Tilibom the cat caught fire. Synopsis of educational activities on life safety. Fire safety consultations for parents

Natalya Zlobina
Summary of educational activities for the development of speech and life safety in the second junior group “Tili-bom! Tili-bom! The cat's house caught fire"



Continue to teach children to correlate actions with the words of a fairy tale, consolidate and activate in speeches use of nouns (fur, adjectives (soft, fluffy), teach to understand the content of the work;

To form a concept in children "dangerous objects", help them remember fire safety rules.

Teach children how to work with glue correctly, carefully glue parts, and use a napkin; Upon completion of work, clean your workplace.


-develop speech hearing, coordination of movements, emotionality;

-develop attention, thinking, cognitive constructive activity.


Cultivate interest in fairy tales, cultivate a friendly attitude;

Develop the ability to work in a team.

Methodical techniques:

1. Verbal: questions, explanations.

2. Visual: toys, illustrations for a fairy tale, house, painted footprints cats.

3. Practical: task completion, round dance and individual answers.

Material: toy- cat, house, traces cats drawn, illustration for a fairy tale.

Napkins, boards for gluing, glue - for each child, Whatman paper - for group work, house details - roof, porch, window, door, pipe, roof decoration.

Preliminary work:

Di “Who is screaming?”;

Di “Who lives in the house?”;

Reading a fairy tale.

Vocabulary work :

The cat meows - meow, chicken - ko-ko, duck-quack-quack, goose-ha-ha, horse - yoke-go, dog barks - woof-woof, bunny, soft, fluffy fur, extinguish, help, lantern, leaf.

Progress of the lesson:

(children enter group)

Motivation (A.N. draws the children’s attention to the footprints lying on the carpet).

A. N: - Guys, look, what is this? (footprints). Let's see where they take us.

(children and the teacher walk one after another with their knees raised high)

A. N: - Guys, we’ve been walking for a long time, we’re tired, sit down on the chairs and let’s rest.

There is a house in front of you.

Who do you think lives in this house? (Children's answers)

Listen to the riddle and you will find out who really lives in this house.

(the teacher asks a riddle):

"Fluffy paws,

and there are scratches in the paws.”

(children's answer)

Right! Cat! (the teacher takes out a toy cat)

Let's say hello to cat(Hello cat)

Look what cat(beautiful). Feel what kind of fur she has (soft, fluffy).

Guys, look - the tracks we came along are tracks cats.

Look what sad cat, what happened to her - you don’t know? (children's answer)

Look what I brought cat(picture).

Guys, who is in the picture? (children list(cat, chicken, duck, goose, horse, dog, bunny).

-I suggest you play: D/i “Who is screaming?”

A.N - Let's listen to a fairy tale « cat house»

Tili-bom! Tili-bom!

The cat's house caught fire!

The cat's house caught fire,

There's a column of smoke coming out!

The cat jumped out!

Eyes bulging:

Oh, save me, put it out! (Figure 1)


A chicken runs with a bucket

Floods cat house. (Figure 2)

The duck with the ladle is in a hurry,

And the gander is with a bowler hat, (Figure 3)

And the horse is with a lantern,

And the dog is with a broom,

Gray bunny - with leaf. (Figure 4)

Together at once!

And the fire went out! (Fig 5)

Now let's check who listened well fairy tale: what did she scream cat, When house caught fire?

What was the chicken doing?

Duck and goose?

Horse, dog, bunny? (children's answer)

Conversation: “How could a fire happen?”

N.S. offers to come up and see what could have happened, that the house caught fire.

Little kittens decided to play and found matches! The match fell on the carpet and he caught fire! (Fig. 6 and 7)

Look guys, someone is in our scattered matches to the group, let's collect them so that trouble doesn't happen.

One two Three,

Collect matches

(At the teacher’s command, children collect matches in a box)

Educator: We will put these matches high on the cabinet so that no one can take them. After all, matches are not toys!

(Places matches on a tall cabinet)

For fun, for play

Don't pick up matches

Don't play with fire my friend

So as not to regret later.

You guys are so great! Helped put out the fire for the cat.

