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Where did the oxygen come from?

The nature of this chemical element was discovered 3 times, the last one was the famous French chemist Antoine Laurent Lavoisier, who studied oxygen as a component in combustion.

For more than 2 years he studied all the reactions of interaction between various elements, which gave him the opportunity to claim the “life gas” released during the combustion of nitrogen, and thus he discovered new element- oxygen.

Now everyone knows that this element is vital for all living things; its chemical structure is closely related to almost every element known today (with the exception of inert gases).

As part of the atmosphere of our planet, oxygen arrives in a free (not bound) state.

Presumably, according to scientists, there was practically no oxygen on the young, newly created planet Earth. It began to be created through the development of the life activity of photosynthetic organisms.

The main part of the surface consisted of gases that can now be found during a volcanic explosion (water vapor, carbon monoxide, hydrogen sulfide, etc.).

The process of creating an atmosphere began with the development of prokaryotes, which, under the influence of sunlight, absorbed oxygen from carbon dioxide, and in return they released oxygen, like by-product reactions.

Since prokaryotes did not need constant free oxygen for respiration, but used anaerobic oxygen, oxygen accumulated in the atmosphere itself and entered into mutual reactions with elements on the surface of the still young planet.

Practical meaning of oxygen

Up to 65% of a person's body weight is oxygen. This is approximately 40 kg for an adult. It is the most common oxidizing agent on the planet.

Oxygen is found in:

● composition of rocks of the earth's crust

● the world's oceans (as part of the water molecule itself and dissolved in gaseous form)

● Atmosphere (free form and in the composition of other gases)

For human body it is important as an element of redox processes.

Thanks to the presence of oxygen in our body, we can process fats, carbohydrates, and proteins to extract the necessary useful energy for human needs.

Oxygen is widely used in medicine as a source of pure substance for the resuscitation of seriously ill patients. It is administered through a special oxygen machine and mask.

The use of oxygen is also developed in:

● automotive industry for plasma cutting as an additional gas;

● chemical industry, as the main oxidizer of many processes;

● glass industry to improve combustion quality;

● the field of metallurgy for air enrichment or air replacement;

As can be seen from the list, oxygen is an integral component of the normal functioning of all life on the planet.

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Position of oxygen in p.s. Electronic structure. 2nd period, 2nd row, 6-A group The ancestor of the main subgroup of the 6th group. “Chalcogens” - giving birth to ores (O, S, Se, Te, Po) O 8 15.9994 2s 2 2p 4 Oxygen

Distribution of oxygen in nature. Oxygen is the most abundant element on our planet.

Oxygen accounts for approximately half of the total mass of the earth's crust. In soils, groundwater, river and sea waters, oxygen acts as a real geochemical dictator.

Physical properties oxygen. Gas is colorless, odorless and tasteless; IN liquid state has a light blue color, in solids it is blue; Oxygen gas is more soluble in water than nitrogen and hydrogen.

Chemical properties oxygen. A strong oxidizing agent, it interacts with almost all elements, forming oxides. Oxidation state −2. As a rule, the oxidation reaction proceeds with the release of heat and accelerates with increasing temperature. An example of reactions that occur when room temperature: 4K + O2 → 2K2O 2Sr + O2 → 2SrO Oxidizes compounds that contain elements with less than the maximum oxidation state: 2NO + O2 → 2NO2 Oxidizes most organic compounds: CH3CH2OH + 3O2 → 2CO2 + 3H2O Oxygen does not oxidize Au and Pt, halogens and inert gases. Reacts with other non-metals, forming oxides: S+O2 →SO2 C+O2 →CO2 Actively interacts with alkali and alkaline earth metals to form oxides and peroxides: 2Na+O2 →Na2O2 Reacts with other metals when heated, releasing a large amount of heat and light: 2 Mg+O2 →2MgO

Obtaining oxygen in the laboratory. Most often, oxygen is obtained by heating substances (which contain oxygen in bound form) such as potassium permanganate (potassium permanganate), potassium chlorate (Berthollet salt), potassium nitrate (saltpeter), hydrogen peroxide: 2 KMnO 4 = K 2 MnO 4 + MnO 2 + O 2 potassium permanganate heating potassium manganate manganese dioxide oxygen 2 KClO 3 = 2 KCl + 3 O 2 potassium chlorate heating potassium chloride oxygen

2 KNO 3 = 2 KNO 2 + O 2 potassium nitrate heating potassium nitrite oxygen 2 H 2 O 2 = 2 H 2 O + O 2 hydrogen peroxide catalyst oxygen

Oxygen collection by water and air displacement methods

Oxygen cycle in nature.


