Thematic conversation on the topic of astronautics with children. Summary of the lesson "mysterious space" in the senior group. Didactic game “Choose a rhyme”

IN: -The guys all sat down beautifully, their backs were straight, their eyes were looking at me.

Our activity today is not quite ordinary. So that you understand what we are going to talk about today, guess keyword our lesson. We will guess it by letter and write it in these boxes.

In the first cell we write the letter that appears in the word: “juice” of the last one.

In the second cell we write down the letter that is in fourth place in the word “salon”.

In the third cell we write down the letter that comes first in the word “sleep”.

In the fourth cell we write down the letter that comes last in the word “suit”.

In the fifth cell we write down the letter that is in third place in the word “mole”.

In the sixth cell we write down the letter that comes first in the word: “fairy tale”.

Our lesson will be related to space.

Earth is the planet on which we live. People, plants and animals live on Earth because there is water and air. It revolves around the Sun and is the most beautiful and interesting of all the planets. The Sun is the closest star to Earth. Without the Sun there would be no life on Earth. Everything that happens on our planet is connected with the Sun: the change of day and night, the onset of winter or summer. During the day, the sun warms and illuminates our planet.

In the evening we can see the moon and stars in the sky. The Moon is the Earth's satellite. People have always wanted to visit the moon, fly to the stars, and see the Earth from space.

Would you guys like to become astronauts?

Who are astronauts?

What do you think an astronaut should be like? (healthy, strong, knowledgeable, hardworking, courageous, resilient, etc.).

What can you see in the sky? (stars)

How many stars are there in the sky? (uncountable number)

And then one day, a man was looking at the starry sky and he wanted to know what kind of stars they were and why they were so bright. Scientists came up with special instruments - telescopes, observed and learned that there are other planets.
But people wanted to know if there was life on other planets. What creatures live there, are they similar to us, is there air on other planets.
What are the inhabitants of other planets called? (aliens)
What do aliens fly on? (flying saucers)

Q: Correct. But to find out, you must fly to them. Airplanes were not suitable for this. Who knows why? (because the planets are very far away).
And so scientists invented the first satellite. There were two dogs on board - a squirrel and an arrow, they successfully returned to Earth. And then in 1961, the first man went into space.

What was this man's name?

The first person who was able to go on a space journey was cosmonaut Yuri Alekseevich Gagarin. He made his flight on April 12, 1961 on a Vostok rocket. This was a very important and joyful event for the whole world!

On this day, our country celebrates “Cosmonautics Day”. This is a holiday of astronauts and people who participate in the creation of space rockets.

Physical exercise "Rocket".

One, two - there is a rocket (hands up)

Three, four - plane (arms to the sides)

One, two - clap your hands

And then on every account.

One, two, three, four - and they walked on the spot,

Tick-tock, tick-tock - all day like this (hands on waist, bending to the side)

Let's now play the game "Family of Words"

Let’s form words from one family for the word “star”.

How can you affectionately call a Star? (star)

If there are many Stars in the sky, then we will say what it is like? (stellar)

What is the name of the ship that flies to the stars? (starship)

What do they call a wizard in fairy tales who predicts the future from the stars? (astrologer)

Well done! Every astronaut must also have ingenuity. I propose to solve space riddles.

There is a special pipe
The Universe is visible in it,
See the stars Kaleidoscope
Astronomers in... (telescope)

Lights the way at night,
Doesn't let the stars sleep.
Let everyone sleep
She can't sleep
There is light in the sky for us... (Moon)

Well done! Now let's check what you remember.
1. What is the name of our planet?
2. What is the sun for?

3. What was the name of the man who first flew into space?
4. What is the name of the day on which Gagarin flew into space?
The lesson is over, and now whoever wants can go and build a rocket from a construction set.

Conversation on the topic " Cosmonautics Day "

Second junior group

Goals :

Introduce the firstcosmonaut Yu. A. Gagarin;

Stimulate the development of speech, memory, thinking, develop imagination, fantasy.

Material to conversation : image of the solar system, photographycosmonaut Yu. A. Gagarin, dogs - Belki and Strelki.

Move conversations :

Earth is the planet on which we live, it is the only planet in the solar system where life exists. People, plants and animals live on Earth because there is water and air. It revolves around the Sun and is the most beautiful and interesting of all the planets. The Sun is the closest star to Earth. Without the Sun there would be no life on Earth. Everything that happens on our planet is connected with the Sun: the change of day and night, the onset of winter or summer. During the day, the sun warms and illuminates our planet. All living things rejoice sunlight and warmth. With the sunrise, nature awakens and comes to life.

In the evening we can see the moon and stars in the sky. The Moon is the Earth's satellite. It shines brightly in the night sky. People have always wanted to visit the moon, fly to the stars, see the Earth fromspace.

Would you guys like to becomeastronauts? ( Yes! )

Who are theyastronauts? ( children's answers, the teacher corrects, supplements )

What do you think it should be likeastronaut? (healthy, strong, knowledgeable, hardworking, courageous, resilient, etc.).

What can you see in the sky?(stars)

How many stars are there in the sky?(uncountable number)

The sky above our head is strewn with many stars. They look like small sparkling dots and are located far from the Earth. In fact, the stars are very large. And then one day, a man was looking at the starry sky and he wanted to know what kind of stars they were and why they were so bright. Scientists came up with special instruments - telescopes, observed and learned that there are other planets.

Physical education lesson “Rocket”

One-two, there's a rocket.
(child raises his hands up)
Three or four, take off soon.
(spreads his arms to the sides)
To reach the sun
(circle with hands)
Astronauts need a year.
(takes hands to cheeks, shakes head)
But dear we are not afraid
(arms to the sides, body tilts left and right)
Each of us is an athlete
(bends his elbows)
Flying over the earth
(spreads his arms to the sides)
Let's say hello to her.
(raises his hands up and waves)


    There is nothing more expensive

Than its magical light!

It will warm everyone with its warmth!

He doesn’t spare the light for people!

In the morning, at every window,

Enters affectionately (Sun)

    Above the forest, above the mountains, a carpet spreads out.

He is always, always spread out over you and over me

Sometimes it’s gray, sometimes it’s blue, sometimes it’s bright blue.(Sky)

    Multi-colored shreds
    Cotton wool floats across the sky.
    If it gets together in a bunch,
    Then the rain pours on the ground.
    Explain to me guys
    What is this cotton wool called?(Clouds)

    What is visible in the sky only at night?(Stars) .

    Adults and children know

That it is not the sun that shines at night.

Chubby and pale,

Always alone among the stars.(Moon)

But people wanted to know if there was life on other planets. What creatures live there, are they similar to us, is there air on other planets. But to find out, you must fly to them. Airplanes were not suitable for this. Who knows why?(because the planets are very far away) . And so scientists invented the first satellite, installed instruments on it and launched it intospace.

