Altai village, Khakassia. Panorama of Altai region (Khakassia). Virtual tour Altai region (Khakassia). Attractions, map, photos, videos. Municipal Boundaries

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  • Encyclopedia of the Republic of Khakassia: [in 2 volumes] / Government of the Republic. Khakassia; [scientific ed. advice: V. A. Kuzmin (pres.), etc.]. - Abakan: Polikor, 2007. T. 1: [A - N]. - 2007. - 430, p. : ill., portrait - Bibliography at the end of words. Art. - P. 36.


Excerpt characterizing Altai (Khakassia)

The mother's mental wound could not be healed. Petya's death took away half of her life. A month after the news of Petya’s death, which found her a fresh and cheerful fifty-year-old woman, she left her room half-dead and not taking part in life - an old woman. But the same wound that half killed the countess, this new wound brought Natasha to life.
A mental wound that comes from a rupture of the spiritual body, just like a physical wound, no matter how strange it may seem, after a deep wound has healed and seems to have come together at its edges, a mental wound, like a physical one, heals only from the inside with the bulging force of life.
Natasha’s wound healed in the same way. She thought her life was over. But suddenly love for her mother showed her that the essence of her life - love - was still alive in her. Love woke up and life woke up.
The last days of Prince Andrei connected Natasha with Princess Marya. The new misfortune brought them even closer together. Princess Marya postponed her departure and for the last three weeks, like a sick child, she looked after Natasha. The last weeks Natasha spent in her mother’s room had strained her physical strength.
One day, Princess Marya, in the middle of the day, noticing that Natasha was trembling with a feverish chill, took her to her place and laid her on her bed. Natasha lay down, but when Princess Marya, lowering the curtains, wanted to go out, Natasha called her over.
– I don’t want to sleep. Marie, sit with me.
– You’re tired, try to sleep.
- No no. Why did you take me away? She will ask.
- She's much better. “She spoke so well today,” said Princess Marya.
Natasha lay in bed and in the semi-darkness of the room looked at the face of Princess Marya.
“Does she look like him? – thought Natasha. – Yes, similar and not similar. But she is special, alien, completely new, unknown. And she loves me. What's on her mind? All is good. But how? What does she think? How does she look at me? Yes, she is beautiful."
“Masha,” she said, timidly pulling her hand towards her. - Masha, don’t think that I’m bad. No? Masha, my dear. I love you so much. We will be completely, completely friends.
And Natasha, hugging and kissing the hands and face of Princess Marya. Princess Marya was ashamed and rejoiced at this expression of Natasha’s feelings.
From that day on, that passionate and tender friendship that only happens between women was established between Princess Marya and Natasha. They kissed constantly, spoke tender words to each other and spent most of their time together. If one went out, then the other was restless and hurried to join her. The two of them felt greater agreement among themselves than apart, each with itself. A feeling stronger than friendship was established between them: it was an exceptional feeling of the possibility of life only in the presence of each other.
Sometimes they were silent for hours; sometimes, already lying in bed, they began to talk and talked until the morning. They talked mostly about the distant past. Princess Marya talked about her childhood, about her mother, about her father, about her dreams; and Natasha, who had previously turned away with calm incomprehension from this life, devotion, humility, from the poetry of Christian self-sacrifice, now, feeling herself bound by love with Princess Marya, fell in love with Princess Marya’s past and understood a side of life that was previously incomprehensible to her. She did not think of applying humility and self-sacrifice to her life, because she was accustomed to looking for other joys, but she understood and fell in love with this previously incomprehensible virtue in another. For Princess Marya, listening to stories about Natasha’s childhood and early youth, a previously incomprehensible side of life, faith in life, in the pleasures of life, also opened up.

The administrative center is the village of Bely Yar.

Encyclopedic YouTube

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    ✪ SMALL ABAKAN - the film that took first place at the film festival: "Altai Territory - Place of Power" 2018

    ✪ Khakassia, Tyva, Altai Mountains by SUV



The Altai region is located in the Koibalskaya steppe, in the Abakan-Yenisei interfluve. In the east, the natural boundary separating the region from the right bank - the Krasnoyarsk Territory - is the river. Yenisei. In the west of the river Abakan is separated from the Ust-Abakan district. In the south is the Beysky district, in the north is the city of Abakan, the capital of the Republic of Khakassia.

