Dictionary of the most important concepts and terms. Dictionary of the most important concepts and terms Aggregation is a technology for coordinating various microgroup positions within the framework of developing common political demands of a particular group

A small selection of political terminology words, but no less important. In combination with other dictionaries on this topic (,), your vocabulary will be at its best. Some words are repeated from previous creations, but this is not a problem.

The dictionary contains 25 words, which also include some and all directions. Basically, there is a phrase in the whole, for example, which can be used not only in politics. In any case, the selection has already been created, manually, and it’s up to you to decide whether to teach it or not. As always, some words have a transcription, and also a list of words in WORD format.

I create a list of words in such a convenient format, because I believe that you should not focus only on computer learning, you can simply print it out and teach it in any way convenient for you.

List of studied political words:

weighted- weighted
consistent- consistent, persistent
goal-oriented- purposeful
to conduct/pursue policy- pursue a policy
main directions— main directions
in the whole- fully
invariable- unchangeable, unchangeable; constant, stable, steady
adherence to- strict adherence to (the rules)
UN Charter- UN statute
conceptual- abstract, sketchy
advancement- promotion, improvement
ultimate goal- final goal
key element- main element
overall system— complex system (control)
maintenance— maintenance; preservation
establishment of cooperation— establishing cooperation
disarmament- demilitarization, disarmament
peacemaking- peacekeeping
peacekeeping- maintaining peace (which stands for)
guarantee- guarantee; obligation, guarantee
territorial integrity- territorial integrity, inviolability
inviolability of boundaries- immunity
legal entity- entity
unfailing- unchanging; loyal

Words on the topic “Political words VIII” in English with transcription

consistentconsistent, persistent
to conduct/pursue policypursue a policy
main directionsmain directions
in the wholefully
invariableunchangeable, unchangeable; constant, stable, steady
adherence tostrict adherence to (rules)
UN CharterUN statute
conceptualabstract, sketchy
advancementpromotion, improvement
ultimate goalfinal goal
key elementmain element
overall systemcomplex system (control)
maintenancemaintenance; preservation
establishment of cooperationestablishing cooperation
disarmamentdemilitarization, disarmament
peacekeepingkeeping the peace (which stands for)
guaranteeguarantee; obligation, guarantee
territorial integrityterritorial integrity, inviolability
inviolability of boundariesimmunity
legal entityentity
unfailingunaltered; loyal

Abolitionism(from lat. abolitio – Repeal is a movement that seeks the repeal of a law.

Absenteeism(from lat. absens – absent) is a form of apoliticality, manifested in the evasion of voters from participating in referendums and elections to government bodies.

Absolutism(from lat. absolutus – unlimited) – a form of state and political regime in which the idea of ​​limiting power is rejected; legislative, executive and judicial powers are concentrated in one institution or belong to one person - the monarch, the sultan.

Authoritarianism(from French. authoritarianism power, influence) is a type of political system, the peculiarity of which is a significant concentration of power in the hands of one person or group of persons, eliminating political freedoms, but allowing freedoms for the individual and society in non-political spheres.

Aggregation– technology for coordinating and transforming private and group interests into single generalized political demands.

Political actor(from lat. actor figure) – individuals, social groups, ethnic groups, etc., carrying out political actions. The term "actor" is often used in the same sense as subject. However, there are also differences. A political actor is not any subject, but a subject characterized by a high level of political participation.

Anarchism(from Greek anarchia anarchy, anarchy) is a theory and political movement focused on a stateless organization of society, on the rapid replacement of the state with public self-organization and self-government. The state is identified by anarchism with violence and coercion, incompatible with individual freedom as the highest social value.

Annexation(from lat. annexio annexation) is the forcible annexation by a state of the territory of another state or a disputed territory.

Antisemitism- a type of nationalist ideology and practice that preaches intolerance and persecution of people of Jewish nationality.

Articulation(from lat. articulatio pronounce clearly) - transformation of vague discontent and protest feelings into clear demands.

Behaviorism(from English behavior - behavior) is a theoretical and methodological direction, according to which the main object of analysis is the behavior of people; in political science - political behavior.

Bureaucracy(from French. bureau bureau, office) is a specific form of political or other organization in which actual power belongs to officials.

Power(from Greek kratos – to be able, to have the opportunity) - the ability and opportunity to carry out one’s will in interhuman and intergroup communications, to realize intended goals, to force other people to obey.

Legislative power - one of the branches of government that makes laws. In modern democracies, the direct bearer of legislative power is parliament. The Parliament of the Russian Federation - the Federal Assembly - is the representative and legislative body of the Russian Federation (see Article 94 of the Russian Constitution).

Executive power- one of the branches of state power, designed to ensure the implementation of laws and management of society. The bearer of executive power is the government headed by the prime minister or president (in presidential republics). Executive power in Russia is exercised by the Government of the Russian Federation (see Article 110 of the Russian Constitution).

Political power– the ability and possibility of some political subjects to impose their will on others; determining influence on the behavior of an individual, masses, groups, organizations using the means available to the state. Political power is manifested in general decisions and decisions for everyone, in the functioning of state institutions (president, government, parliament, court).

Representative power- power acting on behalf of a more or less wide range of people, representing their interests in the state. In modern states, representative power functions in the form of national, regional and other levels of parliaments. The Parliament of the Russian Federation - the Federal Assembly is the representative and legislative body of the Russian Federation (see Article 94 of the Constitution of Russia).

Judicial power- one of the branches of state power that establishes facts of violation of the constitution and law and determines sanctions for their violation on the basis of the law. In the Russian Federation, judicial power is exercised through constitutional, civil, administrative and criminal proceedings (see Article 118 of the Russian Constitution).

Elections– the most important institution of politics, which is a way of forming and changing bodies of power and management through the expression of the will of citizens.

Genocide(from rpen.genos – gender and lat. caedere – kill) - state policy or other organized actions aimed at exterminating certain population groups on national, racial or religious grounds.

