How to calm the inner. Emergency psychological help: how to properly console a person in trouble. Hawthorn tea

Periodic outbursts of emotions happen in the life of every person. Unfortunately, few people manage to avoid conflicts at work or at home, or simply situations that throw them off balance. Unfortunately, concepts such as “anxiety”, “worry” and “stress” have long become an integral part of our lives. At the same time, we can experience a variety of emotions - anger, irritation, fear, strong excitement bordering on panic. At such moments, we can only think about how to quickly calm down. And often, despite all the desire, it is not possible to cope with one’s own emotions.

Meanwhile, there are a number of techniques on how to quickly calm down, which psychologists advise everyone to master. The ability to control emotions is simply necessary in modern world. Of course, we are not talking about chronic stress or depression, but in case of a sudden surge of emotions, these measures are very effective.

The most common advice that experts give is to switch attention from the traumatic situation to your own breathing. For example, take a deep breath and count to ten. It is advisable to master the method of “calming breathing”. In this case, you do not need to learn special techniques. Just control the breathing process, you can mentally say: “I take a breath, the air passes through the nose, enters the trachea, the bronchi, and the lungs.” And in reverse order: " carbon dioxide I exhale through the bronchi, trachea, nose.”

How to quickly calm down Often, during an emotional outburst, a person is overcome by strong excitement, and trembling may occur in the hands and breathing becomes difficult. There is an “express method” to cope with stress. Try to press firmly on the so-called “first aid” point, it is located above the upper lip, under the nose. It is enough to press it for 3 seconds. Massaging the anti-stress point located in the center of the chin also helps: 9 times clockwise and the same amount counterclockwise. You can also stretch each finger on your hands for 2-3 minutes.

There is an effective way to quickly calm down for those who often experience bouts of irritation. In such cases, “grounding” helps. As soon as you feel irritated, grab the metal handrail with your hand, the radiator, if you are indoors, put your hands under the stream of water. You can touch the trunk of a tree, stand on the lawn (though it’s better barefoot). It takes 30 seconds to “ground” in this way. At the same time, take a sharp breath and exhale smoothly and slowly. Mentally imagine how the irritation goes into the ground and dissolves.

If circumstances allow, try it now nervous tension sit on a chair, relax and imagine a stream of water pouring on you. Take a deep breath and exhale and imagine in detail how water, starting from the top of your head, washes away all the tension from you. Let the flow go down to your feet. The exercise will take no more than 2 minutes, but the tension will noticeably decrease.

Advice for pregnant women

Pregnant women are known to be especially susceptible. You can often hear from an expectant mother: “I can’t calm down.” Situations that a woman did not pay attention to before can literally cause a storm of emotions during pregnancy. At the same time, many accuse themselves of incontinence and worry about the child, who may be afraid of the mother’s emotions.

Many people know firsthand that it is difficult to control oneself at this time. And psychologists do not advise expectant mothers to be too zealous in the fight against their own emotions. To nothing but additional stress, this will not lead. Increased emotionality during pregnancy is the norm. However, helping to quickly calm down is still necessary.

How to calm down during pregnancy? First of all, expectant mothers should also master the techniques outlined above. They will help you quickly relieve emotional stress. In addition, experts advise talking to the baby more often, explaining to him the reasons for the mother’s bad mood, this will help calm both of them down. The main thing is to understand that to completely protect the child from negative emotions is impossible, and the guilt you feel actually causes him no less distress than outbursts of emotion.

Well, in order to be irritated by trifles as little as possible, walk more in the fresh air, master relaxation techniques, devote a few minutes a day to meditation and auto-training, or take up yoga for pregnant women.

Stress has become one of the components of our lives. We are afraid of the boss, angry with our neighbors, and argue with sellers. Constant nervous tension is depressing. A person sees only gray colors, and he develops health problems. How to calm down and not be nervous, you ask? Below I will give a list simple ways combat stress.

How to stay calm before an important event?

So, in a week, an important event should happen in your life. This could be an interview or a presentation of your work. Your future career will depend on how you perform. What to do if everything is falling out of your hands, you can’t sleep at night and are constantly worried? The answer is simple: you are unlikely to take the position you dream of.