Distance to the nearest railway station station and airport in Abakan - 25 km. Area - 1737 km².

On the territory of the region there is the Novo-Mikhailovskoye oil and gas field, as well as Lake Altai, on which the Altai medicinal mud deposit is located.


In accordance with the Decree of the Presidium Supreme Council The Altai region of the USSR was organized in January 1944 with its regional center in the village of Altai.

Selected territories of neighboring districts:

  • Minusinsk region - 5 rural councils, 12 collective farms;
  • Beysky - 3 village councils, 6 collective farms;
  • Askizsky - 1 village council, 2 collective farms;
  • Ust-Abakansky - 2 village councils, 4 collective farms.

In March 1945, the regional center of the Altai region was transferred from the village of Altai to the village of Bely Yar.

State funds totaling 2,834,224 rubles were spent on capital investments of the district center and on the construction of standard premises for organizations and institutions of the district.

The following were built in the district center: a typical district House of Culture, a district veterinary clinic, a district hospital, an oil industry, a power plant, a district industrial plant, a communications office and other objects for district organizations and institutions.

The main mineral resource is coal (Izykh deposit). Water resources except rr. The Yenisei and Abakan with numerous channels include a large number of fresh and salt lakes (the largest are Trekhozerka, Bugaevo), as well as groundwater used for water supply settlements. There are no protected areas. The environmental situation in the Altai region is affected by technogenic impacts from the Sayan Aluminum Plant, the Izykh Coal Mine, the Siberian Province poultry farm, and the asphalt plant.

Large enterprises: OJSC Razrez Izykhsky (coal mining), state unitary enterprise Altai DRSU (repair and construction of roads), OJSC Siberian Province (poultry farm).

7 joint-stock agricultural producers - active: CJSC Altaiskoye, Arshanovskoye, Ochurskoye, Biryusa LLC; not operating: Kirovskoye CJSC is bankrupt, Novomikhailovskoye is practically not working, Plemzavod Rossiya OJSC is bankrupt.

Basic indicators Agriculture: for meat production - 31.3%, milk production - 9.9%, livestock - 9.9%, sown area of ​​agricultural crops - 14.3% (as of 2002).

Coat of arms of the district

  • The coat of arms of the Altai region is a quadrangular heraldic shield with rounded lower corners, pointed at the tip
  • The coat of arms of the district is made in green, white, black, yellow
  • In the center on a black background (symbol of coal deposits and oil fields) there is a powerful yellow ear with nine grains.
  • To the left and right of the black pillar, waves are depicted in white, symbolizing the Abakan and Yenisei rivers, washing the territory of the Altai region
  • The green color to the left and right of the waves symbolizes man-made (on river islands) and natural forests located in the area.
  • The crossed hammer and hammer in a gear symbolize the industry of the region and high degree agricultural mechanization.
  • The national ornament on the sides in the form of Bogorodskaya grass (Creeping Thyme) symbolically indicates that the region belongs to the Republic of Khakassia.

