Requiem for a dream: how not to live your life in vain. “I think that I lived my life in vain” (10 photos) The feeling that the best years were in vain

Sometimes there is absolutely no time to think about the meaning of life. We need to live. Make your own way. Raise children. , in the end. Why such difficulties?

At the same time, I will not surprise anyone by saying that every person has a need, which one way or another makes itself felt throughout life- be aware of why you live and feel the meaning of your life.

They say there is nothing worse than the realization that time has been lost, and nothing can be done - life has been lived in vain. Is this really so and how to avoid the most important disappointment along the way?

Some into the forest, some for firewood

This phraseological unit has an interesting meaning. Krylov was talking about something else, but if you read it literally, it turns out Some people go to the forest for the sake of the forest, while others go for a completely different reason - because of the need for firewood. We live exactly the same way.

Someone came to this planet, and literally from an early age has the confidence that... Who to become, what to achieve in life and how to arrange your life. Such people have a vision of their own “firewood” and boldly follow them. Others are in a state of confusion. Without setting out to figure it out, they are distracted by all the other things and hobbies that life presents to them, and eventually forget about the main thing to think about.

However, as will become clear by the end of the article, both of these categories have equal chances of not living their lives in vain and of facing the unpleasant experience of a “requiem for a dream.”

Know the goal or feel it

What does it mean to “have a goal”? Know the final destination where you would like to end up, or decide on direction of its movement, which in essence is life? Louise Hay writes that we always “come and go in the middle,” and I agree. There is no starting or ending point. This is always one of many points on the infinite coordinates of a straight line.

The goal can be know, and this state is closer to the word “need”, but you can feel, which will be more related to “I want” or “to eat”. What does it mean? When we “know” our goal, we are much more likely to make a mistake. This may be something imposed on us from the outside, both by others and by ourselves - for the sake of prestige or other external attributes of success. This could be what we are would like to want, but we deceive ourselves in this, wanting in our souls something completely different for true happiness.

To feel your purpose means to feel your own and its consistency with what we meet in the outside world. That is, to find within yourself something that can be brought into this world. In this case, we just remain ourselves, there is no need to do anything “special”.


The surest way to live life in vain is to focus primarily on your achievements. This is a trap due to which a person has to face the “requiem”, regardless of whether his dream has come true or not. Because it does not bring satisfaction and joy to life. Yes, this is the case when successful and often famous people drink themselves to death or in general.

Of course, this is a simplification, but I will name the following as a very common reason: they are accustomed to looking for happiness “sometime”: when this or that happens, when I achieve this or become that. The key point is always in the future. And when this future comes, happiness and joy again remain somewhere there, beyond the horizon.

Achievements are wonderful. First of all, for you if you have achieved something, and secondly for everyone else who is lucky enough to take advantage of it. However, specific notches along the path should not become an end in themselves. This is literally dangerous and has no reason. What then should?

Live now

Of course, it's every moment in itself. That is - this « always now." I call it the meaning of life in its entirety. You need to stay alive at all costs, and feel this way (and therefore) at every present moment. Whatever that means to you. Indeed, what allows you to feel the beat of life in the world around you? In what moments do you feel most alive and present?

Life is not about “breathless moments.” Life is “always now.”

And if you can’t feel truly alive now, you won’t feel it when you earn a lot of money, lose weight, get married, etc., etc.

Main meaning

I think Requiem for a Dream is quite possible. Each person has a purpose on this earth, a special contribution that he is “assigned” to make, thereby changing himself and transforming the lives of many others. This is an activity that, from an early age, gives a person the greatest joy in life, and naturally, if he devotes himself to this area, he will, as they say, “not have to work a day,” not to mention the fact that achievements will not be long in coming .

This is the answer to all questions. This is a refusal to make any compromises. This is living in accordance with your true essence, undoubtedly filled with a sense of meaning and fulfillment.

This is the highest need of a human being - for self-realization (as it is commonly called).

But not everyone is destined to reveal their talents. Achieve recognition. Don’t forget about the fact that it attracts you to itself, so that you forget to think about the reward or any payment. AND this is a requiem for a dream. That inside that waited for its chance and throughout its life, as far as it could, pushed the person to realize this chance, now quietly aches inside: it didn’t work out. It didn't work out. Maybe one day…

What to do now? Life has failed, there is no meaning in it and there is no reason to live?