Geopolitics(from Greek Ge – Earth and politika the art of managing public affairs) is a theory and political practice based on the idea of ​​the geographical conditionality of relations between states and other subjects (ethnicities, civilizations) of international politics. Modern geopolitics is a discipline that studies the relations between subjects of international relations regarding the distribution and redistribution of world space.

Gerontocracy(from Greek geron old man and kratos – power) – the predominance of elderly people in ruling groups.

State- the most important organization of the political system, possessing supreme power in a certain territory and having a number of exclusive rights - to use violence, adopt generally binding laws, and levy taxes.

The state is criminal- a special type of state, characterized by the determining influence of criminal circles on politics, the criminalization of public life, and the use of criminal elements as a social support of power.

Legal state- a state limited in its actions by law, primarily by the constitution, recognizing and designed to protect the fundamental rights of the individual. “The Russian Federation – Russia is... a legal state...” (see Article 1 of the Russian Constitution).

Social state– a state striving to provide every citizen with decent living conditions, social security and approximately equal starting opportunities for realizing life goals and personal development. “The Russian Federation is a social state whose policy is aimed at creating conditions that ensure a decent life and free development of people” (see Article 7 of the Russian Constitution).

Unitary state– is distinguished by a structure characterized by a single constitution and citizenship, a single system of supreme state bodies, law and courts, operating without restrictions throughout the country.

Federal state- a form of government in which the territorial units (states, lands, provinces, etc.) that are part of the state have significant political, economic and cultural independence. “The Russian Federation – Russia is... a federal state...” (see Article 1 of the Russian Constitution).

Citizen- a person who has citizenship certifying his belonging to a particular state. “A citizen of the Russian Federation cannot be deprived of his citizenship or the right to change it” (see Article 6 of the Russian Constitution).

Civil society– a set of diverse relationships between people, organized outside the framework of the state on the principles of self-organization and self-government (see also: Civil society).

Citizenship– the legal affiliation of a person to a given state, acting as a system of relationships (rights and obligations) of the state and persons under its authority. “Every citizen of the Russian Federation has on its territory all rights and freedoms and bears equal responsibilities provided for by the Constitution of the Russian Federation” (see Article 6 of the Russian Constitution).

Greenpeace(from English Greenpeace - "Green World") is an international public organization for nature conservation, founded in 1971 in Canada. Its main goal is to help solve environmental problems (preventing radiation contamination, chemical and oil pollution of the environment; as well as preventing catastrophic climate change).

Pressure groups– organized groups external to the government that seek to support or hinder the adoption of specific decisions by government bodies. They are a type of interest group.

Interest groups– organized associations (associations, unions, foundations) that arise in order to more effectively meet the diverse demands and needs of people. Among them are political (pressure groups) and non-political interest groups.

Democracy(from Greek demos – people and kratos – power) – democracy. Democracy is a type of state that has at least the following features: recognition of the people as the supreme source of power, separation of powers, election of the main bodies of the state, rule of law and equality of citizens, subordination of the minority to the majority when making decisions. “The Russian Federation – Russia is a democratic... state...” (see Article 1 of the Russian Constitution).

Liberal democracy- a modern form of democracy in which the power of the majority and the powers of the state are limited by a constitution that proclaims the most important value and task of the state is the protection of freedom, human rights and minorities. “Man, his rights and freedoms are the highest value. Recognition, observance and protection of the rights and freedoms of man and citizen is the duty of the state”; “State protection of the rights and freedoms of man and citizen in the Russian Federation is guaranteed” (see Articles 2, 45 of the Russian Constitution).

Democracy is immediate (direct)– involves the direct participation of citizens in the preparation, discussion and decision-making. It was widespread in ancient Greek city-polises and medieval republics. Currently it functions mainly at the level of local government, in organizing the life of small groups. Forms of direct democracy include referendums and elections. “The highest direct expression of the power of the people is a referendum and free elections” (see Article 3 of the Russian Constitution).

Participatory democracy(participatory democracy) – (from English. participate – participate) - comes from the interpretation of democracy as a universal principle of organization of all areas of public life. Democracy as the broad participation of people, according to supporters of this concept, should be everywhere - in the family, school, at work, in the state, etc.

Plebiscitary democracy(from lat. plebs - ordinary people, plebiscitum - decision of the people) - gives citizens the right, through voting, to approve or reject a particular draft law or other decisions.

Pluralistic democracy(polyarchy according to R. Dahl) is a theory and practice in which democracy is understood as a form of government that allows diverse social groups to freely express their interests and find compromise solutions in competition that express a balance of interests.

Representative democracy– involves the indirect participation of citizens in decision-making: their election of their representatives to government bodies, which, making decisions independently, are called upon to express and protect the interests of their voters. This form of democracy is necessary in states with a large territory.

Community democracy– a form of democracy that uses the principle of proportional representation to take into account the interests of certain minorities in multicultural communities.

Dictatorship(from lat. dictatura - unlimited power) - power that is not limited by law or other institutions and in its actions is directly based on armed violence.

Discrimination(from lat. discriminatio – differentiation) deprivation or restriction of the rights of certain groups of citizens on national, religious, racial and other grounds.

Dogmatism- a type of thinking based on people’s commitment to once acquired knowledge, values, or means of mastering the world.

Westernism- a direction of Russian socio-political thought that considers Russia a Western country and advocates its development and reform taking into account the experience of Western countries (I. G. Belinsky, A. I. Herzen, etc.).

"Greens"– an environmental movement advocating for the preservation and protection of the environment. In a number of countries (for example, Germany) it is one of the most influential socio-political movements. In the modern world, the activities of the international public environmental organization Greenpeace (from the English. Greenpeace - "green World").

