Who in Russia is secretly a Freemason? Freemasons in the tragic fate of Russia The main freemasons who betrayed the Russian Tsar

Freemasonry in Russia has never been independent. It was derived from Western Freemasonry

At the beginning of February 2018, the publication "Afisha Daily" noticed that the Masonic Grand Lodge of Russia is represented on Instagram. The account is maintained by “Grand Master” Andrei Bogdanov, a presidential candidate in the 2008 elections. He tries to present Freemasonry as an innocent philanthropic club. But is it? What is Freemasonry and is it dangerous for Russia, the candidate reflects in his historical excursion historical sciences Peter Multatuli.

The concept of "Freemasonry" or "Freemasonry" is general. The Masons themselves gave their structures different definitions, but at the same time always deceitful. Thus, the Masonic statutes of 1747 read:

"Freemasonry is a society of people who honor God, the Great Builder of the universe, and are loyal to their monarch. Freemasons are forbidden to engage in politics. They are obliged to respect all faith." Nowadays, the head of the Grand Lodge of Russia A. Bogdanov writes: “It is difficult to give Freemasonry short definition. There is not even a suitable one in Russian vocabulary. This association of an international nature consists of more than two hundred international structures - the so-called Grand Lodges."

These definitions have nothing to do with the true essence of Freemasonry.

Today there is an extremely simplified idea of ​​the Freemasons as a single organization whose members wear aprons decorated with hammers and five-pointed stars, believe in the Great Architect of the Universe and have exotic nicknames. For many people, these people bring a smile rather than fear. However, a considerable part of people accuse the Freemasons of a worldwide conspiracy, calling them Judeo-Masons. It is impossible to completely agree with the latter, since there were not only Judeophile, but also Judeophobic lodges, for example, in Germany.

Not all Masonic lodges were openly anti-monarchical in nature. In the 19th and 20th centuries. Freemasons actively supported the German Hohenzollern monarchy, and the English king (queen) has been the head of Scottish Freemasonry for more than two centuries.

However, there is no doubt that in the 18th, 19th and 20th centuries. Freemasons played an important role in the overthrow of monarchies: in England, France, Russia, Germany, Austria-Hungary and Ottoman Empire. Freemasons and revolution are constant and inseparable companions. There is no doubt that Freemasonry, with the help of mysterious ceremonies and rituals, was a screen for much more powerful and serious forces than itself. As one prominent Freemason said well:

"Freemasonry is the entrance to a dimly lit hallway".

Masonic lodges could be radically different from each other; they could be monarchical, republican, Christian, Muslim, occult, atheistic. Some women were not allowed, others were played active role, some lodges were built on the basis of Judaism and Kabbalah, others on the basis of rabid anti-Semitism. Freemasonry made it possible to unite in a single organism representatives of the reigning houses, the highest aristocracy, guards officers, liberals, revolutionaries, and large industrialists. The true organizers of the Masonic lodges were completely indifferent whether this or that “brother” believed in God or did not believe, whether he considered a monarchy or a republic to be the best form of government, whether he was a Christian, a Muslim, or a Jew - the main thing was that he always put the Masonic an oath higher than the oath given to the state and society. The largest freemason, Prince D.I. Bebutov wrote:

"The strength of Freemasonry is that it includes people of different strata, different positions, and thus Freemasonry as a whole has the ability to act on all sectors of public life".

The membership of most of the "brothers" of the lower degrees of initiation was limited to contributions and participation in joint fraternal dinners (the so-called "agapas"). Others sincerely believed that they were members of a philanthropic Christian society. Still others, initiated into high degrees, believed that they were participating in a grandiose redivision of the world and had exclusive secret power over people. Parting with Masonic illusions occurred in almost every “brother” who could not accept the denial of Christ and His Church.

The definition of the Russian Humanitarian Dictionary seems to us to be the most correct, which, with some of our additions, will look like this: Freemasonry There is world secret union of philosophical and mystical communities (lodges), extremely hostile to the Christian church and Christian statehood, striving for their complete destruction and the world domination of its ideology.

