Tourism in the Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug. Tourism industry in Khmao-Yugra and Surgut region. Project creation plan

The problem of tourism development every year worries the district government more and more, this is evidenced by numerous resolutions

The Tourism Committee of the Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug (KhMAO-Yugra) has developed a regional target program for tourism development for 2007-2012.

The regional target program for the development of tourism in the Autonomous Okrug for 2007-2012 was created with the aim of forming a competitive tourism and recreational industry in Ugra.

The main objectives of the program were: the formation of a modern and effective mechanism for managing the tourism industry of the district, the development of the material base of tourism by attracting Russian and foreign investments for the reconstruction and construction of new vacation spots, the creation of traditional tourist centers in Khanty-Mansiysk, Surgut and the development of new areas in the western and the central part of the region, which have extensive natural, historical and cultural potential.

The main consumer of tourism services in Ugra are the residents of the district - 1.5 million people. And all projects are focused specifically on domestic tourism. The district's territory is large; people living in the east of the district have never been to the west and vice versa. Yes, sure, travel business will develop and the number of foreign tourists will increase. But it is necessary to assess the situation pragmatically and rely on domestic tourists.

The main task is to make the stay of tourists in the area attractive and useful. And this is already being done. Today people from the south Tyumen region are already frequent guests at hospitals, hunting and fishing grounds, as well as at those major cultural and sporting events that are held here.

Business tourism is also developing. This is a very attractive type of tourism for our region and therefore much attention is paid to it. The dynamics here is 25% annually. If it started with a figure of 170 thousand tourists, then last year there were already 500 thousand.

There is another important area - health. In this regard, a whole project “Resorts of Ugra” has been created in the district. Wellness centers are based on natural mineral resources, thermal mineral waters, mud and so on. There is a lot of this in the area and, moreover, of excellent quality.

On next year The formation of a winter sports center with the most exotic sports is almost complete. So the district will have all the conditions to come here, get healthy and engage in active recreation. It can be concluded that the district government pays great importance development of tourism in the district. This is evidenced by the adopted program/


What should a city have for it to become a tourist center?

Yugorsk is located in the west of Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug. The city has many advantages for creating a tourist center in it. Firstly convenient location: the city has railway and through it there is a connection with the mainland, the airport is 15 km away. from the city and from Moscow can be reached in just 4 hours, this is very convenient for tourists from Western Europe. Will be opened in 2 years highway and there will be access to the Sverdlovsk region.

The city has several hotels for tourists, and there are rooms in these hotels for every taste. Guests of the city are offered rooms from 500 rubles and above to rooms of higher categories. The following hotels operate in the city today: “Kedr”, “Sibirskaya”, “Yugorsk”, “Sportivnaya” and others. Tourists can stay in 1-, 2-, 3-bed rooms.

Meals can also be organized at the highest level. Tourists can be offered restaurants, cafes, and canteens. The menu is offered to choose from according to the wishes of each tourist.

The city has everything for various excursions. Tourists are invited to visit the temple, museum, “Amarant”, the NORD television and radio company, the New GAZPROMTRANSGAZYUGORSK building, the open-air museum “Suevat Paul” and much more.

For recreation there are the necessary sports facilities. There are also enough of them and they are for every age and taste: from sports games to skiing and skating at any time of the year. For hunting lovers, hunting and fishing can be organized on the numerous rivers that exist in the vicinity of our city.

Transport provision is also easy to solve. The city has a transport company with a huge fleet of comfortable buses.

Conclusion: Yugorsk has everything to become a tourist center in the West of the district


The future city began in 1962, when Komsomolsky village was built. It owes its appearance to forests and gas. The city received its current name in July 1992. It comes from the area of ​​Ugra, Yugoria, where the Khanty and Mansi people lived.

In March 1959 units of the railway troops began construction of the Ivdel-Ob road. Almost simultaneously with them, loggers began to develop the taiga, timber industry enterprises were created, and housing was built. It took more than three decades for a compact and fairly comfortable city to grow from the first peg and sign on a pine tree.

On the site of the first wooden buildings there is now the Yugorsk Hotel, the Yubileiny Sports Palace, the city museum of history and ethnography, residential buildings, and the central park of culture and recreation "Attraction".

The relief in the city is flat. There are forests around, where there are a lot of mushrooms and berries. The Ess River flows 5 km from the city.

