasting threat to our security and national security, and it is critical that we invest in infrastructure and integrate preparedness efforts for our communities to improve our ability to respond to and recover from the impacts of climate change and extreme weather events.

This month we pay tribute to the brave people who rush to the scene of a disaster for their dedication to our safety, no matter the risk. Let's recognize that we each have a role to play in preparing for emergencies, helping those affected by disasters, and ensuring all of our people have the resources and knowledge they need to protect themselves. Together, we will remain strong and resilient no matter what comes our way.

Therefore, I, Barack Obama, President of the United States of America, by the authority vested in me by the Constitution and laws of the United States, do proclaim September 2016 as National Preparedness Month. I encourage all Americans to recognize the importance of preparedness and work together to increase our resilience and readiness.

In witness whereof, I have affixed my signature to this document on August 31, 2016. Barack Obama.

People have always expected and prepared for events that could lead to the end of the world: nuclear winter, zombie apocalypse - any threat to humanity forces us to prepare to survive. You too can learn how to properly prepare for the end of the world.


How to prepare for a disaster?

    Pack the necessary things for quick evacuation. An “alarm backpack” is an essential part of your luggage that is packed in advance and will be ready when you notice the first signs of an impending disaster. There are many useful lists of things you should take with you in such a backpack - the choice depends on the situation in which you expect to find yourself. Among the things that will definitely be needed in any case are the following:

    Pack iodine tablets. These pills will help your thyroid gland be less affected by radiation. They will be especially helpful in the event of radioactive fallout.

    Pack wisely. While preparing your backpack with everything you need, remember that your first priority is to remain mobile. Be prepared to walk for a long time with this backpack. Without a doubt, you want to be prepared for any eventuality, but at the same time you need to be able to carry your belongings.

    Try to figure out which events are most likely to happen. Some events are more likely to happen than others. You can prepare for a fire, a flood, a nuclear attack, or a government coup. These are the “end of the world” options that can destroy the sources of your existence.

    Plan your escape routes. You should have several well-thought-out escape routes for different situations. It is better to have several options in case some of them turn out to be unavailable.

    • For example, do you know how to get out of your house or apartment in case of fire?
    • How to leave the city in an emergency?
    • How will you get away if you don't know how to drive?

    How to prepare psychologically?

    1. Learn to control panic attacks. Panic attacks happen when the brain is overloaded with signals from the body's systems, such as the adrenal glands. Such attacks are accompanied by physical discomfort, such as difficulty breathing, a feeling of fear and dizziness. They may be caused stressful situations or memories of a traumatic experience in the past.

      • To avoid a panic attack, try to stop smoking and consuming products containing caffeine (you will still have to do this in the event of a global disaster).
      • Work on learning to control your breathing and body.
      • Find out what exactly causes your panic attacks and try to cope with this stress. If you understand what makes you panic, you can mentally prepare yourself and learn to avoid what triggers your stress.
    2. Control your breathing. Research has shown that you can reduce stress by practicing deep breathing techniques. To master deep breathing techniques, you must be able to listen to your body.

      Learn to redirect your emotions. Transferring or redirecting emotions is the conscious act of “switching off” or numbing strong emotions. This skill is not easy to develop; it will take time and practice.

      • First, learn to recognize your emotions. This may seem like a difficult task. Get into the habit of writing down all your strong emotions, as well as what is happening around you at this time. This journal will help you make connections between emotions and situations.
      • Then try using volitional efforts to evoke another emotion. For example, if you know something is causing you to have panic attacks, try to associate a feeling of calm with that situation. By practicing this way, you will eventually learn to evoke substitute feelings at the right moment, but it will not be easy.
    3. Learn how to train your brain to focus on survival. You don't want to keep counting crows during a disaster, do you? This is why the skill of abstracting from your emotions and distracting thoughts can save your life.

      • If you learn to replace emotions, you will help your brain effectively control them. When you find yourself in a life-threatening situation, your brain tries to save your life. Emotions and panic can affect reaction times, so learning to block strong emotions will help your brain protect your body.

    How to find the right shelter?

    1. Go underground. If you fear the end of humanity or a bombing, sheltering underground may be your best chance. This could be a bunker, bomb shelter or other underground shelter. Many companies specialize in custom design and construction of such shelters.

      Stay hidden. History has shown that people panic during disasters such as terrorist attacks and bombings. If you and your family want to stay safe, consider hiding and staying away from other people as much as possible. This method of survival is usually described as “life outside the system”, since it implies complete isolation from society.

      Consider protection from the elements. If you have to leave your usual place of life, it is important to know where to find shelter from any elements. You need to know the following:

    How to prepare the body?

      Be in good physical shape. Your body is your most important survival tool in any situation. You need to make sure you're in top shape, especially when it comes to the end of the world. Eat healthy foods such as vegetables, fruits and foods containing healthy proteins to keep your body healthy. You also need to exercise to keep your muscles toned for long hikes and runs.

      Doctors recommend exercising to stay healthy. You may have to run quickly or walk a lot. To best prepare your body for this, do cardio.

      • Cardio exercise will help improve blood circulation. There are many types of cardio workouts: fast running, jogging, rowing.

      Take the necessary medications and get vaccinated. To maintain health, you need to constantly engage in it. You should not miss preventive examinations with doctors. Visit your dentist, ophthalmologist, and physician regularly.

      Learn self-defense. You never know what situation you will find yourself in, so you need to learn how to protect yourself from physical threats.