But for some reason the cat is sad! Why do you think? (children's answers)

That's right, her house burned down! Maybe we can help her? Let's build it for her new house? Before we start construction, let's warm up:

Gymnastics « cat house» :

Tili - Tili, tili – bom! (Two claps, a slap on the knees)

The cat's house caught fire. (Swing your hands, ears on the top of your head, hands palms forward, hands overhead)

The cat jumped out! (stomp your foot)

Her eyes bulged. ( "binoculars", palms near the eyes)

A chicken runs with a bucket ( "beak" from the thumb and index finger, palm in a handful)

Flood cat house». (fingers seem to be splashing, hands raised above your head.)

(According to the text, children reproduce play movements together with the teacher).

Good guys, let's go to the easel, guys!

(The teacher invites the children to the table where the materials are laid out.)

Educator: Guys, to build a house we must know what it consists of. What does the house have?

Children: The house has walls, a roof, windows, a door.

Educator: Right! First we will glue the wall, then the roof, then the porch, door and window, and of course the pipe. (The teacher lays out the house in the order in which it will be glued.)

Collective work is carried out (during the work, the teacher gives instructions: how to hold the glue correctly, he says that you need to spread the parts carefully, after gluing the part, use a napkin, for uniform gluing and removing excess glue, the children glue the parts one by one.)

"A Minute of Emotions"(there are two portraits on the easel cats, in one she is sad, in the second smiles - cheerful) - Guys, think and tell me when cats caught fire Was she sad or happy at home? (sad). Yes, she was sad (show portrait). And when you helped her and built a new house, what did she become? (cheerful)- That's right, well done!

Guys, who did we visit today? (children's answer)

What happened to the house cats? (children's answer)

Remember why house caught fire

We remember that matches are not a toy for children!

List of used literature:

1. Program preschool education "Origins";

2. Toolkit D.N. Koldina: “Applique with children 3-4 years old” page 35.

Publications on the topic:

Dramatization of the Russian folk song “Tili-bom! Tili-bom." Second junior group– 2016. Compiled by: teacher Ekaterina Filippovna Korchagina.

Summary of an integrated educational activity in the second junior group “Cat House” on Safe Play Day as part of the Week of Games and Toys Synopsis of an integrated educational activity in the second junior group as part of the “Games and Toys Week”, the theme “Safe Play Day”. "Cat house"

Summary of integrated joint activities on fire safety in the second junior group “Cat House” Goal: To develop children's knowledge about the profession of a firefighter, their actions during a fire, the role of firefighters in extinguishing a fire, and safety rules.

Goal: development in children creativity Objectives: 1. Teach children to sequentially stick multi-colored stripes, arranging them.

Municipal preschool educational institution

general developmental kindergarten "Brusnichka"

(MDOU "Brusnichka")


fire safety games and activities

in Group early age

Developed by: teacher of the Municipal Preschool Educational Institution “Brusnichka”

Vera Ivanovna Tete

Tubinsky village

Subject: Tili-bom, Koshkin's house caught fire

Target: to form children's knowledge about the benefits and dangers of fire, to evoke a desire to be careful with fire



Progress of activities

V-l. Look who came to visit us? (I bring in a cat toy with a bundle and an illustration for the nursery rhyme “Tili bom, the Cat’s house is on fire”). Who is this, children? (children's answers)

V-l. - That's right, kitty. What do you think she has in her bundle? (children's answers)

V-l. - She has things in the bundle. Something happened to her. Listen to what happened to the cat. (I’m reading the nursery rhyme “Tili bom, Koshkin’s house caught fire”).

Tili bom, Tili bom,
Koshkin's house caught fire.
The cat's house caught fire,
There is a column of smoke.
The cat jumped out, its eyes bulging.
A chicken runs with a bucket to flood the cat's house.
And the horse with a lantern, and the dog with a broom,
Gray bunny with leaf.
One-time, one-time,
And the fire went out.

V-l. Guys, what happened to the cat? (I post an illustration for the nursery rhyme). (The house caught fire).

What did the cat do when the house caught fire? (jumped out)

Do you think the cat did the right thing by jumping out of the burning house? (children's answers)

Children, well done cat, she did the right thing by jumping out of the burning house!

