Aibolit and sparrow. Aibolit and the sparrow - Chukovsky K.I. Calligraphy - Sergey Mikhalkov

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Summary: The amazing popular fairy tale Aibolit and Sparrow by the brilliant author Chukovsky tells for our little listeners the story of the rescue of a lovely little bird, which was injured by its bite from a terrible and very evil and insidious snake. An elderly old woman and a kind hedgehog come to the aid of the poor bird. His faithful friends They cannot leave the sparrow in the misfortune that happened to him. They rush to find a good, smart doctor for all the forest inhabitants. They search for a savior, the good doctor Aibolit, for a very long time, even lose their way several times and many times get lost in the darkness of the night. But even in such a hopeless situation, forest friendly mutual assistance and kindness come to the rescue. A little kind firefly illuminates the road and the path to Doctor Aibolit’s house with its bright blue flashlight. On his balcony, the savior Aibolit was treating a jackdaw, meanwhile telling a fairy tale interesting story little timid rabbit. A gentle big elephant comes out to meet the animals, he is a good helper the doctors. The poor, unfortunate wounded sparrow cries bitterly, as his strength is already running out, and he is becoming weaker and weaker, but the good doctor Aibolit helps the bird become healthy. The sparrow recovered, got better, got up and flew away from his friends to continue flying through forests and fields. The good doctor Aibolit helps animals and treats them day and night. No one is left without his attention and his help, little ducklings, fluffy squirrels, gray and white hares, large and formidable wolves, a cute cuckoo, a green frog, everyone is waiting for help from Aibolit. All the animals of the big forest already in the morning, cheerful and playful, run to play and have fun. The only bad thing is that they all very quickly forget about the help of the kind Aibolit and always forget to say thank you very much to him for his help and goodbye. You can read the fairy tale Aibolit and Sparrow online for free here. You can listen to the tale in audio recording here too. Write your reviews, they are very important to us.

Text of the fairy tale Aibolit and Sparrow

Evil, evil, bad snake
The young man was bitten by a sparrow.
He wanted to fly away, but he couldn’t
And he cried and fell on the sand.
It hurts the little sparrow, it hurts!

And a toothless old woman came to him,
Bug-eyed green frog.
She took the little sparrow by the wing
And she led the sick man through the swamp.
It's a pity little sparrow, it's a pity!

A hedgehog leaned out of the window:
- Where are you taking him, green one?
- To the doctor, dear, to the doctor.
- Wait for me, old woman, under the bush,
The two of us will finish it sooner!

And all day they walk through the swamps,
They carry a little sparrow in their arms...
Suddenly the darkness of the night came,
And not a bush is visible in the swamp,
The little sparrow is scared, scared!

So they, poor things, have lost their way,
And they can't find a doctor.
- We won’t find Aibolit, we won’t find him,
We will be lost in the darkness without Aibolit!

Suddenly a firefly rushed from somewhere,
He lit his little blue lantern:
- You run after me, my friends,
I feel sorry for the sick sparrow!

And they ran away
Behind his blue light
And they see: in the distance under a pine tree
The house is painted,
And there he sits on the balcony
Good gray-haired Aibolit.

He bandages a jackdaw's wing
And he tells the rabbit a fairy tale.
A gentle elephant greets them at the entrance
And he quietly leads to the doctor onto the balcony,
But the sick sparrow cries and moans.
He's getting weaker and weaker every minute,
The death of a sparrow came to him.

And the doctor takes the patient in his arms,
And treats the patient all night long,
And it heals and heals all night until the morning,
And now - look! - hurray! hooray!
The patient perked up, moved his wing,
Tweeted: chick! chick! and flew out the window.

- Thank you, my friend, you cured me,
I will never forget your kindness!
And there, at the threshold, the wretched crowd:
Blind ducklings and legless squirrels,
A skinny frog with a sore stomach,
Speckled cuckoo with a broken wing
And hares bitten by wolves.

And the doctor treats them all day until sunset.
And suddenly the forest animals laughed:
- We are healthy and cheerful again!
And they ran into the forest to play and jump
And they even forgot to say thank you
Forgot to say goodbye!

Watch the fairy tale Aibolit and Sparrow listen online

The fairy tale “Aibolit and the Sparrow” by Korney Ivanovich Chukovsky is familiar to few. But it deserves attention. The main character of the fairy tale is a sparrow. He is helped by a frog, a hedgehog, a firefly and, of course, Aibolit himself. The fairy tale teaches children to help others (mutual aid) and kindness.

Fairy tale “Aibolit and the Sparrow” by K.I. Chukovsky

Evil, evil, bad snake
The young man was bitten by a sparrow.
He wanted to fly away, but he couldn’t
And he cried and fell on the sand.
It hurts the little sparrow, it hurts!

And a toothless old woman came to him,
Bug-eyed green frog.
She took the little sparrow by the wing
And she led the sick man through the swamp.
It's a pity little sparrow, it's a pity!

