Winter holidays of the school year in Belarus. Start and end dates of the academic year

Vacations are periods of rest from studying for schoolchildren.

In Moscow, the vacation schedule is set by the city Department of Education. It is the same for all schools.

The winter vacation

The period of winter school holidays depends on the educational system adopted at the school.

Students have one winter break in quarters: at the end of December - beginning of January. Vacations last 10-14 days. First graders receive an additional winter weekend in February lasting one week.

Students have two winter holidays per trimester: at the end of December - beginning of January and in February. The first vacation lasts 10-14 days, the second - a week.

Winter holidays in the 2017-2018 academic year when studying in quarters (Moscow)

For students in quarters in Moscow the winter vacation in the 2017-2018 academic year will take place from Monday, January 1 to Wednesday, January 10, 2018, inclusive. In fact, the rest will begin on Saturday December 30 (with a five-day training system). Students will return to classes on Thursday, January 11.

Winter holidays in the 2017-2018 academic year when studying in quarters (regions of the Russian Federation)

For students in quarters in the regions of Russia (all except Moscow), winter holidays in the 2017-2018 academic year will take place from Monday December 25, 2017 to Monday January 8, 2018 inclusive. In fact, the rest will begin on Saturday December 23 (with a five-day training system). Schoolchildren will return to classes on Tuesday, January 9, after the end of the New Year holidays.

First-graders will receive additional winter rest from Monday, February 19 (actually from Saturday, February 17) to Sunday, February 25, 2018.

Winter holidays in the 2017-2018 academic year when studying by trimester (Moscow)

For students in trimesters in Moscow, winter holidays in the 2017-2018 academic year will last 2 periods:

  • from Monday January 1 to Wednesday January 10, 2018 inclusive (in fact, the holiday will begin on Saturday December 30 - with a five-day training system);

Winter holidays in the 2017-2018 academic year when studying by trimester (regions of the Russian Federation)

For students by trimester in the regions of Russia (all except Moscow), winter holidays in the 2017-2018 academic year will last 2 periods:

  • from Monday December 25, 2017 to Monday January 8, 2018 inclusive (in fact, the vacation will begin on Saturday December 23 - with a five-day training system);
  • from Monday February 19 to Sunday February 25, 2018 (in fact, the holiday will begin on Saturday February 17 - with a five-day training system).

Additional holidays

The administration of an educational institution may introduce additional holidays in winter if:

The air temperature is below -25 °C (for students in grades 1-4), -28 °C (grades 5-9) and -30 °C (grades 10-11);

The temperature in classrooms is below +18 °C;

The epidemic threshold for incidence exceeds 25% of the total number of students in the school.

In Russia, the decision on when to dismiss schoolchildren for vacation is made by the educational institution itself. In accordance with the order of the Ministry of Education, the duration of the holidays, their start and end dates are determined by the school. Only the general duration of school and vacation periods is regulated, allowing children to cope with curriculum without "overloads":

  • the academic year for first-graders must last at least 33 weeks, for students in other grades - at least 34;

  • the summer holiday period for children is at least 8 weeks;

  • short holidays inside school year the total must be at least 30 days, and first grade students are entitled to an additional week.

Despite the freedom of choice given, the majority of Russian general educational institutions when approving the vacation schedule, adhere to the traditional scheme that developed back in Soviet time: four quarters, a week of rest in November, two for the New Year holidays, another week at the end of March. Regional education departments usually send out recommended holiday dates ahead of the start of the school year, but the final decision rests with the school administration.

Moscow is an exception. Here, the vacation dates are uniform and are established by the capital’s Department of Education for two versions of the academic schedule - traditional (quarter) and trimester (modular), when the year is divided into equal intervals and five weeks at a desk are followed by one vacation.

The dates may vary slightly in the regions, but the vast majority of schools, gymnasiums and lyceums will have the same academic schedule.

Start and end dates of the academic year

The 2017-2018 academic year traditionally starts September 1, on the Day of Knowledge. This year, the first week of school will be very short - the first day of autumn falls on Friday, so students will have the opportunity to smoothly transition from rest to study.