Who helped the cat put out the fire in the house?

What did the chicken run with? (horse, dog, bunny)

Show me, Nastya, how the chicken ran.
- And Polya will show how the horse ran.

And now all the children will show how the bunny jumped and put out a fire in the house with a leaf.

They put out the cat's house!

V-l. - Tell us, kitty, why did your house catch fire? (I take out a box of matches). Did you play with matches and set the house on fire? Children, can we play with matches? (children's answers).

You can't play with matches. Only in skillful hands do these small sticks bring benefits and make fire. What do you think fire is for? (children's answers)

V-l. Food is cooked on fire, fire warms, gives light. But you have to be careful with fire so that there is no trouble - a fire, as happened with the cat.

Now she has nowhere to live.

Guys, let's build a house for the cat. Get your fists and hammers ready. (Held finger game"I knock with a hammer")

I'm knocking with a hammer fist bumping

I want to build a house.

We are building a tall housedepict the roof of a house with their palms

Pussy will live in it! (putting out a toy house)

V-l. Look, pussy, what a house the children built for you! (the cat “thanks” the children).

Guys, help the pussy settle in the house. Help her choose furniture and dishes (children play with the cat).

Name: Game-activity

Subject: “Tili-bom, Koshkin’s house caught fire”

Purpose of the event:

To form children's knowledge about the benefits and dangers of fire, to create a desire to be careful with fire


  • introduce the content of the nursery rhyme “Tili bom, Tili bom the Cat’s house caught fire”;
  • to form children’s understanding of fire hazardous objects that cannot be used independently;
  • give an idea of ​​fire safety rules

Participants: children of early age group, teachers.

Materials and equipment:Cat toy, illustration for the nursery rhyme “Tili bom, the Cat’s house caught fire,” a box of matches, a model of the house

The event was heldteacher with young children as part of the thematic week “Safety in my home” from November 26 to 30, 2013.

List of applications:Illustration for the nursery rhyme “Tili bom, the cat’s house caught fire”

List of used literature:

  • M.A. Vasilyeva “Program of education and training in kindergarten”
  • N.A. Karpukhina “Lesson notes in the first junior group”
  • E. Yanushko “Help the baby talk”

Olga Zhuravleva
Summary of the life safety lesson “Tili-bom, tili-bom, the cat’s house caught fire!”

Tili-bom tili-bom - the cat's house caught fire! Lesson summary on life safety

Subject: « Tili-tili-tili-bom! caught fire cat house»

Program content: Introduce children to fire safety rules. Give children an idea of ​​the benefits and dangers of fire. Reinforce knowledge of what burns and what doesn’t burn. Encourage children to always be careful with fire. Provide all possible assistance to those in trouble. Develop the ability to work with ready-made application forms. Develop accurate work skills.

Methodical techniques: Demonstration, explanation, teacher’s questions and children’s answers, didactic games.

Preliminary work: Reading works: « cat house» S. M. Marshak, nursery rhymes, poems about fire, looking at the album "01", illustrations from posters, games with a fire truck.

Materials for occupation: Demonstration material "Don't play with fire", sheets of paper, glue, squares, triangles.

Progress of the lesson

Educator: - Today we have something unusual class. Guests came to our group. Guests are always a holiday and joy. Let's welcome them.

Educator:- Guys today class we will talk to you about fire. There is a fire in every house. Where can I get it?

Children's answers: (matches, lighters)

Educator:- Fire can be big and small, useful and dangerous.

Didactic game : “What kind of fire is there?” (Match cards, lighter, candle, fire)

Educator:- Why do they make a fire?

Children's answers: (To keep warm, cook food, burn garbage, barbecue)

Educator:- What should you put in a fire to make it burn?

Children's answers: (Sticks, branches, firewood, leaves, dry grass, paper)

Educator:- Correct, but not everything burns in fire.

Didactic game: “What burns, what doesn’t burn” (show cards). Children's answers.

Educator: In our apartments, guys, there are a lot of objects that can easily catch fire, so all adults and children should be very careful with fire. Fires are very dangerous. Furniture, clothes, toys and even people can burn in a large fire.

