The current state of the problem of developing the creative abilities of junior schoolchildren. on the course "Magic Ribbon"

Olga Sergeevna Zheglova
Development creativity junior schoolchildren

The topic of extended days has been and remains a pressing one. The lesson, it’s clear, is a necessity for both the teacher and the child. After-school care is a necessity of a different kind. A child’s stay in an after-school group helps the process of personality development and guarantees his safety and health. Most of the time in the afternoon should not be consumed by self-preparation, homework, but it should promote development personal qualities child, development of creative abilities, communication skills.

Nature creativity has not been fully studied, despite the fact that creative thinking is the highest manifestation of the human phenomenon. The entire history of mankind is history creativity. Based on the clues of nature, people invented and began to improve tools and household items. As development In society, problems arose that became difficult to solve only by trial and error rather than by simply imitating nature. New tasks require deeper, more meaningful and creative solution.

Development of creative abilities– important task primary education, because this process permeates all stages child's personality development, awakens initiative, independence in decision-making, the habit of free self-expression, and self-confidence.

Outside the lesson, children can organically realize their identity in games, creative activities, free communication. Anyone who is not good at mathematics will turn out, for example, to be a cheerful entertainer, a storyteller. And those who do not read quickly will amaze their comrades with inventions and handicrafts made with their own hands. But you and I understand perfectly well what to do fruitful in an extended day group 4-6 hours, it’s hard for both children and teachers. And this is where they help out various methods. Educational means that contribute to the development of the child’s creative potential.

Changing types of activities is of great importance. In my work with children I use following: applique, origami, solving puzzles, crosswords, drawing in various techniques, sports games, games - relay races indoors and outdoors.

Fine creation children are basically decorative and colorful. Based on this, I try to include decorative, creative nature: I use folk art, and also include tasks for illustrating fairy tales, stories, poems, drawing from observation, representation, memory.

In my work I use a series of books "I'm learning to draw", all kinds of stencils. The guys redraw them with great pleasure. Some come up with whole pictures and stories. The guys and I make books - homemade books based on fairy tales and poems. First grades attend the theater "On the Neva", after watching the performance, I ask the guys to remember what they watched and draw it on paper. Next, a homemade book is compiled, stitched, a story is compiled together with the teacher, or the children write it on their own.

While drawing, you can take part in the discussion. A great moment to analyze works and their defenses. Here every child is an individual, everyone is unique. How much invention, imagination, and ingenuity children will show. But understanding these drawings is not easy. For every child starting out create, it is important to find a kind word and a useful hint. The essence of drawing in a group does not require the execution of standard programs. And the manifestations creativity, their emancipation. Greatest satisfaction provide children with activities that promote diversified development, give work to their hands and head, meet their personal interests and inclinations.

Many children say: "I like it so. I don’t like it when they force me”. Children's imagination has no limits. And then they try to defend their work and explain. Why does one of them have a happy picture, while the other one has a sad picture? And when children see the results of their work, they gain self-confidence.

Other forms can be included in the lesson plan work: sculpt from plasticine, work using the origami technique, design using all kinds of construction kits. This, in my opinion, is one of the favorite activities of many guys. There are no limits to children's imagination here. Work individually, but mostly in groups (collectively). The result is original crafts, which they then play with. We try to create everything together, unitedly. I stick to principle: "Guys let's be friends".

During self-training, it is necessary to conduct games on development of attention, memory, thinking, physical minutes, poetic pauses, fairy-tale tasks, fun tasks, travel games. The importance of self-training games can hardly be overestimated. Here The child’s horizons develop, intelligence. The game makes it possible to switch from one type of activity to another and thereby relieve fatigue. But the main thing is that the game helps to absorb and consolidate knowledge in all subjects.

I offer some tasks that I really like children:

1. On development attention - speed reading training, various labyrinths, exercises with vowels and consonants, tasks to restore signs, numbers, letters,

2. For development memory - math words, repeat after me, continue "chain" interconnected words, examine an unfamiliar object and describe it, examine a reproduction of a painting and describe it from memory, illustrate a fairy tale or story with stylized drawings, gestures, facial expressions,

3. For development thinking - continue the series of numbers, compare conditions and solutions to problems, select a group of numbers. Words by attribute, compare expressions without performing calculations.

Necessary develop Children have the ability to correctly express their thoughts, justify their opinions, the ability to conduct a discussion, and communicate with adults and peers. Here it is necessary to use the potential capabilities of each student. To do this, provide tasks of varying complexity, additional tasks increased complexity, give children the right to choose. Not everyone will cope with the task, but this is not necessary. The main thing is that the children can choose a task according to their capabilities. Children have different interests and inclinations. It is important for an adult to identify the characteristics of each. All children are talented, reveal this talent. We must help open up.

I really like the statement of the wonderful teacher Sh. A. Amonashvili “Kids should be seated at a desk only in order to create the most favorable conditions for timely development of creative inclinations in them, which at this age begin to awaken and which are important for further successful advancement in their cognitive activity.”

