Language analysis and synthesis of Lalaev. Speech therapy work on the development of language analysis and synthesis. Study of auditory function and speech perception

Dysgraphia is based on a disorder language analysis and synthesis lies in the violation of various forms of language analysis and synthesis: dividing sentences into words, syllabic and phonemic analysis and synthesis. The underdevelopment of language analysis and synthesis manifests itself in writing in distortions of the structure of words and sentences. The most complex form of language analysis is phonemic analysis. As a result, distortions of the sound-letter structure of words will be especially common in this type of dysgraphia.

With this type of dysgraphia, the child has difficulty in continuous traffic oral speech highlight some individual words and then separate these words and sounds.

The most typical errors are: omissions of consonants when they are combined (dictation - “dikat”, school - “kola”); vowel omissions (dog - “sbaka”, home - “dma”); permutations of letters (path - “prota”, window - “kono”); adding letters (dragged - “tasakali”); omissions, additions, rearrangement of syllables (room - “kota”, glass - “kata”).

For correct mastery The writing process requires that phonemic analysis be formed in the child not only externally, in speech, but also internally, according to presentation. Correct and effective preparation for language learning is realized at the level of development of language analysis and synthesis. Speech therapy work on the development of language analysis and synthesis is carried out in several directions.

Development of syllabic analysis and synthesis.

Development of sentence analysis into words.

Development of phonemic analysis and synthesis.

During classes, the child listens attentively to words and sounds, and intonationally identifies sounds in words.

Determines the place of a sound in a word, distinguishes between hard and soft consonant sounds by ear, and selects words based on a given sound. Children get acquainted with materialized models of words - diagrams. They learn to identify all the sounds in a word and model words.

Speech therapy work on the formation of phonemic analysis and synthesis is carried out taking into account the complexity of various forms of sound analysis and synthesis:

isolating a vowel sound from a number of sounds;

isolating a consonant sound from a number of sounds;

highlighting the first vowel sound in a word;

highlighting the first consonant sound in a word;

highlighting the last consonant sound from words;

determining the place of a vowel sound in a word;

determining the place of a consonant sound in a word.

Sound recognition tasks:

Clap your hands if the given sound is heard in the word.

Raise the flag if you hear the given sound in a word.

Select a picture whose title contains the given sound.

Find words in the story picture that contain the given sound.

Come up with a word that starts with the given sound.

Tasks to determine the place of sound in words:

1. Game “Train”.

Children arrange the pictures into trailers depending on where the sound is heard.

2. Game “Close with a chip”.

Children determine the place of the sound in the word (beginning or end) and cover the picture with a red chip if the sound is heard at the beginning of the word, and with a green chip if the sound is heard at the end of the word.

3. Game “Traffic Light”.

Children place a chip on the left red, middle yellow or green right side of the strip, depending on where the sound is heard in the word.

4. Game “Magic House”.

Children determine the place of the sound in the word and display the picture on a certain floor (1st floor - the beginning of the word, 2nd floor - the middle of the word, 3rd floor - the end of the word).

Training in sound analysis and synthesis occurs on the basis of words of increasing degrees of syllabic difficulty:

monosyllabic, consisting of reverse syllables (up);

disyllabic, consisting of two vowels (ау);

monosyllabic words with a closed syllable (cat);

disyllabic, the first of which consists of one vowel (os);

disyllabic without a consonant cluster (notes);

disyllabic closed and open syllables (duck);

polysyllabic (gossip);

monosyllabic with a combination of consonants (kvass, bow).

Children can analyze only those words in which all sounds are clearly heard and pronounced.

The formation of a full-fledged sound analysis and synthesis is carried out in a certain order. First, children sequentially identify sounds in a word based on loud pronunciation, correlate them in quantity with a given scheme of the sound composition of the word, and fill them with chips, conditional substitutes for sounds. The diagram, filled with chips of the corresponding color (vowel sound - red, hard consonant - blue, soft consonant - green), children read syllable by syllable.

Further, the sequential selection of sounds in a word occurs in the same way, but without a ready-made diagram of its sound composition. Children use chips of different colors to indicate vowel and consonant sounds, draw conditionally graphic diagrams of the sound composition with colored pencils, and thus write down words without letters.

Finally, sound analysis is carried out without speaking out loud.

The ability to perform sound analysis is considered to be developed after the child can independently by ear identify the sounds included in words of different sound structures.

To develop sound analysis, you can use a number of exercises and games:

drawing up conventionally graphic diagrams of words, which are the names of objects depicted in the pictures;

selection or independent selection of words corresponding to a given pattern of sound composition (game “Which word is hidden”)

laying out pictures under vowels (children first name the pictures) - pictures are offered for monosyllabic words (house, poppy, bough)

transformation of words, replacing the first sound of the word (kom-dom-som), the second sound of the word (son-son), the third sound of the word (son - cheese).

transforming words by adding the first sound (rot-mole), the last sound (par-park).

List of words for sound analysis and synthesis.