Representatives of almost all nationalities live in the city former USSR, among 158 residents of the indigenous peoples of the North are the Khanty and Mansi. The predominant nationalities are Russians, Ukrainians, Tatars. More than 2/3 of the city's citizens are over 18 years old. The predominant religion is Christianity (Orthodoxy). Built in the city Orthodox church Sergius of Radonezh, as well as a mosque.

The main enterprise of the city, Gazpromtransgazyugorsk, is engaged in gas transportation. The number of employees at the enterprise is more than 30 thousand. More than 6 thousand of them live in Yugorsk. The growth of the village is closely related to the development of gas fields Western Siberia. The city has building materials factories, a brick factory, a clothing factory, and a construction organization - the Yugorskremstroygaz trust.

The leading enterprise in the village of Komsomolsky during its formation was the timber industry enterprise - the largest enterprise in its industry, the flagship of the forest industry. It was in the Komsomolsk Timber Industry Enterprise that Hero of Socialist Labor Pavel Vasilyevich Popov worked twice, after whom one of the city streets is named.

There are three banks in the city - branches of commercial banks Gazprombank, Khanty-Mansiysk Bank, and a branch of Sberbank.

The agricultural enterprise "Yugorskoye" operates on the territory of the city. It is multidisciplinary. The enterprise includes a mini-bakery, sausage and dairy shops, and a greenhouse complex for growing vegetables and flowers.

Every year the city grows and becomes more beautiful. In the year of the 39th anniversary, with the blessing of Patriarch Alexy II of Moscow and All Rus', the region’s largest Temple of St. Sergius of Radonezh began operating here. The monument-chapel, located in the center of the city square, echoes the temple’s unique sculptural design and high idea of ​​spiritual rebirth.

Despite the distance from the capital's centers, people do not feel deprived of cultural values. Young Ugra residents study at the Children's Art School, Art College, and participate in clubs and sections municipal institutions culture and center "Nord". Institutions additional education clubs "Prometheus" and "Amarant", sports institutions provide useful leisure time for children.

The local museum of history and ethnography - the pride of all townspeople - offers exhibitions introducing the life and way of life of the indigenous population - the Khanty and Mansi, with a 45-year biography of Yugorsk, with the history of the development of gas fields.

The city also has its own cultural traditions. One of them is the festival Northern lights", in which talents of all ages from the cities of the district and highway villages take part. Celebrating City Day and Day of Oil and Gas Industry Workers has also become a good tradition for the townspeople. On the first Saturday of September, residents of Yugorsk - both old and young - take to the streets to admire carnival procession, take part in a truly national holiday with songs and dances.

Sport has been and remains an important way to form a healthy mind in a healthy body. In the sports and recreation complexes "Yubileiny", "Smena", "Kedr" competitions are held, at the service of amateurs active rest- swimming pools and stadiums. The city also has its own champions, who have won high titles at international and European competitions.

The city publishes the newspaper "Yugorsky Vestnik", the founder of which is the city administration, as well as the departmental "Nord" and the large-circulation "Gas Transport". In 1993, Nord television was founded by the Tyumentransgaz enterprise. The programs broadcast by the television company are designed for the widest audience. Currently, all programs are broadcast from the new television center. In 1995, a branch of the radio station "Europe Plus Yugorsk" was formed with 24-hour broadcasting.

The amazingly beautiful taiga stretches around Yugorsk. In the protected areas of the State Nature Reserve "Verkhnekondinsky", the natural monument "Kondinsky Lakes" and the nature reserve "Malaya Sosva" you can see wild reindeer, wolves, bears and other animals. Extraordinarily rich and varied vegetable world taiga

In memory of the defenders of the Fatherland and the pioneers of the Yugra land, a monument was erected - a MiG-25 fighter soaring into the sky. Eternal flame, blazing under the winged car, is a symbol of grateful memory to everyone who created and defended life in our harsh and beautiful land. Conclusion: There are enough places in the city that would be interesting for tourists to see.


15 km. from the city of Yugorsk is the city of Sovetsky. Tourists can be offered a visit to the museum. The Kondinskie Lakes natural park is also very popular.

Kondinskie lakes

Established as a district institution on June 22, 1995, the Kondinskie Lakes natural park received district status in November 1998 by decree of the Governor of the Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug No. 498. When determining the boundaries of the park, the main prerequisite was the need to preserve the water system of the Kondinskie Lakes as much as possible. From the west, the natural park borders on the Verkhne-Kondinsky Federal natural reserve, and from the east the territory of the park is adjacent to licensed areas of intensively developed oil fields.