Now I will read you a fairy tale called « cat house» .

Once upon a time we lived in a large beautiful house, the owner The cat and Vasily the cat with her, he was both a watchman and a janitor. They loved it when guests came to them.

Mistress and Vasily,

Mustachioed old cat

Not carried out soon

Neighbors out of the gate.

Word by word -

And again the conversation

And at home in front of the stove

fire burned through the carpet...

The cat Vasily has returned

AND the cat follows him -

Fire, burning, burning.

With a crash, a click and a thunder

There was a fire over the new house,

Looks around

« Tili bom, Tili Bom,

caught fire cat house,

A chicken is running with a bucket,

Cockerel with a jug

Horse with a lantern

Gray bunny with a leaf

And a dog with a broom.

Once, once, the fire went out.”

Educator: That's what happened guys when the fire was left unattended.

Let us guys help the animals put out the fire.

Physical education minute "Pump"

Now turn on the pump,

We pump water from the river.

Left one, right two

Water flowed in a stream

One two three four (2-3 times)

We did a good job.

Surprise moment: (knock on the door)

Included cat, greets the children, (cries, left without a home.

“The poor woman has no housing cats»

After a terrible fire,

There isn't even a stump left."

Educator: Soothing cat and offers to sit down and listen to what needs to be done and known so that such a disaster does not happen. Let's guys remember the fire safety rules.

Children's answers:

You cannot pick up matches or lighters.

You cannot light a gas stove.

Do not turn on the iron or other electrical appliances.

Do not put objects into sockets.

Educator: Guys, who knows how to call a fire truck if trouble happens?

Children's response:

In case of fire, in case of fire

Every citizen knows

In case of fire, in case of fire

Recruiting "01"

Cat: Addresses to children:

You guys are great and know everything. And my paws and tail were burned in a fire, and I was left without a house.

Educator: Don't be upset cat, our children love animals, and they will build new houses for you and your friends.

Children build one big house from building materials. At the end classes, we give cat houses. Cat thanks the children and promises to be careful with fire.

Educator: Is our class I would like to end with a poem that Alena will tell us.

Let the boys know!

Let the girls know!

That there are fires in the world.

Children often play with fire,

And therefore loud and clear

Don't joke with fire!

Don't joke with fire!

But if there is a fire, don’t get lost!

Contact the fire department immediately.

Educator: This is a useful poem Alena learned. Everyone should know this poem. Is our class is over, let's say goodbye to our guests, guys. Goodbye.

Publications on the topic:

Dramatization of the Russian folk song “Tili-bom! Tili-bom." Second junior group - 2016. Compiled by: teacher Ekaterina Filippovna Korchagina.

Lesson notes for the middle group “Cat House” Lesson notes for the middle group “Cat House”. Program objectives: Show children the importance of fire in human life; give knowledge about the need.

Relevance: Teaching a child to distinguish between hard and soft consonants is a very important task for a speech therapist, since this work is important.

Purpose of the circle: Development of children's creative activity in the process of modeling from salt dough. Objectives: - To promote the development of creative abilities.

Formation of basic knowledge about fire. Lesson on the nursery rhyme “Don-don-don, the cat’s house is on fire” (first junior group) Target. Introduce children to fire safety rules. Objectives: Educational: to promote the formation of basic knowledge.




Competition: “Teaching fire safety”

Nomination: Leisure event (entertainment)

Topic: “Tilibom, tili-bom, the cat’s house is on fire!”

Koshkina G.I teacher

Repairs 2015


Everyone has probably heard the Russian proverb more than once: “Spark the carcass before the fire, avert trouble before the blow.” Behind it one can discern the experience of many generations of our ancestors. The conversation about pranks and children’s careless handling of fire is not new. Some people may say: “Is it worth returning to this topic? Need I repeat that matches in the hands of a child are a dangerous, sometimes deadly toy? It’s not worth it, the topic is already hackneyed.” But statistics show the opposite. The number of fires caused by children playing with fire is not decreasing. Children die in fires and material assets are destroyed. The cause of casualties among children is the children’s lack of skills in handling fire carefully, insufficient control over their behavior, and in some cases, the inability of adults to properly organize children’s leisure time. It has been established that children very often show interest in fire precisely when they do not find any activity, when adults are not interested in their games or are absent from home. Therefore, we should return to this topic again and again.