So, the use of various forms, means, contribute to the activation creative thinking , will allow students to master the following qualities:

1. the ability to freely adapt in society,

2. the ability to see the world from different angles,

3. the ability to sense a problem and try to solve it independently,

4. notice the beauty of the world around us and be interested in it,

5. be respectful of nature.

Publications on the topic:

Development of creative abilities Currently, the range of innovative educational programs, technologies, and techniques aimed at developing preschoolers’ general and general skills is expanding.

Development of phonemic awareness in younger schoolchildren Consultation for parents Topic: Development phonemic awareness younger schoolchildren. Goal: familiarization with the features of phonemic development.

Development of artistic and creative abilities of pupils“The spiritual life of a child is complete only when he lives in the world of play, fairy tales, music, fantasy, and creativity. Without this, it is dried out.

Development of a child's creative abilities Goal: to promote the formation of parents’ ideas about the development of creative abilities in children of middle age. school age. Tasks:.

Developing the creative abilities of students is an interesting and serious task facing teachers and parents. Nowadays, much attention is paid to the presence of creative abilities in younger schoolchildren, their ability to think in an original and interesting way. In the future, specialists who can think outside the box and “creatively” are in demand in almost all professional fields– from the development of complex software products to the design of premises and buildings.

Many parents are confident that the child’s abilities represent a ready-made set of skills and abilities. However, they are wrong. A person is not born capable of any particular type of creativity (drawing, vocals, writing). The presence of certain abilities in him will most likely be determined by the influence of the correct organization of upbringing and training on initial stage his life.

That is why it is very important to timely assess the degree of “involvement” of the child in the creative process, his desire to find unusual and unique solutions.

Several criteria by which one can judge a primary school student’s readiness for creativity:
Creative activityHe loves non-standard tasks, fantasizes with pleasure, he can come up with something new: a literary character, a non-existent animal, his own version of the ending of a favorite fairy tale or cartoon.
OriginalityHis answers to simple questions baffle adults, he finds original solutions to proposed problems, and does not like to choose from ready-made options.
Flexibility“Flows” with ideas in all areas of learning: from solving logical exercises to tasks on making something in labor lessons.

It must be remembered that the period of primary school age is very responsible and difficult. The child finds himself in a completely new atmosphere, builds a different level in his system of social relations (teacher-student), and gains new experience in communicating with people. Therefore, this age provides additional advantages for the development of creative abilities, on the one hand, enriching existing skills, and on the other, opening up space for gaining new knowledge and experience.

Fantasy - as one of the basic elements of the development of creativity in a child

You can often hear from parents the words addressed to the child: “Well, you came up with an idea!”, “What an inventor you are, you’d better go do math,” “Oh, what a dreamer...” and so on. The range of parental assessments of a child’s predilection for fantasizing is unusually wide – from complete rejection (“you’d better do something useful”) to treating it as something inevitable—“oh, I love these fantasies of yours.”

Meanwhile, it is fantasies that are an indicator of how capable a younger student is of creative activity. It is fantasy that will help him further develop his creative abilities; it is only important to direct the energy of the young dreamer in the right direction. And this needs to be done from preschool age when the child’s imagination begins to actively develop.

Types of art that stimulate a child’s creative activity

Almost all types of art that a younger student encounters in school will in one way or another develop his creative activity. This is, first of all, the art of words - literature, and related activities - speech development, literary reading. Fine arts, which includes in its activities not only drawing lessons, but also the creation of objects using the techniques of folk crafts, decorative and applied arts. This also includes music classes, all types of dance and ballet.

However, it can be noted that the school curriculum is in some places very static and does not always provide the necessary scope for the development of the child’s creative potential. That is why home classes or elective classes in specialized clubs and sections will help junior schoolchildren realize their desire for creative activity to the fullest.

Tasks for developing the creative abilities of younger schoolchildren at home

Fine arts, imaginative thinking

  1. Drawing abstract categories (draw, sadness, joy, sound, thought).
  2. Looking at random blots, completing drawings and transforming them into familiar shapes and concepts: animal figures, houses, flowers.
  3. Looking at the clouds in the sky, searching for analogies with known concepts, ideas (in shape, color)
  4. Reverse drawing technique. A very interesting activity that will occupy not only the child, but also the parents. A child or adult holds a pencil vertically, pressing its tip to a sheet of paper. The pencil should remain motionless. The second child (or adult) moves the paper under the pencil so that the end result is a drawing.

In the first lessons, these can be simple tasks: lines, simple shapes (oval, circle, triangle). In the future, the tasks become more complicated: offer to draw animal figures, letters, outlines of famous objects (house, car, flower).

Role-playing games, pantomimes

Pantomime involves the use of such tools of acting to create an image as plasticity, facial expressions and gestures, without using the voice. The main task of pantomime in classes with children is to develop the child’s imagination and his acting abilities. Ask your child to depict several situations that are familiar to him (start with the simplest), for example:

  1. You are petting the dog.
  2. You are reading a newspaper.
  3. You light the gas in the stove.
  4. You are eating the first course.
  5. You are fixing the faucet in the bathroom.
  6. You lace up your shoes.
  7. You are watching TV.
  8. You wipe off the dust.
  9. You are hanging out your laundry to dry.
  10. You are drinking very hot coffee.