Municipal Boundaries

Borders from the east

From the east of the nodal point 7 of the municipal formation, the Altai district borders along the entire length with the Minusinsk and Shushensky districts Krasnoyarsk Territory. The border starts from Mount Samokhval, runs in a south-easterly direction along a channel without a name, upstream. The length of the section is 2.5 km. Further, the border goes along the Yenisei River, against the current, to the railway bridge. The direction of the borders is south-west, the length of the section is 5.5 km. Along the Yenisei River, the territory of the municipality includes islands No. 1, 2, 3 and Sovkhozny Island. From the iron bridge to the pumping station of the Kolyagin Hills horticultural society, the border has a gap (land of the city of Abakan). From the pumping station of the Kolyagin Hills society along the Yenisei River and further along the Syrovatka channel, the border runs in a south-eastern direction, against the current. Along the island the border continues in the same direction. The length of the section is 0.35 km. Then, changing direction to the southwest, the border runs along the island to an unnamed channel. The length of the section is 0.382 km. In the area of ​​the Kalyagino tract, the territory of the municipality includes a group of islands: Lokhmaty, Bokhov, Malinovy. Along a channel without a name, the border runs against the current in a south-east, south direction to the Arbuznoe tract. The length of the section is 19.0 km. Further - in the southern and south-eastern direction upstream of the Stepnaya channel. Then along the Old Yenisei and Kamenskaya channels the border goes in a southeast direction. The length of the section is 15.0 km. From boundary marker No. 54, the border goes in a south-easterly direction along the Kamenskaya channel, along the fairway of the Yenisei River, against the current. The border includes Taly Island and part of Bolshoi Koisky Island in the territory of the municipality. 2.35 km east of the northern tip of Bolshoi Koisky Island, the Shushensky district begins, the border turns south, crosses the island and reaches the Ilyushikha channel.

The length of the land section of the border is 1,998 km. Further in the south-eastern direction the border passes along the Ilyushikha channel, then in a southern direction along the Stepnaya channel. Along the unnamed channel it goes around Barsuchy Island on the eastern side, then along the Stepnaya channel it reaches the Yenisei River. Along the Yenisei River the border goes to the south westward and in the area of ​​​​Oydak Island it approaches boundary sign No. 1. The border of the municipality includes the islands of Tolstoy, Zverinaya Kosa, Penisty and part of the small islands without a name. The length of the section is 32.8 km. From the northern tip of Oydak Island, the border runs upstream of the Yenisei River in a southwestern direction.

Borders from the west

From the west, the municipality borders the Beysky district from node 8 at the junction of the borders of the Krasnoyarsk Territory, the Beysky and Altai districts. The border has a general northwestern direction and coincides throughout with the border of the Beysky district. Its southern point is located 2.1 km southwest of Ochursky Island, up the Yenisei River. On the section of the Yenisei River - boundary marker No. 16, the border crosses Ochursky Bor, the Novoyeniseika - Ochury highway. The length of the section is 1.9 km. From boundary marker No. 16 to boundary marker No. 25, the boundary runs in the same direction. The length of this section is 5.936 km. Further, the border from boundary sign No. 39 goes in a north-west direction. On a section with a length of 3.441 km, the border runs 0.8 km south of the lake without a name, crosses the Abakan - Sayanogorsk highway and approaches an irrigation canal. From boundary marker No. 44 to boundary marker No. 56, the border runs in a north-west direction, in places along an irrigation canal or along the border of crop rotations. From boundary sign No. 56 to boundary sign No. 59, the length of the section is 2.564 km, the border is 0.7 km south of the mountain Chernoozernaya and approaches the Koshara Balycheva tract, 2.65 km southwest of the Koshara it changes direction. The length of the section is 13.27 km.

Further from boundary sign No. 59 to boundary sign No. 64, the border runs north along the existing power line. After 3.176 km it changes direction to the east. The length of the eastern section is 4.624 km. 0.6 km from the irrigated lands, at the corner boundary marker No. 70, the border changes direction to the north-west, runs along the eastern shoreline of Lake Chernoye and through the Cheryomushka mane reaches the Trekhozerki tract. Here, at boundary mark No. 78, slightly changing direction to the north-west, it runs along the border of arable land to boundary mark No. 83. The length of this section is 9,850 km. From boundary sign No. 83 to boundary sign No. 1, the length of the section is 4.107 km, the border runs in a northeast direction along the forest belt and south of the Smirnovsky pine forest, 1.0 km from it, changes direction to the southwest.

In the area of ​​the village of Ochur, the eastern border becomes southern and reaches the border with the Beysky district, to node point 8. The border includes the islands of Oydak, Chaechny, Bobrovy, Zarechny, Ochursky and five unnamed islands. The length of the section is 30.5 km.