Thus, the concept of Freemasonry is a cover for a worldwide secret anti-Christian organization, of which Freemasonry itself is only a part.

The thought of the participation of secret organizations in the history of the twentieth century no longer causes rejection. Numerous "velvet", "orange" and "flower" revolutions that are shaking in increasing modern world, the overthrow of governments and, conversely, the bringing to power of favored regimes, unprecedented terrorist acts, after which the entire system of the existing world order begins to collapse, severe financial and economic crises that arise at certain times and in certain countries - all this suggests that these events have common authors and common directors. Thoughtful Analysis historical events the past only strengthens us in this thought. During revolutions, rebellions and wars one can often observe the action of some invisible force. Moreover, we are not talking about legends and myths, but specific historical facts. Of course, there were many fables around secret organizations, but these fables do not at all refute the fact of their very existence.

History knows about the existence of the Order of the Templars, the Order of the Bavarian Illuminati, Jacobin clubs, Masonic lodges, and all kinds of esoteric and occult organizations. They stood behind the English and French revolutions, the creation of the USA, the Decembrist uprising, and revolutions in Russia. Despite the fact that these secret organizations could be very different from each other in philosophical, national, political, ideological or other terms, they were all united by one idea and one goal. Any secret society set itself the task of violently destroying the existing world order and radically changing human society, be it in a single country or throughout the world. By the beginning of the twentieth century. The main center of the occult and sectarian world becomes the United States, which arose as a state of sects and secret organizations, the main of which was the Order of the Illuminati.

The name "Illuminati" comes from the secret anti-Christian order of the "Bavarian Illuminati", which arose on May 1, 1776 in Ingolstadt (Bavaria). However, the ideology, symbolism and structure of the Bavarian Illuminati can be traced back to magical communities Ancient Egypt. In 1787, the Order of the Bavarian Illuminati, which in less than 10 years had become a powerful organization consisting of representatives of the nobility and intellectual elite, was banned by the Bavarian authorities. But by this time the order had spread throughout different states Germany, and even Europe.

The Illuminati played a leading role in French Revolution 1789 and the Jacobin Terror. Many German Illuminati moved to English colonies in America. The German Illuminati initially played a leading role in the American state. Modern state symbols of the United States include Illuminati paraphernalia. Suffice it to say that the US state seal depicts a truncated pyramid with an all-seeing eye (a symbol of the Illuminati). On the base of the pyramid, the founding date of the Order of the Bavarian Illuminati is inscribed in Roman numerals: May 1, 1776 (I think this is where the May Day holiday comes from).

In addition, the state emblem and seal include the number 13, also one of the main numbers of Illuminati symbolism (thirteen leaves on a branch in the eagle’s right paw and thirteen arrows in the left, thirteen letters on a ribbon in the eagle’s beak, thirteen steps of a pyramid, and so on ). Above the pyramid is a slogan with the main goal of the Illuminati: “New World Order.”

The Illuminati called themselves “New Israel”, which is also what they called the state of the United States of America. Therefore, the Illuminati had great sympathy for Judaism (the “old Israel”). In turn, many Jewish authorities in Europe and America also viewed the Illuminati favorably. By the end of the 19th century, forces emerged among American Jewry that agreed with the Illuminati idea of ​​a New World Order. However, the Illuminati was hostile to any nation and any traditional religion, including Orthodox Judaism.

By the beginning of the twentieth century. The center of American Illuminati (Freemasonry) was located in the Masonic capital of Charleston. It was there that the residence of the Masonic “patriarch”, the “supreme dogmatic directory of world Freemasonry” and the “holy universal council”, consisting of 10 highly dedicated Masons, was located. Subordinate to the “Patriarch” were the so-called “triangles” (management of Masonic communities in different countries). The "triangles" led the "provinces".