Poppy, cat, soup, moss, fluff, bough, catfish, current, smoke, beetle, onion, cancer, cheese, mouth, whale, bull, house, com, dream, son, choir, ball, floor, nose, May, noise, varnish

Willow, wasps, mustache, Ira, ear.

Perfume, poppies, sleigh, horses, notes, braids, teeth, beads, vase, boots, toad, linden, moon, hands, frames, puddle, lips, porridge, geese, pony, fur coat, fish, legs, leather, headlight, fly, Vova, Shura, Misha, Zina, Lisa, Dina.
Duck, needle, caviar, ears, game.

Castle, spider, banana, hammock, carriage, loaf, skating rink, sofa, rope, blow, prick, warrior, gander, house, lesson, whistle, hut, lemon, fisherman, ficus, Bobik, ram.

Cubes, cabin, Panama hat, raspberry, mimosa, rainbow, paper, little mice.

Cans, letters, threads, fork, pumpkin, slippers, T-shirt, taxi, chip, hat, drying bags, bag, stamps, mask, mouse, stick, file, desks, kidney, doll, hollow, cherries, pumpkin, lamp, shoes, towers, sleds, propellers, bushes.

Teapot, rain, cactus, donut, magnet, compass, peacock, skier, donkey, chest, jacket, air, lily of the valley.

Pineapple, drum, captain, shop, chess, cuckoo, room, snail, gate, cabbage, needle, toffee, snowdrifts, grandmother, shirt, gardener, hut, toys, rifle, strawberry, accordion.

Wolf, elephant, gnome, cabinet, sign, bottom, bow, leaf, bolt, bush, tank, umbrella, elevator, screw, doctor, thunder, rook, yard, crane, march, bridge, port, chair, table, sheaf, navy, scarf, cord.

Barbell, matches, rolling pin, button, satellite, penguin.

Pasta, vitamins, cobwebs, corn.

Development of syllabic analysis and synthesis.

Naming the vowel sounds of a word. For this task, words are selected whose pronunciation does not differ from their spelling.

Isolating vowel sounds using the corresponding letters of the split alphabet.

Laying out pictures under vowels (one-syllable words).

Laying out pictures under a certain combination of vowels (two-syllable words). On initial stage teaching work is based on visual teaching aids. Children clap, tap the word syllable by syllable, and determine the number of syllables in the spoken word.

Determining the number of syllables in the names of pictures using diagrams. Place a diagram under each picture that corresponds to the number of syllables in the word.

Laying out the pictures in two rows under the corresponding diagrams depending on the number of syllables in their names.

Composing a word from syllables given in a breakdown, based on the corresponding pictures.

Coming up with words with a certain number of syllables.

Development of sentence analysis into words.

To develop the ability to determine the quantity, sequence and place of a word in a sentence, the following tasks are used:

Making sentences based on a plot picture and determining the number of words in it.

Coming up with sentences with a certain number of words.

Spreading sentences by increasing the number of words.

Compiling sentences from words given separately (all words are given in the correct form).

Making sentences with a certain word.

Drawing up a graphical diagram of the proposal.

Coming up with proposals based on a graphical diagram.

Determining the sequence of words in a sentence.

Select a card that matches the number of words in the sentence.

On final stage tasks are proposed for the formation of the action of sound, syllabic analysis and synthesis in the mental plane, based on auditory pronunciation ideas. For this purpose, we have developed summary cards for individual lessons.

Practical material on the development of phonemic analysis and synthesis.

Card 1

street, pike, work, mouth, bag.

owls, brother, lemon.

3. Composing words from sequentially
presented sounds:

k, o, s, s; p, o, h, k’, i.

Card 2

1. Determining the first and last sound in a word, naming vowels, dividing words into syllables:

balls, fluff, pasta, hut, primer.

2. Sound-letter analysis words:

flies, ball, closet.

s, y, w, k’, i; g, r, o, m.

Card 3

1. Determining the first and last sound in a word, naming vowels, dividing words into syllables:

legs, whip, moss, bushes, goat.

2. Sound-letter analysis of words:

house, books, beetle.

3. Composing words from sequentially presented sounds:

wolf; k, r, o, t.

Card 4

1. Determining the first and last sound in a word, naming vowels, dividing words into syllables:

elephant, card, rolls, pen, cube.

2. Sound-letter analysis of words:

spider, flower bed, legs.

3. Composing words from sequentially presented sounds:

p, a, r, k: z, o, n, t.

Card 5

1. Determining the first and last sound in a word, naming vowels, dividing words into syllables:

hats, shop, whale, Grisha, smooth.

2. Sound-letter analysis of words:

sign, cat, Panama.

3. Composing words from sequentially presented sounds:

g, p, a, h; fruit.

Card 6

1. Determining the first and last sound in a word, naming vowels, dividing words into syllables:

friend, bowls, fun, soup, beads.

2. Sound-letter analysis of words:

lamps, roots, gnome.

3. Composing words from sequentially presented sounds:

k, a, p, m, a, n; grass.

Card 7

1. Determining the first and last sound in a word, naming vowels, dividing words into syllables:

marmot, heel, drawings, poem, sailboat.