If you still want to succeed, stop being afraid. You must understand that you yourself can destroy your dream. Don't be dramatic. Do breathing exercises. During the exercise, thoughts should only be about breathing. Inhale through the nose, exhale through the mouth.

Take a walk before bed. While walking, also try not to think about the upcoming meeting. Turn on your favorite music and enjoy.

Night sleep should be at least 7 hours. Don't eat at night.

To keep your body in excellent shape, you can take multivitamin complexes. They will help boost your immunity and strengthen your nervous system.

How to behave during an important event?

So, the long-awaited hour has come. Your future will soon be decided. You must remember that worries are unnecessary. Start your morning with a contrast shower, exercise and a delicious breakfast. All these procedures will lift your spirits and put you in a positive mood.

Set several alarms in the evening so you don't oversleep. Leave the house early: it’s better to wait for the start than to be late for it.

When entering the office, feel confident. People around you will notice this and will treat you completely differently. The back should be straight, the voice should be well-produced. Watch your gestures, facial expressions and intonation. Don't wave your arms too much, laugh for no reason, or raise your voice. Speak calmly and be calm.

Be sure to bring water with you. You may need it during your performance. Feel free to pause your performance for a few seconds and take a sip of water. This will help calm your nervous system and refresh you.

Don't rush to answer the question quickly. Scroll it over in your head again, and then give an accurate and clear answer.

More than half of our fears come from nowhere. That is, we invented them ourselves, believed in them and began to be afraid. According to statistics, women have more such fears. They invent various fables for themselves and willingly believe in them. Treat life more simply and remember that everything depends only on us!

Inga, St. Petersburg

Psychologist's comment:

The worldview of a psychologist is quite different from that of the average person. Psychologists are taught not only to hear the content, but also to feel the unconscious process.

This is a very useful skill, it helps you perceive the world much more broadly and not get into trouble. Now I will try to explain with examples.

Example No. 1.

If a guy asks a girl to the movies, then 90% of the time that's not all he has in mind. And if we honestly voiced the invisible unconscious process, the phrase would sound something like this:

– Shall we go to the cinema and then have sex?

(The top phrase is what is said in words, and the phrase below the line is the subtext, the true meaning of this phrase)

Let's go to the cinema?


I like you! Shall we go to the movies and then have sex?

It’s bad if the girl is not trained to perceive this process, because if she goes to the movies, then most likely the couple will break up, dissatisfied with each other and the evening spent. 90% of girls understand perfectly well that when they agree to “go to the cinema,” they agree not only to watch a movie, but give hope for the further development of the relationship.

And they don’t go to the cinema with someone with whom they don’t intend to deepen communication. Or they stipulate in advance that it will be “only a movie.”

Let's go to!


I like you too. First, let's go to the cinema, and then we'll watch.

Example No. 2.

When a gopnik on the street says: “Listen, kid, come here, we need to talk,” he doesn’t need to talk, but to take the kid’s money. If a guy really believes that his name is just to “talk,” he turns out to be unprepared for the realities of life and will be dissatisfied with what happens next. It's good and right to teach guys that "talk" means something completely different in some situations.

I wanna talk to you


I want to take your money

I brought the most simple examples. They are obvious to an adult, but not to a teenager. As we grow older, we gain experience, and processes that we did not recognize in our youth seem obvious to us in adulthood. And then we say to ourselves: how much I didn’t understand before!

Our life is permeated with processes that we do not voice. Psychologists say that we convey 7% of information in words, and the rest is that we do not voice it. Let's take a look at this article from a psychologist's point of view and see what new insights emerge.

In this article, feelings of fear and irritation are perceived as something harmful and disturbing. There is no doubt that these feelings are very unpleasant and even painful. But my deep conviction is that their pain comes from the fact that we do not know how to handle them. We simply do not know how to deal with our fear and irritability.

Psychologists do not perceive feelings as enemies: we believe that any feeling is necessary and necessary because it has a useful purpose. Useful - for us.

