Ways to deal with stress presentation. Stress and ways to prevent it. Goal: to teach how to cope with stressful situations. Objectives: Give the concept of stress and indicate its consequences. Show. Don't forget the saying that

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How to deal with stress? Prepared and conducted by the Psychologist of the School named after S.M. Kirova Naumchenko Natalia Nikolaevna

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Before we talk about how to deal with stress, let's consider the types of stress. All stressful situations (stressors) can be divided into three groups: What?

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The first group of stressors Stressors that are practically beyond our control This is, in fact, the influence of the environment external to us. These include weather, air pollution, market pricing policy, inflationary processes, crime rates, long waits public transport, delayed salaries, actions of the administration, actions of other people towards us, overload and much more. Of course, we can worry and be nervous about an unexpected water outage, about standing in line for a long time at the clinic, etc., but apart from increasing irritation and increasing blood pressure, we will not achieve anything.

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The second group of stressors are stressors that we can and should influence. It's our inability to put real life goals and achieve them, inability to manage one’s time, various interpersonal difficulties. If we learn to manage our actions, we will eliminate many of the causes of stressful situations.

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The third group of stressors are events and phenomena that we ourselves turn into problems. These are imaginary, non-existent problems, but which we accept as real. At the physiological level, they really act, causing a lot of trouble for ourselves. This includes all types of worries about the future, worries about past events (according to the principle “I have a thought, I think it”). Most of us are familiar with situations like this.

We very often create stressful situations in our lives. And then, as expected, we overcome them, and the result of these overcomings is often sad.

Pay attention to how you cope with stress Think about what stress management methods you currently use and how smart and productive they are. Unfortunately, many men choose ways to cope with stress that not only do not solve the problem, but aggravate it. Unproductive ways to deal with stress???

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These stress management methods may temporarily reduce stress levels, but will only cause harm in the long run: Smoking Using pills and drugs to relax Drinking too much alcohol Sleeping too much Overeating or undereating Procrastinating Sitting for long hours in front of the TV or computer Filling every minute of the day with activities such as: fear of facing problems Self-isolation Taking out anger and irritation on others

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People who take responsibility for what is happening and make their own decisions are less susceptible to stress
long-term stress dangerous to our health. Therefore, we need to know and be able to use various methods overcoming and preventing stress. Give an example of methods for coping with stress Learn to cope with stress Learn to relax Learn to quickly get rid of stress

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You may not always have control over the effects of stress, but you can always learn to manage your response to that stress. To do this, you need to take control of your thoughts and emotions, your daily routine, your environment, and ways to get out of a stressful situation. By changing your response to stress, you will take care of your health and find time for rest and relaxation (relaxation). You can't completely eliminate stress from your life, but you can take control of how it affects you. Relaxation techniques such as going to the gym, meditation, breathing exercises, and muscle relaxation are the opposite of stress. Regular practice reduces the impact of everyday stress and increases feelings of confidence, joy and calm. They also enhance your ability to remain calm and collected when exposed to various stressful situations. Everyone can learn to reduce the impact of stress on their body. With practice, you will be able to identify stress and manage the situation when it occurs. They will give you confidence that when faced with problems, you will quickly and painlessly restore your inner balance.

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Test "Stress" for assessing stress resistance This test for assessing stress resistance was developed by a psychologist at the Boston University Medical Center. You must answer the questions based on how often these statements are true for you. You should answer all points, even if this statement does not apply to you at all. The following answers are offered with the corresponding number of points: – almost always – 1; – often – 2; – sometimes – 3; – almost never – 4; – never – 5.

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Are you susceptible to stress? 1. You eat at least one hot meal a day. 2. You sleep 7-8 hours at least four times a week. 3. You constantly feel the love of others and give your love in return. 4. Within 50 kilometers you have at least one person you can rely on. 5. You work out until you break a sweat at least twice a week. 6. You smoke less than half a pack of cigarettes a day. 7. You consume no more than five glasses of alcoholic beverages per week. 8. Your weight matches your height. 9. Your income fully satisfies your basic needs. 10. Your faith supports you. 11. You regularly engage in club or social activities. 12. You have many friends and acquaintances. 13. You have one or two friends whom you completely trust. 14. You are healthy. 15. You can openly express your feelings when you are angry or worried about something. 16. You regularly discuss your home problems with the people you live with. 17. You do things just for fun at least once a week. 18. You can organize your time effectively. 19. You consume no more than three cups of coffee, tea or other caffeine-containing drinks per day. 20. You have a little time for yourself every day.
– almost always – 1; – often – 2; – sometimes – 3; – almost never – 4; – never – 5.