Discovery of oxygen. He obtained oxygen in many ways: by calcining mercuric oxide (as Priestley and Lavoisier did), heating mercury carbonate and silver carbonate, etc. Undoubtedly, Scheele was the first (1772) to “hold in his hands” pure oxygen.

Scheele manuscript page

Joseph Priestley (Joseph Priestley, 1733-1804) 2 HgO = 2 Hg + O 2 mercuric oxide heating mercury oxygen

Antoine Lavoisier (Lavoisier, Antoine Laurent, 1743-1794) Repeating Priestley's experiments, Lavoisier concluded that atmospheric air consists of a mixture of “vital” (oxygen) and “suffocating” (nitrogen) air and explained the combustion process by combining substances with oxygen. Early in 1775, Lavoisier reported that the gas obtained by heating red oxide of mercury was “air as such, unchanged (except that) ... it is purer, more respirationable.”

Use of oxygen.

Thank you for your attention!

Slide presentation

Slide text: Presentation prepared by Roxana Smirnova, 9th grade student of the Lyceum of Otradnoye

Slide text: Oxygen as an element. 1. The element oxygen is in group VI, main subgroup, period II, serial number No. 8, 2. Atomic structure: P11 = 8; n01 = 8; ē = 8 valence II, oxidation state -2 (rarely +2; +1; -1). 3. Part of oxides, bases, salts, acids, organic matter, including living organisms - up to 65% by weight.

Slide text: Oxygen as an element. Oxygen is the most common element on our planet. By weight, it accounts for approximately half of the total mass of all elements of the earth's crust. Air composition: O2 – 20-21%; N2 – 78%; CO2 – 0.03%, the rest comes from inert gases, water vapor, and impurities. 4. B earth's crust its 49% by mass, in the hydrosphere - 89% by mass. 5. Composed of air (in the form simple substance) – 20-21% by volume. 6. Included in most minerals and rocks (sand, clay, etc.). Composed of air (in the form of a simple substance). 7. A vital element for all organisms, found in most organic substances, involved in many biochemical processes that ensure the development and functioning of life. 8. Oxygen was discovered in 1769-1771. Swedish chemist K.-V. Scheele

Slide text: Physical properties. Oxygen is a chemically active non-metal and is the lightest element from the group of chalcogens. The simple substance oxygen under normal conditions is a colorless, tasteless and odorless gas, the molecule of which consists of two oxygen atoms, for which reason it is also called dioxygen. Liquid oxygen has a light blue color, and the solid is light blue crystals.

Slide text: Chemical properties. With non-metals C + O2 CO2 S + O2 SO2 2H2 + O2 2H2O Co complex substances 4FeS2 + 11O2 2Fe2O3 + 8SO2 2H2S + 3O2 2SO2 + 2H2O CH4 + 2O2 CO2 + 2H2O With metals 2Mg + O2 2MgO 2Cu + O2 –t 2CuO The interaction of substances with oxygen is called oxidation. All elements react with oxygen except Au, Pt, He, Ne and Ar; in all reactions (except for the interaction with fluorine), oxygen is an oxidizing agent. 1. Unstable: O3 O2 + O 2. Strong oxidizing agent: 2KI + O3 + H2O 2KOH + I2 + O2 Discolors dyes, reflects UV rays, destroys microorganisms.

Slide text: Methods of obtaining. Industrial method (distillation of liquid air). Laboratory method (decomposition of some oxygen-containing substances) 2KClO3 –t ;MnO2 2KCl + 3O2 2H2O2 –MnO2 2H2O + O2

Slide text: Checking the collected oxygen. Obtaining 3O2 2O3 During a thunderstorm (in nature), (in the laboratory) in an ozonizer of potassium permanganate when heated: 2KMnO4 –t K2MnO4 + MnO2 + O2 The decomposition of this salt occurs when it is heated above 2000 C.