Borders from the southwest

Further, the border runs in a south-west direction along the existing high-voltage line to the intersection with the Bely Yar-Beya highway, to boundary sign No. 84. The length of the section is 4.814 km. Along the highway, the border runs in a southwestern direction to the water utility. Further along the canal, the border runs in a northwest direction along irrigated lands to boundary marker No. 1 (45). The length of this section is 3.2 km. From boundary marker No. 45 to boundary marker No. 51, the length of the section is 4.786 km, the direction of the border is south-west. It crosses Lake Tirakol, a discharge canal in the area of ​​the pumping station and 0.5 km from the canal passes to boundary sign No. 51. Further, the border runs in a south-westerly direction along the existing high-voltage line until the intersection with the Bely Yar - Beya highway, to boundary sign No. 84. The length of the section is 4.814 km. Along the highway, the border runs in a southwestern direction to the water utility. Further along the canal, the border runs in a northwest direction along irrigated lands to boundary marker No. 1 (45). The length of this section is 3.2 km. From boundary marker No. 45 to boundary marker No. 51, the length of the section is 4.786 km, the direction of the border is south-west. It crosses Lake Tirakol, a discharge canal in the area of ​​the pumping station and 0.5 km from the canal passes to boundary sign No. 51.

Borders from the northwest

Further, the border runs in a northwestern direction. From boundary marker No. 51 to boundary marker No. 62 the length is 8.297 km. In this section, the border crosses the Khakasvodomelioration discharge canal twice, passes through small unnamed lakes, 0.6 km south of the sheep farm, crosses sea buckthorn plantings and approaches the Alexey Byurek tract. Here the border changes direction to the southwest, goes in this direction for 3.087 km and comes to boundary mark No. 66, which is located 0.4 km southwest of the old well. Having changed the direction to the north-west, the border runs along the irrigated lands of the Arshanovskoye Joint-Stock Company, approaches the Arshanovo - Shalginov highway, crosses the road and 1.2 km from it approaches the northern border of the Altai district municipality, to junction point 21.

From junction point 21, located 3 km southwest of the village of Arshanovo and 1.2 km north of the 24th kilometer of the Abakan - Beya - aal Shalginov highway, the border runs along the fairway of the Abakan River to the protective dam of the village of Bely Yar, blocking this river. The length of this section of the border is 37.526 km. Then the border passes into the bed of the Old Abakan River and for 14.51 km follows the fairway of this river until it intersects with the bridge of the Bypass of the City of Abakan highway.

The border with Abakan begins northwest of the village of Kaibaly, from the bridge over the Old Abakan River (narrow point 19), and runs along the river fairway in a northeast direction to the railway bridge. From the Old Abakan River, the border runs along the New Abakan River, upstream, in a southerly direction. Along a channel without a name, it goes around the islands of Dolevoy and Sukhoi on the eastern side and comes out to boundary sign No. 73. From the boundary sign, the border goes in a south-easterly direction to the Orbita television station. Before the Orbita station it turns south and after 0.247 km it comes to the road - the entrance to the Orbita station. Further, the border runs along the highway in a south-eastern direction, crosses the Abakan - Sayanogorsk highway in the area of ​​the stele and along the eastern border of irrigated lands comes to the railway crossing to the Podsinee horticultural society. It crosses the railway and 10 m from it changes direction to the southwest. In the south-west direction the border runs along railway at JSC Razrez Izykhsky, crosses the road under construction "Bypass of the city of Abakan", the gravel road to the UM-1 quarry. The length of the section is 375 km. From the railway right-of-way, the border runs along the western side of the road to the UM-1 expanded clay quarry. The direction is south-eastern, the length of the section is 2.47 km. Further, the border runs in a north-western direction along the horticultural society “Kolyaginsky Hills - 2” to the highway under construction “Bypass of the city of Abakan”. The length of the section is 1.2 km. Having changed the direction to the south-east, it runs along the road under construction “Bypassing the city of Abakan” to the irrigated lands of OJSC AK Alkom. The length of the section is 1.8 km. Further, the border of the municipality in the northern direction crosses the highway "Bypass of the city of Abakan", runs along the lands of OJSC AK Alkom on the western, northern sides, again crosses this road and passes to boundary sign No. 152. From boundary sign No. 152, the border runs to in a western direction along the lands of the horticultural society "Agro", goes around them from the western side and along the southern border of the lands of the horticultural partnership "Kalyagino" approaches the Yenisei River. Here the border runs along the edge of the left bank of the Yenisei River to the eastern border of the right of way of the Abakan - Taishet railway. Along the eastern border of the railroad right-of-way, the border runs in a northwestern direction to the edge of the Podsiny crossing, bypasses the Podsiny crossing on the southern side and along the axis of Kurgannaya Street - until the intersection with Balandina Street. Along the axis of Balandina Street, the border runs in an eastern direction to boundary sign No. 20, from here it turns northwest and along the eastern and northern outskirts of the Podsiny crossing approaches the eastern border of the right-of-way of the Abakan-Tayshet railway. Along the railroad right-of-way, the border in the northwest direction reaches boundary sign No. 16 (at the collector pumping station). Further, the border in the eastern direction runs along the water pipeline of the Samokhval gardening partnership, crosses the Abakan - Minusinsk highway, to boundary sign No. 15. From boundary sign No. 15, the border runs along the foot of Mount Samokhval from the south side to the channel of the Yenisei River (nodal point No. 7) .