It's great that this isn't the case. Unfolding hidden capabilities in a person, achieving external results, it turns out, is not the most important thing in this life. The most important thing, as mentioned above, is the life. That's why

it doesn’t matter how long you’ve lived, what you’ve done before and what you’re going to do next. The most important - are you here now. Embrace your present moment. Feel the beating of your heart, which works 24 hours a day without any of your participation. Inhale and then exhale. Feel alive, completely in the present moment.

Our problem is that we are used to the miracle of life, and take it for granted. We are not aware of ourselves. And no matter how primitive it may sound, this is the main meaning and purpose of our life - to live, to be fully present in the present moment and to be aware of ourselves.

You can reveal your talent, have children and give much more than you receive. But all this matters only secondarily. The first place is always how you live the present moment, your personal now, and this is what determines whether your life will be lived in vain or not.

We forget that quality is more important than quantity. We want to have time and do as much as possible, instead of living as consciously as possible what we are destined to experience, no matter how much it will be in quantitative terms.

Please remember just one thing: the presence or absence of a “requiem for a dream” in life determines the answer to the question “HOW?”, and not to the question “WHAT?”.

When the main goal of your actions becomes the action itself, or rather, the stream of consciousness flowing into what you do, your priorities change dramatically. It is this stream of consciousness that determines the quality of any action.

Another way to put it is: in any situation and in all your actions, your state of consciousness is the main factor, and the situation and what you do is a secondary factor.

Eckhart Tolle "New Earth"

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How to understand that life is in vain? It seems that everyone around you lives exactly the same way... But you have a feeling of dissatisfaction and emptiness that prevents you from enjoying the moment. Here are 13 signs you're wasting your life.

You live day after day and realize that life is wasted. It feels like you're stuck in a dead spot and can't change anything for the better. But that's not true. All in your hands. You just need to analyze some things and try to change them. And then favorable changes will not take long to arrive.

How to understand that life is wasted: 13 signs

1. You devote a lot of time to things that make no sense at all.

All kinds computer games, indiscriminately watching various reality shows on TV, “communicating” with a mobile phone, abusing food and alcohol. The list can be continued, taking into account individual interests.

Take a look at your life from the outside. What do you spend the lion's share of your precious time on? Does this bring you any benefit? Does it make your life better, more meaningful? If the answer is “no,” urgently change something in your daily routine.

2. You complain all the time.

There are people who find their life very difficult, and they whine about it nonstop. Maybe you have already become like these characters? If you like to complain about your hateful job, your stupid boss, your low salary, your alcoholic neighbors, or your unworthy partner, you are simply spreading negativity around you. And he can't change anything. But it prevents you from moving forward in life.
Urgently get rid of this habit and, on the contrary, talk more often about what is good in your life.

3. You're not feeding your mind.

If you don't develop and learn (no matter how old you are), stagnation will certainly occur. Your brain, like a pond of stagnant water, is “overgrown with mud.” Read, be interested, learn something new, develop.

4. You are mired in negativity.

Inner dialogue affects your life. As Henry Ford said: “Whether you think you will succeed or that you will fail, you are right.”

If you systematically tell yourself that you are not smart and energetic enough to get a promotion or start your own business, you will definitely be so. If you tell yourself that you are tired in order to change anything, absolutely nothing will happen.

What we tell ourselves will sooner or later become our reality.

Control your internal dialogue, rebuild it. And you will notice how your life gradually adapts to your thoughts.

5. You are uninspired

Do you have a hobby or passion? It never happens that nothing brings joy and does not give pleasure. You will definitely find something you like or a hobby. Dedicate as much of your free time to him as possible.

6. You don't plan for your own future.

Of course, it is important to fully experience the present moment, but you need to think about what you expect from the future. If you don't have a specific goal, you float through life like a boat without control. This is not a very good strategy.
Imagine that you have an imaginary sensor inside of you that guides you to your goal. Listen to him and make up rough plan actions that will help you get closer to your desired goal.

7. You spend a lot of time with people who drag you back.

They negatively influence you, drain your life energy and give nothing in return. With such people it is impossible to achieve progress and self-improvement. Keep your interactions with them to a minimum. Spend more time with smart and successful people. In this way, you will gradually build your success.

8. You are addicted to your phone

No one argues that a telephone is a necessary and even irreplaceable device, but you should not pick it up unless absolutely necessary. After all, this has already become a habit for you. Is it true? And how much time is wasted when moving from application to application or on social networks.