Gradually, tasks can be complicated and the child can no longer be offered specific situations to depict, but abstract categories: joy, fun, happiness, surprise, etc.

Over time, when you will be able to make riddles and guess completely various words and concepts, playing pantomime will become a favorite form of joint leisure for adults and children.

Role-playing games are one of the wonderful ways to express a child’s creative potential to the fullest.

The options are varied. “Who I Want to Be” is one of the favorite role-playing games among younger schoolchildren. Its goal is not to provide the child with knowledge in career guidance; you invite him to transform into anyone - from the hero of his favorite fairy tale to an abstract person (kind, brave) and an inanimate object (table, car, crane).

First, try to demonstrate transformation together - pose, facial expressions, actions. Then ask the child to explain what this image they created thinks, how they act, and what they expect from others. For example, a child decided to “become” a school chair. Invite the child to talk about how he would like to see those who sit on him, what the children who will sit on this chair are talking about, and so on.

In conclusion, analyze with your child why this particular object (concept, subject) was chosen by him for reincarnation.

Teachers and psychologists say that it is not difficult to reveal creativity (and every child necessarily has it). Primary school age is a period that provides wonderful opportunities for the formation of a child’s creative space. Therefore, the development of students’ creative abilities is an important and sought-after aspect in the school system of education and training.

Teacher, child development center specialist
Druzhinina Elena

A child psychologist talks about how to develop creativity and imagination in children:

Collection output:


Kondratyeva Nika Valerievna

postgraduate student of the Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education "Chuvash State Pedagogical University them. AND I. Yakovlev", Russian Federation, Cheboksary

E- mail: nikpnd@ gmail. com


Kondratyeva Nika

postgraduate study"Chuvash State Pedagogical University I.J. Yakovlev», Russia, Cheboksary


The article is devoted current problem development of creative abilities and creative thinking of junior schoolchildren. During its writing, an analysis of the points of view of scientists, teachers and psychologists was carried out, and ways to solve this problem were developed. The article will be useful to students of pedagogical universities, psychologists, primary school teachers, leaders of creative clubs, and methodologists. The development of creative abilities of younger schoolchildren is an important aspect pedagogical activity and an important component of the harmonious development of children of this age.


The article is devoted to the actual problem of development of creative abilities and creative thinking of younger schoolchildren. In the course of writing was hold a detailed analysis of the points of view of scientists, educators, psychologists regards to development of creative abilities, were developed the solutions to the problem. Article will be relevant and useful for future teachers, psychologists, teachers of junior classes, art classes’ leaders and methodologists that make up the program of training of younger schoolchildren.

Keywords: Creative skills; personality; development; pedagogy primary school; psychology of junior schoolchildren; development problem.

Keywords: creativity; personality; development; pedagogy of primary school; psychology of younger students; the problem of development.

The development of a child’s personality begins in infancy, but conscious socialization and personal adaptation begins at the age of 2-3, when the baby begins to actively explore the world. During this period, the main authorities are parents. It is parents who lay the first foundations for the socialization of children and develop their creative abilities, as well as prepare them for communication in preschool institutions - kindergartens and clubs. The next period of development of a child’s personality is the period from 3 to 7 years. At this time, the preschooler attends kindergarten, communicates with his peers, the teacher becomes another authority influencing the child’s worldview besides the parents, so specialists preschool institutions must take this into account and use such a methodology for raising children and developing creative abilities in order to productively and correctly prepare the child for school. The third period of children's development is from 7 to 12 years. At this time, the main personal characteristics are laid down, which will later affect adolescent development and overcoming the so-called “difficult age”. In our opinion, this is the most important period in the development of creative abilities.

Creativity can be described as a child’s activity, as a result of which something new is created, which characterizes its creator in an unexpected way, and also allows one to acquire new knowledge and apply previously acquired knowledge.

Many researchers, for example V. Zenkovsky, D.N. Nikandrov, Z.I. Ravkin, V.A. Slastenin and some others come to the conclusion that creativity and creative abilities are organically inherent in children’s nature, since the child “invariably strives for creativity, using all the means available to him.”

There are a large number of points of view of researchers on the problem of developing the creative abilities of younger schoolchildren.

For example, V.I. Andreev, G.S. Altshuller, M.I. Makhmutov, T.V. Kudryavtsev, A.M. Matyushkin, E.I. Mashbits, A.I. Uman, A.V. Khutorskoy and some others argue that the creative abilities of primary school children can be developed by creating problem situations in the process of performing creative tasks, as well as the development of personal orientation.

Children from early school age must demonstrate independence, develop thinking, and self-actualize. Teachers and parents should encourage the child’s initiative in every possible way, as well as guide him, but not with orders, but with friendly advice, remembering that they are already the indisputable authorities for children at this age. In the future, the development of such qualities will greatly help in the further socialization of the schoolchild and teenager.