District health care

The formation of the district health department in the Altai region was noted in the early 40s. In 1944, a district hospital and an outpatient clinic with a medical assistant (paramedic, midwife) were built. There is a hospital with 8 beds. Work is underway to further expand the medical institution, and by 1946 an outpatient clinic and a hospital with 20 beds were operating under the leadership of the chief physician I.D. Kovalenko. In 1952, the staff of the Beloyarsk Hospital was 8 people, nursing staff 11. The hospital has 35 beds, including 8 maternity beds, as well as: 10 first aid stations, a nursing station, an outpatient clinic, an epidemiological station, and 4 nurseries.

In 1960, the District Hospital was headed by A.A. Zolotnikov, outpatient care was carried out in the following specialties: surgery, gynecology, pediatrics, ophthalmology; The work of the Novorossiysk district hospital is led by Z.F. Berezitskaya. Already by 1977, the maternity ward was expanding, paramedic and midwifery stations were transferred to new two-apartment buildings with the provision of housing for medical workers, which significantly improved the quality medical care, secured medical personnel in the village.

By 1981, the central regional hospital was headed by the Honored Doctor of the Republic of Khakassia, excellent student of Healthcare V.V. Zamyatkin. There are 290 beds in the area, of which 20 are maternity, 60 are therapeutic, 30 are surgical, and by 1984 a standard catering unit, a surgical building with 60 beds, and by 1987 a therapeutic building with 65 beds were commissioned. In 1991, for the first time, pathology beds for pregnant women were organized, an ENT department with 10 beds was opened, and a new economic mechanism was actively being introduced.

After concluding agreements with the compulsory medical insurance system in 1997, the district hospital licensed 43 types of medical activities. Ultrasound diagnostics and endoscopic research methods are performed. The following year, hospital-replacement technologies were actively introduced, for the first time 57 day care beds were deployed, 127 round-the-clock. 2002 - general medical practice was practiced, for the first time 8 beds were deployed at APU and 3 beds at home. Currently, the total number of medical workers is 284 people, including 42 doctors, 165 paramedics medical worker and 77 junior personnel. The District Hospital has two clinics with a capacity of 250 visits per shift, 7 beds at the APU; 3 local hospitals with a capacity of 200 visits per shift, 7 beds at APU; 2 outpatient clinics with a capacity of 80 visits per shift and 3 beds at APU. The clinic provides emergency and primary health care, specialized care in the following specialties: therapy, surgery, traumatology, neurology, otorhinolaryngology, ophthalmology, narcology, psychiatry, infection, pediatrics, dermatovenerology, gynecology, phthisiology, dentistry. The divisions of the Republic of Belarus are equipped with equipment in accordance with the Procedures.

Inpatient care is designed for 102 24-hour hospital beds, including 25 beds in local hospitals and 21 day hospital beds at the hospital. In 2014, the Novorossiysk district hospital opened an interterritorial palliative care department with 10 beds in a 24-hour hospital, where medical and psychological care is provided to cancer patients of stages 3-4 of the disease, as well as patients with severe consequences of stroke. That year, this assistance was provided to 61 patients from different regions and cities of the Republic of Khakassia.


