In Greek mythology, the daughter of Cadmus and Harmony, the wife of Athamas. Cadmus and Harmony Daughter of Cadmus and Harmony crossword clue 3 letters

It happened one day that the princess and her friends were playing in a seaside meadow. It was spring time, the whole meadow was full of all kinds of flowers. Suddenly the girls saw a bull approaching them - white, beautiful. At first they were scared: he’ll gore him! But he didn’t even think about butting heads - he looked at them affectionately, wagged his tail and squatted every now and then.

Look,” said one, “it’s as if he’s inviting us to sit on him and take a ride.”

Why not sit down? - Europe answered.

Well, sit down if you dare!

The princess felt terrible, but she was also ashamed to shirk - she sat down and grabbed the horns. And the bull, apparently, wanted this - he carried her along the shore, and so quietly and carefully that all her fear went away. He carries her here, here, now back, now forward, and at the same time imperceptibly closer and closer to the sea; The girls laugh, and the princess laughs. And suddenly the bull rushes into the sea with her - she screamed, the girls screamed, but it was too late: he swims, she clings to him so as not to fall, and keeps screaming and screaming. But no one could help her. The girls watched, crying, until he disappeared among the waves, and then, grief-stricken, they returned to the palace.

Having learned about the kidnapping of his daughter, the king called his eldest son Cadmus and told him:

Take a ship and comrades and go overseas to look for your sister; if you find it, you will remain my heir, and do not return without your sister; You will have neither kingdom nor life in Phenicia!

Cadmus gathered himself companions, as young as himself, boarded a ship and set off to wander around the world. He sails along Syria, Asia Minor, between the islands of the Archipelago, everywhere he asks about his sister - and all in vain.

Cadmus swam for a long time. Finally, he landed in Greece. Then they tell him that he can find out about his sister’s fate by asking the serpent Python. And Python lives on Mount Parnassus, in a deep cleft.

The prince did so, but instead of answering about his sister, he heard the following:

“I am a mortal,” said Cadmus. - But if it’s true that I freed you, then be my wife!

My marriage, said the maiden, is in the hands of my parents; let me get back to them.

And the two of them left the cave. Passing by the serpent, Cadmus again noticed something golden sparkling under its mouth, but did not dare to stop and look at what it was.

Before they had time to leave the cave, a new miracle happened. The firmament opened up, a gigantic staircase descended to the ground, and the celestials began to walk down it.

They arrived for the wedding. In front of everyone was Lord Zeus with Hera, his divine wife; behind them is Poseidon, their brother, with Amphitrite; the fertility goddess Demeter arrived with her daughter Persephone; Pallas Athena, Hephaestus, a skilled blacksmith god, and many others.

Glory to you, Cadmus! - said Zeus. - By your feat you have acquired the most beautiful bride in the world; we all came to celebrate your wedding.

Instantly tables with wonderful dishes appeared. Those five who survived the fratricidal clash were also invited. Nine Muses, goddesses of song, and three Charites, goddesses of grace, sang a wedding song to the happy couple. They celebrated the wedding cheerfully, and when it was over, everyone took the newlyweds to the wedding chamber, which Hephaestus had erected for them.

Cadmus founded a city on the top of a hill and called it Cadmeia, and the country, in honor of the cow he followed - in Greek "bus" - received the name Boeotia. He lived with Harmonia in love and advice, and they had four daughters - Semele, Agave, Autonoe, Ino and a son, Polydor.

His comrades almost all married local nymphs and also became fathers of families; their descendants were called "Sparti", which means "sown". And everyone would have been happy to the end, if not for the gold that Cadmus saw sparkling under the serpent’s mouth.