In the middle of the 19th century. Albert Pike, a native of Scottish Rite Freemasonry, was elected Masonic “patriarch”. His beliefs had nothing in common with the proclaimed Masonic ideals: “liberty, equality and fraternity.” It was Pike who initiated the creation of the racist organization Ku Klux Klan.

In 1892, a Masonic congress was held in Brussels, which proclaimed the main goal of Freemasonry: the creation of a “World Republic”. In 1910, this goal was developed and clarified at the next Masonic congress in Brussels. It was recognized there that " humanity is moving towards a universal international organization. From this organization international governmental organizations will subsequently be created. In the near future, humanity will come to the idea of ​​​​creating bodies of international legislation and an international parliamentary union"Thus, the idea of ​​a single international government.

The Illuminati-Masonic idea of ​​a world government is primarily spiritual and is a necessary condition to subjugate the world to a single ruler, whom the Illuminati consider the Messiah, and Christians consider the Antichrist. One member of the Illuminati community, James Warburg, openly stated this goal:

"Whether you like it or not, we will create a world government. Not with a stick, but with a carrot".

World government was the goal of all secret Masonic organizations. Thus, in 1905, reports from the foreign bureau of the Security Branch reported that the influential Masonic organization

"The Grand Orient of France has one main goal - the establishment of a Universal Republic. In pursuance of this, the Grand Orient of France is actively promoting its destructive ideas in all states.".

Thus, by the beginning of the twentieth century, a powerful force was emerging, representing a combination of Illuminati philosophy, Jewish messianism, and American Protestantism. This organization had enormous financial and political power, since its supporters included the world's leading financiers, leading politicians and high-ranking intelligence officials. The goal of Freemasonry was to create a new world order and a one world government. But a new world order cannot be the only goal. It is rather not a goal, but a means.

The main purpose of this force is, of course, spiritual. The ideology of this group is based on a Manichaean view of the world: the United States is “good”, “light”, they have the moral right to use force in the fight against “evil” or “darkness”.

Masonic ideology is extremely anti-Christian. As former American intelligence officer Dr. J. Coleman writes:

"An open conspiracy against God and man, which includes the enslavement of the majority of people remaining on this earth after wars, disasters and massacres, operates without much concealment.".

Tsarist Russia at the beginning of the twentieth century. was the main obstacle to the plans of the Illuminati. That is why she aroused their special hatred.

"The distinctive feature of all these great Orients- said the boss special department Police Department L. A. Rataev, - this is complete hatred of Russia, which remains for them the stronghold of all reactionary forces throughout Europe".

The active anti-government activities of the Freemasons began in the era of Alexander I. The Freemasons were Napoleon's main allies and formed his “fifth column,” including in Russia. The introduction of the Freemasons occurred after the Foreign Campaign of the Russian Army. In 1814 there was a surge of Illuminati from Paris to Russia. Moreover, they became an impressive and influential force. The Illuminati have infiltrated the Synod, the Senate and the professorial departments of most universities. Thus, Professor Grezard, who voted for the execution of the king, was accepted as an honorary member of Kazan University.

After the prohibition of Freemasonry in Russia by Alexander I in 1822, a new surge active work“free masons” occurs precisely at the end of the 19th and especially at the beginning of the 20th century, that is, on the eve of the revolution.

Freemasonry, whose first attempt to come to power in Russia in December 1825 during the Decembrist uprising, who were all members of Masonic lodges, was suppressed by the iron hand of Emperor Nikolai Pavlovich, was again gaining strength at the beginning of the twentieth century.

By the beginning of the First World War, Masonic agents of influence had penetrated almost all institutions state power, public organizations And political parties. Many generals, governors, leaders of the nobility and even grand dukes were listed as members of various lodges.