The basis of the territory of the natural park is a system of lakes located along the left bank of the Konda River, including lakes Arantur,

Pont-Tour, Range-Tour. The relatively large lake area is distinctive feature natural park.

The largest lake is Arantur. Its area is 1165 hectares, with an average depth of only about one and a half meters. Lakes Arantour, Pont Tours,

Lopukhovoe and Krugloye are connected to each other by the Akh channel and form a single lake-river system. The shores of Arantur are mostly low, hard, and sandy. Most of the coastline is occupied by light forests, but in some places there are very picturesque areas of meadow and marsh herbs. It was on the bank of Arantur, in a pine forest, that the scientific and production base of the natural park was built.

The second largest lake, Range-Tur, is the southernmost of the lakes. It has a rounded shape and low, mostly marshy banks. From the north and east, the lake is surrounded by a large tract of raised sphagnum bog, which is very rich in cranberries and attracts many pickers of this berry in the fall. From the west, the river flows from Range-Tur. Zolotaya and the shore of the lake in the floodplain of the river are also swampy. Only from the south and north-west do light pine forests approach its shores. To preserve the unique wetland complex, Lake Range-Tur and the coastal zone 1 km wide from the water's edge in

In 1988 it was declared a natural monument of local importance.

The main representatives of the fauna of the natural park are typical “taiga animals”: ​​sable, elk, ermine, weasel, mountain hare, squirrel. But here you can also find those species of mammals and birds that are characteristic of the northern taiga and tundra (wolverine, taiga subspecies of wild reindeer, ptarmigan, bean goose, etc.). To date, 37 species of mammals have been recorded in the natural park and its surrounding areas. 178 species of birds, 11 species of fish, 3 species of amphibians and 2 species of reptiles. Of these, species listed in the

The Red Book and valuable hunting and commercial species, the numbers of which have been significantly undermined as a result of unreasonable economic development of taiga resources in recent decades.

Since 1995, by decree of the Governor of the Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug, hunting for wild reindeer has been completely prohibited in the territory of the district until its commercial numbers are restored.

In addition, 5 species of birds listed in the Red Book are noted on the territory of the natural park: red-breasted goose, osprey, golden eagle, peregrine falcon and white-tailed eagle. The rare, little-studied and declining birds of the region - black-throated loon, red-throated loon, whooper swan, eagle owl, honey beetle, hen harrier and others - also require special protection.

In addition to the natural complex, in the Kondinskie Lakes natural park, about 300 identified to date are under protection.

archaeological sites that are historical and cultural monuments. The earliest of them belong to the Mesolithic era and date back to VII-VI

thousand BC e. Historical and cultural monuments are represented mainly by earthen structures, among which the most common are settlements (including dwellings, outbuildings, hearths, etc.). In addition, settlements that performed defensive functions, burial grounds, fishing structures (pit traps intended for hunting ungulates), and production sites associated with the process of smelting and processing iron (remains of smelting furnaces) were discovered. It is the abundance, diversity and seriality of archaeological objects, concentration on limited area and their complementarity make the park territory unique in historical terms.

The territory of the Kondinskie Lakes natural park is traditionally used by the population of the Sovetsky district as a place of recreation. Sandy low banks

Arantura, overgrown with pine forests, its shallow water and warming up in the summer attract many people for swimming and relaxing on the beaches.

The abundance of mushrooms and berries in the forests and swamps of the park attracts a very large number of mushroom pickers and berry pickers in July-September. And fishermen and amateur hunters willingly use these forests and rivers for their fisheries. The presence of a network of roads makes the territory convenient and accessible for all these purposes.

In addition, since 1996, employees of the natural park have been organizing excursions to the park for schoolchildren in the area under the program of a two-day weekend camp and environmental lessons in nature. And in the summer, children of difficult fates relax every year at the base of the natural park on the banks of Arantur - summer camp organized jointly with the youth policy committee of the district administration. Over the summer, these children have time to relax, gain health, and, immersed in an atmosphere of respect, care, and warmth, their souls thaw. The surrounding beautiful nature softens their hearts. In total, over the years of operation of the natural park, 409 children rested in the summer camp, and 2306 went on trips under the environmental excursion program.

There are several interpretations of the word "Arantur". It is possible that this name is translated from Mansi as Deer Lake. And it’s not surprising, because the whole life of the local population was once very closely connected with the deer.