Physical education lesson “Space”

One two three four five,

(walking in place )

We are flying into space again.

(put your hands together above your head )

I'm breaking away from the Earth,

(jump )

I'm reaching the moon.

(hands to the sides, spin around )

We'll hang in orbit,

(swing your arms back and forth )

And again we hurry home.

(walking in place )

There were two dogs on board - Belka and Strelka (show the photo to the children), they successfully returned to Earth. And then in 1961 for the first timeman went into space.

The first person who was able to travel tospace trip, wasastronautYuri Alekseevich Gagarin (show photo). He made his flight on April 12, 1961 on a Vostok rocket. In thatdayour country celebrates"Cosmonautics Day". This is a holidayastronauts and peoplewho participates in the creationspace rockets.

Didactic game"Family of words"

Let's play and form words from one family to the word"star" .

How can you affectionately call a Star?(star)

If there are many Stars in the sky, then we will say what it is like?(stellar)

What is the name of the ship that flies to the stars?(starship)

What do they call a wizard in fairy tales who predicts the future from the stars?(astrologer)

Well done! Today you learned a lot aboutspace, astronauts, about our planet and I think that you can be included in the squadastronauts.

Bottom lineconversations.


1. What is the name of our planet?

2. What is the sun for?

3. When can we get a good look at the moon?

4. What was the name of the man who first flew tospace ?

Tasks for those who are not tired:

1. Build a rocket from a large construction set.

2. Laying out a rocket using counting sticks

Completed by the second teacher junior group"Moth" Sidorenko Yu.V.

Educational: to form children’s understanding of planet Earth, to introduce the first cosmonaut Yu. A. Gagarin.

Developmental: expand children’s ideas about the profession of a pilot-cosmonaut,

stimulate the development of speech, memory, thinking, develop imagination, fantasy.

Educational: to instill respect for the profession of an astronaut, to teach respect for planet Earth.

Vocabulary: Earth, sky, star, planet, sun, moon, space, rocket, astronaut.

Material for the conversation: image of the Earth, Sun, Moon, telescope, spacesuit. Photos of cosmonaut Yu. A. Gagarin, the first animals to be in space: Belki and Strelki.

Progress of the conversation: (The teacher begins the conversation) The Earth is the planet on which we live, it is the only planet in the solar system on which life exists. People, plants and animals live on Earth because there is water and air. It revolves around the Sun and is the most beautiful and interesting of all the planets. The Sun is the closest star to Earth. Without the Sun there would be no life on Earth. Everything that happens on our planet is connected with the Sun: the change of day and night, the onset of winter or summer. During the day, the sun warms and illuminates our planet. All living things rejoice in sunlight and warmth. With the sunrise, nature awakens and comes to life.

In the evening we can see the moon and stars in the sky. The Moon is the Earth's satellite. It shines brightly in the night sky. People have always wanted to visit the moon, fly to the stars, and see the Earth from space.

— Would you guys like to become astronauts?

—Who are astronauts?

—What do you think an astronaut should be like? (healthy, strong, knowledgeable, hardworking, courageous, resilient, etc.).

- What can you see in the sky? (stars)

- How many stars are there in the sky? (uncountable number)

The sky above our head is strewn with many stars. They look like small sparkling dots and are located far from the Earth. In fact, the stars are very large. And then one day, a man was looking at the starry sky and he wanted to know what kind of stars they were and why they were so bright. Scientists came up with special instruments - telescopes, observed and learned that there are other planets.

But people wanted to know if there was life on other planets. What creatures live there, are they similar to us, is there air on other planets. But to find out, you must fly to them. Airplanes were not suitable for this. Who knows why? (because the planets are very far away). And so scientists invented the first satellite, installed instruments on it and launched it into outer space. There were two dogs on board - a squirrel and an arrow, they successfully returned to Earth. And then in 1961, the first man went into space.

The first person who was able to go on a space journey was cosmonaut Yuri Alekseevich Gagarin. He made his flight on April 12, 1961 on a Vostok rocket. On this day, our country celebrates “Cosmonautics Day”. This is a holiday of astronauts and people who participate in the creation of space rockets.

Physical exercise "Rocket".

One, two - there is a rocket (hands up)

Three, four - airplane (arms to the sides)

One, two - clap your hands

And then on every account.

One, two, three, four - and they walked around in place,

Tick-tock, tick-tock - all day like this (hands on waist, bending to the side)

Didactic game "Family of Words".

Let's play and form words from one family for the word "star".

How can you affectionately call a Star? (star)

If there are many Stars in the sky, then we will say what it is like? (stellar)

What is the name of the ship that flies to the stars? (starship)

What do they call a wizard in fairy tales who predicts the future from the stars? (astrologer)

Well done! Today you have learned a lot about space, astronauts, about our planet, and I think that you can be enrolled in the cosmonaut corps.

Summary of the conversation.

1. What is the name of our planet?

2. What is the sun for?

3. When can we get a good look at the moon?

4. What was the name of the man who first flew into space?



Project activities senior preschool age

Topic: “The Mystery of the Third Planet”

Konatyeva Elena Viktorovna

MBDOU teacher

« Kindergarten"Kolobok" s. Perovo"

Simferopol district


Justification of the problem

1. Children’s superficial knowledge of space, the first man to fly into space, spaceships and cosmic bodies.


1. Expand and deepen children’s knowledge about space, the first space testers, and the planets.

2. Involve children and parents in joint creative and educational activities.

Project type: practice-oriented, short-term

Implementation deadlines: short-term

Duration : From 11.04. to 04/15/2016

Project participants: senior group students, parents.

Project stages:

  1. Preparatory stage:
  • study of literature by a teacher;
  • identification of primary knowledge about space in preschool children;
  • visiting children's libraries to select literature about space;
  • selection of material for gaming activities;
  • selection of video and audio products on this topic;
  • drawing up a project implementation plan.
  1. Main stage:


2) Section for parents: “This is interesting!” History of the development of astronautics.

3) Examination of Illustrations from the series “Space Planets”

4) Summary of GCD on speech development in senior group"Planets of the Solar System"

5) Organization of an exhibition with the involvement of parents: "The diverse world of space!"


  1. Summary of GCD for familiarizing yourself with the outside world

in the senior group “Cosmonaut School”.

3) Abstract of GCD on application for children of the older group

Theme: "Space"

4) Consultation for parents “Introducing a child to space”

1) Conversation with children in the senior group “Space. Mysteries of the Universe."