Russian security structures immediately saw in Freemasonry a phenomenon extremely dangerous for the state. A Police Department memo in 1895 stated:

"Nowadays the combat apparatus of Freemasonry has been improved and the forms of the coming onslaught have crystallized. The economic factor - capitalism - has already served as a proven combat weapon of Freemasonry. Inciting unconscious hatred among the people against everyone and everything—this is the second and main offensive move now put forward by Freemasonry in Russia. This muddy wave is intended to drown the Tsar not only as the Autocrat, but also as the Anointed of God, and thereby splash the last moral foundation people's soul- Orthodox God. Only ten or twenty years will pass, they will realize it, but it will be too late: revolutionary decay will already affect everything. The very roots of the centuries-old state structure will be undermined".

Since 1898, Masonic lodges began to quickly spread throughout Russia in a semi-legal position. Lodges "Pyramid" and "Karma" appeared in St. Petersburg, in Saratov, Kazan, Nizhny Novgorod- the Rosicrucian lodge, in Poltava - the "Cyril and Methodius" lodge, in Kyiv and Feodosia - the "St. Jordan" lodge.

By the 1900s, there were already a dozen Russian liberals in French lodges.

In 1900, the Grand Lodge of Ukraine appeared in Little Russia, the center of which was located in Geneva. In the same year, the Masonic society “Mayak” appeared in Russia, the goal of which was “to promote moral, mental and physical development youth." The honorary trustee of the society was Prince A.P. of Oldenburg.

Professor M.M. contributed to the active spread of Freemasonry in Russia. Kovalevsky. It was thanks to his efforts that on November 14, 1901, the Russian graduate School social sciences, which was under the control of the Cosmos Masonic Lodge. The purpose of the school, in addition to education, was also to prepare, in a purely Masonic spirit, future participants in the struggle for the “liberation of Russia.”

In 1903, the number of students at the school reached 300 people, among them A.V. Lunacharsky, the future Bolshevik People's Commissar of Education, who was initiated into one of the Masonic lodges of the Grand Orient of France. Among the school's teachers were such famous Frenchmen as Emile Zola, Leon Bourgeois, Professor Tarde, and no less famous Russians, I.I. Mechnikov, M.M. Kovalevsky, E.V. Anichkov. V.I. gave lectures at this School several times. Ulyanov (Lenin). The school published its own magazine, one of the editors of which was the poet M.A. Voloshin, who joined the Masonic lodge in 1905.

In Russia itself, zemstvo liberal circles are quickly beginning to form around sub-Masonic structures, such as the “Conversation” circle, which united supporters of the constitutional monarchy, such as Prince D.I. Shakhovskoy, G.E. Lvov, V.A. Maklakov and others. The opposition "Union of Liberation", created in 1903, was headed by the same Freemasons whom we saw at the School (Kovalevsky, Prokopovich, Bazhenov, Roberti). The Mason was the chairman of the "Union" P.B. Struve.

In 1905, the leader of the cadets, P.N., joined the French Masonic lodge "Masonic Vanguard". Miliukov. In addition to him, many Russian liberals were accepted into Masonic lodges, almost all of whom ended up in the State Duma of the 1st convocation. The chairman of the 1st was also a member of the Masonic lodge. State Duma Professor S.A. Muromtsev.

At the same time, Russian Freemasonry has never been an independent phenomenon. It was derived from Western Freemasonry. Russian Freemasons did not invent anything new, but only blindly copied the charters and rituals of numerous lodges Western Europe, adding to them the lack of composure and talkativeness characteristic of the Russian intelligentsia. For Western Freemasonry, Russian “brothers” were needed only as a “fifth column”, the force that was supposed to undermine the Russian imperial system and make the Masonic revolution possible.

Russian Freemasonry fulfilled the task assigned to it by senior foreign lodges, playing a huge role in the overthrow of Emperor Nicholas II and the destruction of the monarchy in Russia.

To be continued.

(The article uses materials: Multatuli P.V. Emperor Nicholas II. The path to Golgotha. - M.: AST, 2010; Multatuli P.V. The era of Emperor Nicholas II. - M.: St. Foundation Basil the Great, 2018. T. 2.).