But there are other translation options: Red Lake. Copper Lake and even Singing Lake. They talk about how poetically and reverently the people who lived on its shores treated their lake. They knew how to see and sing of copper-red sunsets and the singing of pine trees in the wind. It is important for us, living in this region today, to understand and preserve the beauty of the amazing necklace of the Kondinsky lakes and the riches of the taiga that we inherited. Conclusion:

Only by seeing with their own eyes the beauty of this harsh region will tourists be able to appreciate the beauty of our places.


You can offer the following program for tourists' stay.

The tour can be designed for 7-8 days; at the request of tourists, it can be extended to 10 days.

Day 1: Meeting tourists. Sightseeing tour of the city of Yugorsk.

Relaxation evening "Let's get to know each other."

Day 2: Excursion to the city museum. Ski trip to the forest. Sports games in the gym.

Day 3: Excursion to the open-air museum “Suevat Paul”. Visit to Amaranth. Ice Palace, ice skating.

4. days: Excursion to choose from Komsomolsk health care facility or the central building of GAZPROMTRANSGAZYUGORSK. Ski trip. Evening of rest.

Day 5-6 “2-day excursion to the Kondinskie Lakes natural park”

Day 7: Excursion to the city of Sovetsky, museum. Ski trip. Evening of rest.

8. day Departure.

What will the cost of the trip be?

Accommodation 1000 x 7=7000

Power 400 x 7=2800

Excursion service 2000


Conclusion: The stay program can be supplemented with other excursions and various cultural events, this will depend on the age of the tourists and their interests. Guided tours can be arranged for small groups. For such groups, you can use small Gazelle cars.


Thus, based on the materials studied, we can conclude:

Yugorsk can become a tourism center in the Western part of our district.

The city has everything necessary for this, and the work proves it. Moreover, the development of tourism can bring good income and replenish the city’s budget. For tourists from Western Europe, Russian language classes can be provided. There are specialists in the city who could conduct such classes.

Khanty-Mansiysk autonomous region has significant recreational resources, which are expressed in the presence of various landscapes, from plains to mid-mountain relief (in the Subpolar Urals - with alpine features). The main tourist and recreational zones for the development of ecological tourism in the Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug - Ugra are represented by the Western and Northern zones.

There are two state reserves here: “Yugansky” and “Malaya Sosva”, four natural parks: “Sibirskie Uvaly”, “Kondinskie Lakes”, “Samarovsky Chugas”, “Numto”, three reserves of federal significance: Verkhne-Kondinsky, Vaspukholsky, Elizarovsky and four - district significance: Sorumsky, Untorsky, "Vogulka", Berezovsky.

Natural parks have accumulated a certain amount of experience in organizing ecological and scientific tourism; they have equipped ecological trails, a variety of exciting routes, environmental programs and tours, ecological and ethnographic expeditions, which make it possible to fully study the ecosystem of the Autonomous Okrug and get acquainted with the sights of the historical cultural heritage.

Tourist companies of the Autonomous Okrug, when developing excursion routes, include in their programs the most interesting and educational natural objects Autonomous Okrug.

The total number of tourists who visited natural parks in 2009 was 12.5 thousand people, which is 52% less than in 2010 (19.0 thousand people), and 70% less than in 2011. (21.3 thousand people). By creating and improving conditions for the development of ecological tourism in promising territories of the Autonomous Okrug (including the development of new attractive routes and infrastructure), this area of ​​tourism can provide an additional influx of tourists of over 30,000 people per year. To develop ecotourism it is necessary to create legal and economic conditions tourism companies for the development of tourism infrastructure in natural parks and other specially protected natural areas in the Berezovsky, Sovetsky, Kondinsky, Beloyarsky, Khanty-Mansiysk and Nizhnevartovsky regions.

The historical and cultural potential of the Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug - Ugra is an important competitive advantage of the tourism industry of the Autonomous Okrug. Travel for cultural and educational purposes accounts for about 19% of the domestic flow. In 2009, 74.6 thousand people visited the Autonomous Okrug for such purposes, which is 3.5% less than in 2010 (72.0 thousand people), and 1.8% more than in 2011 ( 76.0 thousand people)

Museum exhibitions of the Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug - Ugra are able to provide a full-fledged attractive excursion program for guests and residents of the Autonomous Okrug.

In total, there are 36 museums and their branches on the territory of the Autonomous Okrug, including 4 state ones: the State Art Museum, the Museum of Geology, Oil and Gas, the Museum of Nature and Man and the open-air ethnographic museum “Torum Maa”.

The territory of the Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug - Ugra has been inhabited by indigenous peoples of the North (Khanty, Mansi and Nenets) for three millennia. In many ways, it is the original culture of the indigenous peoples of the North, rites and rituals, ethnic musical folklore, traditional trades and crafts that shape prospects for the development of ethnographic tourism in the Autonomous Okrug.