Political ideology- a systematized form of ideas and views of certain social groups, reflecting their interests regarding the socio-political structure, aimed at acquiring and using power in order to implement this structure. “Ideological diversity is recognized in the Russian Federation. No ideology can be established as state or mandatory” (see Article 13 of the Russian Constitution).

Electoral system– a set of rules and techniques for forming government bodies through voting during elections (see also: Majoritarian system, Proportional system).

Class– a social group distinguished from other groups by access to wealth, power and social prestige. In Marxism, classes differ primarily in relation to the means of production (land, natural resources, factories). The ruling classes have the means of production, the exploited classes are deprived of them.

Communism– ideology and practice of denying private property and justifying ways of building and functioning of society on the basis of public property and on collectivist principles.

Compromise- an agreement reached by the parties through mutual concessions.

Consensus(from lat. consensus consent) – consent based on the presence of certain basic values ​​and norms shared by all major social groups of society.

Conservatism(from lat. conserve - protect) is a political ideology that sets as the main requirement for the authorities the preservation of moral order and natural legal foundations based on the values ​​of family, religion, and property.

Consolidation(from lat. consolidation strengthen, unite) - unification, rallying of individuals, groups, organizations to achieve their common goals.

Confederation(from lat. confederatio union, association) - an association of states to coordinate any type of state activity, most often military or foreign policy. The states included in the confederation fully retain their independence.

The conflict is political– competitive interaction, struggle to realize one’s interests in the sphere of state power.

Conformism(from lat. conformis – similar, similar) – passive adaptation to prevailing views and opinions, lack of one’s own position, uncritical adherence to prevailing patterns of behavior.

Confrontation– a clash of socio-political systems, groups, people, their beliefs, etc., based on opposing, incompatible principles.

Corruption– bribery, corruption of public and political figures. Criminalization of the sphere of power and management.

Political crisis– the inability of the political system or its elements to change in accordance with the new needs of political development and the socio-economic demands of the population.

Criminal- criminal, criminal.

Political culture- a set of forms of behavior typical for a given society that establish norms and patterns of relationships between citizens and the state and other institutions of power.

Legal(from lat. legalis – legal) – legally legal, permitted by law.

Legitimacy(from lat. legitimus legitimate) - the quality of power determined by its reliance on the consent of the masses. Legitimate power is power based on the trust of the masses.

Liberalism(from lat. liberalis free) is a political ideology based on the requirements of ensuring personal freedom, civil and political rights of the individual and limiting the scope of state activities.

Lobbying(from English lobby – behind the scenes) - the activities of individuals or groups with the aim of putting pressure on the development, adoption (or non-adoption) and implementation by state authorities of legislative acts and administrative decisions in the interests of these individuals or groups.

Mandate– a document certifying the powers and rights of a person (for example, a deputy mandate).

Political manipulation– hidden control of people’s political consciousness and behavior.

Marginality(from lat. marginalis located on the edge) - the intermediate position of people in relation to large social groups, which leaves an imprint on their psychological state and political behavior.

Mediacracy(from German. Medium – media and Greek kratos - power) - power in the society of the media and especially television and radio.

Mentality- a special spiritual disposition, a way of seeing the world, reflecting stable standards and stereotypes of perception of reality at the level of not only the conscious, but also the unconscious.

Global community– a set of states and peoples interacting at the global international level.

Public opinion- a set of mass ideas about the world, society and its various spheres - economics, politics, culture, problems, facts of social reality.

Multi-party system- a type of political system in which there is competition between several parties. “Political diversity and a multi-party system are recognized in the Russian Federation” (see Article 13 of the Russian Constitution).

Modernization political(from French. modeme - modern) – a change in the political system and the formation of new political institutions in accordance with the requirements of modernity. Usually this concept is used in relation to countries making the transition to an industrial society and a democratic political system.

Monarchy(from Greek monos – one and arhos - ruler) is a form of government in which the formal and (or) actual source of state power is one person who receives it by inheritance.

Political science (political science)– a branch of knowledge about politics in all its manifestations and relationships with other areas of public life. Studies the relations of social, ethnic, religious and other groups regarding power, political institutions, political consciousness and culture, the behavior of political subjects, intrastate and interstate political processes.

Nationalism– 1) ideology and realpolitik based on the opposition of nations, recognition of the exclusivity and superiority of one’s own nation over others; 2) devotion to one’s nation, a sense of high national identity. In this sense, nationalism is close to the concept of patriotism.

Nation– a stable community of people, historically formed on the basis of unity of origin, culture, coexistence and communications. In the structure of a nation, ethnic groups are combined (see: Ethnos ) and socio-economic components.

Nonviolence– concept and practical actions based on the renunciation of the use of force in resolving political conflicts, a strategy for resolving controversial issues based on the principles of humanism and morality.

Nepotism(from lat. nepos - grandson) – provision by government officials of politically significant positions and state property based on family ties.

Political education– the process and result of assimilation of systematized political knowledge.

Civil society(see also: Civil society) - sphere of life of individuals not directly controlled by the state. The variety of relationships between free individuals not mediated by the state in the conditions of the market and a democratic state of law.

Oligarchy(from Greek oligarchia the power of the few) is the power of a narrow group of people in the state, obtained not for outstanding ability, but on the basis of origin, wealth or membership in a narrow ruling group.

Opposition– political leaders, parties, movements opposing the ruling elite and performing the functions of criticism and control of the ruling forces, development of alternative policies and readiness to implement them if they come to power.

United Nations (UN)– the largest international organization of states, created in 1945 in order to maintain peace and security, develop cooperation between peoples. It includes more than 190 states.

International relations– a set of economic, political, cultural, military, diplomatic and other connections and relations between states, organizations and movements operating in the international arena.

Ochlocracy(from Greek ochlos - crowd and kratos – power) is a state of power characterized by the dominance of the lower social classes in state policy and the predominance of their characteristic means of achieving the goal.

Parliament(from French. parler speak) is the highest legislative body of power in the state, elected by citizens and representing their interests. “The Federal Assembly is the parliament of the Russian Federation...” (see Article 94 of the Russian Constitution).