The Abakan-Sayanogorsk and Abakan-Bey highways pass through the area.


Near the village of Izykhskie Kopi there is a monument of historical and cultural heritage Izykhsky Chaatas (mound, burial grounds), in the area of ​​​​the village of Ochura there are Oyskaya and Ochurskaya stone steles.

Altai region (Khak. Altai aimagy) - administrative-territorial unit and municipal formation ( municipal district) as part of Khakassia of the Russian Federation. The administrative center is the village of Bely Yar.


The Altai region is located in the Koibal steppe, in the Abakan-Yenisei interfluve. In the east, the natural boundary separating the region from the right bank - the Krasnoyarsk Territory - is the river. Yenisei. In the west of the river Abakan is separated from the Ust-Abakan region. In the south is the Beysky district, in the north is the city of Abakan, the capital of the Republic of Khakassia. Distance to the nearest railway station station and airport in Abakan - 25 km. Area - 1737 km². On the territory of the region there is the Novo-Mikhailovskoye oil and gas field, as well as Lake Altai, on which the Altai medicinal mud deposit is located.

In accordance with the Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR, the Altai region was organized in January 1944 with a regional center in the village of Altai. Selected territories of neighboring districts: Minusinsk district - 5 rural councils, 12 collective farms; Beysky - 3 village councils, 6 collective farms; Askizsky - 1 village council, 2 collective farms; Ust-Abakansky - 2 village councils, 4 collective farms. In the years Civil War on the territory of the modern Altai region developed fighting. On November 24-25, 1919, the detachments of A. D. Kravchenko and P. E. Shchetinkin liberated the SS from the White Guards. Podsinee, Kirovo, Ochura. The former regional center, the village of Altai, was located 50 kilometers from the railway station and from the regional center, which made it difficult to establish communications and travel due to the lack of roads and natural barriers; telephone communications were also carried out through the Minusinsk region. This hampered timely operational communication with the regional center. In the village of Altai there were two collective farms with a total population of 1074 people, there was absolutely no free housing stock, due to this there was a large overcrowding of the population, there was no prospect for the construction of residential premises and premises for regional institutions due to the remoteness of the forest, it was located 80 from the regional center -100 km, fuel base at a distance of 60 km. The district and district organizations at that time did not have a sufficient number of horse-drawn transport; this made it impossible to provide uninterrupted fuel supplies to district institutions, hospitals, and schools. For these reasons, there was no opportunity to locate organizations and institutions in the village of Altai. Therefore, district organizations and institutions were located in other settlements at a distance of 12 to 45 km, and the district organizing committee petitioned the executive committee of the Khakass Regional Council to move the district center from the village of Altai to the village of Bely Yar. The village of Bely Yar is located on the banks of the Abakan River. The Abakan River was a rafting route along which several hundred thousand cubic meters of timber were floated annually. This village was a large settlement with a total population of 2005 people, where there was one state farm “May 1” with assigned land with an area of ​​19,727 hectares...

Altai map (village)

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This term has other meanings, see Altai (meanings).

Altai- a village in the Altai region of the Republic of Khakassia, located 49 km southeast of the regional center of the village. White Like Snow Yar, on the Yenisei River.

The distance to the city of Abakan is 73 km. Population - 328 people. (01/01/2004), incl. Russians (96%).

Altai is an ancient Cossack village (the exact date of its foundation is unknown). In 1944, in the formation of the Altai region, the village was a regional center and gave it its name, however, due to the unprofitable geographical location The regional center was moved to the village. White Like Snow Yar.

In connection with the construction of the Sayano-Shushenskaya hydroelectric power station, the village was threatened with flooding, which caused a reduction in production and population. Farm No. 2 of Kirovskoye JSC is located in Altai. Available Primary School, library, cultural center, paramedic and midwife station.