2) Reading the encyclopedia “Constellations”


1) Examination of the globe planet “Earth”

2) Reading the encyclopedia “Planet Earth”

3) Summary of GCD for modeling in the senior group “Planet Earth”


1)View the presentation “Space Travel”

2) Watching the Soviet cartoon “The Secret of the Third Planet”

The final stage:

The final product of the project will be :

  • Children's encyclopedic knowledge of space;
  • Selection didactic material: illustrations, poems, songs, stories about space;


  • 65% of families participate in the project,
  • Children's interest in the topic of space, their manifestation cognitive activity: Together with parents, they find information on the topic, tell and share their knowledge with other children in kindergarten.
  • Children bringing their own literature from home to read, drawings on their own about space.
  • Organization of the exhibition: “The colorful world of space!”


1. Conversation “From the history of the rocket”

2. Conversation on the topic: "Cosmonautics Day" in the senior group

3. Conversation “First attempts to conquer space”

4 . Summary of the conversation in the senior group “Space. Mysteries of the Universe."

5. Section for parents “This is interesting! «

6 . Consultation for parents on the topic: “Introducing a child to space.”

7. Summary of educational activities for speech development in the senior group

Topic: “Planets of the solar system”

8. Summary of educational activities for familiarization with the outside world in the senior group. Topic: “Cosmonaut School”

9. Abstract of GCD on application for children of the senior group

Theme: "Space"

10 . Abstract GCD for modeling in the senior group.

Topic: “Our planet Earth”

11 .Presentation for children “Space travel!

Conversation in the senior group

Topic: “From the history of the rocket”

Target:introduce children to the history of the development of aviation and space rockets.

The dream of humanity to gain wings is lost in the depths of centuries. How long did it take for this great dream to become a reality? We are witnessing the rapid development of aviation. Unfortunately, man is not destined to become like a bird. Man began to fly only nearly a century ago, but he managed to take to the air much earlier.

Hanging in the air is not flying. The first flights were made on balloons, filled with smoke from fires. In principle, any gas that is lighter than the surrounding air can be inside the ball. Balloons - aerostats - are adapted for travel, transportation of goods, scientific research. Over time, the idea was born to make the frame of this vehicle rigid - this is how airship. Engines began to be installed on this type of device, which made it possible to move vast distances.

Real aircraft, that is, controlled vehicles heavier than air, equipped with an engine, capable of changing altitude and flying horizontally, appeared only at the turn of the two last centuries. The first airplanes were propelled by a propeller.

But to achieve high speeds and altitudes, other engines are needed. If you burn fuel in a chamber and release the combustion products - gases - in one direction, perhaps this will make the plane move. And in 1910, an airplane took off in Paris new design. This was the beginning of creation jet plane.

It was the jet engine that made it possible for the first time to exceed the speed of sound and rise to a height of 20 kilometers. New engines increased the power and carrying capacity of flying machines so much that it became possible to transport 200-300 passengers thousands of kilometers, deliver to the most different points the globe hundreds of tons of cargo. The jet plane has become the fastest modern look transport.

Man has always strived to escape the boundaries of gravity, but for many years only poets and science fiction writers dreamed of this. The use of missiles. They themselves have been known for a long time; historical sources note their use several centuries ago in China and India. But these were small devices, and hardly anyone saw in them the possibility of transatmospheric travel. Astronautics began to find its feet when the first scientific calculations appeared. They proved the feasibility of flight in orbit around the Earth and even far beyond it using jet technology, but its creation required innovative design and engineering solutions. Work on space devices was carried out in an atmosphere of deep secrecy. And an amazingly short time passed from the beginning of the construction of the first, still largely imperfect, often exploding rockets before man managed to escape into space, that is, to reach a speed of about 8 kilometers per second! All this became possible thanks to the jet engine invented by aviation.

Conversation in the senior group

Topic: "Cosmonautics Day"

1. Foster children’s interest in astronauts; teach them to admire their heroic work, to be proud that the first cosmonaut was a Russian. Expand your understanding of space flight.
2. To consolidate children’s knowledge that we live on planet Earth; there are other planets, stars, constellations in space.
3. Activate the dictionary with adjectives denoting characteristics of objects; improve the ability to coordinate nouns with adjectives.
4. Enrich children's musical experience. Develop emotional responsiveness to music.
5. Continue to strengthen the ability to solve a crossword puzzle, break words into sounds.
6. Improve counting skills within 20, consolidate understanding of the relationships between numbers.
7. Continue to develop children’s interest in fiction and educational literature. Develop creative imagination.
8. Develop dexterity and speed of reaction, coordination of movements.


1. Illustrations on the theme “Space” (portraits of astronauts, types of rockets, satellites, starry sky, diagram of the planets).
2. Recording songs about astronauts (“I am Earth” by V. Muradeli, E. Dolmatov.)
3. Paper rockets according to the number of children.
4. Model with an astronaut and aliens.

Part 1.
To put children in a positive mood on the theme “Space”, play the game “Rockets”.
There are paper “rockets” laid out on the table, one or two fewer than the children.
Children walk in a circle, responding to the words “there is no room for latecomers” with “rockets”.
Fast rockets are waiting for us
For walks on the planets,
Whatever we want
Let's fly to this one!
But there is one secret in the game -
There is no room for latecomers.
Repeat the game 2-3 times, removing 1-2 “missiles” each time. Invite the children to count how many children and how many “rockets” there are, are there enough “rockets” for everyone, if not, then how many fewer there are.
Conversation with children.
Educator. Guys, do you know what a significant day will be soon?
Children: April 12 “Cosmonautics Day”
Educator: shows a portrait of Yu. A. Gagarin and asks:
Do you know who this is? Tell us what you know about Yu. A. Gagarin.
Children: Yu.A. Gagarin was the first person to fly into space.
He rose high, high above the earth in a spaceship. People who fly into space are called pilots - cosmonauts.
Educator: Reads the story “First in Space” by V. Borozdin.
Educator: Being an astronaut is not only honorable, but also very difficult.
You must be brave, decisive, persistent, resourceful and, most importantly, comprehensively educated.
The teacher points to an illustration with a rocket and says:
“The spacecraft is equipped with very complex equipment, and the astronaut must know it all perfectly in order to be able to work on it, and in case of a breakdown, to urgently repair it.
Cosmonauts fly into space to conduct scientific research. research work; They study the climate of the Earth, other planets, study how plants behave in zero gravity, and conduct many other useful studies.
The teacher looks at the illustrations with the children.
Questions for children:
1) Name the first female cosmonaut (Valentina Tereshkova)
2) Which cosmonaut was the first to go into space? open space(Alexey Leonov)
3) Do you remember which animals were the first to fly into space? (dogs: Laika, and then Belka and Strelka)
Educator: Many poems and songs have been written about astronauts.
Includes a recording of the song “I am the Earth” by music. V. Muradeli, words by E. Dolmatov.
Asks questions about the lyrics of the song.
The teacher invites the children to solve a crossword puzzle and asks riddles.
Children must decipher the answers to riddles into sounds. Those who know how to write can independently enter the answers into the crossword puzzle.
1. Bottomless ocean,
The endless ocean
Airless, dark
And extraordinary
Universes live in it,
Stars and comets,
There are also inhabited
Maybe planets. (space)