Fear and anxiety

The useful purpose of fear and anxiety is to warn of danger. Fear is necessary for us to recognize the danger and take action. He will be with us until the danger passes or until we learn to take measures to prevent this danger.

Fear pushes us forward, forces us to react rather than sit idly by. And in this sense it is very useful. Our task is to consult with it, not to get rid of it.

Another thing is that fear should not paralyze us, it should not control us, as in the example:

In a week, an important event should happen in your life. This could be an interview or a presentation of your work. Your future career will depend on how you perform. What to do if everything is falling out of your hands, you can’t sleep at night and are constantly worried? The answer is simple - you are unlikely to take the position you dream of. If you still want to succeed, stop being afraid. You must understand that you yourself can destroy your dream.

In this situation, advising someone to stop being afraid is the same as advising a mouse to become a hedgehog so that the fox does not eat it. Unfortunately, such advice does not work because it is unenforceable. We cannot stop feeling like this. Such recommendations were brilliantly played out in the popular video “Stopit!” (“Stop it!”):

I repeat, fear will be with a person until he realizes what the danger is and takes action.

Taking this example, how can action be taken? First you need to understand that part of the anxiety (healthy part = rational fear) is caused by an important event in a week, and the majority (irrational fear = neurotic fear) is the result of some internal process and does not apply to the present time.
For example, this person has been afraid of disappointing his mother since childhood, or he was punished for failing at school. That is, 99% of fear before an interview relates to childhood, to an invisible process inside, and not to the interview at all. Childhood has passed, but fear remains, and by inertia affects a person’s life:

I'm afraid of an interview


I'm afraid to disappoint my mother

And such a person will not be able to “stop being afraid,” no matter how much he is convinced. He understands everything, but he cannot, because the fear of his mother (father, teacher) is still in his head. If people could do this, the psychologist would say in consultation:

- Stop that! Stop being afraid immediately! Don't you understand that your career depends on this interview!? Get ready immediately and get some sleep!

Thank God psychologists don’t work like that.))

There are several hundred areas in psychology. And they have different ways of working with fears. However, most of them have one thing in common: they work not only with content, but also with unconscious process.

One option is for a psychologist to help the client become aware of this process and take action – there, in the unconscious. Then half of the fears that the client has in life dissolve on their own.

Irritation and anger

Irritation and anger signal us about obstacles. And they will be with us until the obstacle is overcome, until it prevents us from achieving our goals.

Let's take this advice:

Write a letter. When a lot of problems piled up, my nerves were on edge. Take a pen and a piece of paper. Write down everything that you don’t like and that makes you uncomfortable. After this, the letter can be torn into small pieces or simply burned. Looking at the flame, believe that all problems are burned away, like this sheet of paper.

If you've ever tried to use it, you know that it doesn't make problems go away. Only the person himself flies away - we are distracted, and for some time we can disconnect from problems. And when we return, all the problems pile up again. This means that irritation appears again.

The psychologist notices not only the stated problem - irritation, but also an unconscious process (which is easy to recognize) - “I can’t cope.”

I'm annoyed that problems have accumulated


I accumulate problems and don’t know how to solve them in a timely manner

For a psychologist, the essence of the problem will not be to remove irritation, but to understand what the client is doing to cause problems to accumulate? The psychologist will perceive irritation as a signal, a symptom, and the reason lies a little deeper. The psychologist will perceive the client’s request to “remove irritation” in the same way as a dentist – the patient’s request to relieve a toothache.

The dentist, of course, will relieve the pain, but not through painkillers, but by removing the pathological process. Likewise, a psychologist, of course, will help with irritability, but not by making anger and problems burn out in the flame of a candle, but by helping to remove the cause of irritability.

  1. Let's make a plan to solve your problems and see how quickly you can solve them.
  2. Let's see which problem is most annoying and how to solve it as quickly as possible.
  3. Let's figure out how you accumulate problems and what prevents you from solving them on time.

Study how you are made!