Party system– a set of parties and inter-party relations that characterize the number of influential political parties existing in the country, their relative sizes, coalitions and strategy. “Political diversity and a multi-party system are recognized in the Russian Federation” (see Article 13 of the Russian Constitution).

Political party- an organized group of like-minded people striving for power, representing the interests of certain segments of the people through the acquisition and use of state power or participation in its implementation.

Patriotism(from Greek patris - homeland, fatherland) - love for the homeland, devotion to the fatherland, concern for its prosperity.

Pacifism(from lat. pacificus - pacifying) - an ideological direction and movement that rejects any war as a means of resolving controversial issues.

Plebiscite(from lat. plebiscitum - decision of the people) - a popular vote or poll designed to make a decision or express an opinion important for the state.

Plutocracy(from Greek plutos - wealth and kratos – power) - power in the state of a small group of the richest citizens.

Political pluralism(from lat. pluralis plural) is the principle of the structure and functioning of the political system, which presupposes diversity and free competition of political ideas, parties and other institutions, the presence of a legally operating opposition, various political subjects and their competitive struggle for power within the framework of the law.

Polyarchy(from Greek . poly – a lot and arhos - ruler) – plurality, dispersion of power. A political regime, the most important features of which are a high level of political participation of citizens and political rivalry between groups and political leaders in the struggle for the support of their voters in elections.

Policy- a state in the ancient world, consisting of a large city with its surrounding environs.

Policy(from Greek politika the art of managing public affairs) is one of the most important spheres of social life, associated with the struggle for political power, the coordination of the interests of various social groups (the “art of conciliation”), the formation and implementation of generally significant interests.

Foreign policy– activities of states carried out in the international arena with the aim of protecting and realizing national interests. “The President of the Russian Federation, in accordance with the Constitution of the Russian Federation and federal laws, determines the main directions ... of the state’s foreign policy” (see Article 80 of the Russian Constitution).

Internal politics– intrastate activities covering a range of activities in various areas of public life. “The President of the Russian Federation, in accordance with the Constitution of the Russian Federation and federal laws, determines the main directions of the internal ... policy of the state” (see Article 80 of the Russian Constitution).

Social policy– state activities to maintain the stable development of society through a policy of balanced well-being of various social groups and strata.

Political sphere– one of the spheres of society’s life (other spheres: economic, social, spiritual), where power functions and relationships are carried out regarding the acquisition and use of power, as well as influence on power.

Political relations– a type of social relations that manifest themselves as interactions between various subjects (individuals, social groups, ethnic groups, peoples and states, etc.) regarding the acquisition, distribution and use of power.

Populism(from lat. populus - people) is the political activity of the state or other political structures and institutions, which involves, as the main means of achieving government goals, a direct appeal to public opinion, reliance on mass sentiment, capitalizing on the suggestibility of large groups of people.

Postmodernism in politics- a direction in Western socio-political thought that became widespread in the second half of the 20th century, whose representatives (J. Derrida, M. Foucault, J.-F. Lyotard, J. Baudrillard, etc.) question the possibility of obtaining scientific knowledge or generally accepted provisions. The methodology of the modern period, associated with the ideas of the New Age and the Enlightenment, i.e. faith in science and human reason, rationalism and progress - all this is questioned and criticized.

Human rights– a concept that characterizes the principles and norms of relations between people and the state, providing an individual with the opportunity to act at his own discretion (freedom), without violating the freedoms of other people, and to receive certain benefits (rights). “In the Russian Federation, the rights and freedoms of man and citizen are recognized and guaranteed... Fundamental human rights and freedoms are inalienable and belong to everyone from birth” (see Article 17 of the Russian Constitution).

Government- a state institution, a management system that has the right to the exclusive use of physical coercion to enforce laws and customs on the territory of a given country. “The Government of the Russian Federation consists of the Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation, Deputy Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation and federal ministers” (see Article 110 of the Constitution of Russia).

Political protest– negative reaction of political subjects to decisions taken by the authorities. Forms of protest: rallies, demonstrations, pickets, hunger strikes, etc.

Putsch- a coup d'état (or attempted coup) carried out by a group of conspirators.

Political equality– such a distribution of political resources that ensures equal opportunities for access to power for all social groups and individuals, their equality before the law and the absence of privileges. “The state guarantees equality of rights and freedoms of man and citizen...” (see Article 19 of the Russian Constitution).

Radicalism- a political movement that adheres to extreme means of achieving a goal. It can manifest itself in various forms of extremism, terrorism, revolutions.

Separation of powers- a fundamental principle of government, presupposing the institutional and functional separation of legislative, executive and judicial powers, preventing the concentration of powers in one person or institution. The separation of powers is one of the guarantees of political freedom in society. “State power in the Russian Federation is exercised on the basis of division into legislative, executive and judicial” (see Article 10 of the Russian Constitution).

Racism- a system of ideological views and practical actions, based on beliefs in the physical and psychological inequality of human races.

Revolution– deep qualitative transformation of the political system, socio-economic and spiritual foundations of society.

Political regime– a type of political power with characteristic ways, forms and methods of its implementation. A political regime usually reflects the ways of relationships between government, society and the individual, which differ in the degree of freedom in these relationships. As a rule, researchers distinguish between democratic, totalitarian and authoritarian regimes.

Republic(from lat. res publika – public cause) is a form of state, the distinctive features of which are the recognition of the people as the supreme source of power and the election of the highest bodies of the state. “The Russian Federation – Russia is... a state with a republican form of government” (see Article 1 of the Russian Constitution).

Parliamentary republic- a form of state, the main distinguishing feature of which is the formation of a government on a parliamentary basis (by a parliamentary majority) and its responsibility to parliament.