The end date of the school year may shift slightly due to the nature of the academic schedule. Will be the first to go on summer vacation primary classes– their school year will end May 22-24. Middle and high school students will study several days longer; for them, the last day of school will be May 25-26. In Moscow schools that have chosen a modular mode of study, high school students will sit at their desks the longest - until the 31st.

Students in grades 9 and 11 taking their final exams will be freed from the hassle of studying according to their exam schedule. The Unified State Examination and the Unified State Examination will begin in the last week of May and will last until the end of June.

Proms for most it will pass during the period from May 23 to 25(they are not recommended to be held on June 22, the Day of Remembrance and Sorrow), but if a student takes any exams on reserve days, his exam marathon can continue even after receiving a certificate.

Dates of autumn holidays in 2017

According to a long tradition autumn vacation held in schools in the first week of November. In Soviet times, they were “combined” with the celebration of the anniversary October revolution, now it falls on them national unity, celebrated on November 4th. In 2017, the holiday will be a Saturday, and due to the postponement of the day off to Monday, November 6, adults will have a three-day mini-vacation. For schoolchildren, these days, naturally, will also be “time off” - an additional day of rest will be “added” to the usual weekly duration of the November holidays.

In the majority Russian schools Autumn holidays 2017 will be held according to the following schedule:

  • duration – 8-9 days;

  • official start– October 30 (Monday) or the previous Sunday;

  • last day of rest– October 6 (Monday) or October 7 (Tuesday).

Winter holiday schedule at school in the 2017-2018 school year

The middle of the school year will traditionally be marked by a two-week period of winter rest, timed to coincide with the celebration of the New Year and Christmas. This is perhaps the most significant holiday in the school year. If only because the January holiday ten-day period in Russia is the only time when both adults and children are simultaneously freed from daily hassles for a long time and can plan quite long trips with the whole family. Therefore, finding out the exact dates of winter holidays in schools is especially important.

According to tradition, schoolchildren are dismissed for vacation 3-4 days before the New Year, and they go “to the bench” almost simultaneously with adults - either on the same day or the next, and the period of the all-Russian weekend completely “fits in” with the children's holidays.

In the winter of 2017-2018, the “typical” school holiday schedule will be as follows:

  • duration – 14 days;

  • first day of rest– December 28 (Thursday);

  • last day of vacation– January 10 (Wednesday).

Additional holidays for first grade students – 2018

The third quarter is the longest and usually the most difficult for students. To “unload” the little ones, first-grade students are given an extra week of rest in February. In addition, February holidays are recommended for students correctional schools, and in some educational institutions in February, even the entire “beginning” can rest - from 1 to .

The timing of additional holidays is the most variable; in some regions they prefer to be held at the beginning of February, and in others at the end of the month, on the week when Defender of the Fatherland Day is celebrated.

In 2018, the first classes will have a rest for either a week from 5 to 11 February(this option may be the most common), or from 17th to 25th.

Spring break schedule at school in 2018

The date to which spring break is “aiming” is April 1st. The fourth quarter usually began on this day. In 2018, the first day of April will be Sunday. And in most schools the rest schedule will be like this:

  • duration – 8-9 days,

  • the beginning of the holidays– March 24 (Saturday) or March 25 (Sunday);

  • last day of rest– April 1 (Sunday).

In a number of schools, the schedule may be shifted a week ahead, and students will rest a week later, from April 1 to April 8.

Official holiday schedule for Moscow schools: traditional and trimester (modular) teaching modes

In the capital, vacation dates for the 2017-2018 academic year are dictated by a special order of the city department of education. It was signed on 03/09/2017.

In accordance with the order in schools where children study By, holidays will be announced:

  • in October– from 1st to 8th;

  • In November– from 5 to 12 (in fact, children will start resting a day earlier, November 4 is a general day off);

  • on New Year's holidays– from December 31 to January 10;

  • in February– from 18 to 25;

  • in April– from 8th to 15th.