The safety of a child’s life and the protection of his health is one of the most pressing tasks of preschool education. At the same time, it is important not only to protect him from dangers, but also to form an understanding of the most dangerous situations, the need to take precautions, and instill in him the skills of safe behavior.

In preschool age, it is problematic to educate “ensuring safety in natural disasters, extreme situations in everyday life, in the forest, in transport" due to small life experience. Children before school age They find themselves completely unprepared for responsibility for their own and others’ lives. You can teach your child to correctly answer questions about safe behavior, how to act correctly in a certain situation, but Small child does not have the ability to recognize the type of dangerous situation and act immediately in it. It is impossible to work with children on every possible situation they may find themselves in. Therefore, it is very important to form in a child the concepts of “danger - safety”, allowing him to independently determine the status of the situation in different areas of life and act in it.

One of the directions is the formation of ideas about the rules of handling fire and electrical appliances. It should be noted that these tasks are in different sections.

Forming experience of fire-safe behavior in preschool children is possible if the following are observed: pedagogical conditions:

Selecting the content of knowledge and skills for safe behavior in everyday life that is accessible to children and establishing the sequence of its development;

The use of a step-by-step methodology that ensures the unity of the formation of knowledge and skills as the basis for the experience of safe behavior in everyday life, with the child’s active position;

Awareness by teachers and parents of the need purposeful activities in this direction and its implementation in close cooperation.

Psychologists and sociologists have come to the conclusion that even adults, having become accustomed to the many benefits that fire provides, forget about its dangers. Therefore, the main goal of working with parents is to explain the need for classes with children on fire safety at home, as well as to give parents recommendations for adjusting their children’s behavior in extreme situations.

In conclusion, it should be emphasized that only targeted work on training, education and instilling skills in a culture of fire safety behavior is in the best possible way reducing the number of fires and reducing their consequences. The sooner a person learns the basic principles of self-defense and understands his responsibility for his actions, the more effective the results will be.

Tilibom, tili-bom,

The cat’s house is on fire!”


Purpose: To familiarize children with the basic rules of fire safety; explain the harm that comes from playing with fire


1. Educational: instill in children primary fire safety skills, familiarize children with the rules of behavior in the event of a fire.

2. Developmental: develop attention, memory, observation.

3. Teach careful handling of flammable objects.



Looking at paintings

Game situations, related to fire topics

Reading fiction

Productive activities: art activities, applique, design

Preliminary work :

Learning the nursery rhyme “Tili-bom, tili-bom...”

Didactic game "Dangerous objects"

Thematic conversations,

Looking at illustrations.

Vocabulary work :

cozy, broomstick, tassels on the ears, cat pillows.

Working with parents:

Consultations “Tell children about fire situations”


masks of the characters for the nursery rhyme “Cat’s House”, house decoration, wax candle with a red cardboard wick, red fabric to simulate fire, plumes made of transparent material to simulate rain, cardboard lantern, cat costume, toy buckets, audio recording of the song “Rain” music S. Nasaulenko, audio recording of rain sounds.

Participants :

cat (teacher), owl (teacher), children in masks.

Progress of entertainment:

Children wearing hero masks, together with their teacher, go to the house and look at it.

An owl flies to the children

Owl flies in:

Adults and children love fairy tales about everything in the world.

We will tell and show you a fairy tale that children should know.

Not a simple fairy tale, but a fireproof one.

Once upon a time there lived a cat owner in the house and Vasily, a mustachioed old cat.

Cat : Oh, how many guests have come to see me, hello!

You recognize me: who am I?

Children : Cat.

Cat : Yes, you know me closely,

I'm a friendly pussy.

At the top are tassels on the ears.

The claws are hidden in the pillows.

Clean, neat,

If they stroke me, I’m pleased.

I don’t hide my habits -

I love mice and birds.

In the dark I see clearly

I won't offend you in vain.