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Now add up the results of your answers and subtract 20 points from the resulting number. Key: If you scored less than 10 points, then you can be happy, if you also answered honestly, you have excellent resistance to stressful situations and the effects of stress on the body, you have nothing to worry about. If your total number exceeds 30 points, stressful situations have a significant impact on your life and you do not resist them very much. If you score more than 50 points, you should seriously think about your life - is it time to change it. You are very vulnerable to stress. Take another look at the test statements. If your answer to any statement received 3 points or higher, try to change your behavior that corresponds to this point and your vulnerability to stress will decrease. For example, if your score for point 19 is 4, try drinking at least one cup of coffee per day less than usual. Start taking a closer look at yourself now, and not when it’s too late.

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How:? Stress Management Techniques Avoid Stress Exercise #1 Adapt to Stressor Exercise #2 Change Stress Exercise #3 Accept Stress Exercise #4

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Anti-stress nutrition The human brain makes up only 2-3% of the total mass of a person, 20% of the calories we consume per day are “eaten” by the brain. Carrots promote better memory. A good remedy for tension and fatigue is onion. Nuts promote endurance (strengthens the nerves) Hot peppers, Strawberries, bananas will help relieve stress and improve your mood. Cabbage will relieve you from nervousness. Blueberries or sea fish are useful for nourishing brain cells and good blood supply. Protein-rich foods such as meat and fish stimulate brain function. Sugar is not at all a means to improve performance. It is much better to eat not pure sugar, but foods that contain it: Dried fruits, nuts, seeds, cereals, dark chocolate, etc. It is recommended to take fish oil capsules in stressful situations, especially before an exam.

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Good luck to you in your fight against stress. Every day at work, in the family, in interpersonal relationships you are having some problems. It seems like you can never get out of a streak of problems that cause stress. What stress management methods are there? It turns out there are quite a lot of them. Even if you simply realize that you are in control of your life, then this is already the basis for stress management.



1.1. Symptoms of stress (A)

1.2. Consequences of stress (B)

1.3. Causes of stress (A)


2.1. Life Methods (C)

2.2. Active protection (B)

2.3. Relaxation (B)


3.1. Stress at work (A)

3.2. Methods of dealing with stress (A)

3.3. Techniques for stress relief (C)


Written version of the presentation

Half a century ago, Hans Selye introduced the concept of stress, which forced scientists to reconsider generally accepted views on human interaction with the environment.

Nowadays there is a lot of talk about stress associated with administrative or dispatch work, with pollution environment, with retirement, with physical stress, family problems or the death of a relative. But how many of the heated debaters who defend their strong convictions bother to search for the true meaning of the term “stress” and its mechanisms? Most people have never thought about whether there is a difference between stress and distress!

Most of us have probably experienced stress. But what exactly are the symptoms that indicate your body is under stress? What effects can prolonged stress have on our bodies? Let's try to answer these questions here.

From a physiological point of view, stress is a biochemical reaction of our body to emergency and emergency situations. When a threat arises or something causes extreme arousal, the oldest part of our brain - the so-called "reptilian mind" - reacts to this by sending certain information substances that enable us to better cope with such emergency situations. It is this process that we subsequently perceive as stress.

Actually, this would not be a problem for us at all. If not for one thing. If we are stressed too often, it can lead to physical and mental problems. However, we must understand the following: Stress is a reasonable reaction of our body.

But a state of prolonged stress can be dangerous and indeed fraught with risk for us.

In this case, stress can indeed lead to organic and psychological problems and cause the development of various diseases. What can be the effects of prolonged stress on the body?


High blood pressure

Heart diseases


Stomach ache



Sexual disorders

What do the symptoms of stress look like?

General activation of the sympathetic nervous system: That is, the sympathetic nervous system is activated, blood pressure increases, breathing speeds up, sweating begins, heart rate increases, etc. - all these are typical symptoms of resistance and flight in an alarming situation.

Stimulation of the pituitary gland and adrenal cortex system (leads, for example, to the release of the hormones cortisone and corticosterone (stress hormones).

Increased release of catecholamines (NA, A and serotonin), as well as cortisone and corticosterone.

An increase in free fatty acids, because accumulated reserves are consumed during stress.

Increased concentration of gastric juice.

So: stress is the body’s response to extreme conditions that disrupt a person’s emotional calm and balance.

When the stress continues long time, then against the background of severe irritation of the nervous system, migraines, high blood pressure, back pain, diabetes, and impotence may occur.

What causes stress?