Strategy modern education is to give “the opportunity to all students, without exception, to demonstrate their talents and all their creative potential, which implies the opportunity to realize their personal plans and interests.”

Vygotsky L.S. in his works he states that the basis of any creative activity is experience. To do this, parents and primary school teachers should encourage the child in every possible way in his independent knowledge of the world around him, of course, under sensitive, unobtrusive guidance. As L.S. himself notes. Vygodsky, teachers are responsible for the development of the creative abilities of younger schoolchildren; they must stimulate the development of creative abilities, direct development in the right direction, and also create an environment that requires creative abilities, but at the same time provides opportunities for their manifestation.

Creative abilities must be developed by providing complete freedom of action, without insisting on the obligatory nature of their manifestation. A creative approach to solving a particular problem should be encouraged and supported in every possible way. As L.S. himself notes. Vygotsky, it is important to direct pedagogical work on the development of the imagination of younger schoolchildren, since this quality will be necessary in the further development of the child’s personality and his active socialization in society.

Academician L.V. Zankov also gave not the least place to creativity in educational program for younger schoolchildren. In his works, he argued that it is necessary to teach music to younger schoolchildren, fine arts, literary reading and in every possible way develop and encourage their creative abilities. At the same time, it is necessary to encourage children to independently search for information, create a positive emotional and creative mood in the classroom, and also use art to teach subjects that seem to have nothing to do with creativity, for example, mathematics. This is possible with the help of special textbooks and didactic materials, in which you can draw, come up with problems yourself with your favorite characters of younger schoolchildren, provide an answer to the question of the problem by coloring objects or their images. A child of primary school age gains knowledge, but at the same time acquires the skills of independent thinking, creative perception of surrounding objects, and also develops his creative abilities. Psychologists and teachers should teach primary schoolchildren critical, creative thinking, and independence.

The problem of developing the creative abilities of younger schoolchildren was considered not only by domestic, but also by foreign scientists, in particular D. Reznulli and H. Passov.

D. Reznulli in his works develops the idea that the curriculum for primary schoolchildren should contain all aspects in order to develop the creative abilities of students. In particular, take into account the needs and desires of each child individually, focus on the individual abilities of younger schoolchildren, and also not limit their need for a more detailed study of a particular issue that interests them.

The American scientist H. Passov, who developed a single curriculum, paid special attention to children’s abilities for creativity and creative thinking, and also provided for the development of the creative abilities of younger schoolchildren thanks to school curriculum. It is necessary to encourage every manifestation of creativity in any subject, as well as the desire to learn new things, initiative and independent thinking.

The creative abilities of younger schoolchildren differ from the creative abilities of older schoolchildren and adults. For younger schoolchildren, creativity is part of the creation of personality, the development of aesthetic concepts and perceptions, and also a means of self-expression.

Creativity determines the character of children, develops in them independence and passion for what they love. As a result of creative activity, speed of reaction, resourcefulness, and originality of thinking develop.

At the same time, however, younger schoolchildren in their creative activities are often guided by what they have already read in books, seen in films or in life - as their parents and peers do, therefore teachers and parents need to be an example of creative behavior for their students and children of primary school age.

The choice of certain life phenomena, characters, and lines of behavior by children of primary school age is reflected in their creative activity, therefore, after analyzing the reflection in drawings, verbal or dance creativity, one can judge the psychological and creative development junior school student.

Scientists A.G. Gogoberidze and V.A. Derkunskaya note that creative abilities allow a child to discover himself, new things in himself. They considered the results of the use of creative abilities to be the results of the expression of the inner world of a junior schoolchild and his values. Thus, the child opens his inner world to others

According to E.I. Nikolaev, the manifestation of creative abilities depends on the individual qualities of students, as well as the originality of the activity in which creative abilities can be demonstrated.

ON THE. Vetlugin and T.G. Kozakov argued that creativity and creative abilities should develop freely, but under the reasonable, sensitive guidance of teachers and parents. The creative abilities of younger schoolchildren should and can only develop in a free atmosphere, without coercion, on the principles of the child’s interest and independence. At the same time, for primary school age, in addition to the subjective side of creative activity, manifested in the form of knowledge of properties and relationships in the objective world, procedural or role-playing games, productive activities such as drawing, design, the child is characterized by the child’s independent formulation of cognitive and research tasks, formulation hypotheses, independent search for their solutions.

Scientists A.N. Luka, V.T. Kudryavtsev, V. Sinelnikov and others highlight the most significant creative abilities inherent, among other things, in younger schoolchildren:

· creative imagination;

· the ability to see the whole before the particular;

· ability to apply previously acquired skills in new conditions;

· flexibility of thinking;

· the ability to visualize a general trend or pattern of development of an integral object, before a person has a clear concept about it and can fit it into a system of strict logical categories;

· the ability to incorporate newly perceived information into existing knowledge systems;

· ability to independently select alternatives;

· ability to generate ideas.