Slide text: Application of oxygen: It is widely used in medicine and industry. During high-altitude flights, pilots are provided with special oxygen devices. For many pulmonary and heart diseases, as well as during operations, oxygen is given to inhale from oxygen cushions. Submarines are supplied with oxygen in cylinders. The combustion of loose combustible material impregnated with liquid oxygen is accompanied by an explosion, which makes it possible to use oxygen in blasting operations. Liquid oxygen is used in jet engines, in autogenous welding and metal cutting, even under water.

1 slide

The presentation was prepared by Roxana Smirnova, a 9th grade student at the Lyceum of Otradnoye.

2 slide

Oxygen as an element. 1. The element oxygen is in group VI, main subgroup, period II, serial number No. 8, 2. Atomic structure: P11 = 8; n01 = 8; ē = 8 valency II, oxidation state -2 (rarely +2; +1; -1). 3. Part of oxides, bases, salts, acids, organic substances, including living organisms - up to 65% by weight.

3 slide

Oxygen as an element. Oxygen is the most common element on our planet. By weight, it accounts for approximately half of the total mass of all elements of the earth's crust. Air composition: O2 – 20-21%; N2 – 78%; CO2 – 0.03%, the rest comes from inert gases, water vapor, and impurities. 4. In the earth's crust it is 49% by mass, in the hydrosphere - 89% by mass. 5. Composed of air (in the form of a simple substance) – 20-21% by volume. 6. Included in most minerals and rocks (sand, clay, etc.). Composed of air (in the form of a simple substance). 7. A vital element for all organisms, found in most organic substances, involved in many biochemical processes that ensure the development and functioning of life. 8. Oxygen was discovered in 1769-1771. Swedish chemist K.-V. Scheele

4 slide

Physical properties. Oxygen is a chemically active non-metal and is the lightest element from the group of chalcogens. The simple substance oxygen under normal conditions is a colorless, tasteless and odorless gas, the molecule of which consists of two oxygen atoms, for which reason it is also called dioxygen. Liquid oxygen is light blue in color, while solid oxygen is light blue crystals.

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Chemical properties. With non-metals C + O2 CO2 S + O2 SO2 2H2 + O2 2H2O With complex substances 4FeS2 + 11O2 2Fe2O3 + 8SO2 2H2S + 3O2 2SO2 + 2H2O CH4 + 2O2 CO2 + 2H2O With metals 2Mg + O2 2MgO 2Cu + O2 –t 2CuO Interaction substances with oxygen is called oxidation. All elements react with oxygen except Au, Pt, He, Ne and Ar; in all reactions (except for the interaction with fluorine), oxygen is an oxidizing agent. 1. Unstable: O3 O2 + O 2. Strong oxidizing agent: 2KI + O3 + H2O 2KOH + I2 + O2 Discolors dyes, reflects UV rays, destroys microorganisms.

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Methods of obtaining. Industrial method (distillation of liquid air). Laboratory method (decomposition of some oxygen-containing substances) 2KClO3 –t ;MnO2 2KCl + 3O2 2H2O2 –MnO2 2H2O + O2

7 slide

Checking the collected oxygen. Obtaining 3O2 2O3 During a thunderstorm (in nature), (in the laboratory) in an ozonizer of potassium permanganate when heated: 2KMnO4 –t K2MnO4 + MnO2 + O2 The decomposition of this salt occurs when it is heated above 2000 C.

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Applications of oxygen: It is widely used in medicine and industry. During high-altitude flights, pilots are provided with special oxygen devices. For many pulmonary and heart diseases, as well as during operations, oxygen is given to inhale from oxygen cushions. Submarines are supplied with oxygen in cylinders. The combustion of loose combustible material impregnated with liquid oxygen is accompanied by an explosion, which makes it possible to use oxygen in blasting operations. Liquid oxygen is used in jet engines, in autogenous welding and metal cutting, even under water.