2. Sound-letter analysis of words:

willow, raspberry, smoke.

3. Composing words from sequentially presented sounds:

s, o, s, n, s; b, r, o, w, k, a.

Card 8

1. Determining the first and last sound in a word, naming vowels, dividing words into syllables:

cypress, cheese, dacha, day, Natasha.

2. Sound-letter analysis of words:

bow, cactus, stupa.

3. Composing words from sequentially presented sounds:

k, p, y, g’, i; t, r, o, p, k, a.

Card 9

1. Determining the first and last sound in a word, naming vowels, dividing words into syllables:

Lisa, kvass, cheese, tent, roof.

2. Sound-letter analysis of words:

leaf, pumpkin, sofa.

3. Composing words from sequentially presented sounds:

countries; book.

Card 10

1. Determining the first and last sound in a word, naming vowels, dividing words into syllables:

room, flag, knock, fox, seagulls.

2. Sound-letter analysis of words:

bananas, T-shirt, peacock.

3. Composing words from sequentially presented sounds:

winter; pencil.


Volkova L.S., Lalaeva R.I., Mastyukova E.M. Speech therapy: – M: Vlados, 1995.
Filicheva T.B., Chirkina G.V. Preparing children with special needs for school in a special kindergarten. M.-1991.

Kashe G.A. Preparing children with speech impediments for school. – M.: Education, 1986.
Efimenkova L.N. Correction of oral and writing students primary classes: A book for speech therapists. – M.: Education, 1991.

How to prepare your child for school. MM. Bezrukikh, S.P. Efimova, M.G. Knyazeva. – M.: New School, 1993.

Altukhova N.G. Learn to hear sounds. – St. Petersburg: Lan, 1999.
Lalaeva R.I., Serebryakova N.V., Zorina S.V. Speech disorders and their correction in children with mental retardation. – M.: Vlados, 2004.

Lalaeva R.I. Disturbances in the process of reading acquisition in schoolchildren. – M. Vlados, 1999.
Speech therapy: Textbook for students of defectology. fak. ped. universities / Ed. L.S. Volkova, S.N. Shakhovskaya. – M.: Humanite. ed. VLADOS center, 1998. - 680 p.

Formation of language analysis and synthesis skills through play activity

in older children preschool age with phonetic-phonemic speech underdevelopment


IN last years There is a significant trend towards an increase in the number of children, primarily of preschool age, with signs of impaired verbal communication in the form of various types of speech disorders, which makes it difficult for these children to adapt to society.

Also, more and more often we receive information from primary school teachers that many children find it difficult to learn school curriculum from the first grade, they confuse, skip and rearrange sounds and syllables. Children cannot determine the number, sequence and place of sounds in a word, and do not understand what they read. All this indicates phonetic-phonemic underdevelopment of speech.

I was interested in this problem. Having studied children from the primary school of the Lyubimsk secondary school, as well as children from kindergartens No. 2 and No. 3 of the Lyubimsky district, I came to the conclusion that in order to successfully develop the skills of language analysis and synthesis in children with FFND, it is necessary either to work with the child as much as possible , or make speech therapy classes so interesting that the child, in the absence of classes with a speech therapist, will happily study with his parents or play using speech therapy techniques himself, because due to age characteristics The child learns sound analysis more effectively in the game than in traditional classes.

In connection with the above, I consider it necessary to propose the use of interactive gaming activities to develop language analysis and synthesis skills in children with FFND, since it can be used by a wide range of people around the child: teachers, parents, etc.

Currently, many different games tested in practice have been published in the literature on preschool education. At the same time, it should be recognized that until now the literature has not sufficiently covered the features of the influence of games and gaming techniques on the development of speech in older preschool children with phonetic-phonemic speech underdevelopment. The problem of developing the skills of language analysis and synthesis in modern children with phonetic-phonemic underdevelopment of older age speech using game techniques remains poorly developed. This determines my interest in the problem dedicated to the topic “Formation of language analysis and synthesis skills through play activities in children of senior preschool age with phonetic-phonemic speech underdevelopment.”

  1. Pedagogical research on the problem of developing skills of language analysis and synthesis in children of senior preschool age with phonetic-phonemic speech underdevelopment.

Phonetic-phonemic underdevelopment is a violation of the processes of formation of the pronunciation system of the native language in children with various speech disorders due to defects in the perception and pronunciation of phonemes. This category includes children with normal hearing and intelligence.

In older children with underdevelopment of the phonetic-phonemic side of speech, the immaturity of its sound side comes to the fore in the picture of underdevelopment of speech. Characteristic of these children is the incompleteness of the process of formation of phonemic perception. Speech deficiencies are not limited to incorrect pronunciation of sounds, but are expressed by insufficient differentiation and difficulty in sound analysis of speech. In this case, lexico-grammatical development is often delayed.

There are many studies in the literature devoted to phonetic-phonemic underdevelopment of speech and its correction. This is due to the frequency of occurrence of this disorder in children. This problem considered in the works of R.I. Lalaeva, M.F. Fomicheva, E.V. Kolesnikova, T.A. Tkachenko and many others. In their studies, they provide data on the characteristics of the state and development of speech in children, about current state problems of phonetic-phonemic underdevelopment of speech and the characteristics of speech in children with phonetic-phonemic underdevelopment of speech (FFSD) of senior preschool age.