However, the current situation in the field of tourism in the Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug shows that the implemented set of government measures for the development of tourism infrastructure (providing grants to the Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug - Ugra) does not have a decisive influence on a positive change in the situation.

It is necessary to increase this government support for infrastructure development for various types tourism along with information support for domestic and inbound tourism, as well as improving the quality of services provided.

For the development of ecological tourism in Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug there are the necessary recreational resources: more than 2000 rivers, over 800 plant species, 42 fish species, more than 50 mammal species, etc.

With the correct formation, adaptation and functioning of the ecotourism development model in Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug, the following result should be expected:

Sustainable use of natural resources;

Ensuring the conservation of natural and cultural diversity;

Increasing the level of environmental education for visitors;

Saving costs for environmental protection measures;

Supporting the local economy through the tax base to attract businesses;

Participation of the local population in the development of tourism and their receipt of financial and other benefits from these activities.

Due to poorly developed tourism infrastructure, tourism business is hampered. However, with the development road network The accessibility of wild corners of nature will increase, and their appearance will inevitably change. The attractiveness of such places for ecological tours will decrease. This process is well known to countries with developed mass tourism. It is necessary to think in advance about a possible and, most importantly, sufficient network of communications (highways, roads, trails) and service complexes. Preserve as much as possible the wild appearance of nature (including the feeling of inaccessibility of its remote corners), but at the same time give the opportunity to enjoy this wildness.

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The first evidence of life on the “Ugra” land (Ugra is the historical name of the Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug) dates back to the Middle Stone Age. Sites, settlements and burial grounds of that time are few and unique. People who lived on the territory of Ugra in ancient centuries left behind the most interesting cultural monuments as a result of their communication with the peoples of the East and West. The most interesting of them are presented on Barsovaya Mountain and in the area near the village of Saigatino, Surgut region.

The first written message about the people living “in the midnight lands” was recorded in the “Tale of Bygone Years” in 1096. The 12th-13th centuries are noted in chronicles by fairly frequent campaigns of Novgorodians to Ugra to collect tribute - the fur of sables, ermines, arctic foxes and squirrels. The region was considered as a major fishing center.

The annexation of Siberia to the Moscow state occurred after the legendary campaign of Ermak Timofeevich. The cities of Pelyma and Berezov were founded in 1592, and Surgut in 1594. In 1708, by decree of Peter I, the Siberian province was established (it included the cities of Berezov and Surgut).

On December 10, 1930, a national district was formed - Ostyak-Vogulsky (Khanty-Mansiysk). The district received autonomous status in 1977, and the status of a full subject Russian Federation- in 1993. In accordance with the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation dated July 25, 2003, the Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug was renamed the Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug - Ugra.

The Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug cannot boast of a warm climate and long summers. Meanwhile, this most interesting place for travel: primarily for event, business, congress, sports and eco-tourism.

In Ugra there are 4,903 cultural heritage sites, 36 museums and their branches, including 4 state ones.

Ugra District is unique natural complex: Thousands of lakes and rivers, abundant berry swamps and taiga forests offer fishing and hunting opportunities.

Beautiful natural conditions In winter, high stable snow cover, excellent relief, hills and valleys contribute to the fact that extreme and non-traditional sports: snowboarding and alpine skiing are developing and gaining more and more fans in the area.

Developing in Ugra sports tourism . The district is an attractive place for holding international and all-Russian competitions. The Ski Center hosts international biathlon competitions, including the World Cup. In March 2003, the largest and most spectacular biathlon competition - the Biathlon World Championship - was held here for the first time in Russia.

Very popular here ecological tourism: recreation in the countryside, routes through protected areas, river cruises along the rivers of the Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug - Ugra. The most exotic tours are possible in the west of the district among the amazingly beautiful snow-capped mountain peaks of the Northern and Subpolar Urals.

Ugra has a good base for development ethnic And ethnographic tourism. Of great interest ancient culture Khanty and Mansi. WITH local culture You can get acquainted through direct communication with its bearers in national villages and camps, live in a tent, ride a reindeer sled, learn the secrets of national cuisine, listen to and believe in myths and fairy tales, see with your own eyes what is called Siberian shamanism.

Here you can also visit ecological and ethnographic museum complexes, of which there are more than 41, more than 4,000 historical and cultural monuments.