Experts believe that any situation to which a person reacts with strong emotional arousal can cause stress. It must be taken into account that stress can be caused by both positive emotions, such as the birth of a child, marriage, and negative ones - loss of a job, death. loved one. Situations that provoke stress can also be minor (long waits in line or in traffic jams).

All kinds of unfavorable factors encountered in our lives every day cause a stress reaction. It turns out that stress is not some kind of very a rare event, such as a flood or solar eclipse. Stress, in fact, either continues or occurs quite often. However, minor stress is an inevitable, but completely harmless phenomenon. Only excessively frequent or too severe stress can greatly deplete the body’s adaptation system, which in turn may well cause psychosomatic diseases.

A person whose adaptive resource is insufficient and whose body can no longer successfully withstand stress becomes passive. He feels depressed, helpless, and hopeless. In fact, we know how to “cope” with such situations. Men, as a rule, climb into a bottle to get out of such a state; women have a more “humane” way - discharge through violent crying. However, there is a clear imperfection of these methods of stress relief. There are two more, much more useful.

Active protection against stress. You need to change your field of activity and find something more suitable for spiritual harmony that helps improve your health (music, sports, collecting, etc.).

Active relaxation (relaxation) is considered the most effective; with its help, natural adaptation increases human body, both mental and physical.

We are happy when we are not sick, everything is fine in our family and at work. And it doesn’t matter whether a person works in a ministry or raises children at home, if he doesn’t like what he does and the work doesn’t bring him pleasure, then happiness will be incomplete.

Of course work is stressful. Especially when you are working on a serious project, and suddenly the computer turns off, when you are left after work to finish the work for colleagues who have gone on vacation, when employees and the boss do not allow you to live in peace, and so on.

Not all stress is bad, though. Positive stress improves work performance. Established deadlines for project delivery stimulate and organize. The adrenaline released before an oral presentation allows you to speak more emotionally and the report sounds more lively. Positive stress provides a sense of satisfaction by making work fun.

When dealing with stress in an organization, the most difficult thing is to avoid making employees feel intrusive. A good solution is to purchase a corporate sports subscription. In addition to relieving stress, it provides an opportunity for employees to bond. However, not every person after a hard day of work will agree to physical exercise. Other forms of corporate events aimed at team building are also useful. Not every person can correctly evaluate their emotional condition and take appropriate measures. Therefore, anti-stress effects should be based on professional experience and knowledge. A qualified psychologist has these qualities.

IN Lately It is common to conduct corporate psychological trainings aimed at reducing the impact of stress and strengthening connections in the team. This method has a number of disadvantages: unavailability of psychologist’s services at the time of need, relatively high cost, subjectivity. A significant barrier to using the services of a psychologist is the prevalence in society of a persistent stereotype against professional help in this area. Most people will be sensitive to an employer's offer to visit a psychologist.

The use of medications has a number of similar disadvantages, the worst of which is that some can be harmful to health.

Another method is to use technical means. Modern technology can analyze and correct a person’s emotional state thanks to the presence of biofeedback. The use of technology is not associated with such subjective factors as the specialist’s mood or his competence. Unlike a psychologist, devices are available exactly at the moment when it is needed. Their use often does not make a person feel that he is sick and is being treated. It is worth noting high speed conducting a session (15-20 minutes).

A stress relief method acceptable for use in companies must meet the following requirements:

Pursue preventive goals;

Create a comfortable environment, avoiding the atmosphere of a medical office;

Adapt to specific needs;

Integrate into corporate systems;

Use several methods to restore performance;

Be designed for independent use.

The optimal solution for a company in the fight against stress will be a combination of the use of technical means to quickly solve problems that have arisen and various forms of corporate recreation and sports.

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Stress concept

Stress is a nonspecific response of the body to any demand placed on it. Stress (English – tension). Introduced by Canadian physician and biologist Hans Selye in 1936.

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Stress is a natural reaction of our body to external stimuli. Often the noise conflict situations at work and in the family are causes of stress. It should be noted that as long as our body is able to respond to these stimuli, there is no need to worry, but if the body succumbs to these aggressors and cannot withstand their “pressure,” we should be wary.