Since the pedagogical model, in the light of the Federal State Educational Standard, is transferred to the “rails of the game,” more game-based methodological techniques are required.

The developed standard does not allow the transfer of the educational and disciplinary model of education to the life of a preschool child. Preschool child- a person who plays, therefore the standard states that learning enters a child’s life through play. And now, in our high-tech times, it is necessary that many methods and technologies be revised and transferred from the educational and didactic level to a new, gaming level. A child learns a variety of activities more successfully if the teacher creates game situations, if the speech material is presented in an engaging way.

Thus, all of the above indicates the need and originality of using games in speech therapy classes with preschoolers with phonetic-phonemic speech underdevelopment.

  1. Experience in eliminating phonetic-phonemic speech underdevelopment in children of senior preschool age.

Formation phonemic awareness At the preschool educational institution, due to the relevance of this problem, I deal with it, starting with children of the younger age group. This helps to prevent the formation of persistent “vicious circles” that contribute to the fixation of speech disorders, and also, in older preschool age, to directly and fully develop the function of language analysis and synthesis, i.e. preparing children for literacy.

My work begins with examining preschoolers. Based on the collection “Organization and content of the work of a teacher-speech therapist in a general developmental kindergarten”, published by the Municipal Educational Institution additional education(advanced training) specialists of the City Center for Educational Development in 2009, I examined children who had reached 3 years of age. The children were examined using the “Album for Speech Therapist” by O.B. Inshakova.

In 2014, I drew attention to a fairly large number of children with a FFNR conclusion.

At the beginning of 2014 school year In kindergarten No. 2, I examined older children for the presence of phonetic-phonemic disorders. Of the 46 older children, 32 children had FFND, which was 59%.

Having analyzed the main educational program MDOU No. 2, as well as the “Program of speech therapy work to overcome phonetic-phonemic underdevelopment of speech in children” by Filicheva T.B., Chirkina G.V., Tumanova T.V., came to the conclusion that they do not have enough methodological developments, games and exercises specifically for the modern child with FFDD. To successfully develop the skills of language analysis and synthesis in children with FFDD, it is necessary either to work with the child as much as possible (and this requires the help of parents), or to make speech therapy classes so interesting that the child, in the absence of classes with a speech therapist, enjoys studying with his parents or playing using speech therapy techniques himself, because due to age characteristics, the child more effectively learns sound analysis in the game than in traditional classes.

Since the priority forms of play for children today are computer games, I think it is necessary to focus on interactive gaming activities to develop the skills of language analysis and synthesis in children with FFND. As a result, children’s motivation for speech therapy sessions increases, and such games can be used by a wide range of people around the child: teachers, parents and others.

The goal of my work was to find and develop interactive games to develop language analysis and synthesis skills in modern older children with phonetic-phonemic speech underdevelopment.

I set myself the following tasks:

  • get acquainted with existing games for developing skills in language analysis and synthesis;
  • develop games to develop skills in language analysis and synthesis;
  • systematize games for working with children with FFDD.

This pedagogical idea was implemented over two academic years: from the beginning of the 2014 academic year to the end of the 2015 academic year (senior - preparatory to school group).

Sound analysis, unlike phonemic perception (with normal speech development), requires systematic special training. Speech subjected to sound analysis turns from a means of communication into an object of cognition.

Working with children with phonetic-phonemic underdevelopment of speech, I often noted that most children are weakened, there are disorders of the autonomic and central nervous systems, there is insufficient flow mental processes, emotional instability. Almost all children have poorly developed cognitive processes: memory, thinking and attention. Therefore, it is so necessary for children with FFDD to maintain interest and attention to the material offered to them.

How to increase children's interest in classes and mobilize all the child's processes? The game comes to the rescue.

At the present stage of development computer technology One of the effective means in correcting speech deficiencies is educational and educational interactive computer games, which allow you to attract the child’s attention with colorful animation, etc. Combinations of conventional games and ICT are especially productive.

What is the significance of these games for children with FFDD:

1) training and consolidation of correct speech and behavior skills in children takes place in difficult conditions;

2) these games serve as a necessary bridge for transferring new speech skills from special conditions (place of classes) to ordinary conditions;

3) during play activities, skills are internalized unnoticed by the child correct speech.

In order to develop gaming techniques for developing language analysis and synthesis skills in modern older children with phonetic-phonemic speech underdevelopment, I myself tried to make some presentation games. I also turned to online resources. Indeed, there were a lot of such games, including presentations, educational games, etc., but all of them were not systematized.