Event and cultural tourism. Big number visits guests administrative center Ugra is the city of Khanty-Mansiysk. The television festivals “Save and Preserve” and “Golden Tambourine”, the film festival “Spirit of Fire”, the theater festival “Chaika”, and the music festival “Ugra” have already become traditional.

Water tourism in the region - these are trips to the confluence of the Ob and Irtysh, river tours and boat trips, weekend tours, fishing competitions.

Fishing and hunting. August - September - the most best time for amateur fishermen and athletes. Amazing nature, rich and diverse flora and fauna of these places. Unique water resources provide an opportunity to relax away from “civilization” and noisy cities, and to feel the romance of taiga adventures. Huntsman service, accommodation in a hunting lodge, transfer, registration of a fishing license, processing of trophies, full equipment, hunting equipment.

The Northern Sosva River basin is unique, its length is 538 km. In addition to the so-called “garish” fish species (pike, ide, perch, bream, etc.), which are an ordinary subject of sport fishing, “exclusive” species of sturgeon, salmon and whitefish can be added to the area.

Meanwhile, Yugra today is oil rigs, pipelines, highways, modern airports and institutions, tourist, hotel, restaurant and entertainment complexes. Therefore, congress and business tourism is of great importance for the region. International forums, congresses, and specialized exhibitions are constantly held in Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug.

Despite the already established tourism structure, tourism in the district continues to be developed by representatives of the tourism sector.

This year, Ugra took part in international tourism exhibitions: “MATKA - 2013” ​​in Helsinki (Finland) and “REGIONTOUR - 2013” ​​in Brno (Czech Republic).

At The Helsinki Exhibition & Convention Centre, more than 1,100 companies from 76 countries presented their exhibits at the international tourism exhibition Matka 2013, which is the first of the year's largest tourism industry exhibitions northwestern region Europe. This year, the Matka 2013 exhibition managed to attract more than 76,000 visitors, 24,000 of whom came from abroad. Particularly widely represented were such tourism segments as the so-called “tourism northern territories", ethno- and ecotourism, hunting and fishing. That is why the Yugra exposition fit perfectly into the specifics of the exhibition and attracted the attention of visitors.

Among the materials offered about the Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug - Ugra, a colorful English-language booklet about Ugra, guidebooks, route maps, contacts of tour operators broken down by tourism industry, as well as souvenirs, including handmade crafts from wood chips and omelets, were presented. In addition, visitors to the exhibition watched films about Ugra with interest, making sure that all conditions were created in the Autonomous Okrug not only for ethnographic tourism, but also for full-fledged hunting and fishing.

The greatest demand among visitors to the exhibition was for tours with an ethnographic focus, as well as event tours related to winter sports, in particular visiting international biathlon competitions.

The International Tourism Exhibition "Regiontour" is the largest tourism exhibition in Central Europe with an emphasis on regions. It is a full-scale presentation of regions, travel companies and agencies, and national representative offices.

The tourism potential of Ugra was presented by advertising and information materials about tourism opportunities (tours, routes, excursion programs), as well as offers from tourism industry enterprises of the Autonomous Okrug. Participants and visitors to the exhibition were shown films about the possibilities of ethnographic tourism, hunting and fishing in the Autonomous Okrug.

In addition, one of the leading tour operators of Ugra, LLC Transport Corporation Sputnik (Nizhnevartovsk), took part in the exhibition, which held negotiations with foreign tour operators specializing in the Russian tourism market.

As part of the participation of the delegation of the Autonomous Okrug, a meeting was held with the Consul General of the Russian Federation in Brno Andrei Sharashkin, the gateman of the South Moravian Region Mikhail Hasek and representatives of the Czech Tourist Association of Tour Operators CzechTourism. The Czech side expressed a desire to organize a trip for representatives of the tourism industry to the cities of Khanty-Mansiysk, Surgut and Nizhnevartovsk for the purpose of presenting their tourism products, including health and wellness tours. In the future, it is also planned to organize a study tour for travel agencies of the Autonomous Okrug in the Czech Republic.

Thus, the Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug - Ugra has ample opportunities for the further development of tourism. Winter natural conditions, an abundance of rivers and lakes, flora and fauna of the district allow the development of such types of tourism as sports, water, environmental, as well as hunting and fishing. The culture of the ancient Khanty and Mansi peoples gives rise to ethnic and ethnographic tourism. In addition, the district often hosts international forums, specialized exhibitions and congresses, which promotes business tourism. Cultural and event tourism is developed through television, theater, music and film festivals. In addition, the participation of representatives of the tourism sector in international exhibitions contributes to the development of international cooperation, and also provides opportunities to strengthen the image of Ugra as a favorable region for tourism, create new business contacts and implement joint projects.

