Commentary Unified State Examination Russian language examples. How to write a comment in an Unified State Exam essay in the Russian language? To argue your own position

Part C. Speech clichés

1)Formulation of the problem

A problem is a question that interests the author of the source text and causes his thoughts and reflections.

The problem can be formulated in two ways:

Ways to State a Problem


1. In the form of a question (the problem is the question that the author of the source text is discussing and which requires resolution).

How to find ways of relationships between people of different age generations and ideological positions? The text of the writer, full name, is devoted to this complex problem.

2. Word combination problem with a noun used in the genitive case: problem (of what?).

In the writer's text, full name. the problem of loneliness is raised.

Speech clichés:

In his text, the writer's full name. examines (raises, touches on, draws readers’ attention to) the problem of (what?)…

Writer's text Full name made me think about the problem (what?)…

A complex, serious, relevant, important, topical, acute, philosophical problem.

2) Comment on the problem

Comment – ​​the writer’s reasoning about the highlighted problem.

!!! A commentary is not a retelling, not a quotation, but an analysis of the author’s comprehension of logic in revealing the problem of a given text.

There are two types of comments:

1) Textual - explanation of the structure of the text, following the author in revealing the problem, which includes answers to the following questions:

How, on what real-life material does the author reveal the problem?

What actions does the hero perform and how does this characterize him?

2) Conceptual - the writer’s interpretation of the problem of the source text (consideration of its relevance and comparison of different points of view on this issue):

How relevant is this problem today?

Why is this problem considered eternal?

Who and in what situations have to face such a problem?

Is this problem traditional or new?

If traditional, then what points of view exist regarding it?

If new, what caused its appearance?

Speech cliches for introducing textual commentary:

To draw the attention of readers to this issue, full name. tells a story about... (tells about..., gives facts...).

To better understand this pressing issue, full name. talks about... It’s especially sad (scary), according to the author, that...

Speech clichés for introducing conceptual commentary:

This problem is more relevant today than ever, and the famous writer did not ignore it...

Indeed, the problem... is very serious and affects each of us. This question is raised quite often in the media. For example, we learn from the news that... . All this, unfortunately, is the result of man’s irresponsible activity, his indifference to...

The relevance of this issue is beyond doubt. Psychologists have long proven... This is why the above problem is so often discussed in the media. The participants in the discussion are sure of one thing... .

Speech clichés:

Position Full name regarding the problem raised becomes clear only after a meaningful reading of the text. The author, telling readers this story, seems to be saying: … .

4) Formulating your own opinion

3) I read with interest the text of the writer, full name. . The author helped me see the problem... from a new perspective. I immediately remembered one incident from my own life, which, it seems to me, is an additional argument in favor of the fact that...

Unfortunately, nowadays it is often...

2) I read the text with great interest, full name, but not all of the author’s arguments seemed convincing enough to me. I would like to express my doubts that...

5) Proof of your own point of view

Argument types:

Examples from your own life experience and the lives of people around you;

Instructive events from the lives of outstanding personalities;

Examples from reading experience;

Scientific findings and statistical data;

Events from the life of the country;

Current issues of our time discussed in television programs.

In this part, you must follow the rules for constructing an argumentative essay:




Speech clichés:

First argument:

To prove the validity of all of the above, I will give the following literary example. Let's remember the novel (story, short story, play) Full name. and title.

In this work...

Russian classical writers have repeatedly spoken about this in their works. Let's remember the story (novel, story, play) Full name. and title. In this work.

Second argument:

The following literary example, it seems to me, is another additional argument in favor of the fact that...

I will give one more literary argument that shows...

I want to tell you about one incident from my life, which, it seems to me, is an additional argument in favor of the fact that...

Each of us probably has many examples from our own experience that prove the need (importance) ...

!!! Each argument should begin in a new paragraph.

6) Conclusion

The conclusion should summarize the reasoning on the problem raised and summarize the information contained in the essay.

Objectives of the conclusion


1) Summarize the results of reflection on the problem raised, summarize the information

In conclusion of all of the above, I will once again emphasize: it is important not only modern repentance for the evil caused to loved ones, but also specific actions with which each of us will promptly make amends for our guilt before them.

2) Evaluate what was said, express your opinion

All of the above allows us to conclude: the Russian language carries within itself the unique cultural and intellectual potential of Russia. Therefore, the task of the state, school, family is to form a caring attitude towards the word among the younger generation, to prevent the impoverishment and destruction of the Russian language.