KADM AND HARMONY, in Greek mythology, the heroes of the myth about the founding of Greek Thebes (ancient Cadmea). Cadmus, son of Agenor (cm. AGENOR), together with other brothers, was sent by his father in search of Europa, abducted by Zeus (cm. EUROPE (in mythology)). After a long unsuccessful search, he turned to the Delphic oracle and received instructions to stop wandering and follow the cow that he met when leaving the sanctuary: where she lay down, Cadmus should found a city.
Near the place where the cow lay down, there was the abode of a monstrous serpent dedicated to Ares (cm. ARES). (cm. He tore to pieces the servants of Cadmus sent for water, but he himself was struck down by his hand. On the advice of Athena, Cadmus sowed the field with the teeth of the dead snake, from which the Spartans grew. They became the leaders of the noblest Theban families. To atone for his guilt before Ares, Cadmus had to serve this god for 8 years, after which he received the daughter of Ares and Aphrodite Harmony as his wife. As a wedding gift, he gave the bride a necklace of Aphrodite, which subsequently brought misfortune to those who owned it. Cadmus and Harmonia had a son, Polydorus (Lai's grandfather (cm. BARKING)) and daughters: Autonoe (mother of Actaeon), Ino (cm. INO), Agave (cm. AGAVE (in mythology)) and Semele (cm. SEMELA). Depressed by the death of his grandson Actaeon and the unfortunate fate of his daughters, Cadmus and Harmony set off on a journey. In Illyria they turned into snakes, but later the gods settled them in Elysium (cm. ELYSIUM). In Greece, Cadmus was considered a wise ruler, the inventor of Greek writing (which dates back much later than the founding of Thebes). Excavations of an ancient Theban fortress indicate intensive ties with Asia Minor back in the Mycenaean era (14th century BC).

encyclopedic Dictionary . 2009 .

See what “CADM AND HARMONY” is in other dictionaries:

    - (Harmonia, Αρμονία). Daughter of Ares and Aphrodite, wife of Cadmus. On her wedding day, she received from Cadmus a necklace that brought misfortune to everyone who received it. (Source: " Brief dictionary mythology and antiquities." M. Korsh. Saint Petersburg, edition A... Encyclopedia of Mythology

    Maxfield Parrish. Cadmus (1908) Cadmus, Kadmos (ancient Greek Κάδμος ... Wikipedia

    This term has other meanings, see Harmony (meanings). Evelyn de Morgan. Cadmus and Harmony, 1877 ... Wikipedia

    In Greek mythology, Boeotian hero, founder of Thebes, son of the Phoenician king Agenor and brother of Europa, whom Zeus fell in love with in the form of a bull. After Europa was carried on the back of this bull to Crete, the father sent Cadmus in pursuit... ... Collier's Encyclopedia

    - (Cadmus, Κάδμος). Son of the Phoenician king Agenor and brother of Europa. When Zeus kidnapped Europa, his father sent Cadmus to look for her. The oracle told him to follow the cow and build a city in the place where the cow lay down. Thus Cadmus became... Encyclopedia of Mythology

    - (Κάδμος) greek hero, son of the Sidonian king Agenor. His sister (or niece) Europa (q.v.) was kidnapped by Zeus. Agenor sent his sons K., Finik and Kilik, to look for her, forbidding them to return without Europe. Date and Kilik soon stopped... ...

    - (Κάδμος) Greek. hero, son of the Sidonian king Agenor. His sister (or niece) Europa (q.v.) was kidnapped by Zeus. Agenor sent his sons K., Finik and Kilik, to look for her, forbidding them to return without Europe. Date and Kilik soon stopped... ... Encyclopedic Dictionary F.A. Brockhaus and I.A. Efron

    Harmonĭa, see Cadmus, Cadmus, 2 ... Real Dictionary of Classical Antiquities

    Cadmus- son of a mythical Phoenician king Agenor. His father sent him and his brothers to find his sister Europe, who was kidnapped. Zeus. K. carried out the instructions of the Delphic oracle and founded the fortress of Cadmea in Boeotia, around which the city of Thebes subsequently grew. In the specified... Dictionary of Antiquity

There lived in distant Phenicia a mighty king named Agenor; he had three young sons and a beautiful daughter, Europe. It happened one day that the princess and her friends were playing in a seaside meadow. It was spring time, the whole meadow was full of all kinds of flowers. Suddenly the girls saw a bull approaching them - white, beautiful. At first they were scared: he’ll gore him! But he didn’t even think about butting heads - he looked at them affectionately, wagged his tail and squatted every now and then.

Look,” said one, “it’s as if he’s inviting us to sit on him and take a ride.”
- Why not sit down? - Europe answered.
- Well, sit down, if you are brave!

The princess felt terrible, but she was also ashamed to shirk - she sat down and grabbed the horns. And the bull, apparently, wanted this - he carried her along the shore, and so quietly and carefully that all her fear went away. He carries her here, here, now back, now forward, and at the same time imperceptibly closer and closer to the sea; The girls laugh, and the princess laughs. And suddenly the bull rushes into the sea with her - she screamed, the girls screamed, but it was too late: he swims, she clings to him so as not to fall, and keeps screaming and screaming. But no one could help her. The girls watched, crying, until he disappeared among the waves, and then, grief-stricken, they returned to the palace.