2. On an airship,
Cosmic, obedient,
We are outrunning the wind
We're riding a (rocket)

3. Yellow plate
Hangs in the sky
Yellow plate
Gives warmth to everyone. (Sun)

4. An icy object flies,
His tail is a strip of light,
And the name of the object is (comet)

5. Lights the way at night,
Doesn't let the stars sleep,
Let everyone sleep, she has no time for sleep,
Will not fall asleep in the sky (moon)
Part 2.
Physical education lesson: “Pass the cotton”
Children stand in a circle. The first child claps in front of himself, then claps on the neighbor’s palm, and so on in a circle.
The teacher and the children look at the star map.
Asking questions.
Find a constellation Ursa Major. How many stars are in this constellation? (seven)
Which one is the most bright Star in the Northern Hemisphere? (polar)
How many planets are there in the solar system? (seven)
Which ones do you know? (Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn,
Uranus, Neptune, Pluto.
Educator: What other stars and constellations do we learn from V. P. Lepilov’s poem “Cosmic Tale”?

Reads a poem.
Educator: Guys, let's play with you.
Introduces a model with “astronaut” and “aliens”,
They consider it with children.
Imagine that you are astronauts. You have arrived on an unfamiliar planet, where you are met by aliens. They do not know the earthly language and you must show with gestures that you are from planet Earth and have arrived in peace.
Children improvise.
After the game, the teacher summarizes what new and interesting things the children learned.
1.Tasks and goals of this educational activities Almost all were completed.
2. All specified educational areas were implemented.
3. The children were interested in this topic and actively answered questions.
4. The children had an emotional, positive attitude when listening to the song and when participating in the game.

Conversation in the senior group

Topic: “First attempts to conquer space”

Target:Explain to children in an accessible form the stages of man’s conquest of the Earth’s airspace and space.

Progress of the conversation:

The mysterious world of stars and planets has attracted the attention of people since ancient times. But it became closer and more accessible only with the penetration of man into outer space.

In 1961, the heroic cosmonaut Yuri Alekseevich Gagarin was the first to fly into space. People have long dreamed of exploring outer space. They thought for a long time about building a spaceship to fly above the stars. People dreamed of knowing the sky, and not just setting altitude records. We needed eyes that could see through thousands of kilometers, we needed ears that could hear in the Universe, we needed hands that could control a point - a ship, lost in the infinity of world space.

The eyes were created by “locator specialists”.

Ears are “radio constructors”.

Hands are “automation specialists.”

One of the first to think about flying into space was the Russian scientist Konstantin Eduardovich Tsiolkovsky.

The fate and life of Tsiolkovsky are unusual and interesting.

The first half of Kostya Tsiolkovsky’s childhood was ordinary, like all children. Already in old age, Konstantin Eduardovich recalled how he liked to climb trees, climb onto the roofs of houses, jump from high altitude to experience the feeling of free fall. My second childhood began when, having contracted scarlet fever, I almost completely lost my hearing. Deafness caused the boy not only everyday inconvenience and moral suffering. She threatened to slow down his physical and mental development.

Kostya suffered another grief: his mother died. The family was left with a father, a younger brother and an illiterate aunt. The boy was left to his own devices.

Deprived of many joys and impressions due to illness, Kostya reads a lot, constantly comprehending what he read. He invents something that was invented a long time ago. But he invents himself. For example, a lathe. In the courtyard of the house, the windmills he built spin in the wind, and self-propelled sailing carts run against the wind.

He dreams of space travel. He voraciously reads books on physics, chemistry, astronomy, and mathematics. Realizing that his capable but deaf son would not be accepted into any educational institution, the father decides to send sixteen-year-old Kostya to Moscow for self-education. Kostya rents a corner in Moscow and sits in free libraries. His father sends him 15 - 20 rubles a month, but Kostya, eating black bread and drinking tea, spends 90 kopecks a month on food! With the rest of the money he buys retorts, books, and reagents. The following years were also difficult. He suffered a lot from bureaucratic indifference to his works and projects. I was sick and discouraged, but I got myself together again, made calculations, and wrote books.

Now we already know that Konstantin Eduardovich Tsiolkovsky is the pride of Russia, one of the fathers of astronautics, a great scientist. And many of us are surprised to learn that the great scientist did not go to school, did not have any scientific degrees, last years lived in Kaluga in an ordinary wooden house and no longer heard anything, but throughout the world the one who first drew for humanity the path to other worlds and stars is now recognized as a genius.

October 4, 1957 became significant date. On this day the first artificial Earth satellite was launched. Started space age. The first satellite of the Earth was a shiny ball made of aluminum alloys and was small - with a diameter of 58 cm and a weight of 83.6 kg. The device had a two-meter mustache antenna, and two radio transmitters were placed inside. In an hour and a half, the satellite circled the entire globe, and during the 24-hour flight it completed 15 revolutions. Nowadays there are many satellites in earth's orbit. Some are used for television and radio communications, others are scientific laboratories.

The scientists were faced with the task of launching into orbit Living being.

And dogs paved the way to space for humans. Animal testing began in 1949. The first “cosmonauts” were recruited in the gateways - the first squad of dogs. A total of 32 dogs were captured.

They decided to take dogs as test subjects because scientists knew how they behave and understood the structural features of the body. In addition, dogs are not capricious and are easy to train. And the mongrels were chosen because the doctors believed that from the first day they were forced to fight for survival, moreover, they were unpretentious and very quickly got used to the staff. The dogs had to meet specified standards: no heavier than 6 kilograms and no higher than 35 cm in height. Remembering that the dogs would have to “show off” on the pages of newspapers, they selected “objects” that were more beautiful, slimmer and with smart faces. They were trained on a vibration stand, a centrifuge, and a pressure chamber: For space travel, a hermetic cabin was made, which was attached to the nose of the rocket.

The first dog race took place on July 22, 1951 - the mongrels Dezik and Gypsy successfully completed it! Gypsy and Desik rose to 110 km, then the cabin with them freely fell to a height of 7 km. At this mark the parachute opened, and both “cosmonauts” landed safely. On that day, the fate of the manned astronaut was decided - living beings can fly on rockets! The second launch ended in failure: during the second test, Desik and his partner Lisa died - the parachute did not open. Over the entire period of experiments - until the spring of 1961 - 29 rockets with animals were launched. In this case, 10 dogs died. The dogs died from depressurization of the cabin, failure of the parachute system, and problems in the life support system.