Freemasonry, despite its 300-year history, remains the most closed organization. He is credited with incredible influence in the world, untold wealth, secret conspiracies, overthrow of rulers and revolutions. Who are the Masons, or, as they are also called, “free masons”? How many are there in Russia? And which famous Russian figures are members of Masonic lodges today?

And the kings too

It would be strange if the word “Freemason” in Russia did not become synonymous with “conspiracy.” Herself Russian politics, at all times behind the scenes, purely Byzantine, when everything is decided “under the carpet,” could not help but give rise to the idea of ​​a secret conspiracy. And no wonder. Take the Decembrists, for example - almost half of them were Freemasons (the most famous are Pestel, Muravyov-Apostol, Bestuzhev, Ryleev). Even Pushkin - our everything - was a member of the Masonic lodge. Moreover, Russian tsars were also Freemasons! According to some information, the first Mason of Russia was Peter I. Emperor Peter III was also a member of the brotherhood of “free masons”. Tsar Paul I was raised by Freemasons and surrounded himself with Freemasons. The heyday of Freemasonry in Russia came in early XIX century, under Alexander I. He himself was a Freemason. The culprit of the Russian fashion for Freemasonry is Napoleon Bonaparte, who elevated Freemasonry in France to an organ government controlled. The Russian establishment actively traveled to France and decided to copy the idea for Russia. But our Masonic business did not work out. And in 1822, Alexander I banned the lodges, although he resisted for a long time: “I myself shared and encouraged these illusions, so it’s not for me to punish them.” But even under Alexander II there were still Masonic ministers.

After the 1917 revolution, Russian lodges moved abroad. And they appeared in Russia only in 1992. Who sits in the box now?

Gorbachev was also offered

Scandalous famous historian Platonov, revealing various kinds of “conspiracies against the Russian people,” published “lists of Russian Freemasons.” He claims that Brezhnev, Yeltsin were Freemasons, Gorbachev, Luzhkov, Primakov, Abramovich, Berezovsky, Voloshin (former head of the Kremlin administration), Kiriyenko, Kozyrev, Gaidar, Yavlinsky, Nemtsov (and almost all famous politicians) were or are even members of the lodges 90s), Kasparov, banker Aven, ex-banker Gerashchenko, Khodorkovsky, director Govorukhin, businessman Bendukidze, Tsereteli, as well as human rights activists Alekseeva, Ponomarev, Kovalev. And several hundred more famous names. (By the way, the Freemasons themselves officially deny the involvement of Yeltsin, Gorbachev, and Gaidar in the Masonic lodges.)

One of the historical books published a funny fact: supposedly in 1990, the secretary of the Soviet embassy in France was invited to the Masonic order. He was asked to convey an invitation to USSR President Gorbachev to join the lodge. The secretary refused: “Mikhail Sergeevich adheres to universal human values ​​and does not intend to be a member of the lodges!”

I think these lists should be treated with a great deal of irony.

Secret signs

What else did you manage to find out about Freemasonry? To recognize a Freemason (in the minds of many - a gloomy gentleman with a tenacious gaze, similar to a spy) in a citizen who pleasantly jokes with you at a social party and, in general, charm itself, is almost unrealistic. Although there are many secret, strictly classified Masonic signs that they can exchange with each other (one of such signs, they say, is the thumb and index finger forming a circle). But now secret signs practically do not work. Not a single lodge will accept a visiting Mason unless he has a letter of recommendation and telephone confirmation from the leadership of the “fraternal lodge.” Strangers, in short, don’t go there. If the Masons discover a stranger in their circle, they warn each other: “It’s raining.” So, if you hear this, at least be able to avoid looking like a weirdo and exclaiming: “Where? The sun is out!”

Masonic symbols mainly reflect construction themes. Compasses, hammer, hatchet, ruler; five-pointed and six-pointed stars; a triangle with an all-seeing eye placed inside, etc.