Semi-presidential (or mixed) republic- a form of government, the main distinguishing feature of which is the dual responsibility of the government - to parliament and to the president. This form of government seeks to combine strong presidential power with effective parliamentary control over government activities.

Presidential Republic- a type of democratic state and form of government, the main feature of which is that the president combines the functions of head of state and head of government.

Super-presidential republic- a type of state in which the authoritarian power of the president is formalized and camouflaged with the help of virtually powerless democratic institutions.

Power resources– means that the bearer (subject) of power uses to ensure the obedience of other participants in power relations (objects of power).

Referendum(from lat. referendum what must be communicated) is the expression of will (voting) of all citizens of the state on an issue that is important to it.

Liberty– one of the fundamental categories of political science and other sciences, reflecting: 1) human protection from unwanted influences and violence; 2) activity based on the known laws of development; 3) the ability to choose from various alternatives.

Segmentation of the electoral market– division of the electorate into groups with special preferences.

Electoral system– a procedure for identifying and coordinating the political preferences of the population, including determining the weight of each vote, the order of its submission and the method of summing up the results.

Majoritarian system(from French. majeur - greater) is a system for distributing seats based on the results of voting in certain government bodies, in which, in order to win elections, a candidate or party must collect a majority of votes in a specific electoral district or in the country as a whole.

Proportional system– a system for distributing seats based on the results of voting in certain government bodies, according to which the number of seats in a particular government body is distributed among representatives of various parties (voting blocs) in proportion to the number of votes received by a particular party (bloc).

Slavophilism- an ideological movement in Russia in the second half of the 19th century, which substantiated the originality of its social and state development, the unacceptability for it of the ways and forms of social structure characteristic of Western countries. The most famous representatives of Slavophilism: K. S. Aksakov, N. Ya. Danilevsky, I. V. Kireevsky, A. S. Khomyakov.

Political consciousness– a set of sensual and rational, empirical and theoretical, value and normative, conscious and subconscious ideas of people that mediate their attitude to the phenomena of political power.

Social democracy- a political movement and ideology that combines socialist ideas about a society of social justice with a number of liberal ideas and ideas. The largest representatives of European social democracy of the 20th century: V. Brandt, B. Kraisky, U. Palme.

Socialization political– the process of a person’s assimilation of the norms and traditions of political culture, which contribute to the formation of qualities necessary for adaptation to a given political system and the performance of certain political functions and roles.

Socialism(from lat. socialis social) - a theory that denies a system of life based on private property and affirms the ideal of a social structure based on public ownership, the absence of exploitation and the fair distribution of products and benefits depending on the labor expended.

Mass media– institutions created for the open, public transmission of various information to any person using special technical means. In the Russian Federation, freedom of the media is guaranteed and censorship is prohibited (see Article 29 of the Russian Constitution).

Sovereignty(from French. souverain – bearer of supreme power) – the supremacy of power in a certain territory. Fundamental feature of the state. “The bearer of sovereignty and the only source of power in the Russian Federation is its multinational people” (see Article 3 of the Russian Constitution).

Theocracy(from Greek theos – god and kratos – power) - the power of the clergy, a form of government in which there is no clear division of secular and religious power, and the state is directly or indirectly led by the highest clergy.

Political terrorism- a type of radicalism that involves the use of intimidation of the population, violence and murder as the main means of achieving political goals.

Tolerance(from lat. tolerantia patience) – tolerance towards a different opinion, action, position; one of the basic values ​​of democracy.

Totalitarianism(from lat. totalis complete, entire) - a type of political system and society characterized by a comprehensive ideologization of public life, excessive expansion of power and absorption of civil society, lack of individual freedom, and pervasive control by the merged party-state apparatus over citizens.

Unitarianism(from lat. unitas – unity) is one of the forms of government, the most important feature of which is the centralized management of the administrative-territorial parts of the state.

Utopia political(from Greek And - no, no and topos - place) is a speculatively constructed model of an ideal society and political structure.

Political participation– actions taken by individuals or groups to influence public policy, the management of public affairs, or the selection of political leaders.

Fascism(from Italian. fascio – bundle, bundle, association) – a radical extremist and political movement gravitating towards the establishment of a terrorist dictatorship. Historically, it was formed on the ideas of racial exclusivity, anti-Semitism and anti-democratic views.

Federation(from lat. foedus – union, agreement) is one of the forms of government, the most important feature of which is the presence in the structure of the state of not only national authorities, but also local authorities (in lands, republics, states, etc.), which have a certain degree of political and legal independence.

Feminism(from Lat. . femina woman) is a socio-political movement advocating for the expansion of the rights and roles of women in society.

Charisma(from Greek charisma – grace, divine gift) - exceptional talent, enormous authority that followers bestow on a leader (sometimes an entire organization), attributing to him the qualities of infallibility, even supernaturalism. It consists of a person’s real leadership abilities and the traits that followers see in her.

Chauvinism– a type of nationalism, a complex of radical nationalist sentiments, feelings, ideas of national exclusivity, the superiority of a particular nation, inciting national enmity and hatred.

Egalitarianism(from French. egalite – equality) is a theory that defends the priority of equality as a principle of organizing society. Egalitarianism justifies the need for active efforts to equalize income.

Electorate(from lat. elector voter) - citizens who have the right to vote to participate in political elections.

Political elite - a group distinguished from the rest of society by influence, privileged position and prestige, and directly and systematically involved in making decisions related to the use of or influence of government power. The political elite includes persons occupying leading or dominant positions in society.

Statism(from French. etat - state) - the spread of excessive activity and influence of the state on the economic and other spheres of social life. Typically, statism is accompanied by centralization, bureaucratization and concentration of political power.

Ethnocracy(from Greek ethnos people and kratos – power) - in a multinational state, the power or greatest influence of one ethnic group (nation), expressed in discrimination against other ethnic groups (nations) living in a given state or territory.

Ethnos(from Greek ethnos people) is a stable group of people with a common origin, history, language and culture.