But teasing me is dangerous

I scratch terribly.

Cat plays with children, imitates scratching .

Since you came to visit me, let's dance and have fun.

The sound of rain sounds.

Cat: What is this?

Children: Rain.

Cat: Yes, it looks like it's starting to rain.

Children: We are not afraid of rain.

Cat: Come out and dance.

Dance with sultans to the audio recording “Rain” by S. Nasaulenko.

After the dance, the cat draws the children's attention to the buckets .

Educator: Look, whole buckets of water. Let's put them near the house and sit on a bench.

Children put buckets and sit on benches near the house.

Cat: I’m tired, I’ll go and rest in my cozy house. And so that there is also light in the house, I will light a candle(shows a wax candle with a red cardboard wick, goes into the house and puts it on the window

, but the candle falls, the house is covered with a red cloth (imitation of a fire) .

Owl : One more moment - and a light sparkle

pine logs, enveloped, enveloped.
Climbed the wallpaper, climbed onto the table,
And scattered in a swarm of golden-winged bees.
With a crash, a click and a thunder, the fire rose above the new house,
Looks around, waves his red sleeve.

(The cat runs out, looks scared and calls for help)

Cat . - Fire! We're on fire! We're on fire!
Educator: Is reading nursery rhyme, puts out a fire together with children and a cat:

Tili-bom! Tili-bom!

Cat's house caught fire!

Cat's house caught fire!

There's a column of smoke coming out!

The cat jumped out!

Her eyes are bulging!

A chicken is running with a bucket,

Cat's house floods,

And the horse with the lantern,

And the dog is with a broom,

Gray bunny with leaf

Once! Once! Once! Once! And the fire went out!

Cat: Thank you, my dears, you saved me and my house from the fire! Now I will know that I have to be very careful with fire!

Educator: Candles should not be left unattended. And if there is a fire, you need to call for help!

Cat: And for the fact that you helped me, I treat you to pies!

The cat takes out the tray of pies and gives it to the teacher, says goodbye to the children, and goes into the house.

Owl: We played, danced,

The tale was told together,

And now it's time

We have to say goodbye kids.

Firefighter rules are simple, a simple lesson,

Know, follow them and remember, my friend!

To avoid fires, -

You shouldn't play with fire!


Fire safety consultations for parents

Teach children about fire safety
It is no secret that fires most often occur from people’s careless attitude towards fire.
A significant proportion of fires occur in housing. Here, deaths and injuries to people from smoke and fire account for 9 cases out of 10. According to the Center for Fire Statistics in Russia, more than 100 people die in fires among 1 million victims. This is 6 times more than in the USA.

The main causes of fires in everyday life are: careless handling of fire when smoking and cooking, the use of electrical household appliances, television, video and audio equipment that is not adapted to the domestic electrical network or is faulty, carrying out electric welding work during renovation work in apartments, children's pranks with fire :

Fire safety in the apartment:
- Don’t play around with matches and lighters at home. This is one of the causes of fires.
- Do not leave switched on electrical appliances unattended, especially irons, heaters, TV, lamps, etc. When leaving home, do not forget to turn them off.

- Do not dry clothes over the stove. It may catch fire.

- Don't forget to turn off the gas stove. If you smell gas, do not light a match or turn on the light. Ventilate the apartment urgently.

- Never light fireworks, candles or sparklers at home without an adult.

Fire safety in the village:
- In a village or country house, do not approach the stove without adults and do not open the stove door. A hot ember or spark may jump out from there and cause a fire.
- Never touch metal parts of the stove with your bare hands. You could get seriously burned.

- Do not touch the stove damper without adult permission. If you close it ahead of time, carbon monoxide will accumulate in the house and you can suffocate.

Fire safety in the forest:
- Fire is the biggest danger in the forest. Therefore, do not light a fire without adults.
- Don't play with fire. In dry, hot weather, one match or spark from a firework is enough to set the forest on fire.

- If a fire does start, immediately run out of the forest. Try to run in the direction from which the wind is blowing.

- When leaving the forest, be sure to report the fire to adults.