However, creative abilities develop only within the framework of children’s activities, therefore it is necessary to encourage the participation of younger schoolchildren in various creative teams or any other activity related to creativity.

However, in modern educational institutions, in particular in schools, the individual abilities of each student are not always taken into account, and the training program is designed for the “average student”, so the creative abilities of some younger schoolchildren simply do not develop.

There are many programs designed for the development of children with learning difficulties or disabilities. mental development, however, there are practically no implemented programs designed and developed for creatively developed, gifted children who have a high level of development of creative abilities.

All training should be based on accounting individual abilities, the personal characteristics of each child, as well as to develop the creative thinking of younger schoolchildren, thereby preparing them for further making independent decisions in adolescence and adulthood.

Research by psychologists and educators shows that in the absence of programs for individual development In younger schoolchildren, creative abilities may not develop or may even be lost due to the wrong approach to the development of the child’s personality. As a result, this can lead to problems in the child’s socialization, as well as a lack of own opinion. A talented, creative personality must be developed and supported in everything.

The experience of foreign research and the practice of early identification of giftedness in children and students indicate the need to create a special state program, ensuring the intensive development of research and the use of accumulated practical experience in identifying gifted and talented junior schoolchildren and developing their creative abilities.

As a result, we can conclude that the development of the creative abilities of younger schoolchildren is an important aspect of pedagogical activity and education of children of this age. They must become active, independent, be able to make decisions, and have a creative approach to solving problems, which is necessary for further successful socialization in society.


  1. Altshuller G.S. Find an idea: Introduction to the theory of solving inventive problems / G.S. Altshuller. 2nd ed., add. Novosibirsk: Science. Sib. department, 1991. - 225 p.
  2. Andreev V.I. Pedagogy: textbook. course for creative self-development / V.I. Andreev. 2nd ed. Kazan: Center innovative technologies, 2000. - 608 p.
  3. Aikina L.P. The essence and specificity of creative abilities of junior schoolchildren // World of science, culture, education. - 2011. - No. 5 (30). - P. 6-8
  4. Vygotsky L.S. Imagination and creativity in childhood: a psychological essay / L.S. Vygotsky. M.: Education, 1991. - 93 p.
  5. Gogoberidze A.G. Theory and methodology of musical education of preschool children / A.G. Gogoberidze, V.A. Derkunskaya. M.: Academy, 2005. - 320 p.
  6. Zankov L.V. Selected pedagogical works/ L.V. Zankov. 3rd ed., supplementary M.: House of Pedagogy, 1999. - 608 p.
  7. Zenkovsky V.V. Psychology of childhood / V.V. Zenkovsky. M.: Academy, 1996. - 346 p.
  8. Kudryavtsev V.T. Diagnosis of children's creative potential and intellectual readiness for developmental schooling/ V.T. Kudryavtsev. M.: RINO, 1999.
  9. Matyushkin A.M. Problem situations in thinking and learning / A.M. Matyushkin. M., 1972. - 168 p.
  10. Nikolaeva E.I. Psychology of children's creativity / E.I. Nikolaev. St. Petersburg: Peter, 2010. - 232 p.
  11. Leites N.S. Psychology of giftedness in children and adolescents / N.S. Leites. M.: Academy, 1996. - 416 p.

Theme of my teaching experience“Development of creative abilities of junior schoolchildren”

Currently, creative, active, mobile, and proactive people are in demand in all spheres of public life. Modern man must be able to observe, analyze, make suggestions, and be responsible for decisions made. Therefore obottom of pedagogical tasks today is the implementation in educational process technologies that help children not only master certain knowledge, skills and abilities in a particular field of activity, but also develop their creative potential.

This contributes to the development of the student: he becomes more independent in his judgments, has his own point of view and knows how to defend it with reason. Efficiency increases. But the most important thing is that the child develops his emotional sphere, his feelings, his soul. And if his emotions are developed, then his thinking will develop. And a thinking person is the person who must leave the walls of the school.

As you know, creativity - is a human activity aimed at creating some new, original product in the field of science, art, technology and production.Creative process- this is always a breakthrough into the unknown, but it is preceded by a long accumulation of experience, knowledge, skills and abilities, it is characterized by the transition of the number of all kinds of ideas and approaches into a new unique quality.

Creativity presupposes that a person has certain abilities. Capabilities - these are such psychological characteristics people on whom the success of acquiring knowledge, skills and abilities depends, but who themselves are not reduced to the presence of this knowledge, skills and abilities.

Creative abilities do not develop spontaneously, but require a special organized process of training and education, revision of content curricula, creation pedagogical conditions for self-expression in creative activities.

Psychologists have long come to the conclusion that all children are talented. Creative potential is inherent and exists in every person. The school's task is to identify and develop these abilities in accessible and interesting activities.

Develop creativity? What does it mean?

  • Firstly, this is the development of observation, speech and general activity, sociability, well-trained memory, the habit of analyzing and comprehending facts, will, and imagination.
  • Secondly, it is the systematic creation of situations that allow the student’s individuality to express itself.