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    Signs of stress

    • anxiety,
    • fear,
    • voltage,
    • uncertainty,
    • confusion,
    • depression,
    • defenselessness,
    • panic, pallor or redness,
    • increased heart rate,
    • shiver,
    • sweating,
    • dry mouth,
    • difficulty breathing,
    • pupil dilation,
    • muscle stiffness,
    • difficulty swallowing,
    • stomach spasm.
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    Ways to deal with stress

    • eat regularly and exercise;
    • Avoid excessive caffeine consumption, which can cause feelings of anxiety and agitation;
    • do not smoke or take drugs;
    • develop self-confidence, for example, express your feelings in a politely assertive manner: “I get angry when you yell at me. Please stop shouting";
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    • learn to cope with complex tasks, for example, divide the task into several small ones;
    • get rid of a negative attitude: replace negative thoughts about yourself with alternative neutral or positive ones: replace the phrase “My life will never get better” with “Although I am in a hopeless situation, but if I make an effort, everything will change for the better”;
    • learn to accept a positive work result, not an ideal one, stop demanding perfection from yourself and others;
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    • take a break: listen to music, talk with friends, play with your pet;
    • Form a circle of friends who can help and encourage you.
    • Switch to something good, remember happy moments.
    • Remember, we are strong when we believe in ourselves.
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    Set of exercises

    1. Grasp the seat of the chair you are sitting on with both hands, tense and stretch upward. Count to six, lower your arms along your body and relax.
    2. Reach your arms behind your head and apply firm pressure to your neck at the base of your skull while counteracting the pressure.
    3. Massage your fingers from base to tip. Men massage their left hand first, while women start with their right hand.
    4. Inhale slowly (mentally counting to six), hold your breath for 2 seconds, exhale slowly (counting to 12).
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    Slide captions:

    Prevention and overcoming STRESS GBOU gymnasium No. 2072 DO No. 2 Prepared and conducted by: Teacher-psychologist: Sermyagina V.Yu. 2014

    Monitoring stress resistance of teachers and specialists Methodology: definition of both stress resistance and social adaptation Holmes and Rahe 36 people were examined (2 hours on sick leave): stress 4 people - 11.1% threshold resistance 4 people - 11.1% high resistance - 77.8%

    Stress is a nonspecific response of the body to any demand placed on it, and this response is the tension of the body aimed at overcoming difficulties and adapting to increased demands.

    Workers who constitute a risk group - Work involving intense communication; - Emergence internal conflicts work-related; - The work takes place in conditions of instability; - The need to constantly demonstrate high efficiency; - Residents of large cities.

    Forms of stress: Distress – “bad” stress Eustress – “good” stress

    Stress should be considered as the most important adaptation mechanism that allows a living creature caught in unfavourable conditions, concentrate, exert all your strength and find the optimal way out of a difficult situation.

    Hans Selye's theory of stress identified three stages. The first is the anxiety stage. This is the phase of mobilization of the body’s defenses, increasing its resistance to a specific traumatic effect. At the same time, the body functions under great stress. However, in the first phase of stress, he copes with the load with the help of functional mobilization without structural changes. Following the first, the second phase begins - a balanced expenditure of the body’s adaptive reserves (stage of stabilization, resistance). All parameters brought out of balance in the first phase are fixed at a new level. At the same time, a response that differs little from the norm is ensured, everything seems to be getting better. However, if stress continues for a long time, due to the limited reserves of the body, the third phase inevitably begins - exhaustion. In the second and third stages, the body, having exhausted its functional reserves, turns on the mechanisms of structural restructuring. When they are lacking, exhaustion occurs.

    SYMPTOMS OF STRESS: Full dedication to work, spending less and less time with friends and family; Ineffectiveness at work; Completing work assignments outside of work at the expense of personal leisure; Severe fatigue; Irritability; Regular physical illnesses, etc.

    FACTORS AFFECTING THE DEVELOPMENT OF STRESS Genetic predisposition; Type of higher nervous activity; Early childhood experiences; Parental scripts; Personal characteristics (character, level of self-esteem, orientation, attitudes and values) Factors social environment; Cognitive factors

    Psychological signs of stress: Absent-mindedness; Memory disorder; Anxiety; Tearfulness; Excessive worry; Unreasonable fears; Irritability What does stress affect? Stress leads to loss of self-confidence, various diseases, mental disorders and drug addiction.

    Physiological signs of stress: insomnia; headache; heartbeat; pain in the back, stomach, heart; indigestion; spasms

    Factors that aggravate the impact of stress A person’s reluctance to change his own ideas; Categorical perception of alternatives; The presence of irrational attitudes; Inertia of thinking; The desire to avoid painful emotional experiences.

    Stress Relief Techniques

    PROTECTION FROM STRESS Believe in yourself! Don't keep everything to yourself! Don't try to be perfect! Keep everything going on in perspective! Play sports! Connect with your family! Give in on the little things, within the limits of what doesn’t bother you so much! “Let's talk about it tomorrow” A place of peace!

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