My work started with senior group, where children learned the sound analysis of words. At first, we recalled the material we had covered: “Non-speech sounds”, “Speech sounds”. The educational interactive games “Learning to Speak Correctly” and “The Mouse Learns Letters” helped me a lot with this. The children quickly and with interest recalled the material covered. Then an analysis of vowel sounds was carried out. After vowels, I began to analyze consonant sounds. Next, I introduced the concepts of “hard” and “soft” consonants. Here I relied on the “Speech Sounds” section in the interactive game “Learning to Speak Correctly.” At the same time, the children and I moved on to the next stage of developing the skills of sound analysis and synthesis - finding the place of sounds in a word (at the beginning, middle, end). To do this, I myself developed several interactive games in Microsoft Office PowerPoint. Working title of the games: “Sound-letter analysis and synthesis of words”, “Encrypted word”, “Chains of words”.

When learning, I followed the following sequence in isolating sounds from words:

Isolating a vowel sound from the beginning of a word (Anya, duck ).

Isolating a consonant sound from the end of a word (poppy, cat).

Isolating a consonant sound from the beginning of a word (poppy, house).

Isolation of a syllabic vowel from a position after a consonant (house, poppy, tank).

Isolating a vowel sound from the end of a word (window, water).

Isolating a consonant from the middle of a word (jar).

Then the children identified the desired sound from any part of the word.

As sounds progressed, forms of sound analysis and synthesis became more complex. In the older group, sound analysis and synthesis ended at the level of monosyllabic words (onion, poppy seed, soup). At the same time, children were given both didactic handouts and educational games using ICT.

Thanks to the fact that I was able to constantly maintain the children’s interest in classes, all the children with FFDD from the older group learned the skills of sound analysis and synthesis.

IN preparatory group work on mastering the initial basics of literacy continued. My work with children with FFDD also began with repetition of the material studied. Then the children made up sound models words Preschoolers listened to the sound of the word, distinguished and isolated individual sounds from it. Exercises from the interactive game “Sound-letter analysis and synthesis of words” that I developed helped me with this.

The next step in teaching children language analysis and synthesis was to consolidate knowledge about the hardness and softness of sounds and differentiate sounds by voicedness and deafness, based on the interactive game “Learning to Speak Correctly.”

From the first lesson, she introduced a letter image of the sounds being studied, which, during analytical-synthetic activities, made it possible to achieve more quick memorization letters, as well as improving the skill of merging letter elements when reading. Therefore, children easily navigated the letters and could read a sentence of 3-5 words.

Throughout my work with FFNR, I interacted with parents and kindergarten teachers. Consultations and workshops are constantly held for them.

At all stages of my studies they helped me with this as didactic materials, as well as educational and educational interactive games: “Baba Yaga learns to read” (Developer: Com.Media, publisher: MediaHouse, 2003), “ABC. The mouse learns letters" (Publisher: IDDK, 2007), "Speech development. Let’s learn to speak correctly” (Authors: Astvatsaturov G. O., Shevchenko L. E. Publisher: New Disk, 2008), as well as some presentation games I created.

At the end of the 2015 school year, in kindergarten No. 2, I examined children aged 5-7 years (senior and preparatory groups), in whose classes I included the above-mentioned interactive games, to determine if they had phonetic-phonemic disorders. Of the 46 older children, FFND was detected in only 6% of children (with complex speech disorders); the remaining 94% did not have FFND.

Throughout the entire work, it was noted that all the children in the older group studying with me showed persistent positive dynamics. Thanks to interactive gaming techniques, all children of the preparatory group quite easily learned the amount of basic knowledge, skills and abilities that are necessary for successful learning V secondary school.


Thus, we found that the specificity of speech disorders in children with phonetic-phonemic underdevelopment lies in the variety of manifestations of pronunciation defects different sounds, in the variability of their manifestations in different forms of speech, in different levels of phonemic perception, which causes disturbances in communicative relationships with peers and adults surrounding the child, causing maladjustment in the social environment.

Since play is the leading activity in preschool age, the formation of language analysis and synthesis skills should take place with the help of game techniques. Since the main task in speech therapy classes with children with FFDD remains to educate them in correct speech as the basis of verbal communication, the interactive games I use to form correct speech help to intensify children’s interest in the task, enhance motivation to achieve results, and make monitoring the progress of the task unobtrusive .

Finding a child in society, as well as studying in a comprehensive school after such preparation, does not present any specific difficulties. Moreover, observations show that children who have completed full remedial education are often better prepared to master literacy than their peers.

1. Analysis of the composition of the proposal.

Determine the number, sequence and place of words in a sentence.

Sample speech material:

The days are warm. It often rains in autumn. In winter, the wind howls sadly in the field. Yellow leaves fall to the ground. An old man came out of the forest with a large basket.

2. Syllable analysis and synthesis.

Determine the number of syllables in a word.

2.1. Determine the number of syllables in a word spoken by a speech therapist: wash, bed, tray, swallow, more fun.

2.2. Select pictures whose names have 3 syllables (the pictures are not named): house, dog, umbrella, fly, cabbage, desk, pencil, briefcase, bicycle.

2.3. Pronounce a word, a sentence pronounced by a speech therapist syllable by syllable.

Example words: sko-vo-ro-da, za-mo-ro-zhen-ny, ka-na-va, po-to-lok, te-le-fon, po-lu-chi-la, ko-te -lock, boo-ma-ga.