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Dictionary of political terms: for students of all specialties and forms of study / comp. A. A. Luzan, A. V. Boroday, A. P. Kvasha. – Kramatorsk: DSMA, 2014. – 33 p.

Absenteeism (from the Latin Absents - absent) is one of the forms of conscious boycott of elections by voters, refusal to participate in them; passive protest of the population against the existing form of government, political regime, manifestation of indifference to the exercise by a person of his rights and responsibilities. In the everyday view, absenteeism can be understood as the fact of the population’s indifferent attitude to political life, the philistine idea of ​​individuals that nothing depends on them in politics,” politics “isn’t my business,” etc.

Agents of political socialization – is a system of specially created or naturally formed institutions and bodies,

whose functioning is aimed at the development of individuals, primarily through political upbringing and education. Agents of political socialization are usually divided into political

(state and specialized political institutions, parties,

social movements) and non-political (family, education system,

work, informal social circle, church, media).

Geopolitics (from the gr. geo - earth, politike - politics) - direction

in political science which examines the influence of spatial geographical factors on the domestic and foreign policies of states and nations, studies the dependence of government actions

primarily on the geographical location of the state (“water” and “land”) and spatial location among other states.

State (from the English State; country, nation – country) – 1) power-

political organization of society with sovereignty,

having a monopoly right to coercion in a certain territory, a system of governing bodies that ensures the integrity of society and its development 2) the country itself with this kind of political organization. The main features of the state; a) the presence of a special system of bodies and institutions (state mechanism) exercising power functions, b) law establishing a certain system of norms,

state-sanctioned; c) a certain territory with a population over which the jurisdiction of a given State extends.

Civil society– (civil society) – a term used in different meanings: 1) the sphere of free, creative life of individuals, groups and associations, which functions outside the limits of state coercion; 2) a society at a certain stage of development in which non-state structures operate that have voluntarily formed in the economic,

social and cultural spheres of human life and are able to influence the actions of the authorities.

Interest groups- mostly voluntary associations,

adapted or specially created by people to express and defend their powerful interests in relations with the state, as well as other political institutions. The theory of interest groups was first formulated by the American political scientist A.

Bentley, who argued that the basis of the political process is the clash and interaction of interest groups.

The American scientist viewed the activities of these groups as a constantly changing process during which pressure is exerted on the government to force it to submit to their will. IN

Subsequently, this approach received support and was developed in the works of R.

Dahl, D. Easton G. Lasky and others.

Two-party political system - (two-party system) - a type of party system in which there are only two political parties

(“parties in power”) have a real chance of winning the elections. This usually means that all or almost all elected parliamentary seats are held by members of the two parties receiving the majority of votes, and

also that these parties alternately form the government in parliamentary democracies or obtain the presidency in presidential ones.

Democracy (from the Greek demos - people, kratos - power) is a form of state-political structure of society, based on the recognition of the people as the source of power. The basic principles of democracy are the rule of the majority, equality of citizens, protection of their rights and freedoms, the rule of law, separation of powers, election of the head of state, the presence of opposition, representative and judicial bodies,

taking into account the opinion of the minority. A distinction is made between direct (major decisions are made directly by all citizens at meetings or through referendums) and representative (decisions are made by elected bodies) democracy. The term “democracy” is also used in relation to the organizations and activities of political and social institutions (for example, party democracy,

industrial democracy).

political, legal, moral, religious, aesthetic and philosophical views and ideas, in which people’s attitudes to reality are recognized and assessed through the prism of class interests,

social layers and groups; 2) a national variety of ideological movements, which involves the formulation of significant problems of power as components of the solution to the national question. Develops a program to ensure the cultural independence and freedom of nations,

sets goals for the political behavior of citizens based on their national identification.

Electoral system– a set of legal norms, rules governing the legislatively established process of organizing and conducting elections to bodies and institutions of state power, consisting of a set of rules and techniques leading to the free expression of the will of the population. The electoral system consists of many interrelated elements, which together make up its functional purpose. The starting point among them is suffrage, that is, the right of citizens to elect and be elected to government bodies. The electoral system depends on many factors operating in a particular country. Therefore, the variety of electoral systems in general comes down to three main ones: majoritarian,

proportional and mixed.

Electoral technologies is a set of techniques, methods,

methods of influencing voters, aimed at influencing their voting behavior. Development of electoral technologies

includes the development of strategy and tactics of the election campaign,

creating the candidate’s image, planning and forecasting the course of the election campaign.

A cadre party is a party consisting of professional politicians and parliamentarians, focused mainly on elections and united around a group of leaders - a political committee. The committee is the main structural element of cadre parties. Committees are cohesive, authoritative groups with the skills to work among the population. Conducting and organizing election campaigns is their main purpose.

The activities of committees usually intensify on the eve of and during the election campaign for parliament or local authorities and fade away after its end. In parties built on the basis of committees, which can be considered as their primary organizations,

There is no membership system with appropriate registration and regular payment of membership fees. European liberal and conservative parties for the most part are cadre parties.

Coalition political– (from medieval Latin Coalitio – union) –

1) political or military union of two or more states,

those who agreed on joint actions in certain issues of international relations (for example, the anti-Hitler coalition of states in World War II); 2) an agreement developed by parties or public figures for the implementation of joint actions.

traditional values ​​and orders, social or religious

doctrines. In politics - a direction that defends the value

state and public order, rejection of “radical” reforms and extremism. In foreign policy, there is a focus on strengthening security, the use of military force, and support for traditional allies; in foreign economic relations, there is protectionism. IN

In conservatism, the main value is the preservation of the traditions of society, its institutions and values.

Constitution - (from the Latin Constitutio - structure) - the fundamental law of the state, a legal act that proclaims and guarantees the rights

freedom of man and citizen, determines the foundations of the social system,

the form of government and government structure, the basis of the organization of central and local authorities, their competence and relationships, state symbols and the capital.