A hedgehog leaned out of the window:
- Where are you taking him, green one?
- To the doctor, dear, to the doctor.
- Wait for me, old woman, under the bush,
The two of us will finish it sooner!

And all day they walk through the swamps,
They carry a little sparrow in their arms...
Suddenly the darkness of the night came,
And not a bush is visible in the swamp,
The little sparrow is scared, scared!

So they, poor things, have lost their way,
And they can't find a doctor.
- We won’t find Aibolit, we won’t find him,
We will be lost in the darkness without Aibolit!

Suddenly a firefly rushed from somewhere,
He lit his little blue lantern:
- You run after me, my friends,
I feel sorry for the sick sparrow!

And they ran away
Behind his blue light
And they see: in the distance under a pine tree
The house is painted,
And there he sits on the balcony
Good gray-haired Aibolit.

He bandages a jackdaw's wing
And he tells the rabbit a fairy tale.
A gentle elephant greets them at the entrance
And he quietly leads to the doctor onto the balcony,
But the sick sparrow cries and moans.
He's getting weaker and weaker every minute,
The death of a sparrow came to him.

And the doctor takes the patient in his arms,
And treats the patient all night long,
And it heals and heals all night until the morning,
And now - look! - hurray! hooray!
The patient perked up, moved his wing,
Tweeted: chick! chick! and flew out the window.

- Thank you, my friend, you cured me,
I will never forget your kindness!
And there, at the threshold, the wretched crowd:
Blind ducklings and legless squirrels,
A skinny frog with a sore stomach,
Speckled cuckoo with a broken wing
And hares bitten by wolves.

And the doctor treats them all day until sunset.
And suddenly the forest animals laughed:
- We are healthy and cheerful again!
And they ran into the forest to play and jump
And they even forgot to say thank you
Forgot to say goodbye!

Questions after reading the story:

  1. Did you like the fairy tale? How?
  2. Who main character fairy tales? (If it is difficult for your child to answer this question, ask: “Who did the animals help?)
  3. What happened to the sparrow?
  4. Did the snake do a good thing by biting the sparrow?
  5. Who helped the sparrow?
  6. Do you think the frog, the hedgehog, the firefly did a good job? How did they help the sparrow?
  7. Who cured the sparrow?

After the questions, it would be great if an adult summed up the fairy tale, saying that we need to help other people and animals, as in this fairy tale. If the frog, hedgehog, firefly, Aibolit had not helped, then the sparrow would never have been cured. It should be noted that the help was disinterested.

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Aibolit and the sparrow - Chukovsky K.I.

A poem about how a sparrow was bitten by a snake. The frog and the hedgehog brought the wounded man to the doctor. Aibolit nursed the bird all night; in the morning the sparrow was healthy. But the doctor has a lot of work, many more animals need to be helped...
Aibolit and the sparrow read
Evil, evil, bad snake
The young man was bitten by a sparrow.
He wanted to fly away, but he couldn’t
And he cried and fell on the sand.
It hurts the little sparrow, it hurts!

And a toothless old woman came to him,
Bug-eyed green frog.
She took the little sparrow by the wing
And she led the sick man through the swamp.
It's a pity little sparrow, it's a pity!

A hedgehog leaned out of the window:
- Where are you taking him, green one?
- To the doctor, dear, to the doctor.
- Wait for me, old woman, under the bush,
The two of us will finish it sooner!

And all day they walk through the swamps,
They carry a little sparrow in their arms...
Suddenly the darkness of the night came,
And not a bush is visible in the swamp,
The little sparrow is scared, scared!

So they, poor things, have lost their way,
And they can't find a doctor.

- We won’t find Aibolit, we won’t find him,
We will be lost in the darkness without Aibolit!

Suddenly a firefly rushed from somewhere,
He lit his little blue lantern:
- You run after me, my friends,
I feel sorry for the sick sparrow!

And they ran away
Behind his blue light
And they see: in the distance under a pine tree
The house is painted,
And there he sits on the balcony
Good gray-haired Aibolit.

He bandages a jackdaw's wing
And he tells the rabbit a fairy tale.

A gentle elephant greets them at the entrance
And he quietly leads to the doctor onto the balcony,
But the sick sparrow cries and moans.
He's getting weaker and weaker every minute,
The death of a sparrow came to him.

And the doctor takes the patient in his arms,
And treats the patient all night long,
And it heals and heals all night until the morning,
And now - look! - hurray! hooray!
The patient perked up, moved his wing,
Tweeted: chick! chick! and flew out the window.

Thank you, my friend, you cured me,
I will never forget your kindness!
And there, at the threshold, the wretched crowd:
Blind ducklings and legless squirrels,
A skinny frog with a sore stomach,
Speckled cuckoo with a broken wing
And hares bitten by wolves.

And the doctor treats them all day until sunset.
And suddenly the forest animals laughed:
- We are healthy and cheerful again!
And they ran into the forest to play and jump
And they even forgot to say thank you
Forgot to say goodbye!

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