9. You spend money on things you don't need.

There is a huge difference between “need” and “want”, but modern society consumption, this boundary is quite blurred.

But if you think about it, a person actually doesn’t need that much to live - food, a roof over his head and love (this is at a minimum).

Look at your spending and think about what you could give up. Learn moderation - this is a very useful quality.

10. You don't get enough sleep

Lack of sleep has a negative impact on your overall health, nervous system, performance, mood. Try to go to bed before midnight. Don't sit half the night in front of a flickering monitor.

11. You don't think about your health

We will not discover America if we say that proper nutrition and physical activity are necessary for everyone. Try maintaining a balanced, healthy diet, moving more and spending time outdoors. This will have a positive effect on your weight, mental state and performance.

12. You are afraid to leave your comfort zone.

Of course it's easier this way. But the bad thing is that because of the fear of discomfort, you do not try at all to change your life for the better. Sometimes you need to take risks and shake things up. Don’t give up on good things just because you will need to leave your comfort zone to achieve your plans.

P.S. And remember, just by changing your consciousness, we are changing the world together! © econet

It happens that there comes a time when you begin to understand that something is going wrong in life. It would seem that nothing bad is happening, but for some reason the feeling of satisfaction from what is happening is getting less and less. Years pass one after another, life flows like a rapid river, but there is still no feeling of self-realization. This state of mind is quite common, it is understandable and, most importantly, completely fixable. What to do, how to change yourself and your attitude towards life?

Stop complaining

Complaining about life is one of the favorite pastimes of many of our fellow citizens. The work is not the same, the salary is not the same, and the neighbors constantly provoke conflict. In fact, if this happens for many years, then the only reason is that you personally did nothing to change the situation. Stop complaining, think about what you like, not what annoys you. Complaints and negativity drive you into a dead end, stop complaining - and the road out of the dead end will find itself.

Time is worth its weight in gold

Try to look at time and things from a different angle. Internet, alcohol, TV - this list can be continued as long as you like. Think about how much and what you spend your time on and whether it benefits you.

Nourishment for the mind

Constantly developing as a person, you move forward, and vice versa, you stagnate like a motionless pond if you do nothing for self-development. The same thing happens with the mind - it needs to be maintained with constant activity. Set new tasks, explore the unknown and, of course, just read books.

Negativity from within

Internal dialogue can often decide a person's fate, leaning towards acceptance important decision or rejecting it. By telling yourself “I can’t do it”, “I’m not smart enough for this”, etc., you actually live up to these words. Control your own thoughts, and life will change for the better.

Lack of inspiration

Every person needs a muse in the broadest sense of the word. Try to do as much as possible what you are truly passionate about.

Future plans

The ability to enjoy every moment and live here and now is worth a lot, but you also need to be able to make plans, understand where and why to move. A person without a goal is like a boat adrift on the sea, walking on the waves in the hope of sailing to some good place.

Healthy sleep

You don't need to be a doctor to understand the importance of getting a good night's sleep. Moreover, sleep is the foundation of human health, therefore, when setting priorities, it is better to avoid staying awake until late at night.

Waste of time

No matter how harsh (perhaps cruel) it may sound, when communicating with people who do not contribute to your growth, you, at a minimum, do not grow, and at most, you degrade. Such friends and acquaintances are real energy vampires, they draw energy from you and do not give anything positive in return. Create an environment of development-oriented people.

virtual communication

Of course, mobile phones social media and other delights modern life changed your life, but for the better? Devices designed to make human life more convenient and simpler have filled all free space. If you belong to that category of people who cannot imagine their life without constant communication through the keyboard, then you are simply wasting precious time that can be devoted to the implementation of plans and real communication.

Money down the drain

Even in childhood, we were explained that it is necessary to distinguish between “I want” and “I need.” However, the level financial literacy in our country it is still not at a high level, and a person with the latest gadget, purchased on credit, simply does not have the money to travel in a minibus.

Health first

The quality of food and lifestyle in general is the key to success and prosperity. This may sound somewhat banal, but having good health, a person can achieve everything else on his own.

Finally, remember that life should bring pleasure and acquire new incentives and horizons. There is no need to despair if you do not meet any of the points. Change the little things, and life itself will begin to change.

Vitaly Kaloev about his fate and the film where he was played by Arnold Schwarzenegger.