Just as in the story with the dentist the patient cannot fill his own tooth, so in the story with the psychologist the client usually cannot figure out the causes of irritability on his own. Indeed, we know more about how to fill a tooth than about where feelings come from.

The average person spends more time learning how to use a computer than learning to use their own head. Therefore, ideas about the work of the psyche in our society are very naive. This means that the decisions made about how to deal with problems are also very naive.

The psychological worldview is a fascinating and very useful thing. This approach allows you to see the problem deeper - in its entirety. Don't be fooled by the size of the tip of the iceberg, but feel what's really happening. Then our decisions become deep and wise, even if they concern such simple things as fears and irritability.

Alexander Musikhin, consulting psychologist, psychotherapist, trainer, writer

I used to be very worried that before every serious event or performance I was so nervous that I would either fail everything, or forget something, say it in the wrong tone, or present it so brightly. People worry before a meeting, when applying for a job, when there is no response close person etc. You can’t list all the situations. However, universal methods of restoring balance exist.

When a person is nervous, he misses important events, worrying about little things. At this time he has:

  • mental activity and ability to focus decrease;
  • cognitive deterioration (which makes you even more nervous - a vicious circle);
  • control over the situation is lost;
  • performance decreases, fatigue increases, fatigue sets in.

Work on your life plan. This allows you to pay attention to important events, rather than worry about every little thing. Constantly remind yourself of your main goals and plans. Carry the list with you.

Causes of anxiety

First of all, you need to explain the reasons for concern, sort them out point by point. Determine not only the situation and your own, but also internal factors. For example, anxiety before public speaking is a consequence of poor preparation or fear of being ridiculed, shyness, or ignorance of the topic.

A nervous state is usually accompanied by anxiety and... This is the body's natural reaction to a threat. It remains to be seen whether the threat is real. In the case of the previous example, think about what would happen if you made a mistake or someone didn't accept your presentation. Is it so dangerous and important for life?

But anxiety before flying on an airplane is completely justified. The potential threat always exists. But in in this case Nothing depends on you, so you just need to accept all possible options.

So, identify specific emotions and feelings, the cause of anxiety, its object. Determine the influence of external and internal factors, your participation in the situation.

What to do

There is no need to deny and repeat “I am calm.” Accept, acknowledge the fact of nervous tension. After acceptance and analysis, proceed to active actions:

  1. Inhale and exhale. Popular, simple and truly effective advice. relieve tension, restore blood flow and hormonal levels. Inhale deeply, hold your breath and exhale slowly. Concentrate on your breathing. Body and mind are one. Once you feel in control of your breathing, it will be easier to gain control of your thoughts. Try the “Five-Three” technique. Inhale for five counts, hold for three, exhale for five, hold for three. So ten times. Breathe with your stomach: inhale, inflate, exhale, draw in. Concentrate on counting and abdominal movements, this will distract you from anxious thoughts. Monitor your well-being. Breathing techniques are prohibited for colds and respiratory diseases.
  2. Think about pleasant things. Remember the most delicious food you have eaten, the most melodic music, the most beautiful picture, the most tender hug. Remember the situation of success. They happen to any person, people just sometimes forget about it. Regain your positive attitude and self-confidence.
  3. Nervous tension is... Calms the rise in blood glucose. To do this, eat something sweet or drink coffee. A quick surge of glucose will restore the body’s energy and physical strength and fill it with hormones of joy. You can’t systematically eat away stress, but in some situations, chocolate is a cure.
  4. Tapping your fingers on the table, walking from corner to corner, rocking on your toes are the body’s subconscious attempts to calm down. What if we come up with the same thing, but more conscious and useful? Find an interesting but monotonous activity: someone embroiders, someone does crossword puzzles, or washes the dishes. Come up with your own methods for different occasions: at home, at work, on the street.
  5. The previous method is not suitable for everyone. If it didn’t help you, then try, on the contrary, to be active: do push-ups, run, jump, wave your arms, stomp your feet, curse. In a moment of stress internal resources are mobilizing. Energy is formed that asks for release. The languor that we experience is unspent power. Let her out. During stress, physical strength is mobilized, thought processes fade into the background. Calm your body to bring your mind back.
  6. Control your mind through your body. Forbid yourself from fiddling with your clothes, slouching, or looking at your feet. Straighten your back, speak loudly and confidently, look straight ahead, demonstrate confidence and calm.
  7. Discount the situation. Will this be important in a month, a year? Does this affect your health, success, well-being? But stress and anxiety greatly affect health. Remember something disturbing from the past right now. Does this matter now? If the result had been different then, would it have significantly changed the current state of affairs? Were you able to clearly remember what you were worried about?
  8. Keep a worry diary. Describe your experiences and see what comes true. You'll be surprised how much time and effort you spend coming up with ideas. Better get busy, fantasy is useful there.
  9. Strengthen your nervous system. What you need for this: healthy sleep, good nutrition, regular physical exercise, taking vitamins, hobbies, favorite work, meditation or yoga.
  10. Read D. Carnegie’s book “How to Stop Worrying and Start Living.”