Work on the formation and development of the creative abilities of younger schoolchildren must be carried out at every lesson and outside of class time. Invaluable assistance in resolving this issue is provided by math lessons, which ensure the improvement of the child’s personality, give a holistic understanding of the world and a person’s place in it, contribute not only to the development of creative inclinations and inclinations, but also form the readiness of children for further self-development.

I think that in order for a primary school student to develop creative thinking, it is necessary for him to feel wonder and curiosity. At the initial stage, we are greatly helped in this by tasks for the development of memory, attention, imagination, observation, as the basis for the development of creative abilities. IN modern textbooks There are a large number of any educational and methodological set of these tasks.

Rebuses, crosswords, puzzles are used...

At the next stage, we propose partial search tasks different levels. These are tasks to identify patterns: - divide the figures into groups, - find the “extra” picture, - find the pattern and draw all the following polygons. – on what principle were these figures combined, etc.

For the development of students’ creative abilities, such partial search tasks that contain several possible solutions are of great importance.

When composing tasks, you can use meta-subject connections.

Gradually we come to solving more complex non-standard problems. Non-standard tasks contribute to the formation of a positive attitude towards tasks of a problem-search nature, critical thinking and the ability to conduct mini-research; contribute to the manifestation of more high degree independence in asking questions and finding solutions; lead to the actualization of internal motivation in students, which is manifested in a preference for difficult tasks, curiosity, a desire for mastery and increased self-confidence.

Such tasks require greater or complete independence and are designed for search activity, an extraordinary, non-traditional approach and creative application of knowledge.

An example of such tasks can be various games for composing silhouette figures according to your design:
Chinese game "Tangram" (from a square), "Vietnamese game" (from a circle), "Columbus Egg", " Amazing Triangle».
Back in the 19th century, the German teacher F. Froebel founded an integrated course in teaching mathematics using origami, on the basis of which one can improve and strengthen geometric knowledge and skills, as well as develop the creative abilities of students.

I want to invite you to show your creativity. (Practical work)

When solving problems, an act of creativity occurs, a new path is found, or something new is created. This is where special qualities of the mind are required, such as observation, the ability to compare and analyze, to find connections and dependencies - all that together constitutes creative abilities.

We can talk a lot about mathematics, but the subjects of the literacy cycle play an important role in the development of creative abilities, these are the Russian language and literary reading.

In order for children to successfully master basic speech skills, a huge amount of teacher work is required. I often use it in class didactic games. It helps to create an emotional mood in students, causes a positive attitude towards the work being done, improves overall performance, develops observation and creative abilities. The didactic game can be used at various stages of the lesson.Didactic games are especially common at the stages of repetition and consolidation.

The game “Match a Pair” is of great interest to the children. Its goal is to develop the ability to correctly correlate the names of objects and actions.

Each student has a card on his desk with the words written in a column:blizzard, thunder, sun, lightning, wind, rain, snow, clouds and strips of paper with the words dripping, floating, falling, sweeping, thundering, baking, etc.

For each word denoting the name of an object, students select a word denoting an action. And then the task is given: replace each action with its own possible option.

There are cards with words on your tables

Black, flies, cowardly, crawls, hare, beautiful, beetle, dragonfly, jumps.

Divide them into groups.(Check the task: two solutions)

To enrich speech, work with various speech units is used. For example, with phraseological units. (do the work)

The subject of literary creativity provides enormous opportunities for the development of creative abilities.

There are practical tasks

  • Illustrations for the text.
  • Compiling filmstrips based on the work
  • Modeling and applique.
  • Homemade books

Speech tasks

  • Continuation of the work (inventing your own ending)
  • Writing

The guys start working on their writing with a simple game “I’ll start, and you continue”

Even though I’m not a timid boy, I was scared by *********. (Little Frog)

We read books together.

With dad every weekend.

I have two hundred pictures,

And dad has... (none).

In the future, children will enjoy composing riddles, composing quatrains, writing thematic essays, and fairy tales. All this is compiled into little books.

Children's creativity is especially evident in dramatization games.
Children's creativity in these games is aimed at creating game situation. Creative play teaches children to think about how to implement a particular idea. In creative play, like no other activity, qualities that are valuable for children are developed: activity, independence.

Another technique in my work is “Droodles”

The basis of a droodle (a puzzle for developing imagination and creativity) can be any doodles and blots. A doodle is NOT a completely finished picture that requires an answer to the question: “What is drawn here? »

Each answer develops imagination and creative thinking.

Children and creativity are practically inseparable concepts. Any child by nature is a creator, and sometimes he does it much better than we adults.

There are no incapable children. It is only important to teach them to believe in themselves and reveal their abilities. This is the task of every teacher.

And for a teacher, desire alone is not enough; one must patiently and consistently master pedagogical skills, study the mental characteristics of schoolchildren, anticipate possible difficulties, take into account the characteristics of children. You should always remember that any child’s activity needs evaluation, reward, and encouragement.