The king, having learned about the kidnapping of his daughter, called his eldest son Cadmus to him and said to him:

Take a ship and comrades and go overseas to look for your sister; if you find it, you will remain my heir, and do not return without your sister; You will have neither kingdom nor life in Phenicia!

Cadmus gathered himself companions, as young as himself, boarded a ship and set off to wander around the world. He sails along Syria, Asia Minor, between the islands of the Archipelago, everywhere he asks about his sister - and all in vain. Finally landed in Greece. Here they tell him:

There is a high mountain in the middle of our country, its name is Parnassus. There is a deep cleft in the mountain on the sea side, and a prophetic giant lives in it - snake Python. Both the cleft and the serpent belong to the great Mother Earth herself. Come to the crevice, do not be afraid of the snake, ask loudly where your sister is. If you are destined to find out, then you will find out here.

The prince did so, but instead of answering about his sister, he heard the following:

When you meet a cow, follow it; where she lies, stay there,

Cadmus looked around, and the cow was already there, as if waiting for him. He went to get it - his companions followed him. They go for a long time; Finally the cow lay down. “Well,” thinks Cadmus, “I still have no return home; if my ship is lost, my kingdom will be lost; I will really stay here. The country is good, fertile, but here is a hill where you can fortify yourself.” And he tells his comrades that they have to stay here, and sends some of them for drinking water.

The young men walk and look around to see where they can find clean, running water - this is a rarity in sultry Greece. Suddenly they see a deep cave, good spring water flows from it. But they did not know that a monstrous creature lived in the cave, fire breathing snake; As soon as they approached, he jumped back, swallowed some, scorched others with fire, killed others with his tail - he did not leave a single one alive.

Cadmus waits, waits, and sends some more of his companions. These did not return either. Sends the last ones. But they too disappeared. And Cadmus decided to go himself, but not for water, but for his comrades. He goes in the same direction; hears someone calling his name. What a miracle? He looks - a girl is sitting under a tree. That's right, thinks the local nymph. Raises his right hand in greeting.

Be merciful, he says. - Why are you calling me? And it was not a nymph, but Pallas Athena herself, the beloved daughter of Zeus, the highest god, the ruler of the heavens. Calling the prince, she told him about the fate of his comrades, and about what he himself should do, and he decided to obey her in everything.

The snake immediately, sensing new prey, crawled out of the cave. But he did not get it: Cadmus was powerful and armed, and, moreover, warned how to behave. He fought with the snake and inflicted a mortal wound on it with his spear - the snake, writhing, crawled back into its cave. Cadmus also followed him there. It was terrible there: the sighs of the serpent were heard from the depths, the teeth clanged in the monster’s mouth. But Cadmus carried out the goddess’s orders exactly: not yet paying attention to either one or the other and not even looking at what was sparkling under his mouth, he first of all broke out of it teeth and returned to the open sky. Having chosen a suitable lawn, he drew two or three furrows in the soft soil with his spear and lowered his broken teeth into them. Soon the soil began to swell and swell - and slowly, slowly, menacing warriors, clad in copper armor, rose from the formed mounds. Having touched the surface with their feet, they began to look around in surprise until they noticed Cadmus, who was carefully watching everything that was happening. Noticing him, they all, as one, rushed at him, but Cadmus, who had been waiting for this moment, deftly threw a heavy stone that had been prepared in advance into the middle of the crowd. The stone hit one of the warriors in the head; he, thinking that he had received a blow from his neighbor, killed him with a blow of his sword. A third person stood up for the murdered man, and a general scuffle began - they forgot about Cadmus. One fell at the hands of the other, and in the end there were only five left. Cadmus shouted to them:

Instead of fighting with each other, we will be friends. Mother Earth told me to settle here; you, sons of Mother Earth, help me!

The warriors agreed, shook hands with each other and decided to convene the inhabitants of nearby places and found a city on the hill.

Now, having enlisted the help of new comrades, Cadmus returned to the serpent's cave. Stepping over his motionless body, he headed into its very depths, there, in the twilight, a maiden of indescribable beauty was sitting and killing herself. Seeing Cadmus, she jumped up:

Who are you, daredevil, who freed me from the power of the serpent?