If a fire starts and there are no adults at home, do this:
- If the fire is small, you can try to extinguish it immediately by throwing a thick cloth or blanket over it, pouring water or covering it with sand.
- If the fire does not go out immediately, immediately run away from the house to a safe place. And only after that, call the fire department by phone “01” or ask your neighbors about it.

- If you cannot escape from a burning apartment, immediately call “01” and tell the firefighters the exact address and number of your apartment. After that, call neighbors and passersby for help from the window.

- In a fire, smoke is much more dangerous than fire. Most people in a fire die from smoke. If you feel like you are suffocating, squat down or crawl towards the exit - there is less smoke below.

- If smoke has entered the room, you need to wet your clothes with water, cover your head with a wet napkin, and go out crouching or crawling.

- Be sure to close the window and door in the room where the fire started. A closed door can not only delay the entry of smoke, but sometimes also extinguish the fire.

- Fill the bathtub, buckets, basins with water. You can pour water on the doors and floor.

- If there is a fire in the entrance, never get into the elevator. He may shut down and you will suffocate.

- When the firefighters arrive, listen to them in everything and don’t be afraid. They know better how to save you.

Remember the most important rule
not only in case of fire, but also in case of any other danger:
“Don’t panic and don’t lose your composure!”

Dangerous games

Careless, inept handling of fire, children's games and pranks with fire and flammable objects by children of preschool and primary school age are the causes of fires as a result of accidental violation of fire safety rules.

A smoldering cigarette, a lit match, a gas stove burner or a kerosene kerosene stove (lamp, lantern) remains without comment. They are all part of our life. It is necessary to constantly remember that any of these sources can ignite flammable material, and children left without adult supervision often do not suspect that ordinary things are fraught with danger.

On average, up to 5 thousand fires occur annually, and about 250 people die in fire. Due to children's pranks with fire, up to 150 fires occur. Between 15 and 20 children die in the fire.

Why is this happening? The answer is simple - insufficient training of our children in fire safety rules. After all, training is an expansion of knowledge, familiarity with the main causes of fires, instilling basic skills in careful handling of fire and the ability to act correctly in the event of a fire, compliance with fire safety regulations. If we do not teach this to children, we will thereby plan for present and future fires due to ignorance of basic fire safety rules. Compliance with these rules should become as mandatory and natural for children as compliance with sanitary and hygienic rules. We, adults, are obliged to help them with this. Therefore, children need to be explained the dangers of playing and pranks with fire, and the safety rules when handling electrical appliances. Teach children to use primary fire extinguishing equipment (fire extinguishers) and call the fire department for help. Children must consciously comply with fire safety rules at home, at school, on the street, in the forest.

It is up to you to gain confidence or constant fear for your children.

Any pyrotechnic product has the potential to cause fire or injury. Therefore, safety in their use primarily depends on the person.

The industry DOES NOT PRODUCE New Year's attributes as completely fireproof.
An analysis of the causes of New Year's fires shows that most often they arise from sparklers and firecrackers with a fire effect, candles and homemade faulty electric garlands, and carefree pranks of children with fire.

Be aware of the risk of fire in your home:
- Talk to your children more often about fire safety measures.
- Don't let children play with matches.

- Teach children the proper use of household electrical appliances.

- Do not allow children to turn on the Christmas tree lights themselves.

- Be aware that firecrackers, candles, and sparklers can cause fire and injury.

- Be careful when using even approved and tested pyrotechnic toys.

If an accident does happen to you or your loved ones, you must immediately notify the rescue service by calling "01"


1. Don't play with matches and lighters. This may cause a fire.
2. When leaving home or room, do not forget to turn off electrical appliances.
3. Do not dry laundry over the stove.
4. Never light fireworks, candles or sparklers at home (this is best done outside and only with adults).
5. In a village or country house, do not approach the stove without adults and do not open the stove door. Fallen embers may cause a fire


1. If the fire is small, you can try to put it out immediately by throwing a thick cloth or blanket or pouring water on it.
2. If the fire does not go out immediately, immediately run away from the house to a safe place. And only after that, call the fire department on 01 or ask your neighbors about it.
3. If you cannot escape from a burning apartment (house), immediately call 01 and tell the firefighters the exact address of your apartment (house). After that, call neighbors and passersby for help from the window.
4. In a fire, smoke is much more dangerous than fire. You need to crawl to the exit - there is less smoke below.
5. If there is a fire in the entrance, never enter the elevator. He might pass out. You can only go down the stairs.
6. While waiting for the firefighters to arrive, do not lose your head and do not jump out of the window. You will definitely be saved.
7. When the firefighters arrive, obey them in everything and do not be afraid. They know better how to save you.