Thoughtful design of the classroom, children provided with everything necessary, the presence of visual aids, handouts - all this has great importance for the successful development of the child. The teacher’s friendly tone, which creates a friendly atmosphere, psychologically prepares students for work and increases creativity motivation. And this leads:

  • to improve the quality of students’ knowledge,
  • acquiring the skill to independently organize one’s educational activities,
  • activation of creative and cognitive activity students,
  • formation of positive personal qualities of the student,
  • formation of a conscious need for healthy way life.

I want to end my speech with the words of Maxim Gorky

“You need to love what you do, and then work rises to creativity”

Creativity is not a new subject of research. The problem of human abilities has aroused great interest among people at all times. Analysis of the problem of developing creative abilities will largely be determined by the content that we will put into this concept. Very often in everyday consciousness, creative abilities are identified with the ability to various types artistic activity, with the ability to draw beautifully, write poetry, write music, etc. What is creativity really?

It is obvious that the concept we are considering is closely related to the concept of “creativity”, “creative activity”. Scientists have conflicting opinions about what is considered creativity. IN Everyday life creativity is usually called, firstly, activity in the field of art, secondly, design, creation, implementation of new projects, thirdly, scientific knowledge, the creation of the mind, fourthly, thinking in its highest form, going beyond what is required to solve the problem that has arisen in already known ways, manifesting itself as imagination, which is a condition of mastery and initiative.

The Philosophical Encyclopedia defines creativity as an activity that generates “something new, something that has never happened before.” Novelty arising as a result of creative activity can be both objective and subjective in nature. Objective value is recognized for such creative products in which still unknown patterns of the surrounding reality are revealed, connections between phenomena that were considered unrelated are established and explained. The subjective value of creative products occurs when the creative product is not new in itself, objectively, but new for the person who first created it. These are, for the most part, the products of children's creativity in the field of drawing, modeling, composing poems and songs. IN modern research European scientists define “creativity” descriptively and act as a combination of intellectual and personal factors.

So, creativity is an activity that results in new material and spiritual values; the highest form of mental activity, independence, the ability to create something new and original. As a result of creative activity, creative abilities are formed and developed.

What is “creativity” or “creativity”? Thus, E. P. Torrence understood creativity as the ability for a heightened perception of shortcomings, gaps in knowledge, and disharmony. In the structure of creative activity, he identified:

  • 1. perception of the problem;
  • 2. search for a solution;
  • 3. emergence and formulation of hypotheses;
  • 4. hypothesis testing;
  • 5. their modification;
  • 6. finding results.

It is noted that in creative activity an important role is played by factors such as temperamental characteristics, the ability to quickly assimilate and generate ideas (not to be critical of them); that creative solutions come at a moment of relaxation, dispersion of attention.

The essence of creativity, according to S. Mednik, is the ability to overcome stereotypes at the final stage of mental synthesis and the use of a wide field of associations.

D.B. Bogoyavlenskaya identifies intellectual activity as the main indicator of creative abilities, combining two components: cognitive (general mental abilities) and motivational. The criterion for the manifestation of creativity is the nature of a person’s fulfillment of the mental tasks offered to him.

I.V. Lvov believes that creativity is not a surge of emotions, it is inseparable from knowledge and skills, emotions accompany creativity, spiritualize human activity, increase the tone of its course, the work of a human creator, and give him strength. But only strict, proven knowledge and skills awaken the creative act.

Thus, in the very general view The definition of creativity is as follows. Creative abilities are the individual psychological characteristics of an individual that are related to the success of performing any activity, but are not limited to the knowledge, abilities, and skills that have already been developed by the student.

Since the element of creativity can be present in any form human activity, then it is fair to talk not only about artistic creativity, but also about technical creativity, mathematical creativity, etc. Creativity is a fusion of many qualities. And the question about the components of human creative potential remains open, although at the moment there are several hypotheses regarding this problem.

Many psychologists associate the ability for creative activity, first of all, with the characteristics of thinking. In particular, the famous American psychologist J. Guilford, who dealt with the problems of human intelligence, found that creative individuals characteristic of so-called divergent thinking. People with this type of thinking, when solving any problem, do not concentrate all their efforts on finding the only solution. the right decision, but begin to look for solutions in all possible directions in order to consider as many options as possible. Such people tend to form new combinations of elements that most people know and use only in a certain way, or to form connections between two elements that at first glance have nothing in common. The divergent way of thinking underlies creative thinking, which is characterized by the following main features:

  • 1. Quickness - the ability to express maximum amount ideas (in in this case It is not their quality that is important, but their quantity).
  • 2. Flexibility - the ability to express a wide variety of ideas.
  • 3. Originality - the ability to generate new non-standard ideas (this can manifest itself in answers, decisions that do not coincide with generally accepted ones).
  • 4. Completeness - the ability to improve your “product” or give it a finished look.