Example sentences: Na-stu-pi-la weight-on. There are books on the table. O-sen-yu las-dots u-le-ta-yut to the south. There were buds on the trees.

Phonemic analysis.

The state of simple and complex shapes phonemic analysis.

3.1. Isolating sound from a word.

Is there a sound [m] in the words: mouse, tree, frame, cancer, house, cat, room, lamp?

Is there a sound [h] in the words: stocking, slide, swing, clean, firewood, night, stove, stool?

3.2. Isolating the first sound in a word.

Task: – What is the first sound in the words: aster, fishing rod, frost, fly agaric, nightingale, closet, crown, comb, whistle, firewood, torn?

3.3. Highlighting the last sound in a word.

What is the last sound in the words: poppy, pencil, house, stork; finger, bed, tanker, policeman, car, rainbow?

3.4. Determining the place of a sound (beginning, middle, end) in a word. Tasks:

Where is the sound [r] heard in the words: rocket, watermelon, firewood, samovar, parquet, circle, walrus, crust, yard?

– Where is the sound [ts] heard in the words: heron, flower, nasturtium, cucumbers, finger, chicken, pepper?

3.5. Determining the number of sounds in words (quantitative analysis).

How many sounds are in words: smoke, porridge, hat, lid, bird cherry, wall, sheep, gate, dictation?

3.6. Determining the place of a sound in relation to other sounds in a word (positional analysis).

What is the number of sounds [r] in the words: fish, steamer, arch, road, grass, February, breakfast, army?

Name the neighbors of the sound [w] in words (what sound is heard before the sound [w], after the sound [sh]: cat, funny, ears, sunshine, powder

Phonemic synthesis.

Task: pronounce the word spoken by the speech therapist together, with pauses after each sound.

[hour]; [p][s][l`]; [t`][m][a]; [a park]; [sound]; [football]; [alphabet].

5. Phonemic representations(the ability to carry out phonemic analysis of words mentally, based on ideas).

Name words that contain the sound [sh]

Name words that have 4 sounds, 5 sounds.

Select pictures whose names have 5 sounds.

Sample pictures: rose, roof, car, hare, lamp, sugar, bench, sofa, wolf, brand, teapot, book, tablecloth.

Study vocabulary

Word-formation skills are examined.

A) Naming baby animals

Instructions for the child

Please name, if a cat has kittens, then who

from a goat, a dog,
wolf, chicken,
ducks, pigs,
foxes, cows,
lion, sheep?

B) Education relative adjectives

Instructions for the child

Please tell me if the raspberry jam is raspberry, then

Cherry jam - what kind?
Cranberry jelly?
Apple jam?
Carrot salad?
Plum jam?
Mushroom soup?
Straw doll?
Oak leaf?
Ice slide?
Aspen leaf?

C) Formation of qualitative adjectives

Instructions for the child

Say please,

For cunning they are called cunning, but for greed?
For cowardice?
If it’s frosty during the day, what day is it?
What if it rains?
If there is wind?

D) Formation of possessive adjectives

Lyudmila Panchenko
Formation of language analysis and synthesis skills in older preschoolers with speech impairments

Formation of language analysis and synthesis skills

at older preschoolers with speech disorders .

Panchenko L. A., teacher-speech therapist

MB DOW « Kindergarten No. 158" Novokuznetsk, Kemerovo region

Language analysis and synthesis involves: phonemic analysis and synthesis; syllabic analysis and synthesis; analysis and synthesis sentence structures.

Undeveloped skills of various forms of language analysis and synthesis in children with speech disorders inevitably lead to specific errors in writing and reading, and, as a consequence, to school failure. Most common shape dyslexia is phonemic; dysgraphic errors often include distortions of the sound-syllable structure of words and violations sentence structures.

Currently available as scientific research phonemic development D. B. Elkonina, L. E. Zhurova, G. A. Kashe, L. F. Spirova, P. Ya. Galperina, and practical material on certain aspects formation phonemic processes by R. I. Lalaeva, L. V. Lopatina, T. A. Tkachenko, A. K. Markova.

According to neuropsycholinguistic data preschoolers with normal speech development show an innate, genetically inherent readiness for sound analysis. During examination preschoolers with phonemic disorders(ONR, FFN) it is revealed that children in this category are not ready to master sound analysis.

The basis for the development of phonemic function analysis is quite developed phonemic awareness, according to D. B. Elkonin - natural sound analysis, which includes elementary operations: recognition and differentiation speech sounds, represented by native phonemes language. In turn, phonemic analysis improves the ability to distinguish sounds: the more accurately a child represents the sound structure of a word, the place of each sound in it, the more clearly he determines its character and correctly distinguishes sounds speeches.

Orientation in the sound side of a word, performing phonemic operations analysis also strengthens skills correct sound pronunciation.

Sound exercises analysis, synthesis, phonemic representations help to more fully perceive and distinguish the endings of words, suffixes, prefixes, and prepositions. “From how the sound reality is revealed to the child language, sound word form, depends not only on the acquisition of literacy, but also on all subsequent acquisition language– grammar and associated spelling,” emphasized D. B. Elkonin.