3) Make a forecast, make an assumption

I would like to believe that readers will think about the problem raised in the text. Full name. , will set priorities in their lives not only for themselves, but also for other people.

4) Call on the reader to complete certain tasks, call to action

In conclusion of all of the above, I will once again emphasize: just as a person will not be able to renew a dress that is too worn out, so, often acting contrary to the concepts of honor, he will not be able to subsequently correct his warped soul. Each of us must remember this when making one or another moral choice. The loss of moral values ​​can lead to the loss of the ability to distinguish between good and evil, truth and falsehood, and therefore contribute to the degradation of the human personality.

I. Introduction (3-5 sentences)

Sentence 1. Nominative topics.

Sentences 2, 3, 4. Questions to the text (addition or circumstance).

Sentence 5. Go to next. parts of the essay. Example: I thought about these and other questions after reading this text.

II. Comment (9-12 sentences). N.B.!! Most of the commentary is formed from text analysis.

Proposition 1. Problem formulation.

Example a) What is the role of a mother in a person’s life? (Full name of the author of the text) is thinking about this question.

Example b) The role of a mother in a person’s life is what he thinks about (full name of the author of the text).

Example c) The role of a mother in a person’s life.

Proposition 2. Classification of the problem.

Types of problems: Philosophical; Social; Political; Spiritual; Moral; Ethical; Environmental, etc.

(most of them can be combined with each other in texts).

Example a) This question lies in the area of ​​the social and moral category.

Example b) This question can be attributed not only to the social, but also to the moral category.

N.B.!! The use of constructions “not only...., but also...”, etc. is welcomed by inspectors.

Proposition 3. Relevance, importance of the problem.

Example: This question is relevant today because it concerns each of us and is the subject of debate in modern society.

Proposal 4.

In sentence No. 4 we write: The author illustrates a seemingly abstract concept with a case/example from life: (further a retelling of the text in 2-3 sentences (NO MORE!)).

Example: .....: before us is the long-awaited meeting of Khurdin and his mother. We can see the relationship between mother and son.........(this part depends only on the text, there is no need to invent anything).

Question (main) part of the comment. We answer questions and thereby analyze the text. (You don’t need to write the questions themselves. We write the answers to them.)

Sentence 6: What (specifically) does he draw the reader's attention to?

Sentence 7: What thoughts and feelings is the publicist trying to awaken in us?

Sentence 8: What does the writer think we should think about? What to treasure?

Sentence 9: What is the correct thing to do in such a situation? (Not always appropriate)

In these sentences you need to avoid repetitions like: The author draws attention......

Example: * Ilya Aleksandrovich Maslov (1935-2008) - poet, prose writer, publicist, author of books, dedicated to

N.B.!! Reviewers see clichés, so you should try to analyze as much as possible, this can give you extra points for a detailed comment.

Also, 2 examples and text must be provided in the comment. This may be a quote or a link to the sentence(s)

Example: The publicist draws our attention to the trusting relationship between mother and son and tries to awaken in us a desire to think about what kind of relationship we ourselves have (sentence 10). (The period is placed exactly after the bracket)

(ATTENTION! In journalistic texts, the answer is contained directly in the text. You need to find it and write it down. There is no need to invent anything.)

If the text is literary: The author's position in the analyzed text is not directly expressed. We can judge it by indirect signs: by the actions of the hero, by his speech and in relation to those around him. So, turning to the action of (the hero’s name), I can draw a conclusion about the author’s point of view. .........(answer the problem question)

(In literary texts, the answer will have to be sought in the actions of the heroes, etc.)

IV. Own position (3-5 sentences)

Sentence 1:

b) I take the same position as the author of the text.

A) Why do I care about this question?

B) How does the problem affect my life and the lives of people around me?

Q) Why do I think it is important to think about this issue?

D) what are the possible consequences?

You can use proverbs, sayings (be sure to explain how you understand their meaning), links to your favorite books/movies, and famous personalities.

V. Arguments (2 arguments. 1 at least 6 sentences) (minimum 12 sentences).

To confirm my own thoughts, I will turn to the work (/novel/story/poem, etc.) (author’s full name).

Examples: 1st argument: As the first argument, we can recall the novel by L.N. Tolstoy "War and Peace".

Argument 2: For the second example, you can refer to the story of K.G. Paustovsky "Telegram".

After these introductions, the cliché simply does not exist. There is only your personal reflection.

VI. Conclusion (3-5 sentences).


Can one person's mood be transmitted to those around him? Russian publicist B.P. is thinking about this question. Ekimov.