  • Encyclopedia of the Republic of Khakassia: [in 2 volumes] / Government of the Republic. Khakassia; [scientific ed. advice: V. A. Kuzmin (pres.), etc.]. - Abakan: Polikor, 2007. T. 1: [A - N]. - 2007. - 430, p. : ill., portrait - Bibliography at the end of words. Art. - P. 36.
Article on the geography of Khakassia.

  • Settlements in alphabetical order
  • Settlements of the Altai region
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  • Guide to the Geography of Khakassia
Cartographic Materials of neighboring cities and towns (satellite maps): Included in Includes Administrative center Date of formation Head of the municipality

Ponomarenko Vladimir Dmitrievich

Chairman of the Council of Deputies

Manyakin Sergey Nikolaevich

Population ()
Square Telephone code Auto code numbers Official site OKATO

The administrative center is the village of Bely Yar.


The Altai region is located in the Koibal steppe, in the Abakan-Yenisei interfluve. In the east, the natural boundary separating the region from the right bank - the Krasnoyarsk Territory - is the river. Yenisei. In the west of the river Abakan is separated from the Ust-Abakan region. In the south is the Beysky district, in the north is the city of Abakan, the capital of the Republic of Khakassia.

Distance to the nearest railway station station and airport in Abakan - 25 km. Area - 1736 km².


The district was formed by the Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the RSFSR dated January 5, 1944 through the disaggregation of Beysky, Askizsky, Ust-Abakansky and Minusinsky districts with the center in the village. Altai. Selected territories of neighboring districts:

  • Minusinsk region - 5 rural councils, 12 collective farms;
  • Beysky - 3 village councils, 6 collective farms;
  • Askizsky - 1 village council, 2 collective farms;
  • Ust-Abakansky - 2 village councils, 4 collective farms.

In total, a territory was allocated from 4 districts, which occupied an area of ​​1701.8 km². There were 11 rural councils and 24 collective farms with a large population of 16,257 people.

The village of Bely Yar is located on the banks of the Abakan River. The Abakan River was a rafting route along which several hundred thousand cubic meters of timber were floated annually. This village was a large settlement with a total population of 2,005 people, where there was one state farm “May 1” with assigned land with an area of ​​19,727 hectares. There was enough free housing stock here, which fully allowed the placement of the main departments of the organizing committee and the RC of the All-Union Communist Party of Bolsheviks.

The main mineral resource is coal (Izykh deposit). Water resources except rivers. The Yenisei and Abakan with numerous channels include a large number of fresh and salt lakes (the largest are Trekhozerka, Bugaevo), as well as groundwater used for water supply to populated areas. There are no protected areas. The environmental situation in the Altai region is affected by technogenic impacts from the Sayan aluminum plant, the Izykh coal mine, the Siberian Province poultry farm, and the asphalt plant.

Large enterprises: OJSC Razrez Izykhsky (coal mining), state unitary enterprise Altai DRSU (repair and construction of roads), OJSC Siberian Province (poultry farm).

7 joint-stock agricultural producers - active: CJSC Altaiskoye, Arshanovskoye, Ochurskoye, Biryusa LLC; not operating: Kirovskoye CJSC is bankrupt, Novomikhailovskoye is practically not working, Plemzavod Rossiya OJSC is bankrupt.

Main indicators of agriculture: meat production - 31.3%, milk production - 9.9%, cattle population - 9.9%, crop area - 14.3% (as of 2002).

Symbols of the area

The coat of arms of the municipal formation of the Altai region is a vertically located rectangular shield, pointed at the bottom, symbolizing the ploughshare of a plow, the shield is painted in White color- a symbol of purity of thoughts and aspirations.

In the center of the shield in a circle there is a part of a gear and a Khakass national ornament, symbolizing industry, agricultural mechanization and the Republic of Khakassia, on whose territory the municipality is located.

In the center of the circle on a black background - a symbol of coal deposits - there is a powerful yellow ear with nine grains - nine territorial administrations.

Left and right of the ear blue waves are depicted, symbolizing the Abakan and Yenisei rivers washing the territory of the municipality, green color to the left and right of the waves symbolizes man-made pine forests, forests on the islands. At the bottom of the shield, against the background of a moire ribbon - a symbol of the war years, the date of creation of the district is depicted.