In 2002, Vitaly Kaloev lost his family in a plane crash over Lake Constance.
Due to an error by an employee of the air traffic control company Skyguide, two planes collided, killing 71 people, including Kaloyev’s wife and two children.
478 days later he killed air traffic controller Peter Nielsen and spent the next four years in a Swiss prison.
13 years later, a film was made about those events in the United States with Arnold Schwarzenegger in the title role. This is a drama about a man whose life was destroyed overnight. The prototype of Schwarzenegger's hero rarely communicates with journalists, but Vitaly Kaloev found time to talk about his fate.

Now he will have more free time. He recently celebrated his sixtieth birthday and retired. For eight years he worked as Deputy Minister of Construction of North Ossetia. He was appointed to this post shortly after his early release from a Swiss prison.

“Vitaly Konstantinovich Kaloev, whose fate is known on all continents of the globe, was awarded the Medal “For the Glory of Ossetia,” reports the website of the Ministry of Construction and Architecture of the republic. “On the day of his 60th birthday, he received this highest award from the hands of the Deputy Chairman of the Government of the Republic of North Ossetia-Alania, Boris Borisovich Dzhanaev.”

News from Hollywood and Vladikavkaz came in the second half of January with a difference of less than two weeks. “The film is based on real events: the plane crash in July 2002 and what happened 478 days later,” says the profile site
Vitaly's wife Svetlana and their children, eleven-year-old Konstantin and four-year-old Diana, died in the plane crash. They all flew to the head of the family in Spain, where Kaloev designed houses.
And on February 22, 2004, his attempt to talk to Peter Nielsen, an employee of the air traffic control company Skyguide, ended in the murder of the dispatcher on the threshold of his own home in the Swiss town of Kloten: twelve blows with a pocket knife.

“I knocked. “Nilsen came out,” Kaloev told Komsomolskaya Pravda reporters in March 2005. “I first motioned for him to invite me into the house.” But he slammed the door.
I called again and told him: Ich bin Russland. I remember these words from school. He said nothing. I took out photographs that showed the bodies of my children. I wanted him to look at them. But he pushed my hand away and sharply gestured for me to get out... Like a dog: get out.
Well, I said nothing, I was offended. Even my eyes filled with tears. I extended my hand to him with the photographs for the second time and said in Spanish: “Look!” He slapped me on the hand and the pictures flew off. And it started from there.”

Later, Skyguide's guilt in the plane crash was recognized by the court, and several of Nielsen's colleagues received suspended sentences. Kaloev was sentenced to eight years, but was released early in November 2008.

In Vladikavkaz, Deputy Minister Kaloev led federal and international projects: the TV tower on Lysaya Gora - beautiful, with a rotating cable car observation deck and a restaurant - and the Caucasian Music and Cultural Center named after Valery Gergiev, designed in the workshop of Norman Foster.

Vitaly Kaloev speaks more modestly and harshly about personal achievements: “I think that I lived my life in vain: I could not save my family.
What depended on me is the second question.” Vitaly avoids detailed judgments about what does not depend on him. The film "478" is no exception. Kaloev, in principle, appreciates Arnold Schwarzenegger for his roles as “big, kind men.” At the same time, the prototype is confident: Schwarzenegger (Victor in the film) will play what is written in the script, from which Vitaly does not expect anything good.
“If it were at the everyday level, there would be one question. But here is Hollywood, politics, ideology, relations with Russia,” he says.

The main thing Vitaly asks is: there is no need to show that he fled somewhere, like in a European film based on the same plot. “He came openly, he left openly, he didn’t hide from anyone. Everything is in the case materials, everything is reflected.”

The authors of the Hollywood film assure that in the role of Victor, Schwarzenegger will reveal himself in a new way - not as “the last action hero,” but as a purely dramatic artist. Actually, if you follow real events, it won’t work any other way. “At ten in the morning I was at the scene of the tragedy,” Kaloev testifies. - I saw all these bodies - I froze in tetanus and could not move. A village near Uberlingen, the school had its headquarters there. And nearby, at an intersection, as it turned out later, my son fell. I still can’t forgive myself for driving nearby and not feeling anything, not recognizing him.”

To the question “maybe you need to forgive yourself more?” there is no direct answer. There is a reflection on what brought Vitaly Kaloev fame “on all continents of the globe”: “If a person did something for the sake of his loved ones and relatives, he cannot regret it later. And you can’t feel sorry for yourself. If you feel sorry for yourself for half a second, you will go down, you will sink. Especially when you are sitting: there is nowhere to rush, there is no communication, all sorts of thoughts creep into your head - this, and this, and this. God forbid you feel sorry for yourself.”
About Peter Nielsen’s family, where there are three children left, Vitaly said eight years ago: “His children are growing up healthy, cheerful, his wife is happy with her children, his parents are happy with their grandchildren. Who should I be happy about?”