Author of the text, reflecting on this problem, he tells the reader about an incident that happened on a Moscow train. Describing the situation that reigned in her, prose writer notes, What There was darkness all around, the wind was blowing from the vestibule. But suddenly the atmosphere in the carriage changed. Passing the conversation two “young girls” about the gifts that one of them prepared for her relatives for the New Year, narrator notes, what joy the girl’s voice rang, how contagious her festive mood was(example 1). B.P. Ekimov draws our attention on how it has changed the “unsweetened” mood of the train passengers, like the narrator himself, “this conversation made my soul warm”: the landscape at the end of the text conveys this is the new state of the narrator - “The road is glorious: birches and pines guard the path; It’s not painfully cold, but my soul is completely warm.”(example 2). This is how the publicist makes the reader think about, how important it is to have people around you who can “bring warmth” and joy to others.

In the given excerpt from the essay, the problem of the source text is correctly formulated (in the form of a problematic question). The comment shows that the examinee understood the problem of the source text, was able to see its aspects outlined by the author, follow the course of the author’s thought, and gave two examples from the text that are important for understanding the problem. In other words, the presented comments demonstrate the ability to find and explain the semantic components of the text, which is the most important part of analytical and synthetic work with the text.

Let's give another example:

(1) In the evening, the young shepherd Grishka Efimov, who was called the Little Devil for his large cartilaginous ears sticking out in different directions like sharp horns, drove a herd into the village. (2) Rotating his pupils madly, he told the men crowding near the garage that he had seen a real antelope in the steppe.

- (3) Why listen to this little devil: he doesn’t know a dog from a chicken! – they waved him away incredulously. – (4) Where do the antelopes come from in our area?

- (5) Yes, I personally saw it! (6) She was grazing in the hollow!

- (7) So, maybe it’s not an antelope, but a reindeer or a mammoth?! - Grandfather Kadochnikov ingratiatingly asked the Little Imp, who was squealing with offense, hiding his smile in his large thick beard. (8) Laughing, the men began to disperse. (9) Only the tall mechanic Nikolai Savushkin did not laugh. (10) He looked sternly at the shepherd and quietly asked him:

- (11) Are you sure you saw an antelope?

– (12) Exactly! (13) I saw it! (14) I swear to my mother! – the shepherd awkwardly crossed himself. - (15) Why do you need an antelope, Kolyok? (16) It’s summer - the meat will spoil!

- (17) I don’t need meat, I need horns, I’ll make medicine out of them! (18) My daughter has been very ill for three years now.

(19) Early in the morning, as soon as it was dawn, Savushkin took a gun and went into the ravine. (20) Fog covered the steppe in tight ribbons, and through the white lace lone birch trees gleamed blue, looking like ancient ships stuck in the ice. (21) Savushkin walked the entire ravine, climbed through all the copses, but found no traces of the antelope. (22) He knew that he would not find anything. (23) So, apparently, it’s destined. (24) It is destined to see the glass eyes of a girl who looks longingly somewhere inside herself, as if she feels pain creeping through her tiny body. (25) Pain similar to a big black cat.

(26) The midday sun burned mercilessly, and the air, like hot fat, flowed in thick streams to the ground. (27) It was necessary to go back. (28) Savushkin went down the hill and cried. (29) Tears flowed down his face, mixed with sweat, and, like acid, corroded his skin... (30) She is silent, just looks inside herself and is silent, because she knows: no one will help. (31) And you see how your child wanders alone through the endless labyrinths of pain.

(32) Suddenly Savushkin froze. (33) An antelope stood in a ravine dug by spring waters. (34) Very close, right under our noses, about twenty paces. (35) Savushkin carefully took the gun off his shoulder and cocked it. (36) The antelope looked at him, but for some reason did not run away.

- (37) Stop, stop, dear, stop! – Savushkin persuaded her in a whisper. (38) He stepped to the left and saw a cub next to the antelope. (39) The baby sat down next to his mother, on the grass, with his thin legs tucked in, and, overcome by the heat, tiredly looked somewhere to the side. (40) His mother stood next to him, shielding him from the scorching sun with her body. (41) A cool shadow, like a purple blanket, lay on the baby’s sleepily shuddering head. (42) Savushkin sighed and stepped back...

(43) The sun burned the parched earth. (44) The daughter was sitting on the porch and eating strawberries, which he picked in the ravine just in front of the village.

- (45) Is it delicious, dear?

- (46) Delicious!