But there were also funny cases. One evening, on the eve of the flight, the laboratory assistant took the mongrels who were supposed to fly for a walk. One of the dogs, Brave, has already been in space. As soon as the laboratory assistant unfastened the leash, Smely ran away - apparently, he felt that he was about to fly again. No matter how they lured him, he did not go back. And then, instead of Smely, they sent a mongrel of suitable size into the flight, washed him, trimmed the fur in the places where sensors needed to be applied, and dressed him in overalls. The launch went well, the animals returned alive and healthy.

Since 1952, they began to practice animal flights in spacesuits.

At the beginning of 1956, a new task was set: to prepare a 30-day flight for two dogs. There were many problems: creating a new pressurized cabin, developing an air regeneration system, coming up with a nutritional mixture and an automatic device for regular feeding of four-legged astronauts, developing a “space toilet” for dogs. A special automatic conveyor was created for feeding. Once a day, from under the tray in which the dog lay, a new box filled with a dough-like mixture was pulled out on a belt - this was both food and drink.

Belka and Strelka were already real cosmonauts. What were the astronauts trained for?

The dogs passed all types of tests. They can remain in the cabin for quite a long time without moving, and can endure large overloads and vibrations. Animals are not afraid of rumors, they know how to sit in their experimental equipment, making it possible to record the biocurrents of the heart, muscles, brain, blood pressure, breathing patterns, etc.

Footage of the flight of Belka and Strelka was shown on television. It was clearly visible how they tumbled in weightlessness. And, if Strelka was wary of everything, Belka was joyfully furious and even barked.

Belka and Strelka became everyone's favorites. They were taken to kindergartens, schools, and orphanages. Journalists were given the opportunity to pet the dogs, but were warned not to accidentally nip them.

In memory of the deceased Laika, a granite column was erected in front of the Paris Society for the Protection of Dogs in honor of all the animals who gave their lives in the name of science. Its top was crowned by a skyward satellite, from which Laika looked out.

Summary of the conversation in the senior group Topic: “Space. Mysteries of the Universe."

Humanity has always puzzled over the mystery of the origin of the Universe. Universe- this is the entire endless world around us: planets, moon, stars and galaxies. Nobody knows how big the Universe is. Within the visible Universe there are over 100 billion. galaxies, i.e., extensive clusters of stars.

Our galaxy is called Milky Way . It contains planets solar system . The word planet comes from the Greek word for wanderer.

Planet- This heavenly body. “The center of the solar system is the Sun,” this idea was put forward by the Polish astronomer Nicolaus Copernicus. But astronomers are not able to view the entire Universe with their telescopes, so no one knows where its true “center” is located.

solar system consists of the Sun and all the celestial bodies that revolve around it, including the eight main planets: Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, several dozen of their satellites, like our Moon, as well as asteroids and comets

Each body moves around the Sun in its own orbit.

Orbit is a circular or elliptical path along which a celestial body moves in outer space. For example, planets move in orbits around the Sun, and moons move in orbits around their planets.

The Sun's gravitational force holds the Solar System together.

Gravity- this is the force of attraction. Thanks to this force of gravity, any object is attracted to the Earth and prevents it from flying into space, keeping your feet on the ground. To get into low-Earth orbit, the spacecraft must reach a speed of at least 28,163 km/h. If the spacecraft does not pick up such speed, it will fall back to Earth.

Outer space or just space They call the areas between the Earth and the Moon, between the planets of the solar system and between the stars. Space is not completely empty. There is no air, but there are particles of dust and gases.

(Invite the children to do a physical education session. Choose one of them to be the Sun, and the rest will be the planets that move around the Sun. The children should move very slowly. Then show how quickly the rocket flies up, i.e. the children squat and quickly stand up.)

Since ancient times, people have dreamed of flying like birds. In whatever way the heroes of fairy tales and legends went to heaven! IN Ancient China Kings rode across the sky in golden chariots. Daedalus and Icarus made themselves wings in order to escape from captivity. Aladdin flew on a magic carpet. Baba Yaga rushed over the earth in a mortar. The heroes of one fairy tale set off on a flying ship. All these were heroes of fairy tales and legends.

But centuries passed, and people were able to conquer the airspace of the Earth. At first they took to the skies in balloons and airships. Later they began to plow the air ocean on airplanes and helicopters. But humanity dreamed of flying not only in air, but also in outer space. The mysterious “star abyss” of space attracted people, calling them to look into it and solve its mysteries. By observing the sky through telescopes, people learned that there were other planets besides the Earth.

People wanted to know if there is life on other planets? And if there is, who lives there? Are these living creatures similar to people? But to find out about this, you need to fly to these planets. Airplanes were not suitable for this, because the planets were very far away.

And scientists came up with rockets.

Who in Russia invented the first rocket? There lived a simple teacher in the city of Kaluga Konstantin Eduardovich Tsiolkovsky . He loved to watch the stars through a telescope, studied them, and he really wanted to fly to these distant planets. And he decided to design an aircraft that could fly to some planet. He carried out calculations, made drawings and came up with such an aircraft. But unfortunately he did not have the opportunity to make such a device. But his dream was realized by another Russian scientist Korolev.

The first spacecraft to enter orbit around the Earth was the Soviet Sputnik 1, launched on October 4, 1957. There were no crew or animals on board, but instead there were devices that sent information to Earth.

The first man in space was a Soviet cosmonaut Yuri Alekseyevich Gagarin , who committed April 12, 1961 a full revolution around the Earth on board the Vostok-1 spacecraft. After spending less than 2 hours in space, he became an international hero.

That's why 12th of April in our country it is considered During the day Cosmonautics, a holiday dedicated to people who connected their lives with space.

Section for parents: “This is interesting!”

History of the development of astronautics

Cosmonautics as a science, and then as a practical branch, was formed in the middle of the 20th century. But this was preceded by a fascinating history of the birth and development of the idea of ​​​​flying into space, which began with fantasy, and only then did the first theoretical works and experiments appear. Thus, initially in human dreams, flight into outer space was carried out with the help of fabulous means or forces of nature (tornadoes, hurricanes). Closer to the 20th century, for these purposes, the descriptions of science fiction writers were already present technical means- balloons, super-powerful guns and, finally, rocket engines and rockets themselves. More than one generation of young romantics grew up on the works of J. Verne, G. Wells, A. Tolstoy, A. Kazantsev, the basis of which was a description of space travel.