It seems that most of all Kaloev feels sorry for the German volunteers and police officers from the summer of 2002: “My instincts became sharper to the point that I began to understand what the Germans were talking about among themselves, without knowing the language. I wanted to participate in the search work - they tried to send me away, but it didn’t work. They gave us an area further away where there were no bodies. I found some things, plane wreckage. I understood then, and I understand now, that they were right. They really couldn’t gather the required number of policemen in time - who was there, they took away half of them: some fainted, some did something else.”

The Germans, according to Vitaly, “are generally very sincere people, simple." “I hinted that I would like to erect a monument in the place where my girl fell, - instantly one German woman began to help and began collecting funds,” says Kaloev. And he immediately returns to the days of the search: “I put my hands on the ground - I tried to understand where the soul remained: in this place, in the ground - or flew away to where. I moved my hands - some roughness. He began to take out the glass beads that were on her neck. I started collecting it and then showed it to people. Later, one architect made a common monument there - with a torn string of beads.”

Vitaly Kaloev is trying to remember everyone who helped him.
It turns out not quite: “A lot of guys from everywhere gave money, for example, to my older brother Yuri, so that he would come to Switzerland once again and visit me.”
For two years, every month they sent “a hundred local money in an envelope to buy cigarettes” to Kaloyev’s cell; on the envelope is the letter W, the secret of which the grateful recipient still wants to know.
Special thanks - naturally, to Taimuraz Mamsurov, the head of North Ossetia at that time: “I appointed him to the ministry here, helped there. To not be afraid to come, as it was believed, to a criminal, a murderer, for trial in Zurich, to support him, was worth a lot for a leader of such rank.” Special thanks go to Aman Tuleyev, governor of the Kemerovo region: “Three or four times he simply gave money, part of his salary. And in Moscow he also gave me so that I could dress up a little.”

And the letters, Kaloev recalls, came from everywhere - from Russia, Europe, Canada and Australia. “Even from Switzerland itself I received two letters: the authors apologized very much to me for what happened. When I was released, they said that I could take 15 kilograms with me. I went through the letters, removed the envelopes - there was still more than twenty kilos of mail alone. They looked and said: “Okay, take both the mail and your things.”

“The Swiss deported Kaloev quietly and unnoticed.
“I arrived, I didn’t expect that I would be greeted so warmly in Moscow. Maybe it was unnecessary - but in any case it’s nice,” says Vitaly Kaloev eight years later.

“It is impossible to teach how to live after this,” he assures when it comes to the relatives of those killed in the plane crash over Sinai. - The pain may have dulled a little, but it does not go away. You can force yourself into work, you have to work - at work a person is distracted: you work, you solve people’s problems... But there is no recipe. I still haven't recovered. But there is no need to give up. If you need to cry, cry, but it’s better to do it alone: ​​no one saw me with tears, I didn’t show them anywhere. Maybe, perhaps, on the very first day. We must live with the destiny that is destined for us. Live and help people."

Receptions with Deputy Minister Kaloyev on personal matters, of course, practically did not stop for eight years: national tradition plus status famous fellow countryman. Ask for money for medicine, building materials for repairs, to arrange a high-tech operation for someone,” Vitaly lists. - I know both my colleague ministers and their deputies - you turn to them. It didn't always work out, but something did work out. Forty to fifty percent.” The schools that received the least refusals were those from which they came for new windows or major repairs. Or even a lecture from the Deputy Minister - “for high school students, about what principles should be in a person’s life.”

A separate line includes calls to Kaloyev from the colonies. “I don’t know how they found out my phone number. “Can you send me some cigarettes?” - Of course, I'll send it. There was a man named Kuznetsov, who knocked down an Uzbek with one blow in St. Petersburg when he began to pester his son. They organized a teleconference, I came out in support of him.”

Now, most of all, Vitaly wants to be left alone: ​​“I want to live as a private person - that’s it, I don’t even go to work.” First, the heart: bypass surgery. Secondly, Vitaly got married last year, thirteen years after the tragedy. The only thing he would like “from the public” is to come to Moscow for Victory Day, to join the “ Immortal Regiment"with a portrait of his father: Konstantin Kaloev, artilleryman.