2. Development of medical tourism in Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug

The presence of natural-climatic and tourist-recreational resources in the Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug - Ugra creates the prerequisites for the development of medical and health tourism. Based on the results of studying information about the mineral resources of the Autonomous Okrug (balneological resources, underground mineral medicinal waters, medicinal mud), which can be used as a unique tourist resource of the Autonomous Okrug, it was revealed that on the territory of the Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug - Ugra there are 7 points of balneological use of underground mineral medicinal waters, which are contained in the Aptian-Albian-Cenomanian and Neocomian aquifer complexes, are the cities: Surgut (sanatorium-preventorium “Kedrovy Log” 2 wells), Kogalym (hydropathic clinic of the city hospital), Nizhnevartovsk (sanatorium-preventorium “Neftyanik Samotlor”) , Yugorsk (sanatorium-preventorium of Tyumen Trans Gas LLC), Urai (rehabilitation hospital, well mothballed), Khanty-Mansiysk (wellness hotel "Yugorskaya Dolina", hydropathic clinic of the city hospital).

In 160 lakes of the Autonomous Okrug, out of more than 400 surveyed, sapropel deposits were identified.

The medicinal properties of medicinal sapropel muds identified in the Autonomous Okrug are comparable to the medicinal sapropels of the resorts “Talaya” (Magadan region), “Samotsvet” (Sverdlovsk region), “Kisegach” (Chelyabinsk region), “Taraskul” (Tyumen region).

According to statistics, the number of tourists who visited the Autonomous Okrug for medical and recreational purposes in 2011 increased by 1.5% (20.0 thousand people), in 2010 it decreased by 1.8% (18.2 thousand people .), in comparison with the figures for 2009 (19.7 thousand people).

Thus, the results of the work performed make it possible to rationally plan the development of medical and health tourism in the territory of the Autonomous Okrug, using program-targeted methods and the use of public-private partnership mechanisms, taking into account effective interdepartmental interaction, control and adoption of agreed decisions. The development of this type of tourism is the most significant for maintaining health, increasing the level and quality of life of the population. In the future, the city of Khanty-Mansiysk and the Khanty-Mansiysk region are proposed to be considered as one of the health centers in the Ural Federal District.

There are more than 50 resorts operating in the country that have a mud and balneo-mud profile, and hundreds of non-resort institutions that use therapeutic mud. There are two deposits of medicinal mud in the district:

1. Lake Shchuchye, 50 km from the city of Yugorsk;

2. Lake Vach-Lor, village. Ult-Yagun, Surgut district.

In Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug-Yugra, peloid therapy is used only in 3 sanatorium-type institutions:

1. Sanatorium “Kedrovy Log”, Surgut - mud used is imported from Lake Maly Taraskul, Tyumen region;

2. Sanatorium-preventorium of Gazpromtransgaz LLC, Yugorsk - mud is used from Lake Shchuchye, 50 km from Yugorsk.

3. Sanatorium “Neftyanik Samotlor”, Nizhnevartovsk - mud used is imported from Lake Maly Taraskul, Tyumen region.

Today, peloids are used only from Lake Shchuchye in the sanatorium-preventorium of Gazpromtransgaz Yugorsk LLC.

The most popular health center within the city of Khanty-Mansiysk, surrounded by a coniferous forest, is the Cronwell Resort Yugorskaya Dolina 4* - a symbiosis of a hotel and a wellness SPA center, operating as a modern sanatorium with a general health profile.

The hotel is located in an ecologically clean area on the banks of the river. Gornaya (tributary of the Irtysh), 1.5 km from the airport, 15 min. drive from the city center. In 2009, at the presentation of the National Tourism Award. Yu. Senkevich, the Cronwell Resort Yugorskaya Dolina hotel was awarded the diploma “Best Hotel in the 4 Star Category”.

Since 2005, Yugra Valley has been operating as a Wellness Hotel, offering guests and residents of the city a unique set of services based on natural Siberian components and thermal water for the restoration and healing of the body. All rooms are equipped with an electronic key card, long-distance and international communication, multi-channel television, Internet port, hairdryer, minibar, safe.

In 2006, Cronwell Resort Ugra Valley was recognized as one of the leaders in the regional competition “Business Leader of Ugra-2006”. The hotel has a Wellness Center with a wide range of general health programs.