Confederation - (Late Latin confoederatio - union,

association) – 1) a form of union of states in which the states included in the union retain their sovereignty in full. The Confederation combines the features of both international legal and state

organizations. Within the confederation, each member state

retains its political independence, constitution, legal and national financial system, and its own armed forces. IN

the subject matter of the confederation includes a small range of issues (usually war and peace, foreign policy, the formation of a unified army, communications systems, etc.). To develop a common policy, general authorities are established, to which representatives from each participating state are delegated. However, the decisions of these bodies are

Subjects of the confederation have the right to freely secede from it; 2)

The name of any public or other organizations that based their organization on the principles of the confederation (for example,

Confederation of Independent Trade Unions).

Corruption (from Latin corruptio – bribery) – socially dangerous

a phenomenon in the sphere of politics and public administration, expressed in the deliberate use by persons authorized to perform state functions of their status and associated opportunities for obtaining material, not provided for by law,

other benefits and advantages in both personal and group interests, and

also the illegal provision of these benefits and advantages to them;

merging of state structures with the structures of the criminal world in the economic sphere. The most typical manifestations of corruption are bribery of officials and public and political figures, bribery for the legal and illegal provision of benefits and advantages,

protectionism – promotion of workers based on the principles of kinship,

community, personal devotion and friendly relations. Corruption is becoming widespread in the context of the expansion of the bureaucracy and its transformation into a special social stratum with power privileges. This phenomenon has become widespread in post-Soviet countries.

Far right (radical right, ultra-right) - terms

used to refer to a group or individual on the right side of the political spectrum. Far-right politicians support the principle of supremacism - the belief that the superiority of some individuals and groups and the inferiority of others is innate and objective.

Economic English.

Hegemony(Greek ηγεμονία, “leadership, management, leadership”) - primacy, superiority in strength, influence. Historically, the term was used to designate the primacy of the most powerful city-state from the union of Greek poleis

Honestly, I am not a political person, but the current situation in the economic and political sector of Russia leaves much to be desired. Let's see what Western political scientists think about financial and political forecasts. Is everything so sad? Let's look at the news and the opinion of political scientist George Friedman about forecasts in Russia, Ukraine and our relations with the West. Here I will help you with economic and political terms and expressions from an article in English that is quite easy to understand (Intermediate Level). I will also add some interesting remarks about Mr. Friedman's Russia. Also, I recommend you look at my post

economic expectations - economic expectations

foremost - most important, outstanding

plunge of the ruble - sharp fall of the ruble

decline in oil prices - decline in oil prices

general slowdown - general decline

effect of Western Sanctions - effect of Western sanctions

decline in the ruble - decline of the ruble

real impact - real impact

inflation - inflation

bluff - bluff

pivot of the conversation - the main topic of the conversation

policy towards Ukraine - policy towards Ukraine

Russians’ strength is that they can endure things that would break other nations.- The strength of the Russians is that they can withstand things that would break other nations.

Interesting idea.

harsh - hard

seizing the assets of Western companies- seizing the assets of Western companies

curtailing agricultural imports- reduction in agricultural imports

cut off natural gas - stopping the gas supply

increased sanctions -increasing sanctions

oil price drops - decrease in oil prices

Economic downturns - economic recession


Russians don’t respond to economic pressure as Westerners do- Russians do not react to economic pressure in the same way as the West.

Interesting note.

propaganda campaign - propaganda activities

invasion - invasion

assertion - statement, statement

high degree of autonomy. - high degree of autonomy

Redrawn map of Serbia - a newly drawn map of Serbia

necessary strategic buffer - necessary strategic buffer zone

significant threat - significant threat

pursuing a single objective - pursuing a single goal

military weakness - military weakness

political disunity - political disagreements

to impinge - to encroach, to encroach

Geopolitical - geopolitical

Immediate issue - urgent question

Attempt to embarrass the president- an attempt to confuse the prizedent

cope with the existing sanctions- cope with existing sanctions

endure economic problems - endure economic problems

affirm significance - affirm significance

Interesting wording:

But obviously, nothing is more dangerous than wounding a bear. Killing him is better, but killing Russia has not proven easy.

But obviously there is nothing more dangerous than injuring a bear. It’s better to kill him, but as it turned out, it’s not so easy.

fundamental strategic importance- fundamental strategic importance

rising power - increasing power

I will also give an excerpt from the article and translate it. Either way, stay positive and look forward.

The United States and Europe have trouble understanding Russia’s fears. Russia has trouble understanding particularly American fears. The fears of both are real and legitimate. This is not a matter of misunderstanding between countries but of incompatible imperatives. All of the good will in the world - and there is precious little of that - cannot solve the problem of two major countries that are forced to protect their interests and in doing so must make the other feel threatened. I learned much in my visit. I did not learn how to solve this problem, save that at the very least each must understand the fears of the other, even if they can’t calm them.

Europe and the United States have certain difficulties understanding Russia's concerns. Russia has big problems understanding American fears. The fears are equally real and justified. This is not a matter of misunderstanding between countries, but a matter of incompatible political ambitions. All the good will in the world, and there is precious little of it here, cannot solve the problem of two huge mammoths who are forced to defend their interests and thus feel threatened by each other. I learned so much during my visit to Moscow. But I still didn't understand how to solve the problem. The only thing that remains clear is that each country must understand the fears of the other, even if they cannot calm them.

P.S. Anti-whining everyone and have a great day!

Political dictionary

Power - the right and opportunity to dispose of someone, something, to subordinate it to one’s will.

Civil society - this is a set of extra-state social relations and associations that express the diverse interests and needs of members of society, while the individual and organizations of citizens are protected by laws from direct interference by government authorities.

Citizenship - a stable political and legal connection between a person and the state, presupposing certain rights, duties and responsibilities.