“I was provoked a lot on the topic of how, for example, Bashkiria, where most of those killed on that plane are from, differs from Ossetia, Ossetia from central Russia,” says Vitaly. - They meant, of course, to lead to conversations about blood feud and similar things. I always answered this way: it is absolutely no different, because we are all Russians. A person who loves his family, his children, will do anything for them. There are many people like me in Russia. If I had not gone and completed this path - I just wanted to talk to him, accept an apology - then after death I would not have had a place next to my family. I wouldn't want to be buried next to them. I wouldn't be worthy of it. And for them we are all Russians anyway. Incomprehensible, scary Russians.”

How to live your life not in vain? A question that has tormented each of you at least once. And me, including.

My goal in this article is to help you understand how you can get rid of the fear of wasting your life.

So I'm going to share five principles that, when followed daily, will help you create a fulfilling life without any doubt that time is wasted.


Only you can determine whether your life was lived in vain or not. No one else, but only you. Therefore, 100% responsibility for managing your time lies with you.

Why people begin to think negatively about themselves and believe that they are living in vain is most often determined by how they plan their time and set themselves up for the day.

At the end of the day, you can say to yourself: “Today I did not live in vain!” or “Today I spent the day in vain again. And tomorrow I’ll probably live exactly the same way. What if my whole life goes like this?..”

The reason for negative self-evaluation at the end of the day lies in the fact that most people, wanting to achieve a lot in their lives, plan too much for the day. And more often than not, the result is that they achieve nothing truly significant.

How can you be guaranteed to feel like a successful and fulfilled person at the end of each day? Use the five principles below.


#1 Realistically assess your capabilities for the day

Don’t try to plan a lot for the day, because at the end of the day you will realize that there is not enough time for the most important thing, and the petty bustle has eaten up all your time.

You may have heard: “Aim for the stars. Even if you don’t hit a star, you’ll at least reach the moon.” I am against this and similar statements. If you get to the moon, by definition you have not achieved your original goal. And at the end of the day you will experience despondency and a negative assessment of yourself.

#2 Get your priorities right

Remember the Pareto principle: 20% of actions bring 80% of results. Successful people know that the first thing to do is what will have the greatest impact on their future results. So tackle the most important tasks that will have the most impact on your future first.

#3 Plan no more than 60% of your time per day

If you plan more than 60% of the time in a day, you are guaranteed to have something go wrong, and you will have to spend time scheduled for other important tasks to solve the problem.

To prevent this from happening, make it a habit to plan no more than 60% in advance, leaving room for flexibility and addressing unforeseen issues.

You should always have approximately 3-4 hours of reserve time. And then you will be sure that an urgent task that suddenly appears will not ruin your plans for the day.

#4 Have a list of what not to do

You've probably heard of so-called "To Do" lists. IN English version they are called To-Do List.

But many people don't know that along with To-Do Lists, it's very good to have a Not To-Do List - a list of what not to do. For example, watching TV for more than 30-60 minutes a day, chatting on the phone about nothing, drinking beer in the evenings in front of the TV, etc.

Having such a list will help you stop using unproductive time. Your self-esteem increases if at the end of the day you realize that you haven't completed a single item on your Not To-Do List.

#5 Celebrate!

Take stock of the day and celebrate every victory, no matter how small. Perhaps you entered into an agreement with a client today, drank two liters of water during the day, and took another lesson in some online training course.

No matter how small your achievement is, the main thing is to celebrate it.

By celebrating our victories, we signal to the Universe that we are happy with ourselves and our results. And the Universe will answer us with new opportunities to achieve success.


Remember that great success can only be achieved in small, consistent steps.

There is no need to compare yourself to more successful people. It makes sense to compare yourself with yourself yesterday, the day before yesterday. Compare yourself today with yourself a month ago, a year ago. This way you will see progress and understand what important actions you need to take to get the best results.

Now let’s sum it up and make a CHECK LIST of 5 principles so that life doesn’t seem like it was lived in vain:

● Realistically assess your capabilities for the day

● Do only what will have the greatest impact on your success

● Plan no more than 60% of your time per day

● Have a Not To-Do List

● Celebrate your achievements

After implementing these 5 daily rules, you will notice an increase in the productivity and effectiveness of your day. Accordingly, all the results of your life will change!

Let me know in the comments how valuable these principles were to you. And also, please like and share the five rules for a well-lived day with your friends on social networks!