Make it a rule to sketch your fears and experiences. It is not necessary to have the relevant skills. Portray your fear (as best you can), look at it, get to know it, accept it. Now draw a funny hat or yourself next to it in the form of a knight. Perhaps your fear will take the form of a specific person. Or yourself. Why not?

Sometimes the causes of anxiety lie very deep, in childhood. Having once been rejected, a person is afraid of this all his life, and therefore often worries and worries. To eliminate it, visit a psychotherapist, as in this case advice will not help.

Nervousness as a personality trait

Psychology knows many types of qualifications. According to one of them (author Heymans - Le Senne), there is a nervous type. It is characterized by emotionality, low activity and primacy. This kind of person:

  • reacts violently to any little things, takes everything to heart;
  • thinks for a long time before acting;
  • easily succumbs to emotions, but just as quickly forgets about them (mood instability).

The nervous type lives by desires and impressions. He does not like boredom and monotony. If this is your case, then advice with monotonous actions will not work. On the contrary, you need to find numerous sources different emotions. The main trait that needs to be fought is suspicion.

The author of another classification, Karl Leonhard, singled out. He is characterized by uncertainty in his own actions, distrust of himself, suspiciousness, timidity, indecisiveness, fear of mistakes, an overly expressed sense of responsibility, and self-criticism.

There are two types of stressful situations. When do we actually have something to worry about, and when real reason no worries. If you are running through the forest right now from a wild boar, then any advice we give you on how to calm down and stop being nervous in stressful situations is unlikely to seem effective to you. It’s very difficult to remain calm and cool at such a moment, isn’t it? But in general, if you think carefully, what in this moment you are experiencing severe stress, does you a huge favor because thanks to the release of adrenaline into your blood, you find the strength to run.

On the other hand, if you are sitting for an interview or have a regular ordinary exam, and you are waiting for your turn in front of the audience, and nothing threatens your safety at this moment, but you feel that your hands are shaking, your palms are sweating, you are pounding, you If you can’t pull yourself together, then such stress can hardly be called natural. Because not all people experience it. When you were studying at the university, there were probably people in your group who absolutely did not understand what anyone could worry about here; they ran to answer the questions first and, thanks to this, could leave before everyone else. So, such anxiety usually does not bring any benefit to a person. In order to figure out how to get rid of it, let's first talk about where it comes from, and then what to do about it and how to defeat it.

Reasons why you are so scared?

Physiological reasons.

1. Problems with the spine.

Pinched nerve roots can be a cause of anxiety. There are even studies on this topic that show a very clear relationship, for example, this study on Mood and anxiety disorders in patients with chronic low back and neck pain caused by disc herniation.

2. Endocrine disorders.

Diabetes mellitus, thyroid diseases, etc.A drop in blood sugar can also cause feelings of fear and intense anxiety for no reason.

3. Nutrition.

For example, caffeine abuse.In the article, we said that people who drink a lot of coffee in the afternoon often complain of high levels of nervousness.

Psychological reasons.