Cadmus named himself. -Who are you?

I am an immortal goddess; my father is Ares, the god of war and strife, and my mother is Aphrodite, the goddess of beauty and love; my name is Harmony.
“I am a mortal,” said Cadmus. - But if it’s true that I freed you, then be my wife!
“My marriage,” said the maiden, “is in the hands of my parents; let me get back to them.

And the two of them left the cave. Passing by the serpent, Cadmus again noticed something golden sparkling under its mouth, but did not dare to stop and look at what it was.

Before they had time to leave the cave, a new miracle happened. The firmament opened up, a gigantic staircase descended to the ground, and the celestials began to walk down it. In front of everyone is Lord Zeus with Hera, his divine wife; behind them is Poseidon, their brother, with Amphitrite; Demeter, goddess of fertility, with her daughter Cora; Hephaestus, a skilled blacksmith god, Pallas Athena and many others; they surrounded Ares and Aphrodite, the parents of the liberated Harmony.

Glory to you, Cadmus! - said Zeus. - By your feat you have acquired the most beautiful bride in the world; we all came to celebrate your wedding.

Instantly tables with wonderful dishes appeared. Those five who survived the fratricidal clash were also invited. Nine Muses, goddesses of song, and three Charites, goddesses of grace, sang a wedding song to the happy couple. They celebrated the wedding cheerfully, and when it was over, everyone took the newlyweds to the wedding chamber, which Hephaestus had erected for them.

Cadmus founded a city on the top of a hill and named it Cadmeia, the country in honor of cows, which he followed - in Greek "bus" - received the name Boeotia. He lived with Harmonia in love and advice, and they had four daughters - Semele, Agave, Autonoe, Ino and a son, Polydor.

His comrades almost all married local nymphs and also became fathers of families; their descendants were called " Sparta“, which means “sown.” And everyone would have been happy to the end if not for the gold that Cadmus saw sparkling under the serpent’s mouth.

In Greek mythology, daughter of Cadmus and Harmonia, wife of Athamas

The first letter is "i"

Second letter "n"

Third letter "o"

The last letter in the letter is "o"

Answer for the question "In Greek mythology, daughter of Cadmus and Harmonia, wife of Athamas", 3 letters:

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Dictionary Russian language. S.I.Ozhegov, N.Yu.Shvedova. The meaning of the word in the dictionary Explanatory Dictionary of the Russian Language. S.I.Ozhegov, N.Yu.Shvedova.
... First part difficult words with the meaning: different, different, for example. otherness, otherness; with something other, others, for example. foreign form, foreign language; relating to something. to another, to another, for example. non-resident, foreign national, alien; differently, for example allegorical,...

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in Greek mythology, daughter of Cadmus and Harmonia, second wife of Athamas, stepmother of Phrixus and Hella. She raised the son of her sister Semele, Dionysus, whom she named a deity. For this, Hera plunged the couple into madness, and Athamas killed one of his sons. Ino, saving...

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The initial part of complex words, introducing the meaning of the word: other (2*1) (foreign, foreign, foreign language, etc.).

Wikipedia Meaning of the word in the Wikipedia dictionary
is a village in Japan, located in Agawa County, Kochi Prefecture.

Examples of the use of the word foreign in literature.

The villain Prince Ishimsky himself stopped seeing the guards - there were now market rows on all sides - along one of them the sovereign criminal and rushed to run, foreign fly.

The princely warrior hoped that he had finished off the poor fellow, foreign the corcodiles were tearing apart the already dead body.

Ino“If you defeat my warrior in a duel, it means that Allah favors you, then I will order you to search every crevice and pothole here with passion,” the noyon said, having endured his boiling.

“You will never be able to cope with Sultan Wilhelm,” I brazenly raised my head, realizing that, most likely, I was dooming myself to terrible torture: slow crushing with stones, feeding to rats foreign tearing with iron hooks.

Laurie Anderson, Claws Chubb, Samuel Delaney, Richard Dorsett, Brian Ino, Deborah Harry, Richard Kadri, Mark Laidlaw, Tom Maddox, Pat Murphy, Richard Pillisch, John Shirley, Chris Stein, Bruce Sterling, Roger Trilling, Bruce Wagner, Jack Womack.