Professor R. E. Levina called sound analysis“nodal formation, key moment” in the correction of speech underdevelopment. Thus, work on developing the phonemic function analysis is important for overcoming speech problems violations(ONR and FFN).

Based on the urgency of the problem, taking into account the special need for preparation preschoolers with speech impairments to school, we have created a system of work on developing language analysis skills, synthesis in older preschoolers with speech disorders(ONR, FFN). The proposed work system is created on the basis of generalization and systematization of existing scientific research and practical work experience.

The purpose of correctional work:

developing skills in language analysis and synthesis in children 6-7 years old with speech problems violations - ONR, FFN, as a basis for mastering literacy and preventing dyslexia, dysgraphia.

Tasks of correctional work:

1) formation clear and stable ideas about the phonemic characteristics of sounds speeches: vowels, consonants, hard, soft, voiced, deaf;

2) formation of sound analysis skills, synthesis, phonemic representations;

3) formation of skills of syllabic analysis and synthesis;

4) formation of analysis and synthesis skills sentence structures.

For step-by-step training preschoolers phonemic analysis The methodology of D. B. Elkonin was taken as the methodological basis.

Stage I: introduction to the phonetic system language.

Stage II: introduction to vowel phonemes.

Stage III: acquaintance with consonant phonemes, with their contrasts in hardness - softness, voicedness - deafness.

Stage IV: transformation the sound shell of a word by adding or changing a vowel or consonant sound.

In the process of learning the operations of sound analysis different complexity is taken into account forms of phonemic analysis and the sequence of mastering them in ontogenesis. Sequence used forms of sound analysis, proposed by R.I. Lalaeva.

1. Selection (recognition) sound against the background of the word.

2. Isolation of the first and last sound in word:

a) the first stressed vowel; b) first consonant;

c) last consonant; d) last vowel.

3. Determining the position of the sound in word: beginning, middle, end of a word.

4. Determining the quantity and linear sequence of sounds in a word.

5. Determining the place of a sound in relation to other sounds of the word.

In progress formation of phonemic analysis skills complexity is taken into account not only forms of analysis, but also speech material.

For acquaintance older preschoolers with sounds, with the aim of formation clear and stable ideas about their phonetic and phonemic features, a sequence based on formation sound pronunciations in ontogenesis. The sequence of presentation of speech material for formation phonemic operations analysis corresponds methodological recommendations T. B. Filicheva, G. V. Chirkina “Elimination of general underdevelopment speech in preschool children».

1. Monosyllabic words without consonants, consisting of one syllable (reverse, direct open, closed): mustache, on, house.

2. Two-syllable words consisting of two open syllables: mom, paw.

3. Monosyllabic words with a consonant cluster at the beginning words: table.

4. Monosyllabic words with a cluster of consonants at the end of the word; wolf.

5. Two-syllable words with a consonant cluster at the junction syllables: cat.

6. Two-syllable words with a consonant cluster at the beginning words: cup.

7. Three-syllable words: Panama, cabbage.

Leading sound analysis skill in relation to mastering the elements of literacy is maintained throughout the entire period of correctional education.

A separate stage - work on formation of skills of syllabic analysis and synthesis. Significance of syllabic analysis is due, first of all, because it contributes to the mastery of sound analysis and learning to read syllables. The basis for determining the sequence of sound-syllable material for formation of skills of syllabic analysis and synthesis based on the classification of A.K. Markova, who identified 14 types of syllable structure of a word according to increasing degrees of complexity. The complication lies in increasing the quantity and use various types syllables.

1. Two-syllable words made from open syllables (willow, mom).

2. Three-syllable words made from open syllables (raspberries).

3. Monosyllabic words (poppy).

4. Two-syllable words with a closed syllable (sofa).

5. Two-syllable words with a cluster of consonants in the middle of the word (jar).

6. Two-syllable words made from closed syllables (umbrella).

7. Three-syllable words with a closed syllable (telephone).

8. Three-syllable words with consonant clusters (room).

9. Three-syllable words with a consonant cluster and a closed syllable (ladle).

10. Three-syllable words with two consonant clusters (tablet).

11. Monosyllabic words with a cluster of consonants at the beginning of the word (table, cabinet).

12. Monosyllabic words with a consonant cluster at the end of the word (elevator, umbrella).

13. Two-syllable words with two consonant clusters (button).

14. Four-syllable words made from open syllables (turtle).

Completes the work system formation of language analysis skills stage of formation of analysis and synthesis sentence structures. When working in this direction the following skills are formed:

1. Determine the boundaries of the proposal.

2. Determine the number, sequence and place of words in a sentence.

3. Construct a sentence diagram.

4. Synthesize proposals for the proposed scheme.

This work system has been tested and used by us for seven years. Analysis phonemic development monitoring results preschoolers proves the effectiveness of our work in this direction. The proposed system of work on developing skills in language analysis and synthesis is special training to teaching literacy to children with speech disorders and is of exceptional importance for preventing the occurrence of dysgraphia and dyslexia.