1. The habit of worrying.

You most likely have anxious parents. Children always copy the behavior patterns of their parents. It is difficult to have a strong nervous system and not experience nervousness if this is a pattern of behavior that you have observed since childhood. Your parents most likely adopted this from their parents, or acquired this habit due to other reasons, which we will describe below.

2. A bad experience that your brain remembers.

Did you know that in order to remember something for a very long time, or even forever, you need to add an emotional coloring to this event or information.
If a situation happened to you in which you experienced very strong discomfort and fear, and you did not have the opportunity to quickly stop this discomfort, for example, you were stuck in an elevator and the lights were turned off. The dispatch button didn't work, it was Friday and you were afraid you'd have to sit there all weekend. Then, of course, the next time you enter a closed room, you will be afraid of repetition.

Or, for example, at the school where you studied, your teacher, for some personal reason, disliked you and constantly made fun of you in front of the whole class, and since man is a social animal, the fear of being rejected by other people is quite strong for most people . And therefore, when giving a presentation at work or sitting for an exam, those emotions that you once experienced will remind you of yourself again and again, because this situation will seem similar to your brain.

3. You have been trained. The coming of the end of the world.

There is another option related to family upbringing. This is when parents are not nervous, but overly strict and aggressive. Well, for example, you were always punished for a bad grade.

Or your parents were inclined to exaggerate any of your mistakes, you tore your jacket - it’s the end of the world, you didn’t wash the dishes - a scandal, and now, even if no one punishes you for your mistake, your brain will experience anxiety. He's so used to it.

How to calm down and stop being nervous in stressful situations? What to do?

First you need to understand which of the reasons is yours. Sit and remember. If you suspect that the cause of your unreasonable fear is physiological, then you should consult a doctor or adjust your diet if that is the cause. If the reason is psychological, then once you understand the reason, you may feel a little better. And then you can use our advice.

1. In order to learn how to stop being nervous and worried, you will have to be a little nervous and worried. Clinical psychologists will call this method cognitive therapy, and ordinary people will say that this method is called “look your fear in the eye” (or in the face - which is correct?). The point is to put yourself in the situation that makes you anxious. But do not forget that we are talking about situations that are safe for you, in which you experience unjustified discomfort.Well, for example, you get very nervous at interviews, which means that to stop being nervous, you need to go through 20-30-40 interviews.

Or you are afraid to ride in an elevator - you will have to ride it 10 times a day.
Those. if you had any bad experience or a pattern of behavior adopted from your parents, then you change it by creating new successful experiences and new patterns of behavior.
It will be scary at first, but over time the anxiety will subside and you will feel better.

2. Allow fear to be. Don't fight it, but accept it. And ideally, even try to deliberately strengthen it. This method is called the method of paradoxical intention. Those. If you are giving a presentation and you feel like you are going to faint from excitement, then you need to force yourself to faint. As you understand, no one succeeds, and causeless excitement recedes by itself.

3. Actually try to breathe a little. Don’t throw this option aside because “it’s some kind of bullshit.” And slowly, inhale and exhale, inhale and exhale over and over again. This helps a lot of people.

4. Strengthen your nervous system generally.
Play sports. Don't overload yourself with negative information. Choose positive films and music. Learn not to get hung up, to switch from problems to business - in fact, this is also a skill, a habit that anyone can instill in themselves if they wish.

I would like to leave one more piece of advice for the conclusion of this article. This advice is about another good way to stop being nervous and worried. In order to relieve anxiety, you need to get very angry with yourself and tell yourself that you are really going to allow stupid fears and anxiety to constantly ruin your life. And if you really succeed, then perhaps you can finally achieve the long-awaited peace and your fears will recede.

In the modern world, with its accelerated pace of life, the need to constantly solve many problems and regular stressful situations, the question often arises of how to calm yourself. Not everyone has the opportunity or desire to seek help from psychologists, especially since sometimes there is simply no time for this. This article offers effective methods that will help you quickly calm yourself down and stop being nervous even in the most difficult situation.