It seems incredible, but in Moscow it is quite possible to open sightseeing tour“Masonic Moscow”: buildings with Masonic symbols built by the Freemason architect Vasily Bazhenov in the 18th century have been preserved: for example, the Tsaritsyno estate, the Tsar’s Traveling Palace on the Leningradskoe Highway. Masonic signs are on the mansion of Prince Gagarin (a famous freemason) in Gagarinsky Lane, as well as on the old building of Moscow State University on Mokhovaya (built in the late 19th - early 20th centuries).

A typically Masonic sign is depicted on the US dollar bill (which is not surprising, given that most US presidents belong to Freemasonry), as well as on the 500-hryvnia Ukrainian bill.

I was lucky: I was able to communicate with the main Mason of Russia, Andrei Bogdanov, who is called the “Grand Master of the Grand Lodge of Russia.”


Freemasonry was born in London in 1717; June 24 is still celebrated today as the main Masonic holiday. Four London lodges of artisans, named after the taverns where they met - "Brush of Grapes", "Crown", "Apple", "Goose and Tray" - merged to form the Grand Lodge of London. Then the intelligentsia, businessmen, and nobility began to join the brotherhoods of “free masons.” Historians believe that intellectuals were brought into Freemasonry by ideological quests; they liked democratic morals and the construction of a class of artisans, and the desire to help each other.


There is a version that Mozart, a member of the Masonic lodge, was poisoned because he revealed Masonic secrets in his “The Magic Flute”. Masons love this work very much. When The Magic Flute is performed at the Vienna Opera, during the Master's aria, several dozen people in the audience stand up - these are the Masons.


There are 1 million 800 thousand Masons in the USA, about 300 thousand in Great Britain. There are about 400 Masons in Russia.

Membership fees (per year): in the USA - 100 dollars, in Europe - 400 - 600 euros, in Russia - about 300 dollars per year plus voluntary donations.


The path is closed to women

The lodge meets once a month. A candidate for Freemasonry must receive recommendations from 2 - 3 “brothers”. The future “free mason” undergoes “surveys under a blindfold” (in front of his eyes). Main question- motives for joining the lodge. They vote with black and white balls. If a candidate collects 3 black balls, he is denied access not only to this box, but also to any other.

Also at meetings of lodges, Masons read out reports of a moral and philosophical nature (the so-called “architectural works”).

After the official part, there is dinner (agape): the first toast is necessarily to Russia, the second to its president, the third to the lodge and its master.

Women are not accepted as “free masons”.


The oligarchs are still standing aside

For answers to questions that the main Mason had not clarified, I went to Sergei KARPACHEV, Doctor of Historical Sciences, author of four books on Freemasonry: “Modern domestic Freemasonry consists of the intelligentsia - teachers, journalists, entrepreneurs, officers, mostly retired. There are no active politicians, including high-ranking ones, or oligarchs among the Masons. Freemasonry does not pose political goals. The main occupation of Russian “free masons” is ritual work and the preparation of “architectural” works on ethical, philosophical and historical topics. It is extremely weak materially and can barely support itself. There will be no flourishing of Freemasonry in Russia, as at the beginning of the 19th century: it is not ready for Freemasonry either morally or intellectually. Russia is an anti-Masonic country; Nazism and fascism are more likely to revive here, but certainly not Freemasonry. Another thing is that experts and journalists (sometimes out of ignorance, more often deliberately) classify other organizations as Freemasonry - the elite Rotary Club or the Order of Malta, which was created Catholic Church to fight Freemasonry.

Who was a Freemason?

Pushkin (and, by the way, his persecutor, Chief of the Gendarmerie Benckendorff), Suvorov, Kutuzov, Radishchev, Karamzin, Fonvizin, Bestuzhev, Ryleev, Muravyov-Apostol. Kerensky, Petliura, artist Bryullov, composer Rimsky-Korsakov, princes Golitsyn, Volkonsky, Vyazemsky, Kurakin, Trubetskoy, Razumovsky.