In educational institutions of Moscow operating according to the “classical” system four quarters, the following vacation dates will be established:

  • autumn - from October 29 to November 6;

  • winter - from December 31 to January 10;

  • additional February– from February 18 to February 25;

  • spring – from April 1 to April 8.

How to find out the exact dates of your child's holidays

Since the final decision on the timing of holidays is made by school management, their start or end dates in different educational institutions may not coincide with the “average” schedule.

There are several ways to find out the holiday schedule at your school.

  1. Refer to the official website of the school. By law, all “calendar” information must be contained there. As a rule, it is located in the “Organization” section educational process" or "Schedule".

  2. Look into the child. The vacation schedule may be published in the announcement or parent information sections. But even if this is not the case, you can try to “scroll through” the journal for the period of the proposed holidays and “calculate” the exact dates - no lessons will be scheduled for them;

  3. Ask class teacher child. The schedule is usually approved in the summer, sometimes even earlier. By the time school roll calls are conducted, teachers usually already have this information.

  4. Call the reception and check the dates of the holidays with the secretary of the educational institution.

In the 2017/2018 academic year, the organization educational process will be carried out quarterly on the following dates:

Vacations are set throughout the school year:

summer– 92 days from June 1, 2018 to August 31, 2018; for students who have completed their studies at the second stage of general secondary education – 80 days from June 13, 2018 to August 31, 2018 inclusive.

For students in grades I - II (grades III - for students with special educational needs with a five-year period of study at the first stage of general secondary education) in the third quarter there are additional winter holidays from February 12, 2018 to February 18, 2018, lasting 7 days.

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Holidays in the 2017-2018 academic year in Belarus

Any schoolchild - even one who really loves to study and learn new things - looks forward to the time when the holidays are announced. For students, periods of respite are an opportunity to take a break from constantly studying complex material, tests, independent work and essays, have fun with friends, sleep and play your favorite games.

Perhaps parents of schoolchildren are looking forward to the holidays with no less impatience - vacation periods provide an opportunity to plan a family vacation, arrange a fun and educational trip, attend interesting festivals, excursions and shows. Belarusian students are no exception, so the vacation schedule drawn up by representatives of the Ministry of Education of Belarus for the 2017-2018 academic year will be very interesting to them.

Find out the vacation schedule in Belarusian schools for the 2017-2018 academic year!

School holidays in 2017-2018 in Belarus

Unlike educational institutions Russian Federation, in which school management has the opportunity to independently determine the time of going on vacation, in Belarus the periods of quarters and vacations are mandatory for all republican school institutions. The final schedule of the educational process this year is as follows:

First quarter: it begins on Knowledge Day (September 1, 2017) and ends on October 28, 2017.
Autumn vacation: The start of the autumn holiday will be 10/29/2017, and the end will be 11/7/2017. This time, the autumn holidays will last longer than usual - as much as 10 days;
Second quarter: you need to start school on November 8, 2017 and study until December 23, 2017;
The winter vacation: cheerful winter celebrations will last for secondary school students for 15 days - from December 24, 2017 to January 7, 2018 inclusive;
Third quarter: On January 8, 2018, you will need to return to your home school to continue your studies. The third quarter will continue until March 24, 2018;
Spring break: These vacations will be shorter than the autumn ones - only 8 days. They will continue from March 25, 2018 to April 1, 2018 inclusive;
Fourth quarter: will start on 04/2/2018 and end on 05/31/2018 when the bell rings last call, signaling the start summer holidays. An exception will be made for ninth graders - they study until June 13, 2018;
Summer holidays: Summer vacation periods differ for certain categories of students. From 06/01/2018 to 08/31/2018, almost all the guys will have a rest (as many as 92 days!). The exception is for graduates completing their studies in the ninth grade. For them, summer vacations will be slightly shorter - only 80 days are allotted for vacation, from 06/14/2018 to 08/31/2018.

Parents of children studying in grades 1 and 2 should remember that for this age group Another break in studies is planned - additional winter vacations, which will begin on 02/12/2018 and end on 02/18/2018 (7 days).