8 proven ways to calm yourself:

Breathing exercises

Correct breathing can quickly change our state and restore lost calm. This method should not be neglected due to its apparent simplicity, because managing your emotions with the help of inhalations and exhalations is the basis of many spiritual practices. Thus, an important aspect of yoga is pranayama - breathing exercises that calm the mind and promote deep relaxation. Simple Practices available to every person, you just need to know certain nuances of their implementation.

Breathing on a count

A simple technique will help you achieve inner peace: counting your inhalations and exhalations. All exercises should be performed with a straight back, preferably in a sitting position. So, close your eyes, let go of all thoughts and just breathe freely. After this, begin to take a deep breath and exhale for 4 counts. It is important that the process is as smooth as possible; no discomfort should arise during the exercise. There should be no pauses after exhalation and before inhalation; breathing must be natural. You should focus on counting, trying to ignore extraneous thoughts and images. Very soon you will notice that you have been able to calm down and now look at the problem from a different angle.


Do you want to calm down in a stressful situation? Create an image of yourself as peaceful and relaxed. To do this, you can repeat simple affirmations - positive statements that will quickly change your mood. These phrases should not contain the word “not”; their simplicity and conciseness are also important. In this situation, the following positive statements would be ideal: “I am completely calm,” “I am happy and calm,” “I have peace and tranquility in my soul.” After just a few repetitions, you will notice that there is no trace left of the previous nervousness. The most important thing is to believe in what you say, otherwise it will be difficult to achieve the desired mood.

Contact with water

To calm your frayed nerves, you can take a shower, doing it right. Water is capable of taking on negative information and energy, so contact with this element can really help a person quickly calm down. To enhance the effect, you can ask the water to wash away all the negativity from you. In this case, it is recommended to take a shower, and with warm water, since contrast procedures can further excite the nervous system.

Observing unpleasant thoughts

To get rid of obsessive thoughts that cause anxiety, you should not try to fight them violently; it is better to use the technique of calm contemplation. Find a quiet place to practice, close your eyes and simply observe your fears and worries. Do not get involved in the images that will pass before your eyes. It is important not to react to thoughts in any way, you need to allow them to simply be. There is no need for any assessments, because they are the ones that cause one or another attitude towards all phenomena. Very soon there will be pauses filled with silence. It is moments of thoughtlessness that give us the opportunity to experience the fullness of life and become who we really are.

If you manage to be an outside observer of your own thoughts, they will cease to have the same power over you. You will see that everything is not at all as you imagined. It is quite possible that the problem will resolve itself. In any case, your condition will definitely level out.


A change of activity will help change your condition, so if you are indoors, go outside and take a short walk. Fresh air and brisk walking will quickly clear unnecessary thoughts from your head and help you come to your senses.

Relaxing massage

How to calm yourself down? Do a head massage, because there are many nerve endings there, the impact of which will help change the condition. Approach this process consciously: expect that after the procedure your mood will improve and your nerves will stop acting up. After this, rub your forehead and temples with light massage movements, and also tap your fingers on the head from the forehead to the back of the head.

Pleasant smells

The healing properties of essential oils make them a very effective remedy in the fight against stress. To calm your nerves, add a couple of drops of lavender, tangerine or chamomile oil to the aroma lamp. Pleasant natural scents will help you relax and calm your nerves.

Dance improvisation

If you want to quickly calm down and relieve tension, we recommend doing movement meditation. Expressive dance will remove tension and blocks in the body and help you relax. There are no strict instructions, it is important to let go of your emotions, let them stop bothering you. Release the negativity with simple and intense movements, they can be absolutely anything: shaking, swaying or spinning. Don’t think about beauty, we are faced with another task - to calm ourselves down.

Certain techniques can help you calm down and stop being nervous, but none of them will eliminate the problem that caused stressful situation. This is why it is important to work through your emotions and change their charge from negative to positive. One of the most negative habits is the constant feeling of guilt. This emotion is extremely destructive, as it leads to various ailments and mental disorders. As a rule, manipulators skillfully play on this feeling, because it is very easy to control a guilty person and get what you want from him. Think about it, perhaps your condition may simply be beneficial to someone, but why do you need it?