(47) Savushkin bent down and stroked her soft hair. (48) A cool shadow fell on the child’s head, like a purple blanket.

(According to A. Vladimirov*)
*Alexander Pavlovich Vladimirov- modern prose writer.

One of the most difficult steps for eleventh-graders in writing an essay (task 25) is working on a commentary on a text problem. This is due to the lack of a clear understanding of the content of the comment not only among students, but often also among teachers.

The difficulty in working on a commentary is also due to the inability to present this fragment of the text being created in any generalized, schematic form, which, undoubtedly,would make it easier for a graduate to write an essay.

Workoutwriting a comment should be carried out only after students have sufficiently mastered the stageformulating the problem of the source text.
Writing a commentary on a problem (exercises)

Introduction to the criterion-based assessment system

K2. Commentary on the formulated problem of the source text

The problem formulated by the examinee is commented on. There are no factual errors related to understanding the source text problem in the comments.

The problem formulated by the examinee is commented on,

no more than 1 factual error was made in the comments related to understanding the source text.

The problem formulated by the examinee was not commented on,

more than 1 factual error was made in the comments related to understanding the source text,

another problem not formulated by the examinee was commented on,

a simple retelling of the text or its fragment is given as comments,

A large fragment of the source text is quoted as comments.

Updating the problem:

- What do you think a comment is?

- Did you have to comment on anything?

- What are we going to comment on?

-Why is a text problem commentary necessary? What skills do you think are tested through commentary writing?

-Why is it necessary to write a comment?

Commentary on the problem of the text is given great importance, since this part of the essay demonstrates the graduate’s ability to find and explain the semantic components of the text. It is the commentary on the highlighted problem that shows how deeply and fully the graduate understood the meaning of the text and the problem identified by the author. A correctly written comment allows you to get 2 points in part C.

Let's take a look at the definitions of commentary given by various sources:

Comments- reasoning, explanatory remarks about something (Large explanatory dictionary of the Russian language, ed. D.N. Ushakova)

A comment– 1. explanation; 2. notes; 3. interpretation(Alexandrova Z.E. Dictionary of synonyms of the Russian language: a practical reference book)

Let's highlight the key words in the definition of the comment: “reasoning", « explanation". Please note that you need to comment on the PROBLEM,reflected in the text, not just text andits themes and not just a problem in isolation from the text.

What can you write about in a comment?

oHow relevant is what the author of the text writes about?(Can you assess the degree of relevance of the problem being raised and explain why it is relevant?)

oWho and in what situations have to face such a problem? (Who is the text addressed to (specialists or the general public, young people or middle-aged people, intellectuals or anyone interested in this problem)? Here it would be good to note on what basis you made this conclusion. Why is this problem interesting to them?)

oIf possible, briefly describe how other authors (or famous people) have addressed this issue.

oIs the graduate aware of a point of view that does not coincide with the position of the author of the presented text?

oHow does the author of the text approach this problem? What life/literary material is the text based on? Is the situation depicted by the author typical? What facts and details does the author pay attention to? Why? What impression does this make on the reader?

oIn what mood does the author write? (sad irony, sarcasm, sadness, sadness, joy, etc.) It is necessary to indicate how this is manifested (it is advisable to be based on the choice of specific words and details by the writer (or publicist).

oIf there are words in unusual usage (metaphors, epithets) that caught your attention, and you understand that it was thanks to their choice that the author managed to convey his idea to the reader, it’s a good idea to pay attention to them.

oWhat does the author emphasize? What follows from this? What conclusions does it lead the reader to?

A well-written comment allows a person who has not read the text to understand what problem the author was thinking about.

Practical work

Exercise.Read the comments and try to formulate the problem that the author of the original text was thinking about.

Example 1.

“The writer Sergei Mikhalkov says that children stop reading good books, but these books develop the spiritual world of the child. Good books are fiction, first of all, world classics, reflecting world spiritual experience. These books are known to educated people, and the author of the text also calls them: “Tom Sawyer”, “Evenings on a Farm near Dikanka”, Russian poetry... It is with the help of such literature that a person can learn to think, evaluate the actions of other people, and form their own moral guidelines. The author of the text draws attention to the special role of the fiction book. This role is to educate the soul, develop a special skill - to feel, to empathize. And it is no coincidence that the writer especially emphasizes the role of these books precisely in childhood, when a person is still at the beginning of his life’s journey.” (The problem of the importance of reading classical literature in childhood)

Example 2.