(for children 3-4 years old)


  • To develop children's knowledge about fire safety rules.
  • Give children an idea of ​​the benefits and dangers of fire.
  • Develop the concept of always being careful with fire.
  • Strengthen your skills in working with ready-made forms. (cognition, reading fiction, productive activity)

Preliminary work: Reading the fairy tale “Cat’s House” by S.M. Marshak, learning proverbs and poems about fire, looking at the album “01”, “Fire Safety Rules”, playing with a fire truck.

Materials for the lesson: Demonstration material “Don’t play with fire”, geometric shapes for construction, for “Fire Truck”, Cat – a surprise moment.

Progress of the lesson

Educator: Guys, today we will talk to you about fire. There is a fire in every house.

Where can I get it? (matches, lighters...)

Why make a fire? (To keep warm, cook food, burn garbage, barbecue...)

What should you put in a fire to make it burn? (Sticks, branches, firewood, leaves, dry grass, paper...)


Don't touch the matches, there's fire in the matches!

The match is small, but the fire is giant.

Don't joke with fire - you'll get burned.

Tears don't put out fires

Educator: In our apartments, guys, there are many objects that can easily catch fire, so all adults and children should be very careful with fire. Fires are very dangerous. Furniture, clothes, toys and even people can burn in a large fire.

Guys, if something bad happens - a fire, who should we call? (To the fire department)

What number? (01)

Every citizen knows

In case of fire, in case of fire

Dial "01"

What is the name of the machine that puts out fires? (fire engine)

How does a fire truck differ from other vehicles when it drives down the street? (it is red, with a ladder, goes fast, serena sounds)

What does serena sound like? (Ooh, ooh, ooh)

What are people who put out fires called? (firemen)

Didactic game “Fire Truck” (cut-out pictures)

Physical education minute

Cha-cha-cha, cha-cha-cha,

The stove is very hot.

Chi-chi-chi, chi-chi-chi,

The oven bakes kalachi

- And now I’ll read you an excerpt from the fairy tale “Cat’s House”

Mistress and Vasily,

Mustachioed old cat

Not carried out soon

Neighbors to the gate.

Word by word -

And again the conversation

And at home in front of the stove

fire burned through the carpet...

The cat Vasily has returned

Fire, we're burning, we're burning!...

With a crash, a click and a thunder

There was a fire over the new house,

Looks around

Tili bom, Tili bom,

The cat's house caught fire,

A chicken is running with a bucket,

Cockerel with a jug

Horse with a lantern

Gray bunny with a leaf

And a dog with a broom.

Once, once, the fire went out.

Educator: That's what trouble happened guys when the fire was left unattended.

Surprise moment (knock on the door)

A cat comes in, greets the children, cries, and is left without a home.

The poor cat has no home

After a terrible fire,

There wasn't even a stump left.

Educator: Calms the cat and offers to sit down and listen to what needs to be done and known so that such a disaster does not happen. Let's guys remember the fire safety rules.

Children's answers:

For fun and games

Don't pick up matches!

Don't joke with fire, my friend.

So as not to regret later!

Don't light the fire yourself

And don't let others!

Even the little one is a twinkle

Not far from the fire!

Gas in the kitchen, vacuum cleaner,

TV and iron

Let only adults turn on

Our reliable senior friend!

May we be small in stature

Only growth has nothing to do with it!

We are always ready for adults

Help fight the fire!

Cat: Addresses children:

You guys are great and know everything. And in the fire, my paws and tail were burned and I was left without a house.

Educator: Don’t be upset, Cat, our children love animals, they will build new houses for you and your friends.

Children construct houses from geometric shapes

Lesson summary