US Presidents Washington, Theodore Roosevelt, Franklin Roosevelt, Truman, Prime Minister of England Churchill, banker Rothschild, auto tycoons Citroen, Henry Ford, composers Liszt, Mozart, Haydn, writers Swift, Defoe, Scott, Wilde, Kipling, Conan Doyle, poets Heine, Goethe , illusionist Guddini, jazzman Duke Ellington.

Other connections are in price now

It is no secret that the Masons helped each other in career growth. It is no coincidence that Freemasonry became widespread among US presidents and senior officials of Russia at the beginning of the 19th century. Is it possible to revive Freemasonry in Russia at such a high level? Unlikely. Nowadays, it is not Masonic, but Kremlin connections that are at a premium. But in the Kremlin, it seems, there are no Masons after all.

Of course, domestic Freemasons would like to see influential politicians and wealthy fellow citizens, ideally oligarchs, in their ranks. But the former are unlikely to risk participating in secret projects. And the latter are too busy with their business and have no time to participate in archaic rituals and philosophical hearings. And if business people have time, they can while away it in another closed elite club. It is no coincidence that retired officers come to Freemasonry, experiencing a lack of communication, and perhaps the need to “think about the soul.”

Of course, Freemasonry can become fashionable if suddenly some very influential politician declares himself a Freemason. But such “originals” are not yet visible in power. Although, given the tortuous and mysterious path of Freemasonry, it is hardly possible to say anything categorically about this phenomenon. Anything, you know, has happened in our history...


Andrei Vladimirovich, people think of Freemasons as something frightening, mystical and archaic, but still very influential. What exactly is Freemasonry?

Freemasonry is 300 years old, it is an organization, more precisely, a conglomerate of ancient initiatory organizations with a very venerable history, with an internal philosophy, with goals lying in the sphere of morality, where Masonic etiquette is extremely significant. This is a specific view of the world, maybe even a specific way of life. The main Masonic task is to reveal the spiritual potential of a person. Through moral and philosophical quests. The goal, if you want, is to do good man better. The organization is closed, but in all countries it is strictly loyal to the authorities in whose territory it operates.

They say that the Freemasons want to revive the monarchy in Russia and that they wrote the sensational book “Project Russia”?

Discussion political issues, including government system, is prohibited among the Masons. 300 years of history suggests that we should behave respectably and think about the long future.

Could it happen that the Masonic lodge in Russia will try to enter the State Duma?

Excluded, since Freemasonry is a non-political organization. Although in ordinary life(as the Freemasons say, profane) a person can engage in any type of activity, including politics. But in general the lodge - no, of course.

Let’s say, come out of the “underground” and open an office in Moscow on Tverskaya?

That's how it will be someday. Masonic lodges in Great Britain and France have official offices in the center of the capitals.

Is Russian Freemasonry going to participate in any open public projects?

Freemasonry in the world carries out a lot of social and charitable projects. For example, in the United States it officially maintains a large network of children's hospitals in which children with cancer and other serious diseases are treated free of charge. I think that when Russian Freemasonry strengthens, it will take on some complex social projects.

War and Peace describes the impressive ritual of initiation into the Masons of Pierre Bezukhov. Now he is the same - a closed room, candles, a blindfold over the eyes of the newcomer?

Many rituals have been preserved.

Is there a version that the Soviet symbol - the five-pointed star - was borrowed by the Bolsheviks from the Freemasons?

A flaming five-pointed star is one of the symbols of the second degree of Masonic lodges. The symbol is ancient, Freemasonry does not have any exclusive rights to it, it could have been borrowed from other sources.

There are among Russian masons famous people, politicians?

The names of the brothers are always and under all circumstances not disclosed. A Mason has the right to reveal his name, but only his own. But never the names of brothers. This circumstance, as you understand, prevents a frank answer to your question. I would like to use the Masonic tradition of non-disclosure of names. Ask this question personally to those from whom you want to hear the answer.