“This problem has become especially pressing recently: thanks to the development of genetics, a person can not only determine, but also “set” predispositions and talents. The author's indignation is obvious: we ourselves will become uninterested in life if we know everything about our inclinations: everything is predestined, there is no way to choose - many would suffer from a feeling of doom, and if everyone's genome is deciphered, there will be little humanity left in a person. “Life was given to us by fate,” says the author, and we ourselves have the right to manage this life.” (The problem of heredity and self-formation)

Example 3.

“The author of the text proposed for analysis, reflecting on the development of language, says that recently borrowings from other language systems have become large-scale. S. Kaznacheev writes with sadness that the written form of Russian words is distorted by the fact that Latin and other graphic symbols are being introduced into the established Cyrillic spellings. This, in turn, leads to disruption of the functioning of the language, “to the erosion of norms established over centuries.” (The problem of development and preservation of the Russian language)

Example 4.

“Incidents like the one described by the author occur quite often in life. We meet a person, we understand that he needs our support, but instead of helping, we remain on the sidelines, thinking that someone else will help him.” (The problem of people’s indifference to what is happening around them)

Let us analyze the proposed examples from the point of view of compliance with criterion K2. Note that a good commentary does not contain a retelling of the text. Let us point out that a comment can be either lengthy (Example 1) orsmall in volume (Example 4).

Exercise. Read the original text. State the problem and comment on it .


(1) A person in a crowded environment is one of the mostburning topics of our time.

(2) A person is not with his neighbor, but with a group, mass, darkness of neighbors. (H) NaeDinya with the crowd.

(4) Let's take a walk around Moscow and see how he behavesman-2003 in a big city.

(5) It’s a rare trip around the capital without the metro. (6) Tall heavy doors slam non-stop. (7) Stout guy, apparently greattuned in, whistling something, he pushes the door with his foot. (8) Bogatyrskoemovement! (9) The door flies off, the guy deftly slips through, but doesn’t hold itbehind her, and she manages to give the sluggish old lady a good hit. (10)Tatried to sneak in with the guy, but, clearly inferior to him in strength anddexterity, I didn’t have time.

(11) We go down the escalator in zigzag runs.(12) It is known that you need to stand on the right and pass on the left. (13) But the recommendationthis is not observed by everyone, and you have to maneuver between those who stand “asshould" and "how not to".

(14) We went out onto the platform. (15) The train is approaching. (16) We have toget into the carriage. (17) The operation seems to be simple: first the passengers leave, then they enter. (18) But pay attention to that woman in frontdoors. (19) She is unable to restrain herself - wait until she comes outthe last passenger, and after each exit makes an attempt to slip intorailway carriage. (20) Therefore, the crowd comes out of the doors not smoothly, but somehow convulsively -This is how the thick yogurt of the day before yesterday pours out of an overturned bottle.

(21) We will not talk here about whether to give way to a woman.(22) The picture, in general, is clear: mostly men are sitting. (23) What ifwomen are either so old that it is impossible to give in to them, or,on the contrary, young, trained, apparently involved in sports,capable of getting ahead of even a gaping man...

(24) So, a person is not with his neighbor, but alone with the crowd. (25) Maybe hereIs it generally inappropriate to talk about good manners? (26) We have to do a lotspend time in crowded places, in conditions far from comfortable,here let everyone take care of himself, (27) But in my opinion, this is wheretrue education is revealed. (28) Good manners these days isfirst of all, not impeccable manners (although this, of course, is not a minus either), butSite materials used

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Speech clichés

for essay-reasoning

An argumentative essay, or, in other words, an essay essay, consists of several parts:

1. Definition of the problem
The problem can be introduced by a declarative sentence, such as “One of the most important problems in this text is the problem of helping one’s neighbor.” Or an interrogative sentence like: “What is mercy? What is it? All these questions are asked by the author of the text.”

4. The examinee’s argumentation of his own opinion on the problem
At this point, you should express your own opinion on the formulated problem (agreeing or disagreeing with the author’s position), citing 2 arguments, one of which is taken from fiction, journalistic or scientific literature.

5. Conclusion
In conclusion, everything that has been said is summed up, a conclusion is drawn on the problem and how it is reflected in the author of the source text.

See essay examples:

Speech clichés

Justification of the topic and problem

1. Full name of the author – a few words about the author (can be taken from the footnote given after the text).
2. So in the indicated text the author addresses the same topic.
3. Among a number of problems discussed in the text (listing of problems), the problem of WHAT seems to me the most important/relevant (the problem of mercy, respect, etc.)