1. Vinarskaya, E. N. Neurolinguistic analysis of the sound side of speech. Language and man. - M.: Moscow State University Publishing House. 1970. – P. 55-62.

2. Gvozdev, A. N. Children’s acquisition of the sound side of Russian language. - SPb.: Accident. 1995. – P. 60 - 64.

3. Gorchakova, A. M. Formation phonemic processes in children with speech disorders. Modern trends in special pedagogy and psychology: Scientific works All-Russian scientific and practical conference "Modern trends in special pedagogy and psychology" - Samara, SSPU. 2003 – pp. 70-83.

4. Zhurova, L. E., Elkonin, D. B. On the issue of formation phonemic awareness in children preschool age. M.: Enlightenment. 1963. - pp. 213-227.

5. Filicheva, T. B., Chirkina, G. V. Preparing children with disabilities for school general underdevelopment speeches in a special kindergarten. - M. 1999.

language analysis speech underdevelopment

Purpose, objectives, organization of the study, description of experimental methods

An analysis of the literature on the research problem showed that at present the features of mastering language analysis and synthesis in children with speech disorders have not been sufficiently studied, therefore this topic was the goal of our research.

Research objectives:

1. Select diagnostic methods to identify the characteristics of mastering language analysis and synthesis in children of senior preschool age with SLD;

2. Analyze the results obtained and identify the features of mastering language analysis and synthesis in children of senior preschool age with speech disorders.

The study was conducted on the basis of the Municipal Preschool Educational Institution “Combined Kindergarten No. 102” in Cherepovets. The study involved 5 children with normal speech development and 5 children with speech impairment: level III OSD - 1, FFF - 4. The average age of the children at the time of the study was six years. The list of children is presented in Appendix 1.

The pilot study was carried out in April 2013. The study took place in preparatory speech therapy group No. 11 and preparatory group No. 12.

To study the characteristics of language analysis and synthesis in children of senior preschool age, we used the following diagnostic techniques:

1. Methodology for studying phonemic analysis - determining the first and last sound in words (R.I. Lalaeva).

2. Methodology for studying syllabic synthesis (R.I. Lalaeva).

3. Methodology for the study of syllabic analysis (R.I. Lalaeva).

4. Methodology for the study of lexical-syntactic analysis (analysis of sentences into words) (R.I. Lalaeva).

Method No. 1 - for the study of phonemic analysis

Goal: learning the ability to determine the first and last sound in a word.

Material: words - bow, windows, street, fisherman, grass, bag, tractor, rosehip, reeds, tank, package, bouquet, bugler, motorcycle, kangaroo.

Procedure: the experimenter asks the child to determine what the first sound is in the named word. “What is the first sound you hear in the word onion?” After completing the task (correct or incorrect), the question is asked: “What is the last sound you hear in the word onion?”

Criteria for evaluation:

High level - the child completed the task independently, exactly from the first presentation, one mistake is acceptable.

Intermediate level - the child completed the task independently, but the number of errors increased to 3; intoned emphasis on the desired sound was required.

Low level - the child did not cope with the task or refused to complete it

Method No. 2 - for the study of syllable synthesis

Purpose: to study the formation of syllabic synthesis.

Material: words - paw, mouse, shovel, frog, lazy, pours, knocked, curdled milk, cloudless, pie.

Procedure: the experimenter gives the following instructions: “I will pronounce the words syllable by syllable. Listen carefully, and then say this word together.” The word is pronounced syllable by syllable, after which the experimenter asks the question: “What word did I say?”

Criteria for evaluation:

High level - correct reproduction of all proposed words.

Intermediate level - correct reproduction of simple two-syllable and three-syllable words of various sound-syllable structures.

Low level - correct reproduction of only simple two-syllable words.

Method No. 3 - for the study of syllable analysis

Purpose: to study the formation of syllabic analysis

The following words serve as the research material:

House, grass, doll, grandmother, pencil, game, mirror, forest, sea

Procedure and instructions.

At the beginning of the experiment, the following instructions are given: “I will tell you words, and you listen carefully and count how many syllables are in it.”

Criteria for evaluation:

High level - correct syllabic analysis of all proposed words.

Intermediate level - correct syllabic analysis of the proposed words, various sound-syllable structures; 1-2 mistakes are allowed

Low level - correct syllabic analysis of only simple two-syllable words

Method No. 4 - for the study of lexical-syntactic analysis (analysis of sentences into words)

Purpose: to study the formation of lexical-syntactic analysis.

Material: sentences of various structures - The boy is playing. The girl picks flowers. The sun shines brightly. The bird is sitting in a cage. Dad chops wood with an axe. A tall birch tree grows near the house. Birds made nests in the trees.

Procedure: the child is given the following instructions: “I will name the sentences, and you get ready to name how many words are in the sentence.” Next, the experimenter says a sentence and asks the question: “How many words are in this sentence?”

Criteria for evaluation:

High level - the child completed the task independently, the number of words in the sentence was accurately determined.

Intermediate level - the child completes the task, making 2 mistakes

Low level - the child cannot complete the task independently