Constitution - the fundamental law of the state, a normative act that has the highest legal force, defining the foundations of the state system, the organization of state power, and the relationship of the state with citizens. (adopted by popular referendum on December 12, 1993 )

Policy – the sphere of relationships between social groups for the implementation of common interests with the help of political power.

Political power – the ability and opportunity to pursue a certain policy using political parties, organizations, and the state.

Political life – various forms of interaction between political participants associated with the struggle for power, with the development and adoption of government decisions.

State - an organization of political power that manages society and has sovereignty.

Form of government - This is a way of organizing the supreme state power.

Types of forms of government:

Monarchy ( ogr. monarchia - autocracy, autocracy):

    absolute ( Qatar, Oman, Saudi Arabia);

    dualistic (Jordan, Morocco, Nepal);

    parliamentary (Great Britain, Norway, Sweden).

Republic ( from lat. res-publica - public matter, state):

    presidential (Argentina, Brazil, USA);

    semi-presidential (mixed) (Austria, Russia, France);

    parliamentary (Germany, India, Italy, Switzerland).

Form of state-territorial structure - this is a way of interconnecting the territorial entities of the state, enshrined in the constitution.

Unitary state – state form device, in which its parts are administrative-territorial units and do not have the status of state formation (Japan, Ukraine, Poland

Federation – state form device in which territorial parts are state. entities-subjects of the federation (Russia, Germany, USA, Mexico)

Confederation – state form device, a voluntary association of independent countries or republics that retain sovereignty (European Union, CIS, USA until 1865

Typology of political regimes - the way the political system functions. System of methods for exercising power

Democracy – a political regime that gives citizens the right to participate in political decision-making and elect their representatives to government bodies.

(a political regime in which the people are the source of power)



Majority principle , the will of the majority is revealed through elections and referendums

Respect for minority rights – the right of the minority to oppose

Parliamentarism - state power in which the leading role belongs to the people's representation - parliament

Political pluralism (diversity) multi-party system, diversity of political ideas, media, etc.

Publicity – openness of the activities of political institutions, accessibility of information, freedom of speechConstitutional state , the basis of which is the rule of law and the guarantee of the rights and freedoms of citizens

Monopoly on power of one group, one party;

The leader is the national leader;

The role of representative bodies is insignificant;

Political opposition is permitted but is strictly controlled by states

Use of the armed forces to maintain power;

Rights and freedoms are declared, but in practice they are often violated;

Freedom of economic activity is maintained;

Power is based on the army and the church, traditions are maintained.

Totalitarianism Total state control;

Mutual surveillance and denunciation;

The special role of the ruling party led by the leader;

There is no opposition;

Power is completely uncontrolled by society;

The official ideology of one party;

Mass terror and repression.

Democracy and its forms

Direct (immediate)

Power is exercised by the people themselves without political intermediaries.

Elections based on universal suffrage


Gatherings and meetings of citizens

Citizens' appeals to authorities

Rallies, demonstrations


Exercising power by representatives of the people - deputies

It is necessary to have a representative legislative body - PARLIAMENT

The process of representative democracy involves professional politiciansiki

Functions of the state

1. Internal :


Social protection


Protective (law and order

2. External : defense, economic cooperation, etc..

Signs of the state


2.Public power

3. System of law

4. Sovereignty of power (supremacy and independence)

5.Exclusive right to collect taxes

6.Unified monetary system

CONSTITUTIONAL STATE- this is a type of state whose activities are really limitedright, there is a separation of powers (legislative, executive, judicial), a guarantee of individual rights and freedoms and control over power by society

Signs of the rule of law

Rule of law in society

Submission to the law of all citizens and the state itself, its bodies and officials

Human rights, their protection and guarantee

Human rights express his freedom, but it cannot be absolute.

The principle of separation of state powers

The principle of mutual responsibility of the state and the individual (responsibility of the government before representative bodies, legal responsibility of public persons before the law, impeachment)

THE CONSIGNMENT (parties, pars– part, group) – a group of like-minded people united in a political organization for the purpose of expressing and protecting the interests of a certain social group of society

Political goal PARTS

Common ideology

Expression of interests of certain social groups

The struggle to gain political power - claims to power and participation in power - is the most important feature of the party

SOCIAL AND POLITICAL MOVEMENTS – solidary (joint) activity of citizens aimed at achieving any significant political goal

Political goal MOVEMENTS

    No common ideology

    They do not set goals for coming to power

    Mass base

    After achieving the goal, they may disintegrate, or they may turn into a party

Batch classification Those in power




Clerical (related to religious morality(


Social Democrats





Pro-government parties

Elections - the procedure for electing someone by voting.

Referendum – resolution of the most important issues of public and state life by direct vote of voters.

The electoral process is a set of actions in the election process

Elections : General Equal Secret Direct

    Active suffrage

The right of citizens to participate in the political life of the country

All citizens over 18 years of age participate.

    Passive suffrage

The right of a citizen to be elected to representative bodies of the state

Electorate From lat. Elector- voter

Absenteeism – election evasion

1. Lobbying (lobby )=pressure groups;

2. Lobbying - the process of promoting the interests of individuals and corporate structures in order to achieve the adoption of a political decision beneficial to them

Election system

    Proportional system - voting on party lists. Voters come to vote and are presented with several lists compiled according to the party affiliation of the candidates. The voter marks the list of the party with which he sympathizes. When counting votes, parties receive a number of seats in parliament proportional to the number of votes cast for these parties (in Russia - if parties pass the 7% threshold).

    Majoritarian system involves determining the voting results in such a way that the candidate who received the majority (absolute or relative) of votes in a given electoral district is considered elected; Moreover, the electoral districts are single-member, i.e. only one deputy or deputies from only one list can be elected according to them.

Conditions under which a citizen of the Russian Federation does not have the right to vote and be elected

    Declaration of his incompetence in court;

    being in prison by court verdict.

Impeachment is a procedure for depriving senior officials of their powers who have committed a gross violation of the law.