Yes, I can imagine: “Ivan Ivanovich, are you a Freemason?” It will be especially effective at a press conference. But at least tell me, are there any top-ranking politicians among them?

No comments.

They often equate Masons and Jews and talk about conspiracies...

Those who use the term “Jewish Freemasonry” are very understandable in their simplicity. Freemasonry is non-national and non-denominational. A Christian, a Muslim, or a Jew can be a Mason.

But why then are conspiracies attributed to the Masons?

But is it only the Masons? The policy of secrecy, the extensive network of Freemasonry, the centuries-old history - all this leads to accusing Freemasonry of some kind of secret conspiracies.

But does Freemasonry have enemies?

Since the 18th century, the ideas of Freemasonry penetrated into Russia and captured the greatest minds of the Fatherland. Among the members of the lodges were noted politicians, writers and artists. For example, Pushkin was a hereditary Freemason: not only he himself was a member of the lodge, but also his father and uncle.

Source:Gear cycle"Brothers" radio station "Echo of Moscow"

Announcement image: wikimedia.org
Lead image: regnum.ru
Other illustrations: wikipedia.org

There were also Masons among the Orthodox clergy. One of the most striking examples is Metropolitan Filaret Drozdov. Like Chaadaev, Drozdov was a member of three lodges at once: “United Friends”, “Dying Sphinx” and “Polar Star”. Moreover, Filaret was not just a Mason from the clergy, he became one of the few canonized Masons.

Filaret Drozdov was a Freemason from the Orthodox clergy

Freemasonry in the 19th century was incredibly popular, to the point that among the educated elite it was considered simply indecent not to be a member of at least one lodge. So Filaret (in the world Vasily), being a prominent intellectual, did not pass by. In the archives of the lodges there are documents confirming that Filaret was indeed a member of them.

The fact that Pushkin joined the Masonic lodge was quite natural: his father Sergei Lvovich and uncle Vasily Lvovich were Freemasons, famous poet of its time. True, Pushkin Jr. was not accepted into the box the first time. He first applied at the age of nineteen to the St. Petersburg Lodge of the Three Virtues, but the recent graduate Tsarskoye Selo Lyceum refused. He made a second attempt in 1821 - this time in Chisinau.

Pushkin was not immediately accepted into the Masonic lodge

This attempt was crowned with success: the young poet became a member of the Ovid lodge. In 1922, Emperor Alexander I officially banned secret societies and Masonic lodges; it is unknown that after this Pushkin took part in their activities Active participation, however, Masonic ideas and symbolism are ubiquitous in his works. It is also known that at Pushkin’s funeral, his close friend Prince Peter Vyazemsky placed a white glove in the poet’s coffin - this is how the Masons traditionally said goodbye to their brothers.

The philosopher Pyotr Chaadaev, the prototype of Chadsky from Griboyedov's comedy "Woe from Wit", was a member of the St. Petersburg Masonic lodge "United Friends". However, there were rumors that he did not join the lodge in St. Petersburg, but in Krakow, but Chaadaev himself denied this. The philosopher’s second lodge was “Astraea” - in it he reached the eighth, one of the most high degrees dedication.

Chaadaev broke with Freemasonry in 1828

There was also a third lodge - “Northern Friends”. However, in 1828, Chaadaev, who by that time had not yet been declared insane due to the publication of the first “Philosophical Letter,” decided to sever ties with the Freemasons and leave the brotherhood.

Now few people know about Mikhail Osorgin, but he was one of the most famous Freemasons Silver Age. Osorgin was mainly involved in journalism and literature, but he dedicated an entire novel to the Freemasons - it was called “Freemason” (this is how the word “Mason” is translated from French).

Osorgin wrote a novel about the Freemasons

In 1922, Mikhail Osorgin was expelled from the country on the Philosophical Steamship. In exile - Osorgin settled in France - he became the leader of several Masonic lodges at once.