It must be said that the idea of ​​connecting the cosmic and terrestrial directions human activity belongs to the founder of theoretical cosmonautics K.E. Tsiolkovsky.

The beginning in the USSR practical work in space programs is associated with the names of S.P. Koroleva and M.K. Tikhonravova. At the beginning of 1945 M.K. Tikhonravov organized a group of RNII specialists to develop a project for a manned high-altitude rocket vehicle (a cabin with two cosmonauts) for research upper layers atmosphere. It was decided to create the project on the basis of a single-stage liquid rocket, designed for vertical flight to an altitude of up to 200 km.

Work began to prepare for the launch of the first satellite PS-1. The first Council of Chief Designers was created, headed by S.P. Korolev, who later managed the space program of the USSR, which became the world leader in space exploration.

Cosmonautics is unique in that much that was predicted first by science fiction writers and then by scientists has truly come true at cosmic speed. Only 56 years have passed since the launch of the first artificial Earth satellite, October 4, 1957, and the history of astronautics already contains a series of remarkable achievements achieved initially by the USSR and the USA, and then by other space powers.

Already many thousands of satellites are flying in orbit around the Earth, the devices have reached the surface of the Moon, Venus, Mars; scientific equipment was sent to Jupiter, Mercury, Saturn to obtain knowledge about these distant planets of the solar system.

The triumph of astronautics was the launch of the first man into space on April 12, 1961 - Yu.A. Gagarin . Then - a group flight, manned spacewalk, the creation of the Salyut and Mir orbital stations... The USSR for a long time became the leading country in the world in manned programs.

Indicative is the trend of transition from launching single spacecraft to solve primarily military problems to the creation of large-scale space systems in the interests of solving a wide range of problems (including socio-economic and scientific) and to integration space industries various countries.

Tasks that arose during preparation and implementation space flights, served as an impetus for the intensive development of such general scientific disciplines as celestial and theoretical mechanics. Widespread use of new mathematical methods and creating perfect computers allowed us to solve the most complex tasks designing spacecraft orbits and controlling them during flight, and as a result a new scientific discipline- dynamics of space flight.

Much work on the creation of launch vehicles based on ballistic missiles was carried out at the Yuzhnoye Design Bureau, headed by M.K. Yangel. The reliability of these light-class launch vehicles has no analogues in the world astronautics. In the same design bureau under the leadership of V.F. Utkin created the Zenit medium-class launch vehicle - a representative of the second generation of launch vehicles.

Satellite communication systems are being created that cover almost all countries of the world and provide two-way operational communication with any subscribers. This type of communication has proven to be the most reliable and is becoming increasingly profitable. Relay systems make it possible to control space groups from one point on Earth. Satellite navigation systems have been created and are being operated. Without these systems it is no longer conceivable today to use modern Vehicle- merchant ships, aircraft civil aviation, military equipment, etc.

Qualitative changes have also occurred in the field of manned flights. The ability to successfully operate outside of a spacecraft has been proven for the first time Soviet cosmonauts in the 1960-1970s, and in the 1980-1990s. the ability of a person to live and work in conditions of weightlessness for a year was demonstrated. During the flights it was also carried out big number experiments - technical, geophysical and astronomical.

The most important are research in the field of space medicine and life support systems. It is necessary to deeply study man and life support systems in order to determine what can be entrusted to a person in space, especially during long-term space flight.

One of the first space experiments was photographing the Earth, which showed how much observations from space can provide for the discovery and wise use of natural resources.

In 1967, during the automatic docking of two unmanned artificial Earth satellites “Cosmos-186” and “Cosmos-188”, the largest scientific and technical problem of meeting and docking spacecraft in space was solved, which made it possible to short time create the first orbital station (USSR) and choose the most rational scheme for the flight of spacecraft to the Moon with the landing of earthlings on its surface (USA). In 1981, the first flight of a reusable transport vehicle was made. space system Space Shuttle (USA), and in 1991 the domestic Energia - Buran system was launched.

In general, solving various problems of space exploration - from launching artificial Earth satellites to launching interplanetary spacecraft and manned spacecraft and stations - has provided a lot of invaluable scientific information about the Universe and the planets of the Solar System and has significantly contributed to the technological progress of mankind. Earth satellites, together with sounding rockets, have made it possible to obtain detailed data about near-Earth space. Thus, with the help of the first artificial satellites, they discovered radiation belts, their research delved deeper into the Earth's interaction with charged particles emitted by the Sun. Interplanetary space flights helped us to better understand the nature of many planetary phenomena - solar wind, solar storms, meteor showers, etc.

Spacecraft launched to the Moon transmitted images of its surface, including photographing its side invisible from Earth with a resolution significantly superior to the capabilities of terrestrial means. Samples of lunar soil were taken, and automatic self-propelled vehicles Lunokhod-1 and Lunokhod-2 were delivered to the lunar surface.

Automatic spacecraft have made it possible to obtain Additional information about the shape and gravitational field of the Earth, clarify the fine details of the shape of the Earth and its magnetic field. Artificial satellites have helped obtain more accurate data about the mass, shape and orbit of the Moon. The masses of Venus and Mars were also refined using observations of spacecraft flight trajectories.

The requirements of astronautics necessitated the design of complex automatic devices under severe restrictions caused by the carrying capacity of launch vehicles and space conditions, which was an additional incentive for the rapid improvement of automation and microelectronics.

The results obtained in the field of satellite geodesy are especially important for solving military problems, mapping natural resources, increasing the accuracy of trajectory measurements, and also for studying the Earth. Using space assets creates a unique opportunity to solve problems environmental monitoring Earth and global control of natural resources. The results of space surveys turned out to be an effective means of monitoring the development of agricultural crops, identifying vegetation diseases, measuring some soil factors, aquatic environment etc. Totality various methods satellite imagery provides virtually reliable, complete and detailed information about natural resources and the state of the environment.

In addition to the already defined areas, new areas of use will obviously develop. space technology, for example, the organization of technological production that is impossible in terrestrial conditions. Thus, weightlessness can be used to obtain crystals of semiconductor compounds. Such crystals will find application in the electronics industry to create a new class semiconductor devices. In conditions of weightlessness, freely floating liquid metal and other materials are easily deformed by weak magnetic fields. This opens the way to obtaining ingots of any predetermined shape without crystallizing them in molds, as is done on Earth. The peculiarity of such ingots is the almost complete absence of internal stresses and high purity.

The possibility of implementing such plans is inextricably linked with solving the problems of creating new engines for flights in outer space that do not require significant reserves of fuel, for example, ion, photon, and also using natural forces - gravity, torsion fields, etc.