All center specialists have medical education, keeping up with the times, constantly improve their skills. Innovative methods of “New Nevera” cosmetics from the Alfa-Spa group of companies, new aromatherapy and aroma peeling, ultra-modern types of abdominal and lymphatic drainage massage from the Moscow aromatherapy center “Iris” are the last of the courses completed over the past six months.

Reception and consultation of visitors to Cronwell Resort is led by a candidate medical sciences, doctor of rehabilitation medicine, physiotherapist highest category Barashkova Alla Alexandrovna. The doctor works in the areas of restorative medicine, dietary nutrition, harmonious lifestyle, and the use of medical SPA areas to achieve excellent physical shape. You will receive specific recommendations from a professional that will definitely be useful to you in everyday life.

On the territory of the hotel there is a unique facility - a bathhouse courtyard with an open-air mineral thermal pool. The water in the pool has a chloride-sodium-iodine-bromine-boron composition and is extracted from a well over 1800 m deep. Minerals not only improve well-being, but also rejuvenate skin cells. Water of the same composition, only more concentrated, is also present in the indoor pool of the Wellness Center. A separate font has been allocated for it, not unreasonably called by our visitors the “Bath of Youth”. This healing water is indicated for diseases of the circulatory system, nervous, endocrine and musculoskeletal systems; digestive and respiratory organs; digestive disorders and metabolic disorders; diseases of the skin and genitourinary system. A balneological conclusion was given for the mineral water.

The pearl of the hotel's Wellness Center is the Siberian SPA. The procedures are based on natural ingredients: lingonberries, cedar nuts, cranberries, antlers. The use of these components during wraps and massages has a unique healing effect on the entire body.

Cronwell Park Dobrino welcomes guests 60 kilometers from Khanty-Mansiysk. This is unique natural area, combining many ecologically clean lakes and picturesque forests. There is everything here for an unforgettable holiday: Russian bathhouse, horse riding, pheasant hunting, quad biking and many other activities that strengthen the body and soul.

For more than three years, Сronwell Resort Yugorskaya Dolina 4* has been successfully working with commercial and manufacturing companies, factories and insurance organizations in Russia and we have extensive experience in partnership in the field of voluntary health insurance with such companies as GSK Yugoria, OJSC SOGAZ, OSAO RESO-Garantiya, GSK "Anchor".

Today, the rehabilitation hospital uses mineral water from wells 1226 m deep. and 1450m. These waters contain a high concentration of bromine, iodine, boron and other trace elements.

Mineral water in the hospital is used for various balneological procedures. These are general and local baths. Their action is based on the influence of water of different temperatures on numerous nerve endings that are embedded in human skin. He is immersed in water for 15 minutes, and given time a so-called “water cloak” is created on his body. There is no need to shower after a bath, since the minerals continue to have a healing effect for several hours. According to experts, as a result, blood circulation increases, which helps remove toxic products from the body, as well as accelerate recovery processes. Also, several baths have “pearl bars” for underwater massage - as they say, two pleasures in one. The hospital also has a swimming pool where underwater spinal traction is performed. For people who have contraindications to full immersion (mostly elderly patients), a four-chamber galvanic bath for hands and feet works. In addition, mineral water is used for inhalation, bronchial baths, irrigation, and so on. And if balneological tourism is developed in the Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug, then the services of a hydropathic clinic and leisure time organized by travel companies, comfortable accommodation in modern hotels will become more in demand.

Today in Ugra, not only district authorities, but also private business are involved in the creation of a balneological zone. Like, for example, the largest tourism holding company “Ugra-Service”. Now this company is constructing a thermal complex in Khanty-Mansiysk. This spring, on the territory adjacent to the Yugorskaya Dolina hotel, the first “golden” pile of the future resort was driven. The event took place with the participation of the Governor of the Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug Alexander Filipenko.

The thermal complex will include swimming pools with mineral water, thermal baths, a bath alley, mud baths, cafes, bars, a children's room and much more. The construction of this complex is supported by the regional government as part of programs to develop tourism in Ugra and improve the health of the district's population.

Nature itself gave Ugra the basis for balneology - mineral water. Today the main thing is to skillfully manage this wealth. And it is quite possible that in a few years Khanty-Mansiysk will become a center of balneological tourism. And why not, because, as practice shows, the most daring projects are successfully implemented in the Autonomous Okrug. A few years ago, the very idea of ​​a holiday in the North seemed utopian to numerous skeptics! And today there are already concrete results - this summer alone, more than 106 thousand tourists from all over the world visited Ugra.

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