Well-known domestic researcher of the problem of creativity A.N. Onion, based on the biographies of outstanding scientists, inventors, artists and musicians, identifies the following creative abilities:

  • 1. The ability to see a problem where others do not see it.
  • 2. Ability to roll mental operations, replacing several concepts with one and using increasingly information-capacious symbols.
  • 3. The ability to apply the skills acquired in solving one problem to solving another.
  • 4. The ability to perceive reality as a whole, without splitting it into parts.
  • 5. The ability to easily associate distant concepts.
  • 6. The ability of memory to provide the necessary information at the right moment.
  • 7. Flexibility of thinking.
  • 8. The ability to choose one of the alternatives to solve a problem before testing it.
  • 9. The ability to incorporate newly perceived information into existing knowledge systems.
  • 10. The ability to see things as they are, to isolate what is observed from what is introduced by interpretation. Ease of generating ideas.
  • 11. Creative imagination.
  • 12. The ability to refine details to improve the original plan.

Candidates psychological sciences V.T. Kudryavtsev and V. Sinelnikov, based on broad historical and cultural material (history of philosophy, social sciences, art, individual areas of practice) identified the following universal creative abilities that have developed in the process of human history

  • 1. Realism of the imagination - figurative grasp of some essential, general tendency or pattern of development of an integral object, before a person has a clear concept about it and can fit it into a system of strict logical categories. The ability to see the whole before the parts.
  • 2. Trans-situational - transformative nature of creative solutions, the ability, when solving a problem, not just to choose from alternatives imposed from the outside, but to independently create an alternative.
  • 3. Experimentation - the ability to consciously and purposefully create conditions in which objects most clearly reveal their hidden essence in ordinary situations, as well as the ability to trace and analyze the features of the “behavior” of objects in these conditions.

Scientists and teachers involved in the development of programs and methods creative education based on TRIZ (the theory of solving inventive problems) and ARIZ (algorithm for solving inventive problems) they believe that one of the components of human creative potential consists of the following abilities:

  • 1. Ability to take risks.
  • 2. Divergent thinking.
  • 3. Flexibility in thinking and action.
  • 4. Speed ​​of thinking.
  • 5. The ability to express original ideas and invent new ones.
  • 6. Rich imagination.
  • 7. Perception of the ambiguity of things and phenomena.
  • 8. High aesthetic values.
  • 9. Developed intuition.

Analyzing the points of view presented above on the issue of the components of creative abilities, we can conclude that, despite the difference in approaches to their definition, researchers unanimously identify creative imagination and the quality of creative thinking as mandatory components of creative abilities.

Activation of creative activity is achieved, according to A. Osborne, by observing four principles:

  • 1) the principle of excluding criticism (you can express any thought without fear that it will be recognized as bad);
  • 2) encouragement of the most unbridled association (the wilder the idea seems, the better);
  • 3) requirements that the number of proposed ideas be as large as possible;
  • 4) recognition that the ideas expressed are not anyone’s property, no one has the right to monopolize them; Each participant has the right to combine ideas expressed by others, modify them, “improve” and improve them.

D.N. Druzhinin believes that to intensify creative activity it is necessary:

  • 1) lack of regulation of subject activity, or more precisely, lack of a model of regulated behavior;
  • 2) the presence of a positive example of creative behavior;
  • 3) Flexibility in thinking and action. creating conditions for imitation of creative behavior and blocking manifestations of aggressive and deductive behavior;
  • 4) social reinforcement of creative behavior.

The student’s creative activity increases his involvement in educational process, promotes the successful acquisition of knowledge, stimulates intellectual effort, self-confidence, and fosters independence of views. M.N. Skatkin considers certain ways to enhance creative activity:

  • 1) problematic presentation of knowledge;
  • 2) discussion;
  • 3) research method;
  • 4) creative works students;
  • 5) creating an atmosphere of collective creative activity in the classroom.

In order to successfully activate the creative activity of schoolchildren, the teacher needs to see the effectiveness and productivity of his work. To do this, it is necessary to monitor the dynamics of each child’s creative activity. Elements of creativity and the interaction of reproduction elements in the activities of a schoolchild, as well as in activities mature man, should be distinguished by two characteristic features:

  • 1) based on the result (product) of activity;
  • 2) by the way it occurs (process).

It is obvious that in educational activities elements of student creativity are manifested, first of all, in the peculiarities of its course, namely in the ability to see a problem, to find new ways to solve specific practical and educational problems in non-standard situations.

Thus, we can conclude that creative activity is activated in a favorable atmosphere, with friendly assessments from teachers, and encouragement of original statements. An important role is played by open-ended questions that encourage students to think and search for different answers to the same questions. curriculum. It’s even better if the students themselves are allowed to put similar questions and answer them.

Creative activity can also be stimulated through the implementation of interdisciplinary connections, through introduction to an unusual hypothetical situation. Questions work in the same direction, when answering which it is necessary to extract from memory all the information available in it and creatively apply it in the situation that has arisen.

Creative activity promotes the development of creative abilities and increases the intellectual level.

Thus, by creative abilities we understand the totality of personality properties and qualities necessary for the successful implementation of creative activity, allowing in the process of transforming objects, phenomena, visual, sensory and mental images, discovering new things for oneself, seeking and making original, non-standard solutions .