Creation of new unique samples of rocket and space technology, as well as methods space research, conducting space experiments on automatic and manned ships and stations in near-Earth space, as well as in the orbits of the planets of the Solar System, is fertile ground for combining the efforts of scientists and designers from different countries.

At the beginning of the 21st century, tens of thousands of objects of artificial origin are in space flight. These include spacecraft and fragments (last stages of launch vehicles, fairings, adapters and separable parts).

Therefore, along with the urgent problem of combating pollution of our planet, the issue of combating the pollution of near-Earth space will arise. Already at the present time, one of the problems is the distribution of the frequency resource of the geostationary orbit due to its saturation with spacecraft for various purposes.

The undoubted success of the world cosmonautics was the implementation of the ASTP program, The final stage which - the launch and docking in orbit of the Soyuz and Apollo spacecraft - was carried out in July 1975. This flight marked the beginning of international programs that successfully developed in the last quarter of the 20th century and the undoubted success of which was the manufacture, launch and assembly in orbit of the International Space Station.

The most important stages of space exploration

In 1957, under the leadership of Korolev, the world's first intercontinental ballistic missile R-7 was created, which in the same year was used to launch the world's first artificial Earth satellite.

On October 4, 1957, the first artificial Earth satellite, Sputnik-1 (USSR), was launched.

On November 3, 1957, the second artificial Earth satellite, Sputnik 2, was launched, which for the first time launched a living creature into space - the dog Laika (USSR).

On January 4, 1959, the Luna-1 station passed at a distance of 6,000 kilometers from the surface of the Moon and entered a heliocentric orbit. She became the first in the world artificial satellite Sun (USSR).

On September 14, 1959, the Luna-2 station for the first time in the world reached the surface of the Moon in the region of the Mare Serenity near the craters Aristides, Archimedes and Autolycus, delivering a pennant with the coat of arms of the USSR (USSR).

On October 4, 1959, the Luna-3 spacecraft was launched, which for the first time in the world photographed the side of the Moon invisible from Earth. Also during the flight, for the first time in the world, a gravity maneuver was carried out in practice (USSR).

On August 19, 1960, the first ever orbital flight into space of living beings was made with a successful return to Earth. The dogs Belka and Strelka (USSR) made an orbital flight on the Sputnik 5 spacecraft.

On April 12, 1961, the first manned flight into space (Yu. Gagarin) was made on the Vostok-1 spacecraft (USSR).

On August 12, 1962, the world's first group space flight was carried out on the Vostok-3 and Vostok-4 spacecraft. The maximum approach of the ships was about 6.5 km (USSR).

On June 16, 1963, the world's first flight into space by a female cosmonaut (Valentina Tereshkova) was made on the Vostok-6 spacecraft (USSR).

On October 12, 1964, the world's first multi-seat spacecraft, Voskhod-1 (USSR), flew.

On March 18, 1965, the first human spacewalk in history took place. Cosmonaut Alexei Leonov performed a spacewalk from the Voskhod-2 spacecraft (USSR).

On February 3, 1966, the Luna-9 spacecraft made the world's first soft landing on the surface of the Moon, and panoramic images of the Moon were transmitted (USSR).

On March 1, 1966, the Venera 3 station reached the surface of Venus for the first time, delivering the USSR pennant. This was the world's first flight of a spacecraft from Earth to another planet (USSR).

On April 3, 1966, the Luna-10 station became the first artificial satellite of the Moon (USSR).

On October 30, 1967, the first docking of two unmanned spacecraft “Cosmos-186” and “Cosmos-188” (USSR) was made.

On September 15, 1968, the first return of the spacecraft (Zond-5) to Earth after orbiting the Moon. There were living creatures on board: turtles, fruit flies, worms, plants, seeds, bacteria. (THE USSR).

On January 16, 1969, the first docking of two manned spacecraft Soyuz-4 and Soyuz-5 took place. (THE USSR).

July 21, 1969 - the first landing of a man on the Moon (N. Armstrong) as part of the lunar expedition of the Apollo 11 spacecraft, which delivered to Earth, including the first samples of lunar soil. (USA).

On September 24, 1970, the Luna-16 station collected and subsequently delivered to Earth (by the Luna-16 station) samples of lunar soil. (THE USSR). It is also the first unmanned spacecraft to deliver rock samples to Earth from another cosmic body (that is, in in this case, from the Moon).

November 17, 1970 - soft landing and start of operation of the world's first semi-automatic remotely controlled self-propelled vehicle controlled from the Earth: Lunokhod-1. (THE USSR).

December 15, 1970 - the world's first soft landing on the surface of Venus: Venera 7. (THE USSR).

On November 13, 1971, Mariner 9 became the first artificial satellite of Mars. (USA).

On November 27, 1971, the Mars 2 station reached the surface of Mars for the first time. (THE USSR).

March 3, 1972 - launch of the first device that subsequently left the solar system: Pioneer 10. (USA).

On October 20, 1975, the Venera 9 station became the first artificial satellite of Venus. (THE USSR).

October 1975 - soft landing of two spacecraft "Venera-9" and "Venera-10" and the world's first photographs of the surface of Venus. (THE USSR).

April 12, 1981 - the first flight of the first reusable transport spacecraft Columbia. (USA).

On December 7, 1995, the Galileo station became the first artificial satellite of Jupiter. (USA).

November 20, 1998 - launch of the first block of the International Space Station. Production and launch (Russia). Owner (USA).

On June 24, 2000, the NEAR Shoemaker station became the first artificial satellite of the asteroid (433 Eros). (USA).

On June 30, 2004, the Cassini station became the first artificial satellite of Saturn. (USA).

On January 15, 2006, the Stardust station delivered samples of comet Wild 2 (USA) to earth.

Summary of direct educational activities in
preparatory group dedicated to the day astronautics.
Topic: “Profession of astronaut”
Age of pupils: 67 years (preparatory group)
Time: 30 35 minutes
Form of implementation: frontal work
Goal: Clarification and expansion of children’s knowledge and ideas about the history of space, about
the first heroes flying into space, about the peculiarities of the life of astronauts.
Integration educational areas: Cognitive development, socially
communication development, physical development, speech development.
Educational: deepen children’s knowledge about the history of appearance and development
profession of an astronaut, expand the knowledge of preschoolers about the first astronauts,
to form children's ideas about the peculiarities of work and rest of astronauts in
Developmental: to form cognitive interest in the topic of space, to develop
communication skills (through questions on the topic), imagination, memory,
focused attention of preschoolers (through the use of visual
methods of work), the ability to reason, draw conclusions (through organization
feedback at the end of the event).
Educational: to cultivate a respectful attitude towards the profession
astronaut, curiosity in preschoolers, to cultivate love and respect for
to your country and small homeland, to the people who glorify it.
Materials for the lesson: portraits of astronauts, illustrations of space,
space rockets, satellites, astronaut suit, starry sky illustrations,
Preliminary work:
Examination of illustrations about space, cosmic phenomena, astronauts. Conversation
"Our solar system", "How man conquered space", familiarization with the map
Solar system.
Progress of the lesson.
Introductory part:

Q: I want to start today’s lesson with this riddle. Listen:
First they spun it in a centrifuge,
And then they dressed me in a heavy spacesuit.
He's in a spacesuit, with insurance
Entered orbit.
He corrected the ship deftly
The cable is broken.
Children's answers. (Astronaut)
Q: Well done! This is an astronaut.
Shows a picture.
Teacher: What are the astronauts wearing in space? Guess this one
It's always cold in space
There is no summer.
The astronaut, checking the cable,
He puts something on.
Those clothes will provide
Both warmth and oxygen.
Children's answers. (Spacesuit)
Shows a picture.
Q: There is weightlessness in Space, and there is no air. Therefore, without a spacesuit in
open space will not be released, but a huge one is placed on the astronaut’s head
a pressure helmet, and on the astronaut’s shoulders a heavy backpack with cylinders full of air.
Without a spacesuit, an astronaut will either burn in the scorching rays of the Sun or freeze in
the icy darkness of space, where sunlight does not reach.
Q: Children, do you like to look at the starry sky?
Children's answers.
Q: Can you count how many stars there are in the sky?
Children's answers.

Q: Yes, there are countless of them (shows pictures of the starry sky) and from deep
in ancient times, people dreamed of flying like birds, finding out what the stars are and why they are so
glow brightly. What fairy tale heroes used to take to the skies: air
in a ball, on a broom, on an airplane carpet. Centuries passed, people managed to conquer the air
space of the Earth. First they came up with an airship. Who knows what this is?
Children's answers
Q: An airship is a large balloon to which a cabin is attached from below,
to manage it. (shows a picture)
Then they built an airplane, but they were replaced by high-speed airplanes and
helicopters. And finally, human engineers built the fastest air
transport, and guess which one, guess the riddle.
Wonderbird, scarlet tail
Arrived in a flock of stars
What is this?
Children's answers. (Rocket)
Shows a picture.
Q: Well done! It's a rocket! Make yourself comfortable, now I need yours
eyes and ears to look carefully at the pictures and listen to the cosmic
Main part:
Q: So, a rocket is the fastest air transport, but who can fly on
He is not a pilot, not a pilot,
He's not flying a plane,
And a huge rocket
Children, who, tell me, is this?
Children's answers. (Astronaut)
Q: How attentive and smart you all are! Well done! Of course they can fly on a rocket
Q: How many of you know who was the first to fly into space?

Children's answers
Q: The first to fly into space were our Russian dogs, the cosmonauts -
Belka and Strelka. The first animals to fly into space
returned to Earth unharmed. Their flight lasted more than 25 hours, during which time
the ship made 17 orbits around the Earth. Shows a picture.
Q: But dogs don’t know how to fly a spaceship, he, like anyone else
the other transport must have a commander. And then people sent into space
human astronaut. What do you think, who is an astronaut?
Children's answers
Q: An astronaut is a specially trained person who conducts tests on
on board a spacecraft in space flight, an astronaut can also be called
space engineer, because he also repairs space stations, leads
observations of our planet from space. What is the name of our planet? Guess
such a mystery.
No beginning, no end
No back of the head, no face.
Everyone knows, both young and old,
That she is a huge ball.
Children's answers. (Earth)
Q: What other planets do you know?
Children's answers.
Q: Guess this riddle.
Lights the way at night,
Doesn't let the stars sleep.
Let everyone sleep, she has no time for sleep,
There is light in the sky for us... (Moon)
Children's answers.
Q: In order to count all the planets for you and me, I suggest playing with your fingers.
Finger game "Planets"
For each name of the planet, children bend their fingers.

All planets in order
Any of us can name:
Once Mercury,
Two Venus,
Three Earth,
Four Mars.
Five Jupiter,
Six Saturn,
Seven Uranus,
Neptune is behind him.
He is the eighth in a row.
And after him, then,
And the ninth planet
Called Pluto.
Q: How many planets have we counted?
Children's answers (nine)
Q: Guys, to live and work in a spaceship, you have to be very
educated and healthy person. Need to go special training. You
want to become an astronaut?
Children's answers (yes.)
B: – then let’s practice.
Physical education minute.
To fly into space, you need to be able to do a lot.
Be healthy, don’t be lazy, do well in school.
And we will do exercises every day, we are not too lazy!
Turn left to right and go back again,
Squat, jump and run, run, run.
And then walk more and more quietly and sit down again.

Q: Let’s all take our seats. Now let's listen to the history of space flight.
Q: On April 12, 1962, for the first time in the world, a Russian spacecraft went into flight
a ship called "Vostok" with a man on board. It was Yuri Alekseevich
Gagarin. His flight lasted 1 hour 48 minutes. For this flight to Yuri Alekseevich
Gagarin was awarded the title of Hero Soviet Union. Shows portrait
IN space rocket with the name "East"
He was the first on the planet to rise to the stars.
The spring drops sing songs about this:
Gagarin and April will be together forever.
Q: What holiday does our country celebrate every year on April 12?
Children's answers.
Q: Well done! Cosmonautics Day!
Not only men fly into space, but also women. The world's first woman -
an astronaut who made a space flight alone is Valentina
Vladimirovna Tereshkova. Shows a portrait.
Q: Guys, please tell me, anyone can become an astronaut and fly
into the space?
Children's answers
Q: Not every person can become an astronaut. At first they were selected to become cosmonauts
only military pilots, then engineers, doctors, scientists flew into space.
In Russia there are special units for training cosmonauts for life in space, there
future cosmonauts are trained on special simulators:
sports, live in special cells, test their capabilities on various
rotating projectiles, study the spacecraft, learn to control and operate it
On him.
Q: Guys, what should an astronaut be like?
Children's answers
Q: Life in Space is very different from life on Earth. Why do you think?
Children's answers.

Q: Therefore, an astronaut must, first of all, be healthy, strong and smart.
Do you guys know what astronauts eat? Guess this riddle.
There is no frying pan in space
And there is no saucepan either.
There is porridge and herring here,
And borscht and vinaigrette
Packaged like cream!
I'll be an astronaut.
Something I'll eat from
No dishes at all. (Tube)
Children's answers.
Q: Here in the picture that I show you is the food they eat
astronauts: soups, cereals, drinks - everything is in tubes, since ordinary food will fly
around the ship and is difficult to put into your mouth, crumbs or liquid may get into
control devices and then the ship will fail and the astronauts will not be able to